Quantum Consciousness

April 5, 1999

Quantum Consciousness

The question of the day: “Now let us switch to a new controversy. You have heard it said that we live on many levels of consciousness, that the consciousness we have in the body is just one level. In addition to this we have the subconscious and then perhaps several levels of super-consciousness.

“Now just as we looked at truth anew, let us look at consciousness anew. Do we really live at more than one level of consciousness or is this an illusion also?”

We didn’t get much response to this, but the response received was very thoughtful.

Rick says: “I think it is more like we have one consciousness that moves about in time and space from one location to another. It may be in our heart, solar plexus, brain, or anywhere else it chooses. It sometimes falls into the illusion that it is the location instead of what it really is.”

Then Glenys writes: “I think that as we develop in awareness we expand from one state of consciousness to another. So we move from the lower states of consciousness centered in the animal nature, personality or lower self and progress to higher states of consciousness centered in the higher self, soul, spirit etc. Each state absorbs and expands on the state below along with the ring-pass-not. I remember when we were discussing the solar plexus energies a few months ago, JJ suggested that the powers of that centre actually become more powerful as the energies of the heart centre unfold. So it follows that as we develop in consciousness the same thing happens

-a lower level, say the emotional, is absorbed and enhanced by the next state of consciousness – the mental level. As we master one state of consciousness, we get glimpses of the next state until we are one with it and operate on that level most of the time. But we don’t lose the lower state. We can still access it when we need to; it’s just not where we would normally dwell.”

Then Jennifer hits the nail on the head” “We live at one point of consciousness at any time. Where I am now seems the only reality and all others just things I can think about with my mind.

“We live successfully in this world because we distinguish truth, as it is in this world, from illusion/hallucination. So if a bus is coming for me as I go to cross the road, I would be stupid to think I can change this with my thought, or this is just illusion, because no matter what I think or believe is true, if I stand in front of a moving bus I will get knocked down. I have already made this and it is too late at the last second to change it.

I must praise all three of you here for your insightful comments. I do believe that members of this group often tap into the Oneness Principle. When you teach or expound, and I think to myself, “If the Christ himself said it, it would not be worded much differently,” then the Oneness Principle is often at work.

It is indeed true that we live at “one point of consciousness” at a time (as Jennifer said) -and also one level at a time. What about the subconscious, isn’t that our consciousness on another level?

The answer is no. In reality the word “subconscious” is an oxymoron. To be conscious of a thing is to be actively aware of that thing. If a thing is subconscious or below the level of our consciousness, then we are not aware of that thing and it has no part in our consciousness even though it may have an influence.

What is called the subconscious is composed of billions of tiny lives, each with an individual consciousness of their own. These lives control our involuntary responses, our unconscious memories, instincts, etc. These tiny lives have a consciousness separate and distinct from our own, kind of like tiny truths, yet, as a whole, make it possible for us to have the one consciousness that we as individual humans possess.

In the one consciousness it may seem like a person may be conscious on a lower or higher level or even of several things at one moment. But the truth is that consciousness passes through time in packages, or quantums of awareness, and as we pass through – say a dozen of these quantums – it may seem like we have operated on several levels at once; but in reality the person has passed through a dozen quantums one at a time so quickly that it may seem like he is experiencing more than one level.

If what I say here is true, that consciousness passes in packages of time, or quantums, the question naturally arises as to how long in duration is a quantum of human consciousness. To help answer this question, start with examining your own consciousness. What is the smallest unit of consciousness you have an awareness of passing through? We know, for example, it is shorter than an hour, for you can be conscious of many different things in an hour. It is also shorter than a minute, for we can be aware of several different items in a minute. So how long is this period?

A Course in Miracles tells us that we see only the past. If consciousness passes in quantums of time then why is this true? Is it possible to see the real present?

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The Human Quantum

April 9, 1999

The Human Quantum

Rick raised some interesting questions.

First the Biblical teaching that one day with God is as a thousand years with man has nothing to do with the time reference of the Spirit of the Earth. The Spirit of the Earth is not God, but is an entity that is a unity of every life on the earth, and on its own plane is not as high in evolution as is a human being. It is not yet self aware as an individual entity, just as animals are not.

