The Covenant of The Three Energies

This entry is part 34 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Four
The Covenant of The Three Energies

The last part of the Covenant reads as follows: “I covenant to channel all my energies of sex, money and power toward union and not separateness and consecrate myself and all these energies toward the purpose of God to create the Union of Souls and to establish the Kingdom of God on the Earth. AUMAN.”

The basic idea here is to dedicate all of our energies toward the Union of Souls and not toward the separate self.

We shall briefly cover this commitment as to how it relates to the three basic energies beginning with sex:

The Right Use of Sex

What is right and wrong about sex seems to have baffled humanity since the beginning of time. About the only clear-cut teaching offered is through religious interpretation. The basic black-and-white doctrine on it is that sex outside of the marriage relationship is wrong. Ask a religious person why it is wrong; he says: “Because God says so.” Somehow, this explanation does not satisfy intelligent people. They want to know the reason behind all things, and without an explanation or understanding, they have little motivation to live by this or any other principle.

Sex is an energy; the governing principle that makes the correct use of any energy is union. Simply put, that action which separates souls is negative and action which brings souls together in union is positive.

The marriage covenant is a natural good because it is a covenant which directs the energy of sex toward the union of two souls; and the male and female energies must unite and harmonize before greater unions with others can take place.

Adultery is negative because it directs the energy of sex away from union which produces separateness and weakens the relationship.

Some commit adultery in the name of freedom, but if there is deceit and betrayal involved less freedom will be the result in the kingdom of the soul.

Does this mean that the only sex we are supposed to have is within the confines of a legal marriage?

To understand the answer to this, we must not take the black-and-white approach but must look at the principle behind marriage. The underlying principle behind marriage is a covenant with the purpose of directing all sexual and romantic energy toward the union of two souls. What the soul looks at is the fulfillment of purpose, not a legal marriage document. Therefore, even if the two are not legally married, but have an understanding between them that they are dedicating their romantic and sexual energies toward each other for the purpose of union, then the principle is fulfilled.

Any sexual act that is performed outside of the agreed-upon relationship is then separative, is not good, and is in violation of the agreements made.

The worst misuse of the sexual energy is when deceit and betrayal are involved, and when an agreement with a partner is broken, these two evils usually manifest.

The question may arise: Is it all right to have multiple relationships if everything is completely open with no deceit or betrayal, and all are in agreement? This is not as nearly a serious offense against the soul as when the breaking of a covenant is involved; but multiple relationships interfere with the union of souls because the circulation of energy is incomplete and an empty feeling or lack of fullness will be felt by some participants, which prevents the complete merging of two which makes a human atom. Sex without commitment can lead to separative feelings such as jealousy and bitterness, and can cause the destruction of a spiritual organization.

It is important to remember here that there are two basic paths that all Humankind are on. The first is the Path of Experience. This is the path of the individual who lives for the separative selfish self and experiences all there is in the world of separation. After many lifetimes the pilgrim has gleaned much valuable experience, and he or she eventually learns there is no permanent satisfaction in separation.

The second is the Path of Union. We enter this path when we tire of having experience just for the sake of experience, and we seek to put purpose in our lives. Purpose is the energy that seeks union and when we sense it we seek only to use energy to push us toward those experiences that will bring us closer to oneness.

Therefore, the correct use of all energy including sex is directing it toward union of an indefinite duration.

In the physical world, most recognize that we make many changes on the road to perfection. Over many lifetimes we change partners numerous times on the road to the final union. Each sexual partner we have will be like a teacher for us, to help us be better prepared for the next relationship. If there is an understanding of faithfulness or trust there should be no betrayal whatsoever.

If a betrayal of trust occurs those great lives that direct karma will eventually put offenders in situations where they are betrayed and will learn the lesson of the tremendous pain previously inflicted. Such pain, for the most of humanity, is only surpassed by the death of a loved one.

However, if the relationship is not working, and one participant decides they want another relationship, or want to end the current one, they should be open about it. If they have an outside sexual relationship and are deceitful, they will cast a dark cloud over their souls that may cost them their relationship with their Higher Selves for the rest of their lives unless they realize the magnitude of the harm they have done and seek to correct their path.

If partners want to move on to another relationship, they should first conclude the current one. Hurt feelings will most likely result, but the hurt will, in the long run, be much less than a betrayal. Ending a relationship with openness and honesty instead of deceit and betrayal keeps the door open for progress on the spiritual path.

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