Emotional Telepathy

Texas  Gathering, Part Seven
Emotional Telepathy

We’ll continue with our subject which is telepathy. Before we continue, has anybody had any experiences with telepathy?

Marylin: This occurred years ago when I first learned about telepathy. I wanted to experiment and find out if it was for real. I contacted my sister who lived in Georgia and I lived in Iowa. We thought we would both lie down and I would send to her then she would call me and let me know if she had gotten the message from me. So I did this one night. I lay down on my living room floor and I came out of my body. And I traveled to her kitchen. She wasn’t lying there so I went into her living room and she was there and again I thought she was going to wait to be contacted. She lay down on the couch and all of a sudden she went, “OH” and her husband asked what was wrong. Also in her kitchen I had seen an orange vase, a very unusual vase. When she said, “OH” and jumped I was back home. I called her on the phone right away and I asked her, “Did you know that I was there?” Well it turned out that she wasn’t lying down specifically for that purpose but those things happened. I don’t know if that’s telepathy or if it’s something else but that’s what happened.

JJ: It was definitely an extra-sensory communication. When we think of telepathy we normally think we’ll send a message to Joe and he’s going to read my mind. Sometimes that happens but not too many people are able to do it. Marylin had an exceptional circumstance where she was able to leave her body. Oftentimes, for an exact communication to take place, that type of thing happens. But the ability to have extra-sensory communication is an evolving thing. What does it start with? We have to start somewhere when we want to do anything. If you want to build a house you have to learn to hammer and nail first. So, what do we have to learn first?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Okay that’s the first step but what do we actually have to learn first?

Audience: That it’s possible?

JJ: Okay, that it is possible. Then what next?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: When you’ve had a close relationship with somebody have you often kind of picked up what they’re thinking? Sometimes it isn’t really extra-sensory, is it? Sometimes you just know the person so well you know what he must be thinking, right? In a way, this is kind of the first step; to tune into another person so you kind of get an idea of how their thought process is going. This is really what we might call the very first step in extra-sensory communication; to develop our senses and abilities to the max first. How do you know or how can you tell what a person is thinking? What signs or what do you learn about a person to develop that ability with them?

Body language is important. Somebody sitting with their arms folded, does that tell you something? It means they’re closing off communication. They’re not really listening to you much. There are books on body language that tells you what these different symbols mean. If you sit cross-legged it means something, if you put your hand like this it means something. Everything means something in body language. I’m not going to go through what they all mean. Suffice it to say, that if you get to know others well you see we all have our peculiar body language. Somebody may be asleep and obviously they’re communicating that this isn’t the most exciting thing in the world to them. Nobody is asleep but that’s what it would mean. So there are many subtle ways to communicate besides just coming out and saying something to another person. We all have our subtle little things. So we communicate by body language and we can maybe tell what the other person may be thinking. What other signs do people give us?

Audience response: Inaudible.

JJ: How about the way their voice sounds? Does the voice variety reveal a lot? I remember as a kid with my dog I used to say, “bad dog, bad dog” (in a happy voice) and he thought he did something good. Then I’d say good dog in a meaner voice and he’d shy away. Obviously the dog wasn’t hearing what I was saying, he was feeling what I was saying. A pet will feel what you say though they may not hear what you say. So they can really pick up modulations in your voice.

I used to think my dog had mental telepathy because every time I used to think about eating he’d come rushing in the kitchen panting. I’d think, “How did he know that I was thinking about eating? I haven’t even done anything yet.” So I started paying attention knowing there must be some sort of sign I was giving him. Then I noticed that whenever I opened a drawer or a cupboard anywhere in the kitchen, (he could be upstairs a long way away) and just a light little creak would sound he’d come running down the stairs and be right there. I thought the dog had mental telepathy but he didn’t. He was just paying attention to all the signs. As soon as he heard a door open, a refrigerator door especially-he knew the difference between a refrigerator door and a cupboard door and a silverware drawer-he knew all those things. But I swear for awhile I thought he really had mental telepathy but he was just paying attention to the physical signs to the point that I thought he had mental telepathy. I finally figured out what he was using.

So we can do that to people to a degree. How about the way they stand? Somebody slumped over or somebody with a little sparkle to their step. All these things tell us what’s going on inside of them.

