New Invocation

Feb 28, 2016

New Invocation

Here is a new invocation that came to me during contemplation.

In addition I am including a slightly tweaked final version of the Song of Eternal Life.

Finally, I am including the Avatar of Synthesis invocation that we haven’t given much attention to for some time.


I am one with my fellow travelers.

All that I have is theirs.

I am one with Christ and an innumerable company of Divine Beings.

All that they have is mine.

I am one with the Creator of all there is

And from this point burst forth as a Sun

To give light, love and power to serve to those who have forgotten their Source.

Here are two previous invocations:

The Song of Eternal Life

OM – OM – OM

I thank you Father-Mother-Spirit

For the energy of life which streams

From Universal Source to me

For the life that circulates through each atom and cell

Permeating my entire body and mind

Bringing health and vitality to all my living parts.

I bask in this life

I feel the life

I am the life

The life which knows not corruption

The life which makes all things new

The life which always IS.

I feel the life from my toes to the top of my head

And give thanks for its abundance.

I praise, and love my body and all of its parts

For receiving this Life and Spirit and Source.

I praise body, mind, soul and spirit

For receiving without ceasing.

A-U-M (AHHHHH – UUUUUHHH [as in you] – MMMMMM)

Avatar of Synthesis Invocation

From the center where the Will of God is known, let Purpose guide the little wills of men.

Let the One Great Life manifest Its Purpose and send forth his Avatar.

Let this Master of Purpose come forth and amplify our wills to synthesize them with his own, giving us power to serve.

Let the Avatar of Synthesis manifest to the group of which I am a part.

That we may prepare the earth for the Lords of Light and Love.

Let Will and Power and Purpose manifest the Christ on earth.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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