Keys Writings 2015, Part 19

This entry is part 21 of 73 in the series 2015

Aug 9, 2015

The Reliability of the Higher Self


If souls can be deluded, then there is no Hope.


First, it is important to note that people mean different things when they speak of soul. Some are referring to the consciousness as it is incarnated on the physical plane and I think we all agree that regular human beings can be deluded.

Others may point to an example of one who claims to be in contact with his soul or Higher Self, and yet has been proven to be deluded.

We must always take the following into consideration. At least 90% of those who claim higher contact have not risen above contact with their own or other’s thoughtforms, or the deceptive astral plane.

So let us take the following.

Fred says he is in contact with his soul or Higher Self.

Freed says the world will end next week.

Result: The world does not end.

Conclusion: Fred was wrong so you can’t trust the Higher Self.

An important part was left out for the one arriving at this conclusion.

Was Fred really in contact with his Higher Self?

Even before we saw the prediction was wrong common sense should have told us the answer would have been no, but when we see the world didn’t end we can be close to 100% sure.

Now here is a question that we have not covered before – and I do not know of anyone who has:

Can the Higher Self be deceived?

The answer is yes, but its angle of vision is so far above us that we could not discover the deception.

To understand just compare your consciousness to that of a dog and the Higher Self to that of the human.

Can your dog be deceived?

Yes, it is quite easy to fool him. Can the human owner be deceived? Yes, it would be more difficult to deceive him but it can be done.

If the human is driving along with his dog and takes a wrong turn, will the dog have any clue about the deception?

No. The human could be going into the Badlands and the dog would be oblivious. The destination sought by the human is beyond the consciousness of the dog.

Will a human who loves his dog ever led the animal on a deceptive and harmful path?

No. All the training he gives his dog is for the highest good that he can conceive and will take the dog much further in progress than the dog can achieve on his own.

Even so, the Higher Self sees from a much higher angle of vision than us mortal reflections. When it gives us guidance it is in a direction that it knows is beneficial, and we can take that guidance to the bank.

But the Higher Self is far from the ultimate in consciousness and has its own limitations, which are beyond the understanding of the lower self.

It deals with the lower self with what it knows, but it also has a Higher Self, called the Monad, or a pure point of spirit intelligence which sees from a yet higher state of vision.

Our Higher Self has its own successes and failures and learns from them. However, it does not need our input or judgment any more than the human does from his dog when trying to decide about the next stage of expansion for his business. It is beyond the consciousness of the dog and the problems of the Higher Self are useless for us to concern ourselves with.

All the guidance that I have received from my Higher Self has been 100% reliable as it works out in my world. It is entirely possible that from Its angle of vision It could have done a little better in dealing with me.


Aug 11, 2015

Animal Love


Have you never heard of the flower lecture given by the Buddha in which he held up a single flower at which point Kasyapa achieved enlightenment,


And what was the enlightenment that the guy received:

“Golly Gee!!! This flower is pretty!”


or the other Zen Koan on whether a dog possesses Buddha nature?


So, did the dog glow in the dark with all that enlightenment?


Also, that your flower analogy is inadequate as flowers are not capable of love.


Being the mystic that you are I’m surprised you never tuned into the life of a flower. Their consciousness is centered on the feeling nature and they bask in the love of God and seek to radiate it to other lives in the form of beauty and fragrance.

Some form of love is sensed by all life and they respond to it, but human consciousness is able to understand love in many more aspects than life in the lower kingdoms.

The heart center has twelve petals, each one representing a different quality that is capable of being understood and expressed by humans. In addition these twelve petals have a higher reflection in the head making 24 differentiations altogether.

The love you feel from your dog is a lower reflection of love which is a solar plexus energy called devotion. Devotion/love from a dog is nice and comforting, but does not compare to the value I give to the spiritual love I receive from my wife or the brotherhood/love I receive from my friends.

An interesting question is why do some think the love of animals is of a higher evolution than had from humans?

The answer is quite simple in the fact that the love from animals is very simplistic and centered on some type of devotion. They only have one aspect of love they can misuse – and sometimes they do and will turn on you and bite you.

Humans not only have the aspects from the solar plexus but can develop 24 additional qualities from the two heart centers. This means that they have many more qualities to distort and misuse before they are perfected.

Because we have much more in our consciousness to misuse it seems to some that we have less love.

The problem for humans is not less love, but that we have more aspects of love to deal with.

And when you find one who has perfected some of these aspects you will want to be in their presence above that of any animal. In this situation a little devotion from an animal is just icing on the cake of life.


Aug 12, 2015

Jesus and Business


So I will ask you, do you really think Jesus was concerned with giving farming and business tips or do you think something else may have been going on? You seemed to have missed the message with the metaphor.


I do not think anyone here is claiming that it was part of Jesus’ mission to teach farming or how to run a business. He did demonstrate that he had a good knowledge of business principles by incorporating them in his parables. And why would he talk so much about business if he had no interest in them?

After all, his father had a carpentry business. And do you think that Joseph spent all his business time going around doing work for the poor for free so he could have treasure in heaven?

I doubt it.

I’m sure he ran a regular business with the goal of making enough money to take care of his family. I would imagine, like many businesspeople today, that he gave some donations of time and money with any abundance he had.

If Joseph had a successful business then most likely many of his friends were successful business people who Jesus encountered on a number of occasions.

It is interesting that he never spoke negatively of honest business people. Though he didn’t have a mission to create a business he seemed to find many of the business principles he did learn to be extremely useful in putting across his teachings. If he was antagonistic to the business world it is doubtful that he would have used so many examples of good business thinking to promote his teachings.

Here are a few of them

(1) He was familiar with the wine industry, illustrated by the teaching of not putting new wine in old bottles. (Matt 9:17) and the description of a winepress (Matt 21:33) and the constant use of vineyards.

(2) He used principles from the construction business. He talked about the importance of building on a solid foundation so the floods and winds could not destroy the building. (Luke 6:46-49).

He commented on a common business problem here:

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him…Luke 14:28-29

Even today, most businesses that fail do so because those starting it underestimated the cost and labor that would be involved to make it successful.

(3) Jesus was obviously did a lot of observing and thinking about the principles of finance and the wise use of money and resources in business. This shows up in a number of his parables. The most famous one is the parable of the talents.

Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.

The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more. So also, the one with the two talents gained two more. But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.

“After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.’ “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

“The man with the two talents also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.’ “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

“Then the man who had received the one talent came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’

“His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. “

‘Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.

And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ Matt 25:14-30 New International Version

Obviously Jesus wouldn’t have used business principles here in such a positive way in his teachings if he saw them as something of pure evil. The “talent’ referred was a large unit of money equal to about 20 years of wages for the average person. We are talking about a huge business investment here, especially considering the first guy received ten talents.

The principles taught here apply to both material and spiritual values. We are supposed to take the abilities and values we have and multiply them.

The parable of the wise and foolish virgins also teaches a wise business principle. The wise virgins thought ahead and saved up the oil they needed for the future and the foolish did not. Neither did the wise share with the foolish because, then neither would have enough and neither would accomplish their goals.

Jesus talked a lot about making good investments in his teachings:

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Matt 13:44

So sacrificing for the kingdom of heaven is like the guy who invests all he has in a business endeavor sure to pay off.

Finally, Jesus talked about the business owner who hired people at different times to work in his vineyard and paid them all the same. When those who worked longer hours complained the businessman stated that he paid them all as agreed and if he wants to pay the later workers the same as the first then it is his business.

If you own the business, you can do what you want with it.

I could go on but this is more than enough material to prove that Jesus was far from hostile toward businesspeople, of whom one as his father, Joseph.

Clay writes:

The only advice Jesus gave in regards to money directly was to “go out and sell all your possessions and give them to the poor”.


That was advice to a rich young man who badgered him as to what more he could do. He never said this advice applied to everyone. Joseph of Arimathaea was a rich man who was not asked not did he give all his riches to the poor. It’s a good thing because if he did he wouldn’t have had that expensive tomb he donated for the burial of Jesus.

Again the principle needs to be examined. The rich young man was obviously too attached to the material side of life and it would have been liberating for him to give his money to the poor and follow Jesus.


As far as I can remember all of his direct teachings were not worrying about money “be like the flowers and who neither spin nor toil”. Don’t store up treasure, don’t take any money with you when you go out into the world, give to all those who ask with no thought of repayment. Not very solid business advice if you ask me.


Jesus adjusted his teaching to work with the circumstances. At first he told them to travel with just one set of clothes and take no purse or script. Later he changed his mind and said:

And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing. Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:35-36

Overall, when you read of the tone of Jesus when talking about business principles as he applied them to teachings, it is obvious that he did not frown on honest business people making a living.


Aug 15, 2015

Poisoned Apple


Maybe we should call it the “Poisoned Apple Principle”? Think of the beautiful apple that the Wicked Witch gave to Show White in the fairy tale. It was indeed beautiful and tasty. It just has a little poison in the center, just like Karl Marx. I believe JJ talked about that in the past, how the Dark Brothers take a principle of light, twist it a bit, add a little poison, and create evil from good.


The big problem with Marx is he advocated implementing his ideas through force.

Now if he advocated the testing o them in small voluntary groups first to prove their worth that would have yielded usable data and procedures.

Just like the ideal of free healthcare for all sounds great, but implementing this by force creates great waste, expense and suffering. Someday all will have access to healthcare without forcing the majority to pay for it against their will.

We were just about there when I was a kid and my hospital stay was $8.00 a day ($90) in today’s money. Then the government tried to help and costs went out of sight.


Aug 18, 2015

The Solar Angel Knows…

Larry Woods asks

How is it that our higher selves know so much about principles?


When our human monad descended to the world of souls it was overshadowed by a solar angel. The solar angel is the closest thing we have to a heavenly mother for it gives our monad birth as an individual consciousness in the kingdom of souls.

The solar angel obtained liberation in a previous solar system within this universe of seven. To repay the Universal Life for the progress they have made they have agreed to help the next great wave of human monads obtain liberation, just as they themselves were liberated long ago.

Because the solar angel is very ancient and has solved every problem that faces us (but in another system) she has a great knowledge of principles and grasp of wisdom and understanding.

The solar angel stays with us and nurtures us until we have mastered the lower nature and gained a great measure of wisdom ourselves. When the disciple becomes so soul infused that the solar angel can work through him on earth as it is in heaven then its job is accomplished and she leaves and returns to her home in the heart of the sun, not the physical sun, but a higher sun composed of more refined elements.

The disciple will then be on the road to becoming a Master and may later become a solar angel himself, or take some other path of service that interests him.

A question I have never seen addressed is whether a solar angel nurtures more than one monad at a time. I am inclined to believe that it overshadows a soul group of 6-12, or so, during a cycle.


Aug 22, 2015

The Song of Eternal Life

My friends, this is a special occasion. I am pleased to present to you a second Song of the Soul. The first was the Song of the 144,000. This new one is called The Song of Eternal Life.

To sing it through the soul to full effect, rather than just saying it, the participant must understand it and put thought into it as he or she speaks.

The first thing the seeker must realize and put into focus is that the whole universe is, not just alive, but very much alive, much more alive than believers realize.

We are recipients of this life which circulates everywhere, even on our darkest days when feeling depressed, in pain or ill.

So, if this vital life energy is always in circulation then why do we suffer disease, aging and death?

Because the Word is God and our words and thoughts distort the Life and reverse its direction. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand and we thus have disease and death in the physical realm because our words and thoughts are divided and pitted against each other.

This is one reason the ancient schools of initiation had students take a vow of silence for three years. For three years they could not speak a cacophony of words that were at war with each other and the flow of life.

The system was helpful, but wasn’t perfect, as the student still had his positive and negative thoughts, which are inner words.

This Song, spoken in the consciousness of the soul, will connect the disciple more firmly with the eternal source of life itself and will do much to neutralize the thoughts and words that take the student away from Source.

The benefit received will depend of the following:

(1) The power of thought that goes into the words being said.

(2) The number of thoughts and words affecting the seeker that need reversed or neutralized.

(3) The state of mind of the participant.

The results should be nothing but positive and will range from feeling additional energy, to healing, to life extension and even renewal depending on focus and the power of thought.

Here is the new Song.

The Song of Eternal Life

OM – OM – OM

I thank you Father-Mother-Spirit

For the energy of life that streams

From Universal Source to me

For the life that circulates through each atom and cell

Permeating my entire body and mind

Bringing health and vitality to all my living parts.


I bask in this life

I feel the life

I am the life

The life which knows not corruption

The life which makes all things new

The life which always IS.


I feel the life from my toes to the top of my head

And give thanks for its abundance.

I praise and love my body and all of its parts

For receiving this Life and Spirit and Source.

I praise body, mind, soul and spirit

For receiving without ceasing.

A-U-M (AHHHHH – UUUUUHHH [as in you] – MMMMMM)


If there is a particular part of your body which is in distress visualize this part when finishing.

If, for instance, you are having problems with your liver, praise it for doing a good job and being a recipient of this divine energy. Just as we, as individuals, respond to praise and love, so do the lesser lives. When praised they open up to the flow of life and become more receptive.

The worst thing you can do is to curse your liver (or other) problems for the distress you have. And to constantly complain or feel sorry for yourself sends a similar message to these lives so they feel unappreciated, overworked and may shut down.

“Whatsoever you do to the least of these you do to me,” said the Christ. And whatsoever thoughts and words you send to the least, or most distressed part of your body is going to your perfect Christ Self. If they are negative they cast a veil of darkness, hiding the power of the ever-manifesting God.

Neutralize and reverse the negative and you will release the power of the One Great Life.

The Song of Eternal Life will steer the life energy of the seeker in the right direction.


Aug 25, 2015

Letter to Local Paper

It challenges the imagination to even consider that Alyson Martin’s article on climate change (Aug 25) has any credibility when the headline starts it off with an utterly false statement, aimed at mean spirited political attack having nothing to do with science.

It calls people such as myself “climate change deniers.” The article adds to the deception by throwing in the, not so offensive but still inaccurate, “climate skeptic.”

“Denier” is used as a political attack only in the hope of associating those who do not agree with their views with the Holocaust deniers in order to shame them in the media. Anyone using this unscientific approach should instantly loose credibility.

Real science must always start by using accurate terminology.

So let us get this straight once and for all. Me, and others liked me, DO NOT deny that there is climate change and neither are we skeptical of this fact. I do not know of one thinking person on this planet who does not accept that there has been significant climate change going on this planet since it first had an atmosphere.

We do not deny or ignore any proven facts, though I cannot say the say for orthodox global warmers.

Neither do we deny that the release of CO2 has a warming effect on the planet.

Does Alyson even know where the real disagreement lies? Is she in denial or just ignoring it?

Here is the real question pointing to the disagreement:

Is the amount of warming caused by humans significant enough to cause panic and are the solutions presented political rather than scientifically viable?

Many who have examined the data are far from panic and find that the proposed solutions would create negligible results at tremendous cost.

If one is really concerned with climate change then he ought to make the containment of nuclear weapons (think Iran) his top priority as a few nuclear weapons unleashed could create a nuclear winter that would wipe out civilization.


Aug 29, 2015

Our True Home

Ginger asked a question a while back that I never addressed, however Ruth did supply some helpful quotes.

She asked:

I have a question. I understand the principle that energy follows thought and also that we get what we truly desire (regardless of whether it’s based on truth or illusion). I realize that whatever we focus on and send our energy to, can be created. If we desire to have a belief or thoughtform confirmed, we can create a “confirmation” of that belief. I am wondering how to discern between a confirmation of a truth from the soul versus a “confirmation” of a belief that we might create at an astral level because we want it to be true.


I have commented on this subject a number of times, but because it is an important one it may be helpful to say a few more additional words.

The problem with teaching soul contact is that most have not felt it in fullness and are therefore not sure what they are looking for.

The problem then is similar to the guy trying to explain what a lemon tastes like to one who has never tasted one. How would he go about doing this? The dialog may go something like this:

Teacher: A lemon tastes sour.

Student: You mean like a grapefruit?

Teacher: A little, but much more intense.

Student: like a sweet and sour sauce?

Teacher: It’s still a lot different. Take away the sweet and increase the sour.

Student: Like a lime then?

Teacher: Closer, but still different

The bottom line is that the guy will never know exactly what a lemon tastes like until he actually consumes one.

However, those looking for soul contact have a great advantage over the person who has never tasted a lemon.

All of us have tasted the powers of soul and spirit before.

“When was this?” asks the seeker.

That which you were before you were born was with the soul and your soul was projected by pure spirit, called the monad. Your true essence is soul and spirit and you have spent much more time basking in those energies than you have in your physical body here on earth.

The dense material body acts as a veil between our consciousness and that which is higher, but when the true higher is contacted the feeling is much different than tasting a new food.

It is like coming home.

Why? Because spirit and soul is where our true home is. There is a potent part of ourselves that has not forgotten what soul contact is and when this contact is rediscovered the seeker will know that he has discovered a link to his true Source. It will seem more familiar than anything he has known on the earth and he will know it comes from a true reality.

In saying this I am speaking of receiving a significant endowment of such energy that leaves no doubt. First contact is often the Still Small Voice which is so still and small that the seeker will often wonder if it is his imagination. If the seeker follows this voice though, more will come, and eventually a quantum of soul and/or spiritual energy will come to the point that the pilgrim will finally feel he has made it on the path that takes him home.

If I could give usable advice in one sentence it would be this:

Always go with the inner guidance that seems to take you in the direction of your true home.

Until the true path is discovered there are many detours to be found in the emotional and astral world and its energies. Because our desires are centered for many lives in the desire nature then what we receive as true is largely governed by our desires, or what we want to be true.

To find his true home the seeker must be pure in heart and lose his desire self to find his true self. When he finds his true self he will then replace his lower desire nature with a higher desire related to the fulfillment of Higher Will.