But, what if they are not even around in the physical at all? Can we still receive communication from them?

Audience: Many times that has happened to me. Like I’m thinking about somebody who hasn’t called me for a long time and a few minutes later that person calls, even from over the seas.

JJ: This is one of the most frequent means of mental communication. Oftentimes people will be thinking of someone and the phone will ring. Has anybody had that happen? Or the phone rings and you know who it is or sometimes when the phone rings we think that’s Sheila’s ring or Joe’s ring or something like that. Have you ever said that? That sounds like Jim calling or that sounds like my husband calling. I’m usually right when I do that. Sometimes when I’m really confident I answer the phone by saying Joe’s Bar & Grill. The couple of times I’ve missed have been a little embarrassing but I’m usually right.

So, what’s the first area of communication we pick up as we learn to develop extra-sensory communication? Is it the mind or is it the feelings?

Audience: it’s a little bit of both. You begin with the experience situations but then when the phone rings there is no experience in that.

JJ: Feeling is the most powerful and easier to pick up than the mind. Not too many people have the ability to pick up the mind because if you could you would pick up the actual thoughts. Before we pick up the mind we pick up the feelings because the astral vibration is a lower vibration than the vibration of the mind. It’s like the physical is easier to hear than the astral sound and the astral sound is easier to hear than the mental sound.

In the astral sound you don’t usually pick up actual words but you pick up the feelings of the person. In picking up the feelings of a person, the strongest, easiest feelings to pick up are really disturbing feelings. Have you ever had a member of your family depressed or something and you pick it up? You almost feel depressed yourself? Has anyone had this occur? This is one of the strongest astral vibrations to pick up. I said there is a lot of illusion in the astral and because of illusion it doesn’t mean everything in the astral is wrong. Just like everything in the physical, which is even lower, is not wrong either. There is nothing either right or wrong with its essence. What’s right is to take these various worlds and to recognize them for what they are and to use what they have to offer us. There is a definite use for the physical world and a definite use for the astral world and a definite use for the world of the mind.

Picking up the feelings of other people is one of the first steps in extra-sensory communication. What can we do to prepare for this and to strengthen this ability? What do you suppose is one of the prime ingredients?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Okay that’s a good point. We need to be in touch with our own feelings first.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Yes, that’s a good point, being sensitive to others and having empathy for other people. Do you notice people who are basically selfish in nature never seem to be able to pick up what you’re feeling? But people who are giving and loving and have empathy, when you hurt, they kind of hurt too. These are people who will pick up and have emotional telepathy. They will be able to pick up your feelings. This is a disturbing area to go through because the easiest feelings to pick up are the negative feelings. When you become sensitive in this way and begin picking them up you will almost wish you didn’t have this ability because you’ll find yourself in a state of being disturbed a large percentage of the time because you’ll be picking up negativity from things around you. The key at this point is to neutralize the negativity. This has been taught by many teachers of the past that what we need to do is to become detached; detached yet involved at the same time. Detached yet involved realizing that there is negativity out there and maybe realizing that sometimes there is something you can do about it and sometimes there isn’t.

I first had these experiences, emotional telepathy, happen to me when I was on a mission for the Mormon Church. I was about 8-10 months through it. We worked a lot with various individuals at that time and I noticed myself getting communications of their feelings, from the people we worked with. I had some very interesting experiences. One of the things we used to do as LDS missionaries was to commit people to not smoke. Well, we committed this one lady to not smoke and shortly thereafter I had this taste of cigarettes in my mouth. I told my companion, “Boy, I’ve got a taste of cigarettes in my mouth really strong. I think this lady we’ve been teaching is smoking right this very moment. I can just feel it.”

My partner was a kind of funny kid. I’d done this with him several times and he figured I was pretty accurate. He said, “It’s 3 o’clock. Okay.” We went to see her that evening. He had more confidence in this than I did. He says to her, “Did you smoke a cigarette today at 3 o’clock?” She replied, “How did you know?” He said, “We have our ways of knowing.”

I’ll tell you another unusual experience. We were teaching these two females. They were both named Sylvia, of all things. They were alright by themselves but when they got together they started doing weird things. My companion and I were going to bed one evening and I had a really bad feeling about this couple. We were just going to bed but I felt I should go see them because I felt they were up to something really strange. My companion was lying in bed and I would have had to wake him up. He was pretty believing but this would be stretching it so I thought. I decided to wait and check on them in the morning.

