Keys Writings 2014, Part 7

This entry is part 9 of 33 in the series 2014

May 4, 2014

Good and Evil


I attend a monthly “shadow group” with 4 other women where we try to work out deeper issues that seem related to unconscious material. Which brings me to the idea of evil. (I get evil and sickness mixed up). Does being sick (mentally or physically) necessarily mean that evil is present?



I all depends on how you define evil. In the old days people had a pretty simple view of good and evil. Evil was basically that which angered God and good was something that pleased Him. Today some people have gone the other extreme and watered down the definition so much that nothing is evil.


When you think of it, it is silly to claim that the reality behind a word does not exist for all words represent something that does exist.  If good and evil did not really exist then we should completely eliminate them from our language.  We do not, because they represent something real just as all words do.


When we talk about the meaning of words though we should have their meaning clear in our minds and see that meaning in the language of principles as much as possible. Here is the definition I gave of good and evil the other day.


Good is that which moves us forward in the direction of greater freedom, health, happiness, peace, love, understanding and spiritual living.  Evil is that which takes us away from these things.


I added in “freedom” here as it is an additional ingredient I left out.


So to answer your question, yes, sickness implies there is some force present, taking one away from health and happiness.  It is of course, not evil in the form of some dragon-like devil afflicting a person, but it is technically caused by an evil force.


The trouble with the word “evil’ though is it is a strongly polarized word and unless great harm is being done it may be advisable to use something else in its place. Saying that sickness is caused by a lack of balance or wrong life choices is not so harsh as labeling it an evil thing.



I kind of see what you mean but sometimes I see “evil” as simply ignorance or lack of awareness due to any number of reasons and many times when one is able to finally see and literally wake-up to the truth, the “evil” disappears.



Ignorance does lead people in the direction of evil Many people followed Hitler in ignorance of where he was taking them. Ignorance can lead to a loss of freedom, health and happiness, which takes one in the direction of evil. Again, if someone makes a mistake through ignorance we generally do not label them as evil as it is such a charged word.  A seeker’s language should be as harmless as possible, but always silently understand the meaning behind events.



Anyway, one question I have is, if Jesus could make such “evil” disappear when he was literally walking the planet….could he not do the same today if he is alive on some other level, say in the heart of man–or in the dimension just beyond us? In other words, what would keep such an avatar from performing miracles in the present moment and curing us of disease, (should it be God’s will) and we ASK for help, for Him to do so?



Anytime one exercises enough true faith the door to the miraculous becomes open. However, each avatar has a different mission and plan behind it.  Jesus performed a lot of miracles as a part of the great plan.  Abraham Lincoln, another avatar, performed none (in the normal sense). Unless one is a high initiate, such as the Christ, he either needs to work with great faith of the patient or have assistance from an unseen entity who has decided to assist.



Which brings me to the next issue I was hoping you could also shed light on for me. My friend, (and the leader of the “shadow group” I am involved in) believes that the only way a person can heal from darkness (evil, disease, negativity) is by facing and healing the shadow or unconscious.



This is often true, but not always.  Many illnesses are caused by denial or suppression of emotion and before the healing can take place those thoughts and feelings must be revealed, faced and sent to their right place.



I guess this friend of mine believes that prayer does not have enough power to transform a person. So now I am wondering the same.



Prayer is very helpful and a positive thing to do, but by itself does not transform a person. Some of the most annoying people I have ever met have been huge on praying very regularly. The most important thing for spiritual development is how you actually treat your brothers and sisters. In the parable of the Good Samaritan the injured man was ignored by a priest and a Levite, both of whom were known for their long prayers. The Samaritan, one not known for prayer, actually helped the guy. Jesus said:


Luke 10:33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,

Luke 10:34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

Luke 10:35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?


It sounds as if your group teacher may be on to some good things but I do not know enough about her to give much more judgment on her.


If there is anything you need greater clarification on, please ask.


May 5, 2014

Gospel of Banabas


Was Jesus really crucified because this old Bible says he was not and Judas dressed as Jesus and was killed in his place?????????????  Give your point of view on this.


This book claiming to be from the time of Christ has not been tested to authenticate its age. Most experts think the Gospel of Banabas was written after 700 AD and if this is so then the writer knew fewer real facts about the crucifixion than we have available today.

For many centuries alternative views ha e been put forward on the details of the cucifxion. The idea that two people were involved probably came about because some of the inner circle taught that two people were involkved in the mission of the Messiah – Jesus and the Christ…Christ did exit the body at the crucifoixion causing Jesus to compain thgat his Lord had forsaken him. So technically Christ wasn’t crucified, but the man Jesus was.

Does it make sense that the government would publicly put a famous person to death for all to see and execute the wrong person? Not likely.


May 6, 2014

John Paul I

There seems to be a little confusion on my teachings concerning John Paul I and Jesus.  Yes, I said that Jesus came in the person of John Paul I but how he came is explained in more detail later by me. Here’s a quote from the archives:

Pope John the First who was only in office thirty-three days before he was killed. What we believe happened there is from DK who said right around the time Pope John I came into office The Master Jesus would attempt to take over the Catholic Church from the Vatican. What happened, is, I believe, Jesus overshadowed John Paul First. John Paul the First was not Jesus but Jesus worked through him. John Paul the First came to the Vatican and he was going to fire everybody and completely rearrange the Vatican. He saw the corruption there and he was making big changes. There is a book written about him that gives tremendous evidence that he was killed. poisoned. He was only in office thirty-three days!

Jesus was just working through John Paul the First. He was overshadowing him and working with him very closely. Jesus wasn’t reincarnated, just working with him very closely.

Archive #2306    LINK

I didn’t set 2020 as a date written in stone for another attempt but said it “may” happen as early as that. It is also quite possible that the Hierarchy is working with the current Pope as he is much more humble and receptive to change than anyone since John Paul I.  It is also possible he may be preparing the way for the real attempt that may come soon. I am concerned about his disparaging remarks about capitalism and would like to know more details about his real beliefs about freedom and communism. Sometimes a disciple will talk about the rejection of materialism in such a way that he sounds like he is against free enterprise when he is not.  He may merely be advocating attention on the spirit side of things rather than matter.

Ruth asks:

If Jesus overshadowed John Paul, then wouldn’t Jesus have been able to intuitively pick up the DBs thoughts about their plan to murder John Paul…


Someone asked the same question at the 2003 gathering and here is what I said:

Well, it depends on how closely he was listening at the time, I guess. You know maybe he did receive a warning. The person in the body is the one who makes a decision related to the body. There were times in my life where I received a warning about something and I thought, “this will be really awkward to obey this warning” and I found out the warning was correct. Maybe he did receive a warning and just ignored it. Maybe he couldn’t believe his brethren would betray him.


May 7, 2014

Earned Authority

Ruth says:

If that was the case, then JJ would have taught us the truth on this matter by now, surely.  To be an earned authority means one is reliable enough to teach the Truth.


First, I want to stress again that I am not infallible and students must run teachings by their own souls whether they come from me, an angel, a god or the National Enquirer.

Even an earned authority can never replace soul confirmation.  What we should do with an earned authority is give a lot of weight to what he or she says, but not accept without question if something seems amiss.  For instance, DK is an earned authority with me.  Ever so often I come across something he says that sounds a little unbelievable.  When this happens, because he is an earned authority, I do not automatically discount what he says, but give it a lot of weight and attempt to figure out how the words may be true. For instance he says that Jesus took the fifth initiation as Apollonius of Tyana.  The problem is that Apollonius was born at the same time that Jesus was supposed to have been.  That means hat Apollonius was seemingly alive at the same time Jesus was and it would appear that Jesus could not have been born as him.

If most teachers presented such a contradiction I would write it off as a highly probable mistake, but because DK is an earned authority I have spent a lot of thought reflecting on how this could be true and have come up with a number of possibilities.

When I first read DK’s teachings about the overshadowing of Jesus I had a difficult time accepting it because it went against my belief system at the time.  But I gave his words weight and later received confirmation of the principle.

I have not taught all I know and neither do I know all things.  There are a few things in history I have either received a revelation on or an intuitive glimpse, but on most things I have no greater advantage than anyone else. My gift in this life is the understanding of principles, the language of the soul.  I have not placed much attention of finding he details of history in the Akashic records.

Keith is going the right direction in contemplating all possibilities, even if they go against the grain.  There are many details of the life of Jesus that are hidden from all but the masters or those who have received a revelation for some purpose.  There are many things I do not know for sure about the life of Jesus and many other things in history.  Finding out what really happened in history will be one of the fun things to learn after death – for those who are ready.

There are several mysteries connected to the death and resurrection of Jesus that I do not know for sure and I, like the rest of the group, look forward to learning them.

Larry gave some good comments on this statement of Keith’s: “Judas suddenly going bad doesn’t make sense.”

He pointed out that people who are supporters  can indeed turn on you.  I have found this to be the case. Before writing The Immortal I had several teaching groups and gathered a number of people who were dedicated and it seemed they would do anything for me. But before the dust settled a number of them became enemies and probably would have sold me for 30 pieces of silver if someone would have offered.

Here is what I have found from my own experience.  When a seeker finds his teacher and shares the spiritual energies through the soul, he becomes altered, and if he goes against those higher energies his mind becomes dark and he loses his spiritual direction.

The words of Jesus were certainly true:

Matt 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Matt 6:23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

When coming across a greater light the seeker has a chance to be “full of light” or great darkness.  This is one reason in this age the Brotherhood is cautious in giving out endowments of spiritual energy to seekers.