DK expresses it well with this mantra:

“I am a point of light within a greater Light.

I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.

I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focussed within the fiery Will of God.

And thus I stand.

I am a way by which men may achieve.

I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.

I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.

And thus I stand.

And standing thus revolve

And tread this way the ways of men,

And know the ways of God.

And thus I stand.”


Aug 30, 2015


(a) the ancient Jews were here before the Ancient of Days, because they failed to pass over to a higher planet in their previous Universe, so did these Jews have to reincarnate into these much lower animal bodies, as punishment, rather than reincarnate on the new Earth in their previous physical bodies?


I had the idea that the founders of the Jewish race were here even before the Ancient of Days came from something I read in the Bailey works, but cannot find the precise reference on this. DK did say that the three who founded the Jewish race grasped “the garnered treasures of a thousand cycles. Naught did they wish to leave behind.”

Some readers think this incident (See Esoteric Psychology Vol 1 Pages 395-401) occurred in a previous solar system and others in the days of Lemuria. However, the mentioning of “a thousand cycles” give it a very ancient beginning.

The true beginning of the Jewish race on earth is a mystery to which we have a few details. The text in Esoteric Psychology Vol 1 Pages 395-401 gives some hints.


(b) did the AOD come here specifically to help these struggling laggard Jews?

(c) or did the AOD come to stimulate the struggling lower animal/human forms on Earth, so that the Jews could nurture this human race as part of their initiations and lessons on this Earth?


He came here to jump start the self conscious human race for all who would be incarnating here. The only laggard Jews that seemed to have been here are the three founding disciples. The rest were not in incarnation.


(d) If the Jews were here before the AOD came, and these Jews were already self conscious etc, then they would have been wiped out as well as the lower evolving animal man when the AOD arrived on Earth and caused a tremendous electrical fire storm that burned up all the entities and animals on Earth.


It is quite likely that only the three disciples were here and they probably had power to regenerate their bodies.


(e) Who is, and what was his previous name, the first Adam in the Bible after the floods?


The only name we have for the first man of the Bible is Adam, who is also called Adam Kadmon in the Kabbalah.


Discovering the Will of God?

Blayne brings up interesting questions. After pondering how worldwide events fits in with the Will of God he says:

“Also sometimes people need a crisis or to suffer to wake them up to the fact they need to change. How does one discern what is Gods will or not in these or similar circumstances? Especially if one is trying to walk in faith relying on the inner voice when one can discern it and when one is not sure making their best judgment and moving forward?”


There are two extremes of thinking on this matter. The first says that everything that happens is the will of God and is just supposed to be.

If the guy’s spouse leaves him he just shrugs and says:

“Oh, well, I guess it was just supposed to be.”

Then he says the same thing if he falls off a ladder or gets fired from his job.

The problem with this view is it removes the thinker from taking any responsibility for his actions. If your spouse is supposed to leave you then why bother working at the relationship? If it your destiny to fall off a ladder then why try and be careful about your step?

Obviously, something does not conform to reality here.

The other extreme is from the materialists that believe there is no such thing as higher will and there is nothing preplanned. Everything is merely the result of our mental decisions here.

The truth, as usual, is neither extreme, but somewhere in the middle.

An example I have given before to illustrate this is the painting of a masterpiece, such as Leonardo DaVinci with the Mona Lisa. Here is an except from a class I gave in 2005:

When Leonardo Da Vinci, painted the “Mona Lisa” he had in his mind what he wanted it to look like and he probably had a lady there that looked like the Mona Lisa and he envisioned what he wanted it look like when the work was completed.

As he was painting along he knew the end cycle was the finished painting of a beautiful Mona Lisa sitting before him. The beginning was just looking at the Mona Lisa visualizing the end. So we have a cycle, and the end of the cycle was known to Leonardo Da Vinci. He knew the beginning and the end but he did not know everything in the middle. As he began to paint he thought, that color is not quite right so he kept working on the color, and he thought the smile was not quite right so he kept working on the smile because he knew how he envisioned it and he had it in his mind and so he kept working on it so that people would look at it and say, is she smiling or is she not smiling and that is what he wanted people to wonder about.

To get that look he had to make a lot of mistakes until he got it right and when that moment came that he got it right then it was the end of the cycle. But between the beginning and the end of the cycle he had no idea how many brush strokes he would make and he had no idea how many mistakes he would make and have to correct himself and start over again. Maybe some dog was chasing some cat and knocked over the painting and he had to start over and maybe he was going to paint her with a great big grin on her face and after the dog knocked it over he changed his mind. So you never know but we assume the standard story is true, that he envisioned how it would look and the cycle had a beginning and an end and he finally got where he wanted.

The point I am trying to make is that between the beginning and the end of cycles no one knows nor do they want to know all the little details and to think that God knows every little thing like how many times am I going to snap my fingers tonight. There are certain things that you don’t need to know and you don’t want to know but the higher the lives are the more their consciousness gets down to the essence of things and the essence of now until the end of time is covered with certain types of cycles and these cycles can be seen and they can be known.

From Knowing the Truth, Class given in 2005

To discover the Will of God it is helpful to correspond his greater works to our lesser ones. There are certain events that are planned, but many details that are not, but when difficulties come up that seem to thwart either human or divine will the thing to do is to pick up the pieces and move forward toward the goal.

World War II was a great threat to the coming cycle manifesting as it should, but freedom lovers did not accept Hitler’s vision and he was defeated and the incident turned out to move us more quickly toward the ultimate goal.

In the end, to fairly judge events that come up individually or on a larger scale is to use the second key of judgment.

One must keep in mind that even though the threat of Hitler wound up teaching us many things that was good, this does not mean that any of the Lights should have just shrugged their shoulders and said:

“Oh, well, I guess it was just supposed to be.”

Jesus spoke truly when he said: “Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!” Matt 18:7

Here is a good quote from DK on the matter:

And my brother, be happy. Learn to feel joy – a joy which is based on the knowledge that humanity has always triumphed and passed onward and forward in spite of apparent failures and the destruction of past civilisations; a joy, which is founded upon the unshakable belief that all men are souls, and that “points of crisis” are factors which are of proven usefulness in calling in the power of that soul, both in the individual man, in a race, or in humanity as a whole; a joy which is related to the bliss which characterises the soul on its own level whereon the form aspects of manifestation do not dominate. Ponder on these thoughts and remember you are grounded in the centre of your Being and can, therefore, see the world truly and with no limited vision; you can stand unperturbed, knowing the end from the beginning and realising that love will triumph.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 471


Sept 2, 2015

I have written two versions of a parable of the three blind men and the elephant. The longer version was published in The Lost Key of the Buddha. My original was written back around 1979. I just pulled it up and did some editing. Here is the finished copy

The Three Blind Men and The Elephant

By J J Dewey

A man of vision came across three blind men who were complaining about their limitations. “Follow me,” he said, and learn a great lesson from the elephant. He directed them to approach the elegant animal and give their description.

One man embraced a leg and said, “I perceive that an elephant is like a great tree.” The other man took hold of the tail and disagreed. He said, “No, my brother, I feel and know the elephant is like a rope.” The third man felt an ear and replied, “You are both wrong. The elephant is like a great carpet.”

After giving them time to digest their findings, the man of vision explained: “You are all correct, and you are also all wrong.” Then he took the three blind men and had each feel all of the three distinct parts. They responded in amazement: “Now we see that the elephant is a more complex being than we ever imagined. We condemned each other in ignorance, for one of us was as correct as the other.” Then they become curious and asked: “Tell us, Is there even more to the elephant than this?”

The man with eyes to see responded: “Yes, there is much more. You still have an incomplete view. I will take you around the elephant and you can feel the other parts.” To their amazement and joy, they discover that the elephant had not only one leg, but four and not one ear but two and many other previously unknown parts. He had a trunk, eyes, mouth, teeth and a large body they never realized existed.

After they felt all the parts, the blind men said: “We have now felt the whole elephant and our consciousness has greatly expanded, for we realize that before we knew nothing, even though we thought we knew all. Now we still realize that our understanding is imperfect because we do not see. Tell us, how can we see?”

The man with vision said: “I was once blinded as you are, but it does not have to be so. There is nothing wrong with your eyes. You merely have a film over them that needs to be washed off in pure water.”

He then handed them a pitcher of water and they each washed their eyes with it and the dark film dissolved. To their joy they found they could see. Looking about, they saw the elephant and asked: “What is that strange creature over there?”

The man replied: “Did you not recognize it? That is the elephant!”

Immediately, they realized: “Yes, of course, that has to be the elephant, but I never thought it was so large,” says one. “I never would have believed it was so small,” says another. “I never realized it was so beautiful,” says the third. But they all did agree that what they saw correlated with every previous fact they had discovered about the elephant. The discrepancies entered when they compared the way they felt and what they imagined about the elephant with what they actually saw. All Three of them admitted that they had erroneous thoughts and feelings about the elephant that were completely unfounded.

To their added joy they saw that there was much more to see than an elephant, but a complete new world to explore. Now that they could see they found that they were, in reality, just beginning to gain true knowledge. Everything else that they had experienced up until this time was merely a step to prepare them for true seeing.

Thus the three previously blind men stepped forth into the world of seeing. They explored, experimented, and begin to serve their brethren.


Sept 4, 2015

Jesus and Islam

A while back it was noted that DK stated that Jesus worked through Mohammed as he established the religion of Islam. To this lwk mentioned that this was one of the reasons to doubt the Bailey writings.

I do agree with lwk that we should not accept any writing or teaching anywhere near point-blank but should always be open to the possibility of error while still being open to the truth.

I can see why any non Muslim would question the idea that Jesus may have worked with Mohammed when one looks at many of the present offshoots like ISIS and the Taliban, as well as the restrictions of human freedom in some countries dominated by Islam.

Despite this present development I do not have a problem in considering that Islam could have been established by the Brotherhood. I have several reasons for considering that Mohammed may have received help from the Brotherhood of Light rather than the dark side. Here are some:

(1) You can’t judge the past from the values of the present. If we did then we would have to call the Jehovah of the Old Testament (or at least the Israelites) evil because they killed women and children of their enemies and even their animals at times. They had slaves and they put people to death for infringements such as breaking the Sabbath, being a rebellious kid, being gay, conversing with the dead and other small infringements.

The Christian church just after Jesus was much more benevolent but even they did not condemn slavery nor did they speak again the draconian laws of Moses.

The Christian church is around 2000 years old whereas Islam is around 1400 years in existence. If we go back in time to when the Christian Church was 1400 years old we see that they were in a dark age and burned at the stake or tortured heretics that didn’t go along with the program as decreed by the authorities.

Does this behavior make us think that the founder, Jesus, was not connected with he Brotherhood of Light?


Speaking of founders, many today on the left condemn the Founding Fathers of the United States because they either owned slaves or didn’t do enough to stop it. They make the mistake of not looking at the times in which they lived and what they had to deal with. They especially overlook the progress that they did make in a difficult time that tried men’s souls.

Even so, the times of Mohammed were much different than today. He had to deal with desert tribes not that much different than Moses worked with. The best that could be done for them was to teach them precepts a notch or two above where they already were.

This is basically what Moses had to do. What really put things in perspective for me was the first volume of The Story of Civilization by Will Durant. This volume dealt with the known history of ancient civilizations and when I saw how they treated each other I realized that, despite their harshness, the Jews were several notches above their neighbors in civilized conduct. The time of the ancient Israelites was a tough time to be alive no matter where you lived.

(2) Islam thrived even against great odds.

In the Book of Acts Gamaliel is quoted as saying this about the early Christians:

And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God. Acts 5:38-39

Just as happened to the Christian church many attempted to destroy Islam in its beginnings and were unable to.

Do these apparently divine beginnings mean that the forces of light fully approve of Judaism, Christianity and Islam today?

No. Not at all.

Every work of light gets corrupted and eventually has to be reformed or destroyed to make way for the new. But even the new will only generally be beneficial for a period of time and have to be replaced by something higher.

And speaking of the flaws of radical Islam, I was encouraged by an article I read in the paper today about a group of Muslims who are trying to present a more positive side of the religion. Check out this link:

This gives me encouragement that perhaps the religion as a whole will be transformed within a couple generations to a harmless one.


Sept 5, 2015



The primary difference is that there is nothing that I can see in the words of Jesus that would justify inquisitors, or conquistadors. However there is plenty in the supposed words of Mohammed that absolutely justify murdering and enslaving infidels, lying to advance one’s religion, and the idea that non-Muslims should be forced to pay for the right to even live and exist in an Islamic society.


It has been a while since I read the Koran, but as I recall many of the things embraced by the extremists are not justified there. It seemed to me to be of a similar quality as much of the Old Testament..

I remember I found some things in there where modern Islam is in conflict with it. For instance the Koran says it is a shame for a woman to cover her head yet most Moslem women wear a burqa because later authorities have decreed this.

Another teaching I found interesting was that the Koran says that Mohammed was just one of many messengers and all messengers are equal. Since it tells us that that Jesus was also a messenger then this would mean that the words of Jesus have as much weight as Mohammed.

Unfortunately, this teaching has been corrupted and today the interpretation is that the words of the last great teacher Mohammed take precedence over all who proceeded him. This is not taught in the Koran, but was injected after his death and followed thoughtlessly.

Many of the problems of Islam have occurred because of teachings and interpretations that have been a part of the tradition that arose after the death of Mohammed. During the first couple of centuries after Mohammed there was quite a bit of culture, science and cooperation that was later lost and has not surfaced again.


Did you happen to see the story recently in the news where extremely early texts that look to be part of the Koran were dated to possibly proceed Mohammed? Meaning of course that much in the Koran was not a revelation to Mohammed, but something he took and adopted to his own purposes.


I saw a story about the discovery of an early manuscript of parts of the Koran, but it was merely dated to the time of Mohammed.

As I said it has been a while since I read the Koran. I think I’ll read it again soon, take some notes and make some comments.



Mohammed borrowed from Judaism and Christianity, and indeed Jesus is considered a messenger of Allah, but by the principle of abrogation Mohammed is the _final_ word on everything. The words of Jesus are not equal to those of Mohammed (or his companions) in Islam.


There is no argument that the official doctrine of Islam is that the words of Mohammed have greater authority than Jesus or any previous messenger, but this is not supported in the Koran.

Also, the word of current authorities takes precedent because they are supposed to know what Allah meant when he spoke through Mohammed.

A similar thing happened in Mormonism. The current doctrine in the church is that the latest word of the current prophet is supreme and valid no mater what is written in any scripture or what was said by Joseph Smith. This is in effect even though it is not supported by anything written by Joseph Smith.



if we are talking about Islam then we cannot just talk about what is strictly in the Quran, we must take into account all the sources that Islam considers holy script including the Hadith or Sunnah. Christians do not say that only Mark, Matthew, Luke and John are their scriptures, but includes Acts and even Hebrews and Revelation.


There is no argument that modern day Islam uses other sources than the Koran. The Koran should be a much greater authority though because it was written in the days of Mohammed and even the gospels were not written in the days of Jesus.

The Hadith was compiled a couple hundred years after the Koran was written and who knows what is accurate in there? This would be comparable to the Apocrypha gospels that are full of contradictions and inaccuracies.

I agree that there are many things in the Koran that go against what we consider enlightened for us. I’ll comment on this later.


Sept 7, 2015

Piscean Age Religion

Keith writes:

Christianity was founded at the beginning of the Piscean age. The teaching was a new revelation. (The hierarchy always introduces a new teaching for each newage.) . Then Islam arrives a quarter way through the Piscean age reintroducing Arian (Aries) age concepts. If the hierarchy introduced Islam they disregarded two of their core principles. Never give out the same revelation twice (principle of economy). Teach an age appropriate revelation while revealing something new.


Actually Islam was very quintessentially Piscean. The keynote of the Piscean age is “sacrifice.” The very name “Islam” means “submission” and submission requires an act of sacrifice.

It is interesting to note that the two religions put emphasis on two different aspects of sacrifice. The main emphasis of Christianity was to sacrifice our material things and our material side. The emphasis of Jesus was on giving to the poor and following him.

The churches later corrupted this into demanding both the poor and the rich give to the church and follow their interpretation of Christ and His teachings.

On the other hand, Islam was presented to a people who already had few material things to sacrifice. Instead of placing emphasis on giving up material things, most did not have, the emphasis was on the sacrifice of self. The body, emotions and minds of the people were demanded to be given up to Allah and the prophet.

The idea was to sacrifice all your self for Allah and you will have all the wealth you can imagine in the next world.

During most of the Piscean Age we then had this opportunity presented to souls who wanted to learn the lessons of sacrifice.

They could incarnate into the Christian church and learn the lessons of letting go of the material side.

Or they could incarnate into Islam and learn the lessons of sacrificing the personality.

The third option was from the Eastern religions and the American Indian which had their own emphasis on sacrifice.

An enlightened seeker may look at these options and be repulsed by them and think that being born into any of these situations would offer him no advantage.

The answer is that there is always an advantage to be had and valuable experience to be had in any circumstance. Maybe the seeker has already mastered the basic lessons of sacrifice and freed himself from the controlling beast. If so, he may incarnate outside of mainstream religion into a challenge suitable to his needs. Then too, an advanced soul may incarnate into a corrupt religion in order to guide it along more productive lines or to assist other souls within it.

Yes, the advanced soul is repulsed by being subject to dogma of all kinds, but rank and file humanity demands it for themselves, so during the Piscean Age it was made available in such a way that the lesson of the age could be burned into their soul experience.

Through this Piscean Age many souls have incarnated within the two religions learning the lessons of sacrifice. Many of those who have mastered this quality have later incarnated outside of religious dogma and have become entrepreneurs in introducing new ideas and business. To successfully do this requites the quality of sacrifice.

