Keys Writings 2015, Part 9

This entry is part 10 of 13 in the series 2015B

April 13, 2015

Does the End Justify the Means?

The Question;

We often hear the statement that a certain act was a “necessary evil” in order to produce a good result.

Is an evil action sometimes necessary to produce a good result? And if the end result was good, was the action then really evil?

Good comments on this. I’m short on time tonight and can’t do them justice so I’ll just say a few words on this subject.

A belief held by many is that the end does not justify the means, but when you think about it, this is just not true. To say the end does not justify the means is to say that cause and effect does not work. After all, the means is a cause and the end is the effect. The end is always brought about by a cause that works the same for everyone, making it just.

If this is the case then why do many say that the end does not justify the means?

They say this because they are looking at the middle, not the end, a piece and not the whole.

Let us take an example.

Mary cheats on tests and manages to graduate from college with honors. She gets a good job afterwards and all seems well. This good end did not seem to justify cheating.

The problem here is this is not the end of the effects her cause set in motion. Cheating and deception is now built into her character and will create numerous ends that will plague her in this life and possibly lifetimes to come. Because of her good grades her boss may think she is more capable than she truly is and give her assignments in which she is doomed to failure. She may lie and cover up digging a deeper hole for herself leading to depression and even ill health.

Here is another example:

Ron seals some money from funds he holds in trust to bet on a sure thing in the horse races. He wins and then puts the money back in the trust. No harm done, right? An evil action seems to have produced a good end.

Again, the problem is that this is not the end. It never is for a gambling thief. Just ask Bernie Madoff. He stole billions from investors thinking he could pay the funds back with profits and for years it looked like he would never get caught. Now he is ending his life in jail, his son committed suicide, he is separated from loved ones and hated by most everyone. Again we have to look at the real end of the causes put in motion and it is indeed just.

The next question is whether there is such a thing as a necessary evil, This is another phrase thrown about quite often.

This problem occurs when there is a fork in the road and both decisions seem bad. The example previously given of the crazy guy with the bomb is a good one. Is it a necessary evil to kill one bad guy to save fifty?

Actually people look at this the wrong way. If you can save fifty by killing one and you know this to be the case then you are doing a good deed, not an evil one. You’ll find that all fifty people whose lives are saved will agree with this.

Let us take a nefarious act less drastic than taking a life, like stealing. Is this ever justified?

Here is a great story from the Aquarian Gospel, chapter 132:

A MULTITUDE of people thronged the streets. The officers were on the way to court with one, a man accused of stealing bread.

2 And in a little while the man was brought before the judge to answer to the charge.

3 And Jesus and the twelve were there. The man showed in his face and hands the hard drawn lines of toil and want.

4 A woman richly clad, the accuser of the man, stood forth and said, I caught this man myself: I know him well, for yesterday he came to beg for bread.

5 And when I drove him from my door, he should have known that I would harbour not a man like him; and then to-day he came and took the bread.

6 He is a thief and I demand that he be sent to jail.

7 The servants also testified against the man; he was adjudged a thief, and officers were leading him away.

8 But Jesus standing forth exclaimed, You officers and judge, be not in haste to lead this man away.

9 Is this a land of justice and of right? can you accuse and sentence men to punishment for any crime until they testify themselves?

10 The Roman law will not permit such travesty on right, and I demand that you permit this man to speak.

11 And then the judge recalled the man and said, If you have any tale to tell, say on.

12 In tears the man stood forth and said, I have a wife and little ones and they are perishing for bread, and I have told my story oft, and begged for bread; but none would hear.

13 This morning when I left our cheerless hut in search of work my children cried for bread, and I resolved to feed them or to die.

14 I took the bread, and I appeal to God, Was it a crime?

15 This woman snatched the loaf away and threw it to the dogs, and called the officers and I am here.

16 Good people, do with me whate’er you will, but save my wife and little ones from death.

17 Then Jesus said, Who is the culprit in this case?

18 I charge this woman as a felon in the sight of God.

19 I charge this judge as criminal before the bar of human rights.

20 I charge these servants and these officers as parties to the crime.

21 I charge the people of Capernaum with cruelty and theft, because they heeded not the cries of poverty and want, and have withheld from helpless ones that which is theirs by every law of right;

22 And I appeal unto these people here, and ask, Are not my charges based on righteousness and truth?

23 And every man said, Yes.

24 The accused woman blushed for shame; the judge shrank back in fear; the officers threw off the shackles from the man and ran away.

25 Then Jesus said, Give this man what he needs and let him go and feed his wife and little ones.

26 The people gave abundantly; the man went on his way.

27 And Jesus said, There is no standard law to judge of crime. The facts must all be stated e’er a judgment can be rendered in a case.

28 You men with hearts; go forth and stand where stood this man and answer me, What would you do?

29 The thief thinks every other man a thief and judges him accordingly.

30 The man who judges harshly is the man whose heart is full of crime.

31 The courtesan who keeps her wickedness concealed by what she calls respectability, has not a word of pity for the honest courtesan who claims to be just what she is.

32 I tell you, men, if you would censure not till you are free from sin, the world would soon forget the meaning of the word, accused.

The bottom line is that good judgment must be used. You would only lie, steal or kill with justification if good judgment was involved and the end would be an overwhelming good to which almost all fair minded people would agree. You wouldn’t be justified in stealing to get the latest iPad, but you could be justified in doing so to save your family from starvation as related in the story.

Solomon spoke a great truth when he said that there is a time and season for all things. Seeing that time and season takes good judgment.



No need to wait until 2010 to get on a floating city. I have been on this one and its Sister, and there are more being built as we speak! I was on He Oasis 12 straight days sailing from Ft. Lauderdale to Barcelona, Spain. These Cities are State of The Art, Self Contained.



A ship and a floating city are two entirely different things though some ship are large enough to carry the inhabitants of a small town.

The floating cities will be different in these aspects.

(1) The residents will be permanent.

(2) Dwellers will own their own property.

(3) They will have their own government

(4) They will expand indefinitely.

(5) They will work at their trade while there rather than considering it vacation.



Joseph John Dewey, do you believe that you yourself are an immortal soul? If so, what is the source of your believe? In other words, whose Rhema have you heard and believed?


The soul is not Immortal, but that which occupies the soul or Higher Self is.

In our comments I only see an explanation of your views on the scriptures similar to what a Baptist would put forward and nothing that appears to be any revelation from God.



I fully agree that the spirit within our souls is immortal, but I deny Allan’s teaching and your apparent teaching that each of us have a higher soul which is immortal.


I do not know about Allan, but I have never said the Higher Self was immortal.


I actually do not know what Baptists believe, but in seeking to understand concerning them, I discovered that Mormons believe that a human soul is the combination of spirit and body (D&C 88:15). With this, I agree.


The word soul is used a number of different ways by different belief systems. Some use it synonymously with our eternal spirit essence which is different than the way I use it as well as most Theosophists and Bailey readers.

There is soul energy and the soul which is the higher self. Soul energy is created by the interplay of spirit and matter. We thus become a living soul (or manifesting soul essence) at birth when spirit and matter are united and interplay creating physical life.

The Higher Self is focused in a world that lies between the physical and the spirit and thus is often called the soul, because its energy body is created by the interplay of the higher and the lower. This itself is still a vehicle for a higher and eternal part of ourselves that comes from God and is one with the One Great Life.


I am moved to respond right now to your words to my Brother, ImAHebrew. I am actually surprised that you would so quickly threaten to act so as to prove Allan to be a prophet concerning us and our relationship with you on this forum.


I’ve already placed both of you on moderation in the past because your posts were way off the direction of the class. If he predicted moderation then that has already been done. You both seemed to be more cooperative so I took you off and now you are going more and more off topic again.

Imagine if you took a class in Spanish and some student kept trying to teach the class math. Even if what he taught was accurate it would still not be appreciated and be a distraction and irritation. The class would tell them to save their ideas for a math class.

Even so it would seem that you would be a lot happier in a forum that sees the scriptures as God breathed and tries to interpret them. This is not that forum.

We see the scriptures as just another book containing truth that is to be used as the soul approves or is appropriate. Most of us see the Bailey writings as much more enlightened overall.

Also, I think all members but you two accept reincarnation. The acceptance of reincarnation is pretty important to get anything out of this class because so many teachings revolve around it. Many of us have received actual proof of the principle and we do not want to spend time arguing about this, but accept it as a foundation belief for moving on to higher things.

Now you do not have to believe as I do to be a good member of this class but you do need to not be a distraction and do the equivalent of force feeding us math when we are trying to learn Spanish.


April 14, 2015

The One Life

After stretching is head around thoughts of God and the universe Adam asks:

JJ, did the character Joseph in Book IV see anything beyond what is explained there? He saw a grouping of 7 Universes in the larger Multiverse, but Joseph made no revelation about how big or expanded that larger Multiverse might be. I encourage a spoiler of a future book.


Actually I did. You need to read more carefully.

First the seven refers to the foundation number of this universe not to any number of universes. Beyond this universe are enough universes to supply particles to create greater universes. The number boggles the mind – and they are all a part of just this group of physical universes we inhabit.

In other dimensions there are more universes still and the multi dimension universes are unusually called the multiverse. Many believe there to be an infinite number, but I tend to believe they are twelve or less.

Now getting back to our universe in our dimension there are at least 49 planes of being. Let us just say that there is enough going on in creation to keep us occupied for some time to come.

Joseph Smith worded it well when he said we would have eternal lives on eternal worlds.


Is it possible that spontaneous eruption of intelligence (eternal though it be) may have happened (in non-time, of course) with other points in space/non-space – unrelated to the One God of which we are parts?

Could we eventually bump into another wholly independent Multiverse in the course of time as we reflect and expand Ad Infinitum?


To answer your question again it is important to look at the principle involved.

All lives have their separate and distinct nature and qualities yet also form a part of a greater whole.

An atom in your body has its own individual existence yet is a part of a greater life we call a cell. A cell again has its own distinct life yet is a part of the greater life which is you. You have your own distinct life but you are a part of the greater life, which is all of humanity on planet earth where all share the same oversoul.

Humanity again is a group life and is a part of a greater life which is the life of earth itself. The earth has its own distinct life (living in a different time reference than us) and is a part of the greater solar life. This process continues until all the lives in the universe join to manifest one great universal life. When this life which is our universe discovers other universes it will join with them. This process goes on until creation ends.

Wherever there is more than one life and the two discover each other evolution will eventually bring them into unity to share in one greater life. When the evolution of all there is, is complete it will be discovered that there is only one life of which all the lesser lives are a part.

And the greater life will not be lonely because it can identify with any of the trillions of lives within its body. Fortunately for us we serve the purpose of bringing fulfillment to lives greater than ourselves.



Some how, this appears to be a Paradox that almost sounds ridiculous, when I imagine being connected with some of the 600 lb. fat asses that have made fast food their God, and don’t ( can’t) work to support them selves, so whine about their food stamps able to cover their daily Cheeseburger and fries. That’s only one extreme example. But who really wants to be any one else then our selves?


The scripture says:

Luke 12:6 Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?

Luke 12:7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.


The Logos is aware of all that goes on in this planet but those in error cannot disturb his peace. An imperfect example would be the internet for us. One can be aware of all kinds of disgusting things going on in it but do not focus on it unless there is some purpose in it. The Spiritual internet of the Logos can access the number of hairs on our head if need be but he doesn’t lose sleep dwelling on it.



So do these atoms and cells think they are the center of the universe like most of us Humans do? Or is it only lives who are self aware that tend to think this?


The principle to look at is this. The evolution of the Life of God on the physical plane proceeds from the small (the microcosm) to the large (the macrocosm). Also much more time takes place in the microcosm than the macrocosm – for instance the heart of the earth only beats once about every 25,000 of our years.

Thus the evolution of the cells and atoms have advanced on their plane to a much higher level than we have on our plane and understand that their lives are enhanced and stabilized by seeking the good of the whole rather than just the unit. We humans have a ways to go to reach this understanding and most seek to serve self above the whole.


April 16, 2015

Clarification Time Again

Jim, when you came on board here you were friendly and seemed happy to share some of your knowledge and experience with us. I realized that there were some differences in philosophy, but that is okay. Members can disagree with me and still be civil and contribute some good material for consideration.

You are a good writer, good entertainer and have a pretty wide knowledge so I saw a potential for you being a valuable contributor. I know many teachers out there would be threatened by you as you may come across more knowledgeable than they. Not me. If you know something I do not then fire away, just as long as you do not distract us with quotes and teachings removed from the interest of the members here. Like I say. If one is attending a class on Spanish then the student doesn’t want someone there trying to teach math.

Overall you came across as one who would be a friend and when someone comes across that way I accept them as presented until something surfaces to the contrary.

Now it appears that you are changing your mode from friendly to unfriendly and seeking to knock me off of some imaginary pedestal that you falsely believe that I have perched myself on.

This is very disappointing as I had hopes that you would return my hand of friendship and share with us in a positive way.

As it is you have distorted me as a person and what I teach and then attacked a false strawman. Now one more time I have to set the record straight on a number of items.

First, tithing.

You say mockingly:

How many years would a sincere Tither to JJ’s Molecule Zion Organization need to Tithe in order to advance past all of his/her Ring-Pass-Nots between Boise, Idaho to reach the Biggest of the Big Kahunas of Multiverses of all Multiverses?

There is no Molecule Zion Organization and no one here is asked to or required to pay tithing to me or anyone else to qualify them to participate with us here. I am not offering any type of salvation for money.

As far as right use of money goes for the spiritual aspirant here are my views. I agree with Jesus that your heart is where your treasure is and instead of working to store up treasure on earth that only benefits self that it is advantageous to labor in the service of humanity and their progression. It is good therefore to dedicate your time, talents and excess money you may have to something you deem to be beneficial that goes beyond the desires of the lower self. Each server needs to determine who or what is to be the recipient of that energy. It could be a charity, a benevolent or spiritual organization or he could just pick out individuals to assist. Or one may work, as is Dan or Blayne, on developing projects that one thinks will help his fellow men and women. Each server must use his best judgment in making sure his donations of time, talent or money is sent on a positive and helpful direction.

The willingness to freely give of himself is one of the signs of a true servant and when a molecule is created that is one of the qualities that will help us achieve soul contact as a group, a rare thing indeed.

Secondly you say this:

I have never hid behind any “Cloths” other than my Dhoti , on occasion.

Well the trouble with your post (#74554) is that you seem to be hiding your true thoughts behind a screen of words – one moment exalting me to the perfect guru and the next warning of false gurus (like me) that are leading their group astray because they themselves are in the dark.

Now correct me if I am wrong but when we remove the curtain here is what it sounds like you are saying.

I, JJ, am a mislead guru seeking for followers and money. I am the blind leading the blind and these poor mislead Keys members are following me down to hell. They need to abandon me and seek a true guru (possibly yours?) who knows what he is doing and that can truly save them.

So, does this represent your thinking? If so then just come out and say it and quit beating around the bush. If you think I am in error then tell me where the error is in a civil manner and we can discuss it as men working in the light of day.

That said let me add this.

I have never claimed to be a guru.

I have never claimed to be infallible or that any of my teachings should be trusted any more than that of any one else – unless they are verified by a person’s soul or his own reasoning and common sense.

We do not have positions here. We are all in a classroom and a class is a place of learning and that is all.

I do not take responsibility for anyone’s salvation. That is not up to anyone outside of the person himself. If they find my teachings, or that of anyone else here useful, then fine, and if not that is fine also.

If nothing else we are having a good time exploring truth and seeking true principles.

No one here speaks for me, but me. Neither I, or the members here are perfect. We are all struggling to do our best. If you treat others here with respect you will generally be respected in return.

You seem to believe you have found a perfect guru that can save us. Okay, fine, you have told us about him and if anyone wants to follow him that is fine. The Brown brothers also offer their brand of salvation and if anyone wants to follow them then more power to them.

BUT – this is a classroom where people come to learn what I have to teach as well as share with each other. We are staying with the class agenda and will only divert temporarily to other subjects that are not of general class interest.

We look at other teachers and teachings from time to time and discuss their pros and cons. Sometimes a member will move on to another group and we wish him well. Each has to follow the path of their own soul and we support this.

In the meantime the agenda here is the discovery of true principles. If you or anyone else has one they want to explore then put forward your suggestions for class discussion. Otherwise, after distractions have passed, I will lead the class to the next one to learn.



No that is the Randian Objetivist ideal society. Oh wait we already have that. Never mind.


We were not close to Ayn Rand’s vision of the ideal society when she was alive and much further away now for we have taken a number of steps away from her view toward the Marx’s view.

My ideal is somewhat different than hers but hers is much better than what we have today. It is too bad it has never been tried (as has Marxism) so we could have an accurate contrast.



Thanks for your explanations. I never unfriended you. Hope likewise? Friends never tell friends what only what they like to hear. They tell each other the truth,… they see it. If they see each other sinking in Quick Sand, they will quickly offer a hand to pull each other out even at the possibility of being pulled in them selves.


If you were trying to tell me some truth about myself then you were far from clear as I had to read your long post several times to figure out what you were trying to say. If you disagree with me or think I am astray then just come out and plainly say it, but when you do explain the reasons why rather than just making veiled accusations.

I am glad you still consider me a friend as my friendship is always extended if reciprocated.



JJ I always believe that any ideological belief system is not fit for all problems. Capitalism does some things incredibly well, others things not so much. Socialism does some things well, in others areas not so much. You can not fix every problem with a hammer, nor can you fix every problem with a screwdriver. It is about find ing the right tool for the objective at hand. Rand prescribes one tool for all problems, Socialist another. They are both right for some areas and completely wrong in others. As a friend a mine likes to say, the Bird requires both wings in order to fly, if it becomes unbalanced, it falls to the ground. Wisest statement I have ever heard.


I basically agree with you and my solutions are a combination of both systems (but without the use of force). One problem we have in seeing the whole is we have good examples of socialism and Marxism, but none where Rand’s philosophy or pure capitalism prevailed. All most of the public have in their minds are demonized strawmen.



Consensual Sex vs Rape is the primary example: obviously beautiful with consent but one of the most heinous crimes when consent is missing.


Great point Larry. Even so, some social ideals of sharing are very virtuous and beneficial when supported by the free will of the people so one can freely enter into or withdraw, but becomes a great evil when enforced against majority will by force. It then becomes social rape – something very repulsive to its victims.

This is why capitalism, even though it appeals to self interest, is a lesser negative in today’s world. It doesn’t have the direct power of government force to implement its desires and force us to buy its brand of hamburger or cars.

I do not think we disagreed on the principle behind natural rights. I recall that the only controversy was the way I defined the term. A disagreement of a definition is much different than a disagreement in how a principle is carried out. It is often no disagreement at all.


April 18, 2015

Mind Boggling Questions


I’ve consolidated and edited my previous questions, as well as a couple of additional thoughts/questions, if you feel inclined. Thanks.


You are doing the right thing here. If I seem to overlook a question, then just ask again. Actually I didn’t forget and was about to get back to you.


  1. Is our present Universe once, twice, ten, or a gazillion times removed from the ultimate Multiverse-Alpha/Omega? Or is this unknowable/unknown at this time?


Our universe is merely a sub atomic particle in as yet an unorganized Universe of Eight. Some science fiction writers and philosophers have guessed that we may be a particle in greater organized universe and may be part of a pimple on some guy’s nose, for example. This is not the case as the greater universe is as yet unorganized. This universe built on the foundation of seven rays is where the organizing power of God is focused on the physical plane.

So in answer to your question the greater universes to come are a gazillion times greater. I wouldn’t use the word “removed” however.

JJ stated:

In other dimensions there are more universes still and the multi dimension universes are unusually called the multiverse. Many believe there to be an infinite number, but I tend to believe they are twelve or less.

  1. This loses me slightly. Can you maybe clarify? I hate to be using my idea of dimension and Multiverse, if you mean something quite different.


This universe and dimension consists of 49 planes known to the masters and seven of which are in the Cosmic Physical which concerns us. There may be more but there is enough to discover in these 49 planes to keep even the Christ occupied for an eternity.

In addition to this dimension containing these 49 planes there are other dimensions. How many we know not but there are a handful of out of body travelers as well as specialists in the spirit world who have learned to travel to different dimensions.