May 7, 2014

The Apollonius Mystery

Keith says:

I might have a solution for the Apollonius mystery. I have just finished reading Michael Newton’s book ‘Journey of Soul’s’ which I highly recommend. Michael takes clients into a theta hypnotic state in order to apprehend a persons history between lives. Michael has come across the occasional phenomena of highly developed souls splitting their essence into two different physical personalities at one time. If anybody is evolved enough to live two lives at once Jesus/Christ definitely fits the bill.

So Jesus and Apollonius were alive at the same time because Jesus/Christ split their soul essense between the two. Who knows maybe even more than two?


Good thinking Keith.  That is one of the possibilities I also came up with.  Great minds think on parallel lines they say.

Here’s another possibility. Jesus survived the crucifixion, as many legends relate. Something happened to the real Apollonius so Jesus assumed his identity because surfacing as Jesus made him a big target.


May 8, 2014

Global Warming

Here’s another letter to the Statesman that ought to get some comment.

Those in power who seek to scare the uneducated over an impending doom due to climate change say they want to save the planet, but their actions testify to the contrary.

How can this be?

Because they fight any energy source or breakthrough that has a chance of making a real reduction in CO2.

Nuclear energy has saved us from pumping over 28 billion tons of CO2 (many times that of wind and solar together) in the atmosphere in a 60 year period yet most alarmists fight it tooth and nail.

Natural gas has saved over 25 billion tons over coal yet alarmists show up protesting fracking.

Hydro may be the cleanest of all yet this bunch wants to tear down the dams.

Electric cars are now available, but most alarmists drive gas guzzlers and the wealthy ones fly without concern in private jets. Al Gore’s carbon footprint for just one of his mansions is about 20 times average.

What can we conclude from this? This bunch really isn’t concerned about saving the planet at all, but have another agenda which is to use global warning as an excuse to impose their political agenda on us.


May 9, 2014

The Good Guys


I haven’t watched the Vikings yet, but my oldest daughter keeps telling me to watch the show. She tells me its better than Game of Thrones which I love. I asked Janine what Loki is like, and she said a dirty smelly blind guy who people like to lick. Thanks J.J. I think I’d rather be Loki. Lol


Your daughter is correct. The Game of Thrones is boring compared to the Vikings. The nameless seer reminds me a little of you and he’s probably no more smelly than the rest of the bunch. He kind of plays the Obi-Wan Kenobi role of that time. They do have the odd custom of licking his hand after a reading.  Not sure if the Vikings of history did that or not. It is interesting that the story is based on real history.


I haven’t received an impression about Obama being a former pharaoh, but he gives me the definite vibe that he was.


I don’t get a Pharaoh image of him but I do get the impression of a Roman Emperor.  Nero comes to mind.  He was more interested in being a celebrity than he was in good government and seemed to get out of being blamed for the decline that set in.


It amazes me how the good guys get bumped off so easily. Examples being Caesar, Joseph Smith, Lincoln, Kennedy’s, Rev. King, John Paul I. It’s almost seems they are extremely careless. On the other hand getting rid of the bad guys is like trying to scrap the last bit of dog shit off ones shoe.


Good point and I like your imagery. DK actually talks about this problem the good guys have and points out that one of the reasons for it is they attempt to move their reforms too quickly and upset their enemies who see that their world could come crashing down.  He tells us that a lot of persecution and danger can be avoided by disciples by assessing the long term situation more accurately and moving ahead with wisdom and in a way that doesn’t overwhelm enemies with threats.  Jesus spoke along these lines telling his disciples to be as “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

There are times though that there is no way to move safely ahead. Lincoln was in a situations where he moved forward in about the best way possible and still he was killed.  There is always risk, but many disciples draw much more pain to themselves than necessary.

You would think these good guys would be more sensitive to inner warnings.  Lincoln received a dream of his funeral shortly before the assassination.

According to Plutarch, a seer had warned that harm would come to Caesar no later than the Ides of March. On his way to the Theatre of Pompey, where he would be assassinated, Caesar passed the seer and joked, “The ides of March have come,” meaning to say that the prophecy had not been fulfilled, to which the seer replied “Aye, Caesar; but not gone.” (From Wikipedia)

I read once that JFK had a negative feeling about going to Dallas.

Joseph Smith knew that he was going to be killed if he returned to Nauvoo.

Yes, the good guys often do not pay enough attention to the inner voice. I have found that it is wise to follow it even if you suffer a lot of inconvenience.

And you’re right.  Some of the bad guys just do not seem to go away.  Castro is a great example. That guy just keeps hanging on.

And you’re right about Seth.  Even though it was direct voice channeled the books still have some good information in them.  I would say they are the best teachings that have come out of an unconscious medium. Of course, they must be read in the light of the soul.


O.K. I know – I got Spielberg and Lucas mixed up. I’m laughing at myself. Anyway my altimiers kicks in every now and then. Sometimes I can’t even remember the names and birthdays of my kids.

JJ I thought you were talking about Schindler’s List Where Speilberg did identify the true good guys and bad guys.  It is easy to recognize the bad guys in hindsight, but much more difficult in the present because they are usually highly accepted by the media. Until the vstart of WWII the media was soft on Hitler and Mussolini, even praising them at times, and were especially enamored with Stalin.  They hated Lincoln with a passion.


May 9, 2014

The Pope

This doesn’t sound good.  Any forced redistribution doesn’t help the rich or poor and leads to tyranny.

(AP) Pope Francis called Friday for governments to redistribute wealth and benefits to the poor in a new spirit of generosity to help curb the “economy of exclusion” that is taking hold today.

Francis made the appeal during a speech to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the heads of major U.N. agencies who met in Rome this week.

Latin America’s first pope has frequently lashed out at the injustices of capitalism and the global economic system. On Friday, Francis called for the United Nations to promote a “worldwide ethical mobilization” of solidarity with the poor.

He said a more equal form of economic progress can be had through “the legitimate redistribution of economic benefits by the state, as well as indispensable cooperation between the private sector and civil society.”

Francis urged the U.N. to promote development goals that attack the root causes of poverty and hunger, protect the environment and ensure dignified labor for all.



May 11, 2014

Atheists After Death

Ruth asks if atheists really realize there is an afterlife after they die and if so, would they take that realization to the next life?

It is amusing that many atheists would rather be right and suffer annihilation than to be wrong and have a chance at eternal life.  After death, many of them are surrounded with a dark cloud because they expect nothing but eternal darkness.  After a time though they all come to the realization that they still exist and start to explore the spirit world.

The fact that they learn there is an afterlife doesn’t mean they will take it with the knowledge with them in their next life.  We knew many things in a higher state in the spirit world that we do not know here.  When we are born, we are born with a clean slate.  All we bring with us is our basic intelligence.

That which we assimilate during earth life, especially the understanding of principles, is strongly imbedded and much more likely to carry over into the next life than something we learn in the spirit world.

The material form is a very powerful veil that blocks spiritual knowledge and power until the time comes that the seeker sees through the material illusion and masters it.  When he places spirit as master over matter then the door of the soul swings open and more pure knowledge from his higher self becomes available.

Also all atheists do not go to the same place just as all believers in God do not.  An atheist who is kind and loving will go to a place where others are kind and loving whereas a mean spirited one will go to a place where there is a lower vibration.


May 11, 2014

Socialism vs Free Enterprise

Fifty years ago before the government stepped in to help us poor folk even the poor could afford good medical care and pay for it themselves. As proof I will relate a personal experience I have given out several times.

In 1958 I was injured in an explosion. Altogether I had six operations over several years and was in the hospital for a total of over three months. My first hospital room, when my stay was for a month, cost us $8 a day. That’s around $80 in today’s money.

My mother was recently divorced and received no child support and had no assets. She and I picked fruit in the summer and she worked for minimum wage at a potato processing plant in the winter.

We paid off the all the medical expenses with no help from the government. It would be impossible for a fruit picker to pay off such a bill today, but back then even the poor folk could afford to go to the doctor and the hospital.

Back then sometimes the doctor would put a person in the hospital overnight for observation because it was affordable by most.

Unfortunately today, a night in the hospital can cost around $4000 a day compared to the $80 (adjusted for inflation) that we paid. You don’t hear of anyone paying out of his own pocket to go there for a relaxing night of observation these days.

People complain about big oil but they have done a much better job of controlling prices than big hospital. Back in 1958 the price of gas was 39.9 cents [USD] per gallon and my hospital room was $8 a day. If the price of gas had escalated as much as a hospital room then we would be paying about $200.00 a gallon today instead of around $3.50.

In other words, we have $200.00 a gallon health care costs, and who do we look to for solutions? The same people who created the problem in the first place — our friends in the government.

Just think. If we had health care costs low like they were in 1958 then even illegal aliens and fruit pickers could afford to stay in the hospital. If costs were this low we wouldn’t even be thinking about socialized medicine as there would be no need for it.

I spent two years (1964-66) in England and was able to compare their socialized system with ours before the government started helping us.  Even though medical services in England were free we didn’t save much because our costs in America were already very low. On top of that, the doctors in England were really overworked as people went to them much more. I knew people who went to the doctor once a week whether they were sick or not. No one I knew in the U.S. went to the doctor unless they had some kind of need.

Because the doctors were so overworked they rushed the patients through.  I remember one time a doctor started writing me out a prescription when I was just in the middle of telling him what was wrong.  U.S. doctors were never rushed like that in my experience.

Then I went to a private doctor in England once that had to be paid outside the system and he was relaxed and took his time, just like an American doctor.

Even before Obamacare the U.S. medical system was about 60%socialized.  If you want to see how effective and efficient a real free enterprise system would be all we need to do is look back to the good old days before the government offered their help. Those were the days when a fruit picker could have a serious accident and pay off all the expenses of a three month stay in the hospital and six surgeries with no government help.

