The Two Hierarchies

This entry is part 05 of 11 in the series Esoteric Teachings

The Two Hierarchies

Esoteric students realize that there is duality in all things manifest and this applies also to hierarchy. The problem with us humans is we tend to focus on only one side of the equation, often as if that is all that exists. But true students do not want to correspond to one hand clapping and desire to see both sides to achieve a full picture.

There is a negative use of hierarchy and a positive one. But the light and the dark brothers need to use this principle because without it creation and order cannot manifest.

There is a big difference though in how the two hierarchies function. The dark hierarchies use great authority and control through fear. Those in higher position glory in their status and have an air of superiority that is not to be challenged. The laws and regulations are many, strict and not to be questioned.

The church during the dark ages, which tortured heretics, was an example of this type of hierarchy and residual effects today of this and other distorted hierarchies cause many sincere students to doubt that hierarchy can be used toward a benevolent end.

But indeed it can for it is necessary in all endeavors, and just like money can be use for good or evil, so can hierarchy.

In a positive hierarchy there occurs a natural surfacing of those who possess certain skills who seek to aid those who want to achieve what they have. DK says this:

“The recognition of hierarchical status, which is, in the last analysis, the relation of the lesser to the greater, of the weaker to the stronger and of the more experienced to the less experienced. Thereby the sense of protection is developed, which is the working out of one form of the love aspect in the universe.” Education in the New Age, Page 129

Thus the motivation of a spiritual hierarchy is not fear, but love. You have those who love their fellow men and women and seek to assist them in achieving their desires. The simplest human hierarchy is the family. Concerning this DK says:

“Parenthood has also a close symbolic relationship to the Hierarchy, for the family unit is the symbol upon earth of the Hierarchy,” Education in the New Age, Page 132

The positive family unit has the mother and father as hierarchical leaders who are motivated through love to give all they can to their children.

Beyond the family unit there are hierarchies everywhere. Every business has a hierarchical leader that must be contacted for most any approval of purchase or change. Every organization and government has hierarchical leaders.

Helena Roerich said this:

“Furthermore, the law of Hierarchy reigns throughout the whole of Cosmos. Precisely, subordination of the lower to the higher exists in the Cosmos. And what can exist without the Leading Principle? On what is evolution based? The multiplicity of forms and manifestations along with the unity of the fiery essence, the struggle for harmony and attainment of perfection, and the leading hierarchic principle – these are the foundations of existence. Nature itself is our sole, and greatest Teacher and Lawgiver.” Letters of Helena Roerich, Vol 2

Indeed, our very makeup is considered hierarchical:

“Each man is, therefore, within himself, a hierarchy, a reflection of a great chain of being.”   Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 432

Without hierarchies very little would get done and most have no problem giving some authority to leaders. For instance, in my home town we have a mayor and city council. I do not agree with all their decisions, but I would much rather have them there keeping things together than live in anarchy or attempt to handle all the affairs myself. I am also glad to have a sheriff and law enforcement keeping order, even though I may grumble about getting a traffic ticket now and then.

As hierarchies progress from dark to light cooperation changes its motivation from fear to love. There is a great difference from barking out strict orders to merely pointing the way. DK tells us that the spiritual hierarchy obtains cooperation through a principle called, “occult obedience.”

How do you suppose that works?

April 15, 2019

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This entry is part 04 of 11 in the series Esoteric Teachings


Many spiritual teachers are against the idea of Hierarchy. Some go so far as to say that it is a human and evil creation and does not exist among the higher lives.

DK, on the other hand, gives out a firm teaching on the importance of hierarchy among all lives. He says:

“the fact of the great “chain of hierarchies” stretching all the way up from the mineral kingdom through the human and the kingdom of God to apparently remote spiritual groups, will be emphasised.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 417

“The theme of the living consciousness of the planetary Logos is forever and unchangeably the great Hierarchy of Being, that chain of life in which the smallest link is of importance, and the greatest link is related to the smallest through the electrical interplay of spiritual energy. There is naught—from one important angle of life—but Hierarchy, linking sun with sun, star with star, solar system with solar system, planet with planet and all planetary lives with each other.” Rays and Initiations, Page 737

Then he relates this interesting problem:

“This hierarchical structure is a basic and eternal reality, but the concept has been so distorted and so misused that it has evoked a revolt in humanity and has produced an almost abnormal reaction to a freedom and a license which are assuming undesirable dimensions.” Education in the New Age, Page 105

Why do you suppose people revolt against the concept of Hierarchy and what can be said to set their thinking on a correct course?