There is a widely accepted new age belief that there is a different dimension for every possible decision to play out. For instance, in another dimension you would have married someone else and Romney would be president instead of Obama.

The reason some believe this is that thoughts do create things and when powerful decision points are reached thoughtforms are created around them. In the spirit world one can tune into these thoughtforms and see what would have been the result if a different path were taken. This is a much different thing than a different universe, yet because some psychics pick up on these thoughtforms they conclude that there is an infinite number of universes where you wound up marrying every girl you liked and following every decision you can imagine. In reality we just live in this one universe, but where all possibilities can be explored.


  1. Joseph communed with the Alpha point (Eleven), which is the same “entity” as the indwelling “entity” of our Universe. We understand this “entity” to be the One God. If Joseph could have communed with the indwelling entity of the Multiverse, I assume IT would be the same “entity” as the other Alpha points below?


The greater universes to come are as ye unorganized and thus a vehicle for the incarnation of any life is as yet not available. The Greater Life is just getting started in handling incarnation in this physical universe.


April 19, 2015

Essence of the One God


What I had hoped to clarify is that the ESSENCE of the One God of our Universe is, in fact, the ESSENCE of the One God of All that Is and will ever Be?


As usual it is best to go to the core principle for understanding, but because we are talking about the second greatest mystery it takes a little stretching of the consciousness to grasp.

Each atom, human or even universe contains the whole of the life of God and yet is a part. The tiniest particle contains the intelligence and life of God as it has evolved in this system of creation. This life which has achieved relative perfection in the microcosm is seeking for even greater perfection in the macrocosm. As it expresses itself through an atom, you or a universe it finds that it can manifest greater and greater parts of itself while still incorporating the whole as potential.

You are a more complete manifestation than the atom and the universe, when mature, will be a much greater one than you. Even so, the life of the universe is far from representing the completeness of God. The life from the universe of Eleven will not completely manifest in this Universe of Seven, as this universe is limited compared to what is to come. Much greater and more complete manifestations are yet to come in the universe of universes, but that is so distant it is not productive to speculate on it for all the lives of God pertaining to us are now centered on this universe and this is where the highest manifestation of God can be looked for on a physical level.

The most complete life of God from universes past has not yet caught up (on the physical plane) to its highest point from the past in this universe, but is gaining new intelligence as it ascends. The life of God in the macrocosm is the same life as in the microcosm, but just in the process of moving toward its projected aim.



Okay, I’ll bite 🙂 If that’s the SECOND greatest mystery, what’s the FIRST ?


Yeah, I might as well of put out this question with big neon letters: “What is the greatest mystery?” Well, I have written about it a number of times so let us throw out the question again to see who was paying attention. What is it?



The greatest mystery is why and how anything exists at all.


Yes, when you think about it that is indeed the greatest mystery of all. Why is there anything in existence, you, me, God, a planet etc? As I have said before, even if there was just one rock that was in existence it would be a marvelous thing. The fact that we are all here, illusion or not, is wondrous indeed. We are just fortunate that all there is, Divine Space, decided to be.



The problem is that Socialism is all about using force. If it doesn’t use force, then it is not Socialism. Then it is about morality (helping others voluntarily) vs being forced to do what others consider to be moral.

That is where JJ misses the boat, in principle.


Whether or not I missed the boat depends on how one defines socialism. If you define it as collective efforts that use force then it would seem that I am missing something. But if you include collective efforts that are voluntary then I have not missed the point for I do include voluntary collective efforts in my use of the word unless otherwise noted.

This illustrates why it is always important to understand which definition a person is using with various words. Usually, the context will reveal it, but not always.

The word socialism is a tricky one as it is used with several dozen different applications.

In my view any use of socialism should be voluntary. That way we can see what works and what doesn’t and discard that which is hurtful.


There can be social collectives where you can all pool your resources, yet maintain the option to voluntarily withdraw yourself and your assets if you should become dissatisfied. There have been 40 different recognized definitions of socialism. Here is a quote from one of my articles on it.

Why is it that ideologues are all over the map in their discussions of socialism? The problem was pointed out in the introduction of the Historical Dictionary of Socialism by Peter Lamb & J. C. Docherty – 2006

Hide message history

“Despite its importance in history since the early nineteenth century, socialism eludes simple definition… As G. D. H. Cole suggested in the first volume of his monumental History of Socialist Thought (1953), the early socialists opposed the individualism that had come to dominate modern thinking and stressed that human relations had an essential social element that needed to be emphasized. Then, as now, there was no single agreed-upon definition of what socialism actually was. Variety has always been an outstanding feature of socialism. In his Dictionary of Socialism (1924), Angelo S. Rappoport listed forty definitions of socialism.”

Read more HERE



April 19, 2015

The Abortion Question


As one who has chosen to abort myself, I can say that it is something that stays with you for the rest of your life.

If we did not understand the full implications then, we certainly have more of an understanding of that now.

In my opinion unless you have been faced with that decision as a pregnant women in extremely difficult circumstances everything else is a judgment call with out informed experience to reach your conclusion.


Every action has consequences and for many females like you and Ruth, I’m sure the decision was a terrible one to make, one that men often do not have to face. Abortion, especially in the first trimester is nothing on par with murdering a fully developed human being. The soul does not even enter the body and often hasn’t even committed to it until after about five months. With the over population we have on the earth at present there will be plenty of opportunity for all who are willing to seek birth opportunities.

But let us suppose one did abort a baby who was designated by a soul. What would be the repercussions?

To understand just imagine how you would feel if you had picked a mother and she aborted you for reasons that seemed justified to her. Then compare that to how you would feel if you were an adult, having invested 30 years into your life, having family responsibilities with things looking great and some guy kills you because he hates your guts.

The second person with a much greater investment in his life  has much more to lose and the one taking such a life would suffer much more karma. The aborted baby can often find another mother quickly and not suffer much of a loss.

In fact souls generally know which mothers will abort their babies and usually they are not even designated to such fetuses. Why would a soul attach itself to a fetus that he knows is going to be aborted?

Again the key to understanding is the use of judgment. Each situation is different. Abortion is not the same as murdering an innocent breathing person and murdering an innocent living person is much different than killing a thug in self defense. We will all be weighed and judged according to the circumstances we are under and the main judge will be ourselves through the eyes of our own souls.

April 20, 2014

Cause of Existence


The only problem with this question is that it demands a REAL answer, at some point, else life is so precarious as to be absolutely meaningless and purposeless. And without meaning and purpose, I can see no reason or possibility for existence. Existence demands meaning and purpose. Existence itself would seem to guarantee an explanation for its own reality. Accepting big questions as unanswerable is practical in a given moment in time, but from a larger point of view, it is also supremely lazy, defeatist, and counterintuitive to the principle of life itself, IMO. All should be knowable in due course.


I touch on the answer in my next book. Here is the link to the chapter.

In addition to this the reason all things exist is quite simple. That which is eternal is the interplay of Yin and Yang. There is always duality of some kind whether we are talking about form or in subtle levels of formlessness. Their eternal interplay creates intelligence and universal intelligence is God. The intelligence of God then manifests purpose and the intelligently projected purpose creates all things.


April21, 2015

Cause and Effect


I touch on the answer in my next book. Here is the link to the chapter.

“All things created from form have a beginning and end whether it be a galaxy, a sun, a planet, the human body, a cell or an atom. Intelligence, which is the essence of God and man has no form but merely uses form. That which is formless does not exist in time and is therefore eternal with no beginning and end. Thus the formless intelligence of God has no beginning because it does not exist in time.”


I realize that the bolded sentence has been taught a lot here and elsewhere, and I certainly want to buy into it. But, I’m not sure that I can square it, given the account of Joseph’s journey into the microcosm.


The Grand Tour in my book only concerns the physical universe which is indeed complex and majestic enough for most. Time and space rule here in both the macrocosm and the microcosm. The higher planes and the formless worlds were not even touched upon in the book. It is here where we incarnate into space and time as we understand it.


Is it fair to say that while perhaps we can’t know for certain, right now, either the 3 is the first Singularity point of creation, not created from prior Universes and singularities, OR at least the 3 contains the eventual true Alpha particle not dependent upon a prior Singularity/Universe?


No one knows for sure the true beginnings of physical creation which was long before this universe began. But remember we are talking about physical reality, not the formless worlds from whence all things came.


In either case, that is the only point that I can see where we might arrive at true formlessness.


We do not arrive at formlessness by exploring this physical reality, but ascending to planes beyond it. We start this process by seeking soul contact and pulling down principles that are from the higher planes.

Keep in mind that which is called formless is not “no thing” for intelligence always exists in all spheres and intelligence can imagine forms which will later become physical.


In addition to this the reason all things exist is quite simple.


Good gravy! You’re kidding, right? 🙂


That which is eternal is the interplay of Yin and Yang. There is always duality of some kind whether we are talking about form or in subtle levels of formlessness. Their eternal interplay creates intelligence and universal intelligence is God. The intelligence of God then manifests purpose and the intelligently projected purpose creates all things.


I’ll have to ponder this long and hard. Are you saying that these answers actually are THE answers to the mystery of “why and how does anything exist?” I can see that you are describing the creative process of variations of existence. But I can’t see how it explains the fact the intelligence or Yin and Yang or Duality even exist in the first place.


Intelligence and life could not exist first. Therefore there was no purpose behind existence itself. Existence just IS. There is no purpose to it.


Beyond time existed the polarities, cause and effect, inbreathing and outbreathing, yin and yang, etc. There was no first cause. There has always been cause and effect and this just exists with or without purpose. They have been without beginning and their interplay created intelligence and life and intelligent life created all things and infused them with purpose. Because of the three we have purpose and meaning, but cause and effect just existed. Intelligence directing it creates purpose.

Cause and effect, Intelligence, and Life have always been and will always be, but purpose and meaning comes from the three working together.


April 22, 2015

The God of the Old Testament

Clay wanted me to comment on his views that Jehovah seems to be a cruel God that doesn’t deserve to be worshipped. He says:

“If any other God acted in such a way we would justifiably condemn it, just as we do for Allah in the Koran. But because we have all been so brainwashed as children we do not just make the very obvious conclusion, the “Abba” of Yeshua is not the YHVH of the Israelites and the Jews of Yeshua’s day absolutely knew it.”

Actually your thoughts on this agree with Madame Blavatsky. She gave an interesting interpretation of this scripture:

John 8:39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

John 8:40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

John 8:41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

John 8:42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

John 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

The orthodox interpretation of this is that Jesus accused the Jews of having the devil as their father because they had evil thoughts and rejected him, but Blavatsky gives a different twist.

She says that the acknowledged father of the Jewish leaders was Jehovah of the Old Testament and this was who Jesus identified as being the devil, or adversary.

Here is my view of the situation. Moses did penetrate the veil and received divine revelation, but the vision he saw was way beyond the consciousness of the people who wanted to revert back to worshipping the golden calf. He therefore developed two sets of teachings. The higher he taught to a select few who he thought may be able to appreciate them and the lower he gave to the people. Some he gave out directly to them but mostly they were given out by those he personally taught.

Moses did not give out laws and commandments that represented a cruel God, but he did have to step down his teachings as the people he worked with were primitive in thinking when compared to the people of today.

Jesus had this same problem in his day. For instance, he made no effort to free the slaves in his day because the consciousness of the people just was not prepared to do anything about it.

Even so, Moses had to plow with the horses he had and taught the people the highest they could receive. I believe he felt kind of discouraged near the end of his life in how little he was able to raise the people up.

Within a generation or two after Moses departed his teachings became corrupted and carnal men assumed leadership. Most of the prophets and priests after Moses controlled the people who thought they were receiving revelation from God as did Moses but were really receiving revelation from the lower group soul essence of the people. This produced a group consciousness that spoke to the priests and gave them teachings that seemed right to them, but were not of a high spiritual nature. This God of human creation was the adversary spoken of by Jesus. It is the outward God that always takes the place of the inner God that speaks from the higher realms.

This carnal god gave them the commandments of animal sacrifice and told them not only to go to war, but to kill men women and children of their enemies.

They also rewrote some of the history to suite their altered teachings.

This corruption was to be expected, but even though the revelations seems cruel and primitive the Jews were still a cut above most of their neighbors in righteousness. At least they did not sacrifice their children to their god as did many other people of that era to their gods. And when they conquered a people they either enslaved them or killed them quickly, whereas many people of that era delighted in torturing their enemies to a slow painfully prolonged death.

From Moses to Christ a number of true prophets did surface such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Amos, and a few others. These attained true spiritual contact and usually they were rejected by the leadership and the people.

Jesus indeed spoke truly when he said:

Matt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Matt 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Matt 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits.

Up to now it has always been the case that only a very few are willing to listen to true words of light and love, but this is beginning to change. Today more people than ever before in recorded history are in touch with the voice of the soul and truly hunger after truth and seek for true brotherhood.

Hopefully each of us can do or part to speed the process.


April 23, 2015

Freedom and Selfishness.

Clay wrote me a couple emails and my response to them may be of interest to readers here. I’m posting this with his permission.


I think that anything that encourages our sense of selfishness, and encourages our separation from each other and feeds our desires to accumulate more and more stuff, and then protect all our stuff is definitely not a benevolent or useful ideology in the spiritual quest. I honestly could care less about my “private property” or my tax rate as I don’t really view any of this as mine anyway. It is all on loan from god and I am prepared to give it all up the moment he desires. Rand encourages us to cling tightly to our attachments and our possessions and establishes materialism as our soul basis as identity and I think she promotes an incredibly dangerous ideology. At least she was honest about her despising Christian values and all mystical and religious institutions, so I am truly disturbed that so called “christian groups” and spiritual seekers have latched onto Rand. Spiritual Satanist and those of Anton Levay’s Church of Satan have been long time advocates of Objectivism and it disturbs the heck out of me that Objectivism has infilitrated mainstream christianity. Satanist love this stuff, I suggest you look it up.

Sarah plans on giving them a read when she gets some free time. She actually keeps asking me about your books which is rare for her as I read books constantly and she rarely asks me what I think of them.


I view the support of taking away freedom of others as much much worse than selfishness for about 99.9% of the people have some degree of selfishness – much higher than those who support the tyranny of taking away freedom so they can support their own little wills.

Rand put too much emphasis on selfishness, but to her credit puts emphasis more in the aspect of self interest than greed, two entirely different things. We are told that even Jesus was acting in self interest when he went to the cross. The important thing is she did support individual freedom of choice which is the main point of demarcation between light and dark. To act to take away freedom is the ultimate act of selfishness. To enslave another to get what one wants in extremely selfish – even if it is for an apparently unselfish ideology. This she was unselfishly against unlike those who follow the dark path as the Satanists you mention. It takes a love for your brother and a degree of unselfishness to advocate as much freedom for your neighbor as you do for yourself, for the truly selfish person is happy to take away the freedom of another if it benefits him or his mindset.


JJ have you ever read the political and social theoritst John Rawls? I truly believe that Rawls proposes the only fair and equitable organization of society and it has nothing to do with taking away freedoms of others.


I haven’t heard of him until now, but did read some of his material today and so far the only thing I get out of it is that he advocates fairness and justice in society, but doesn’t even clarify what they are or how they are to be implemented.

Does he desire his ideas be implemented by force for the whole nation or does he want to start with voluntary groups to see if his ideas work first?

I have no problem with social experiments if they are established through free will. Then if they are not satisfactory the participants can withdraw any time they choose.

He wrote most of his ideas over 40 years ago. Have any of them been tested?


What you and others are failing to realize that our entire society was founded upon taking away the freedom of others and that freedom is far from equally distributed in this country.


Are you joking? When this country was established it was the freest nation on the face of the earth and outside of slavery, much freer than it is now.

Freedom is not a commodity that is distributed. Goods and services are distributed. Freedom comes through non interference in the will of the individual and the people.


Please be patient with me and at least read my following example, also I did not come up with this example, a friend of mine who is working on his masters in economics told me about it. The professor had 5 student play a game of monopoly and normally each player starts out with $1500 to begin the game. What the professor did though was have each player start out with a different amount of money. The first player received $6000 dollars, the second received $4500, the third player received $3000, the fourth $1500 and the fifth player received only $500. There were 4 separate groups of 5 students who played. In each and every game the winners were those who started out with $6000 or $4500 dollars, without exception. The student with only $1500 and $500 were always the first out and honestly never stood a chance of competing with those who had more. This fairly simple analogy clearly demonstrates what any child can instantly recognize. If you were to start 5 children off playing like this they would all protest loudly that this was incredibly unfair and that the ones with the least amount had almost no chance of winning. Why is it that as children we all instantly recognize how unfair such a “game” would be, but somehow as adults we try to justify the exact same system as “fair”. Just something to think about.


I do not mean to insult your friend, but that is really an illogical example. There is little correspondence between Monopoly moves and the realities of life.


Your moves in Monopoly are made by a random throw of the dice and the player has absolutely no control over what will come up and where he will land next.

In life our moves are not made by random luck, but by intelligent choice. If this Monopoly idea represented reality then no disadvantaged people would ever succeed, but many who started out poor and with big disadvantages have been wildly successful.

John D. Rockerfeller went from being a poor kid raising turkeys and selling potatoes to becoming the richest man on earth. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs came from middle class households. These and others shatter your friend’s Monopoly teaching.


John Rawls theory of social justice is based on an idea of a “pre-incarnational” constitutional system. Essentially Rawls proposes that the only “fair and equitable” system is one that would be developed before human souls incarnate in bodies. We all meet together prior to birth and in this state none of know how we will incarante. We have no idea what sex we will born as, what race, what ethnic group, whether our family will be filthy rich or dirt poor. We have no idea if we will be a genius, average, or low intelligence. We do not know if we will be born healthy or struggle with sickness our whole life, we have no idea whether we will be ambitious or lazy, sane or suffer mental illness, and so on and so forth. Only a system that all souls could agree on prior to incarnation would be a fair system that worked for the best benefit of all members, since no member would willingly chose a society when they have no idea if they might be born as the lowest member of the society. This society would be geared to granting the most equality while protecting liberty.


Actually we do choose our situation, sex and we know what our intelligence is before we were born, but do not see what this has to do with his theory.

How do you grant equality without taking away liberty? North Korea is working with this idea and anyone who disagrees gets shot.


Our current system and the “ideal” system as Rand proposes totally lacks heart and is the worst ideas of “social darwinisn” held out as ideal all over again. I truly find Rand a monster and it has nothing to do with taking away freedoms.


Our current system does not reflect Ayn Rand’s thinking, but has moved dramatically toward your idea of fairness through redistribution.

Whereas there has never been a nation using Rand as a model there have been several using the fairness ideas as taught by Marx such as the Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba and China under Mao. China has been smart enough to incorporate some free enterprise into its system and has managed to escape some of the pitfalls that plagued other Communists nations.


Rand would have no problem with children dying and starving on the street, as they were prior to social service agencies being set up.


Have you read her books? I have and see nothing that tells me you are correct here. If people are allowed maximum freedom then the poor will come out much better than becoming wards of the state.


The poor houses, the houses for orphans and the so called “religious charities” that took care of the poor in this country prior to social services were abysmal,


You overlook the fact that the situation of most of the people in ages past was abysmal and their resources were much less than now. It would have been impossible to create a welfare program then as we have now.

Unfortunately, there is not a place on earth we can point to that has the economic and individual freedom that this country had 150 years ago. If it existed and had use of today’s technology you would see a nation of prosperous happy citizens that would be the envy of the world. Switzerland isn’t perfect, but the people there are relatively free and life there is quite good with the poor being well taken care of through free will assistance.


and Rand’s society only provides opportunities for those most able to “compete” at a high level.


You have no evidence of that whatsoever.


That is social darwinisn justified as “freedom”.


Rand was an anti-socialist and anti social engineering.


To me that is no freedom at all, it is ego inspired greed taken as ones highest value.


If the ability to make your own decisions is not freedom then what is??? It sounds like you think freedom is being restricted from making your own choices and having some dictator who knows better make them for you. You should clarify your position here.

The greatest tyrants have always been those who thought they knew what was best for the people forcing their ideals upon them.