Government help has also driven up education costs.  Most of my friends and I paid our way through college (early Sixties) by working in the summer and working part time as we went through college. None of us had to take out a loan.

Reagan spoke truly when he said that the most terrifying words a taxpayer can hear is, “I am from the government and I am here to help you.


May 12, 2014

Re: Socialism vs Free Enterprise


What, which country are you from, Soryn?


A few observations though. Beginning with the title: the idea that a few socialist principles integrated into the society stand against free enterprise is incorrect.


It depends on whether the socialism is imposed by force or created through free will.  Generally, when it is imposed by force it is called socialism and when done through free will it is called a cooperative or some other name reflecting what it is.  A cooperative implies free will because cooperation is normally a free will endeavor. When that which someone sees as the ideal or a good plan is imposed by force then cooperation does not enter in much and the term socialism is usually used.

We could  technically call a cooperative free will socialism for it accomplishes a similar objective much more efficiently without the use of force.

I do not know if you have read my treatise on the Molecular Business, but it accomplishes the objectives of socialism, but with no force imposed by the government.  Everything in it is accomplished by free will and the battle of free will vs the ideal imposed by force is the main dividing line between the Brotherhood of Light and the Dark Brotherhood.

To read the treatise go to the archives at:


And read sections 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 197, 201 and 205


People should still be able to get rich but it would prevent the rich from transforming certain shared facilities (such as education) into a money making business which defies their purpose.


Who cares if people make money teaching or running a school if it works well and does a good job of educating the kids? Many private schools do a great job.  In fact the last two presidents, Obama and Clinton, who were supposedly big supporters of public schools sent their kids to private schools.  Jimmy Carter was the last president to send his kid to a public school.


To be honest, I have nothing against private medical care as long as it is affordable to everyone, but that’s where the natural profit tendency of capitalism comes in and starts to favor people with power and money.


It doesn’t matter whether you go to a socialist country or a partially capitalist one (there are no fully capitalist counties available) the rich will always have an advantage.  The only way to take that advantage away is to make everyone rich and we are a long way from that.

The system we had in the U.S. before forced socialized medicine was introduced worked much better than anything in any European country today and it took no taxes at all to support the system.  Like I said even a fruit picker could afford the best of care.


I agree that doctors that work for the state are overused since the service is free, but solutions can be found to this (such as a better queue system for non-urgent cases).


I do not think any country on earth with socialized medicine has solved this problem.  But the problem did not even exist in the United States before 1964. Instead of going back to what worked, most want more of what doesn’t work.


Also, I totally support the idea of local food and small local entrepreneurship; most of those corporations are capitalist mutants that are driven by the simple idea of buying cheap and selling big. They go into China and India, buy and manufacture everything cheaply, and then go and sell it in the US and Western Europe. This is capitalist savagery in my eyes.


The large corporations work on the same principle as the local food entrepreneur. If you go to a farmer’s market you’ll see a wide variety of prices and much of the produce is a lot higher than the same thing at Walmart.  A lot of the big corporations that are accused of being greedy operate on a lot lower profit margin than the little guy. Often a small entrepreneur has to mark his goods up 50% or more just to survive whereas a  big company can operate on a margin of 20% or less.

Does this mean the small guy is the real greedy one?  No.  Both are doing what is necessary to make the wheels of commerce work.

Many harshly criticize corporations for going into the third world countries and using their cheap labor, but do not realize that they are doing the people a favor.  The employees realize this and gladly line up for the jobs.

You have to look at it from the corporation’s point of view. If Apple, or any other company, decides to expand their manufacturing they have two choices.  Hire locally and pay a high wage or expand overseas and pay a lower wage.  The disadvantage of expanding overseas is there are many other expenses besides the labor plus there is always the danger that some dictator could take over the facilities, as has happened many times in history.  As they examine all the costs and risks low wages is often the deciding factor.  Without the possibility of low wages they would not expand abroad but at home.

And what would be the result if no companies expanded abroad?

There would be much more starvation disease and death than now exist.  People in a poor third world country are not going to have money drop in their laps by magic.  Some business enterprise must enter their nation to help them move forward.  The solution is to start with low wages rather than none at all and the people strongly desire something rather than nothing and starvation if business does not expand there.

Once business interests get anchored in a country then wages start going up. China now has almost as many rich people as the United States and are buying as many cars as we are. A generation ago the well-to-do were lucky to be able to afford a bicycle.

After World War II Japan offered business very low wages and it seemed that all the cheap products bore the label, “made in Japan.” A short time later Japan became a wealthy nation and our products now say, “made in China.”  The wages are now going up in China, just as the did Japan. A country seeking to gain prosperity cannot just start at the top of the ladder but must climb up a step at a time just the way the United States and other countries have.

The problem with the thinking of many idealists is they think the problems of the world could be easily solved if government just forced people to do good.  Hitler and Lenin tried that and both of them failed miserably.  There are not enough goods and services available on this planet to make all comfortable if we just share everything.  The solution is to increase the amount of goods and services through free will by freeing up the human spirit to innovate.  Human innovation will eventually bring abundance for all.  How long that will be will be determined by the amount of freedom the people have.


May 14, 2014

Only 4% think they are below average intelligence.



May 15, 2014

Global Warming Again


JJ, how would you comment those climate change proofs laid out on those sites?

They seem to have a lot of scientific evidence.

From what I understand, you say that global warming is only a construct for the government to take more money from people.



There is not what I have said. There has been some global warming the past century but any construct made of it comes from people not the warming itself.  Governments desiring more control and taxes are using it as a scare tactic and an excuse to gain more control.



Even if the global warming is not affected by CO2 emissions, the air in the big cities is certainly affected and something needs to be done in my opinion. Taxation can be a solution in some instances.



Global warming is affected by CO2.  That is not the debate.  The debate consists of two things.

(1) How much effect does CO2 have? Estimates are the warming is less than 1% to 100% caused by CO2.

(2) What we should do about it.


CO2 does not pollute our cities but is a plant fertilizer and the increase we have experienced has caused an increase of plant growth of around 15% which has wound up saving many lives from starvation.


Coal does give off a lot of pollutants and we should be working to replace it.


I have just placed a chapter from my book on global warming at freeread.  Take a read here:

Global Warming


May 16, 2014

Handwriting of Ayn Rand

LWK asked me to look at Ayn Rand’s handwriting.  I found a some samples on the internet so I’ll briefly say a few things.

First, if I had to imagine how her handwriting would look from what I know of her history and her writings I would have imagined quite close to what it turned out to be.

It shows she is intuitive, good powers of concentration, a self learner and one who is very curious about how things work.  She doesn’t like complexity and always tries to break the complex down to its simple parts.

She looks at things, even relationships from a mental rather than an emotional perspective, though she can be quite passionate when she lets herself go with the flow.

She has strong interests in the abstract philosophical side of life as well as the practical material side – something that definitely comes out in her writings.

She is a quick, accurate thinker – one that rarely gets deceived by outward show. Overall, her intelligence is very high.

She is very sure of herself that she is right and the only way to change her mind on something is through the use of some very good logic.

She is honest, but careful about what she reveals.

One thing that is a little surprising is a pessimistic attitude. She doesn’t fear the future and is happy to move toward it, but she’s not very trusting of human nature and not surprised when people make bad choices. She hoped for the best, but anticipated the worst.

It would be interesting to see the handwriting of Raj Patel who is the polar opposite of Ayn Rand, but can’t find any.


JJ, what do you think of my idea here? Is this a worthwhile idea or just a waste of time? Should we try to coordinate our talking points and should we try to “sound bite” them so people, like Soryn, can understand lwk better and see that we speak with one voice (and visa versa)?


It’s always good to be on the same page as far as the definition of words go, but even when you make a great effort to have two in disagreement use the same definition, problems occur.  Remember a while back several had different definitions as to what “legal” was and I tried to get all parties to use the same one and they refused so real communication came to a standstill.

The bottom line is that if two really want to understand each other they will make an effort and do so.  If a person’s only goal is to be right then he will not understand the other person no matter what.

What is needed is a huge grass roots effort to teach the masses about the principle of freedom and how it can be wisely used in a free market, or a free market capitalism as well as how social programs can be tested with free principles.

The trouble with social programs today is that when they do not work someone then dictates that we do more of it.  A free society does not do more of something that is not efficient but makes changes until the ideal is reached.

Larry W

Could we start very small and make that business carry its own weight — bootstrap…?


A small business operating on a shoestring would not be able to demonstrate the principles.  The first one should be some type of manufacturing, production or possibly a service, and start with at least 24 employees.  A pure sales organization like real estate, wouldn’t work though a molecular business could incorporate salespeople. The first person who starts a successful one will have to have some reasonable financial resources to put it together and make it work.


May 16, 2014

Raj Patel

Soryn referred us to Raj Patel’s book and several other materials.  It would take several books to appropriately comment on them all, but I will say a few words about Patel.

I first heard about him several years ago on Benjamin Crème’s site.  There he was pretty much portrayed as the Second Coming of Christ. That kind of raised a red flag for me for rarely does Crème say anything that turns out to be accurate or correct.  Every prophecy I know of that he has made has failed miserably.

Crème is also a communist and most people he endorses are Marxists also – so I anticipated that Patel would lean that direction – which he does seem to do.

He has a strange combination of teachings.  He emphasizes a fairly nebulous direct democracy on one hand, and then voices support for big government and central control on the other. He can’t have it both ways.