Take the guy starting a business. To be successful he has to forget about his personal material needs and place all his assets on the line and risk all he has on his venture. He also discovers he must sacrifice self much more than expected and put full attention on the business to make it succeed. He does his symbolic three prayers a day to Mecca in the hope of success.

Thus, the successful entrepreneur incorporates the Piscean lessons learned from Christianity and Islam to succeed in the present.

It is interesting to note that for the first few centuries of Christianity that a more complete sacrifice was demanded than after Islam came along. There were many martyrs that had to give up everything. There have always been martyrs, but, later on, the church became focused on demanding material things from the members. If one brought a few indulgences he could live the rest of his life how he pleased.

Islam conveniently filled the gap by demanding total personality sacrifice.

Both Islam and Christianity became corrupted after their founding, but they still managed to teach many the lessons of sacrifice.

Could DK have been correct in stating that Jesus inspired Islam?

I believe so. First, consider that Christianity was initiated through the effort of both Jesus and the Christ giving it more initial emphasis on the purity of love.

Islam was initiated by Jesus, as the main agent, working through Mohammed. This partly accounts for the different flavor. The other ingredient is the more primitive people that had to be approached.

Does this mean that all the words of the Koran or later words attributed to Mohammed all came from Jesus?


What most likely happened was that the original impetus came from Jesus representing the brotherhood, but that most of the revelations came from the soul of Mohammed filtered through his personality.

This was the way it had to be for the people would have rejected pure words of truth about love, and metaphysics. In filtering the revelations through his personality Mohammed was able to deliver messages that resonated with the people and cause the religion to materialize.

Most initiates of great movements make numerous mistakes along the way and when they do the Brotherhood generally does not correct them, unless he specifically asks. Therefore, when the initiate gets a false revelation or idea in his head the Brotherhood just looks on and lets him move forward with the error.


Because this approach works better in the long run. It is a little like the error of assisting the butterfly from the cocoon. This will often kill it, as it needs the struggle to gain the strength to survive.

Even so, initiates and followers must move ahead on their own as much as possible, even with their incorporated errors. Eventually the errors will be revealed and understood so they will not be repeated.

The dark brotherhood rarely creates anything new. Instead, they let the Brotherhood of Light do all the initial heavy lifting and then seek to take over the organization and bend it to their will. They will then seek to establish themselves as leaders and reap all the benefits for the few at the top.

Such an effort has been ongoing in the United States since the founding and they have made many inroads.

As we enter the Aquarian age we will seek to take the lessons of sacrifice and use them constructively to focus our attention on creating a better world than ever recorded in history. Christianity is already losing its power to demand full material sacrifice from the many to the hierarchy, and over the next couple hundred years Islam, as a whole, will seek to take the more positive aspects of its religion and focus on them, rather than being at war with the world.

The keyword for the Aquarian Age is “service” and the religions of the world will change direction and place attention on this aspect more than sacrifice.

We see a foreshadowing of this when there is a calamity and many Christians respond to assist with labor and goods. Islam will eventually follow this example.

There will be many organizations, governments and businesses that will lead the way with service and brotherhood. If all goes according to plan then we will see a new and improved world within the next century or two.


Sept 8, 2015


I think when considering Islam one must consider that it was developed over stages. The first teachings are very enlightened and a huge step forward for that area of the world. However, as Muhammad had to flee to Mecca and started fighting and was engaged in non-stop warfare his teachings entered the Jihad stage and rapidly deteriorated. One looks at the Qu’ran as a whole but it is really better viewed as almost two separate phases of development, pre and post Jihad. Just something for everyone to consider.


That is a good point and the Koran that we have today is not in chronological order so it is difficult to decipher which time period some came into existence. If the group is forced to fight for its existence one can expect revelations filtered through Mohammed would focus more on war and retribution. Unfortunately statements lifted from these times are creating a lot of trouble for civilization today.

Most of Joseph Smith’s revelations stress peace, love and enlightenment, but after enduring great persecution, attack and the deaths of many members the tone of his speech and that of other leaders was greatly altered. If Mormons focused on some of the aggressive statements of past leaders when under threat they would be a greater threat today than ISIS.


Where Evil Dwells

In the last stanza of the Great Invocation we read:

From the centre which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth

Because this was given out near the end of World War II many associate this “door where evil dwells” with Nazism.

This idea is both right and wrong. Nazism contains the ingredients that opens the door to evil, but what lies behind the door goes by many other names that have nothing to do with Nazism or Hitler.

Here are the prime ingredients to the evil mentioned.

(1) Great restrictions on human freedom.

(2) Citizens have forced upon, them unnecessary laws, regulations, ceremonies, observances etc that diminish their quality of life and keep them under control.

(3) The people are monitored and observed as much as technology will allow to find potential dissidents and deal with them.

(4) Any speech or action out of harmony is severely punished.

(5) Leaders must be believed and praised whether they deserve it or not.

(6) They threaten war, not to preserve security, but to expand their dominion.

(7) The evils they perpetrate will be blamed upon others with an amazing amount of success.

This door to evil has been opening and partially closing since the beginning of civilization.

Where the illusion concerning this keeps occurring is due to the inclination of human nature to want to see things in terms of black and white. They want to call A good and B evil and be done with the effort of thinking about it. What is overlooked is that both A and B take their turns at playing the roles of good and evil so when the focus of evil changes the focus of the people stays the same. This is what gives evil its great power. When the dark forces are defeated in one group, they just switch their focus to another that seems to not be a threat to the world.

During the Civil War the focus was on the perpetuation of slavery. When that did not succeed they shifted their focus to the corruption of he Constitution of the United States while preparing German forces for world conquest.

When they lost World War I they shifted their full attention toward Hitler and the Nazi party.

With their defeat in 1945 the door to evil was partially shut, but this did not discourage them. They then shifted their attention to the Soviet Empire. Again they were frustrated with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the USSR. Once more they had to shift their focus and this time it was to the radical components of Islam.

Until this shift of focus all Islam seemed to be under control and of no significant threat to the Western World, but what is not realized is that the dark forces can take a small group and use then to stir many people up to anger to the point of desiring war.

For some time after the fall of the Berlin Wall radical Islamist were thundering on about the damage they were going to do, but we were asleep to this shift of focus until that fateful day, Sept 11, 2001 when it became clear to thinking people that we had a problem.

Today radical Islam is a threat not because of Mohammed, but because they are the focus of evil forces to use for their own purposes. The Koran could contain only words of love and peace and Islam could still be the focus and have become a great warlike threat. After all, the words of Jesus are the greatest ever written, yet the Christian church has taken its turn, centuries ago, as the dark focus.

It has been a burden that the Hierarchy of Light has had to deal with, that any work they have inspired in the past will be corrupted and used by the forces of darkness at one time or another, causing many to discount the good they tried to accomplish. The reason for this corruption is that there has been no organization with members enlightened enough to participate in something incorruptible.

This is what we hope to change. Organizations built on the Molecular Relationship have the potential to be incorruptible because members will have soul contact and it will have self-correcting mechanisms.

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings 2015, Part 18

This entry is part 20 of 73 in the series 2015

Aug 1, 2015

Seeing by Darkness

Here is an interesting logical challenge for those who wish to argue that there is no such thing as darkness, dark entities or a dark brotherhood.

According to this belief there is no darkness anywhere so of course there are no dark individuals or brotherhoods anywhere.

BUT… what I have presented is not using such not-found-in-the-dictionary definition of terms. When I write I use the common definition of words as understood by the masses unless stated otherwise.

I use light and dark in reference to people’s minds in the same way that Jesus did in this verse:

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matt 6:22-23

“Single” comes from the Greek HAPLOÛS which indicates unity, focus and wholeness. Its corresponding noun is HAPLOTĒS and the adverb form is HAPLŌS. These words often imply a generous spirit.

Some scholars equate it with ancient Jewish sources speaking of the “good eye” which was an idiom for a generous spirit. For instance in Proverbs 22:9 we read:

He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.

“Bountiful” comes from the Hebrew TOWB which can be translated as good, generous and joyful among others. It definitely implies a positive and generous attitude.

“Single” here is also commonly interpreted to mean “single to the glory of God,” or “single to that which is good.” The expanded meaning would imply a focus on giving of oneself in service. This is obviously the direction intended as the opposite direction mentioned is “But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.”

“Evil” here is translated from the Greek PONĒRÓS. Strong’s gives the core meaning as being “hurtful.” Thayers describes the meaning as “Full of annoyances, hardships, pressed and harassed by labors … Bringing toils, annoyances, perils.”

The Septuagint usage implies a grudging person lacking of generosity.

So, Jesus was saying that if our eye or focus is on selfishness, bringing others hardship, apparently for one’s own benefit (evil) we will be full of darkness, but if we do the opposite and have a single purpose of helping others and bringing glory to God and not the self then we will be full of light.

Jesus makes an interesting statement about darkness. He says, “If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness.”

Ponder on this for a moment for it presents an interesting thought.

What does he mean here? How can light be darkness? Isn’t light just light and dark just dark? How can a light within you be darkness?

The answer is quite simple though I haven’t seen it presented before.

Light is the means by which we see and discern what is real and true. If our eye be single and focused on the good and seek to help others then we take in and use real light from God and see reality as it truly is.

On the other hand, if the eye is turned, not outward, but inward toward self, the true light enters not and in place of light that reveals truth the poor soul is filled with great darkness, according to Jesus.

But here is the interesting thing. The light that is within him is darkness. In other words, the guy dwelling in darkness, doesn’t see himself as being in darkness because darkness is the light by which he sees. To him, darkness is light.

So how could darkness be light? Isn’t it impossible to see anything in darkness?

The key to understanding this is that the light Jesus is referring to is not sunlight, but he inner light that reveals truth. One who is truly focused on the good the beautiful and the true will see by the true inner light. One who is focused on the desires of the lower self will see by other means, and that other means is called by Jesus, darkness.

He who is consumed by great inner darkness will have to use the outer lights of the physical and emotional worlds for vision. Using these alone is spiritual darkness compared to the disciple who sees by the inner light above the outer.

The problem for the one in darkness who may be a surface student of the inner is that he can see himself as guided by an inner light as it seems that he looks within to find the astral/emotional light.

The problem is that this astral light is even more deceptive than the physical and turns everything upside down so what is seen is either through a fog or reversed from true reality.

It is interesting that we find people, highly intelligent in nature, who rely on the true light as well as the darkness. This is why we see about us many intelligent people taking different sides of an issue, which, to the one with the inner light is a no-brainer to see it for what it is.

Attempting to see with physical eyes only through the filter of the emotional self is truly seeing in darkness or the attempt to use darkness as a light. The inner light is so powerful that by comparison all lights in the physical and astral are darkness.

The gospels speak of light and darkness a number of other times. Here was a description of the mission of John the Baptist:

To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. Luke 1:79

Here is Jesus in his own words describing this duality:

When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness. Luke 22:53

Here is a description of the effect of the mission of Jesus using the duality of light and dark.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. John 3:19-21

This scripture gives an interesting demarcation between those in the light and the dark. Those who love darkness hate the light. Those in the light do not hate and would leave those in darkness to their own devises if those in the dark did not hate them and attempt to frustrate the works of light.

And why do those in darkness hate the light that exposes the truth? Because, as the scripture plainly says, the light exposes their deeds. Actually it does more than that. Light, which reveals truth exposes the intent, the plans and the unfolding of the works of darkness. Because those who attempt to hide their intent in darkness do not want them exposed they hate any light which does just this.

We see this principle played out in the actions of many sneaky politicians who attempt to put things over on us. They will write up a bill that they know the majority will oppose and then do everything in their power to prevent the public, as well as other representatives, from finding out controversial details within it.

Anyone who tries to shed some light and expose what is in it will be hated and attacked.

Meanwhile, the guy who is in the light doesn’t mind anything that is true being revealed.

Another thing they do it take a bill with a pleasant sounding name, like “The Education Bill” and place some controversial rider in it that has nothing to do with education. Maybe it is money that will go to potential terrorists who may immigrate here and could become a big problem later on. Whatever the case, these riders are often pieces of legislation or spending that the vast majority would not support.

So what happens when some honest politician tries to throw some light on the subject? He is hated and attacked as being anti-education, even though the problem has nothing to do with education. The politician in the light doesn’t care how much light is thrown upon any of the works of Congress because he wants the people to be exposed to the truth so they will know what is going on.

It is true to form then that the honest politicians (few though they may be) are often the most hated, and attacked. Their message is also the most distorted by their enemies.

Conclusion: The gospels, and Jesus in particular, divided the people into those who are in the light and those who are in darkness. We see this also played out in our day, the political world being just one example.

So, are there organizations representing the two sides of light and dark?

If the scriptures have any value at all the answer would have to be yes.

First, let us see what they say about organizations in the spiritual light, which, of course, would be the side representing God and Christ.

Paul spoke of the spiritual organization representing the light:

To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God. Eph 3:10

Here we have mention of “principalities and powers in heavenly places.”

He also says that God

…set him (Christ) at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: Eph 1:20-21

So here we have mention of principalities, powers and dominions not only in this world, but the one to come.

It indeed sounds like there is a lot to govern in the pertinacities of light:

Concerning the Ancient of Days it is written:

A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: Dan 7:10

Then we have this in reference to the Archangel Michael:

Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me… Dan 10:13

The fact that he was a chief price or ruler indicates a position in a hierarchy.

The scriptures do not give the full organization, or the number of different ones in the light, but a few details are given.

We are told that Christ or God is the “Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” Rev 17:14

Lords and kings are governors over organizations and Christ is the head guy over them.

The Book of Revelations gives a representation of God (or the one that represents God for us) as being in charge and before him are 24 ancient ones as well as seven great spirits. There are also seven great angels and many saints. In addition there is “an innumerable company of angels.” Heb 12:22

Obviously there is a hierarchy and principalities of light involved in maintaining order in this “world to come.”

Now let us look at the other side. Jesus talked of those who represented “the power of darkness.” Do they have any organization?

The scriptures give us a definite yes. Again, here is Paul’s famous words on the matter:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Eph 6:12

So here it is clearly revealed that there are “rulers of darkness” in this world as well as “high places.”

“High places” is translated from the Greek EPOURANIOS which means “heavenly or celestial places.” In other words, there are dark hierarchies existing beyond this physical realm.

Then we have this:

Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Eph 1:23

Most likely “air” here signified an other worldly place as seen as being above the earth. It is interesting coincidence to consider that dark minds may control many of our AIR waves though which so much of the media is broadcast.

Here Paul tells disciples that before they walked in the light of Christ they were under the control of the adversarial dark prince.

Perhaps another reason he was called the prince of the air is it seemed as if he could broadcast his thoughts through the air which could be picked up by those who were susceptible.

This head prince was identified in the scriptures as either the devil or Satan, both titles signifying in the Greek an adversary or an accuser. Unfortunately such a being has been the victim of such caricatures with horns and a tail so a belief in such an entity is compared to a belief in Bigfoot or the Big Bad Wolf.

Many also say that any such dark entities are just a product of one’s imagination or a thoughtform.

While it is true that the door to evil or darkness is open by the individual’s our own mind, the scriptures are definite that such beings exist just as undesirable characters exist as neighbors and associates that we may inadvertently let into our lives.

In reference to such a being functioning with a darkened mind here are words from Jesus himself:

Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. This he said, signifying what death he should die. John 12:31-33

Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. John 14:30

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. John 16:7-11

And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:18-19

Finally we have an unusual reference in the book of Jude to this being:

Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. Jude 1:9

Here is what we have concluded as definite truths testified to by the scriptures as well as the words of Jesus.

(1) There are those who dwell in the light and those who dwell in spiritual darkness.

(2) Christ, God, Michael and other benevolent beings are a part of a hierarchy on the side that dwells in the spiritual light.

(3) There is a hierarchy of spiritual darkness opposing the hierarchy of light.

(4) There are “rulers of darkness” in this world and in the unseen world. Jesus called one such being the “prince of this world” or Satan. He was also called the “devil”, which means “accuser” and the “prince of the power of the air.”

Of course, one can maintain that any part of the scriptures one does not want to accept is just allegorical and interpret them according to one’s imagination, but if they have any truth at all as written, there does definitely exist beings dwelling in the light and darkness in this world and the next.


Even if the scriptures are totally rejected the following is true:

(1) There are individuals and groups on this planet who have designs to do good unselfish works to benefit humankind and bring greater freedom.

(2) There are individuals and groups who have designs that are evil, destructive, misled and will enslave others to further their own selfish or illusionary purposes.

(3) These two group exist among those of all grades of intelligence as intelligence is assessed by orthodoxy.

(4) There is a high probability that there are groups of high intelligence, unknown to the masses, on both sides of the equation.

This would support the idea of a Brotherhood of Light and Dark as both have representatives in physical bodies in this world. All it takes to accept the possibility of their existence is the acceptance of point four.

On the other hand, if we accept the teaching of the scriptures that light and dark extends beyond the physical to a light from God that enlightens the mind we can add the following points.

(5) The spiritual light mentioned by Jesus and the prophets reveals truth and he who rejects this light is in darkness where truth is obscured, distorted or hidden. This creates a spiritual demarcation between light and dark.

(6) There are physical and non physical realms wherein intelligent life dwells. If intelligence is divided between light and dark here then it is logical that such a division would continue in some form in at least part the non physical realms.

To those who outright reject the probability of a dark and light brotherhood let me ask this question.

At what point does the demarcation between light and dark cease?

Anyone who watches the news any evening can see that the demarcation exists. There are stories of organizations that are attempting to do good things and others who are attempting to do destructive things. For instance, I just heard the report that Iran wants to destroy Israel off the face of the earth and then hunt down the remaining Jews and gleefully put them to death. I’d say that attitude is a rejection of the light and love from God.