I will be vehemently opposed to Rand’s vision of a “just society” till my last breath


But you are ambiguous as to what it is about Rand that you do not like. Her central teaching is freedom. Are you against that? You do not like her teachings on self interest, but you also have self interest. You have an ideal that you are extremely interested in seeing materialize. Rand just thinks you should have the opportunity to make it happen as long as you do not take away the freedom of others.


and hold out Rawls vision as the only truly “equitable” system that has ever been proposed.


But how would it be implemented – by force or free will? And if it is so good why is no one trying it out on a small scale to demonstrate its veracity?


I really hope you take a look at Rawls and his vision of the “just society”. I guarantee you, that is not a single soul in Rawls system that would agree to Rand’s system.


It sounds like Rawl would be against individual freedom then. As I said, I read quite a few of his writings today and can’t see how he could implement his ideas nationwide without the use of force and loss of freedom. I couldn’t find any suggestion from him where he advocates free choice gathering of experimental groups to prove his ideas.


We only agree to a Randian society when we are privileged from birth, whether through rich parents, a high IQ, overwhelming ambition, or good health.


I grew up about as disadvantaged as you could get and I certainly support the principle of freedom advocated by Rand. I do have social ideas that she would not agree with, but she would not prohibit me from trying them out.


The game is rigged from the start JJ and we are sliding into Oligarchy.


What we are sliding into is totalitarianism and freedoms are being restricted by government, not business or the wealthy.

We need to reverse this trend and seek for maximum freedom over the maximum selfishness of those seeking to obtain the wealth of others by force.

There are always obstacles in life, but the deck is never stacked. There is always a way to improve your situation. Energy follows thought.


Force and Free Will


Ruth plain and simple, in JJ’s world you get ZERO, count them ZERO benefits, and would be entirely reliant upon charity.


This is totally untrue. You are using the Allan approach of stating fictional accounts of what I teach rather than going to the source and accurately portraying them. As Ruth said, if I truly taught such a thing then she wouldn’t be here. And why is she here? Because she actually does her best to respond to my actual teachings.

You need to argue with what I say and teach not with what I not say and teach.

Here is your problem with understanding me. You are looking at various teachers in terms of black and white. Instead of looking at Rand as maybe having some things right and some wrong you just write her off as totally evil that must be opposed by your life’s blood.

Because I find something I like with Rand you categorize me and others as acolytes that accept her every word as gospel. Such is not the case. Most old timers here are not black and white, but synthetic, and if you are going to argue with them you need look at their actual words instead of categorizing them as totally in some evil ideological camp.

I referred you previously to my teachings that would take care of people like Ruth. Here us the reference again:


Ruth has read this and has voiced no objection to the plan. Keep in mind that this is not my vision of Zion, but a step in making this country work as it should.

The main thing I like about Rand’s teachings is her support of the principle of freedom but we do not use her writings as any handbook for building a future society.

I also do not look at those opposing Rand, such as Rawl as totally wrong without good points. More fairness and justice would be a good thing. But how to achieve it could be attempted by good or evil means. The devil is in the details.


it absolutely no different than the Communist utopia envisioned by Karl Marx.


My ideas are much different in that Marx supported the use of force in establishing his ideals and I do not and neither did Rand. That is a huge difference.


I would take today’s society over life 200 years ago without a second thought and if people were truly aware of social conditions back at that time, they would to.


You overlook the fact that most of the improvements in society are due to technology, not government. If we keep the improvements of civil rights and go back to the economic freedoms of the past then the country would be much better off than today.

When I compare today vs yesterday almost all of what I enjoy comes from technology, not socialist government.


If you get a single social welfare benefit Ruth you are truly a hypocrite for subscribing to this belief structure.


To be a hypocrite you have to go against what you believe. Ruth is following her beliefs; therefore, she is not a hypocrite.

I think the Medicare system is totally wasteful and much inferior to what could be but am not a hypocrite for using it because I was forced to pay for it and believe in getting my money’s worth from my investment. I also do not think all insurance companies are totally efficient, but if I have an accident I am not a hypocrite for collecting from them. We are forced into the current system and thus have to make the best of it with as much integrity as possible.


In order to have freedom from we also need freedom to.


As Dan says, you have it backwards. Except for our god given “freedoms to” positive freedoms are a result of having freedom from forced constraints.


Did you know that 1% of the population controls 50% of the worlds Wealth? That leaves 99% of the world fighting for the remaining 50%!!!! How in the world are lower taxes on the wealthy supposed to help anyone? This is just monstrous to me.


You are talking about a strawman not even focused on here that would take a book to examine. But the fact is that it doesn’t hurt me if Bill Gates has billions. My concern isn’t how much someone else has, but how much freedom I have to achieve my own dreams. We are making progress as a whole. More poor people are becoming prosperous and assisted than any other time in history. Time to see the glass as half full.


JJ this nation most definitely was not founded upon “freedom” it was founded upon freedom for a very limited group of people, upper class property owning white males.


You’re not making any sense. All people benefitted from the foundations of this country. The freedoms enunciated there even led to the freedom of the slaves and better treatment of native Americans. Your idea that only wealthy white men benefitted is crazy talk with no foundation whatsoever. Most of the problems faced by this country were in place before 1776.


While negative liberty is usually attributed to individual agents, positive liberty is sometimes attributed to collectivities, or to individuals considered primarily as members of given collectivities.


Your illusion is you lump together all positive liberties as a good thing. Using your criteria then the South was right in fighting to keep their positive liberties. They claimed that their positive liberties (the liberty to do) brought about by the establishment of slavery which was essential for such liberties for the free man. They felt they could not be maintained without slavery.

We have the same problem today. Many believe we need to place lots of forced redistribution on, not just the wealthy, but all the producers and force them into slave labor so a few extra people can have some positive liberties.

The term positive liberties here certainly gives an erroneous projection of thought.

For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money. For thus saith the Lord GOD, My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause. Now therefore, what have I here, saith the LORD, that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the LORD; and my name continually every day is blasphemed. Isa 52:3-5

The majority certainly howl because of being forced to support all kinds of things against their will. We can attempt to establish greater fairness by force as did the old Soviet union or by free will as did the Founding Fathers. That which had the greater success is obvious.

Clay, do you really believe it is desirable to force the majority into slave labor to support the minority? Why do you really think force works better than free will?



I see socialism and capitalism as both being very necessary for the efficient functioning of society. Again, I am not the one advocating a single tool for the job, capitalism.


Again, you need to read my actual writings for they do advocate the use of both of them. My main emphasis is on the principle of maximum freedom for only in a spirit of freedom can either side be tested appropriately.

It sounds like you oppose me because I am against tyranny. Perhaps this reveals a flaw in your thinking and I am sure tyranny is not your intention. But of course those who supported Castro and the revolution had no idea that they were working for the implementation of a totalitarian regime, worse than that which they toppled.


April 24, 2015

Slavery or Not


I never said it was entirely just, I just find it offensive to every real person trapped in human slavery to have taxes compared to slavery. Taxation is more of a pain in the rear, but not slavery.


You are really being black and white with your view of slavery. It appears that the only definition you will accept is something that exactly describes a slave in the Old South on a plantation. This is simply not the case.

Here are three common dictionary definitions of “slavery”

(1) the practice of owning slaves

(2) work done under harsh conditions for little or no pay

(3) the state of being under the control of another person

If you have to work extra hours against your will to pay what you consider taxes to which you think are excessive then you are under the control of another entity. This fits the definition of slavery.

You can’t use the same black and white definition to fit into all circumstances.

The slaves in ancient Rome were in a different situation than those in the Old South. That certainly doesn’t mean they were not slaves.

It was common in Rome for the slave to manage his own business and pay the slave owner a tax of one third of his income and keep the rest and spend it how he wanted.

Because this was rarely the case in the South does not mean that the Roman Slaves were not slaves.

There were also slavery systems in ancient times where the slave was free to leave. Instead of leaving they stayed as servants because conditions there were better than they could secure outside of the slavery conditions. Because he could leave did not mean he was not a slave.

The current taxpayer pays over 50% of his income in taxes, when all of them are considered, so the Roman slave was able to spend more of his earnings than the current taxpayer.

No one is saying that all conditions of slavery are exactly alike as you seem to think should be the case.

But any time one is required to work or pay for something decreed by others that runs contrary to his will then we have the condition of slavery to some degree.

That doesn’t mean that all taxes are slavery. If the actual taxpayers, as a whole, feel the tax system is fair and support it with their free will then such taxes would not be slavery. Excessive taxation contrary to free will would definitely qualify. Most people would support a tax system that is not excessive and where they receive close to their money’s worth in benefits. For instance, most people are happy to pay a gasoline tax if the money is actually spent on roads.

FDR proposed a tax that exceeded 100% of income for the wealthy. Surely that would qualify as slavery conditions.

Then you say:

Sorry guys, America is your family and you just don’t like how it is being run so you want to take your toys and leave, but not really leave, because you still want all the benefits that society has produced due to effective civil government. *** If your liberty is so important, just leave.


This is a strange statement considering that you seem a lot more disgruntled with the United States than the average Keys member. You are definitely much more dissatisfied than me as you appear to hate this country which you say has an evil foundation and existence, has negative liberties and capitalism you do not like and is not socialist enough for you.

If there was a better place to go and we had the power many here would do just that. Most other countries either have high taxes or ruled by a tyrant. Somalia, as you suggest, is certainly not desirable. There is nowhere to go for those who just want to be left alone as a group, but eventually such a place will be made.

The only place I can think of that may be more desirable than the United States is Switzerland but the draw is not so great as to cause me to go to the inconvenience of pulling up stakes and moving away from my loved ones.

Instead, I am creating proposals for positive change for this country while it is still possible and have written a book on the subject called Fixing America.

If we had reform according to my proposals about the only ones who would complain would be those who want more legal theft available for their own selfish interests.

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Keys Writings 2015, Part 8

This entry is part 9 of 13 in the series 2015B

April 2, 2015

Entering the Body

There are a lot of questions and comments in which to respond and I am short of time so I’ll just pick one subject and try and catch up later.

The group has been discussing when the soul or life enters the body so I’ll give you my views.

A soul will sometimes know who will be his mother long before the baby is even conceived and he may have a spiritual link with her. Other times he may not know who his next mother will be until a conception occurs. Sometimes at conception a link will be established but he will not enter the body. More often than not the mother is chosen by the soul some time after conception occurs, usually around six months into the pregnancy. Sometimes a choice is made and the entity finds a better opportunity and switches with someone else. This has to happen before entering the body.

Once the pregnant mother is chosen by the soul he or she can enter the body any time, but most are not interested in dong so until about six months into the pregnancy. If they go early it is to assist with the development of the body.

When the soul does enter it only partially does so. Then at birth when it takes its first breath it is anchored more firmly, but still only partially present.

There are two reasons for this.

(1) It is kind of boring to be in the womb as well being a baby and a full presence is not needed.

(2) It takes time for the soul to adjust to the body and the personality life forces which will influence him or her.

After birth the soul anchors itself more firmly and takes complete possession around the age of seven or eight.

Even here part of your soul essence (your Higher Self) remains back in the spirit world, but the full allotment of soul essence designated for a particular life is endowed around this time.

From the time of full anchoring to around the age of twenty-one the entity awakes to the level of basic consciousness and intelligence that he had in his past life.


April 3, 2015

The Gathered Monads

Many believe that the universe was created by God dividing Itself. Actually, the opposite is true. God expanding and multiplying, not dividing created the universe.

This truth was revealed in the symbolism of recent discoveries in astronomy. Scientists not only found that the universe was expanding, but the rate of expansion is increasing. This increase of the crate of expansion has really baffled scientists and they have no good explanation as to why it is happening. They have come up with theories of dark mater and dark energy to explain it.

When the mind of God decides to create it does so with a ever increasing rate of expansion.

Look at us humans who are made in the image of God and examine our history as creators. We are expanding this power of creation at an ever increasing rate. We’ve made more gains in the power to create in the past 200 years than in all of recorded civilization.

After the last universe ended it collapsed down to a singularity that we could call the one monad of God, or all there is. Within this monad all rested in subjective consciousness for it contained the monads of all lives that ever were from the past creation. The monads of you and I were there resting in the bosom of the Father and after a great pralaya we decided it was time to create again and to manifest new vehicles for the next great adventure.

The first thing we did was create space, not space as we know it for all that we were existed in a much higher plane than the physical. We will call this divine space for it was a vehicle to contain the creative thought of all there is. This thought was the result of all the monads in existence working as one, expanding the mind of God like a Big Bang of cosmic fire.

Within this divine space were reflected the monads of all living things that slept which now were awakening as points of light or intelligence. The points which were beyond the ability of present human consciousness to number began to merge and blend and create greater monads and the greater joined and created greater ones still until monads of potential humans and even greater potential lives began to manifest.

The One Great Life, which was a composite of all lives, then reflected on all possibilities that could manifest in all new creations. This created the plane of divine ideas which projected still downward until all planes came into manifestation, the last of which was the physical in which we now live.

Divine space reflected itself down to space on the physical plane first created by geometric points and then the manifestation of monads.

The first monadic expressions created the foundation of the atom followed by monads that created atoms. These atomic monads gathered and created greater monads until all types of ideas began to take form.

Finally, after the creation of stars and planets monads gathered and created plant life. The plant monads gathered and created animals and the animal monads gathered and created humans.

Human monads are created from many lesser monads. In turn, human monads will gather and create greater lives still until all lives join to create a manifestation in the physical realm of the One Great Monad or Life in its fullness. When this occurs the adventure of this cycle of existence will be complete.

Each of us, which are many, are a part of the One Great Life but as single individuals we not this great life. Nevertheless by sharing the consciousness of lives greater than ourselves we can experience the greater life as if we were the totality of this life.

Even so, lesser monads have joined to create the human monads which then created the projected human lives. Humans, who are in the image of God, are created from monads which are composites of many lesser monads Just as the One Great Monad is a composite of all that is within.

The creation of the universe is like the creation of many types of great music. There are many songs. Each song is like a great monad. The chorus and verses are lesser monads. Lesser still are the measures, the chords and the single notes.

A song has a beginning and end to its manifestation in physical existence but the song existed in subtle realms for an eternity before and will for an eternity after it was heard by the ears of the sons and daughters of men.

You are one of the songs of God, the creation of many parts. Play yourself harmoniously to your brothers.


April 4, 2015

Future Happiness

One of the big problems had by many when contemplating our future after this life and far beyond is that any description of life that is much different than we are now experiencing or want to experience may seem distasteful.

This is one of the problems people have in accepting reincarnation. Many people have had a tough life and the prospect of coming back again does not appeal to them at all. The idea of living forever in the presence of God, experiencing peace and love with no worries from then on seems appealing.

This was the case with my mother. I tried a number of times to explain reincarnation so she would understand and look forward to a future life, but no matter how I presented it she would reply something like this.

“One life is enough for me. It has been a very difficult life and I do not want to go through these things all over again.”

I explained to her that even though she may have a very peaceful existence in the spirit world that sooner or later she would want a new challenge and desire to come back. I told her that not all lives are difficult and some are very rewarding.

It didn’t matter. She rejected reincarnation mainly because she had a difficult life and felt that one life had all the lessons she needed.

We as humans dream of our future state and often formulate what we think we will be doing and experiencing in relation to what we desire at the present time rather than just being open to what it will be no matter what the truth is.

For instance, many Moslems dream of a paradise where they will have luxurious circumstances with plenty of fine food and drink and seventy virgins to serve them and fulfill their every wish. The believer doesn’t want to consider a future much different than this.

Let us examine what we do know of for sure from our limited earth experience. Think back to when you were a child or a teenager and how you dreamed your life would be . In many cases we wind up doing things we never considered when young. And some of these things tend to be quite enjoyable contrary to what we may have once thought.

Now consider how much more difficult it would be to get a correct picture of what you may enthusiastically pursue 100, 1000, one million or a billion years from now. If your far future self were to come explain to you what he is enjoying doing or experiencing it is quite possible you might be somewhat disappointed or even horrified.

The thing to keep in mind is this. This life is a part of your eternal lives and if you want to get an idea of what you will be pursuing for fulfillment in the far future then look at what you are doing now.

And what are you doing now?

Whatever you choose to do based on choices available.

And what brings you happiness?

Nothing beats the accomplishing of something that you think to be worthwhile.

And this we will continue to do in many various circumstances, forms and incarnations. We will seek to create something interesting and enjoyable. The difference will be that our capacity to achieve and enjoy that which is achieved will continually expand.



Has JJ talked about this (the virgin birth) before?


I answered this earlier but it seemed to have disappeared into the ethers.

Here is what I have taught in the past. Mary did indeed conceive of the Holy Spirit in that Joseph was overshadowed by a Divine Presence during lovemaking when Jesus was conceived. She was not a virgin as taught by the establishment.


The Soul and Truth


I am just curious to why such credence is given to Blavatsky and Alice Bailey.


It is not that we give credence to any individual so much as we give credibility to teachings that are verified by the soul. Verification through the soul is the closest that regular mortals will ever get to infallibility.

Personally I get more verification through the soul from one page of DK writings through Alice A. Bailey than a thousand pages from many teachers out there that have followers jumping up and down with excitement. And you’ll find that most people who have actually read the Bailey writings and contemplated them feel the same way. Many have come on board here never having heard of Bailey and after checking out the writings have concluded that my assessment was correct.

I have read quite a few of the Upper Triad teachings mentioned a few days ago and see that they are largely based on the Bailey writings.

Now you seem reluctant to consider the Bailey writings, but do you know what you are not considering? Have you read even one entire book of the teachings?

I would recommend you start with Treatise on White Magic.

The reason her writings have so much light is they were dictated by a Master who is around 300 years old and knows whereof he speaks. I do not think the writings are infallible and still we need to run them by our souls, but they are the highest exoteric light I have personally discovered.

Blavatsky had some help but she put together her books using her own intelligence and writing style. There is a lot of truth in her writings but it has a fairly dry presentation. And she does not go into principles the way the Bailey writings do.


I am pretty well convinced that while Blavatsky was a highly intelligent woman and an excellent synthesizer of Eastern and Western Knowledge, I think it has been quite reasonably demonstrated that she engaged in a number of fraudulent activities and her “channeled” masters were actually identifiable human beings.


She was definitely a flawed character, but when examining the teachings of any writer I go by what my soul says, not what someone says about the character of the writer. Truth is truth even if spoken by the devil himself.

On the other hand, Bailey’s character was beyond reproach. Does that mean that we should mindlessly accept her writings?

Of course not. Neither should we mindlessly reject Blavatsky.


Similarly with the Bailey readings. We are fortunate to have a actual Tibetan Buddhist monastery where I live, which opens up to the public for certain events, and I have engaged in several discussions with some high level lamas and they assert that what Bailey and Blavatsky profess is in no way true Tibetan Buddhism and is a figment of their highly developed imaginations.


Of course they would say that. Many Tibetans are very primitive in their knowledge of the truth. Just like an orthodox Mormon will think my teachings are nothing like real Mormonism many Tibetans will think the teachings of a Master such as DK are out to lunch.

You can’t evaluate the truth of a teaching by what others think. You have to run them by your soul and see what it thinks. If nothing else run them by your own mind to see what the highest part of your personality self thinks.

Instead of categorically rejecting a teaching the best thing to do it pick a teaching and examine it. I even do this will Allan. If I just dismissed all he says because of supposed flaws then I would be dismissing the occasional time that he gets something correct.


I just thought I would share this because while I find Blavatsky good for introducing some Eastern ideas to the west, I think she packaged them in a way that Westerners could embrace, but were really distortions of the East’s spiritual dharma.


Neither Blavatsky or Alice A. Bailey were trying to present the “East’s spiritual dharma.” They were just trying to present the additional truth regardless of what the source may be. Blavatsky said that her religion was truth. With this statement we are in agreement.


it seems that many people want to adhere to these new teachings just as dogmatically as the religions they left behind.


Are you saying that the people here are dogmatic about their beliefs but you are not about yours? I do not see such a superior detachment from dogmatism for you to make such a judgment.

The best way to free oneself from dogmatism is to follow the guidance of the soul wherever it leads. That is what most of the group is attempting to do.


I think all teachings need to focus more on personal development and practical methods of development than discussing improvable, and ultimately irrelevant complicated metaphysical systems.