So, we went to see these two Sylvia’s in the morning and one of these says to me, “Well Elder Dewey, did you get a funny feeling last night?” I said, “As a matter of fact I did. What are you guys up to?” She says, “We did the craziest stuff. I don’t know what got into us. We were just dancing around and something got a hold of us and we decided to burn the Book of Mormon. So we tore the Book of Mormon apart and we burned it.”

In the Mormon Church that’s worse than burning a Bible. After this happened she started having this being appear to her; a dark presence. Later her mother had these two beings appear to her and try to suffocate her and her mother swore that I was one of them and my companion was the other. We were sleeping at the time and in our beds. So the weirdest stuff started happening after they burned that Book of Mormon. So I said to myself, “I guess this will teach me a lesson. Next time I get a feeling like this, no matter what it is, I’m going to pay attention and go with it.”

So I was put to the test. Next time it happened it was three in the morning. This was in England, where we were working at the time. It was three o’clock in the morning and I woke up with the taste of aspirin in my mouth. It was very powerful. I felt like somebody was going to try to commit suicide by taking an overdose of aspirin or pills of some type. My mouth felt like it was caked in aspirin. I looked at my watch and it was 3 in the morning. I said I would go almost anytime but there weren’t any buses out or anything at 3 in the morning where we were. So I thought maybe the feeling would go away so I tried to go back to sleep but it got stronger. It wouldn’t go away. I thought, “My companion is going to think I’m crazy.” After it didn’t go away I finally decided to wake him up. To my surprise he accepted it and said, “Well, if you have a feeling like that maybe we should go check it out.”

I felt like it was one of the Sylvia’s, the older Sylvia that was married. That was my first impression so we went over to her house. We rode there on our bicycles if I remember right. We got there a little after 4 in the morning. We knocked on the door. It took me a lot of guts to knock on the door at 4 in the morning. Her husband was a non-member and didn’t want her joining the church anyway. So, we knocked and she came down and opened the door and invited us in. She looked a little nervous. We asked her, “Were you thinking about committing suicide by taking aspirin this morning?” It was the only way I could think of to ask. She said, “No.” I asked if everything was fine and she said yes. I said, “Are you sure everything is fine?” She said, “Yes, yes, everything is just great.”

Her husband was shouting down, “Sylvia, what’s going on down there?” She told him everything was fine. I asked again, “Are you sure everything is fine?” She responded, “Elder Dewey, you’re wrong this time. You may have been right on several things before but this time you’re wrong.” “Hmmm. Really. Okay, it must be somebody else. Maybe I got you confused in the ethers.” So we left and wondered who else it could be if it’s not her. We went to some members’ houses and banged on their doors asking if everything was alright. We had several neighbors awake. Several around the vicinity got together around 4 in the morning and had a cup of hot chocolate. Everybody thought it was so funny that I was waking people up at 4 in the morning to see if they were alright. All the people I woke up gave me a hard time the rest of the time I was in the area. Everybody we woke up swore they were alright.

I thought of somebody else. There was another lady I knew who was having trouble with her husband. He was somewhat abusive towards her. I thought maybe it was her but she lived on the other side of town. So we took off to the other side of town and knocked on their door. She came down and her husband chewed us out for waking them. He had come to the door. We were a little nervous about him because he might do us some damage. He grumbled at us and told us to get the heck out of there. So we were taking off but as we were leaving he said, “Come on back.” The reason he called us back was because his wife had told him the elders don’t ever get up before 6 in the morning and they never get out before 9. Here it is a little after 5 so he figured there must be some real important reason we were there so he called us back. So we talked to them and it wasn’t them either. They swore everything was fine.

That was weird. We went back and did our normal work for the day. The feeling kept growing stronger and stronger until finally I decided it had to be the original Sylvia. That was my first impression and it felt had to be her. So about 5 in the evening, after the day was over, we went back and knocked on her door one more time. I asked her again, “Are you sure you’re okay? Are you sure it wasn’t you that was thinking of committing suicide?” She said, “No, you’re wrong this time. Everything is just fine.” She kept telling us everything was fine. So I closed my eyes to contemplate and find out if I was deceived or not. I had an inner assurance that it was her. So when I felt that inner assurance I said to her, “Sylvia, the spirit of the Lord tells me that you were thinking about committing suicide and that you have to tell me about it. It’s something you have to tell me.”