DK tells us that that hierarchy exists from the mineral kingdom, to the human, to the kingdom of God and beyond. Mere observation pretty much confirms that where there is intelligent order there exists hierarchy, yet many reject the idea. Many idealists believe that in a future perfect world, or afterlife, there will be no hierarchy. On the contrary, evidence does not bear this out as one cannot find any functioning intelligent organization without some type of hierarchy.

The question that one may ask here is why do many reject the idea of hierarchy?

The answer is that they associate it with strong unjust authority. Yes, it is true that there are many hierarchies who apply too much authority, force and control, but like all things in this reality of dualism there are positive and negative hierarchies. Just like both the good guys and the bad ones have to breath air, both sides must have some type of organization in order to get anything done.

Question: What is the difference between a positive hierarchy and a negative one? There are a number of them so feel free to name more than one.

April 12, 2019

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The Plan

This entry is part 03 of 11 in the series Esoteric Teachings

The Plan

Good comments on the Great Invocation and the Plan. Overall the Plan is quite complex. For instance, DK says that “Think not that I can tell of the plan as it truly is. It is not possible for any man, below the grade of initiate of the third degree, to glimpse it and far less understand it.”

For what we can understand he says: We need “to know (and not just dimly sense) that tiny aspect of the whole which is the immediate step ahead and with which cooperation is possible.”

In other words, the plan as far as us struggling seekers is concerned is that we become connected enough to understand what we can do to cooperate with the next step as perceived by the higher lives.

I see that a reader was impressed this statement:

“It is the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and of a telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time. It will make available to every man all past achievements and knowledges, it will reveal to man the true significance of his mind and brain and make him the master of that equipment and will make him therefore omnipresent and eventually open the door to omniscience.”

I would assume that to “annihilate time” would be to share in the consciousness of what is called “The Eternal Now.” It also sounds like he is projecting the end result of the plan here rather than the immediate step which is for us to sense the next thing we can do to cooperate.

I’ll end this with one more question on the Great Invocation.

It speaks of restoring the plan on earth.

Does this mean the plan was once working effectively among humanity? What happened and when did it happen?

A reader mentions that the separation of humanity into male or female, or our descent into duality may have frustrated the plan.

Another makes this astute observation: “As to the restoration of the Plan on Earth, it may mean that the Plan was working until Humanity became evolved enough from the animal state to begin using the lower mind and indulging the unenlightened desires.”

Another thinks the past mistakes on the moon chain or cosmic evil has something to do with it. Bruno points out we are a fourth ray planet indicating that we may have to have conflict before we are in harmony with the plan.

Good thoughts from all. I’d say that the common thread through DK’s writings is that humanity is out of harmony with higher will because of too much attention of selfish interests, This is a product of self consciousness and free will manifesting through the astral and lower mind. It appears that we are the only kingdom out of harmony. The mineral, vegetable, animal and fifth kingdom all connect as they are supposed to, but humanity has temporally fallen from alignment.

When enough of us are set in alignment so there will be peace on earth and goodwill to men (and women) then the plan will be restored and progress will go forward as defined.

April 10, 2019

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The Point

This entry is part 02 of 11 in the series Esoteric Teachings

The Point

The Question:

So if God is represented by a dimensionless point and love is a point “within the heart of God” then we have a point within a point. How is this possible in a place without time or space?

This indeed leads to a great mystery. If the Source of all things that we call God is not form but the cause of it then what happens if all the motion in form ceases and the wavelengths flatline? If form is created on the principle of illusion through thought then what remains when form is no more? Is it nothing?

DK says this: “From the higher vision, that sees the subtler continuously overshadowing the dense when not in objective manifestation, pralaya is simply subjectivity, and is not that “which is not,” but simply that which is esoteric. Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 130

So during pralaya when form ceases to exist there is still something there. It is a subjective world in “esoteric” (hidden) existence beyond form, but the originator of it.

Because it cannot be represented in three dimensional portrayal it can only be described as a point. From this point all things manifest whether it be an atom or a planet. Within this point is subjective mind with the potential to manifest all form, light, love and power.

The basic intelligence that brought us all into manifestation is formless and can only be represented in form by a formless point.

April 8, 2019

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The New Group

This entry is part 1 of 11 in the series Esoteric Teachings

The New Group

I have started a new Facebook group with a different slant than this or any other group I know of. It is called:

Quotes of Enlightenment and Ancient Wisdom (LINK)

This new group will focus on examining quotes from past writers of the Ancient wisdom and we invite you to check it out and join. Just click on the link below.

