Understanding the Name of God


Understanding the Name of God

It is interesting how you can be reading along in A Course in Miracles, thinking you are getting the point when all of a sudden it hits you with something that seems in total opposition to what has been previously said. For instance, as noted in my last article on the name of God, which is a name mentioned many times as something we are supposed to seek and use, but then it gives us this:

“God has no name.” W-pI.184.12

I’ve seen this quoted in isolation numerous times and it seems perplexing in that we are told numerous times to use and seek the name. What’s going on here?

Perhaps quoting the text in context will help us understand:

“God has no name. And yet His Name becomes the final lesson that all things are one, and at this lesson does all learning end. All names are unified; all space is filled with truth’s reflection. Every gap is closed, and separation healed. The Name of God is the inheritance He gave to those who chose the teaching of the world to take the place of Heaven…. No one can fail who seeks the meaning of the Name of God. Experience must come to supplement the Word. But first you must accept the Name for all reality” W-pI.184.12-13

This seems contradictory. It seems to say God has no name but he has a name that we “must accept.”

This text from the above quote sheds some light:

“The Name of God is the inheritance He gave to those who chose the teaching of the world to take the place of Heaven.”

In other words, the name of God only has meaning to those who are in the separated condition. In heaven, or the unified condition, God has no name for there are no names or words exchanged there. All communication is total without the need of any words or separate names. Names here are used to identify separate beings, but when we are again united with our true selves there will be no separation and no names, as we understand them, will be needed.

BUT… In this separated condition the name of God is our “inheritance” and “His Name becomes the final lesson that all things are one.”

Think of it. If all things are one, if we all share the one mind of God there will be no need for names, for all communication is instant. We only need them here because we see each other as separate individuals. Jill is different from Jane who is different from Jack so we have different names for each of them. But in our true home where “all things are one.” There will be no need for names as we understand them here.

But because we live in a separated world where all beings are different from each other we need names.

So… if God has no name in heaven why do we need to discover and use His name here?

The answer is quite simple. We live in this world in the condition of separation and in this condition, we see God as being not only separated, but different than ourselves.

To end the separation, we must identify the name which seems to make God different from ourselves. Then we are to understand the name and realize that “God’s Name is holy, but no holier than yours. To call upon His Name is but to call upon your own.” W-pI.183.1

We have the same name as God, but in our separated condition this does not seem to be the case. Realizing “His Name becomes the final lesson” because at that point we realize our true identity and when this is realized we awaken to true reality where names are no longer needed. “Repeat the Name of God, and little names have lost their meaning.” W-pI.183.4

In the meantime, we must discover the name for God, which also reveals our true identity and will awaken us from the dream. “Your Father’s Name reminds you who you are, even within a world that does not know.” W-pI.183.1

The name for God most clearly presented in the Course is love: “Father, Your Name is Love and so is mine.” W-pII.282.2

Since names are associated with separation then why are we told God’s name is Love?

The answer is quite simple. It is because in our separated condition we see the love of God as being different, or much higher or different quality than our own. When we realize that our name is also love the need for a name has been fulfilled. “So has his name become the Name of God, for he no longer sees himself as separate from Him.” M-23.2

A crucial point in understanding the name of God being associated with love is this. In our separated condition most people fear God in some way. Regular Christians fear He may send them to hell, others feel unworthy of him and still others fear He may be angry with them and destroy their very souls.

Knowing and understanding the name of God as being love puts an end to all those fears because truly loving parents would never hurt their children and when the parent is seen as truly loving, the child will have no fear.

Thus, the name of God associated with love eliminates fear.

The Course associates other names with God but they are all manifestations of love. For instance

“Healing is but another name for God.” LESSON 356

Is not the assisting in the of healing another or yourself an act of love? The ending of the separation is the ultimate healing.

Here’s another one: “The Name of God’s Son is One.” T-8.IX.7

Since we are told that the Son has the same name as the Father then we can assume here that “One” is one of God’s names.

How is one, or oneness, associated with love? The text explains as it continues: “and you are enjoined to do the works of love because we share this Oneness.” T-8.IX.7

Finally, we have Jesus, the Son, or “elder brother” T-1.II.4 who came to teach the meaning of love. Of this name the Course says:

“The name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol. But it stands for love that is not of this world.” M-23.4

The name of Jesus Christ stands for love even more literally than generally assumed.

If we examine the original Greek and Hebrew, we see that full name of Jesus Christ literally means “anointed to deliver.” The deliverance is not some nebulous salvation but an act of love that delivers others from the separation Aiding in the deliverance of our brethren and sisters causes us to become as Jesus and to take upon ourselves His name and become as Jesus Christ, or to take upon ourselves the name of love itself.

In addition to discussing the name of God the Course does mention a number of attributes associated with Him such as Holiness,

Kindness, Helpfulness and Perfection. W-pI.67.2

It is good to meditate on all the words associated with God because merely declaring that God or yourself is love does little. Many who use the word Love the most have less understanding of it than those who rarely use it. Inwardly we know what love is and the only way to understand it is to feel its sharing from another Son or perhaps God.

We recognize love when we experience it and when experienced we realize that just saying the words does little to communicate its true reality.

Let us then remember that to call upon the name of God in this world is to send and receive love in its truest form to our brothers and sisters.

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