When I told her that she started to cry and said, “You’re right. I committed adultery last night and came home so ashamed of myself that I wanted to kill myself. The only way I could think of to kill myself was to take aspirin. That’s the only thing we had so I was going to take a bunch of aspirin then you knocked on the door. I thought, ‘he knows!’ I tried to pretend that everything was alright.”

That was a case where I really had to trust my feelings and I doubted them about a dozen times during the day thinking it must be something else. But it turned out to be the first impression. It didn’t come to me like a voice saying it was Sylvia, go see her. It all came through the feeling nature. There have been times I’ve gotten communication by regular telepathy but most of the time it comes through the feeling nature. The feeling nature can reveal a lot of things about what’s going on. This type of telepathy can be very handy in a close relationship.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

Copyright By J J Dewey

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Telepathy and the Astral World

Texas  Gathering, Part Six
Telepathy and the Astral World

The next topic we’re going to talk about is telepathy. It’s a subject a lot of people are interested in. It’s also a subject that’s very misunderstood. Many claim to have supernatural abilities but in reality very few do. There’s a guy who has a million dollar reward out for anyone who can prove he’s got any type of psychic ability at all. So far no one has collected the reward which is fascinating because I think all of us in this room understand and have had supernatural experiences of one type or another. We all realize there is such a thing as extra-sensory perception and it is a reality.

So, the question is why hasn’t anyone collected this million dollar reward from this guy? One gal just about collected it. She claimed to be able to see colors with her eyes blindfolded. They blindfolded her and she seemed to be identifying colors without regular vision. Then they found a way where the colors were coming in through a little crack or something. They sealed that off and she couldn’t see colors anymore. So she didn’t collect the million dollars. She almost fooled the guy for awhile. He thought he was going to have to give out the million bucks. So it’s an interesting fact that a lot of the psychism out there is not real psychism. A lot of the claim to extra-sensory perception is not really extra-sensory perception. Yet, I know in my personal life I have had it happen to me quite a number of times and I know it exists. I also think there’s something about performance on demand. If someone were to come to me and say, “Ok, I’m going to sit you down and I want you to do some extra-sensory perception” I would probably not be able to collect the million dollar reward.

The question is how does it really work and what are the principles behind something like telepathy? How can you have real telepathy, real extra-sensory communication? Before I talk about that I’ll talk about why regular extra-sensory perception seems to be somewhat unreliable. A lot of this has to do with the astral world. We have the seven worlds in our reality right now. One is the physical/etheric – the physical world is the world we see about us right now. It’s called the dense physical. The dense physical is actually two worlds. We have the dense physical, which is what we see. Then we have the etheric double which, is in esoteric teachings, the real physical world. It’s called the true physical because the etheric matter actually works on creative principles whereas the dense physical has no power of creation itself. All physical creation and extension comes from the etheric double of this world. You have a etheric double of your physical body. When you die that etheric double survives for a short period of time then it dissipates. It’s what holds your physical body together and gives it shape. It’s composed of energy that circulates all over your body and has the shape of your body.

You can actually see it. In past seminars I’ve shown people how. I’ll show you again right now. It’s pretty easy. Put your two thumbs together and hold them against a white background. After you put your thumbs together then pull them apart slowly and look at the space right in between your thumbs as you pull them apart. Pull them apart about a quarter inch and look at the space right in between your thumbs and you’ll see a film about a millimeter away from you body. That film about a millimeter away from your body is your etheric body. It takes the same shape of your body but is slightly bigger. Can everybody see that film? We’ll do one more thing to show the etheric. I will stand right here. Everybody look at me. Look right at the center of my forehead. Stare at me for about one minute. I’ll stand perfectly still. Pretend like you’re meditating on your navel but concentrate on my forehead for about one minute. Keep your attention focused very strongly. Now I’m going to move away but pretend that I’m still there. Don’t move your fixation away at all. When I move keep your attention focused on that same spot still.