On his video he tells us he is an Obama supporter but has been disappointed that he hasn’t used more executive power in getting things done.  He says he is encouraged that Obama is getting more “belligerent” and using a more aggressive approach.

He supports Obamacare and thinks that climate change is a major problem. He also has praise for regulations and seems to want more of them.

On the positive side he wants (as do I) to feed the hungry people of the world, for people to raise more of their own food and to go in a more organic and sustainable direction.

He wants all the poor people to have some land so they can grown their own food, but doesn’t say how to accomplish this.  He’s participated in several protests, (such as the Battle of Seattle in 1999) so perhaps he wants to forcefully take land from the rich and give it to the poor as Castro claimed to have done.

Some of the problems he articulates are real problems, but the solutions must take place through a maximum of free will and educating the public rather than dictating to them.


You say this and that about what Patel said. Can you link the video and the text please?


I’ve read a number of things about him and watched a couple videos on his web page at:


Raj discusses how individuals are working to take back the food supply system Tweet

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One of the two that I watched there that was most revealing was “UCF – Global Perspective.” That was where he was glad that Obama was starting to use a “belligerent” approach to get things done.

Actually, I was thinking of continuing on the socialist – free enterprise subject for a while but instead of using the shotgun approach we should break it down to simple parts and talk about them.

First, the core difference between the left and right is in the use and constriction of freedom

On one extreme we cannot have anarchy and some destructive actions (like burglary, rape, murder etc) need to be restricted and on the other it is easy for those in authority to take away too many freedoms.

Some of the ideals of socialism are in a good direction such as relief from hunger, poverty, discrimination etc.

The question is – how many freedoms are we willing to sell down the river to accomplish these things and can they be accomplished in a state of maximum freedom (which has never existed in modern civilization).

I’d like to see some comments on this subject.


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Are There Accidents or Is Everything Planned?

This entry is part 55 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Fifty-Six

Are There Accidents or Is Everything Planned?

You hear a lot of people say something like this, “There are no coincidences.  Everything is part of a plan, or God’s will.”

On the other side of the coin, non-believers will say, “Life is what you make it.  There is no Santa Claus God up there planning everything and dolling out good things to the righteous and bad to evil doers.”

As is often the case neither side has it correct.  There are a lot of things that are planned on higher levels, but not everything.


Two reasons.  First it is not necessary to plan everything and, secondly, because of free will it is impossible to do.  The only way everything that happens in life could be planned in detail is if there were no free will. And we do have free will. No one knows exactly the content of this chapter until it is written; not even me, and I am writing it.

As I said before, if you want to understand the mind of God look at our own minds and if we want to understand ourselves we should seek to understand God.


Because we are in the image of God.  If we want to know how much God plans ahead we need to look at what we do.

Let us say that I want to build a house. The first thing I do is create or find a plan.  In this case it would be a set of blueprints. With these and a drawing of the house in hand I can now visualize pretty well how the plan will unfold.

Next I hire a contractor and proceed with the building.  Just as we get started my wife decides some changes are in order.  Instead of two and a half baths she wants three and the master bedroom is too small.  She wants it bigger with more closet space.

We redraw the plans and proceed. A couple weeks into the project the contractor comes to us and tells us that the changes we made will cost more than expected.  We reluctantly agree and I reminded my wife that this extra cost was not part of the original plan.

As we move ahead with building the house a number of unplanned events occurred.

A construction worker fell and broke his leg.

The building inspector was picky and caused several delays.

A hailstorm occurred and damaged some of the building materials.

The price of building supplies went up.

A survey revealed our property line was incorrect and we had to move the location of the fence.

In spite of unplanned events we moved forward and finished the house.  “Just as we planned,” we said to ourselves, satisfied with the result.

Yes, the final product turned out as planned but in between the original plan and the finished house, many unplanned events occurred.

This is also the way it is with one’s life.  Before you ere born you saw reality with a much wider vision than you do now and planned out a number of things that was to happen in your life in order to achieve maximum benefit and progression.

After incarnating and proceeding with life it will seem that some events in your life and directions you take are a part of some plan that you are supposed to follow.  In many cases you will be right.  On the other hand, because of free will and bad decisions on your part the overall plan will suffer delays and setbacks. Many things happen that are just caused by a fairly random series of events, but if you follow your inner guidance you will wind up accomplishing your objective set before you were born.

Just like the guy who successfully builds his house despite setbacks, you can have a successful life even though many unplanned events occur that slow you down.

It is of extreme importance that we realize that we have free will and using that will we can overcome all obstacles and accomplish the plans that we set before birth as well as during this life.


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Will Science Create Life?

This entry is part 54 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Fifty-Five

Will Science Create Life?

If you ask most religious people if humans will ever create life they will immediately answer to the negative.  “Only God can create life,” they say.

If you ask the same question to a non-believer you will get a variety of answers.  Some will say, “Yes, it is just a matter of time,” while others are just not sure.  Most will think it is a possibility.

So, what is the truth here? Is it possible for scientists to create life or not?

Before we can answer this satisfactory we have to define what life is.  Many think that the body is the whole of the life we have and it is not. If science could create a body just like yours it would not be creating life, but a vehicle through which life could express itself.

The life, which is you, lived before the existence of your physical body and it shall live after it disintegrates. Your body is not your life but a vehicle used by the life which is you, just as your car is a vehicle you use that gives you extra power to go places.

The life, which is you, is a part of the life of God and has always existed and will always continue. The various types of lives are interested in exploring this grand universe and in obtaining the best possible vehicle that their consciousness can handle.  For some that may be the body of a plant, others an animal and still others a human. In addition to this there are life forms under the earth and on other planets alien to us, but interesting for other lives to explore.

So, what would happen if science created some sophisticated artificial life form like Data on Star Trek?  Would it be alive and have a soul?

Unlike Data, who was not viewed as a living creature, such a sophisticated body could draw an intelligent life into it. If a scientifically engineered body was so advanced that it could do things even a human could not do then many lives who live in the spirit world would be interested in using it.  If an entity hopped into it then the android would be as alive as you or me.

If you do not think an intelligent spirit could inhabit a machine think again.  There are all kinds of stories of dead relatives and friends communicating through phones, computers and signaling through lights.

After all, the human body is merely a very advanced machine.  The real miracle is the life which uses it.

So what would happen if we cloned a human?  Would it have a soul?

Yes, just as much as you or I have one.

“And if they cloned me would the clone have a personality just like me?”

It would look a lot like you, but it wouldn’t be you.  The body would be inhabited by a separate entity from yourself. Because it is not really you, it would look less and less like you as it aged for our appearance is influenced by our consciousness.

In a nutshell the answer to the question is this. Science will eventually create vehicles, or bodies, which life will inhabit, but they will not create life itself. When this occurs, however, they will claim to have created life.


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Do We Have Free Will?

This entry is part 53 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Fifty-Four

Do We Have Free Will?

This is a question that has been debated since the beginning of religion and philosophy.

Those who say we have no free will claim that God knows everything and all events are already known and planned by Him in advance. Since it is already known that you will stub your toe at 9 PM on Tuesday there is nothing you can do to prevent such a happening. Such believers also claim that God knows who will be saved and who will not.  Those doomed to hell are in a lock and there is nothing they can do to escape.

When you think about it, this type of thinking makes no sense.  For one thing, the all knowing, all perfect God (from the human perspective) is a creation from the minds of men.  Perfection is an illusion for what is perfect to one is imperfection to another. God may know how His plan will end but He would have no desire to know all the details, especially about you stubbing your toe.

All lives in the universe have free will which is only limited by their conscious understanding and the limitations of their circumstances.  Every day we use our free will to decide what time to get up, to go to bed, what to eat, when to shower, when to study, check our email or dozens of other things.  Then there are big decisions such as a choice of a career, a mate, a location to live and others.  All these things are in the realm of free will and no one can predict all the choices anyone will make.  There are a few obvious choices that are predicable but then sometimes, as humans, we just go out of character and decide something different.

In addition to individual choice there is group choice.   If you are a member of a group and they vote on a decision sometimes that decision will not be the one you would have made. The group as a whole makes a choice, but not the individual.

There are many circumstances that limit free will.  If you want to buy a car and can afford only $20,000 then your free will is limited to cars that cost that much or less. You seem to not be able to use your free will to buy a $40,000 car.

A Key to happiness and fulfillment in life is to expand your ability to choose so limitations will be removed. If you want the $40,000 car and only think you can buy a $20,000 one maybe you have not looked at all the options.  Maybe if you expand your thinking, you can make more money on the side or save money in another area of spending.

There is a lot of truth to this classic poem of Walter D. Wintle.

“If you think you are beaten, you are;

If you think you dare not, you don’t.

If you’d like to win, but think you can’t

It’s almost a cinch you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost,

For out in the world we find

Success being with a fellow’s will;

It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you’re outclassed, you are:

You’ve got to think high to rise.

You’ve got to be sure of yourself before

You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go

To the stronger or faster man,

But soon or late the man who wins

Is the one who thinks he can.”

The answer to the question is, yes, we do have free will.  While it is true our freedom does have certain limitations we have greater power of decision than we give ourselves credit for.

He who thinks he can has much more freedom to decide than the pessimist.

“Life is tough, it’s tougher when you’re stupid” …….John Wayne

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Where Did I Come From?

This entry is part 52 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Fifty-Three

Where did I come from?

Regular Christian thought presents the idea that God created you sometime between conception and birth.  Before that time you did not exist.

This is completely untrue.

That which is the essential you was not created but has always existed as a part of the mind of God. When Jesus talked about Himself and His disciples being one with God He was merely admonishing them to become aware of a truth already in existence.  That is, each of us is a part of God just as each drop in the ocean is a part of the ocean.