Again, where does this demarcation end? Does it end when a person becomes a master to some and obtains more power over the elements than the ordinary person? Does this demarcation just instantly cease when a certain degree of intelligence is reached? If so where is that degree at?

The Law of Correspondences tells us that as above, so below and as below so is above to a high degree so if there is an obvious demarcation in this world then why would one not exist in some places in the non physical worlds?

Now in the world of souls the light is in much more abundance than here, but there are many invisible realms in the universe and whether high or low some have more light and truth than others.

Unfortunately, there are a few who completely reject the spiritual light and love of God. Shutting off the source of light indeed creates a world of spiritual darkness. Let us hope none of us visits that state of consciousness.

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. Jesus



JJ: On the other hand, if the eye is turned, not outward, but inward toward self, the true light enters not and in place of light that reveals truth the poor soul is filled with great darkness, according to Jesus.

me: This would appear to contradict the many verses that say that to find god you must look within yourself.


The context is important here. I am talking about the focus of the eye or our energy for sending. If we seek to have all gifts come toward the lower self for self benefit then the light that comes in to the body will be darkness and confusion. If we see our fellow men and woman out there as those that we can kindly assist in some way then the eye is seeing in the light and the person will be full of light.

On the other hand, when one is seeking truth and being reflective he must find that true light within and discover what it reveals.

Looking at the true light within and the darkness of the lower self within are two different things. As I said, the astral light appears to be within, but causes great deception. Even in looking within one must discern between the astral light and the light of the spirit.

The key here is that the brightness of the light within is caused, in great measure, by how we direct our eye of attention to the world of service without. He who has discovered light within must share it with the world without in order to keep the light of truth shining bright.

When’s the last time you learned anything of value from some monk who spent half his life meditating in a cave?



The problem is in identifying a organized brotherhood of darkness out to defeat what you define as “the light”.


It is not so much they are out to defeat each other, but their goals are so different that they get in each other’s way.


As I mentioned earlier, the reason why intelligent men and even highly spiritual men can disagree over an issue, is not necessarily am issue of light fighting against darkness. Many times it is light arguing with light.


If one in the full light of the soul disagrees with another then it is because they do not understand each other. When they understand each other they will agree if they run the details by their souls.

Those who not bask in the light of the soul of all kinds of intelligence levels have many disagreements with those in and out of soul light.


For instance I think someone like Ayn Rand was arguing for what she considered to be truth and let’s say it is the Red spectrum, and Karl Marx was arguing for what he considered to be the truth which is maximum equality, which lets say is on the violet spectrum. Neither is completely right and neither is completely wrong. Socialism is needed to balance the excesses of Capitalism. The individual must be balanced against society. Rand erred on the side of the individual, Marx erred on the side of the community. However, these two acting in tension with each other seems to balance the inadequacies of the other. One is not more light or more dark than the other. They are both part of the light.


You seem to think that I believe that either a person is 100% enlightened or completely in the dark. I have never taught or thought such a thing. It would be interesting to see how much we really disagree if you understood me correctly. The problem is that I understand where you are coming from but you do not with me, as you do not accurately understand many of the things I present.

Both Rand and Marx had a desire to improve the human condition and both may have had some insight of light come to them through the soul. I do not see either as soul infused but both were polarized in the lower mind and operated from the vantage point of reason filtered through their illusions.

Where two people are subject to illusion they will disagree on a number of things. When two reply on the concrete mind they will disagree on a number of things for the mind is the slayer of the real. Only two sharing the light of the soul together can see as one. This is the basis of the Molecular Relationship of which I have written.


You seem to think that anything that limits freedom is a move towards darkness,


Completely false. The freedom of burglar to invade your home and many other things need to be limited by law to insure maximum freedom for the individual and groups.


but it can just as easily be argued that anything that leads to greater inequality, is also a move towards darkness.


I wouldn’t argue for either one.


The truth is that no one posses the complete truth and it is a mistake to think that any person, party, ideology, and especially yourself is in possession of the complete truth.


Yes. That is a pretty basic truth that almost everyone accepts.


To me, maximum freedom is the law of the jungle, anarchy. For me that is not ideal. I believe in maximum liberty balanced by maximum justice, balanced by maximum equality, balanced by maximum compassion, balanced by maximum responsibility, balanced by maximum altruism.


I have talked a lot about maximum freedom and that is far far from what it is. If you are going to argue with me you need to argue with what I say and believe, not with what I do not say and believe.

There is little freedom of worth with out the rule of law which prevents roving gangs and criminals from threatening the freedom of all. Maximum freedom is created through necessary laws to restrict the complete freedom of those who will do harm from restricting the maximum freedom of the majority.


I stand by the dark is just absence of light…


I stand by it too but because night is created by an absence of sunlight does not mean that night does not exist and that we have to deal with it by turning on some lights so we can see.

Similarly a dark brother is one who has turned away from the light of the soul and does not share in it. He uses lesser lights to guide him which by comparison are darkness.


Again JJ you do not leap from the natural world to the supernatural and claim you are being logical,


If you believe this then why do you repeatedly leap to the supernatural in your posts? You have related a number of supernatural experiences of you and your wife. Are you saying you are both illogical?


Aug 3, 2015

Loving Darkness

Ruth asks:

why do men love darkness, or why are humans so attracted to darkness…………is there a principle to this?


People love or hate what they see and if they reject the spiritual light or have not arrived at the vision then all they have to love is the material world.


when Adam and Eve partook of the fruit of the Tree of Life…….eg to know Good from Evil, then they also chose to know evil or darkness, yes?


This story represents the time when humans became self conscious. They didn’t think, “Oh boy, I now get to choose evil if I want.” They merely became aware they had freedom to choose.


Cain killed Abel, because God gave Adam and Eve the free will to know Good from Evil, but then God gets upset because people love darkness…..?


Higher lives do not get upset. Nothing can disturb their peace in their high place.


(d) When the ancient Jews/ Laggards were sent to Earth from the previous Earth or Universe, it was because they failed to pass over the portal, and had to be sent to another Earth, so that they could undertake the necessary initiations again…………and you have said that if one does not learn from their mistakes, or runs away from their challenges in life, then the lessons get harder and harder until one learns……..therefore this Earth is like an even harder challenge and test for those Jews/Laggards to master, which means that the Good and Evil is going to be perhaps even greater than anything that they undertook previously, because they failed to learn from their previous lessons, which means that some of those laggards and/or Jews, already had darkness in their hearts, and then brought that with them to this Earth?


No this earth will not necessarily be more difficult than the last one. In some ways it will be easier because of the vast experience they have under their belts. What I was talking about is a particular problem that the soul wants us to solve in a particular life. If we refuse to work on it in one life then a more difficult situation will be created in another to force us to focus.

The laggard’s situation is like being in school and having to repeat a grade. For most the repeat will be a little easer because they have learned a few things the other students did not.

She asks about the source of evil on this planet. It is merely the cumulative effect of consciousness here on many levels that resist the spiritual light.


Both Moses and Jesus were assigned to this Earth to help the laggards and/or Jews move forwards more into the Light and pass the necessary initiations set out for them, so most of the Bible teachings are aimed “firstly” at the Jews/ Laggards, and then secondly at the rest of the human units on Earth, who the Jews are supposed to be uplifting as part of the plan to pass through the next portal, is that correct?


The focus in a past age was on the Jews hoping they would be a light to the world, but now the focus is on anywhere in the world where light may be received.


The old souls are more stuck in darkness because of their antiquity, and the Karma that they generated in the past?


Some are stuck and some are moving ahead fine.


Is the Reformed Brother, the one Lucifer who “fell” or “rebelled” because he didn’t want to come to this Earth, or because he wanted to rule this Earth instead of being a laggard here, or was he one of the good guys, (see below quote)…..?


I wasn’t talking about Lucifer when writing of the reformed brother.

We do not have many details about the Lucifer (Morning Star) who fell. DK merely tells us that it was caused by a disagreement in the councils of the Most High. He says.

Again, in the council chamber of the Most High, there has not always been peace and understanding, but at times, war and disruption; this is made abundantly clear by several of the stories in the Old Testament. Symbolically speaking, some of the sons of God fell from their high estate, led, at one time, by “Lucifer, Son of the Morning”. This “fall of the angels” was a tremendous event in the history of our planet, but was nevertheless only a passing and interesting phenomenon in the history of the solar system, and a trifling incident in the affairs of the seven constellations, of which our solar system is but one.

He says it was a “symbolic fall” indicating it was not a fall as most literally understand it from the scriptures. Maybe more of just a temporary falling out.


Aug 4, 2015

Molecular Business Attempt

Dan Price, an Idaho native, attempted to implement one of the core ingredients of the Molecular Business, which is an equal salary for all. Consequently he is having major problems and the existence of his company is now threatened.

Click on one of the links below and read the article, then answer the following?

What ingredients of the Molecular Business is Dan not using that is creating so many problems for him?

What results has Dan achieved that indicate that a Molecular Business could be very successful if done right?

What problem did occur for Dan that will probably have to be dealt with by a true Molecular Business?

Here is the LINK.


Before I answer Larry’s questions I want to emphasize that the questions dealt with what Dan Price did contrary to the Molecular Business principles that created problems for him.


1) So how do you reconcile the parable of Jesus where all got paid the same whether they worked a full day or half a day or just one hour?


The point of the parable is that the guy with the gold makes the rules and if you agree to pay a person a certain amount for a product or service and keep your word on the matter then it is no one’s business what you pay anyone else.

On a similar note if I buy a product at a store for $100 and then a few days later the price drops to $70 I have no right to complain because I felt the product was worth $100 and I agreed to pay it. If I complain to the store they may or may not give me a rebate. They are justified either way.

The scriptures say that all the worthy laborers will be entitled to ALL that God has. If you wind up with everything you could possibly use why would you grumble about what anyone else receives? If you put in more labor than the other guy you will have developed more skill that can be applied to the next endeavor.


2) What about people who put off wages for four years or more in order to attend college and make themselves more capable?


What about them? Good for them. They will have more opportunity. If a molecular business lacks certain skills it will do what is necessary to get qualified people even if it has to pay for the education of its workers.


3) What about people who sacrificed home time while working extra hours to make-it-work?


If they work extra hours they would get paid overtime or get extra stock.


4) Why does Stu bother?


I guess he needs the work. Walmart is not molecular so the situation is not comparable. He would have much more incentive in a molecular business.


5) Whatever seems hard, whatever seems challenging, I go there.” Our music listening habits automatically reward excellence. Why would a Molecular Business act any different?


There would be more opportunity to take on challenges in a molecular business because it is controlled from the bottom up. Stu’s situation was the result of a top-down decision.


4) Does not The Molecular Relationship teach that elected leaders get higher pay than floor workers?


Everyone gets the same monetary salary but to supply incentives bonuses are given in stock and more desirable positions. The standard salary is decided by employees.

Most of these questions are covered in the archives.



I never before realized that the Molecular System is a pure form of socialism. Thanks.


The main difference with today’s socialist ideas though is the Molecular Business is completely voluntary and the power base is from the bottom up. The main problem with do-gooders today is they want to implement their ideas by force and if they do not work it is almost impossible to change or improve them so they will work.


Incorporating the Molecular Business

Well, Adam, you were the only one who took a serious stab at answering the questions on the Molecular Business. Looks like you get a gold star.

Let us take a look at your response.


What ingredients of the Molecular Business is Dan not using that is creating so many problems for him?


Seems fairly clear that ownership is missing, at least to the degree suggested in the Molecular Business model. There needs to be incentive for the higher skilled and more motivated employees – stock and benefits tied to performance.

Also, in a molecular business, the hierarchy and structure would require more democracy. Mr. Price would have to subject himself to the possibility that he could be voted into a different position within the company.


These are two good points and incorporating these would have helped the business. But there were two more significant ingredients. Can you figure out what they are?


What results has Dan achieved that indicate that a Molecular Business could be very successful if done right?


He’s demonstrated a willingness to go against orthodoxy through his own free will. An existing power structure, does not easily surrender some of that power/control/wealth, especially without imposition/force from a greater power structure.

Mr. Price has at least demonstrated a spirit that is willing to relinquish some wealth/power in the interest of others. It’s an initiation of an idea that might get others thinking about how such a structure could be improved, to yield the best in profitability, accountability, excellence, self-sufficiency, cooperation, and benevolence. At a minimum, he seems to be trying to establish a viable balance between self-interest/improvement and good will/cooperative spirit.


What you say is true but what we are looking for in this question is the positive results he achieved which were:

(1) The idea attracted a lot of positive attention.

(2) Lots of people wanted to work there

(3) Those who did work there who accepted the idea had an increase of unity, cooperation and feeling of equality.

(4) They lost some customers but new ones signed up.


What problem did occur for Dan that will probably have to be dealt with by a true Molecular Business?


I think it was a bit ambitious to start such a model using a “service industry” business. Service industry businesses are needed and useful, but they are a step removed from the tangible offerings of manufacturing and production. Since sound economics are based on supply and demand, then the demand will always be more easily captured, and supply increased/limited, if the user can better quantify/see the goods, and recognize the immediate need, imo. Service contracts are more susceptible to fluctuation and termination than contracts for manufactured goods.

I also think, assuming Mr. Price was truly sincere in his stated motivations, that he might have been better served by not making the increases public. I think he should have had his employees sign non-disclosure agreements before giving drastic raises. Word would probably get out, sooner or later, but no one would be willing to go completely public, and the “hint” of change would be better PR in the long run. He should have given himself more time to test the idea – perhaps 3-5 years, at least. Then he could go public afterwards, in order to become a model for others.


All of what you say is true and though I did say a manufacturing business would be best for the first model a larger service business could work.

There was a major problem mentioned in the article that the first molecular businesses will have to deal with.

Let us see who can find what it is.


Aug 5, 2015

We are still looking for two main ingredients of the Molecular Business not used by Dan Price. To this Ruth replies that older employees complain because of the pay equality and decision making is too centralized in Dan.

No that is not what I was looking for. Adam mentioned the need for more democracy and soul contact is not essential for the business model, though it would be helpful.

There are two core mistakes that Dan made not mentioned yet.

The last unsolved question is:

What problem did occur for Dan that will probably have to be dealt with by a true Molecular Business?

Ruth gives a hint in the right direction by saying, the “Beast principle.” But there was a problem that occurred because of the business, specifically mentioned in the article, and it did kind of surface because of the Beast Principle.

What was it?


Equal Pay Problems

lwk quotes me as follows:

“[One of] the core ingredients of the Molecular Business, … is an equal salary for all.”

Then says, “The idea that on this earth it is an ideal to struggle for equal pay for all regardless of contribution does not make sense.”


For this to make sense we have to look at the end product of what the real struggle is about. It is not about any forced equality for equality’s sake. It is about the creation of abundance for all in every way, spiritually and materially.

If we create a society where each person has all that he needs for a happy life then who cares what the other guy makes? All are equal if all have everything, which is the principle behind the Kingdom of Heaven.

There are four objections against the equal pay idea.

(1) It seems unfair because those who work harder should get paid more.

Well, this does not happen now. The guy on the assembly line may work with twice the intensity as the CEO and get paid 5% as much.

Two guys may have the same job description yet the slacker may get paid more than the guy working like crazy.

This objection does not fly.

(2) It seems fair that those with higher skills should get paid more than the less skilled. Skills take money and time to develop. The engineer should get paid more than the assembly line guy.

This is not a problem dealing with hard work because the assembly line guy may work harder than the engineer. It is believed that different positions have different value and it is fair that they get different pay.

This makes sense from the normal business prospective, but the Molecular model is out of the normal box.

There are three powerful advantages to the equal pay idea as outlined in the Molecular Business.

(A) It inspires empathy, brotherhood, camaraderie and unity among the workers.

(B) Because the wage can be adjusted up or down with the need it allows the business to be extremely competitive. It can survive in hard times and thrive in good times.

(C) Instead of having an overpaid management, leaders will easily be drawn from the ranks allowing the saved money to go to the workers as a whole.

(3) Those with skills in demand will not take a pay cut and work for a Molecular Business.

One interesting thing that Dan demonstrated was that some skilled workers were attracted to his ideas more than the money itself. There are other draws to working in a place besides the money. If a worker is happy with his job, the people and the opportunity he will often work for less.

Also keep in mind that workers would get paid extra for overtime and those who contribute more value can be paid extra in stock.

(4) People need incentive and money is the best incentive.

As I said, there are other incentives, but let us supposed that the business needs a programmer who’s skill will easily get him a job at $200,000. Why would he work for a molecular business where he would have to take a big pay cut?

There are several ways the problem could be handled. The business could pay for the training of the skill for one or more of its present employees.

The second alternative is to offer stock in addition to the guy’s salary.

If that doesn’t work and the hiring of the expert is essential he could be hired as a contractor and paid whatever the demand is, just like you would hire some guy to mow your lawn at the going wage. He wouldn’t be an employee, but may turn into one if he likes the company and the people.

In my treatise on this I cover the need for incentive and how it is fulfilled on a number of levels. Until civilization reaches is next great stage of business evolution money will be a huge incentive because of the lack of it in many lives. When this lack is eliminated attitudes toward money and material things will be dramatically altered.

One of the things that is evolving to fill this need is robotics. As technology evolves we will eventually all be able to live like kings – if we do not blow ourselves up first.

The molecular business will not be for everyone, at least not until it is near universally accepted. If someone is happily employed at $200,000 a year, and is used to the lifestyle, then it would not make sense to him to take a big cash pay cut. The business is not a religious thing where, if you do not accept it, you will be judged unworthy or go to hell. Most molecular workers will completely understand the skilled guys reluctance to join them.

It is interesting that Dan had an avalanche of job applicants, indicating that a Molecular Business will have no lack of raw talent from which to choose.



Not sure who this is addressed to but I will respond. I notice a number of posts lately that are difficult to tell who is being responded to.