Audience: look at that! Wow

JJ: Keep your attention focused. How many could see the etheric light that I left behind? Is there anybody who didn’t see it? You’re at a bad angle. Continue to look at it. Is the light even or do you see some variation in the light? Any particular colors you see? You saw some yellow in there. Any other colors? Blue? Okay. A little of that is the after-image of the regular physical light but beyond that is also the after-image of the etheric light. One time, when I used to be in the Mormon Church many years ago, I was teaching a seminary class and I asked if they wanted to see their spirit. The kids expressed interest so I showed them. They went home and told their parents and I was released from teaching a short period of time after that.

So this is the first world, the physical/etheric. The second world is the astral world and that is called the desire world. It’s composed of a finer, more refined matter and this matter is controlled by our desire nature. The next world up is called the world of the mind. In Mormon language it’s called the celestial world and it’s controlled by thought. It’s the highest of the worlds of form, where form is important. But that’s not the highest. There are four formless worlds after that where ideas are formulated, computed and then prepared to manifest in the lower worlds of form.

The thing about the astral world is that it is really created by illusion. The astral world in created by an interplay between the world of mind and the physical form world. The interplay of these two worlds creates the world of desire. In the world of desire everything is upside down and there is tremendous illusion there. Nothing in it has a permanent reality because it’s a temporary creation composed of the interplay of the third world and the first world so to speak. This interplay creates a mirror image of reality. This is why when we live our life based on desire only without the understanding from the mind or the higher worlds of the spirit we get everything upside down.

If you want to see how upside down is, watch two people argue politics or religion. You’ll find some very heated arguments developing and oftentimes you’ll see both of them are wrong or one of them will be in tremendous illusion and the other guy might make a little bit of sense. But maybe the one guy just doesn’t make any sense at all and you wonder how he can believe his words that when they are so illogical. The guy is making absolutely no sense at all yet he really believes this. When you come across somebody this way it’s because he’s fixed very strongly on the astral world. His consciousness is astral and when his consciousness is astral he believes what he wants to believe.

Abraham Lincoln said that people believe pretty much what they want to believe. That’s true but by believing what we want to believe does not take us into the truth. It takes us into an artificial world of our own creation where we see what we want to see. Almost 90% of the population of the world iscentered on astral conscious or lower. Because of this, the vast majority of the world sees a lot of things in an upside down manner. The only parts they see that are truth are concepts implanted from a teacher who taught them something that was a correct principle and because they have memorized this teaching they get several things correct that are right side up.

When the astral grounded person thinks for himself he will often turn everything upside down because it’s like looking in a mirror. When you look in a mirror everything is reflected. It looks real. When you look at your face in the mirror you think that’s you but what we don’t realize when we’re looking in a mirror is that everything is reflected backwards. It doesn’t really look that way to us because that’s how we always see ourselves. We hardly ever see ourselves where we’re not reflected in a mirror. So every time we look in a mirror we say, “That’s how I look.” But it’s not how you look. You’re looking at yourself reversed every time you look in a mirror. We very seldom, actually never see ourselves as we really are, unless we look at a photograph, In a mirror we see ourselves reversed.

But that is just part of the problem with the astral world for things are not only reversed, but distorted, kind of corresponding to the silly mirrors at some carnivals.

This is the way the astral world is and this is why so many different teachings surface that seem to be somewhat true but there are a couple of things kind of screwy about them. One teaching seems true and then another teaching seems pretty good, but this one doesn’t agree with that one. They claimed to have gotten it from the same source but do not agree. That’s because it comes from the astral world and many teachings from the astral world sound pretty good. It’s like looking in a mirror. It looks good but it’s not quite the real thing. Then another teaching will look good but it’s not quite the real thing either.

How do we get to the real thing? How do we get beyond the astral world? Probably at least 95% of the teachings out there that come from extra-sensory sources are from the astral world and are from an order that is reversed from the true reality. They have certain things in them that can lead us to truth but we have to filter through. We have to wade through them and find the truth. The astral world serves a purpose. It’s a good learning world for us because we have to learn to focus and find the truth. In order to do that we have to go through this maze and find out what is not true. Oftentimes to find the truth, you have to find out what is not true. Like in the Immortal book, you have to find out what you are not before you can figure out what you are. We went through a lot of things in there that we are not. When you eliminate everything you’re not the only thing that’s left is what you are.