When a drop of water taken from the ocean returns then it is as if that drop is the ocean itself for it merges with all other drops to form a creation much greater than itself.

Unlike a drop of water entering the ocean we do not lose our identity when we realize our oneness with God. Imagine entering the ocean as a drop and experiencing life as if you were the ocean, but then you can leave again as that same drop and explore worlds away from the ocean.

This gives us a glimpse of the reality that we came from.

To further understand take a look at the night sky. What do you see?  There are an unlimited number of stars occupying the ocean of space.

How many spaces are there?  Do we send rockets in to spaces or just space? Yes, it is just space, singular.  There is only one space, just as there is only one God. Space represents God because it is everywhere and contains all things.  The mind of God extends through all space including the creations within that space.

In the beginning of each universe there is only space which contains all the thoughts of God.  You were a point of intelligence within that mind and sought to know yourself and to be and to become. As you struggled to understand all the possibilities of form you grew in light until you appeared as a point of light, like a star emerging within divine space.

From that point, as the creation of the universe proceeded, you descended down through the worlds of form until, after eons of time, you arrived here on earth where you spend many lifetimes thinking you are separate from God.

Finally when oneness is fully realized and all your dreams apart from God are satisfied it is time to go home and rest until new and different worlds are created to explore.

You had no beginning and will not have an end.  There will always be new creations of God to explore, worlds without end.


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Keys Writings 2014, Part 6

This entry is part 8 of 33 in the series 2014

April 8, 2014

Lights on Mars

This is pretty mysterious.


Also this:




April 9, 2014

Mars, Sound etc.


Could their be intelligence life on Mars…what do you think JJ?


There is life on all the major planets, but not always on the physical surface. There are many other places to look. Most planets have some type of life form under their surface. Just as there are many complex parts within our physical bodies even so, a planet has a complex interior with a number of functioning life forms. I believe the gas giants such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have a number of gaseous life forms within their thick atmospheres.

I would also expect to find some type of life form under the surface in water in places such as Jupiter’s moon, Europa or Enceladus which orbits Saturn.

As far as intelligent life goes, scientists can’t find evidence that any exists in the solar system, but they do not realize that each planet has many more components than the dense physical plane. There are the higher ethers and the astral and mental planes with their divisions. Most of the planets and even the Sun has intelligent life on some plane of its existence.

That light on Mars captured by the Rover is quite intriguing. If there is a natural explanation I’m not sure what it could be. It could be an outpost left by an ancient civilization or interplanetary visitor. Then it could be from inhabitants of the etheric world who descended to the physical to check out the Rover.

There are some other interesting pictures indicating that life has been or is there. Check these out:






I’m doing Seti@home which uses users computers to try to find radio signals from outer space. Have you done any citizen science projects.


No, I have my hands full at the present but that sounds right up your alley.


I have a question for You (and the other keysters):

When being in silence with a silent and still mind (like in meditation), do You hear a constant high pitched sound/noise (quite similar to the noise the old CRT TV’s had back in the days, but even a higher pitch, so high that it seems to be on the edge of perception of the real and imagination)?

The reason I asked You about the high pitch sound is that from all the people I personally know, those few who are fairly enlightened and are seekers of truth on the Path, hear it also, so I thought You might too 🙂


Yeah, I hear a number of background sounds and see a number of lights. Just you bringing up the subject drew my attention to the sound. Unless there is some message involved I just usually tune them out as they can be a distraction.

As to what your purpose in life is that is for you to figure out. Your purpose or mission is decided by you before you were born and when you find it, it will just feel right. Keep in mind that one life out of seven is a Sabbath and your main purpose in that life is to rest, recharge and just take things in.


April 11, 2014

Cosmos Again

I’m continuing to watch the Cosmos series hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson. I was glad to see that in the last episode, the fifth, that he stuck to science and didn’t insult the intelligence of those who believe a Higher Intelligence is behind creation.

One interesting thing I learned which I didn’t know was the first institutionalized book burning took place a couple centuries before Christ and was ordered by Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor, and unifier of China.

Tyson tells us that he took a continent and turned it into a nation that now bears his name China.

Most of us know Emperor Qin for the army of 7,000 terra cotta warriors that guard his tomb.

In Emperor Qin’s drive to consolidate his far-flung empire, he took drastic measures to standardize everything within it.

This included mandating a single coinage, making uniform all weights and measures, the widths of carts and roads, as well as the precise way the Chinese language was to be written, including what you were allowed to write and think.

Emperor Qin’s philosophy– the only one permitted– was called “legalism,” which is just what it sounded like, do as the law says or else.

It’s a philosophy that’s not highly conducive to questioning authority.

that all the books of the hundred schools of thought shall be be burned, that anyone who uses history to criticize the present shall have his family executed.

The works of MoTze and Confucius and other philosophers were destroyed in the world’s first book burning.

Hundreds of scholars bravely resisted by trying to preserve the forbidden books.

They were buried alive in the capitol.

Science needs the light of free expression to flourish.

It depends on the fearless questioning of authority, the open exchange of ideas. (End quote)

On the other hand in other episodes he took off the hat of a true scientists and resorted to dogma and distortion.

Concerning Newton, he said,

When Isaac Newton was born in this house in 1642, the world was very different.

Everyone looked at the perfection of the clockwork motions of the planets in the sky and could only understand it as the work of a master clock maker.

How else to explain it? There was only one way such a thing could come about in their imagination; only one answer for them– God.

For reasons beyond our understanding, God just created the solar system that way.

But this explanation is the closing of a door.

It doesn’t lead to other questions.

Along came Newton, a God-loving man who’s also a genius.

He could write the laws of nature in perfect mathematical sentences– formulas that applied universally to apples, moons, planets and so much more.

With one foot still in the Middle Ages, Isaac Newton imagined the whole solar system.

Newton’s laws of gravity and motion revealed how the Sun held distant worlds captive.

His laws swept away the need for a master clock maker to explain the precision and beauty of the solar system.

Gravity is the clock maker. (end quote)

This is an absurd conclusion. This is like saying that the hands of my watch move with precision because it has a battery and this means there is no watchmaker. Or for that matter, no one made the battery either. It just exists.

Newton, who is considered the greatest scientist of all time, certainly came to a different conclusion from his work than Tyson did. He was a huge believer in Intelligent Design as well as a seeker of truth from the Bible. He credited many of his discoveries to his reflections on the scriptures and the Great Clockmaker who made the universe. His discovery of the law of gravity strengthened his belief in a Creator. It didn’t cause him to dismiss God in the least as Tyson thinks should happen.

Then in the second episode he projects the idea that because of powerful evidence that evolution exists that the idea of Intelligent Design is negated. This is nonsense as many supporters of the concept of Intelligent design believe in evolution.

Tyson males a big mistake in his presentation of evolution by telling us that Dogs with the help of man evolved from wolves. Recent research proves pretty conclusively this is not the case. Here is a link to the story.

What evolutionists overlook is that the evidence indicates that it has not been a gradual process, but has occurred in leaps. These giant leaps have occurred after each great extinction. Between extinctions many of the species continue their lives with little or no change for millions of years. Great leaps in creation cannot be explained away by natural selection.


April 12, 2014

Evolutionary Leaps

I just finished reading Robert Felix’s book called Magnetic Reversals for the second time and found it quite interesting. He basically makes the interesting claim that historical evidence suggests that giant atomic explosions were triggered in our atmosphere after magnetic reversals occurred. This has been responsible for various mass extinctions. These explosions, which occurred in our atmosphere, were triggered by tremendous currents of electrical force interacting with elements in the atmosphere which created an atomic reaction, creating destruction and new elements raining down on the earth.

Then, after the partial extinction of life on the planet new species seemed to magically appear. He attributes this to increased mutation from radiation, God, or both. He also says we are overdue for another magnetic reversal.

I found this particularly interesting, but even more so when I reread a profound statement by DK concerning what was behind the evolutionary leap that produced the first self conscious humans. He says:

“At human individualisation in the middle of the third rootrace. This was produced by a vast destruction of the forms we call animal-man. This point has seldom been brought out in teaching. The advent of the Lords of the Flame, the electrical storm which ushered in the period of man, was distinguished by disaster, chaos, and the destruction of many in the third kingdom of nature. The spark of mind was implanted and the strength of its vibration, and the immediate effect of its presence caused the death of the animal form, thus producing the immediate possibility of the newly vitalised causal bodies vibrating to such purpose that new physical vehicles were taken. That was the Will aspect manifesting in the fourth round in connection with the human family.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 425

Note that, in harmony with Felix, he says that an “electrical storm which ushered in the period of man, was distinguished by disaster, chaos, and the destruction of many in the third kingdom of nature.”

Notice that he says the electrical storm followed by great destruction created the “possibility of the newly vitalized causal bodies vibrating to such purpose that new physical vehicles were taken.”

Where did these new physical bodies come from? According Felix the evidence suggests that they just seem to magically appear. It may well be the perfect storm of creation comes together after such electrical phenomena causes great destruction. These ingredients include:

(1) Powerful electrical forces unleashed.

(2) Increased radioactivity.

(3) Being visited by beings of great intelligence.

These three ingredients seem to work together to create new and better species to replace the old.

For those interested in Felix’s book here is the LINK

LWK (Quoting Peter)

in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.


That is an amazing close to what Felix says happens after a natural nuclear explosion caused by a magnetic reversal causing past extinctions. He thinks the explosion in Siberia in 1909 could have been a foreshadoeing and a natural cause rather than a meteorite.