Larry W

This is not about selfishness, it’s about fairness and motivation. We’ve seen throughout the history of the human race that people work hard and use their most creative juices to earn rewards for themselves. It’s basic human nature. Will you now say motivation of reward means nothing?


I am certainly not saying this. The Molecular Business has all kinds of motivation and reward built into it.


If I see an opportunity to put in some overtime so I can afford a guitar that I want, then should I be arbitrarily denied?


You can work overtime (if available) and get paid extra for it in the Molecular Business.


If I do work extra but everyone gets the same reward, including those who did not lift a finger to earn it, then why should I do the extra work/effort/creativity?


In almost all businesses you will have a number of people doing the same job getting the same pay and some will be working much harder than others.

In a Molecular Business because you are judged from the bottom up you are much more likely to be rewarded with a promotion than in a top down business where the bosses favorite is usually promoted. If a person is too much a slacker he will be rejected by his fellow workers and be out of a job.


Are you saying this issue of basic fairness and human nature is not valid?


Of course not. No idea where you are getting this from what I have written.

Your problem with your previous boss treating you unfairly would be largely solved in the Molecular Business because your main judges would be your co-workers who know how hard you are really working.


I believe in equal pay for equal work. But I do not believe in equal pay for unequal work.


There are two types of equality and inequality to be dealt with.

(1) Equality of effort. For instance, an assembly line guy may be making a greater effort and working harder than the CEO. Should this count for something?


(2) Equality or inequality of skill or job importance.

Should this count for something?

Yes, again. First, the more skilled job has part of its reward built in. Being a computer programmer, knowing you are making a big difference, is much more rewarding than working on a boring assembly line.

In addition to doing more fun work, those with crucial skills are rewarded with more power, opportunity and stock. If that isn’t enough they can work as a contractor for extra cash.

The Molecular Business recognizes that material reward will be a necessary incentive for some time to come, but as abundance for all is manifested it will become less and less a factor.

In the coming age job satisfaction will be the important thing and that will come from the realization that the worker is assisting the greatest number of people that his talents can handle.


Aug 6, 2015

The Needs of the Many


If we create a society where each person has all that (he) needs then what motivation is there to excel? I can push the envelope in achievement or just slack off and do only much as I have to. What difference does it make? I still get paid the same.


Which situation is more conducive to happiness? Where the guy is struggling to make ends meet, care for his loved ones, and has to focus most of his attention on making money?


He has his basic physical needs met today and feels comfortable that they will be met tomorrow?

I don’t know about you, but the closer I get to the second situation the happier and more fulfilled I am.

I believe it was General MacArthur who said something to the effect that we must fill a person’s belly before we can teach him any philosophy.

The bottom line is this. When a person is in a situation where he doesn’t have to worry about the basic needs of himself and loved ones he should be more, not less, motivated to accomplish something worthwhile. If not then he is devoid of imagination.

There are much more interesting things to do than wasting energy in worrying about making a living.

Yes, it’s true that some with free time will use it destructively, but the guy who is desperate for money is the more dangerous.

We as a civilization are rapidly advancing to that point where all the dreary labor will be replaced with technology of some kind. They are already working on robotics that will clean homes, tend bar, care for the elderly and replace many farm workers.

The time is not far distant when any job opportunity in production or general labor will be rare. Such a person will be managing technology.

Work opportunities have already made a major shift from production to service or technology of some kind. As our attention shifts so will our creative energy and our needs. Creative people will find new ways to make money in service and others will find new ways to enjoy themselves by being served.

As the physical needs of the many are filled the consciousness of humanity will shift toward equality, with the realization that the world does not consist of “us” and “them,” but we are all “us.”

When this point is reached then humanity will have reached a major turning point that will allow the consciousness of the whole to expand.

I do not know if I will ever have the power to create a Molecular Business in this life, but it is a blueprint for the future, and others will take us to it in bits and pieces if I am not able to incorporate the whole plan while here.


The end equation is not necessarily how hard or long you work, but what you produce. But then again, many who produce more do work longer and harder than their companions do.


My point about hard work was just one of several that has value. You are right, the true monetary value is based on the end product. In other words, the labor of some workers is of more value than others.

On the other hand, the value of one person’s soul compared to another is not.

This is why the inevitable direction of evolution is taking us toward equality on all levels.

Notice, that I say “equality” not sameness. As long as we maintain freedom, we will always be unique individuals directing our energies in different ways to find fulfillment. The equality of opportunity, evolving through free will, not force, will only enhance such fulfillment.

Even so, the Molecular Business makes concessions to the idea that some work is more important than others. Such people will be recognized, given positions of greater power and additional stock.

Then as civilization evolves the handling of the various qualities of labor may change.


The bottom line though is simply this. If you ideas about the Molecular Business work in a free and competitive environment then that is fair and right.


You are absolutely correct. If it turns out that any of the items in the plan do not work then they need to be changed or discarded until the business does work.

I personally believe that it will be much more efficient than the regular business model and prove to be able to outperform all competitors. We see evidence of this already. Since I have presented this idea almost three decades ago many business have incorporated a number of its precepts. Those who have, have been much more successful than those who have not.

For instance, locally, a small grocery chain called WINCO became employee owned and moved a couple steps toward being molecular. It went from a about a half dozen stores in 1999 to over 100 retail stores today and four distribution centers with 14,200 employees. No one locally can out price them, not even the giant Walmart. Imagine what they would e doing if they were 100% molecular.

I am not saying that any of the businesses moving toward being molecular have done so because of me. Instead, those who are sensitive to soul energies naturally pick up the next sep in evolution. The main advantage of someone creating the whole thing, as outlined in my treatise, is that it would speed things up.

By the way, no one has figured out yet the main thing that Dan did wrong.


Aug 7, 2015

The Welfare Factor

I made the statement to the effect that if a person’s basic needs are net that the situation will be more conducive to happiness and creativity than if they are not.

To which lwk replied:

There are a lot of people on some kinds of welfare today who certainly do have their _real_ basic needs met. They have housing, food, TVs, etc. and often barter their benefits for booze and drugs.

They don’t exactly seem motivated to accomplish much beyond finding more ways to get extra benefits. But their happiness is much diminished due to their envy of those with more and their politically induced feelings of being victims.


I was writing about those who are fortunate enough to labor for their money. When one does his share in the labor market and honestly earns enough to take care of his basic needs then he has taken care of one of the greatest obstacles to happiness in this physical reality.

Now those on some type of assistance who do manage to get enough to live on without having to work are often scamming the system (as noted by Clay), milking it for all they can get. The attitude of those looking for a free lunch, without any constructive participation on their part, is not conducive to happiness.

I have presented a plan in my book Fixing America that will solve many of the problems connected with welfare yet still take care of those truly in need.

To be able to do your part in taking care of the needs of you and your loved ones is certainly conducive to happiness.


The Major Problem

Okay, I guess it is about time to look at the major factor that Dan missed from the Molecular Business treatise.

I think some here will kick themselves when I point this out because it was a factor that we have previously discussed quite a bit and when I do point it out I think that most will see that it is obviously correct.

Here is the major ingredient from the Molecular Business that Dan missed. Here is a quote from my book.

The idea is very simple and the seeds of its manifestation already surround us, but it has not demonstrated itself in business for one major reason: People in authority love the power it gives them, and they will use this power, at all costs, to keep their area of dominion secure. Since that authority is almost impossible to remove once an organization has been established, we will not see the established companies turning into Molecular Businesses. The first Molecular Businesses will be entirely new enterprises. Next we will see a number of faltering companies turning to it to save them from going under. Finally, after it has been proven to produce abundance, we will see the established businesses reluctantly turn to it. The reluctance will come from those who wish to hold onto their power over others.

Now Dan’s problem had not so much to do with the change in the authoritative structure as change itself and the change he made struck right at the heart of all. That important change was in how employees got paid and how much.

As I pointed out in numerous comments I have made in this subject – the Molecular Business requires so many changes that it would be almost impossible to use an existing business as a model for the first one as there would be too much resistance and too many problems created.

Jesus actually pointed out the principle behind this problem:

No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved. Matt 9:16-17 NIV

Taking new ideas and attempting to force them on to employees and owners of an existing company is indeed like putting new wine in old bottles (or wineskins – as was used in that day).

Dan’s brother didn’t risk his life savings with the idea that, once the business was successful, of switching over to an experiment in social engineering.

The employees, especially the ones with special skills, did not join with the idea that everyone would be paid the same wage.

Nether did the stockholders invest with the idea that the business would be making controversial changes in its operation.

Dan indeed verified the principle that you cannot put new wine in old wineskins and that the Molecular Business must begin from the ground floor up.

I cited the success of the local grocery company WINCO, which had incorporated a couple molecular principles with great success.

But they were incorporated at the beginning of their company and all employees and investors knew what they were getting into.

A true Molecular Business will not just incorporate one major change, as Dan tried to do, but numerous ones. Starting the first one using an existing business would be a Herculean task indeed. It will be difficult enough starting it from scratch, but at least this is a task that can be done.

In fact it will indeed be done at some time because this is the direction toward which evolution is heading.

The second major ingredient that Dan did not apply was in how the general wage would be determined. He alone decided on the $70,000 figure and picked it not because it would be good for the business but because that was the wage that seemed to be necessary to bring satisfaction to employees.

In the Molecular Business the general wage is not arbitrarily determined by the CEO, but is made with group approval and is adjusted up or down depending on the cash needed to keep the business functioning successfully.

The Molecular Business incorporates the Principle of Correction. If a process or plan does not work then changes are made until efficiency is achieved.


Aug 8, 2015

Myth or Not?

The theory is that behind many elements of mythology lies some true story on which it was based. As the science of archaeology advances and more ancient writings are discovered we are finding much supportive evidence that this was true.

So, does this mean that there was a real Hercules who was half god and half man?

Maybe not literally, but there was probably a powerful human being who seemed to be as much god as human on which the legend was based.

At one time the Iliad by Homer was considered to be pure fantasy. Until 1884 when German amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann upset the applecart and unearthed the real city of Troy.

That would be comparable to finding the city of Camelot today.

This caused many questions to surface. If Troy was a real city in history then how about Helen of Troy, the Trojan Horse and the gods themselves mentioned? Maybe Achilles and Zeus were real people on which the story was based.

Also mentioned by Homer were Jason and the Argonauts. Surely the Golden Fleece was pure myth, right?

Not so fast. They have recently found evidence that a real golden fleece existed in ancient times. Here’s the story:

Jason and the Argonauts’ mythic quest for the Golden Fleece took inspiration from an actual voyage sometime between 3,300 and 3,500 years ago, scientists say. Jason went from Greece to a kingdom near the Black Sea renowned for using sheepskins to collect gold grains and flakes from mountain streams.

Go HERE for the full story

It is interesting that when Marco Polo published his travels to China many people thought that the stories were pure myth. It took some time to verify that his travels to that strange place known as China really occurred.

And how about King Arthur, Merlin, Excalibur and Camelot? Were they real?

Some give a knee jerk dismissal, but again, not so fast. A lot of serious scholars think there is enough evidence to indicate there is some truth behind this legend just as been the case for many others.

Here is an interesting story giving ten clues to the real King Arthur.



Good comments Blayne. I certainly would not vouch for the literal truth of any of the King Arthur stories though I think that King Arthur, Merlin and some of the story were roughly based on real legendary characters from history lost. It is entirely possible that the original characters had different names.

I have discovered testimony doing regressions that some of the characters of the period were real.

The thing that impresses me about the story is the great symbolism. It has better allegory for teaching than the Bible.

Here are some of my previous comments:

All have heard about the magic sword that Arthur was supposed to have pulled from a stone. The stone was a symbol of “the stone which the builders rejected” [Matthew 21:42] or the Christ. The sword called Excalibur, was a symbol of the commission given to King Arthur, or the “keys of the Kingdom” [Matthew 16:19] It also symbolized the sword wielded by Christ in Revelation 19:15 “that with it he should smite the nations”.

The Holy Grail in the legend symbolizes the “fruits” of the Kingdom of God that they were searching for and attempting to produce at that time. It is also a symbol of the presence of Christ, for when the Kingdom is established the Master will appear. Legend has it that only one or possibly several knights were worthy to see the grail indicating that most knights, valiant as they were, were not prepared for their Master.

Near the end of Arthur’s life he gave his sword, Excalibur, to Sir Bedivere and told him to throw it into a nearby lake. Bedivere was reluctant to obey, but finally gave into Arthur’s demand and heaved it into the water. It was said to have been caught by the hand of the Lady of the Lake. The hand waved the sword three times and then disappeared under the water. The hand symbolizes the rightful owner of the sword, The Christ, and the fact that he waved the sword three times is symbolic of the three time periods when the sword was to be wielded. The first time was in the Jewish kingdom from the days of Moses. The second was from the days of Christ to King Arthur, and the third wave was an indication of a future time.

The legends tell us that another Merlin and King Arthur will arise with another Excalibur and blaze the trail of glory peace and prosperity. How much of the above legends are actually true is inconsequential here. What is important is that they represent symbols which portray real truth. After Excalibur was lost then was fulfilled the scripture which says: “And the woman (The Kingdom of God) fled into the wilderness, where a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” Revelation 12:6

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Thoughts on Mussolini

March 15, 2016

Thoughts on Mussolini

I had read about Mussolini a number of times in various books that covered World War II, but never anything in depth. Since I was going to compare him with Trump I thought I needed a better grasp of the man so started doing some research including buying a biography that had good reviews. It was called Mussolini, The Rise and Fall of Il Duce, by Christopher Hibbert.

I thought the book was well written and it painted a different image of the guy than is the common perception.

Since he was viewed as Hitler’s partner in crime he is seen by many as being worse than Stalin and right up there with Hitler himself as a bad guy. What few realize is that if he were not seduced by Hitler and almost forced to enter the war he may have gone down in history as a beloved leader rather than one that was despised.

It is true that he took the office as prime minister by overthrowing the government by force and that is a big negative for any lover of freedom, but the masses didn’t seem to complain that much as many had hope he would improve things. They seemed to be eerily supportive of turning over their freedoms to a strong man.

Mussolini claimed to have the welfare of his people as his prime objective and to his credit he did work in this direction at first, though not without inflicting punishment to those who got in the way. He started many public works projects, put people to work and generated praise, not only from his people but throughout the world. He had some people in the United States and England thinking that a dictatorship may be a better form of government than a democracy.

It is interesting that he was given tremendous praise from both conservatives and liberals. Shortly after he had taken over the government by force the New York Times said: Mussolini’s fascism was “the most interesting governmental experiment of the day….We should all be glad that he is going at it vigorously.”

He also received praise from, FDR, the U.S. President: “There seems to be no question that [Mussolini] is really interested in what we are doing and I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy.”

FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It’s the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I’ve ever seen. It makes me envious.”

New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”

Mussolini also gave praise back to Roosevelt saying: “Reminiscent of Fascism is the principle that the state no longer leaves the economy to its own devices.…Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change resembles that of Fascism.”

Becoming equated with fascism was seen as a good thing by many before World War II.

On the conservative side none other than Winston Churchill had praise for him.

In 1927 Winston Churchill visited Rome and was widely reported as having said, “If I were an Italian I would don the Fascist Black Shirt. I could not help being charmed … Anyone could see that he thought of nothing but the lasting good, as he understood it, of the Italian people, and that no lesser interest was of the slightest consequence to him.”

Lord Rothermere declared in its columns in the Daily Mail that Mussolini was “the greatest figure of our age.” An English biographer in an extremely laudatory book published in 1932 agreed that, he was “the greatest statesman of our time.”

We could continue with more quotes but this gives the idea. Mussolini received almost universal praise, much more than Hitler ever did. He was pretty much in a league of his own.

Unfortunately a man by the name of Adolf Hitler also admired the guy and incorporated some of his ideas into the Nazi state.

Hitler admired Mussolini so much that he wanted to be not only his partner in war, but his best friend. This desire was not reciprocated as Mussolini despised Hitler in the beginning. In 1934 when he first met Hitler in person he exclaimed that he did not like the look of him and that “He’s quite mad.”

Unfortunately for Mussolini Hitler had a fatal attraction toward him. He seemed more obsessed with making Mussolini his best friend than having Italy’s support in the war. Hitler did everything he could to draw Mussolini into a partnership and as Hitler’s success grew Mussolini began to feel that maybe he had something to offer after all. He even incorporated the Nazi salute and the goose step for his military.

Mussolini strongly disagreed with Hitler starting a war in 1939 but after it was begun their was no turning back and Mussolini had to pick sides. Using intimidation Hitler put enormous pressure on him to join forces. He reluctantly cooperated as he didn’t think his country was prepared for such a coming conflict.

Once in he found he had to cooperate or risk Hitler’s wrath and even though he had previously had no animosity toward the Jews he cooperated with the Nazis in discriminating against them and rounding them up.

Once he had committed Italy to the war his popularity dropped like a rock and he became one of the most hated leaders in the world. He was forced out of power by a revolt in 1943, but Hitler used force to temporarily reinstall him. Near the end of the war he was assassinated and strung up by his feet after which his people, who previously loved, him cursed at him, riddled him with bullets and rocks until his corpse was barely recognizable.

It is interesting that we may owe a great debt to Mussolini. As the war was nearing an end and Hitler realized he was going to loose he blamed Mussolini for his impending defeat. He said that Mussolini’s lackluster performance had caused such a diversion of Nazi resources and energy that had he not paid so much attention to the guy that he could have prevailed.

Sometimes the bad guys in the equation are their own worst enemy.

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Handwriting and Past Lives

March 13, 2016

Handwriting of Trump and Mussolini

In addition to comparing pictures of Trump and Mussolini on the internet to prove Trump is Mussolini reincarnated some have also compared their handwriting and noted similarities. Let us take a look and see how they match up. The point of comparison has been with the signatures so let us examine them first.