That’s one of the purposes of the astral world. We come down into these spheres and we find out everything that’s not true. First of all we think it’s true then after some trial and error we think it wasn’t true at all and move on to the next thing. Then we go through much more trial and error and find more things that are not true. This we discover time after time, life after life. When we find out everything that is not true, then finally we reach a point where we say, “Okay, I’m willing to go beyond my desires.” It is called the desire world and to find the truth we have to relinquish ourselves from our desires, from our attachments to desires because what leads us to formulate philosophies that are not true are our desires. We want a certain thing to be true therefore we formulate everything around what we desire to be true. If we see a teaching that fits in with our desire we tend to incorporate that one because it’s what we want. We discard teachings also because it’s not what we want.

Remember last night I told you that Jesus put the 5000 He fed to the test? He gave them something that they didn’t desire to hear to see how many had progressed beyond desire. “Except a man eat my flesh and drink my blood he has no part with me.” They thought that’s not what we want. He went beyond what they desired and after he spoke there was only twelve left that stood before Him that saw beyond desire world and asked the question, “What is real? We know this man has something. He might have some truth here even though there not the words that I desired to hear.” The true teacher doesn’t just teach what the audience desires to hear. Many politicians, when they get up and speak, they look the audience over and wonder what does this audience want me to say. What do they want to hear? These farmers, do they want to hear about price supports and the doctors here want to hear about Medicare and things like this. So they figure what they want to hear. Not, what is truth. Not what is good for the whole. People don’t always want to hear that.

To bypass the astral world we have to go beyond desire. This was one of the main teachings of the Buddha; to go beyond desire to go to the higher worlds. You had to, not so much destroy desire, but to become detached from desire. So if that which is true is not what you want you can still accept it because that which is true is often not what we want – at least not at first.

And often times if you desire communication from the higher worlds, from the masters, or from the higher lives, that which they have to say to you will often not be what you will want to hear. And oftentimes almost everyone you talk to who claims to be in some communication with the spirit world, it seems like they always get what they want to hear. And, so that’s a good sign that they’re just in communication with the astral world and getting many upside down teachings that are not really the truth but based on the desire energy.

The desire energy creates various thought-forms. For instance, there is a Jesus roaming about the earth, a number of Jesus’ actually-roaming about the earth in desire energy bodies. But they are not the real Jesus. This astral Jesus is roaming around the earth, and he’s like a computer-Jesus based on desire. Instead of a computer like we have in our home, or whatever, it’s a body with computer programs in it. The computer programs that are in it are peoples’ thoughts of what they think and want Jesus to say if he were to show up.

And all the scriptures in the Bible are in this computer program. But the thing about it is there’s nothing new in there. It’s what humanity already knows about him is in this computer program. This causes many people to see astral visions. I’ve talked to a lot of people who have had Christ appear at their bed or something like this, and when this astral Jesus shows up, what do you suppose he says to these people?

Audience: “Exactly what they want to hear.

JJ: Right. He says what they want to hear. He’ll say what they’re comfortable with. He’ll say things like, “I have come to reveal love to you. You are to love your neighbor,” and he’ll say words that we’re already familiar with.

Now what would be different if the real Christ were to show up? What would be the difference between the real Christ showing up and the astral Christ?

Audience: “The teachings.”

JJ: The teachings?

Audience: “New teachings.”

JJ: New teachings. He would say something that has never been said before, because the masters and the higher lives don’t like to waste energy. They’ve got a lot to do in the other kingdoms beyond the human–like we talked about yesterday–and in dealing with humanity they’re governed by the laws of time to a degree. And so, they do not have a lot of time to mess around just repeating themselves all the time.

So if Christ were to come and talk to us right now, if he were to talk about love, he would put a different twist on it, a different way of presenting it, or maybe talk about an entirely new principle. If an astral Christ were to come he would probably give the Sermon on the Mount, or something like that over, because that’s in his program. Or he may put a couple combinations together of what has already been said or recorded by him. Or he may pick up thoughts of people in this group and give some advice: “You are supposed to love your neighbor.” Or, “You are supposed to sell everything you have and give it to the poor.” Well, probably not that one because we don’t really want to do that, do we?