April 13, 2014

Heavens Melting


Are you now endorsing some type of “rapture,”


No, not by any means. There may be some great cataclysms but the earth will not be destroyed in any near future – unless we blow ourselves up. Felix presents evidence that a magnetic reversal could trigger some explosions in the atmosphere similar to what happened in Siberia in 1909.

Here is what DK says:

When man has found out how to contact and utilise positive solar electricity in combination with negative planetary electricity, we shall have a very dangerous condition brought about, and one of the factors which will eventually manifest in the destruction of the fifth root race by fire. At that great cataclysmas the Bible says “the Heavens will melt with fervent heat.” This will be seen in a still greater degree in the next round, and will cause that destruction by fire of the forms of the men who have failed, which will liberate the lives on a stupendous scale, and thus temporarily ‘purify’ the Earth from elements which would tend to hinder the evolutionary process. As the cycles pass away, the balancing of these fiery currents will be gradually brought about, and will result in a planetary condition of harmony, and of esoteric equality, which will provide ideal environment for harmonious man. Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 524

He points out in another place that this destruction will take place quite a few years down the road.


April 16, 2014

Darker Picture?


So my question was to JJ really. Is he seeing a darker picture now?


Not really. I believe as before that there will be some catastrophic events in the next 150-200 years but I do not see an extinction coming for some time to come – that is unless humanity gets out of control and blows itself up. That is, I would guess, a 15% probability.

The probability is much higher that some type of a more limited nuclear or WMD exchange will happen in the near future and will serve as a wakeup call.


April 17, 2014

Nuclear Problem

Marriage Vows


What about the vow one makes in life………

But I believe marriage can continue after death no matter what. I hope my G-parants are still married where ever they are at?


Any vow that you take here on earth only applies to physical plane life. You are not held to it in the next world. Scientologists who make a billion year commitment to L Ron Hubbard will be relieved to discover this. If your grandparents want to hang out together in the next world there will be nothing stopping them except their own decisions. After death you link up with a lot of old friends and past lovers so you have a whole new prespective on relationships. If you love someone here you will continue to love them after death. Love continues, but earthly vows are temporary. For one thing, we often do not know what we are doing when taking long term vows.


Apr 18, 2014

Re: Being God

I stirred Dan’s curiosity when I talked about the corruption of the Atlanteans in mixing the species.

He says:

I just read some information about how such “chimeric” organisms have been created in the lab and are currently being used for all kinds of things from converting plant sugars into plastics to treating wastewater to create electricity.

The traditional religious “party line” is, essentially, that bio-engineering, genetic manipulation, cloning, gene-splicing and etc is “playing god” and that puny humans should keep their grubby little mitts out of it.

I am not aware of any current attempts to mix animal and human genes but I was wondering, JJ, what your take is on THIS sort of biological experimentation? Specifically the genetic mixing of lower life forms such as bacteria, fungi, etc in order use them as biological machines to churn out products.


Whenever the power of humanity is enhanced the possibility of good is increased, but also the possibility of evil and destruction.

Perhaps the best example of this so far is atomic energy. We have unleashed a power that can either destroy the world or save the world. It all depends on the intentions of those with the power.

If we could derive some benefit through the mixing of the species that would help mankind and bring us greater happiness then that would be well and good. But if we wanted to create hybrids for amusement or to be slaves, or for sexual pleasure at their expense then that would indeed be a corruption. Indeed in ancient times and on some other planets there are corruptions that would boggle the mind.

These type of corruptions would draw down some unfortunate entities with bad karma but they would much prefer paying it off in regular human bodies.

We are entering some dangerous territory when we start mixing the species because sooner or later scientists will forget about doing something that will benefit us and do crazy Stephen King type of experiments just to see what they can do. We could wind up with some real out of control monsters on our hands like in Alien, starring Sigourney Weaver, or maybe a rise of the Planet of the Apes.

The next couple hundred years is going to test our common sense in a number of different ways. Let us hope we can navigate through these times successfully until we mature a bit.


In fact, if Sanat incarnated into animal man or an animal body, then surely he would blow that body to pieces,


If he would have incarnated in his full consciousness and glory then the primitive body could not have handled it, but even us regular folk are not incarnated in our full consciousness and neither was Sanat. He allocated what was necessary to make the incarnation work.


April 20, 2014

Phillip Lindsay

Larry W

What do you think, Keysters, Is Phillip Lindsay worth reading?


I read some of his material and he is pretty well versed on AAB and HBP and does some of his own thinking. He is better than most theosophists and if you read by the light of the soul you can benefit.

He did say one thing that comes to mind that didn’t sound right. He believes the dinosaurs went extinct when the hierarchy came here 23 million years ago which was followed by great destruction. DK says nothing that indicates this is the case and I see no reason to revise the regular timeline of around 65 million years ago for their demise.


April 21, 2014


Since we’ve been talking about evolution and technology it is very timely indeed that my wife and I went to see the new movie, Transcendence, the other day.

We read a review of it in the paper and it rated it quite low and we almost went to something else instead. I’m glad we stayed the course and went for we found it quite enjoyable and couldn’t understand why some critics were so down on the movie. Not only that but the ticket sales were very low as it only grossed about $11 million the first week. Maybe part of the reason is that Johnny Depp is the highest paid actor in the world and when you are at the top there’s a lot of people who want to see you fail. Personally, I like the guy as an actor.

My favorite movie with him in was The Ninth Gate. It wasn’t a big success but was quite interesting to watch.

Anyway back to Transcendence. To save me time typing here is the plot I lifted from what others have said:

Dr Will Caster (Johnny Depp) develops a sentient computer device with unsurpassed processing power. When fatally poisoned by a radical techno-terrorist organization he and his wife (Rebecca Hall) upload his consciousness into his invention to preserve his life, but the now unrestrained supercomputer soon develops a frightening ambition that blurs the line between humanity and technology.

At the heart, it’s a story about a woman, Evelyn, who loves her husband, Will, so much she tries to hold onto him by helping him save his consciousness. She begins to wrestle with whether this being is really Will or is something new. It’s also about evolution and the line between humanity and evolving into something more. This movie might be a turn off for religious people but it does make you think of what humanity could become whether you’re religious or not. (End quote)

One of the criticisms of the movie is that there has already been a lot of them about the dangers of technology run amuck, but this one was different enough that this did not spoil the movie for us. We live in an age where scientists really think they will soon be able to digitize the human brain and all its memories so the question does arise as to whether actual consciousness will be reproduced. And when Depp comes online in a computer system that is the main question his associates want to know. Is this computerized version really him or something else?

They can only take the nuances so far as they have to create a big problem to solve to make the movie interesting and of course Depp enters the internet and seeks to control the world and those who once loved him now must stop him.

Anyway, this is an interesting movie to watch when contemplating the prospect of playing God with technology. I’d rate it three stars out of four.


April 21, 2014

The Etheric Web


Does an atomic bomb have an etheric equivalent or etheric double? If so, does this etheric equivalent equal an atomic explosion in the physical atmosphere? DK said something about the atomic explosions attributing something to the etheric web around Earth.


Everything has an etheric double. As the organism becomes more complex so is the etheric makeup more complex. For instance the etheric composition or a human or animal is much more complex than a rock. On the other hand, the planet itself is a living entity, of which we are all a part, and, as a whole, has a very complex web.

Here is what DK said in connection to the effect of the atomic bomb on it.

“Is the etheric web of the planet sufficiently stable and balanced so that it can adequately respond to the new and potent forces which could and will pour through it into objective expression? I would remind you that the release of atomic energy has had a far more potent effect in the etheric web than in the dense physical vehicle of the planet. Three times the atomic bomb was used, and that fact is itself significant. It was used twice in Japan, thereby disrupting the etheric web in what you erroneously call the Far East; it was used once in what is also universally called the Far West, and each time a great area of disruption was formed which will have future potent, and at present unsuspected, results.”

Discipleship In The New Age – Volume II, Page 61

Most DK students interpret this to mean that these explosions along with all the more powerful ones that followed will create disastrous results.

There are three points to consider.

(1) DK supported the use of the atomic bomb to end the war. He said that the bomb represented an initiation of matter itself.

(2) He did not say the results would be bad or all bad. He said there would be “unsuspected, results.”

(3) It’s been 69 years since the explosions that he mentioned and there have been no disastrous results that can be attributed to etheric disturbance.

So, what have been the unexpected results of the etheric web disturbance? DK gives a hint:

“As each unit of consciousness, through self-induced effort, achieves the goal and crosses the ‘burning-ground,’ a microscopic portion of the etheric web of the planetary etheric body is consumed by fire; this results in a definite gain for that great Entity, the planetary Logos, through the relatively unimportant liberation of the force of one cell in His body.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 509

So, fire in the etheric web aids in the liberation of the life of the planet. When we look at the human web we learn that dissolving the web is good as long as it is not done too quickly and the consciousness is ready for the results. Even so, it would be with the planet. Some destruction of the web would release spiritual energy and light and that is what has happened since 1945. The intelligent life on the planet has made progress in both spiritual and material science. The trick is to not advance so fast that we destroy ourselves, and that is the negative danger of disturbing the etheric web.


Question two: When one passes over and the solar Angel shows one their life lessons on Earth etc, does one then pass over into the astral emotional realm and emotionally try to fix their physical life lessons or mistakes made once one has been shown their progression from their Solar Angel, or does one forget this brief encounter, and passes over into the astral still playing out life emotional experiences etc depending on one’s evolved consciousness and the state of their evolution.


We can’t fix our physical plane mistakes when out of the body. What we can do is learn from them and prepare for the next life where we can fix them, or rise above them.