Here are three samples of Mussolini’s signature:

Mussolini Signature x3

And here are three samples from Trump:

Trump Signatures x 3

What is usually compared is Mussolini’s second signature with its strong points to the strong points in Donald’s handwriting. What is not mentioned is the other two signatures with more rounded letters seems to be more of the norm with the Duce whereas the points are more the norm with Donald.

It is true that there are some similar points in the samples though the consistency of them are different. The other similarity is how there is no space between the first and last name, but both are joined together as if they are one word. However, this is a common trait among politicians, leaders and business executives.

There are hundreds of different things to look at in handwriting and two handwritings of any two intelligent people will have a few things in common.

To get a clearer picture let us look at their regular handwriting. Keep in mind that the signature tells us how the writer wants the world to perceive him and the regular writing tells us more of what the person is like when he is not trying to impress anyone.

Here is some of Mussolini’s handwriting:

Mussolini Letter

And here is some of Trump’s


Even the untrained eye can see there is quite a bit of difference in the handwriting. I could point out dozens of them, but I do not think it is necessary.

I have examined a number of people I have suspected of being a certain person in a past life and it is rare that two writings are close enough to be taken seriously.

Now in each life our character and handwriting will be somewhat different. When one is older both his writing and personality are often significantly different than when young. My writing now at age 71 is quite a bit different than when I was twenty, for instance.

There are several things that will remain quite similar as we progress from one life to the next. Here are a few.

(1) Intelligence. Intelligence usually improves from life to life but gradually.

(2) Speed of thinking which will also show up in the speed of the writing.

(3) A sense of values

(4) Passion and emotional makeup will often be similar.

If an analyst is lucky enough to find the real handwriting of an individual’s past life he will generally find a few idiosyncrasies that stand out.

It is not impossible that Trump was Mussolini, but there is just not enough evidence to take it seriously.

A reader suggested that maybe Putin was Mussolini. I checked out the handwriting and again there is not enough evidence to take this seriously, but who knows? There is always that slim chance.

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Trump and Mussolini

March 12, 2016

Trump and Mussolini

A few weeks ago on Facebook someone posted a side-by-side picture of Trump and Mussolini with the implication that they have a similar look and character. Then it mentioned that Mussolini died April 28, 1945 and Trump was born June 14, 1946 suggesting that Trump may actually be Mussolini reincarnated.

Since I believe in reincarnation I do consider that various heroes and villains of the past could be born again so I decided to check into this possibility.

The first thing to realize in looking at pictures of the two is that we get different bodies in each life. Sometimes there is a similar look and sometimes the physical appearance of the two is not that close. The look of character in the eyes will have the most consistent similarities.

Thus, a similar look is anecdotal evidence, but not proof. More important evidence are the mannerisms or idiosyncrasies of the two.

If we went by looks alone then John Kerry would have had to have been President Andrew Jackson for the similarities are striking. His character traits are quite a bit different though, so, in my opinion, it is doubtful that Kerry was Jackson.

Here is the picture linking Trump with Mussolini.

Trump Mussolini

I found the comparison intriguing so I decided to check it out. My first concern was why show Mussolini covered up with a helmet if you want to make a fair comparison? When I checked out pictures of him I saw why, as the two men look quite a bit different when all their features are revealed. Here is a picture of Mussolini without a hat.

Mussolini Pict2

I found the comparison intriguing so I decided to check it out. My first concern was why show Mussolini covered up with a helmet if you want to make a fair comparison? When I checked out pictures of him I saw why, as the two men look quite a bit different when all their features are revealed. Here is a picture of Mussolini without a hat.

The first was a picture of the helmeted Mussolini as a fairly young man and in the second he was in his fifties. Donald is almost 70 and has aged much more gracefully. Below is a picture of Mussolini just before he died at age 61, almost a decade younger than Trump.

Mussolini Pict

A big difference is the hairline, but another not so obvious is their height. Mussolini was short, only about 5’6”, whereas Trump is 6’2”.

Another physical difference was in their dress. Trump is a stylish dresser who wears expensive clothes. Mussolini showed little concern about how he looked and was known for looking unkempt and somewhat unrefined and careless in dress.

Contrary to the Trump accusers out there one cannot draw anything conclusive from the physical appearance of the two men.

So, what are some of the other similarities floating around the web?

One of the accusations is that the two have a similar style of speaking. It is indeed true that both could keep an audience enthused, but both good and bad guys have done this in the past. What we need to do is compare their actual speaking style by examining it.

Here is a video of Mussolini giving a speech to a crowd


And here is one of Trump


Notice that Mussolini seems to be more emotional and animated in his presentation than Trump. He kind of came across as a Hitler wannabe. A consistent gesture made by Mussolini was putting his hands on his hips which I have not seen Donald do.

Also notice the sound of their voices are quite a bit different.

A case for Trump being Mussolini reincarnated is the citation that Mussolini died April 28, 1945 and Trump was born June 14, 1946. Trump being born a little over a year after Mussolini died is supposed to be evidence of them being the same entity.

That is pretty weak evidence as many millions of people were born in 1946 and billions have been born after the death of the Duce.

Bill Clinton was also born in 1946 and Hillary in 1947. Maybe one of them is the real Mussolini.

Then too Obama was born 16 years after Mussolini died so even he could be the guy. After all, if you compare the response of the crowds to the young Mussolini to the Young Obama there are strong similarities.

Yes, it is true that if a famous person is reincarnated he would be expected to come back after his death date, but since billions of people are prospects this comparison is very weak evidence.

Actually the short time of a little over a year between the death of Mussolini and the birth of Trump gives evidence of Trump being an unlikely candidate for his rebirth. When an entity makes as many mistakes as Mussolini did the soul usually has the person spend some time in the spirit world contemplating his past life and absorbing lessons in preparation for a new life in an attempt to right some wrongs.

Let us look at several other comparisons of the two men.

They were both builders.

Yes, they both initiated a lot of construction, but their approach was very different. Trump did all his building through his own initiative using the private sector.

Mussolini didn’t build anything of significance until he achieved control of the government with vast financial resources. He then started many public works projects in an attempt to put people to work and help the economy.

This approach was much more like FDR than Trump, yet no one is comparing Trump or Mussolini to Roosevelt.

They both wanted to make their country great again.

Every politician claims to want to make his country great. The word “again” is the significant one. America’s greatness is associated with recent times incorporating the principles of freedom, rugged individualism and a government that represents the people. Italy’s past greatness was associated with the totalitarian Roman Empire many centuries ago. And indeed Mussolini took over the government by force and ruled as did the emperors of the past. This was his vision of greatness whereas Trump places his idea of greatness on past independence and financial strength.

Both men wanted to rebuild and strengthen their military.

This may be true but at least half of the people who run for president speak of this as a goal.

Trump Quoted Mussolini.

In a Tweet Trump quoted Mussolini.

Here is the quote: “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.”

Trump’s adversaries planted a number of Hitler and Mussolini quotes on Twitter bating Trump in the hope he would use one so they could accuse him. Trump took the bait, but was unapologetic. When asked if he wanted to be associated with a fascist, Trump said: “No, I want to be associated with interesting quotes.”

Indeed, if you remove the bias that it was used by Mussolini then it is a pretty good quote. Who wouldn’t rather be associated with a lion rather than a sheep that just blindly follows? I like the quote and in no way am associated with Mussolini.

Many quotes from Napoleon are used from quotation books and he was a dictator in a similar vein to Mussolini.

People are very hesitant to quote Hitler but he did say a few things that ring true such as:

If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.

It is always more difficult to fight against faith than against knowledge.

What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.

And this one I find amusing though Hitler probably said it with serious tone:

Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized.

So, if you agree with any of these quotes does it mean that you are like Hitler? Of course not.

What is overlooked by critics are obvious differences between the two men

(1) Trump gained his fame through free enterprise and capitalism.

Mussolini wasn’t much of an entrepreneur and his claim to fame was through political stealth.

(2) Trump didn’t show much interest in participating in politics until old age whereas Mussolini was very politically involved all his life, starting at his teenage years.

(3) Mussolini sought national leadership by taking over the government by force. Trump is seeking leadership through a free election.

(4) Mussolini saw a dictatorship as the best and most effective government. Trump supports the U.S. Constitution.

(5) Trump has never drank alcohol. Mussolini liked to drink but had to curtail it because of health problems.

(6) Mussolini had health problems throughout his life and looked older than his age. Trump has had good health and looks younger than his years as he approaches 70.

(7) Those close to Mussolini testified to his mean spirited nature whereas those close to Trump generally say that he is warm hearted, kind and generous, quite a bit different image than perceived by his political enemies.

(8) Mussolini didn’t care a lot for money, getting rich, making deals etc. – the opposite of Trump.

(9) Mussolini considered himself to be “a defender of Islam,” while Trump sees Islam as a major problem.

(10) Mussolini persecuted the Jews while Trump embraces his daughter, grandkids and others who are Jewish.

Though anything is possible it is obvious the similarities are not strong enough to reach any serious conclusion about Trump being the reincarnation of Mussolini.

Since Trump is a powerful personality it is quite possible he has been someone of note in his past lives. We can only speculate on who that may be.

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Keys Writings 2015, Part 17

This entry is part 19 of 73 in the series 2015

July 27, 2015

Handling Duality


I can tell you from some profound experiences during meditation that inside and outside are illusions. There is no inside or outside I swear I am not being contrarian this if from actual experience.

When you can observe your body from outside of yourself, your consciousness is definitely itself not inside or outside. It can be everywhere.


Over the years we have had a number of people come here who have had a similar experience and because of it feel they have an agenda to enlighten us because we use some of the principles of duality in our discussion.

Because we do not immediately endorse their vocabulary they often become rude, insulting and attack us as if we were a bunch of spiritual hayseeds.

We have found this quite strange since they describe their experience to which they wish to lead us toward as being great peace and love. Yet they come here with a chip on their shoulder bringing no peace and showing no love.

Obviously, this “Great Void”, as it is often described, is far from any ultimate experience, for anything near the ultimate would also include a manifestation of great love which is a main part of the lesson for which we came.

Nevertheless, the oneness experience is real and we learn from all experiences. The problem is that which is registered by the concrete mind often falls short of understanding all that is involved.

So, is all of the duality of this world just an illusion that we need to discard? Should we cease from speaking of hot and cold, up and down, male and female etc?

It is true that all the worlds of form are created by illusion. As scientists examine physical matter and go smaller and smaller the only real thing they can find is wavelengths. The reason is that all form is created from wavelengths.

And what creates the wavelength?

I have called this the “Guitar String Principle.”

If you take a single guitar string and look at it, how many strings do you see?

You see one string.

If you then pluck it so it creates sound how many strings do you see?

Generally you will see three strings. One seems to be up, another down and the third in the middle.

Are there really three strings?

No. There is only one string. The three strings are an illusion.

How about the sound coming from the string? Is that illusion?

It seems to have been created through a principle of illusion, but the experience of the sound is very real to me.


I’m not sure. Maybe because the original string is real.

Maybe so.

In the beginning all was one, the one Great Life, we call God, the home in which we all dwelt. There was no form, but just a singularity, or a single string, so to speak. God plucked the string, or breathed outwardly, manifesting sound, or The Word which created the universe of form and duality.

Since duality is created by illusion does this mean the principle is not real?

No. The principle is real because duality had to exist within the mind of God for it to manifest. It is true that the string is one, but He who created sound from the string had duality as part of his being. Duality had to be a part of his reality before he could manifest form and duality. You cannot create that which is not inherent in you.

From a higher point of view complete oneness is illusion, just as duality seems to be illusion to some seekers here.

Duality and oneness are part of a great cycle used by the Source of all things in the process of eternal creation and creativity.

Yes, it can be argued that duality here is illusion and should be ignored, but what cannot be ignored is the reality of the experience. If you ignore heat and place your hand on a hot stove you will experience pain, which is real at the time you are experiencing it.

Dreams are also considered to be created by illusion, but if you dream that you lost your true love you would feel real sorrow that may linger after you wake up. That feeling was real even though the dream was created by apparent illusion.

Some of those who are too far into he nonduality idea disconnect themselves from this world to the extent that they do not have the experiences from which they came here to learn.

While in this world, up is up and down is down. Hot is hot and cold is cold. The rules may be different in other planes, but, while here, life is much better dealing with the rules of the game.



My biggest critique of your use of duality and dualitic language is dividing humanity into a light and dark brotherhood.


And my biggest critique of you is how you mischaracterize my teachings. I do not think you can produce a quote from my millions of words where I divide humanity into light and dark brotherhoods.

What would be much more productive is to find some actual words I have written and then assess them.


I personally do not believe in any dark brotherhood, but have encountered dark entities, but as I have mentioned, they are not people, they are thought forms that exist due to human thoughts, they do not possess any real (ontological existence).


These dark entities you note represent the Dweller on the Threshold of which I have written a lot.


I think separating humans into light and dark brotherhoods is incredibly dangerous and potentially leads to great abuses.


I haven’t done this so your point is moot.


I do no think it is useful to personal or societal growth. The only dark brotherhood anyone should be opposing is the darkness that resides within our own hearts.


Now you are moving into crazy talk. So if some guy is raping your wife you would sit in a corner and examine the darkness within you? Sounds pretty silly.


It becomes far too easy to dismiss the arguments or even demonize those one disagrees with as being either under the influence or directly working for this dark brotherhood and this has been a technique of authoritarian regimes since civilization began.


You have a point there but this does not apply to me and is not the direction I take. I have never dismissed any argument in my life just because it seemingly comes from a dark side. As I said, if you are going to argue with me you need to ague with what I say and teach, not with what I do not say and teach.


I try to avoid all division of humanity into forces of good and forces of evil.


I’d divide them into those who are quite misled on some true principles and others who are less misled.


I do not think America is good or evil, I think we do good and evil actions, same with every other country.


I would agree, but I think you see a lot more evil in America than most.


Each action should be viewed independently, and not ever granted the assumption we are right because we are America.


I would think that everyone on the Keys agrees with you here, just not with your intensity as you seem to see evil under every rock, despite the fact that you are against dividing us unto good and evil.


I readily admit, I am not a patriot because I think Patriotism is a false religious system.


I merely see patriotism as giving my country the benefit of the doubt. It does indeed seem that you do not do this but go the extreme in demonizing it.


I do not believe in my country good or bad, my party good or ill, or my religion good or ill.


I do not think anyone on the Keys has this attitude of blind acceptance of anything. That is why they are here. However, they are not going to demonize this or any other country without evidence and then balancing it against the whole.


Jesus told me to love my neighbor as myself, not just my countrymen or fellow church goers, or those who hold the same ideology as me.


If you think that I do not agree with you here then that is perplexing indeed. You do however seem to really demonize me because I think differently than you in some matters. You are largely mistaken though because you do not seem to understand much of what I have taught.


So while I may disagree with someone or even a party, I will never label them as evil, ever.


You are not very convincing here. You may not have used evil in relation to Bush, conservatives or America, but you really paint them as evil with the brush you use. A rose is a rose by any other name.


Not even Hitler and Stalin. They are my brothers as well, misguided without a doubt, but not part of some evil cabal in war against the light. Most of your teachings I really have not problem with, but your heavy dualism about a dark and light brotherhood I find incredibly problematic and potentially dangerous. I do admit that this source of disagreement tends to bias me against some of your teachings that normally I would have little problem with an possibly agreement with.


It is evident that you have an extreme bias against me and much of it is unfounded.

I’ll soon write a post or two about my real views on light and dark with the hope of correct vision. Even though we have covered this many times a refresher course in new wording may shed additional light.


July 28, 2015

Light and Dark

Clay, I know you said your wife was reading the Immortal books I sent you, but have you actually read them all?

I hope you realize that to make an interesting story that you have to make a strong division between the good guys and the bad guys, the good and the evil so to speak. If not you may have been upset at George Lucas. Even though he is a political liberal as you his Star Wars stories illustrated some great truths, that wouldn’t have been possible without the great contrast.

A number of the encounters with dark forces in the books are based on true personal experiences, but with changed time frames and circumstances.

I have come close to the point of death in struggling against dark entities several times so I know whereof I speak. Fortunately, they do not have power just to point their fingers and destroy those who oppose them, but they can gather their forces and, when certain windows are open, unleash them on those who they think may be a problem.

Yes, I do believe in a Brotherhood of Light and a Dark Brotherhood, but these unseen organizations are not divisions of the human race. The masses of humanity know nothing about them and are not a part of them. The Brotherhood of Light are members of the fifth kingdom on this planet, the Masters of Wisdom, whose consciousness belongs to the Kingdom of God. Regular human mortals are members of the fourth kingdom.

The Dark Brotherhood consists of very intelligent beings, some of which are in the physical and some in etheric bodies. Paul spoke of these when he said,

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph 6:11-12

These are not mindless demons but intelligent entities that were once on the path of light and love but took a wrong turn on the path of selfishness.

There are two groups of people who do not accept a form of light or dark brotherhoods.

The first are the atheists who do not accept anything existences beyond the normal rage of perception.

The second believe in many spiritual realities beyond the physical, but are either just turned off by the idea of good and evil or have bought into some type of non duality teaching.

This second group needs to look at the logic of the reality that we know and apply it to what is generally not so well known. In other words, to find the truth we need to examine how things work in this world and then apply it to intelligences in the unseen worlds.

Here are some points of truth about humanity that are beyond refute.

(1) Wherever humans gather there will be created various hierarchies. A governing hierarchy will definitely manifest creating rules and structure. This will be followed by spiritual, business and social ones – all subject to the first.

Conclusion: It would make no sense that such hierarchies exist here consistently among humans and not in the unseen worlds. Wherever intelligent beings gather there will be hierarchy, on earth or in heaven, or wherever they may be.

