Examining Braco

This entry is part 36 of 50 in the series 2011A

It seems that periodically we deal with a situation where one or more members of the group feel strongly about a person, organization or subject. Then when that item is discussed we have to be quite careful or feelings will be hurt.

The last thing I want to do is hurt feelings of friends, especially old friends, but I seem to have a talent for this even when I try and go out of my way to avoid offense.

Here is what seems to happen. Someone has an experience or finds a teaching or organization, or topic that seems to ring correct with their souls and they share this with us. Since it seemed obvious to them that the thing was beneficial they often expect a positive reaction from the Keys members and especially myself.

What usually happens is some members will be very supportive, some see both good and bad and others will voice strong suspicion and concern. Then I will join in and say ABC looks good but XYZ looks questionable or maybe harmful. Now sometimes I may give mostly positive affirmation as with The Morya Federation or Sterling’s quest for free energy and others I may be mostly negative as with the Crème group, but usually myself and some others will critically examine both sides.

When this happens feelings often get hurt. It is not because anyone had an agenda to hurt feelings but generally everyone involved followed the highest they knew and were working at finding the truth of the matter.

Often the truth is not obvious. In one of the Principles of Discovery I stated that if you see everyone going or thinking in one direction one will often find truth by looking in the other direction that goes against the current.

I have a lot of respect for Sterling and Cheri. They are both outstanding individuals and apologize for any bull-in-a-China shop approach I have taken with their feelings but I did not and still do not know the full truth on Braco so I have to analyze him from the highest points of truth that I know.

The fact that miracles happen around him or people see a light around him does not necessarily mean all is well.

The fact that people get positive feelings does not mean all is well. I have seen people say they get positive feelings from God from outright scoundrels. As far as soul feelings go I only trust my own, as should everyone here.

As far as my feelings go Braco is an oddity for me. Usually when a new teacher or Guru comes on the scene I get an immediate impression that turns out to be correct. In Braco’s case I get little impression. It’s as if my soul is telling me to figure this one out on my own.

I haven’t tried to be either positive or negative on Braso but to merely examine him dispassionately

That said let me cover one more point. Ruth asked if supernatural healing could interfere with Karma.

The answer is that nothing can interfere with Karma. It can be delayed, but not interfered with or negated until a full payment is made.

Jesus healed many people. There may have been a few who had their full payment delayed but generally the soul will not allow a permanent healing unless the person has learned his lesson from the disease or can pay off more karma through assisting in raising faith in other people.