DK says we take three things with us into the astral from the life review. I personally do not think this applies all the time and, of course, the higher Self, or the soul is aware of all of the life review. It’s rather ignorant reflection often runs quite blindly in the astral between lives.

Johann: The initiation that matter underwent when the atomic bombs were detonated, it does correspond with the third degree initiation for humans right?


Good question. DK merely said the atomic bomb represented an initiation for matter but didn’t give any details. If we consider the development of higher atoms than hydrogen, then molecules and later organic life as initiations then it could be a rather high one. On the other hand, from another angle it could be the first.

The initiating of something that most consider not living is a mysterious subject.


April 27, 2014

More on After Death

Ruth quotes this verse:

“Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Eccl 12:6-7

If the silver cord is the spiritual thread, and the golden bowl is the etheric web, then what is the pitcher being broken at the fountain? And what is the wheel broken at the cistern?


“Fountain” comes from the Hebrew MABBUWA which means “a spring of water” and a cistern is a well. Those two phrases are describing the source of water being dried up. Water here is symbolic of life so he is merely saying that when the silver cord is loosed, the etheric body broken, and the source of physical life is no more that “the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”

Ruth again:

You say this:

“During this merging they will be aware of several advanced beings guiding the process while they see their life from beginning to end. As it passes like a holographic movie at great speed he will be aware of the effect of every action, thought and word that came from him. If he hurt people, even unknowingly, he will be aware of that. If he helped others or made them happy he will be aware of that. After reviewing his life he will be aware of how successful his life was but most have a lot of disappointments over missed opportunities and harm that was caused.

I already have worked out and also understand all the words, actions, thoughts and deeds that hurt other people and also myself, so when I pass over, will I still have to go through that life review again, when I have already done a life review on myself so far in this physical life?


Everyone does a life review and just about all are in store for a lot of surprises, positive and negative. Most of those who think they have it all figured out of how all their thoughts and actions have influenced others and what they should have done differently are fooling themselves.

Us humans often see ourselves doing the best we can and our problems, our pain and our troubles just seem to arrive through no fault of our own. In the life review we will see that we were largely responsible for making our own reality and that there were things we could have done that would have made our lives, and that of others, much easier.


Does that mean that I can go straight to my mental body, rather than have more emotional experiences etc in the astral realm?


You will go to a place where there are people with a similar vibration to your own. If you are mentally polarized you would go with that group and if you are astrally polarized, those are the type of people you will be with. So, in a way, we make our own heaven or hell. If one is hard to get along with, and not very loving, he will mix with similar individuals, but if he is loving and friendly he will live with these type of persons. The company he will keep will make for a heaven or hell.


I would prefer to pass over and study massive amounts of teachings from DK etc, than play around in the astral realm and hang with people. Although it would be good to catch up with some of my pets who have passed over.


There are plenty of students of all kinds in both the astral and mental realms. A studious person isn’t necessarily mentally polarized and a strong people person isn’t necessarily astral. The main point of differentiation is the process by which decisions are made. Are the person’s decisions based on how he feels or thinks? Which dominates in the decision making process? There are other factors but that is a big part of it.


Your writings have evolved out of The Immortal Series, and have become something more, so I really hope that this book gets circulated out there into humanity’s consciousness, because it is so well worth reading and learning from.


Glad you like the book. Unlike many of my other writings my objective is not to introduce new material but to take the best of my teachings and distill them into a book the average person will enjoy. In the process there may be some good insights even for the old timers here.

I am hoping that this may be the book that catches the public’s attention. If not, I’ll keep on trying as long as I am able. Hopefully, we can get this work off the ground in my lifetime. It would be nice to have the means to effectively prepare for difficult times ahead.


April 29, 2014



When you say this :”it would be nice to have the means to effectively prepare for difficult times ahead”… you mean that you need to stockpile up food and water etc? and is a Great, Great, Great Depression coming, like what was foretold in the White Horse Prophecy?


Stockpiling some things on an individual basis is always a wise thing to do, but that was not what I was talking about. If there is a breakdown of society, much more than that would be needed. It is important that the lights have a place to gather so they will be able to have the extra protection of the group as well as raise food. If there were a breakdown, roaming mobs would be a major concern of which a gathering would provide some protection.

Ruth asked my views concerning euthanasia.

Under normal circumstances taking your own life is a major mistake. Most suicides are prompted by some difficult situation in life, but usually his situation was designed by the soul as a means to inspire growth and evolution for the pilgrim. If he takes his life he will have to come back and face a similar situation all over again, causing him to waste a lifetime of time.

A person who is in a no win situation is another matter. If one has a terminal illness and is suffering major pain with no hope for recovery then there normally wouldn’t be much negative karma. But even here the seeker must check with his soul for facing such a dead end may be something he needs to do to achieve all possible growth for that particular lifetime.

When in doubt, always check with the inner voice for one size never fits all.

Thanks for catching those typos. You got a few that I hadn’t caught yet.


May 1, 2014

Climbing the Mountain

That’s quite the post Larry. Thanks for your effort in writing and sharing.

Your post reminds me that many true seekers desire with earnestness to make the world a better place, move forward the next step in human evolution, secure the safety of the planet for generations to come and much more. Many have tried to initiate something to move us forward and seemed to have been met with a brick wall. I have been trying for many years and the only thing of substance I have accomplished is to get some foundation writings in print that is available for the public.

That said, I thought I would say a few words about the difficulty in initiating any work that moves people ahead spiritually. Allow me to start with this statement.

Advancing the next spiritual step is the most difficult of all things there are to initiate.

Let us look at some initiates who created things that merely made our lives better on the physical plane. There’s Edison and the light bulb, Tesla and the alternating current, Bell and the telephone, Philo Farnsworth and the television, Steve Jobs and the personal computer and many more that could be listed. To initiate their ideas required a lot of thought and effort and such innovators deserve a lot of credit.

They had a great advantage over a spiritual initiator in that when they presented their product to the world people could see with their own eyes that that it could enhance their lives. Sure they all encountered some resistance at first, but once the product was out there it was only a matter of time before it would be embraced.

On the other hand, an idea or concept that moves consciousness forward is another matter. One of the difficulties is that you just can’t show them a physical object and say, “See, this is how this works and it is going to make life a lot better.” I can write a treatise on The Molecular Relationship, for example, but I can’t build a model in my garage and show it to people and demonstrate how it will make life better.

To illustrate how difficult it is to move humanity forward in spiritual evolution let us look at two of the great initiates in our history.

Moses made a super human effort to gather together the best of humanity in his day with the idea that a gathered people being fed with enlightened ideas could become an “ensign to the nations” and could set an example of a quality of life that many would want to emulate.

Fortunately for Moses, he had a lot of help. Great miracles were shown to the people ending with the parting of the Red Sea to make their escape from the Pharaoh. After this the people saw many more miracles. The people even saw the presence of God in a pillar of light and Moses descending from the mountain shining as the sun.

Moses descended with enlightened writings designed to move the people forward in the spiritual evolution, but after all the signs and wonders they witnessed they reverted back to their old ways and worshipped the golden calf.

Moses then destroyed the great revelation and went back up the mountain and returned with tablets of stone and taught them a lesser law. Without the application of the greater revelation Israel did not accomplish their mission. They wandered in the dessert for 40 years. Anyone who had a consciousness deserving of a greater light would live through this time period and enter the promised land. As it turned out there was only one who qualified and that was Joshua , who later was born as Jesus.

Joshua then led the children of the unfaithful (who had all died) in establishing a nation – a nation several steps down from what was hoped to be.

The interesting thing is that great miracles were shown to the people so they could know with a surety that God was with Moses, but still only one of the whole lot saw the vision of what was supposed to be.

Then when the people were given crude laws, rules and regulations to strictly control their lives – this they gladly accepted – while rejecting the greater light that had the potential for such great joy.

Another great initiate was Jesus. Like Moses he showed the people miracles, the like of which they had never seen before. His work was consummated with the greatest miracle of all when he rose from the dead. All this should have convinced the people that he had something special that would take them closer to the spirit, right?

Not quite. After his great life and even after demonstrating the greatest miracle of all time, the resurrection, you would think that believers would have been rushing to join the disciples. Peter and the group gathered together all the believers they could find and guess what the number was?

One hundred and twenty. (Acts 1:15)

Then, after Pentecost, more great miracles were manifest and some were converted but the church struggled along attempting to teach the pure message of Jesus.

Then came a profound turning point through the work of the apostle Paul. Paul was not much for miracles but he did present a twist on the teachings that the people loved. “Believe on Jesus and be saved.”

That sounded a lot better and easier than the more difficult message of Peter and the apostles who were stressing the message from the Master of doing good works and gaining higher knowledge and furthering the creation of human groups who see eye to eye – like the Twelve.

Just believe and be saved was simple and easy to understand and this, not the teachings of Christ, caused the church to grow and prosper.

Paul initiated a great movement, but at the cost of taking the people away from the core teachings of the Christ.

So we have two great examples of the failure of great signs and wonders in producing good results. Moses was only able to leave a legacy of a nation that was just another nation and Jesus was only able to leave behind a church that was just another church, not much more enlightened than the Romans already had.

Is it any wonder then that the Hierarchy is reluctant today to establish another work through the power of signs, wonders and miracles?

What do you think they would rather have to work with: Millions of people mesmerized over an initiate who seems to have the power of God, or a dozen people who can look within, feel the soul and see truth as it really is?

I will tell you that the latter is true at this point. That is not to say that great miracles will not happen again, but the Brotherhood has come to the realization that they are not that useful in moving people ahead spiritually. Putting out the pure teachings and letting them foment in the minds of the seekers may not produce immediate or spectacular effects among the masses, but for those who are ready they will work inner wonders greater than would be produced if an initiate should be raised from the dead.