The Planetary Logos is a different entity from the Spirit of the Earth, who is also known as the Ancient of Days and is the most highly evolved being on the planet—far above human consciousness. Then outside the ring-pass-not of the earth there are higher lives still and many of these live in altered states of time. The one day equals a thousand years quote could have been figurative or it could have referred to some reckoning of time by an advanced entity that is not clearly revealed.

Rick also mentions that there are many typists and musicians who seem to be able to do much more than one item per heartbeat with their consciousness. Typing, reading or playing a guitar is not done with your consciousness. Instead your consciousness uses your trained internal computer programs to do more than one action per heartbeat. Just like you do not think about each letter you type or write a musician does not think about each note he plays because many things like this we do becomes an automatic process once committed to memory.

As you eyes now read these words I have written you do not consciously think about the meaning of each letter in each word. You do not even think about every word. As you look at the screen or print out you are using an internal pre-learned program to translate these letter and word symbols into meaning that your consciousness can use.

As we said earlier, our conscious perception is probably around one sixtieth of a second. Therefore, it would be theoretically possible to glimpse a page of writing in this time period and if your internal software is under your mastery it would be possible to recall this material in your computer brain, but you could not consciously understand the page in that short time.

Some may think we have many thoughts within each second or heartbeat, but let me present you with this. I think I am above average intelligence and I do not have ten thoughts in each available ten seconds. I am lucky if I have one each five seconds – sometimes its only one a minute. In between quantum thoughts my internal software is just processing, taking care of things with no conscious thought of my own doing anything.

Now let us give you a little exercise that does involve your quantum thoughts so you can get a little better idea of the teaching I am trying to convey. Visualize five fruits – an apple, a pear, a prune, a grape and an orange all arranged together. In one visualization you can see all them together. This does not involve five units of human consciousness, but one. They are one picture seen as a unit.

Now here’s what I want you to do. You are going to look at each of these fruits one at a time and see a unique abnormality on each of them. It may be a blemish, the shape or color, but something will be odd on each of the five fruits and each oddity will be different. I will count to three and then you will look at each fruit individually one at a time until you have seen the oddity on each of the five fruits. One, two three… Start…

Were you able to do this in five heartbeats?

Now think of five different memories from your past that produced five different feelings. How long does this take your consciousness to assimilate?

The interesting part of these two exercises is that they are not calling forth something that is preprogrammed within your physical brain such as playing a piano. Something that is preprogrammed can be called forth in an instant with no quantum thought, but if it involves the programmer himself then it takes at least a heartbeat to register anything in full consciousness.

The first lesson in The Immortal is that we are not our bodies, but we use them as a vehicle as we would use a car or a computer. Because your computer makes thousands of calculations a second and you use these calculations, does not mean that your consciousness is aware of each of these calculations.

There are billions of calculations going on each second within our bodies and we use the benefits from those calculations, but we are not consciously aware of them any more than we are aware of the millions of calculations done through a software program.

Question: Most people believe that the more knowledge we accumulate and have running around in our head, the more intelligent we will become, but is this true?

Many people who are considered geniuses are noted for being “absent” minded. Einstein emptied his mind of all knowledge to the extent that when he went on walks he would often forget where he was and have difficulty in finding his way home.

Often the greatest knowledge will come when the mind seems to be a complete blank.

Therefore is it possible that the guy who memorizes a whole encyclopedia may actually have a disadvantage over another who has just made a general study of it?

If I were to tell you that God does not know anything, would that mean anything to you or just sound like nonsense?

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Seeing in the Present

April 8, 1999

Seeing in the Present

“Many of us are aware that the Earth itself is a living being. If our quantum of consciousness is a second, then how long of a period would a quantum of consciousness be for the earth? In other words,

how long of a time are the heartbeats of the earth, and what would correspond to the heartbeat of the earth?”

One unit, or heartbeat of consciousness, for the earth is one year or one circle around the sun. We pick up influences from the consciousness of the earth, but to commune with it we would have to alter our consciousness of time. The whole life span of a man is a little over a minute of time as it is experienced by the Spirit of the planet.

Several of you have mentioned units of consciousness that are very small. For instance, Glenys quoted an article talking about units of consciousness far less than a trillionth of a second.

Such units exist, but not as human consciousness. I stated that a unit of human consciousness is approximately one heartbeat. If you do not believe this try and think three or more separate and distinct thoughts in one second. It cannot be done.