We are not into personal development that involves me or anyone else set up step by step instructions telling the group what to do next. That has the potential for a beastly type authority. I have given out a lot of information on the principles behind soul contact which is by far the most important step to take. We are into the discovery of principles and how they work and lead us to truth. When new principles are discovered through the soul then personal development will come naturally for the seeker will know what to do.

There are plenty of personal development programs out there for those who are interested. There is no sense in reinventing the wheel. We are moving on to new types of wheels not presented before in wholeness.


Forever does not exist, forever is everlasting time, time does not exist, it is a construct of the human mind, there truly only is an Infinite Now.


So, are you saying that for the billions of years that there was no human on this planet that there was no time? If there was no time then there was no earth. If there was no earth then where did the pre-human rocks come from that are billions of years old?

Now if you would have said that the registration of time by humans is a construct of the human mind you would be correct.


Time as passing only exist upon reflection, which is an abstraction from experience. Time is a thought, it does not “exist”. When have you ever experienced “the past”, when have you ever experienced “the future”.


You are playing word games here that do not represent reality. For one thing, we in human consciousness never see the true present. We are always a portion of a second behind the present in registration so we see only the past. No one has ever seen anything on earth in true present time.

Look around you. We not only see the past but all things we see are were created in the past showing that the past was a true reality that occurred.

You said you didn’t want to talk about things we could not prove yet you cannot probe that time does not exist.


Time is a thought, reality is current experience which is infinite, beyond time, without time.


On the contrary, my friend. There is no experience without time. Time creates experience.

There are three worlds of form and where there is form there is movement and where there is movement there is time. Time is the registration of movement. If every particle in the universe stood still and did not move the universe would disappear and there would be no registration of time and no universe. Time is not only the registration of the movement of form but also the movement of consciousness. If your consciousness has moved from one state to another or one thought to another then time has been registered.

In some of the higher and subtle states of being the passage of time is not registered and some who touch upon this state feel that time doesn’t really exist. This is not quite correct. When divorced from time, time still exists in the worlds of form. Just because you cannot see the squirrel at your door does not mean the squirrel does not exist, and the fact that your consciousness may be divorced from the registration of time does not mean that time does not exist.

We incarnate in and out of time just as we incarnate in and out of various bodies. But while out of the body or time, bodies and time still exist.


April 5, 2015



Thank you for your answers. I have the same question as below, “why was there needed an overshadowing? Couldn’t the father have done so any time with Jesus individually?


I remember the exact moment my firstborn son was conceived. It indeed felt like I was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. He’s a great kid, but he is no master or Jesus. I can only imagine what it would have felt like at the moment of the conception of Jesus.

It is quite possible that the Holy Spirit that overshadowed both Joseph and Mary was Jesus or the Christ to make sure the conception got off to a good start to insure that Jesus would have a physical body with the balance necessary to permit the spiritual flow for his mission.


Good common sense comments Clay. Here is a scripture giving more evidence to the fact that Jesus was not a black and white Ebonite:

For neither did his brethren believe in him. John 7:5

Now James was famous for being a strict Ebonite and it is quite possible that James and brothers did not believe in Jesus when he was with them because he did not go along with the belief system.

April 6, 2015

The Logos of a System


I believe I heard you refer to the heart, as the place the animal resides in the human monad. Does this have a relation to the heart chakra? If so what form of entities reside in the other six to form the composite?


All the seven chakras are lives unto themselves but of a different type of consciousness than the human. In addition each of the twelve petals of the heart center is composed of a deva life or lives of differing qualities combining as a whole to make a greater life.

The heart, the throat, the solar plexus, the sacral and the base centers are all vehicles in which the animal, the plant and mineral parts of ourselves incarnate along with us and share our consciousness. Each different body we receive has a different assortment of lower lives. Keep in mind we simultaneously exist in three worlds of form (physical, emotional and mental) and each of them are composites of numerous lower lives.

The Ajna center between the eyebrows and the crown centers are linked to high deva (angelic) lives and other lives higher than human. When these two centers open the individual becomes more than human and opens the door to the kingdom of God,

The heart center has a reflection of itself in the crown center and thus becomes the bridge between our animal nature and our Divine Nature.


Recently I was reviewing the book Eternal Words. Looking at a section I found to be my favorite in the series. The part I refer to is the communion with the ancient of days. There is a point in the journey where it appears to relay information saying to the effect, that there is no gathering of intelligence ready to take on the incarnation of a galaxy. that an intelligence at the helm of a series of 7 solar systems (or constellations i have forgotten and don’t have the book handy) is the highest we have yet. Then only a few pages after this, he is able to have a conversation with the universe. This seemed somewhat contradictory to me. I assume I either misread something, or have a lack of understanding on what is meant.


Good question. The confusion comes because there are two different lives who are referred to as the Logos of a system. For instance, Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, is often referred to as the Planetary Logos, but technically he is not. Instead, he is the representative of the Planetary Logos. He is an advanced human whose consciousness has gone way beyond human. He with total awareness shares in the consciousness of the whole planet which includes all life understood by us, and much more.

The actual Planetary Logos is the life of the earth itself and as a life which has incarnated into an entire planet it has not progressed nearly as far on its level as the Ancient of Days has on his. When the Logos of the earth reaches the end of its evolution then it will be a much higher life than the advanced humans here.

The same goes for the Solar Logos. Its representative is much further along the path than is the Ancient of Days, but the life experiencing physical incarnation as a solar system is not so far along.

In this universe as advanced humans move forward seeking to encompass greater systems with their consciousness fewer and fewer are able to take the job as a representative. The highest logos representative known is called THE ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT CAN BE SAID and is the representative of the Logos of seven groups of solar systems.

The Higher up we go the younger is the indwelling Logos and the Universe is just a child in its evolution and without a conscious representative to speak for it – for as yet there is no one to speak to.

Now these great Logi also have Higher Selves and on higher planes are much more advanced than is the part of their self that is in physical incarnation. If you were to communicating with the higher self of the universe you would be speaking with one of incredible light compared to the part of itself that is in physical incarnation.


Keith writes:

Now, we find that galaxies have neither an indwelling intelligence or an intelligent representative mentoring from above.


If you think this you misunderstood what I wrote which was:

In each major body, whether it is a planet, a star system or a group of systems, there are two life forces at work. The first is the indwelling entity, which is awakening in consciousness, and the second is one who has already attained a high state of consciousness. This is one who has passed through the human kingdom.” (technically this applies up to the seven constellations for representative Logos )

Any combinations higher than seven constellations have incomplete governments that are in the process of formation. There is no single Logos over the galaxy, but there are various groups of great beings who seek to guide the galaxy as a whole toward an intelligent design.” (From Eternal Words)

The reference to “no single logos” was referring to a governing representative such as the Ancient of Days not the entity incarnated into the system.

All matter and groups of matter has indwelling intelligence and I have never taught anything to the contrary.

I’ll tell you… these people who come on this forum for a short time and accuse members of mindlessly accepting what I say don’t have a clue to the real truth. If something doesn’t make sense, even to my strongest supporters, then I will definitely be challenged.


April 7, 2015

Right Use of Money

Clay writes:

I do admit to asceticism as that is the path that has been advocated by every great spiritual teacher for the last 2000 years. Not a single one has ever said make sure you have a diversified stock portfolio for retirement. My favorite anecdote is when Alexander the Great went to Diogenes:

Thereupon many statesmen and philosophers came to Alexander with their congratulations, and he expected that Diogenes of Sinope also, who was tarrying in Corinth, would do likewise. But since that philosopher took not the slightest notice of Alexander, and continued to enjoy his leisure in the suburb Craneion, Alexander went in person to see him; and he found him lying in the sun. Diogenes raised himself up a little when he saw so many people coming towards him, and fixed his eyes upon Alexander. And when that monarch addressed him with greetings, and asked if he wanted anything, “Yes,” said Diogenes, “stand a little out of my sun.” It is said that Alexander was so struck by this, and admired so much the haughtiness and grandeur of the man who had nothing but scorn for him, that he said to his followers, who were laughing and jesting about the philosopher as they went away, “But truly, if I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes.”


It appears that if we judge by your standards of good and evil that Diogenes was a pretty evil Dude. After all, it seems that sunlight was pretty important to the desires of his lower nature and he wasn’t willing to share it. If we substituted money for sunlight as something to which he was attached you would definitely condemn him.

Alexander saw that he was “haughty” as he undoubtedly reminded him of himself who many thought to be haughty. Now there are those who see that characteristic as being evil. Should we reject then all the words of Diogenes as being mixed in with the black arts if our personalities do not like haughtiness?

That said let us look at your logic here. You say:

Blayne I never said Money was evil, we just should never use our spiritual faculties to “manifest money” in our lives for any purpose. Ever.


Why in Gods green earth would you think such a thing? There is nothing in the scriptures to support this idea or in any teaching with any light in it.

Now you make money as an attorney. And how do you do this? You use your spiritual faculties to do your job and thereby manifest money so you can take care of your needs. Which spiritual faculties you ask? Several.

(1) Your life force itself. Life is a very spiritual gift.

(2) Logic, reason and the quest for truth by the mind. Again, the mind put to such use is a spiritual faculty.

(3) Your heart is dedicated to assisting people through law which in the end provides money for income. The good heart is indeed a spiritual faculty.

Now you’re probably thinking something like: “I’m talking about higher spiritual power.”

Well we’re talking about using meditation and what is that, but thought and visualization? Every businessman who seeks to make money with his business puts a lot of contemplative thought and visualization into his work to make it successful in making money to feed his family. The businessman using thought and visualization is using the same powers as the guy using them in meditation. Are they both evil if they seek for money for unselfish purposes? Is unselfishness evil in your mind? If that is evil then what is selfishness? That must be the good then.

When Jesus and Peter were in arrears with taxes Jesus used his supernatural powers to guide Peter to catch a fish with enough money in its mouth to pay the tax. Was Jesus practicing black magic here? This was for a more selfish purpose than anything DK advises. He has never told people to meditate to get money to pay their taxes.

Then Jesus used his powers to create enough fish and bread to feed 5000 people. That must have been worth over $20,000. That was as good as making money fall out of thin air.

What is the difference between procuring food with money or a spiritual gift? The end result is the same and people get fed.

If you are starving and someone gives you money to buy food do you not appreciate it just as you would if he materialized food for you out of thin air?


You can absolutely ask God to help you use your talents to the best of your ability and money will come or it won’t, but one should never, ever, attempt to use our spirit to manifest money, even for the “best of causes”.


This may be the way you feel but there is no reasoning behind the feelings.

And why do you feel this way? Is it because your mind has been programmed to think that money is evil? If so, detach yourself from the program and look at the idea objectively in the light of truth.

Money, like any source of power, is not good or evil. Any power can be directed toward good or evil depending on the intention of the one wielding it.


These teachings are very difficult for the typical American capitalist to accept, and again, I am not saying throw away money, or ignore money, just don’t focus on it, especially as part of ones spiritual practice.


You say we should not ignore money. If we do not ignore it then some focus is required at times. No one is saying that making money for personal use should be the center of any teaching. There is a huge difference between focusing on making money for which to do good and making it for accumulating material things.


If you can find a spiritual master from over 100 years ago who advocated doing this I am all ears,


Is Jesus a good enough reference for you? DK, who you are criticizing, was advocating that we use our resources to transfer the power of money from those who are trapped in the forces of materialism to the workers in light and love for he betterment of mankind.

Jesus was advocating the same thing. He told those who were attached to money and materialism to do good unselfish things with their money. He tried to get money directed away from the material to he spiritual.


but this is a practice is only prevalent in certain New Age teachings which I truly believe are perversions and distortions of the great spiritual dharma of the past.


You are mixing up what DK has taught with the prosperity consciousness of some Christians and New Agers. This is apples and oranges.

If you are going you argue with us you need to represent the truth rather than a distorted straw man.


You can not serve God and Mammon, end of story.


Neither DK or myself have come close to advocating the service of mammon. If you have read anything at all of the Alice A. Bailey writings or my own you have to know this. Are you paying attention?


You will not find manifesting money in Buddhism…


When Buddha was hungry he went door to door with his bowl begging for rice. Those who gave him rice had to buy it with money. So begging for rice was the equivalent of begging for money and if you are begging for money or what money can buy you are putting attention on manifesting mammon.


I truly believe that these teachings have been developed by the darker forces in order to lead advanced souls astray and back into the materialism that binds us. The teachings come across as benign, I will use the money for a good purpose, money is energy to be used for good or evil, etc, these are very recent teachings that are very comfortable for us and play into our inherent materialism and egotism so naturally we readily accept them and even embrace them as an essential part of spiritual practice. Yay I get to be spritual and live like a King, money is just energy!!!


You are a million miles from representing the teachings of DK correctly. Obviously you have read nothing but a few selected quotes for you know not wereof you speak.

He never speaks of obtaining money to live like a king or for the sake of the ego. He does correctly say that money is used currently to further the cause of materialism and the use of this power in this direction needs to be shifted toward spiritual purposes.

Do you really disagree with this? What person on the spiritual path would?

Let us look at DK’s words that you think is so sinister.

(1) He says that the spiritual work requires money just as does the material side. If you do not think that is true then I have a bridge to sell you cheap.

(2) He emphasized using money for giving saying, “to those who give shall be given.”

(3) Here is the core message of the prayer he advises:

O Thou in Whom we live and move and have our being, the Power that can make all things new, turn to spiritual purposes the money in the world; touch the hearts of men everywhere so that they may give to the work of the Hierarchy (the work of Christ) that which has hitherto been given to material satisfaction.

I would think one would be fulfilling the words of Isaiah about calling good evil to find fault with that.

In all the Bailey writings DK never says anything that encourages focus on materialism or accumulation of money for any more than personal needs.

Here are a couple things he does say:

Release the hidden beauty which lies in real self-forgetfulness, and let your devotion (tried and proved) and your sincerity stabilise your group. Be not preoccupied with the non-essentials of personal living. Be generous of yourself and time, and give to your group brothers with a clear impersonality which asks nothing for the separated self.

May the Holy Ones Whose pupils we aspire to become so strengthen us that we may give ourselves without reserve, seeking nothing, asking nothing, hoping nothing for the separated self; may we be content to be in the light or in the dark, to be active or passive, to work or to wait, to speak or to be silent, to take praise or reproach, to feel sorrow or joy our only wish to be what They need as instruments for Their mighty work, and to fill whatever post is vacant in Their household.

I am one with my group brothers, and all that I have is theirs.

May the love which is in my soul pour forth to them.

May the strength which is in me lift and aid them.

May the thoughts which my soul creates reach and encourage them.”

If you are going to convinced us that DK is on the dark side then supply us with one evil that he promotes. Give us even one quote from his actual words and explain why is supports the forces of darkness rather than light.

If you think I am equally astray I would make the same challenge with my writings.


More On Money


Money is not energy, if you believe it is your are deluding yourself because it is a comfortable delusion to have.


We’re getting into nuances of meaning that have nothing to do with the argument. Money may not be the direct equivalent of energy, but it represents energy. Similarly, a light switch is not electricity, but it moves the electrical energy to the desired location.

Are either the switch or the electricity evil because electricity has the potential to kill?

Of course not. It is the intention behind the person that throws the switch and determines whether the energy will be used for good or evil. Similarly with money. It can be used for good or evil and if it is used for good then a spiritual event has occurred.


Now it is not good or bad, but focusing on material items with our spiritual faculties is bad, sorry it just is.


No one here is advocating the focusing on material items. The focus is always on the spiritual work. Why would you judge otherwise???

You really seem to be confusing us with the prosperity consciousness bunch. I tried to correct this misunderstanding you have, but you do not seem to want to accept the clarification.


This is a Luciferian New Age teaching that I will absolutely oppose every chance I get, it is a great deception of the New Age community that traps advanced souls in materialism.


Well then, you do not have to oppose DK or myself because neither one of us focus on materialism. Just the opposite is true. You are seeing things upside down here.


Some issues are black and white, like rape is always wrong. Using your spiritual faculties to focus on money is the wrong use of your abilities, end of story.


If you are going to teach a doctrine here then you need to tell us why such a teaching is true or makes some sense.

You say that money “is not good or bad.” Now if money is not good or evil, as you say, then putting some attention on it is neither good or evil, just as it is neither good or evil to think of a light switch.

The only thing that makes something neutral like this good or evil is how the energy is going to be directed. If you are going to turn on light to those who are in darkness then focusing on turning the switch is a spiritual endeavor. Even so, focusing on money to assist hose in need cannot in any logical way be called evil or Luciferian.

Where is your reasoning here? If you were talking about this in court you would have to present a case that makes some sense to the jury.

Just saying that directing money to a good cause is evil merely because you say so is just not enough.


Sorry if that offends you, sometimes truth is offensive and tells us things we don’t like to hear. I don’t remember Jesus saying “If you would follow me invest your money wisely, get a good job, and then follow me.”


Neither DK or myself has talked about investing money as a spiritual enterprise – certainly not in the traditional sense. But even here Jesus recognized that if you do have money then it is better to invest it wisely rather than hoard it. Keep in mind as you read the parable that a talent was worth about a half million dollars in today’s money.

Matt 25:14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

Matt 25:15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

Matt 25:16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.

Matt 25:17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.

Matt 25:18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.

Matt 25:19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.

Matt 25:20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

Matt 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

Matt 25:22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.

Matt 25:23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

Matt 25:24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:

Matt 25:25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.

Matt 25:26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:

Matt 25:27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. 25:28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.

Matt 25:29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

Matt 25:30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Obviously Jesus was in favor of those who were attached to possessions to use them for good, but even on practical matters he recognized that it is better to invest money wisely than to just hoard it. Here he actually praises the guy who uses money as a wise investment. He never insinuated he was a black magician.

The group here looks for principles behind things to determine whether they are good or evil. We don’t call something evil just because someone declares it so, but because we can see the harm. If an action produces good then why would we want to call it evil.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20


Jim comments regarding proper use of Money:

Charan Singh , the Guru who initiated me, built this Charitable Hospital in memory of his Grand Father, and Master, Sawan Singh, mostly using his own money and resources. Also, Patients came there from all over the world to be treated, always, ….FREE of CHARGE! Most of the Medical Equipment was donated by Initiates from all over the world.

All of the Doctors, Nurses, and Staff donated their Services, free of charge, as they signed up to do the Service, “Seva” to God. Some only did a month, others 6-12 months at a time, and some did more.

I think money used in ways like this example is in line with God’s Work.


This is a good example of the right use of money and if one visualizes the hospital having more power to serve or more people donating money to them so they have have more power to serve then the end result is the same. The intention and purity of heart is the same in both instances and both visualizations call for no personal benefit for the one meditating.



Also, did not Jesus directly command the rich man to go and sell all he had and give it all to the poor if he were to be follow him and then he would have treasure in heaven. Matthew 19:21.


You are reading something into this scripture that is not there. This was the instruction of Jesus to this specific individual. Nowhere does he give this as a commandment to all. If Joseph of Arimathea had done this he wouldn’t have had a tomb to donate to Jesus and Peter couldn’t have had a ship to go back to fishing after the crucifixion.


Modern people want this “middle class” American Jesus, that does not challenge them or threaten their lifestyle, well I am sorry, the Jesus I read about in the bible was absolutely radical in his beliefs, completely unconventional, and challenging to the status quo.


You are right that the Jesus of the Bible definitely wasn’t the typical middle class guy, but neither was he into extreme poverty as was John the Baptist for he was called a “glutton and a winebibber” by his enemies.

The fact that the lifestyle of John and Jesus was quite different illustrates that one size does not fit all for either master teachers or disciples. And advice to one is not always advice to all.

One disciple may have a mission, as Joseph, the son of Jacob, and become the richest man in the world in order to save many and another may be like John the Baptist and live on locusts and honey.


April 9, 2015


Yeah, concerning the posting rules, we tend to go easy on new people or posters at times when there is an interesting topic of discussion It is probably time to remind the group of the guidelines.

Unlike most discussion groups this one was organized as a classroom. Readers of my books wanted to know more of what I had to teach so I became the official instructor setting the class agenda. The topic I posted on whatever that turned out to be is considered on topic. The group did want to post on some off topics of interest now and then so to differentiate, an off topic post is supposed to begin with the capital letters OT. Now if I jump in and comment on the OT and it becomes one of sustained interest then it is no longer off topic but on topic.