So, I your teacher move forward, giving out what light I can that will speak to your inner core. A person here and another there feels the power of the principles speaking to their souls. Not much is happening in the outer world, but because a few of us persist and will not cease from our labors, success is only a matter of time.

And this time the success will not be in numbers alone, such as great numbers of people who do not want to climb the mountain, but just want to bask in an outer light. No. This time a people will gather within whom shines an inner light set on fire through inner struggle and motivated by faith in the triumph of all that is good, beautiful and true.

Let not your faith and hope falter my friends. We only fail if we quit the journey. I am moving forward in this life and however many it takes until the goal is achieved. I hope to see you at the journey’s end.


May 3, 2014

What Can I Do?

I regularly get questions of what can be done to get things off the ground. Here I gathered some old and added some new.

As far as practicality goes there is nothing more practical than the understanding of a principle, especially if seen through the light of the soul on an intuitive level. This will often be accompanied by a flash of internal light that multiplies the understanding. Such an instantaneous flash can be worth a year’s worth of study. Actually, it is more valuable than that because the flash will reveal reliable truth whereas a year’s worth of study may fill the mind with many illusions.

Those who do not see or appreciate the principles I teach will be more drawn to information only that gives various step-by-step process to accomplish improvement of some kind. Each person should go where his needs are best met. One size does not fit all.

My teachings then bring additional light on principles from the past and present, and new ones that have never been expanded on.

And for what purpose?

Am I seeking to help you enter the now and stop worrying about the non essentials?

No. That may be a side benefit to some of my teachings, but if the seeker needs help in this area then he should find other help than myself.

Do I just want to get famous, sell a lot of books and then get a large adoring base of fans?

Some think they see a huge ego in me wanting this, but it is not so. If this was all I accomplished I would consider my life a failure.

Do I intend to help students become more successful in life, obtain peace of mind and find meaning for themselves?

No. It’s up to each seeker to take care of these personality needs. This is not my responsibility, but your own.

The only area of self-improvement that I seek to make available is through the stimulation of the intuition through the understanding of true principles. This will also stimulate soul contact.

Any self improvement seekers achieve here is a side benefit. The main purpose here is not to improve various seekers, but to FIND them. I seek to find those who are already sensitive to the whisperings of the soul, and eventually gather them.

I seek to be an element in fulfilling this scripture:

11   “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.

12   “And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.”

(Isa 11:11-12)

Look at The Archives [at FreeRead.Com] and the millions of words there that lift the reader into the realm of intuitive principles and you will see a seed that will blossom into the ensign to the nations around which many lights will eventually gather.

It is true that right now we are only reaching a few but the time will come that we will reach the many. When the many are reached then power will be given to gather and build anew cities that set a true ensign for the new age.

The end of my work is to gather and build anew on the physical plane. Even though many inner teachings are presented the end goal lies in this physical reality, not in entering into a void or withdrawing into peaceful meditations.

Each must pick the directions impressed upon him through his soul and I do not fault anyone who is led in a different direction than presented here. Those who are to be on the same path as myself will feel thus truth internally. They will sense the principle and the need for the gathering. They are willing to take as long as it takes to accomplish this even if it requires a series of lives.

So what is a seeker to do who feels in harmony with me? Is there any call for action?

Yes there is and I will repeat the call here. If you believe in the gathering you can assist by forming a study group in your area. There are many seekers in every area of the world who have not been exposed to the Keys or my books. Anyone who wants to help can teach others. This takes effort but it can be done and the reward will be great as well as helpful.

Several have tried this with limited success. All who do this must realize that forming a successful group takes a long sustained effort.

If anyone wants action then create a local group. There is no more powerful action you can take than that.

Here is some advice in that direction:

Start with your friends. Most of us know at least a couple people with a metaphysical bent. Call them and tell them you are going to form a study group and study some new teachings you discovered on the Internet and see if they are interested. If you do not know anyone interested in metaphysics you probably need to get out more, but all is not lost. I am always here to support you with ideas.

First, select a place that will accommodate at least a dozen people. There is nothing wrong with starting with a home or apartment.

If your place is small it is quite possible that one of your first students will have a large comfortable home that they would be happy to share.

There are also some places that may allow you to meet on a free basis. Some libraries have rooms for meetings that are either free or very inexpensive. Also check with your bookstores. Some of them will let you have meetings there in hope of selling your group some books. Many restaurants have meeting rooms they will give groups for free if they buy $50 or more worth of food.

If you have a little money to work with you could find a meeting room connected with a local Motel, YMCA, New Age Center, martial arts club or some other organization and rent it on a weekly basis. If you do this you will need to collect some dues from members so you will not have to bear the whole burden. Once you get ten people or so the expense will not be much of a burden on any one individual.

Once you select a definite meeting place then you must do some promotion.

First let’s cover what you can do for free.

Many newspapers and the local Craig’s List have sections that are totally free where you can announce on a weekly basis details about any weekly meetings your group may have. Call them up and see what they have available. You can also advertise local classes on

Local TV and Cable channels also have places for free announcements. Check them out.

Print up flyers (or I’ll print them for you) announcing your project and circulate them in book stores, metaphysical centers, health food stores and so on.

Newspapers love doing features that have something to do with the Internet. Call the features editor and tell him or her that you have been participating with a study group on the Internet and are going to extend it to the local people. Chat a while with this person and he may want to write about you.

Now you have exhausted the free methods you should spend a few dollars in regular advertising. Check around and see if there are any metaphysical or alternative health newsletters in your area and run a small ad there.

If you are bold enough to do public speaking then work one up around the Molecular Relationship, the Gathering of Lights or some other topic that interests you.

You’ll need a name for the physical group. May I suggest “The Synthesis Group.”

To synthesize means to gather together various unrelated parts and to put them together into a working whole which wholeness is greater than the sum of the parts.

For instance our discussion group is a synthesis of some of the best people on the Internet.

When your group gets started and you do your part it will take on a life of its own and grow by word of mouth.

On the internet we are gathered as a group and know a few things the average people do not know, but we have little voice except to preach to the choir of like-minded believers.

The first thing each servant of humanity needs to assess is his own limitations – what he can and cannot do. One of the biggest mistakes made by an individual who sees a little light is to sacrifice career, job and family to start some movement that goes nowhere. Many such individuals are lucky to have three followers.

Others go the other extreme and do nothing. This is even worse because they also learn nothing.

What then should the true seeker do to make a difference?

Jesus gave the example in the parable of building a tower. He said that if a person wants to build a tower he must assess the amount of effort and ingredients it will take to finish the project. If he begins and does not have the power to finish then everyone will laugh at him for being so foolish. The wise builder will assess correctly and will not start the tower until he has the power to finish.

Some have questioned me as to why I am not proceeding with zeal to create Molecules, build cities, reform civilization, etc. Yes, there are towers to build, but until we gain the power to finish what we begin – the time to begin has not yet arrived. If we have not power to finish the tower then the thing to do is to gather the materials and resources to prepare for a beginning so we can have a finish.

Right now I have power to do one thing well and that is to write foundation materials and circulate them to a small group of people. If I should die tomorrow, however, all is not lost for many of the concepts contain eternal words that shall not pass away and would be taken up by others who are in a position to build towers.

My astrological chart tells me that I will be subject to strong discipline from Saturn until I get everything in place for my main work. When everything is in place and my will and abilities are sufficiently fine-tuned then a reservoir of power will be released to allow for a major accomplishment. I believe this time is soon, but cannot predict the exact date.

Here is what must happen to open the door for me to begin work on the tower.

One of my works must permeate public consciousness on a fairly wide scale. This could be one of my present or future books, an idea or me in person when I am free to travel and give seminars.

Sufficient finances to sustain the effort.

That’s well and good one may think, but I’d like to do something more in the present than just sit around and wait for the true beginning of the work.

There is always something more the true initiate can find to do.

Here are a few things:

An idea I do not think I have suggested before, but a very powerful one is to write letters to your local paper. Letters to the editor are often the most popular part of the paper and many thousands read them.

If you write a letter to your local paper and manage to make a reference to or a lot of hits could come from it. I have covered a large variety of subjects at these sites so there is something of interest to almost everyone.

Global warming, nuclear energy, world peace, the economy, religion etc are popular in letters to the editor and writers can reference links to these subjects in my writings. This would certainly press some buttons.

Keep this in mind. A letter to the editor in a major paper that gives our web page is worth 500 dollars or more in advertising.

Many of the group are members of other forums. When appropriate you can post something from the archives there and give the reference with the suggestion to the group that many writings are available.

You can run a classified ad in a local thrifty paper – or free on your local Craig’s List.

The ad could read something like this:

Out Of The Thousands Of Free Books On The Web There Is Not One That Will Hold Your Attention Like This One!



J. J. Dewey

The Immortal is the story of an average truth seeker who stumbles across a fascinating teacher, only to discover that the man is John the Revelator of Apocalypse fame, who has been wandering the earth incognito for the past 2000 years. John begins the task of teaching his new student the first of the Twelve Keys of Knowledge.

The first question addressed in Book I is WHO OR WHAT AM I? The student gives all the standard answers…and they are all wrong. The lead character then realizes he is under the tutorage of no ordinary teacher and must apply himself in a quest for knowledge.

Top get the first book free go to:


There are also thousands of articles at the site available free.

You can get copies of Book One in audio or hard copy and give them away. We will send them to you free of charge.

Members can also buy books and give them away.

Participate in the keys forum. Posting there helps keep me stimulated and helps others.

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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