Here is a group description:

This group is about more than merely posting memes or short quotes and getting as many likes as possible. Instead, we will be looking at quotes that stimulate discussion. When placing a quote members are encouraged to say why they find it interesting or what they wish to discover from it. And, unlike most esoteric groups, we have no problem with a good argument developing as long as the participants remain civil. Light is often revealed through seeing both sides of a disagreement. Members should accept the value of the Fourth Ray of Harmony Through Conflict.

Here we place the most weight on quotes from the writings of Alice A. Bailey, amanuensis for Djwhal Khul (DK), but also respect any teacher of wisdom such as H. P. Blavatsky, Helena Roerich, Lucille Cedercrans, Geofry Hodson, A Course in Miracles, or anything that makes us think and discuss. When a quote is placed we recommend some comment or questions for discussion to be placed with them.

We start this as an open group with moderation to make sure posts focus in the desired direction. We will reject posts that do not apply or seem to be proselytizing for a point of view. Political thoughts will be permitted if they are connected with the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom. Others may be rejected. Please focus on the Ancient Wisdom and spiritual principles.

We prefer quotes of a hundred words or less as fodder for thought, unless an article is particularly interesting. Links to longer articles of spiritual interest are fine.

Here is the most famous quote from the Bailey writings:


From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of men.

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.

May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth


Why is the word “point” used here – or should we say, why was this word chosen?

What is the Plan?


Why is the word “point” used here – or should we say, why was this word chosen?

What is the Plan?


So if God is represented by a dimensionless point and love is a point “within the heart of God” then we have a point within a point. How is this possible in a place without time or space?

This indeed leads to a great mystery. If the Source of all things that we call God is not form but the cause of it then what happens if all the motion in form ceases and the wavelengths flatline? If form is created on the principle of illusion through thought then what remains when form is no more? Is it nothing?

DK says this: “From the higher vision, that sees the subtler continuously overshadowing the dense when not in objective manifestation, pralaya is simply subjectivity, and is not that “which is not,” but simply that which is esoteric. Treatise on Cosmic Fire Pg 130

So during pralaya when form ceases to exist there is still something there. It is a subjective world in “esoteric” (hidden) existence beyond form, but the originator of it.

Because it cannot be represented in three dimensional portrayal it can only be described as a point. From this point all things manifest whether it be an atom or a planet. Within this point is subjective mind with the potential to manifest all form, light, love and power.

The basic intelligence that brought us all into manifestation is formless and can only be represented in form by a formless point.

The quoted invocation says:

“Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.”

What do you suppose the “Plan” is as taught by DK?

DK says this about the plan:

“You might here ask and rightly so: What is this plan? When I speak of the plan I do not mean such a general one as the plan of evolution or the plan for humanity which we call by the somewhat unmeaning term of soul unfoldment. These two aspects of the scheme for our planet are taken for granted, and are but modes, processes and means to a specific end. The plan as at present sensed, and for which the Masters are steadily working, might be defined as follows:—It is the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and of a telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time. It will make available to every man all past achievements and knowledges, it will reveal to man the true significance of his mind and brain and make him the master of that equipment and will make him therefore omnipresent and eventually open the door to omniscience. This next development of the plan will produce in man an understanding —intelligent and cooperative—of the divine purpose for which the One in Whom we live and move and have our being has deemed it wise to submit to incarnation. Think not that I can tell of the plan as it truly is. It is not possible for any man, below the grade of initiate of the third degree, to glimpse it and far less understand it. The development of the mechanism whereby a disciple may be en rapport with Those responsible for the working out of the plans, and the capacity to know (and not just dimly sense) that tiny aspect of the whole which is the immediate step ahead and with which cooperation is possible, that can be achieved by all disciples and should be held as the goal before all aspirants. `With the exception of probationary disciples who are not as yet sufficiently stable in their endeavour, all can therefore strive towards achieving continuity of consciousness and at awakening that inner light which, when seen and intelligently used, will serve to reveal other aspects of the Plan and specially that one to which the illumined knower can respond and usefully serve.

“To bring this about has been the objective of all training given during the past 400 years, and from this fact you can vision the utter patience of the Knowers of the race. They work slowly and with deliberation, free from any sense of speed, towards Their objective, but—and herein lies the immediate interest of what I have to communicate—They do have a time limit. This is based upon the Law of Cycles. It concerns the operation of certain periods of opportunity which necessarily have their term. During these times of opportunity, forces, influences, and energies are temporarily at work, and of these the Masters seek to make use.”

A Treatise on White Magic, Pages 403-404

April 6, 2019

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The Coming in Glory, Part 3

The Coming in Glory, Part 3

From Matthew 24 we have another description of the second coming. “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (Verse 27)

We must keep in mind that when Matthew wrote this account he had to describe an event that was beyond the imagination of humanity at that time.