Another guideline is to limit postings to three a day. The group desired this because some were making many posts off topic or descending into emotional arguments that few wanted to read and numerous such posts became a big distraction. We give a little slack on the three posts a day if they are on a topic of high group interest or for new people adjusting to the group.

The three posts a day shouldn’t be much of a limitation for many posts can be combined. You have almost an unlimited number of words available in each post.

The other main guideline is to just be civil – avoid name calling, insults and personality arguments.

If posters become too big of a distraction or generate too many complaints we put them on moderation where their posts are read and approved before letting them appear.

Overall we are about as laid back and flexible as possible while still trying to keep to the classroom agenda.

Since we’ve encountered Allan’s group we have had a lot more free-for-all than before and I have gotten some complaints so I plan on guiding the group back to focusing on one topic at a time.

Right now the main topic of discussion has centered around good and evil so this is the official topic of the present.

My next post will be on this subject.


April 10, 2015

Necessary Evil


Shalom JJ, have you ever wondered why the Apostle Paul was maligned or accused of teaching, “let us do evil so that good may result? What are your thoughts on that?


Actually, that hasn’t been something on my mind, but now that you brought it up I’ll make a few comments.

Paul sometimes taught about the contrasts of good and evil and the fact that good may come out of a bad (or evil) situation. The background of the verse you mention is that Paul noted that even when people do evil deeds it sets up a contrast so that the goodness of God becomes more obvious. Because of this teaching some evidently made fun of Paul’s words saying something to the effect, “If that is true then we might as well do all the evil we want so good will come and God will be glorified.”

The truth is that in this world of duality and contrasts there can be no good without evil, no light without dark, no up without down, no positive without negative etc.

Here is a good quote from the Book of Mormon on this principle:

11 For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so… righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.

12 Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God.

13 And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away.

II Nephi 2:11-13

So…since evil is a necessary part of existence then does this mean it is fine that we join in with the evil doers?

Not really. Here is what Jesus had to say about it:

Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! Matt 18:7

So Jesus acknowledges that offences or evil actions must come because they are just a part of life, but then he warns the perpetrators with these swords:

“woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!”

In other words, he was saying, “Sure there are people out there who will kill, steal, cheat and so on, but just because evil happenings are inevitable does not mean that the offender is justified. He will get his just reward in the end.”

I haven’t given out an assignment for a while and thus brings us to an interesting subject to consider.

We often hear the statement that a certain act was a “necessary evil” in order to produce a good result.

Is an evil action sometimes necessary to produce a good result? And if the end result was good, was the action then really evil?


April 11, 2015

Does the End Justify the Means?

Okay, let me add another question or two.

Does the end always justify the means, or just sometimes? If not give an example of where the end does not justify the means.

In my earlier example would it by all right to kill the one crazy dude to save 50 lives?

Would it be okay to steal some food or to lie to save the life of an innocent child?

Why or why not?


Why Did God Create Us?


Shalom JJ, it’s a pretty simple principle when you see it. Elohim created mankind to be AGAINST Him on purpose by creating us FLESH, and this was to allow mankind to fully come to know BOTH Good and Evil. Experience is the BEST teacher, and learning how that sin and evil produces death, and obedience produces righteousness and life, teaches a valuable lesson.


The reason I asked for the principle you were getting at is that principles are the language of the soul and when a true principle is enunciated those who are sensitive will see and feel the truth. The understanding of a principle helps a seeker understand why a teaching is true or false whereas just the giving out of data from some outward authority is generally only believed if you trust the authority and if the authority is in error then you are in error also.

You say that God created mankind to be against him. This has nothing to do with any principle but you are telling is what is in the mind of God. Now that may be possible if you received some type of revelation from God on this subject but it seems doubtful because it makes no sense. We are in the image of God so we go about our creative process as reflections of God.

Like God in the past we are now on the verge of creating intelligent machines that may develop into living things. Is there any developer who wants to create artificial intelligence that will be against him?

Not unless he is insane.

Is God insane?


Then obviously he did not intentionally create us to be against him.

Since this is the foundation of your belief system it is important that you get it right for if the foundation belief is nor right all that follows will be tainted with illusion.

This is another good question for the group?

Why did God create us, or did he?


April 12, 2015


Shalom JJ, who or what caused your “subjection” to error? And did you “willingly” allow it to happen? Blessings in The Name, ImAHebrew.


Before the age of 12 I smoked whenever I got the chance and when I learned it wasn’t good for you I quit and was saved from that error.

What caused the error you asked?

It was a lack of knowledge and understanding.


Shalom JJ, very good response, thank you. I’m in total agreement that your subjection to error was from a lack of knowledge and understanding. This is exactly what caused the two “carnal” personages of Adam and Eve to be “subjected” to their error, because they like you, lacked knowledge and understanding concerning “Good and Evil.”

So this begs another question, why would the Creator of all things create carnal beings who lacked knowledge and understanding concerning “Good and Evil,” which in turn, caused them to be subjected to error?


Not even God can create beings that are instantly full of mastery, but every life has to learn to master all things in creation step by step. We humans are progressing step by step, as do all lives in this creation.

You and I were with God in the creation of this universe and were a part of the universal mind that planned it. We planned creation so we could learn new things and the situations provided in creation were the perfect vehicles for this.

Incarnations everywhere in the universe are for the purpose of learning and the earth is just one of the schools available. No one wants to go to a school where there is nothing to learn. Who of us would want to go back to the first grade?

We came here with many limitations in this dense physical so we could master all things pertaining to this type of existence and then move on to other types of learning. Without the opportunity to grow and learn, living becomes meaningless, even for those in a state of bliss.

We thus incarnate over and over learning new lessons in each life until we master call things as did the Christ. Then we move on to even moiré challenging situations.


P.S. You didn’t address my other question from the previous post. Was your subjection to error (having a lack of knowledge and understanding) entered into on your part “willingly,” or was this subjection by reason of Him who hath subjected your error? You may want to consider Rom 8:20 in your answer.


And Paul in Romans may or may not be right. He was a human being as am I. You have to check with your soul in all things.

The whole plan of learning was entered into willingly, but as we move from class to class we get into many situations where we are not so willing. It’s like when you play Monopoly. You choose to play the game, but you are not happy when you land on someone’s motel. You willingly play football, but the other guy’s touchdown was made against your will. If everything goes in your favor you don’t have much fun and neither do you progress in learning.

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Keys Writings 2015, Part 7

This entry is part 8 of 13 in the series 2015B

March 25, 2015

Pacifism and Judgment

We’ve discussed diet and pacifism from a scriptural point of view. This can be helpful, but rarely solves any argument. Even though many believe the scriptures should be the last word on any subject they rarely are because most merely interpret them according to their own mindset and bias.

Let me therefore speak for a moment from the soul tempered with common sense and reason.

First let us look at pacifism. More important than asking what God thinks of it (as everyone has a different idea of what God thinks) is to ask what are the guiding principles that should determine our actions when a strong or violent reaction seems required.

The answer isn’t whether the action will result in karma, as all actions create some degree of karma. The truth is that sometimes in life we are faced with the choice between three decisions, which are:

(1) Taking the road to the left

(2) Taking the road to the right

(3) Standing still – doing nothing.

For instance, before World War II when faced with the rise if Hitler there were those in Churchill’s camp who wanted to take strong measures to deal with him. Then there was a second more numerous group who felt moderate measures were sufficient. Finally, there were others who wanted to do nothing, except maybe send Hitler good vibes.

The position of those in the third group is usually temporary in nature as changing circumstances will eventually force a choice that leads toward action of some kind.

For instance, before the war and the rounding up of the Jews in Germany many of that race were pacifists and felt the best course was to do nothing to oppose Hitler or prepare to deal with him.

After the war things changed. There probably was not a pacifist Jew left in Germany. I have never heard from a survivor that was not thankful for every German killed by the Allies in order to defeat Hitler.

So… what principle should guide us when considering a decision that may require violence?

Actually, it should be the same principle that guides all of our decisions which is this:

Will the end result of the Decision A result in better, more positive end results than Decision B?

Using this as a guide has proven to produce much better results than that produced by following the advice of some outward authority, even if it is the Bible, some expert or one who claims to speak for God.

Let us look at a possible situation.

You walk into your bank to make a deposit. As you are waiting in line a crazy guy comes in waving a gun. The security guard who is standing close to you draws to fire upon him, but the crazy guy shoots first and kills the guard.

He then puts the gun in his back pocket, takes off his jacket to reveal explosives strapped to his chest. He pulls out a cell phone and tells the group that when he punches in a code of three numbers that the device will explode and will kill everyone in the room. He says that before he does this that everyone is going to hear his grievances about the bank that refused to give him a loan and ruined his life.

He starts relating his story and seems to be nearing the end. You guess that you have less than a minute of life left in which to act or not act. Beside you is the security guard with his gun still in his hand. The crazy guy is shouting and screaming and as he prances back and forth he turns his back on the customers for a few seconds. This gives you time to grab the security officer’s gun and take him out.

Several thoughts run through your mind. You recall that the Bible says you should not kill. Should you obey this in black and white terms and just let yourself and about fifty others (including the crazy guy) die?

Or should you look at the end result of the two options and choose the one that makes the best sense?

You make a decision, which is a no brainer. The crazy guy is going to die anyway in a minute or so and taking him out will save you and fifty people.

You grab the gun and shoot the crazy guy in the head. Everyone in the bank cheers and many give you hugs shedding tears of gratitude. You are hailed ass a hero, but that is not the best part. The best part is that you return home safe to your loving wife and kids who depend on you.

I have presented this scenario to a number of pacifists I have met and haven’t met one yet who says he would take the gun and kill the crazy guy. Instead they would hope for a long shot that the police would come in and save them or maybe they would talk the guy into changing his mind.

When I tell them that no, the police are not going to save them and the guy is going to blow the place up – they still would refuse to take the guy out.

Taking the guy out is definitely the right decision because the end result is much better than the death and destruction caused by the bomb.

You would also be following the scripture that there is a time and season for all things, even “a time to kill.”

So why did Jesus seem to be a pacifist then? The key is revealed in the Revelation of John. Speaking of Christ it is written: “in righteousness he doth judge and make war.” Rev 19:10

Whether or not Christ will make war, that always involves violence, killing and death, is determined by good or righteous judgment.

Those who embrace light and love will only go to war and participate in violence when it is the last resort and have a fair chance at a good result. If a good result is not probable then the path of peace would be chosen.

‘In the days of Jesus the Roman empire reigned supreme and all who attempted to make war with it were destroyed. If Jesus and his little group had taken up the sword against any who opposed them they would have been wiped off the face of the earth and never heard of again. Jesus chose the wisest course of action which was to show no opposition and not pose any physical threat. The Christians following this example still suffered much grief, but they survived and the message of the Christ still lives in the hearts of men.

In other lifetimes when good judgment required it Christ did make war in righteousness and defeated his enemies. Each situation is different. One time may require turning the other cheek and going the extra mile and another may require the opposite.

The Second Key of Knowledge, the Key of Judgment, is the guiding principle. This insight is the lost key of the Buddha.


The logic of Christ was not the logic of this world.


Logic is the same in all worlds. Only the circumstances are different. Truth is truth. No one can supply one example that proves this incorrect. They can only point to nebulous ideas that cannot be put into words concerning God’s higher thought. They do not realize that illusion cannot be out into words that make sense. All truth can be put into words because the Word is God.

So, if you had been the guy in the bank would you have refused to take out the crazy guy and thus accumulate the karma of allowing 50 people to die?



I definitely believe that many of the founders of this country incurred very negative karma for their actions during the revolutionary war.


I would take the karma of those who fought for the cause of the freedom any day above those who stood on the fence and tried to remain neutral because of either pacifism or so they could be friends with whoever won,. That was about a third of the people.

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Rev 3:15-16



I will also state that the logic being employed by JJ and others is exactly the same logic employed by the Catholic Church during the Inquisition. No, I am not calling them inquisitors, but the logic is the same.


You are using Allan type of logic here and are 100% incorrect. A logical person does not fear a different point of view and it is totally against the stand of a logical person to punish one for merely espousing a view or opinion.

There is no hard evidence that a heretic is creating any harm, but in the example you know the crazy guy is about to kill 50 people and that action must be taken to save lives.

The real reasoning of those who punished heretics was that God’s way of thinking (which they see as their own) far transcends that of the more logical heretics. This is similar to thinking of religious pacifists.



I will also say that the violence that occurred in India was also exactly what St. Francis warned about and why he embraced a practice of voluntary poverty.


So, by your logic here a poor country like Afghanistan should be a safe place to live.

A much better plan is to not seek poverty for all, but abundance for all. The greatest stability will occur if all have equal opportunity for for abundance in life on all levels from the spiritual to the physical.



Sorry JJ, that is the logic of the world and Caiphas was being perfectly logical.


He wasn’t being logical at all – not any more than the medieval persecutors of the heretics for having a different opinion. Logical people do not fear a different teaching or opinion just as I and others do not fear anyone who comes here to challenge me or just debate.

You are avoiding my question about the crazy guy. What would you do and what is the logic in not taking him out? Why would you risk the karma of killing 50 people instead of just one?



Murdering another was not as great of a sin because you were only killing the persons body, not their soul. Heresy they truly believed, could lead to ETERNAL DAMNATION.


The eternal damnation idea was not logical nor connected with any proven reality. The reasonable and logical person does not attack those with a different opinion on a thing that cannot be demonstrated to be true. Now it is a different matter if a heretic wants to bomb a restaurant full of innocent people. Dealing with something like this goes beyond opposing a belief, but opposing real harm.

By your logic one should not prick a boil and release the poison because, by gosh, that would hurt and maybe destroy a few good cells. Have fun applying the pacifist logic to that situation.



March 26, 2015

Diet and Health

Let us put aside all supernatural authority on diet for a moment and just talk about it from the angle of common sense, reason and intuition.

There are two reasons cited to be a vegetarian. The first is for better health ad the second is an aversion to killing animals.

Let us look at the first. Are vegetarians healthier than meat eaters?

This is generally assumed to be the case but recent studies tells us otherwise. Here’s a couple quotes:

A new study from the Medical University of Graz in Austria finds that vegetarians are more physically active, drink less alcohol and smoke less tobacco than those who consume meat in their diets. Vegetarians also have a higher socioeconomic status and a lower body mass index. But the vegetarian diet — characterized by a low consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol that includes increased intake of fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products — carries elevated risks of cancer, allergies and mental health disorders.

Vegetarians were twice as likely to have allergies, a 50 percent increase in heart attacks and a 50 percent increase in incidences of cancer.

Vegetarians reported higher levels of impairment from disorders, chronic diseases, and “suffer significantly more often from anxiety/depression.”


Researchers at Oxford University recently followed 35,000 individuals aged 20 to 89 for a period of five years and discovered that vegans are 30% more likely to break a bone than their vegetarian and flesh-eating peers. A subsequent study conducted by Sydney’s Garvan Institute for Medical Research found that vegetarians had bones 5% less dense than meat-eaters. This can be attributed to the fact that many vegetarians and vegans consume very little calcium due to the limitations of their diet.


You would think vegetarians would be healthier than meat eaters, especially since this study shows they have a lower BMI and drink less alcohol but such is not true according to various studies.

Why do you suppose this would be the case? I would guess that part of the reason is that because the vegetarian doesn’t eat meat he has a strong craving for protein and many of them fill that need with foods that are harder on the system than meat. Many of them eat a lot of processed cheese, cow’s milk, starchy foods and tofu in an effort to get that satisfied full feeling you get from meat. It would be interesting to study the health of vegetarians who eat a large percentage of live foods. Now Steve Jobs did seem to live on a very restricted raw food diet, but unfortunately died early of cancer, so he fit the mold of these studies.

One study in favor of a vegetarian diet was done with Seventh Day Adventists. The church encourages members to be vegetarians, eat healthy and not drink or smoke. 30% of them are vegetarians. On the average they are quite a bit healthier than average. I think the reason for this is the church promotes an overall good diet and many members study nutrition and are careful about eating nutritious food.

Mormons also live longer and are healthier than average. They eat quite bit of meat but do not drink or smoke or drink coffee or tea..

Some researches think part of the reason these two groups are healthier than average is the positive influence of their religions as much as diet.

I have taken a particular interest in those who live to an very advanced age. Anyone over a hundred interests me, but I pay particular attention to anyone who approaches 105 or older. I’ve read quite a few stories relating to people 105 and older and do not recall one that said he or she was a vegetarian though I would suspect some are. I remember one guy who was over 110 saying he ate bacon and eggs every morning and another lady saying she ate ham hocks daily. Then there’s another lady who was 116 who raises and eats goats.

Over the years I looked for a common thread in the diet of those who lived in good health to an advanced age and I have found two things. Many of them raise a garden or farm animals and eat what they grow themselves. The most common trait of all though seems to be moderation. None of them seem to go to excess in eating or drinking. From my observations it seems that moderation is more important than what you eat, though what you eat is certainly a factor.

My philosophy in eating for health is this. Eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible. Green leafy vegetables are particularly good and I eat sprouts every day in a big salad. I fast from food 16-17 hours a day and if I feel sluggish I go on a fast from food for a week. That is very rejuvenating. I do not drink milk, but do use a little cream in my coffee.

I try and buy local eggs from pasture raised hens and meat from stock that is humanely raised with no antibiotics, fed with organic foods if possible.

The only drugs I take are from coffee and wine. I avoid prescription drugs as well as over the counter ones like the plague except for a couple aspirin a year. I eat very little sugar and avoid artificial sweeteners as I believe ingesting much of them is very detrimental to health. With rare exceptions the only sweeteners I use are raw honey, maple syrup (usually grade B) and blackstrap molasses.

As health insurance I take a number of food supplements daily.



From the perspective of a seeker of Truth and the vegetarian diet, you forgot the primary reason and the most important, which is the grounding of the person’s consciousness and the inability to comprehend man’s higher soul and spiritual reality.


I didn’t forget at all as that wasn’t the subject of the article. I’ll cover that somewhat next.

Vegetarian diet has little to do with comprehending a higher spiritual reality. I’ve been on both raw foods only vegetarian diet and regular meat diet and haven’t seen any difference in my ability which is moving along just fine. As proof read my thousands of articles and my books containing knowledge brought down from higher planes.

Also, Jesus was a meat eater (note previous article) and he did pretty good. You also quote meat eater Edgar Cayce regularly as a spiritual authority.


Leaselann asks:

I am curious how often do you drink wine and how much? Also do you ever drink any other type of alcohol? What is your take on other types? I know people’s bodies are different and what’s right for one person is not for another.


I currently drink a couple glasses of red wine just before and during my evening meal. I enjoy red wine the most but also like dry white and dark beers. Spaten Optimator from Germany is my favorite beer. I enjoy most all beverages though probably 95% of what I drink is red wine. I drink 5 days a week and lay off for two.

You are right that everyone’s bodies are different. There are those who crave alcohol that shouldn’t drink at all, then there are those that have no desire or taste for it and there are those like me that enjoy it but do not overindulge.

I think that both red wine and quality dark beer are healthy to drink in moderation. Smaller amounts of stronger beverages may also be beneficial, but are more subject to abuse.

Until Prohibition Nicola Tesla drank a small amount of whiskey every day. He felt that a small amount daily would stimulate his system and prolong his life.

He ate meat during the most productive years of his life. After he turned to vegetarianism he started working on weapons.


Leaselann asks:

Sorry one more question what are your favorite wines anyone? I thought you may know some that don’t have added sulfates and grapes are grown without harmful chemicals. My favorite is dmz their current one is a Cabernet rose and my husband is not such a fan.


We talked quite a lot about wine back in 2002. Back then I wrote:

I think that the wines of Australia and Chile appeal to me because the grapes there are grown in earth that has not been stripped of trace minerals. In the United States over 90% of our trace minerals are depleted from our soil, but in Australia the figure is around 50%, one of the lowest in the world. I do not know what the figure is in Chile, but I can tell from the taste of the wine that the trace mineral amount is much better than the United States.

I figure that if I drink red wine from mineral rich countries that the wine will have an additional health benefit beyond the antioxidant and heart benefits from moderate drinking.