(2) There are quite a number of natural divisions that occur among humanity such as:

  1. Those who believe in God and the supernatural and those who do not.
  2. Conservatives and liberals
  3. Givers and takers
  4. Responsible and irresponsible
  5. Leaders and followers
  6. Those who want to control others for their own purposes and those who desire maximum freedom for the human spirit.

Conclusion: If there are such ubiquitous divisions among all self conscious life here then it stands to reason that intelligent life, unseen to us, would also have divisions. Logic tells us that the closer we as a people get to the truth the more we will see eye to eye, but it appears that we as yet have a long way to go.

(3) The prime division among humanity that causes conflict is (F) and revolves around the Principle of Freedom. Those who violate this principle range from the person of good intention suggesting some unnecessary rule to the tyrant who orders complete submission with the option of prison or death. The majority supports a violation of this principle to some degree but will resist a major restriction when it affects their own lives.

Conclusion: We see these two poles manifest in various countries. North Korea is the best example of one that violates he Principle of Freedom and seeks for ultimate control of groups and individuals. Other groups such as the Taliban and ISIS are not far behind.

Numerous Western governments support freedom as an ideal though they are far from perfect in execution.

(4) Concerning the two sides of the freedom issue it is natural to place one on the side of good and the other evil or to classify one as enlightened (light) and the other as dark. Some resist labels because they seem to think they change something. They change nothing. A rose is a rose by any other name, but we do need to use names and labels to communicate correctly and the words should reflect reality as much as possible.

Conclusion: Good and evil are awkward words to use because the user goes by his own definition. For instance, in North Korea going against the iron will of the Dear Leader is seen to be evil. This view is seen as ridiculous to people in democratic nations who see such control as evil.

On the other hand, light and dark are quite appropriate. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the satellite photographs of North and South Korea from space. Take a look.


North Korea is almost completely dark and South Korea and the free nations are full of light.

Light is naturally associated with the freedom of the human spirit. He who functions in freedom feels light, light hearted, and seeks greater light and knowledge than he who is oppressed and controlled. Those who are controlled are often pressured to not seek greater light and knowledge or are punished for using it.

(5) If we realistically associate freedom with light and excess control with darkness we find that there are indeed organizations dedicated to both sides physically existing on the earth. North Korea and other organizations would definitely be classified as dark and others leaning to the light.

Conclusion: Where a duality manifests names must be applied to identify the two poles so understanding can be communicated. Those who refuse to name refuse to communicate effectively. Instead of light and dark we could use a number of different labels, but a rose is a rose under any other name. Light and dark are a lot more appropriate than many alternatives such as damaged/whole, good/evil, misled/on the right path, etc.

(6) We see then that there are organizations (we could even call them brotherhoods) dedicated to light and dark, freedom and control existing right here on this physical earth viewed with our very eyes and heard with our physical ears.

Conclusion: Since there are indeed rulers supporting the dark side of freedom right here on the earth, seen on the news regularly, then it stands to reason that Paul was correct that there does indeed exist “rulers of darkness” in the seen and unseen worlds that we must struggle against.

Paul also spoke of an organization called “the body of Christ” as one that represented light and love completing the duality and in the unseen world the Book of Hebrews speaks of “the general assembly and church of the firstborn.”

If there are those representing light and dark all round us in the world that we see then it stands to reason that the same could exist, but on a higher turn of the spiral in the unseen.


Source Material


DK I do not believe is any sort of Tibetan Master as her/his alleged teachings just resemble typical western esoteric occult teachings and bear zero resemblance to any high level Tibetan theology or practices that have since come out since Baileys time.


You said you read around 100 pages of the free Bailey book I recommended. This statement makes me doubt even that. On the other hand, you recommended to me Meditations on the Tarot which I had to go out of my way and purchase. Instead of giving it a half hearted effort (in order to understand your belief system) I read the whole thing which was 665 pages of small print. As I told you it contained some good material. But what I did not do, in an attempt to be courteous was not compare it to the Bailey writings. Because of your jaundice eye expressions toward Bailey I will now give a wider view which is this.

If this is the best book you can come up to illustrate enlightenment then you need to search further. The book is fine for beginners who are just starting their search, but it brings no new light on any principle. If it does perhaps you can point it out. It gives lots of data that may or may not be true. The advantage of dealing with principles is that they are easily recognized as truth by the soul.

One page of the Bailey material has more enlightenment that the whole book of 665 pages you recommended. The problem with the Bailey writings for those who just scratch the surface of things is that there is a lot of depth that can only be fully accessed by deep contemplation. Those who do not want to focus will just dismiss their value.

When you first came on board you talked about how the ceremonies in the Catholic Church had great meaning for you. I see little value in them but thought that if they have meaning for you that is fine. If I had your attitude that you express toward me I would have belittled your ceremonies and written pages about how silly and unreasonable they are.

The difference between you and me is I could make a good case of this, but you cannot make a good case against the Bailey writings or my own. You never quote them but just nebulously attack them as a whole.


So part of the problem again is the source material that JJ and I utilize. I rely on te great mystics from Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism, Taoism, and Christianity,


I study a wide variety of materials, but my source of truth is the soul. It matters not whether the material was written by God or the devil himself; the soul cannot be fooled and can find truth anywhere.

Many of my teachings are found in no book on the planet. I just do not read someone else and copy and paste or just put my spin on it. I attempt to tune into my soul and write under its guidance.


However, first and foremost, I value critical thought above supporting any belief I hold.


And I place great value on critical thought. Any truth, even those not found in any book, must eventually pass the test of critical thinking.

All truth will pass the test of critical thinking, but critical thinking alone overlooks many things that are true.


Finding the True Teachings


JJ please refute that Bailey presents anything resembling esoteric Buddhism from Mahamudra Tantra and Vjarana Tantra and I will retract my statements about Bailey.


There is very little overlap in the two teachings. The teachings you mention have nothing about the rules of White Magic in the book you started. DK teaches an enormous amount about the Seven Rays which are not covered in the Tantra teachings, nor are his teachings about the hierarchies, the brotherhoods, esoteric astrology, esoteric psychology, cosmic fire, Sirius, the reappearance of Christ and many other things.

What is there about the two teachings you consider to be of such strong resemblance???


No I have not read most of her works but from what I did read, it resembled Western Esoterism of which Bailey was a student and bore no semblance to esoteric Buddhism, which Bailey was not familiar with.


Who cares if it resembles the east or the west? I only care if the writings register with my soul no matter where they are from.


Based upon this judgment I took DK to not be a real “master” but a product of Baileys subconscious.


I’d like you to show me any more profound writings. Your book on the Tarot was kindergarten by comparison. All you have done here is tear apart. Do you have anything edifying to present here that can be of value to those treading the path?

Please do not respond by giving a list of books. Anyone can do that.


Baileys teachings seems derived almost entirely from Theosophy, western Occultism, and very little on true Tibetan esoterisim, again which is only now starting to come out.


You overlook the most important attribute of a true seeker. He doesn’t ask “by what authority?” Instead he runs teachings by his soul and goes by what registers as true, no matter what the source.

Bailey’s writings comment on a number of points from Theosophy and then expands on them, but mostly adds new material not found there.


My guess is that had Bailey actually channeled a Tibetan Master, he would have had some access to these, at the time, unknown teachings, but it seems very much in line with what the general state of knowledge was regarding Tibetan Buddhism at her time.


The writings have little resemblance to Tibetan Buddhism at the time. Most of the teachings are found nowhere else and do not resemble anything I have found east or west.


Since most of your teachings seem to rely upon Bailey, Theosophy, and Smith, I think it is fair to say that your theology and cosmology is derived from these systems, which again, I do not consider trustworthy.


I quote sources now and then and elaborate on them but my writings rely on communion with my own soul and are found in no book. Of the millions of words of teachings I have in the archives written by my they all are either new or present an expanded way of interpreting the old.

Instead of just discounting things because they do not have the proper credentials for you why not trust your own inner soul to guide you to the truth?


You are a nice guy again JJ, but you like me are not chosen, not special, and not a danger to the dark. It is a just a phase of development and you have no special mission to the world. If you want to teach, by all means teach, but drop the messiah act.


You have pointed out a number of times how I am not special, not chosen, not a messiah etc. Why do you make such unfounded inflammatory insinuations of my thinking with no basis in fact? Perhaps the thing that differentiates me from most other spiritual teachers is that I make no such claims about myself and have stated this dozens of times, yet you, time and time again, try to take me down a notch insinuating I cling to specialness.

Please, please, please, argue with what I say. Not with what I do not say. I do not like to waste time defending myself against something I do not say, do, or believe.

Also, you never responded to my logic that if supporters of light and dark exist in this realm then, it is most probably they exist in others. Is human thinking so different from the rest of the universe that we are the only ones who have supporters and opponents of freedom?

In addition, you never confirmed that you actually read my books I sent you.



Also, these Internet forums are amazing. So far I have met , James the brother of Jesus, a person under discipleship to the beloved apostle John and a representative of the brotherhood of light, and the amazing Brown Brothers who have somehow discovered the key to eternal physical existence based upon their understanding of the Bible. Nope, no exaggerated egos on the Internet.


You are being unjust here. You cannot find anywhere that I have made the claims you falsely accuse me of.

Please argue with what I say, not with what I do not say.

It is interesting that in arguing with you that I quote your exact words, but when you argue with me you just throw out whatever you think I think.


Lol. I might act arrogant, but I definitely am much more humble in my claims.


Yeah, and this comes from the guy who just told us he saw Jesus and knows the rest of us are wrong because he is special enough to have gone beyond duality to merge with the absolute – beyond duality.


Also be careful about simply registering truth through your soul, we are absolutely best at deceiving ourselves. We are the best liars to ourselves. That is why I always seek conform my truths, not just accept them because they feel satisfying.


It sounds like you have never had a soul experience for what you describe is someone who receives from his emotional nature which indeed is deceptive. The soul, or your Higher Self, is the closest thing to infallibility and mine has never led me astray yet – though I have really questioned it at the time.

The soul is much more reliable than conclusions derived from critical thought but in the end always agrees with logic and reason. Truth s always reasonable.


Again, I absolutely loved the teachings of Doctor Emoto and I wanted very much to believe him, it just turns out he is a charlatan, but I could have ignored all the evidence against him because his teachings felt “true” to me, or maybe I just wanted to believe them? Always watch out for confirmation bias, it is a subtle foe.


My soul never confirmed that Emoto was accurate though it does confirm that one’s thoughts can leave subtle impressions on water and other elements and there is some truth behind the Catholic belief in holy water.


Also JJ, not to be rude, but what exactly do you teach that is not taught anywhere else on the planet? I have not come across anything you have written that I have not read elsewhere before.


Most days I teach something that has not been taught before. Did you read my post just this morning on Light and Dark?

Where else have you seen such an argument presented for the existence of light and dark beyond the physical?

The idea presented is that that there is definitely light and dark on this planet and it exists here in many forms. Then by the Law of Correspondences it logically must exist in non physical spheres.

The six points giving reasoning for this conclusion are found nowhere else.

The statement, “Those who refuse to name refuse to communicate effectively,” is a thought I have seen nowhere else and this is just one average post.

On a deeper level perhaps the most profound new teaching I have given out is The Molecular Relationship.

Other interesting ones are:

The gathering principle

The Grand Tour in Book Four of the Immortal gives a view of the microcosm, macrocosm and time not found anywhere else.

Teachings on the beast.

The interpretation of the Book of Revelation and Daniel Chapter Two much different than any other writer.

The teachings on the value of principles being the language of the soul and their values in pursuing the truth.

The Song of the 144,000

The interpretation of the name of Jesus Christ.

The Molecular Business

Molecular Politics

Project Peace and Goodwill

The male-female charges and their cycles

The meaning of the twelve fruits of the tree of life

The mystery of 1+1=1

The Keys of knowledge, numerous new principles and hundreds of other things.

I am answering this not to proclaim specialness as you claim, but merely supplying facts you asked for. The fact that I have writings that I believe to be helpful is no reason to meanly accusing me of having a Messiah complex. Many writers think they have produced something helpful for mankind and want to see them circulated and understood.

There are a lot of teachings out there I haven’t read but rarely do I teach something that I believe to be new that I find clearly explained anywhere else.

To me this is a testimony of the power of soul contact and my wish is that the new teachings inspire others to believe they can achieve the same thing.


Again JJ this seems to be your ego wanting to be very special again. I suggest again, go and read Saint John of the cross and Theresa of Avila, they both discuss your phase of spiritual development…


And what stage of development are you in most holy and wise and special one? Perhaps you could drop a few crumbs of truth for the rest of us?

I’ve read all Tolle’s works and was not impressed as you seem to be. His explanation of the pain body was taught in much more usable form by L. Ron Hubbard in the Fifties. Hubbard called it the Reactive Body.


If you have any proof of any dark brotherhood I am all ears,


The Law of Correspondences presents pretty solid evidence.

Your only argument against them is dead mystics and you don’t even quote what any say about the matter. You just expect us to believe that all back you up. You were wrong about Krishna backing up your beliefs, for he was an advocate of war to Ajuna. Oh, and you had a common mystical experience and that gives you more authority than the rest of us.


But there is no literal dark brotherhood or lord of darkness. Not even Hitler, or Stalin, or Genghis Kahn. There has never been any secret brotherhood on either side guiding humanity or opposing it.


And we should believe you why?

Because you say so. You supply no evidence you are right. Outside of Hitler and maybe Genghis Kahn most other bad guys were just thugs and pawns.

The thugs may seem as dangerous to the casual observer but Hitler was he only tyrant who had power to set up a kingdom that would enslave mankind for a thousand years as he openly stated.


To Clay – When accusing me of any claims I made you need to refer to my non fiction writings. In any story the author tries to make the hero bigger than life.

In all I make no unusual claim about my writings or myself. My claim is that they are put out there for people to read and run by their own souls. If their souls verify any parts of them fine, and if not fine. The only authority used is the power of the words themselves. I do not claim to be a messiah, a great soul reincarnated that must be believed, or that my words are approved by Jesus, God or whatever. I do not even give mystical experiences as proof that I am correct as you have done.

You come across a really nit picky in your unjust accusations based on my fictionalized books and your bias.


So when it comes to the reality of your dark brotherhood and your cosmologies, Ockhams razor would indicate that Jung and Campbell’s approach that these are subconscious manisfestations and not super natural entities are at work.


Jung is an odd example for you to give since he had visions of Jesus and Elijah and channeled an entity called Philemon. He was often seen talking with this invisible entity by passing people.

I found Campbell quite boring and uninspiring.

I assume you are referring to Occam’s razor. So are you saying that this principle disproves the reality of higher beings and realities. Were you lying then when you told us of your mystical experiences and meeting Jesus? Your use of this in arguing against me would also discount your belief system so it appears you are attacking your own beliefs here.

Occam’s Razor tells us that the simplest, least complicated answer is generally to be the most trusted.

What I have written on the brotherhood is the simplest because it is in harmony with the Law of Correspondences. A simple analogy usually points to the simplest answer.


You claim to be a big believer in logic, well DKs system iviokates fundamental principles in logic by his almost limitless numbers of supernatural beings and levels and masters he proposes.


You sound like an atheist here. Are you saying that you do not believe in an afterlife composed of supernatural beings? If so I am amazed that you regularly attend a church that believes in all kinds of supernatural beings and realms.


So ask is it logical to presume the existence of so many supernatural entities, which flies in direct opposition to Ockhams razor.


Occam’s Razor would only questionably apply here if you are an atheist and reject, God, higher worlds and an afterlife. If one accepts the existence of unseen worlds then Occam’s Razor would lead one to accept the teachings I support.


I would also like you to address how Krisnamurti is devastating to theosophy’s claims of Hidden masters, as he being their child prodigy and chosen world teacher of the theosophical movement, repudiated the Theosophy society, and all hidden masters as being non-existent. If you have not read Krisnamurti, he repudiates almost everything that theosophy teaches and he was raised inside the theosophy movement and chosen to be their “visible master”. I think he is devastating to theosophy claims.


I’ve always thought that the Theosophists were wrong about Krishnamurti


Also, JJ tried to argue based upon logic based upon earthly hierarchies, but a basic rule of logic is Ockhams razor, in that one does not insert supernatural beings where natural explanations suffice.


If you are an atheist and discount the higher worlds then you may have a point. If you are going to use this argument you should cease from telling us how you met Jesus and the Absolute beyond duality.


July 29, 2015

More on Duality, Dark and Light


Alright JJ I will permanently demolish your argument of a dark brotherhood with your only valid point, the law of correspondences.


Ohhh, I am so scared. …And surprised you noted that I have a valid point. Progress perhaps?


There is no such thing as darkness, it has no existence ontologically. It is simply the absence of existence or in this case light, it is not a something, it is a nothing, therefore unreal, non-existent.


Look up in the sky at the darkness between the stars. Why do you not see light when there is light there? When astronauts are in space the space around them is bathed with the sun’s light, but no light is seen. In the distance wherein there are trillions of rays of light from the sun only darkness is seen.

If darkness is only caused by absence of light then space should be full of visible light, and not be dark, because space is full of light. It is not until light falls upon form and there is a contrast between light and dark that light can be seen.

Neither light or dark has any meaning without both of them being in existence.


Same with cold, it is the absence of heat, it is not an existent being.


Who in the world says heat is an existent being?

Hot and cold are caused by the frequency of the vibration of matter. The higher the vibration, or the wavelength created, the hotter it gets and it gets colder with a low frequency. Both hot and cold are caused by the frequency of the vibration which corresponds to up and down. If it goes up it gets hotter and if it goes down it gets colder. To say there is no cold or hot is to say there is no up or down. Cold and hot, up and down must both be here for either to exist and they are both here because we live in a universe of duality.

To say there is no possibility of a dark brother is to say there is no such thing as a being of light.