One may object and say that he can see a picture with thousands of variables in it. Even this is difficult to do, but if you can, this still only represents one thought. This is like calling up a picture on your computer screen. The picture on the screen is something your consciousness uses, but does not represent a thousand con’scious thoughts.

If we are honest in examining our own consciousness we will be forced to admit that it is almost impossible to think of more than one thought per second. On the other hand, look how many individual thoughts you think during just one moment of the planet earth’s life. If the Spirit of the Earth were evolved enough it could tune into your consciousness and gather all the knowledge that it may desire from our time frame.

Even so if we are in tune with the Spirit of God we can tune into the smaller lives within our body and catch a glimpse of smaller units of consciousness than we ever dreamed possible.

Our ability to sense the passing of time through consciousness is about a second, or a heartbeat, and our ability to take a snapshot of physical reality is measured in about a sixtieth of a second.

This means that everything we perceive actually exists in the past. Our perception is about a sixtieth of a second in the past and our thoughts are about a second in the past. This time period seems short to us, but to many of the tiny lives in the microcosm they are eternities. However, the tiny lives that exist within our bodies that have perfected themselves in their sphere, seek to shift their time awareness and consciousness to harmonize with our own, to them a human is the universal God.

What if we could alter our consciousness so we do not always see the past, but instead see the real present? Would the whole physical universe disappear? Would we see something else? Think of it. The things you see before you are merely images of past impressions and just as A Course in Miracles say: “You see nothing as it is now.”

Of course, it is important to put the necessary attention on dealing with the reality in which we find ourselves, even though it does present us with many illusions, but the idea of seeing in the present holds keys to several great mysteries.

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In a Heartbeat

April 6, 1999

In a Heartbeat

The question of the day: How long is a quantum (or package) of human consciousness?

There are two quantums to consider here. The first is the period of time it takes to perceive the image or light of some form. The second quantum is the period of time it takes to register any type of conscious consideration of an idea, thought or form.

Rob gave an interesting answer to the first quantum. He said: “I’d say 1/60th of a second. My reasoning being that since lights run at a frequency of 60Hz—and it looks like a continuously burning light instead of one that’s blinking on-and-off 60 times per second—but by turning the frequency down you can actually see the light blinking, then our consciousness must be ‘snapping pictures at either 60 Hz or darn close to it. The frequency of the bulb is synchronized to the frequency our consciousness moves through time.

“Akin to ceiling fans—on the low setting it looks like a set of spinning blades, but the highest setting reveals a blurred circle.”

That’s a very interesting observation Rob. On this quantum I was thinking of the time each frame is shown in moving pictures to create the illusion that the motion on our TV’s, or the movies, is continuous. If I remember correctly the number of pictures shown per second is between sixteen and thirty-two. Sixteen pictures per second pretty much creates the illusion of continuous motion, but thirty-two pictures create a perfectly smooth flow that tricks our consciousness completely.

Let’s throw this out again to the group. Does anyone in the group know of any research that has been done that tells us the shortest period of time that our consciousness can register? Rob makes a good case for 1/60th of a second.

The second quantum is the period of time it takes to consciously register any thought. This period of time is approximately one heartbeat which, in a person in good condition, is about one second. It was not an accident that the human race created the second as a measuring unit for the smallest period of time in standard use. Whoever established the second did so because it was very close to the smallest period of consciousness that the ancients could comprehend.

It is interesting that a second is one sixtieth of a minute and Rob gives us evidence that it takes one sixtieth of a second to perceive light. This correspondence gives credibility to this idea.

If this is correct it would explain why we need about thirty pictures a second for smooth movement of film. The one thirtieth of a second between pictures would be composed of seeing the picture for one sixtieth of a second and adjusting the mind between pictures for another one sixtieth of a second accounting for the one thirtieth of a second for each picture.

Now within the main quantum, or one second of human consciousness, there lies an eternity of time where billions of tiny lives are in motion and events are transpiring that would astound us if we could but observe all that is going on around and within us.

Rick spoke of the possibility of registering time periods that are extremely small. Is it possible for us to become aware of time periods like a thousandth or a millionth of a second or less? Does contact with the lesser lives hold a key to this?

Many of us are aware that the Earth itself is a living being. If our quantum of consciousness is a second, then how long of a period would a quantum of consciousness be for the earth? In other words, how long of a time are the heartbeats of the earth, and what would correspond to the heartbeat of the earth?

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