I still like the Australian wines a lot and have never tasted a bad one. They seem to have a nice richness to them. There are several that are good and reasonable in price such as Black Opal, Rosemount, Lindeman’s, Yellowtail and Yalumba. However, my tastes have changed since 2002 and I have a taste for a wide variety of them. I used to not like French or Californian wines, but have found some I like. Anything grown in Sonoma County California is pretty good,

I have grown particularly fond of wines grown in my neck of the woods, particularly from Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Some I like are 14 Hands, Columbia Crest Grand Estates, and Red Diamond.

There is a chain here called Grocery Outlet with a store here that buys closeout and overstocked wines and sells them at a big discount. You can sometimes get a $20 wine for $6-$7. The trouble is that when I find one I like they often never stock it again, but it does provide me with an opportunity to sample a wide variety of quality wines without spending a lot.

Twice a year they have a sale where all wines are discounted an extra 20%. One is coming up next week.’

Another way I save on popular name brands is to use rebates. Some wines offer rebates of $3 a bottle for up to six bottles. On top of that one of the stores I buy from offers an additional 10% if you buy six and an additional 10% still on senior day. I’ve bought $10 wines for less than $5 a bottle and $6 wines for around $2.

I usually buy organic with no additive in food, but I haven’t found any really good organic wines and some are quite pricey for what you get. I don’t think the sulfates do much harm. I go mainly by how my body responds to any drink or food.



I have counseled THOUSANDS of Alcoholics, who drank less than two glasses of wine a day.


Why would someone need counseling for drinking two glasses of wine a day? Did they have some kind of negative reaction to it? I It has no negative effect on me, but has the healthful effect of relaxing me. I’ve done some of my best writing and thinking after a couple glasses, but that is me. If it affects one negatively then he shouldn’t drink and neither should one eat peanut butter if he has a bad reaction to it.

I have never had a problem related to alcohol, never had a DUI and never lost control.

The benefit for me as outweighed any detriment. If it didn’t I would stop tomorrow.



“…the vegetarian diet … carries elevated risks of … mental health disorders.”


The real problem with using statistics is an assumption of cause and effect that may, or may not be true. One example that you see all the time is the use of statistics to prove racism, for example, comparing how many blacks and whites are stopped for traffic violations in Ferguson, Mo. It is entirely possible that the problem that statistics is measuring there is not racism, but a much higher propensity for some blacks to be more violent and law breaking (FBI statistics show blacks are almost 8 times more likely to commit murder).


I agree with your points Larry. You have to look at the details of any study to make a judgment because many of them were made with an agenda.

For instance, there was a study a while back that showed that taking vitamin supplements had no benefit. But what they didn’t tell you is that the vitamin they used in the study was the worst one made containing many synthetic vitamins – Centrum. They didn’t use a decent natural supplement because that wouldn’t have given them the results they wanted.

The same thing occurred when a study revealed that the benefit of vitamin E was negligible. They used a synthetic vitamin E and anyone into natural foods avoids that because we realize it probably does more harm than good.

Then they did a study on organic vegetables which showed that they had no more vitamins than the non organic. Their conclusion was that organic was a waste of money.

This was an attempt at deception because we do not buy organic for the vitamins but buy it to avoid pesticides, enjoy the better flavor and trace minerals and other esoteric benefits.

Like they say, the devil is in the details.

March 28, 2015

One Size Not for All


The Sant Mat Masters teach that when awake, the seat of the soul is headquartered at the Third Eye, where it functions from. They say that intoxicants pull the soul down in to the lower Chakras, to the Throat Chakra, as when asleep, and below.


All dense food has a magnetic earthy pull which the person can either follow or neutralize. Those who cannot neutralize and want to seek the spiritual path should check with their souls about drink or eating meat.

For short periods I like to go with the flow and just enjoy the moment wherever I am, earthy or not, but can snap back to the spiritual flow when needed.


You say drinking wine helps you write better.


No, I didn’t say that. I said that I have done some of my best writing after drinking wine. I do not drink enough at one time to cause a hindrance.

I drink like Socrates who often sipped on wine while having philosophical discussions. He said that it was important to no drink so much that you couldn’t appreciate a quality wine.


So, if you soul is drawn below your Third Eye level, do you think you are writing at your highest spiritual potential?


I would think that Socrates functioned at the third Eye as good as anyone you are rubbing shoulders with. Jesus who even turned water into wine for guests to enjoy was another.


Why don’t you try abstaining from all alcohol for a month trial, and substitute drinking wine at dinner for an hour’s Meditation, sitting in contemplation, while concentrating at the Third eye , visualizing a Rose at the center of The Cross.


I didn’t drink for the first 33 years of my life and notice no difference in my spiritual abilities. My greatest quest is to bring down truth and principles from the higher realms and have done that uninterrupted throughout my life. I also seek to introduce principles that will cause positive change on the planet. Take a look at my millions of words of writings as evidence. There are many things there found in no book on earth.

The bottom line is one size does not fit all. I follow the advice of my soul. If it tells me to make a change then I will listen. Many people do get advice from their souls about diet, drink, relationships, behavior etc and think it applies to everyone, but often it just is for them.


March 29, 2015

Diet and Spirituality

So, how important is diet in connection to spirituality? After all Jesus said:

It is “Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” Matt 15:11

Then in the Gospel of Thomas, verse 14 Jesus is quoted as saying:

“…when people take you in, eat what they serve you and heal the sick among them. After all, what goes into your mouth will not defile you; rather, it’s what comes out of your mouth that will defile you.

Obviously a basic idea is this. Eating and drinking has little effect on spirituality when compared to what is going on inside the person’s mind and heart and to what comes out of his mouth. A person’s good words and works will generate much greater spiritual advancement than select food and drink.

Does his mean that what we eat and drink have no effect?

Of course not. Everything has an effect of some kind. The thoughts close to our heart have the greatest spiritual effect on us, but that doesn’t mean that what we take into our mouths has no effect.

There are a number of claims about spirituality and diet. Some claim that one must eliminate all animal meat to enter the spiritual path. Others claim we must eliminate all fish also. Others claim we must not eat anything with a face so clams and oysters would be okay.

Still others say we must not eat any living and moving creature and not eat any of their products, such as milk, cheese and eggs.

Others go further saying on top of this we must not eat anything that is not exposed to sunlight. This would eliminate root foods such as beets and potatoes. Then there are others who say we should only eat green leafy vegetables and fruit.

There’s another group that quotes this verse:

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Genesis 1:29

This bunch claim that to be really close to God we most only eat fruit from fruit trees.

So you think that is as extreme as one can get? Think again. There is another group called Breatharians who claim we must lean to live on air and prana alone before we can ascend. Willey Books is the head of the Breatharian Institute of America and humbly tells us he lived past as Adam, Zeus, Enoch, Jeshua (Jesus The Christ), Joshua, Elijah, John The Baptist, St. Francis Of Assisi, Kuthumi, Balthazar (King Of Syria), Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan (Builder Of The Taj Mahal In Agra, India), Joseph Smith And William Mulholland.

There are quite a few in the East that also teach some version of the Breatharian philosophy.

It is interesting that few of these gurus who are big on diet offer much in the way of new teachings. Usually diet is the centerpiece of their teaching with some copy and paste added in from teachers of the past.

If diet is really the spiritual boost that they claim then they ought to be able to access the higher realms wherein lies divine ideas and bring some new ones down and offer them to us.

Just preaching diet is not new as every version has been already written about somewhere.

Four of the greatest spiritual innovators in recent times have been Joseph Smith, Madam Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce and Alice A. Bailey. Smith ate a fairly basic diet that included meat and drank wine and beer. It was decades after his death that the Church prohibited alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee.

Blavatsky preached against eating meat but didn’t live up to her own teachings and ate meat and animal products. She was against drinking alcohol, didn’t drink it herself, but did smoke about 200 cigarettes a day. This chain smoking was probably largely responsible for her bad health in her later years.

I think she would have been much better off to trade the smoking for a couple glasses of wine a day.

Edgar Cayce was a meat eater and recommended nutritious foods of all kinds. He also drank wine and said it was “a good blood builder and vitality enhancer.”

Alice A. Bailey, who presented numerous new teachings transmitted from a Master named Djwhal Khul, was one of the few innovators who was a true vegetarian and teetotaler.

If we look at these four initiates of spirituality what do we see that they have in common as far as diet is concerned?

Not much except that they ate and drank as seemed good to themselves.

So, does diet have any effect on spirituality then and if so what is it?

What we need to look at here is the governing principle rather than listening to some book or guru who claims to tell us what God wants us to eat and drink.

Here it is. All food, and physical matter itself, has a magnetic pull on the souls of men that draws us in the direction of materialism. Some say we are trapped here because of this pull whereas others just see this as either a playground or school where we come to learn lessons. Both have their points.

The fact is that we have to neutralize this pull in order to free ourselves from the wheel of rebirth. As the pilgrim realizes the need for this freedom he contemplates and enters the path to liberation. This is a journey that lasts many lifetimes. As he journeys on the path he realizes that the heavier his diet the stronger is the pull of the material forces. The heavier foods are animals and animal products, Vegetables are lighter and fruit and leafy vegetables are the lightest of all.

As he begins his journey he feels the extra pull generated by heavy foods and senses that he needs to eat lighter foods to continue onward. As he continues onward he gains in inner strength and finds that for many purposes it does not matter what he eats or drinks. He can now decide on the diet best for him depending on what he needs to accomplish in a certain time or life.

The currents of materialism are like mild currents in river. An experienced swimmer can override the current and swim upstream. A beginner cannot swim upstream and must move forward where the current is not strong.

Even so, different people on the path handle the current of material forces with different amounts of strength, will and power of decision.

Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry gave good advice: “A man’s got to know his limitations.”

Each seeker must asses his limitations and adjust his eat, drink and actions accordingly.

And how does the seeker gain strength as he journeys along? There are too many to discuss in his article but there are several big ones. The first is to cultivate in word and deed the spirit of true spiritual love as taught by the Christ. He must lose himself in service to others because of a love of mankind.

Second he must be pure in heart, true to himself and honest and reliable to others.

The third biggie is self discipline. And this is one of the greatest benefits of a restricted diet for various parts of the path. Several lifetimes of a difficult diet gives a huge boost in self discipline and control that will aid him for lifetimes to come.

So, diet does lessen the pull of material forces, but more important than that is the added strength through the above three strength building spiritual exercises. When the disciple gathers enough strength then for most purposes he can swim upstream with relative ease.

In some lives he may need to blend in and mix where the material forces are strong and others he will not. Whatever the choice, the keynote of the true disciple will be service to his fellow brothers and sisters.


March 30, 2015

Animals and Compassion

A lot of people are vegetarians not for health, or even spiritual advancement but simply for the reason that they believe it is wrong to kill an animal for food.

The question sometimes put to them is where do we draw the line?

Some, like Paul McCartney, say it is wrong to eat any living thing with a face. If it doesn’t have a face, like a clam or oyster, then it is okay. Others would include all shelled creature.

So what about insects? They are eaten in some parts of the world and the Bible says that John the Baptist ate locusts. Many insects have faces.

Some would say this is okay and others not.

So, what if your house is overrun with roaches, termites or spiders? Is it okay to hire an exterminator to kill them?

Some would go so far as to say no.

Once we consider life this low on the scale we have to ask if it is okay to kill trees for our use or vegetables that we eat. They are also living things.

Even the most sensitive animal rights people have no problem taking the lives of vegetables and fruit, but some do have a problem with trees and some other plant life.

Indeed there are many thoughts on this matter and again we need to ask this. What is the governing principle that we need to use?

Is it the Bible?

Not really as there are many interpretations and it doesn’t give any principle on the subject.

Is it the idea that we just should not kill?

Not really as even most vegetarians will put a suffering animal to death.

So, what is the principle?

Quite simply it is the principle that should guide us in all decisions which is this:

Will the proposed action contribute to the creation of more harm than good or more good than harm?

Many animal rights people are very black and white and see only evil in killing an animal for meat and close their eyes to the good that comes because they are of use to humans as food.

Let us look at the positive and negative of raising animals for food.

The negative:

(1) The animal may suffer a few seconds when slaughtered.

(2) Some are raised in poor conditions and treated badly.

That doesn’t really sound so bad, does it? After all, most humans suffer months and sometimes years as they approach death.

There are also a lot of humans raised in poor conditions. Being in prison or starving in some third world is particularly troublesome.

Now let us list the positive.

(1) Many animals raised for food have it a lot better than wild animals.

(2) Animal abuse is being exposed and we are headed in the direction of more humane treatment.

(3) Because animals are important to humans we make sure they multiply in large numbers and the species are preserved and thrive.

(4) Some farm animals such as cattle and sheep would have difficulty surviving in the wild, which they would have to do if humans did not take care of them.

(5) If humans quit eating meat tomorrow farm animals would suffer immensely as they could have no caretaker. Some species would be in danger of extinction.

(6) Because humans make sure animals raised for food breed in large numbers this insures that the animals get a lot of opportunity for life and advancement that they would miss if we did not need them.

(7) Unlike humans, farm animals do not have their progression interrupted when the experience an early death. Because they are raised in large numbers they can rapidly come back and resume their lives.

(8) Contact with humans who raise them stimulates their evolution.

Overall it looks like the benefit to the farm animals outweighs the harm making it more good than bad that we raise them for food and the products they yield.

There is another point to note which is this. There are certain animals that even the biggest supporters if meat eating will not kill for food. These are our pets. Who in the world would ever kill and eat the family dog? What is the difference between killing him or a cow?

This is interesting to contemplate and here is what I believe to be the answer.

Animals which are close enough to human consciousness to be given names should not be killed for eating. Why? Because once an animal is named he is taken under the wing of a human and becomes in training to acquire human consciousness at some future time.

Once he is named and responds to that name then killing him prematurely will interfere with is progression. Once you name an animal under your jurisdiction and adopt him as a pet you should let him live out his natural life as much as possible.

If humanity made a huge move toward vegetarianism this would be a disaster to farm animals. We are, however, slowly moving in this direction and such a slow steady transition is beneficial for both animals and humans.

For more of my thoughts on raising animals for food go HERE


March 31, 2015

Do Animals Become Humans?

Leaselann asks if animals will evolve into humans.

To understand how leaps in evolution occur we must look at the big picture as well as use the Law of Correspondences.

All lives in the universe are a part of the One Great Life which is God. God is the Many and the One something akin to the idea that space is one yet contains all there is, which is many.

Just as the life which is God contains billions of galaxies, each with billions of star systems, and each containing billions of various life forms, even so we as humans contain a universe of lives within us. Within us are the seven major centers, each representing a separate life cooperating to create a greater life which is you. In addition to this there are numerous minor centers. Many of these have been identified as an acupuncture points. These are centers of lesser lives.

Each organ in our body is a lesser life. As we go smaller we find that the average body contains over 30 trillion cells, each living a life of its own, but cooperating with other cells to house the God of their universe which is you. Then there are cells of bacteria co-existing with human cells. There are ten times as many cells of bacteria than human cells.

If we look at the human cells we discover a complexity beyond the imagination with a communications system, a defense system, a government, a distribution system, all kinds of machinery and much more. Around 100 trillion lesser lives called atoms compose just one human cell.

Then if we were to examine the atom we would discover that even this tiny life contains a universe of life dwelling within it.

Some esoterists have taught that the atom, or the tiniest of particles, eventually becomes a cell then a plant, then an animal, then human and eventually a god.

This isn’t quite how it works. The lesser lives do not, as a separate entity, become a greater life, but unite in consciousness with other lesser lives to provide a vehicle for a greater life. A greater life then incarnates into that vehicle, or body of manifestation. The lesser lives then share the consciousness of the greater life and move into higher vistas of being and experience.

The mineral kingdom is the lowest on the planet followed by the plant and then the animal. Humans represent the fourth kingdom on the earth and Christ and associates represent the fifth.

This fifth kingdom is often called the Kingdom of God and one does not enter it alone. It is only entered by the union of one conscious human with others to provide a vehicle for a greater life. Those in the Kingdom of God, who we all the Masters, then share the consciousness of that greater life and move into a new realm of becoming.

In my book The Molecular Relationship I teach how this process which can be incorporated by humans that are not yet masters to link the two kingdoms.

We see this molecular relationship process duplicated in all creation. Atoms gather together to create a greater life, which is a cell. The atom does not become the cells, but shares in the consciousness of the cell so when the identification is complete it is as if it is the cell.

The cell does not become the plant but cooperates with many other cells to create the plant. A blade of grass does not become an animal, but the many tiny plant lives unite to create animal life and then share in the animal consciousness, beginning with the insect kingdom. A fly does not become a cow or a dog, but the fragmented insect lives unite to create the vehicles which make possible the appearance of a higher animal. The lesser lives then identify with the higher life and live through its consciousness.

Individual animals technically do not become humans, but numerous animal lives unite to create the vehicle for the human soul. When that soul then incarnates as a human they share in its consciousness and evolution.

There will be one advanced animal that will be the governing life within you and it will occupy your heart center. Many ancients realized this and spoke of having a heart like a lion, for instance. They also often named people after animals and called forth animal lives within the human for assistance in healing work.

You as a human consciousness are not an animal, but your manifestation is made possible by many lesser lives working together to create your bodies of manifestation. Many lives there are which share your consciousness. You as the decision maker owe it to them to give them a great experience.



We are not going to be judged on if we held the right beliefs or not, we are going to be judged on how we treated each other and how we treated this creation. If anyone thinks some magical set of beliefs earns them any merit, they are in for a rude “awakening”.


This is an important realization and is in harmony with the teachings of Jesus. He said that if a child asks for a fish will you give him a stone? If we know how to give good gifts to our children then how much better will be the gifts from God?

So if we have some errors in belief but are doing our best in treating our brethren well would God be more evil than earthly parents and punish us for eternity?

No. He will be much better than earthly parents and steer us to correct beliefs while opening paths to greater joyousness.


April 1, 2015

Merging and Identification

I figured I would have to write a follow up to that last post. I’ll cover some extra ground and then if there are questions unanswered please ask.

Some seem concerned that we will be limited in our future progression because of this gathering and merging principle of moving forward, but such is certainly not the case. You will have the opportunity to progress to the state of the planetary Logos, the Ancient of Days, the Solar Logos and beyond.

But as you enter into greater states of being in kingdoms above the human you do not go there alone, but must take others with you. Do you think that Sanat Kumara sits alone on a throne just being the Logos of planet earth?

No. There are many with him and he represents trillions of lives and identifies with the wholeness of them. One of those lives is you. You are a part of the consciousness of which he is a part and yet he shares the whole. This is an achievement that will be ours in the far future, but through the Oneness Principle we can get a taste of what is to come.

Visualize the One Great Life which is God as divine space that contains all there is. Even though space is only one thing that which is within it is many. Within this space are points of eternal intelligence without number. They correspond to the innumerable stars and galaxies we observe in the heavens.

Some points are in manifestation and others are not. The points that manifest, and decide to be, blend and merge to create everything there is. First there is conception and creation on higher planes and finally that which was spiritual manifests on lower planes including the physical.

Soul essence was organized and manifest in the spirit before life appeared in the physical. The complete self-conscious soul was designated to manifest the human consciousness. This soul consists of many parts that had to be united first in the spirit and then in the material world. These many parts are called fragments. The fragments of a soul, which are many, first enter the mineral kingdom. After ages of time many fragments unite and enter the plant kingdom. After more ages many other fragments unite and enter the animal kingdom. The advanced animals are large fragments compared to insects and the lower kingdoms, but still not complete enough to manifest a human soul.

Finally, higher monadic intelligence gathers the scattered fragments and creates the soul body to house human intelligence. This soul body, or the Higher Self, then reflects itself into the material world and is born as a human being – a self-conscious entity that is a reflection of the whole yet contains many fragments from all the lower kingdoms. Within you are billions of lesser lives, or fragments, united together to manifest something much greater than themselves.

A fragment that was once a mineral, a plant or an animal that is now part of the whole no longer says I am a crystal, a flower or a dog, but will identify with the whole and say I am John Smith, a human.

Consider this. You are fragmented when you are in the dream state – only a part of you is there and you are not even aware of the existence of the real you in waking consciousness. When you awake fragments come together to make a greater whole and you no longer identify with the guy in the dream who was shopping naked in the grocery store. You now say you are John Smith (or whatever your name is). The fragment that was in the dream has merged and now identifies with the whole rather than the part.