So the astral Christ isn’t likely to tell us to do that unless that’s what we want to do. But if the real master were to come here, he may say something like, “I’ve got a job for you to do that is going to be very difficult. And it’s not something that you will enjoy doing that much but it’s something that needs done. We need this job done. And it’s going to be tough.” Maybe something like that. But it’s not going to be just repeating what has already been done and said before.

Every new and true revelation given to mankind contains new principles that have never been expounded fully before. Some old principles always are repeated to some degree in giving the new principles, but the intent of any new presentation is always to reveal newness.

One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is from the book of Revelations and also Isaiah, God says, “Behold, I do all things new.” But what do the religions believe about God? They believe he does the same old things over and over and over. That’s what they all believe about God. And when we get to heaven we’re just going to be doing the same thing over and over and over, whatever that is when we get there-we’re not sure-but we’re going to be doing it over and over because it will be perfect. We won’t have to do anything new because when we’re in a state of perfection, as the world sees perfection, no newness will be necessary. Because if we do anything new it means the old way of doing things wasn’t perfect. So there’ll be no new goals. No new worlds to conquer, because we will be in perfection.

Remember that Twilight Zone years ago where this guy died? He knew he was a pretty bad guy, but he was surprised he was met by this being that would give him everything he wanted. He thought to himself, “Boy I’m surprised I got to heaven because I was kind of a bad dude. the angel gave him all the women he wanted, and he could gamble, and he did all the stuff he wanted. And he was just having a great time for about a week. And then after a period of time he got really frustrated. He didn’t want anymore women. He didn’t want to gamble anymore. He was getting really bored. And he says, “Here I thought I was in heaven. This isn’t heaven. This is like hell.” The being says, “Well, nobody told you, ‘You were in heaven.’“ He says, “This is hell.” So I thought that was a cute Twilight Zone. Anyone remember seeing that one?

Audience: “Yeah.”

JJ: So, we live in a world that is upside down so that we can learn to see, with power, that which is right-side up. And to have true telepathy we have to progress out of the desire world into the true reality. What’s the first step to progress toward true spiritual communication?

Audience: “Letting go of the outcome; “Recognizing soul-contact”; “A sincere desire in your heart or in your mind.”

JJ: Okay, he’s got it right; sincere desire in your mind or in your heart. Now, that sounds almost contradictory because we’re talking about the desire world as very deceptive. But we still have to start with desire. Desire is always the starting point. But we have to have desire based on true intent. Not so much a desire to have our desires fulfilled–this is where the illusion is created–but the desire to move ahead no matter what happens, no matter what is received, but a desire for the truth. A desire for the truth leads us away from illusion whereas a desire to have our needs fulfilled takes us to illusion. But the ironical thing is, in the end, the truth does fulfill all of our needs. But because we don’t have faith in reality, we tend to select the truth according to our needs and when we do that it turns everything upside down for us. So we have to proceed on the basis that as truth is discovered, and the layers of illusion are removed, it may not be what we initially want. But when everything is said and done, it will be what we want; just not what we wanted initially.

Like, let’s say, you desired certain things in a mate. And then you meet a certain person who isn’t like half of the things you had in your mind. But maybe this person turns out a lot better than what you’d conjured up to begin with. For instance, when I was a young man looking for a mate I didn’t really envision a person like my current wife. But now the differences are a lot better for me now than what I had conjured up earlier. So what will really fulfill you is not often what we thought would fulfill us.

This is the interesting thing. The lower worlds, the lower energies, cannot fulfill themselves. The higher energies can fulfill the lower, but the lower does not know how to fulfill itself. Therefore, if we go by our desires, what we feel will make us happy – will not make us happy, because the lower does not know how to fulfill itself. The emotional world does not know how to bring itself happiness.

The next world up is the world of the mind. The mind knows how to make the emotions happy and fulfilled. So the mind can work with the emotional self and bring it fulfillment. But on the other hand, the mind doesn’t know how to make itself happy. It has to depend on the world higher than that, which is the world of the intuition. It’s called the Buddhic plane, and it’s where the intuition comes from. It’s the higher feelings. So, the higher feelings where inspiration and intuition come from come down to the mind and lead the mind to fulfillment.