In this world of duality all the opposites are relative to some defined point. For hot and cold we could say that point is 68 degrees F. For up and down you could pick the point at sea level.

The same goes for light and dark as far as our application goes. We have to pick a point that divides the two. That point is the realization of the principle of freedom. The further you get from this the darker will be the mind and the closer you get the greater will be the light manifest.

If we have beings with a near perfect understanding who apply the principle then we must have the possibility of the existence of others who do not embrace this and are in darkness, or do not see that it should be applied to all on an equal opportunity basis.

Now in the ancient past humans did not have a well defined concept of maximum freedom so the defined point that divided light and dark was in a different place. Just as some may place the division between hot and cold at zero degrees F we used to have a different dividing point between light and dark, good and evil. It used to be that submission to authority was the side of light and rejection was the dark.

Now we have moved our point of reference, that which is considered light and dark has changed. Moving toward the light is now moving toward greater freedom. Moving towards blind submission to authority is now the path of darkness.

To say there is not Brotherhood of Light or Darkness is to say that there is no one joined together to support either freedom or strong control that takes it away.

Again, you make no sense.


Game, set, match. Your dark brotherhood is a nothing, they are not real, just like the darkness you claim they represent.


Dream on. I just destroyed your false premise.


Also you keep telling me to believe in a dark brotherhood because you say so


Completely false. I do not care what you believe. I’m only talking about my least favorite subject (dark brothers) because you incessantly bring it up again and again as one possessed with the idea.


and I say I will when you supply proof of their existence.


Turn on the news. You’ll see lots of people supporting the suppression of freedom. The only unknown to the many is how high the support of this idea goes.


I long ago gave up believing anything just on someone’s say so.


Yet you tell us you do not believe in dark brothers because of what others (mystics) say.


It also does not line up with any of my personal experience.


Sounds like you are saying that your personal experience must have searched out all lives on all planes and found no organization anywhere that would suppress freedom for their own selfish ends.

What a guy.

Here is the personal experience of my Great Great Grandfather from his journal as an early LDS missionary that the Absolute didn’t tell you about:

“The prospect in London at that time was the darkest it had ever been in since entering the vineyard; but the Lord was with us, and we were not discouraged. On Sunday we met with the Saints three times at Brother Corner’s, read the Book of Mormon, gave instruction, and broke bread unto them. We had a good time, though there were only about half a dozen present. I felt the spirit bear testimony that there would be a work done in London.

“Having retired to rest in good season, I fell asleep and slept until midnight, when I awoke and meditated upon the things of God until 3 o’clock in the morning; and, while forming a determination to warn the people in London and by the assistance and inspiration of God to overcome the power of darkness, a person appeared to me, whom I consider was the prince of darkness. He made war upon me, and attempted to take my life. As he was about to overcome me I prayed to the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, for help. I then had power over him and he left me, though I was much wounded. Afterwards three persons dressed in white came to me and prayed with me, and I was healed immediately of all my wounds, and delivered of all my troubles.

Wilford Woodruff By Matthias F. Cowley, Page 130

So, by your thinking, he suffered physical wounds just because there was darkness inside of him. Does not compute.


Also, Jiddu Krishna Murti (the chosen world teacher of global theosophy , totally repudiated theosophy and the existence of any hidden masters and he was supposed to be the first visible master selected by theosophy. Again, I asked you to address how damaging Krisna Murti is to theosophical ideas of hidden masters such as DK as he claims that they do not exist. I would say he is my best evidence against your claims as the golden child of the theosophical movement totally rejected it. So why should I believe anything about channeled masters and esoteric dark brotherhoods?


He certainly was not damaging to any teaching I support. He had a falling out with the Theosophy of that time, which I probably would have too in the same situation. Instead of repudiating the existence of masters he supported it. Here are a couple quotes:

We all believe that the Masters exist, that they are somewhere, and are concerned about us ; but this belief is not living enough, not real enough to make us change.

Even though their existence be a fact, it is of no importance; for to understand you must be independent, you must stand by yourself, completely naked, stripped of all security.

He was born after HPB died so he could give no first hand testimony of any contact she had.


Also JJ you are stuck between the purgative and the illuminative state.


You do not seem to have a clue about my consciousness so if I were you I would follow the advice of Jesus and cease from judgment that may comde back to haunt you.


Finally I find it very amusing that you condemn me for relying upon “dead mystics” but you rely upon a channeled mystic from a dead channeler.


I’ve never condemned anyone in my life and I rely on my soul for what I believe. You say you rely on mystics and tradition as you give their names to support your beliefs.



JJ you truly do not understand Ockhams razor. I really suggest you go read it.


I think I understand it just fine. I understand it doesn’t always rule out the supernatural, but in the context you were using it, it would.


You however violate every rule of logic by assuming supernatural beings instead of taking the logical approach and concluding that they are subconscious manifestations.


And who is this “they” you are talking about? Many things people ascribe to the supernatural is from their own minds. This does not mean that there are no such things as supernatural beings. If you look deep enough you will discover that you are a supernatural being.

It is strange. You tell us of supernatural accounts in your life and then argue against supernatural things. You come across as very inconsistent.


So tell me JJ, why should is elect DK’s cosmology over Saint Thomas Aquinas or Diontmysus the Aerogapitr (the preeminent and foundational Christian mystic) or how about Jaob Bohme? I am totally intrigued by Bohmes mystical cosmology and his writing is absolutely soaring? So why DK and not these other equally profound teachers? Or how about Allan’s favorite, Gurdjieff?


Your question is too general and broad. If you can come up with something specific to compare then I could intelligently comment.

I handle DK just like I do any other teacher. I run the words by my soul and mind. They must pass the inner test before I fully accept them. I must relate them to principles I know to be true.


Finally I never claimed that the Jesus I saw was real, it could have just been a projection of my higher soul self as Allan claims…


I was just quoting you. However you saw Jesus it was not natural.

One with soul contact can find more truth in the National Enquirer than one who is in illusion can find in the Bible. (Quote from the archives)


Heat and Cold

Richard: Sorry to be picky JJ but that is incorrect. Heat comes from the translational motion of molecules, not their vibration. But otherwise what you say about hot and cold is scientifically correct.


My understanding is that the molecules both move and vibrate faster when heated, especially in gas and liquid, but in a solid like steel it would mostly affect vibration. Here are comments from three science sites:

Thermal energy can be transferred to other objects causing them to heat up. When you heat up a pan of water, the heat from the stove causes the molecules in the pan to vibrate faster causing the pan to heat up. The heat from the pan causes water molecules to move faster and heat up. So, when you heat something up, you are just making its molecules move faster.


When heat is added to a substance, the molecules and atoms vibrate faster. As atoms vibrate faster, the space between atoms increases. The motion and spacing of the particles determines the state of matter of the substance. The end result of increased molecular motion is that the object expands and takes up more space.

Mass of the object remains the same, however. Solids, liquids and gases all expand when heat is added. When heat leaves all substances, the molecules vibrate slower. The atoms can get closer which results in the matter contracting.


Here added heat is compared to sound waves:

sound waves have a much longer wavelength (at least in the range of some millimetres) than thermal phonons (not more than a few orders of magnitude bigger than the atomic lattice scale). These small-wavelength phonons can easily scatter at any lattice impurities, while the sound waves need macroscopic pertubations (like air gaps in an insulated glazing) to do so.


Always happy to be corrected as I like to be technically accurate.



Looking at the Dark Side

I had some questions though about some things you said.

You say:

The Dark Brotherhood consists of very intelligent beings, some of which are in the physical and some in etheric bodies.


I thought the Dark Brothers existed in their astral bodies and I believe you wrote in the past that by meditating they could manifest an image or a temporary vehicle on the etheric plane. So did you mean to say astral here or do they have permanent etheric bodies that they are able to maintain indefinitely?


First, let me apologize for taking so long to get back to you. As you may have noticed Clay has kept me pretty busy, but I should never be too busy for good friends.

You bring up an area on which I have been doing some extra contemplation and I believe I have developed a fuller picture on the subject.

DK says this about the astral plane:

The secret science of the Master of the Wisdom is the secret of how to dissipate the fogs and mist and darkness and gloom which are produced by the union of the fires in the early stages. The secret of the Master is the discovery that there is no astral plane; he finds that the astral plane is a figment of the imagination and has been created through the uncontrolled use of the creative imagination and the misuse of the magical powers.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 615

He further states that the astral plane only seems real for the human kingdom and it is created through the interplay of the mind and etheric matter.

Here is my conclusion about the dark brothers out of incarnation. Their consciousness is indeed astral but they dwell in etheric bodies, or in some cases bodies more dense than physical in what is called the Eighth Sphere where they are in the process of disintegration, or one interpretation of the Second Death. They project their consciousness into the astral world where their thoughtforms can interact with humanity.


The way you state that some are in etheric and some are in physical bodies make its sound like there is a somewhat even distribution between those in the dense physical and those who aren’t. You may not have meant that, but I’ll ask my question any way just in case.


I do not know the percentage of distribution but DK does indicate that some of them are in dense physical bodies as he describes the race of a couple of them

We can use the Law of Correspondences to guide us here, A pilgrim becomes a Master after he passes the Fifth Initiation. Some of those who become masters retain their physical bodies, as did DK, to assist humanity, but others go to higher planes for other work. Those who remain in the physical have power to extend their lives in that body until their mission is complete.

Correspondingly, the Dark Brother may have some type of initiation process that gives them powers, but instead of the powers of the soul it would be seemingly magical powers on the physical and astral planes. It is quite possible he has a similar power to extend his life.

We have quite a few details about their goals and how they work, but not many about their group and form nature.


My understanding was that the true Dark Brother was quite rare in a physical body, because the lifetime when the physical permanent atom is destroyed and the left hand path is fully and consciously chosen is the only lifetime where a dark brother can have a physical body. After that he exists on in the astral body(or if what you said above wasn’t a typo the etheric body) and can only take full possession of the physical body or a clone of an initiate who has made steps along the dark path.


I think you are right that he only lives in the one physical body, but some have gained the power to extend their lives. If someone like Hitler gained control of the planet and killed off all the lights the vibration would be low enough to allow some to incarnate again.


Both of these instances would seem to be exceedingly rare. Maybe you are including people going down the dark path who are not yet beyond redemption as well. In my understanding they aren’t Dark brothers yet, and I believe both you and DK have said something along the lines of, if there is the smallest amount of goodness or compassion in your heart you are not yet a dark brother.


The development of any type of real dark brother is a rare occurrence as the soul works with all its incarnations with great diligence. A Dark Brother is one who consciously cuts himself off from all contact with his soul and most turn around before the point of no return is reached. Anyone, even those who are in great illusion, have not yet chosen the dark path if they have any love in their heart for their fellow men and women.


July 30, 2015

Bad Guys


Another rule of debate is that an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence, and so far you have produced absolutely zero evidence for the existence of any dark brotherhood.


There is plenty of evidence, as there are bad guys organized all over the planet seeking to take away freedom. No one in his right mind would argue against such a thing. It is obvious that there are some organizations good and bad that the public does not know about.

Why do we have to keep repeating ourselves here when you do not make any good argument to refute this? Instead you just declare this concept to be wrong. I know you apologized, but this repetition is annoying. The class would like to learn some new stuff.


The Fate of the Bad Guys

Ruth had some questions

When Judas betrayed Jesus and Jesus was tortured and murdered, was this the direct result of the Dark Brotherhood, because they only go after those who can bring in significant light or who are high initiates or Disciples or even Masters of the Brotherhood of Light?


The result of all our actions are always our own decisions. Of course, we are all subject to visible and invisible or subtle influences and all must deal with them to some extent.

The average person in ordinary circumstances draws no attention from one evolved on the Left. A person has to be useful to him or a threat. Probably 99% of what people think is satanic influences upon them come from their own thoughtforms or Dweller.

Concerning Judas it is written:

Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve. John 6:70-71

Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly. John 13:26

There were definitely invisible intelligences interested in using Judas as a pawn.

Now, there are a lot of teachers, such a Gurdjieff, who believe that Judas was the most evolved of the disciples and volunteered for this mission out of love. He claims that for the Last Supper Jesus needed to have Satan out of the picture and that by tricking him into entering into Judas that they could thus have their last meeting in peace and get closer to the love of God than any time in history.

The recently discovered Gospel of Judas also supports the idea that Judas was the best of the lot. It maintains that he was the only one of the Twelve that would have eternal life, while the rest would die physical and spiritually. That alone makes it suspicious. The text has been dated to 280 AD, during which time many odd teachings and gospels surfaced from people’s imagination.

I think the gospel story is fairly accurate on this, that one disciple was particularly out of harmony. In reality you have at least one out of twelve people who turn out to be a problem, no matter how careful you are in selecting them. Gurdjieff was right in the idea that getting the negative out of the way was useful. Just like a flock of geese can fly no faster than the slowest goose, a group can reach no higher than the person who is of the lowest vibration. One negative person in a group can prevent the whole group from making soul contact as a group. To take a group to a high point of spiritual consciousness one needs to make sure all in the group are in harmony and completely free of grievance toward anyone else in the group.

With Judas and his grievances out of the way the group could touch the spirit at the Last Supper in a way that could not be accomplished with him in attendance. I’m sure the Eleven had fond memories of the spiritual feelings they had at that event that followed them throughout their lives.

Many think that every detail had to play out as it did for Jesus to accomplish his mission, but such is not the case. For instance, Jesus could have arranged to be captured even if there was no betrayal. The betrayal certainly makes the story have more bite to it, however.


However, I would like to know what really went on behind the scenes and why back then?


Unfortunately, I have not focused in his life on developing the ability to read all the historical records from the Akashic records and those who claim access all produce different accounts. When we return to our souls we will have access to all true history. I am sure we spend quite a bit of time in the Hall of Records between lives. Probably a lot of people check out who killed JFK shortly after arriving there.


Also in the case of Hitler, when he died, did he also receive a soul life review of all the evil that he did?


If he returned to his soul he did, but if not then he would be dwelling with other like minded souls of his wavelength.


Did Hitler chose to become this person in his soul life plan before he reincarnated in that life?


We all plan our lives but often, because free will, we make decisions that takes us on a darker path than was planned. Many see in their life’s plan that they will be in difficult circumstances, such as being born in North Korea, but such circumstances are essential for the lessons needed and to balance off karma.


I would assume that Hitler was in a lower realm of the afterlife when he died and was surrounded by other murderers, so when he reincarnates again, and plans his next life with his soul, then what would stop him from becoming another Hitler type again in his next lifetime, after being surrounded by murderers in the afterlife? His conscious? His soul life review at death?


Assuming enough of his essence returned to the soul so another personality could be incarnated another personality from Hitler’s soul could be born. If this happened, the personality could be quite different from the original Hitler, and hopefully not as destructive. If Hitler is in the physical today he is most likely a Jew living in dangerous circumstances to diffuse his negative feelings toward that people.


More Arguments of Clay


Sigh. Clay insists on continuing to beat this dead horse and if I knew what was good for me I would ignore him, but it is interesting to see how long he can say the same thing over and over with slight word changes before he tires out.

The only benefit here is we do manage to shed some light on a few things.

I also encountered this challenge with Allan and an end was never reached.


Pointing out human organizations who engage in harmful actions is zero proof of any dark brotherhood.


Sure it is. If those who desire to limit freedom exist in organizations on one level of intelligence then they will exist on another. We see that these people exist among all levels of known intelligence. Why that you would think otherwise is devoid of any explanation in your words.

This is powerful evidence that a dark brotherhood exists and you have absolutely no evidence that none exists. You keep challenging me for evidence and I deliver, but where is yours?

You have none. Nothing. Darkness. Nothing to be seen here.


I contend, no one would willingly choose to side with the darkness if they were equally convinced that the side of light existed.


Obviously, you know nothing about what the two brotherhoods are about or you would not be saying this.

Everyone chooses that which they see to be in their bests interests and members of both brotherhoods think they are choosing the best path for them. If we define light as the result of choosing correctly both groups think they are in the light just as the political left and right both think they are the most enlightened.

This is why it is essential to define the demarcation between he two, the most important of which is the Principle of Freedom. The dark side seeks to limit it and control others to fulfill their own selfish desires and the side of light seeks for maximum individual and group freedom, even if some of their personality desires have to be sacrificed.

The satellite photos show that the North Koreans dwell in great physical darkness symbolic of their spiritual darkness. Do they see themselves as dwelling in darkness and other countries as being in a greater light?

No. They think they represent the greatest light on the earth and desire to convert the rest of us by force to accept their supposedly wonderful way of life.

People cannot see light above their level of vision, but can see the degrees below. Those who are above the level of vision of the North Koreans can see the darkness in which they dwell, but to North Koreans the dim light in which they see seems to be the greatest there is.


I don’t think that there is a single organization on the planet that is a brotherhood of darkness and are intentional working to defeat the light.


There’s a number of them. ISIS is a dark brotherhood who wants to limit human freedom (the light) and establish a world wide state that swill establish a dark rule where freedom is extremely limited. If they ruled the world a satellite photo of the planet would show most of the lights to be turned out as in North Korea at present.

Of course, like the North Koreans, they think they are in the light because that is the level of vision they are at.


They are organized either out of totally selfish motives,


You just described the motive of the dark brothers.


So, no JJ, I don’t believe in your Dark brotherhood. I believe sometimes people having very misguided ideas of right and wrong and how to achieve the greatest good.


Okay, let us change the name from “dark brothers” to “people having very misguided ideas of right and wrong and how to achieve the greatest good.”

This is very close to words I have used in the past to describe hem.


So again JJ, show me your evidence and I will consider it.


I’ve shown you mine but you have not shown me yours. You have absolutely no proof that an organization, unknown to the masses, exists that has plans to limit human freedom to further their own selfish ends. None at all…

This must be embarrassing for you.

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matt 6:22-23

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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