All this sounds like good correspondence, but one is inclined to ask: “Why is a dreadful thing like the atomic bomb called “the sign of the Son of man? Was he not the Prince of Peace?”

The answer: The splitting of the atom and the releasing of great energy is a perfect correspondence to the resurrection of Christ. The life force of the atom was released to enter the way of higher evolution just as the tomb of the Christ burst opened and released the Son of God. The splitting of the tomb of material matter is the one sure sign that the Son of man is the Son of God, and the knowledge given to man to split the tomb of the atom is the greatest revelation given to man to date. It is a sign that we are not far from overcoming death as Christ did.

The power of the atom does not have to be a frightening thing if it is understood and used by true seekers. Many fairly intelligent people are against any use of atomic power, but the time will come when it will be used wisely for the benefit of mankind. In addition, other sources of energy will be opened up for us in the New Age and many of the theories of Nicola Tesla will be verified.

The next verse has the gathering message. We will repeat it again: “And he shall send his angels (messengers) with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other… This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” Matt 24:31 34

One take on this could be that the generation that saw the first atomic bomb shall not all pass away until the Christ shall again manifest on the earth. Of course, that could apply to either the overshadowing of disciples or a physical presence.

There have been many methods used for predicting the return of Christ, and hundreds of dates set. All of them have been wrong. Some time ago I read about a small sect in Arizona who had arrived at the date. They sold all their belongings and went up on a hill and waited. Of course, Jesus did not swoop them up as expected. After this, their undaunted leader discovered a three-day error in his calculations and they waited again, but to no avail. But were they discouraged? Never! They are still expecting Jesus to come after them at any minute.

The Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses and many others have set dates for his appearance and they have all failed.

On the other hand, when he does appear, he will have to pick a certain day, and what if by accident some religious group happened to pick at or around that day for their prophecy? Would the Christ decide to take up his abode with them and no one else because they chose the lucky day? Most likely Christ would find their company so boring and unenlightened he would ignore them if at all possible.

Now we come to another scripture that many have misunderstood. From acts we read about the ascension of Jesus:

“And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:9-11

People read this and they assume that the time will come that we will look to the skies and the whole world at one time will see a bright Jesus in the sky descending. No one has yet stopped to explain how both sides of the globe could see him at one time, but that’s another topic.

First it is entirely possible that this prophecy had a literal fulfillment in 73 AD as recorded by Josephus.

But let us suppose it does pertain to our day. Let us look at the ingredients: surrounding this event that we are supposed to look for again.

(1) First, he was “received” by a cloud.

(2) There is no description of any great light that was seen by the whole earth

(3) His ascension was witnessed by probably no more than a couple dozen people in an isolated location.

If this is a correspondence of his coming then what can we expect?

(1) He will be revealed as one coming forth out of a cloud, or some type of veil hiding him from our eyes.

(2) He will not come with a razzle dazzle of bright light seen by all the earth.

(3) When he left a couple dozen people witnessed the event. Thus when he returns only a small number will at first be aware of his presence.

Finally, we are told that “every eye shall see him.” As we explained earlier this will happen through television and modern communications.

When he resides with us he may use air travel like the rest of us and thus he will periodically travel in the clouds and through the air.

Concerning his coming here is an interesting quote from Joseph Smith:

“The coming of the Messiah among this people will be so natural, that only those who see him will know that he has come, but he will come and give his laws unto Zion, and minister unto his people. This will not be his coming in the clouds of heaven…” Prophecy – Key To The Future, pp. 318-319

Let me add that Joseph Smith did not quite understand that the “clouds of heaven was represented by the atomic bomb.”

Let me end here on a final note of reason.

What is the main difference between the philosophy of the Christ and the Adversary?

The answer is free agency. Christ always supports the agency of all men and women.

Now suppose he did come with such great power that all who were opposed to him were destroyed and those who are left are full of the fear of God and would not think of opposing such a powerful being who now is the King of the earth?

Do you not think this would destroy the agency of man?

It would.

Now suppose he came as a teacher who uses no compulsory means to draw attention to him but all who meet him feel no pressure to relinquish their free will and accept him.

Would not this coming as a humble servant rather than one with great power and authority fit Jesus’s description of a true leader in the kingdom of heaven?

“Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.” Matt 23:10-12

“But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest. And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.” Mark 9:34-35

“Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” John 13:13-15

Again and again Jesus taught service to humanity in humility. Does such a teaching correlate to one who comes with great personal power and glory to the extent that the whole world will quake in their boots?

The spirit of Christ is that of hope, faith and love, not fear and dread which is the keynote of all antichrists.


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