The mind by itself is called “the slayer of the real” because the mind reaches so far, and then it comes to a dead end where nothing seems to make sense. For instance, a scientist, investigating psychic powers- like this guy offering a million dollars; he goes so far and he reaches a dead end. He can’t go any further. He can’t prove there are psychic powers to himself. But eventually he’ll come to the point where a higher part of himself will give him flashes of inspiration. And he’ll say, “Ah-ha! Now everything makes sense. Now I can see that there are really, psychic powers, but I just could not find them earlier.” And so, the higher knows how to fulfill the lower, but the lower does not know how to fulfill itself.

So, the key to developing true extra sensory perception, and the ability to-let’s call it higher communion-to do this; first of all a person has to have a pure desire and pure intent. What’s the next thing?

Inaudible comments from the audience

JJ: Yeah. That’s one of the ingredients. But the second major step is to listen. First of all your desire to move ahead, to higher communion, and then you have to listen and pay attention to what’s out there. And pay attention with a dispassion. In other words, to accept what is given to us. Now if we’re connected to the desire world and we’re astral consciousness, we aren’t listening to just what comes. We’re listening for what we want to hear. And this is always dangerous because when we’re listening to what we want to hear we send out energy that brings in the artificial thought-form that tells us what we want.

Let’s say, I want to hear from Jesus. I want a vision of Jesus, or whatever. Ok. And if you want Jesus to come tell you what you want to hear, then you’re going to send out an energy that will go on the spiritual internet and contact the astral Jesus and bring him to you. And he will then speak to you according to your desires.

So, when you listen, don’t listen for what you want to hear, listen to what’s there just like we do in this room. You’re listening to what I’m actually saying, not what you want me to say. However, even in physical reality, have you ever noticed when three people hear another person speak – especially an authority figure – even though he’ll speak fairly clearly, there is little agreement on meaning? When you ask all three what the guy said, one will say, “Well, he agreed with me pretty much,” and the other guy will say, “No, he agreed with me,” and the other guy will say, “No, he agreed with me.” They will all hear what they want to hear from the guy, especially if he’s an authority figure.

Three or four people read the same scripture. They’ll say, “Well, this scripture agrees with me.” Another guy will say, “No, this scripture agrees with me.” And the other guy will say, “No, this scripture says something else. It agrees with me.” Well, the scripture just says one thing. But, because the people are looking for what they want rather than what’s there, they all see the interpretation differently.

If we pray, or if we meditate, or if we seek, and we seek only what we desire, we will be drawn to illusion. We may pull to us revelations, but they could be revelations from the desire world. If they are, they’re merely telling us what we want to hear. And when we hear these things, a lot of it may be truth. We may have the astral world come tell us to “love our brother,” love our neighbor as ourselves,” and these statements are true. But they are statements that have been around, that are recorded in the desire world, and we get the recording played back to us. But, we aren’t taking the next step in revelation. We aren’t taken to the new revelation.

We’ve got a number of Mormons here. I’ve studied a number of the offshoots of the Mormon Church. There’s a lot of them getting revelations. There are a number of them seeing Joseph Smith, obviously, an astral Joseph Smith. There are a number of them seeing visions. There’s a prophecy in the Mormon church of one mighty and strong coming to set the Mormon Church in order. And there are about a hundred of these mighty and strong guys coming to the church proclaiming that they’re the one to come and set the church in order. Have you heard about these guys?

Almost every leader of an offshoot from the Mormon Church gets a revelation that he’s the one mighty and strong. And why is this? Because he thinks, “Boy, I’d like to be the one mighty and strong,” and because he wants to be, and he prays about it, he gets a revelation that he is the one because it’s from the astral world. It gives him what he wants to hear. And he’s really sure he’s the one

In the Christian world there are a lot of false messiahs. There are a lot of people out there who would like to be the second coming of Christ-like, say David Koresh or people like that. They get a revelation from the astral world, according to their desire, “Yeah, I guess I’m him. I want to be him, so I must be him.”

So, it’s interesting the illusion out there we have to work through to get to the true reality. But there is true higher communion, and it is real, and there is a way to reach it. We will expand on this thought in the next session.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

Copyright By J J Dewey

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