Does the fragment that as in the dream feel a loss when it wakes and identifies with the greater whole? No. It feels a gain for it has entered into a higher state of awareness.

Even so, humans are fragments of a greater whole still and we will eventually gather together and create bodies of manifestation for greater lives. There is a grand oversoul for the whole of he human family that all will eventually identify with and greatly enhance their consciousness and sense of being.

The souls, or Higher Selves of advanced humans have already done a good deal of merging in the higher realms. This is one reason it is important to achieve soul contact so we can gain the knowledge to manifest the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

I’m sure I will be writing more on this later.


The Prince of this World


I was wondering if you think the Scriptures speak of Sanat Kumara? Do you think Yeshua was referencing Sanat Kumara here:

Lk 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

Jn 12:31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

So if Sanat Kumara is the Prince or King of the World, then is not Sanat Kumara actually an evil deceiving spirit known as Satan or the Devil? And doesn’t Satan masquerade or disguise himself as an Angel of Light (2 Cor 11:14), so could the Sanat Kumara really be Satan? Just some well founded questions.


Many believers make the mistake of categorizing every belief with which they do not believe as being something promoted by Satan disguising himself as an angel of light. This is a very illusionary way to attempt to discover the truth and they never ask themselves if they could be the ones promoting the doctrines of the adversary.

To discern whether a teaching comes from a good or evil source one must examine the teaching and simply ask yourself if it leads toward greater love and light or away from them.

If you take the English translation of the New Testament scriptures of Satan being the God of this planet and not the real God then you will indeed have a problem with the Old Testament God. Take a look:

Joshua3:11 Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth passeth over before you into Jordan.

Zech 6:4 Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these, my lord?

Zech 6:5 And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.

Psalms97:5 The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.

Isa 54:5 For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.

Micah 4:13 Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the LORD, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth.

Jer 32:27 Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?

You cite the scripture from John 12:31 which reads:

Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

The word “world” comes from the Greek KOSMOS which is often translated as world, but more closely corresponds to what we currently call “the system.” It literally means the “current arrangement of things.”

Satan is generally seen as the Prince of Darkness or materialism which does rule the current order if things.

Notice that the God of the prophets is called “the Lord of the whole earth.”

This is the same title given to Sanat Kumara who is the Ancient of Days spoken of by Daniel and called the Planetary Logos, or the God of this earth. He is not called the God or the Prince of this KOSMOS or this system of things, for this system has a long way to go before it is in harmony with either the Christ or the Ancient of Days.

To read last years writings go HERE

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Gathering Audio 2015

This entry is part 14 of 31 in the series Audios

The following is audio of the gathering hosted by J J Dewey in June of 2015

Contacting Your Solar Angel

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16 – Greg’s Vision

A New Key

I introduced a new key in this gathering and as luck would have it, there was a flaw in the recording equipment and most of the speech on introducing this was lost.

This key was a little different in that the basics of it has been taught before by others. The Sixth Key of Knowledge is The Law of Correspondences.

This is indeed a key of knowledge and an understanding of it leads to unlimited knowledge and understanding.

Even though the teaching on it has been out there for ages most teachers have made the mistake of seeing it as black and white in principle. They make the statement as above so below and below is as above and leave it at that.

This approach leaves a huge gap in finding the truth as that which is above is never exactly like the below. The insight in this key is that God is always doing new things and when a higher creation appears it has correspondences to lower or previous ones, but always with a twist and that twist has to be found through the use of the intuition.

To understand we can look at history. They say that history repeats itself when it fact it does not do so exactly. One cycle of history may correspond to a past one, but there will always be differences. To discover the coming differences requites intuitive contemplation.

With physical creation an atom corresponds to a solar system, but with a twist. There are a lot of similarities, but also there are differences and the differences on a higher level are a key to the manifestation of greater intelligence.

Anyway about an hour of the presentation was lost but some of the gaps are filled in a previous article here.


We did salvage the last half hour of the presentation which are recorded in parts 17 and 18 below:

Part 17

Part 18

Making A Difference by Curtis Harwell

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

More on the New Key by JJ

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Part 26

Part 27

Part 28

Part 29

Part 30

Part 31

Part 32

Seeking Maximum Health

Part 33

Part 34

Part 35

Part 36

Part 37

Part 38

LINK for Sprouting Tray mentioned in the audio

Excepts from Healing Session

Part 39

Part 40

Past Life Regression

Part 41

Part 42

Part 43

Part 44

Part 45

Part 46

Part 47

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings 2015, Part 6

This entry is part 7 of 13 in the series 2015B

March 15, 2015

The Centers and Correspondence

Larry Woods asks some questions about the centers in relation to planes and asks:

“Is this a valid use of the correspondence principle or does this get too assuming and blind?”


There is no wrong use of the Law of Correspondences just like there is no wrong way to start using clues to solve a mystery. Contemplating the Law of Correspondences sets us on the path to the discovery and verification of the truth, but is not the truth itself, just as clues to a mystery are not the actual mystery. But when the mystery is revealed the clues will all make sense.

I’ll just make a few comments on the chakras and then you can ask me questions that may fill in the gaps.

We are living in a universe governed by the number seven where divisions of seven keep repeating themselves. The seven divisions in one area (such as sound) will loosely correspond to seven divisions in other areas (such as light). There will be similarities in, say, division three of one area, with division three of another.

BUT… These correspondences only supply seed thoughts to discovery for if we are talking about two very different objects of attention with much different mixtures then division three in one will be quite different than division three in another. Moving from sound to light, for example, is different than just moving up an octave in sound.

The seven chakras are far more complicated than the mere playing of seven notes in the musical scale as each has an internal structure which is compared to a lotus composed of petals.

The base of the spine has 4 petals, the sacral centre 6 petals, solar plexus centre 10, heart centre 12, throat centre 16, centre between the eyebrows – 2 major petals of 48 smaller ones each for a total of 96. Finally the crown centre has 1000 petals and twelve of these reflect the heart center and is referred to as the “heart center in the head.”

Each one of these petals represents a different type of energy and frequency and they unfold as we evolve. When they unfold they release a type of energy needed for our next step in evolution. Sometimes the energy released will be quite disturbing physically and emotionally until we adjust to it.

The centers do not progress in linear fashion. For one thing each petal vibrates at a different frequency so different petals in the same center make various connections to the different planes of existence.

It may seem that the center at the base of the spine would merely be associated with the physical, but through it flows the life principle and this principle extends from the lowest to the highest in human conception.

The next up is the sacral which is most closely linked to the physical plane, but is also linked to the throat center which uses the higher creative mind which is capable of manifesting intuitive ideas.

The third center is the solar plexus and is most closely linked with the astral body, but also linked with the heart and when perfected is a tool to vitalize the heart energies for the whole.

The fourth center is the heart and it is most closely associated with higher mind, and when developed, not only manifests spiritual love but taps into vibrations from the intuitive plane to the astral. It has twelve petals and six are related to love and six to wisdom.

The fifth center is the throat, but it would be incorrect to see this as higher in order than the heart. It is higher in physical placement but not on as high of an order as the heart. It helps to understand that humanity represents the throat center of the earth and Christ and His Hierarchy represent the heart center.

The next is the ajna center between the eyebrows, sometimes called the third eye. This is most closely connected with the intuitive plane, but its various petals make connections with other planes higher and lower.

Finally we arrive at the 1000 petalled lotus at the top of the head. It has links to all seven planes and as it opens establishes a greater flow of life energy between it and the foundation center at the base of the spine. Each life successfully lived opens at least one of the thousand petals.

Our seven planes of existence compose just one greater plane called the cosmic physical. The cosmic physical then is just one plane dealing with consciousness on a much higher level. Above the cosmic physical is the cosmic astral, the cosmic mental etc. It is interesting to know that they are there but comprehending them is way above our consciousness. The planetary Logos, the Ancient of Days is just a beginner in dealing with these higher planes.


Utopian Society


In college my professor was an expert in Utopian Political/Religious Societies and I can tell you from what I have studied is that they are all pretty much doomed to failure. The US sucks, but it is the best we got right now.


I do not know of a utopian society that was either doomed or succeeded. Some would call the Jim Jones group of Kool Aide fame a utopian society that failed, but a cult led by a tyrant is certainly not something I would call utopian.

What we are after is not perfection but a much improved society and this has happened twice in recorded history through the aid of thinkers who sought the freedom of the human spirit. The first was the creation of the City State known as Athens and the second the creation of the United States. To many America was seen as a utopia as it was sold as a place where the streets were paved with gold,

The leap forward in social evolution known as the United States was created by the gathering of lights from the rest of the world to this central location. These people were not perfect but had a desire for freedom a step above their brothers they left behind.

Even so, will the next great step forward be created though a gathering of freedom lovers. Gathering through seasteading as well as the purchasing of land will produce some successes and failures. The successes will set the standard which will create the pattern for the political fabric of the new age.



When Yahushua gave up HIS spirit, in a spiritual sense the spirit of all men was released at that moment in time. All men actually died with HIM in a spiritual sense, but very few believe and understand the implications of that momentous occurrence.


That is a nice thought, but there is no reason to believe such a thing. Actually, Jesus said that those who took in his words were not going to die and he followed his own advice and did not die. He yielded up his spirit, but the silver chord was still connected to the body, so he never really died. He merely left his body for three days and then restored himself to health.


The Scriptures teach that when a person physically dies that the spirit within them must return to the ELOHIM who gave them their spirit, their very source of life (see Ecclesiastes 12:7). What then must happen with the spirit of all men released at the same time through the Cross of My Messiah Yahushua? Where does all that spirit go? All that spirit goes into the dead body of Yahushua as also commanded by the Law, and Yahushua of necessity arose from the dead, having been given the life force of all men, past, present, and future.


That is fanciful thinking but not based in reality. At death your spirit does not go into the dead body of Jesus and Jesus was not given the life force of all men past present and future. At death your spirit goes to the spirit world and is reunited with your higher self which is linked to the Creator so in this sense the Spirit returns to God, as the scripture says.


This is why Messiah could assert that all power in heaven and on earth had now been given to HIM through the spirit coming back to HIM in the grave. This spirit is the LIFE of all.


And you and I have access to the same spirit of God that Jesus did. It is that spirit that as all power and when anyone links to it then all things become possible.


My Messiah now owns my spirit and your spirit.


He doesn’t own your spirit any more than Mother Teresa. All of us, including Jesus, owes our lives to the One God.


Do you really believe that Yahushua will now send the spirit of man back to the deceased through the process of reincarnation after Messiah has gone to the trouble to take that very spirit from all men through HIS Cross?


You are preaching something not even found in the Bible, but reincarnation is. On the other hand, the resurrection of KRISIS is the resurrection of reincarnation. You should read my treatise that proves it HERE.


Indeed, the spirit of Messiah is shared with men, but this sharing, this gift is not through reincarnation.


Because we are in the image of God and God has three aspects, one of which is the Christ, the Son or the energy of the soul, then when we access this we access the same spirit that flows through Jesus and every other master soul. Before we come to this realization of access we must pass through many lives.


Let me ask you this question: My Messiah said that it is the spirit which gives life to the flesh. What does it really mean should Messiah choose to give some of us additional spirit? Do you see the implications of such a gift?


Technically a Master such as the Christ can overshadow a disciple, as Jesus was overshadowed by the Spirit at his baptism. This brings additional power to the disciple which can be directed to fulfill the Purpose of God whatever that should be at the time. To receive additional assistance from a Master the disciple must develop himself through the experience of many lifetimes so he can make himself a useful vessel.


March 17, 2015


Shalom JJ, do you honestly believe that what Moses wrote concerning Yeshua rising from the dead is in line with most “Christian” thought? Looking at what Moses wrote would be the last place in the world a Baptist or Mormon would look to see Living Water/Eternal Life/The Spirit being added to the dead body of Yeshua.


Who cares where they look? What you have come up with concerning the living water being the spirit which gives life is pretty much doctrine common to most Christian churches. I don’t see how it matters much if you find the doctrine in Moses or Paul – the end conclusion of your belief is what you live by.

If your doctrine is a lot different than the regular Christian fundamentalist then you have not made yourself clear at all as that is how you are coming across with a twist of seeing some detailed allegory in the Old Testament that supports Christian doctrine.



I am still not sure exactly what IamaHebrew and his brother are trying to express. Could both of you please just write a brief synopsis, without the use of scripture please, to explain exactly what you believe. I admit I am just confused. I know it has to do with Yeshua dying and being resurrected, but that is all I am getting out of this. I am not trying to be disrespectful or intentionally obtuse, I am genuinely not understanding.


I share your sentiments. Here is what I see. The Brown Brothers have come up with some interpretations of scripture they see as profound. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the only two on earth who see the interpretations they way they do. They think that miraculous things are going to happen so their doctrines are going to be accepted by the world with the creation of a new church – like maybe they see themselves as the two witnesses.

They strongly believe their message is important and seek to convert us to it. That is why they are here. They really have no interest that I can see in learning the new things presented here, but only in converting us.

Over the years we have had a number of people come here with this idea of converting us and the end result is always the same. Here is the sequence.

  1. They begin making fairly civil posts, but few of them go along with the class directives. They start to argue for their belief system that has little to do with group interest.
  2. At first most group members are friendly to them and so friendly arguments start to surface.
  3. The new guy stats getting frustrated that no one seems to understand him and some Keys members start getting irritated that the guy has an agenda and is not really interested in the class program.
  4. Some anger begins to surface between the new guy and some members. Unreconcilable differences surface. It becomes obvious to the Keys members that he did not come here to learn, but to convert us and it becomes obvious to the new member that he isn’t going to convert any of us.
  5. The new guy then quits and moves on to another forum.

That said, I hope the Brown Brothers are the exception and that they do some adapting and try and post on subjects the class wants to discuss. We are not a group dedicated to the infallibility of the scriptures, but see then as one source of many from which to learn.

Now Clay sets a good example for one with a different belief system. He has shared some of his beliefs but doesn’t seem to have any agenda to convert us. Sharing is fine, but getting stuck on the same subject for extended periods of time with an agenda is a problem.

This was the problem the group had with Allan. He had an agenda. He basically posts here to convert us to the idea that we do not have contact with the higher self but he does. This does not go over well.


Latuwr writes:

You further asserted to me:

“He yielded up his spirit, but the silver chord was still connected to the body, so he never really died. He merely left his body for three days and then restored himself to health.”

There actually exist a number of New Testament Scriptures which state that My Messiah Yahushua was raised from the dead by the ELOHIM of us all. Check out these two :

Acts 2:24

24 Whom ELOHIM hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.

Act 2:32

32 This Yahushua hath ELOHIM raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.

Do you and Allan and Company possess any Scriptures which point blank state that Messiah Yahushua did not die in a physical sense as you both happily proclaim, and then did not arise from the dead in a physical sense according to your imagined and fabricated gospel?


Neither of those scriptures you quote says that Jesus died. He made it quite clear that anyone who took in his words would not die. He said:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.” John 8:51

“And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” John 11:26

Therefore, if Jesus followed his own teaching this would mean that he would “never see death.”

He didn’t overcome death at the resurrection, but before this event. As it turned out they tried to kill a man who already was not subject to death but he let the drama unfold to present the conquest of death to the world in a way they could understand.



I am still not sure exactly what IamaHebrew and his brother are trying to express. Could both of you please just write a brief synopsis, without the use of scripture please, to explain exactly what you believe. I admit I am just confused. I know it has to do with Yeshua dying and being resurrected, but that is all I am getting out of this. I am not trying to be disrespectful or intentionally obtuse, I am genuinely not understanding.


I share your sentiments. Here is what I see. The Brown Brothers have come up with some interpretations of scripture they see as profound. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the only two on earth who see the interpretations they way they do. They think that miraculous things are going to happen so their doctrines are going to be accepted by the world with the creation of a new church – like maybe they see themselves as the two witnesses.

They strongly believe their message is important and seek to convert us to it. That is why they are here. They really have no interest that I can see in learning the new things presented here, but only in converting us.

Over the years we have had a number of people come here with this idea of converting us and the end result is always the same. Here is the sequence.

  1. They begin making fairly civil posts, but few of them go along with the class directives. They start to argue for their belief system that has little to do with group interest.
  2. At first most group members are friendly to them and so friendly arguments start to surface.
  3. The new guy starts getting frustrated that no one seems to understand him and some Keys members start getting irritated that the guy has an agenda and is not really interested in the class program.
  4. Some anger begins to surface between the new guy and some members. Irreconcilable differences surface. It becomes obvious to the Keys members that he did not come here to learn, but to convert us, and it becomes obvious to the new member that he isn’t going to convert any of us.
  5. The new guy then quits and moves on to another forum.

That said, I hope the Brown Brothers are the exception and that they do some adapting and try and post on subjects the class wants to discuss. We are not a group dedicated to the infallibility of the scriptures, but see them as one source of many from which to learn.

Now Clay sets a good example for one with a different belief system. He has shared some of his beliefs but doesn’t seem to have any agenda to convert us. Sharing is fine, but getting stuck on the same subject for extended periods of time with an agenda is a problem.

This was the problem the group had with Allan. He had an agenda. He basically posts here to convert us to the idea that we do not have contact with the higher self but he does. This does not go over well.


March 19, 2015


Corporations are not perfect but they are far less harmful than governments. Consider these points.

No corporation has done anything to make my life harder (of which I am aware) but they have done many things to make my life better and easier.

Let us compare the largest corporation in the world, Apple, and the federal government.

Apple’s products have given me much pleasure for many years and nothing to make me unhappy or to lower the quality of my life or that may hurt my children and posterity.

The Federal government has done a few things that assist us but I have many complaints. They over tax us and waste our money. I get my money’s worth from Apple so I do not care what they do with the prophets.

Just one example of waste. We lose over $65 billion a year with just Medicare through outright fraud and several times that amount through careless bungling and management.

My biggest complaint is they borrow money in my name and expect my kids and grandkids to pay it back. Apple doesn’t do anything close to being this egregious. They borrow nothing at my expense and are not after my kids future income to pay bills.

If we do not have corporations we would need some type of business organization of a similar nature to accomplish large projects such as developing iphones, ipads, iwatches iMacs etc. If we did away with corporations then what would replace them and why would this replacement be any more benevolent?



You obviously were never a miner in the coal mines of Eastern KY, the corporations there run the towns completely and engaged in outright murder, beatings, and intimidation of every form in order to keep the towns and workers compliant with their aims. Things got better once the Federal government got involved, but about 100 years ago these companies acted no better than criminal gangs and corruption is still rampant.


I see you had to go back 100 years to find a good example whereas you can find examples of government abuse anytime anywhere.

In my youth I worked in construction for several corporations and I had several terrible bosses. Did I blame the legal corporation for my mistreatment? No. The problem was the cantankerous personalities of my bosses. These guys would have been just as big of a problem as bosses in a private non corporate business. They would have been a much bigger problem for me if they had been my parents. Should we ban parenthood to eliminate such difficulties?

Even though I had to put up with a lot I always had the option to leave my job and seek another. Why didn’t I? Because the benefits outweighed the problems.

On the other hand, with government you often do not have the option to leave and seek something better. Take North Korea for example. If they try and leave or even complain then they are likely to get shot. If we do not like the taxation, waste and debt in the USA do we have the power to just opt out?


In the example you cite of course the government should get involved if there is abuse that reaches to the point of murder. I think we all support laws to prevent such things.

And who committed the murders?

People. And the people who ordered the murders should have been prosecuted.

With or without corporations you are going to have people do naughty things. There is no way to prevent wrongdoing of individuals, families, associations, groups, religions, corporations, governments etc? Does that mean we should ban them all?

That is crazy talk. You might as well just ban people being people and that is pretty close to what has happened in North Korea and that hasn’t worked out well. By the way, I do believe private corporations are banned there and that has solved no problems whatsoever.

The point is that if we ban corporations then they must be replaced with something similar. You never answered my question. With what would we replace them? How would we get the next great advance in technology with no corporations such as Apple?

There are problems not only with corporations but with general business practices. I have proposed a solution called The Molecular Business which appeals to people on both sides of the political equation. You might want to take a look. Here are the links.

Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4 Link5

It is interesting that since I wrote this over thirty years ago that there has been social evolution in the direction of the treatise.



Economic cooperatives, and joint partnerships. 100 years ago these companies just blatantly committed murder, they still engage in physical beatings and intimidation.


So have some individuals and churches. Should we ban the Catholic church because of a few bad apples? Should we ban individual initiative?


I have friends that work in legal clinics for the poor in these regions and what these companies engage in is outright reprehensible.


And some Catholic Priests abuse little children. Should we categorize then all as bad and ban them all? Does not compute.


Jim, I was a corporate lawyer and a former anarcho-capitalist and in college and grad school was enamored with Von Mises, Hayek, and the entire Austrian School of economics, Ayn Rand, and Murray Rothbard.


I have never been enamored with the Austrian School and have many disagreements with them. I agree with Ayn Rand as far as she supports the Principle of freedom, but think she goes overboard in emphasizing selfishness. I think you have me in he wrong box.


the threat of socialism was not nearly the threat of statist corporatism.


It is not socialism that is the threat. It is the threat to freedom. Any ideology no matter how benevolent it sounds is turned into a great evil when implemented by force rather working with the majority through education using the principle of freedom.


Corporations are just as much a threat as the state, in fact the two mutually support each other.


You are unjustly stereotyping all corporations here. A handful may work to gain unearned favors, but most do not. There are many good corporations, just as there are many good people as decisions in corporations are made by people.

There are also wealthy individuals who influence government in directions many people do not like. Should ban individual initiative?


You want less state control, you are going to need less corporate control. The solution is better government, not less. I have read just about any source you are going to bring up and used to believe in them with all my heart,


My sources of defense are logic and reason.

You say the alternative is “Economic cooperatives, and joint partnerships.”

Aren’t most cooperatives also corporations? Couldn’t these two entities you mention also abuse people and seek to influence government for their own purposes? Could either one of these entities gather together the thousands of people necessary to create something as innovative as the iPhone?

Can you point to a non corporate entity that could do the works of Apple?

Again, I would suggest you read my solution to the current business problems linked in my previous post.



Apple is viewed as a benevolent corporation because they have shifted all of their manufacturing to China were conditions and wages are horrendous just leaving the high profile intellectual jobs here in the US which protects their image. I seriously doubt you or anyone on this forum would want to be employed in an Apple factory over in China,


If my family was destitute and I had to feed them as is the case of many Apple workers in China, yeah, of course I would jump at the better opportunity to work for Apple. Apple is doing those destitute people a great favor.

If Apple pulled out tomorrow and all those people lost their jobs then they would all revert back to their previous situation which was much worse than being an Apple worker.

A destitute people cannot be pulled up in one giant leap but it must happen a step at a time. After the War many Japanese worked for starvation wages but the progressed and are now on par with us.

If the Chinese do not willingly work for a wage that is attractive to corporations then corporations will employ locals for more money and less hassle and the people will lose out on the chance to move forward.

I have been an Apple fan since I bought my first Mac Plus in 1986, long before they expanded to China.

March 22, 2015

First Jim, let me clarify about the Upper Triad Materials. It never dawned on me until today exactly what was being referred to. If it was mentioned here previously I must have merely thought it had something to do with Theosophy or Alice A. Bailey writings as they talk a lot about the Upper Triad.

I took a look at the materials on the Upper Triad site today and it looks like they have presented a lot of teachings that are a synthesis of numerous different schools of thought. I read a couple things and they sounded interesting so I downloaded them all and will read some more.

The goal of this group is to seek out truth wherever we can find it. In doing this we place an emphasis on principles and this is what makes us unique on the web. There are a lot of writings out there that give out interesting data, but do they elaborate on the principles behind the data? That is the important thing because the language of principles is the true language of the soul. A principle, which may be worth many books, can be communicated in a flash by the Inner Self.

This group is not told what to think or what to eat by me. They are free to eat whatever they want and participate here to their heart’s content. We have good members who are vegetarians and others meat eaters. The thing that most of us have in common is we seek to take needed measures to insure good health. I stated early on in this forum that any tips that promote a healthy lifestyle are always on topic.

Concerning animals you said this:

I happened to be in Kansas City, Kansas, when I was 15 years old. I was with my Uncle who took me on a tour of Swift’s Slaughter House and meat packing plant , and what I witnessed during the tour horrified me even then, but I never became a Vegetarian until I was 45 and was initiated in to Sant Mat. Tears still choke me up, remembering the horrors I witnessed during that tour, with cattle, swine, lambs, being slaughtered, cut up, while still alive, and crying out in pain. It requires workers with hard hearts to be able to work in those environments.


That sounds horrible and should not be tolerated. I am completely supportive of humane treatment of all living things.

I was a foreman in a meat packing plant back in the early Seventies and visited the kill floor now and then and what transpired was nothing like you describe. The animals were killed painlessly and instantly with a projectile into the brain. They went unconscious immediately without suffering. There is absolutely no reason to butcher the animals alive. If that happens anywhere you would think the animal rights groups would raise havoc about it.

There is also no reason to abuse any animal or living thing and those who do so will pay a just price.

I’m posting separately an article I wrote for the general public on using animals for food.



Animals , NONE of them, ever create Karma! ONLY humans create Karma, because we are the only earth Specie to be self conscious,


The teaching that animals have karma came from the Master DK through Alice A. Bailey, and highly regarded by the Upper Triad Group.

To say animals cannot create karma is to say that they are not subject to cause and effect for that is all karma is. It is the playing out of cause and effect. If an animal makes a misstep and falls off a cliff he will be subject to gravity just like a human.

The main difference between animals and humans, as far as cause and effect go, is that they are not subject to the emotional hurts that humans are, neither are they self conscious and thus are divorced from some causes and effects experienced by humans. They are subject to many causes and effects individually and collectively and the karma Ruth referenced was a collective one. And collectively the animals are presided over by group souls that are self conscious and subject to karma on a higher level than individual animals.


I saw quite a few animals go through the kill floor when I worked at a meat packing plant and never saw one that wasn’t killed instantly or consciously suffered from pain. The plant you visited must have been really sloppy in their process.

When pets get older few people let them die natural deaths but either shoot them or have them injected which would also cause instant death. Are you against doing this, but instead would let the poor animal suffer for an extra year as he slowly and painfully dies?

In my view sudden death isn’t as destructive as you portray. It is a shock to the spiritual system, but the recovery happens quite quickly in humans and animals would be less effected because they do not have self consciousness. A slow and painful death takes a longer time from which to recuperate after death than a sudden one.




There is a movement called permaculture restoration agriculture that I am involved in and there are many farmers who raise animals very ethically You can see the difference in these animals and how happy they are.


What Clay and Jim overlook is the good karma that is incurred by intelligent farmers by raising animals for food and produce. The happy animals that are raised are given a chance at life that would not have happened if they were not needed by humans. They come down here and pleasantly live their lives which are then painlessly ended. Because of human need they then get a chance for a much quicker return and continue their learning as an animal speeding their evolution.

In this case the good karma (effects) for the farmer and thoughtful consumer outweights any bad karma (effects).

Killing an animal has a much lesser negative effect than killing a human. When a human is killed the path of the soul is interrupted – the soul lesson is frustrated and delayed. Not so with animals. They are reborn with no basic interruption to their progress.

As I said earlier we need to look at the principles behind things and get the full picture. If we interpret by only using black and white data then much will be missed.



Sorry JJ but even self defense incurs negative karma


Every action or inaction results in karma, or cause to some, degree. You have to look at each incident to form a judgment.The Master DK tells us that the neutral nations during World War II incurred negative karma because they did not help the Allies when they could to defeat Hitler and because their neutrality was hurtful to the cause of right they will reap negative effects at some future time.

Do you not think you would reap some negative karma if you could take forceful action to save your child’s life and you just stood there and watched him get tortured and murdered instead? There is a time and place for all things as Solomon said.

Matt 21:40 When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen?

Matt 21:41 They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.



I do not have any children, so it would be dishonest of me to answer that question, but my feeling is that I would possibly kill someone in order to save my child from being tortured and killed. However, I still think it would incur negative karma if I did so, I would just be willing to take on that negative karma in order to save my child’s life because I would value my child’s life more than my own, and selfishly want to protect my child’s life because I want my child to be with me and not want him/her with God.


And do you not see the negative karma you would incur from inaction when the action would accomplish something good?

Jesus was right in that circumstance, but that was an unusual circumstance. Why do you think Jesus allowed Peter to carry a sword in the first place?



I am curious JJ, do you support a woman’s decision to abort a baby if her life is in danger due to the pregnancy or from giving birth? Would this not be equivalent to self-defense, take a life in order to preserve a life? Some people would say that it is acceptable in these circumstances, I personally and vigorously disagree with them, so I am truly curious as to what you believe on this issue.


She would need to check with her soul to determine the best course. There is no cut and dry answer as to what is right in such a circumstance. Maybe the entity who will be born doesn’t want to come down and be raised without a Mom. I support her right to choose even if she chooses incorrectly.



We were not made to eat meat, this is made clear in Genesis, I want to return to wholeness, to the state we were in prior to the fall and the flood,


“And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of

sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:” Genesis 4:2-4

So we see here that the good guy, Abel, raised sheep and made and offering of these animals to God and was accepted. The bad guy Cain was a dirt farmer and made an offering of his crops and was not.

So why did Abel raise sheep? Was it because they were cute animals? Being the first generation after Adam it is unlikely he even knew what to do with any wool or how to shear it. And how did he make the offering?

And the shepherds at the birth of Jesus definitely raised their sheep for meat yet they were considered righteous enough to be visited by angels announcing the birth of Christ.

Correspond to modern times.

Hitler was a vegetarian and did not drink or smoke.


The good guys, Churchill and FDR ate meat and drank and smoked. Which side made an acceptable offering to God and man?

There is much more to good and evil than what goes in the belly.

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” Matt 15:11


Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies… Matt 15:17-20


There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: Mark 7:15


Suppose you had a chance to save 100 innocent people by killing a bad guy with a bomb? Would you rather have the blood of one bad guy on your karma or that of 100 innocent people pointing fingers a you from the spirit world declaring they would still be alive if you had just taken action and then shaking their heads in dismay at what was a dumb decision?

What is missing here is The Lost Key of the Buddha, the subject of my second volume in the immortal series.


March 23, 2015

Diet Comments


So if you want to be taken seriously, drop the holier than thou attitude because you don’t eat meat and harm precious animals, and are a practicing pacifist…


Don’t be so harsh with the judgments Ruth. There is no reason to see the beliefs of Clay or Jim as anything other sincerely held just as we sincerely hold ours. To express a different belief does not give an indication of being holier than thou. Clay has said nothing to give the indication that he sees himself as more holy than anyone else here.

Let us resort to dealing with the actual words of others with whom we disagree and if a character flaw is suspected then it will come out naturally for all to see.

That said, I’ll make a few comments on the subject of vegetarianism. I have already written quite a bit about it and I think my views are clear to old timers.

I have no problem with those who believe that the best of all diets is the vegetarian one. Then too I have no problem with someone like Rick who sees the Paleo diet with lots of meat as the optimum. It is fine for anyone who wishes to make their case for their beliefs. Where the line gets crossed and the poster gets irritating is when they begin insisting we must convert and see as they do.

Clay says his Higher Self is directing him toward a vegetarian diet and I believe him. There is a time and place on the path where each disciple must go on various diets for various purposes. When new petals are unfolding from the centers and new energies are released the lighter the food the better to aid in handling the new energies. If I am successful in creating a human molecule in my lifetime I may have to go back to a raw foods vegetarian diet to handle the intense spiritual flow or my soul could tell me tomorrow to make a change.

In fact I have made a couple changes in my diet in recent times,

First I fast from food about 17 hours every day (except special occasions) and secondly I eat about 600 calories a day for two days a week. I’ve been doing the first part for a couple years and it has a lot of health benefits. This has proven itself. For the second I am still assessing the sacrifice/benefit ratio.


JJ: “Where the line gets crossed and the poster gets irritating is when they begin insisting we must convert and see as they do.”


Maybe telling the Truth is harsh in some situations,


To negatively judge the content of the heart of another may or may not be the truth. No one gets in trouble here for merely telling the truth. But one thing that really creates disturbance here is when one negatively judges the heart or intent of another. Often such judgments are not correct and justifiably irritates the person being judged.

Now Jim makes this same mistake when he judges members here as not having minds if their own who just swallow everything I say just because I say it. This is entirely wrong headed and members find this wrong and insulting. Most of the close associates and friends I have here have strongly disagreed with me in the past. Blayne, as one example, first came on this forum with both guns blazing and some just wished he would go away. Now he is one of the most appreciated members of the Keys.

I encourage all members here to follow my example. Give others the benefit of the doubt in making judgments. If you disagree with another or the way another expresses himself do not judge the intent of his heart,

Other things we discourage are name calling and just plain lack of civility. We also discourage the creation of threads that run contrary to the interest of the group and the classroom situation. Overt attempts to convert us to an ideology is discouraged, but the sharing of a different belief we can take or leave is fine.

If a member disagrees with another member then he should civilly comment on his actual words without making judgments on his character.


Are we not here to learn from your teachings?


Yes, but that doesn’t mean that others cannot share their beliefs with the group or disagree with me.


You have every right to mollycoddle your newer members, if you think you can steer them towards more Light.


It s called treating others with respect. Some may think I mollycoddle you also.


I am not that good at the mollycoddle approach. Never was. I am direct and blunt.


I am quite direct myself, but one can be direct and rude or direct and pleasant. Sometimes there is no way to avoiding offending sensitive people as I easily do with Allan’s group, even though I try to be nice to them. Even so, we should make the effort to be civil.


Just a minor suggestion you might like to make, for future reference, to those newer members who come here.

Perhaps you could expound on the Keyster’s group statement, so that it reads more like this?

Members of this list seek to learn, understand, follow, and disseminate the teachings that are passed down to us through JJ Dewey. We also encourage and appreciate other philosophies and truths being brought into our discussions, so that we can further grow and learn together. This group is not exclusively about JJ’s teachings, but also incorporates any other teachings from all over the World, brought to us by other pupils who wish to discuss and share their beliefs and/or Truths with our Truths, because Truth is Truth, regardless of where it is found.

Disclaimer: However, there is no your Truth and my Truth, for all Truth is simply Truth, it is the perception of Truth that can be distorted through false beliefs and emotional feelings.


You are being sarcastic here Ruth. You know that is a million mikes from an intro I would write. This was not created as a free-for-all forum, but neither was it created to only allow my views to be expressed.

The intro of the group was not written by me and I may have worded it a little differently, but it is close enough for the intended purpose.

March 24, 2015

Was Jesus a Vegetarian?

To claim that Jesus was a vegetarian one would have to also discount many of the scriptures. They would either have to be viewed as fraudulent or drastically altered because evidence that he ate meat and did not prohibit meat eating is very prevalent.

On the other hand, the evidence is pretty strong that John the Baptist was a close to vegetarian for of him it was written:

And the same John had his raiment of camel’s hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey. Matt 3:4

Now the insect which is a locust, is in a much different category than beef, but a true vegetarian wouldn’t even eat a living insect. Some maintain that instead of the insect the scripture was referring to the locust or carob tree and he really ate carob cakes rather than insects.

Here is a quote from the Gospel Of Jesus by John Davidson, referred to me by Jim:

One group of early Christians in Palestine, the Ebionites, who were undoubtedly vegetarian, claimed that the correct Greek word was not locust (akris) at all, but enkris (cake) and it would certainly have been easy enough for such a mistake to have occurred during the transmission of early manuscripts.

But then vegetarians have to deal with the fact that both Matthew and Mark tell us he had “a leathern girdle about his loins.” Vegetarians normally do not wear leather.

We know that John indeed had a sparce diet as he lived in the wilderness. It is interesting that Jesus contrasted his own eating and drinking habits to John:

For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children. Matt 11:18-19

Obviously John ate and drank, but what they both ate and drank is the question. What John did not drink was wine for it is written:

For he (John) shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; Luke 1:15

On the other hand, Jesus obviously drank enough wine with the publicans and sinners to be accused of being a “winebibber.” The fact that he turned water to wine and showed he knew the details of winemaking in his teachings indicate he had no aversion to indulging.

And he obviously ate more than mere vegetarian food to warrant the accusation of being a “glutton.” Have you ever heard of someone merely eating bread, fruit and vegetables being called a glutton? That would be an odd accusation indeed.

Jesus was often invited to dinner with wine drinking and meat eating publicans and sinners and what do you suppose was his philosophy about eating and drinking what was set before him?

He was pretty clear on the subject. He told his disciples:

And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: Luke 10:7

Also in the Gospel of Thomas he is quoted as saying:

…when people take you in, eat what they serve you and heal the sick among them. After all, what goes into your mouth will not defile you; rather, it’s what comes out of your mouth that will defile you.”

It sounds like his philosophy was to not be picky but to eat whatever was placed before him which was also eaten by his host.

Paul evidently followed this example set by Jesus:

If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake.

Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another man’s conscience? For if I by grace be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks?

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. I Cor 10:27-31


Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them.

Romans 14:1-3 NIV

Then he gave this warning:

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared

with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of

them which believe and know the truth.

For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. I Tim 4:1-5

Unless all the gospels are drastically altered it would certainly appear that Jesus approved of fishing and eating fish.

First, we know of a surety that he chose fishermen for disciples and Peter a fisherman became his head apostle.

One of his first miracles was to show Peter where he could cast his net to catch 153 fish. Another time they owed some taxes so Jesus instructed Peter to go catch a fish and in its belly would be the money for the tax. Undoubtedly, someone ate that fish.

Then, after the resurrection it is written:

Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.

And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. And he took it, and did eat before them. Luke 24:39-43

The final point we will look at is whether Jesus ate Lamb at the Passover. To find the truth here we must realize that the word “Passover” as found in the New Testament is translated from the Greek PASCHA. This word can be translated as either referencing the actual lamb to be sacrificed and eaten or the Passover Supper itself where the lamb was eaten. The context reveals the intent of the word. Now take note of this scripture:

And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the Passover (PASCHA), his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover (PASCHA)? Mark 14:12

Newer translations render the first PASCHA as “Passover lamb” since you don’t kill a supper. The second PASCHA could be translated either way. Mark may have intended it to read:

And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the Passover lamb, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover lamb? Mark 14:12

Now even if we translated the second PASCHA as the Passover dinner then it is still obvious that the slain lamb would have a place there. There is no Passover dinner without the Passover lamb.

The presence of the Passover lamb at the Last Supper is even more obvious in the Gospel of Luke.

Then came the day of Unleavened Bread, on which the PASCHA (lamb) had to be sacrificed. So Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, “Go and prepare the PASCHA for us, that we may eat it.” They said to him, “Where will you have us prepare it?” Luke 22:7-8

It is pretty clear here that a lambless supper s not the intention

Jesus even uses the word for Passover lamb as something he desires to eat:

And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the Passover (PASCHA) with my disciples?

And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the Passover (PASCHA). And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this Passover (PASCHA Lamb) with you before I suffer: Luke 22:11, 13-15

It would indeed be pretty difficult to make the argument that there was no lamb at the Last Supper.

In summary it can be said that it is likely that the scriptures are corrupted to a degree and that the originals may have been worded somewhat differently, but if Jesus was a strict vegetarian then that would mean that all the standard scriptures plus many of the lesser known accounts were wholesale alterations of the truth. This does not seem likely.

It appears that Jesus was much more concerned with his mission than the purity of his diet.


Someone asked me about the meaning of John Paul II’s given name.

I’m not sure what sources I dug up last time on John Paul II names as they are hard to find. Here is the best I could find on short notice at this time:

Karol is a variant of Carol which means Manly, strong. A variant of Charles; from Carolus, the Latinized form of the name.


Polish (Wojdyła): variant of the personal name Wojtyła, a derivative of Wojciech, a personal name composed with the element woj ‘warrior’ (see Voytek).


Voytek: This is a surname taken from the personal name Vojtek, a pet form of Slavic Vojtěch (Polish Wojciech), meaning ‘consoling the host’ (from voj ‘host’, ‘army’, ‘force’ + těch ‘comfort’, ‘consolation’)


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