The Mystery of Healing

This entry is part 14 of 34 in the series 2010B

Posted May 27, 2010
Justin writes:
I can’t stop wondering: How are we to account for this healing, and other similar instances reported within the Mormon church?

The only possibilities I can come up with are:

1. Your mission president believed he possessed a special “priesthood” power to effect healing, and that belief, although perhaps misguided, was enough to generate the necessary faith.

2. Your pres. was subconsciously using some shamanic-type healing abilities he developed in a prior lifetime.

3. It was due to your own belief, faith, and/or innate ability.

4. It was some combination of the above.

You sometimes hear about these miraculous healings occurring among members of other faiths, but (if faith-promoting rumors are to be believed) Mormons seem to have a disproportionate number of them.

So do Mormon men really have an advantage that other “non-priesthood bearers” do not have, or is it just that they actively acknowledge a power that we all have access to?

Good observations and questions.  I appreciate the participation from the members for making their comments on this for there were some good ones.

Actually the Mormons do have an advantage when it comes to healing.  Is it because they have magical powers through their priesthood?

Not so much.

What is it then?

Hint… Think of DKs teachings.

And what do DK’s teachings have to do with Mormonism and healing?

Quite a bit actually when you think of his teachings on the seventh ray, ceremonial magic and the Masons.  Joseph Smith borrowed much of the ceremonial magic in the church from the Masons as well as the ancient ceremonies of the Hebrews and early Christians.

Consider the ceremony involved in an LDS healing.

1. Everything has to be done, not by one, but by two or more elders.

2. The elders must have on their person olive oil which has been ceremonially blessed.  This set apart oil is only to be used for healing.

3. Before giving a blessing the oil is placed on the crown of the person’s head and set words are spoken.

4. Administering the oil and giving the blessing are done by two separate elders.

5. All Elders participating lay hands upon the head of the person and one gives the blessing.

6. Set words are uttered and then the spokesman attempts to channel the will of God and gives a blessing of healing.

Compare this to what happens in a regular church.  As someone noted about all that happens is they pray.  Prayer alone rarely brings significant healing.

Sometimes a regular church will announce a special day of fasting and or prayer to heal a member.  This is an elementary ceremony and increases the results.

Then some of the fundamentalist churches have high energy meetings where they repeat elementary mantras, talk in tongues, scream and do theatrics to increase anticipation of results.

This is crude ceremony but is does increase results.

On the other hand, the quiet ceremony of the Mormons is more seventh ray and can produce longer lasting results.

Now the LDS think that any healings done in the church is due to the special power of the Priesthood, or authority from God they think they have a monopoly on.

In truth they experience more healing miracles than others because they have a structured ceremony which raises expectations.

When I was excommunicated in 1978 the authorities thought that they had stripped me of any power of the priesthood.  I personally didn’t think I lost anything, but gained instead.

A short time after this I was asked to give a blessing to a man who has lost his ability to walk.  I thought to myself that this would be a good test to see if one can heal after being stripped of the priesthood.  A friend and I laid our hands on his head and I commanded him to walk.  We removed our hands and he raised himself up and walked.  We saw him a few days later and he was still walking fine.

This and other things later on proved to me that more is involved in healing than recognized church priesthood.

So what caused my miraculous healing?  I was previously given two blessings by others and they did not work.  What was the difference?

Several things.

1. I had more faith in the mission president.  Part of the reason for this extra faith was that he was the highest authority available. It maters not that he was an outward authority.  What matters is the increased expectation which aligns one with the principle of energy following thought.

2. I had reached the end of my rope which created a point of tension.

3. In this point of tension I poured out my soul to god all trough the night.  This again uses the principle of energy following thought and made additional energy available.

4. The mission president had faith and was confident that healing could take place.  This made him a clear channel for the healing energy.

5. When he gave the blessing he said the words I wanted to hear – that I would be healed.  This triggered the healing power.

It is sometimes discouraging that not all attempts result in healing no matter how much faith or confidence one has.  The scripture says that even Jesus could nor heal in his home town where they saw him as just an ordinary guy.

Then sometimes the ill person has karma to pay off and healing would do more harm than good and the soul will not allow it.

Because spiritual healing does not produce consistent results skeptics will ever be able to nurture their doubt.

But anyone who experiences a supernatural healing even once cannot doubt that more than human powers are available to us.

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Health and Healing

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The first job of the spiritual healer is to discern whether or not a healing is permissible.

2  All true spiritual healers (with rare exceptions) start with an accurate diagnosis.

3  If karma dictates that a person suffer through disease or other means there will be nothing the disciple can do to heal the person.

4  All illness is created through cause and effect of which karma is an aspect, but not all illness or accidents have their root in karma (or cause) from an error from a past life.

5  A physical accident or disease can produce problems (and be created by problems) beyond the physical. But such things can be overcome and neutralized thus making the pilgrim stronger and more whole than he would have been had he not had the problem.

6  He who follows The Middle Way discovers the path which will bring health at the earliest possible moment.

7  Djwahl Khul [DK] tells us that disease is a distorted reflection of divine possibility. Even so it is with disease among humanity itself. People see an idea they consider good and seek to implement this idea of good through the restriction of the freedom of others.

8  Even though much energy comes into play in the cause of illness, they all fall within two categories. Category One:  Diseases of congestion. Category Two:  Diseases of inflammation.

9  We often think of disease as being of a physical nature, but there is also social and spiritual disease.

10  Sometimes the cause of an illness is as simple as eating the wrong foods, and the cause of an accident can be as simple as not watching what you are doing. On the other hand, some illnesses and accidents are arranged by the soul to teach us lessons as well as pay a debt from past karma. In this case is a healing impossible? Sometimes yes and sometimes no.

11  Disciples will have bodies of refined atomic substance whose molecules are in a state of high evolution and advanced disciples will usually have good health.

12  None of us want disease and pain, but disease and pain are often caused by what we want.

13  When negative emotion is dissipated our physical vehicles will vibrate in much greater harmony with nature and much disease will no longer consume man.

14  There are times that the person is not prepared for a spiritual healing, but there is always a way. One must find it and tread the path.

15  When spiritual healing is not permitted, then medicine, herbs and other physical methods are in order.

16  If you contemplate the lesser lives within your own body, you can sense their desire to know you, and in a sense you are a god to them and they seek to be one with their god. Their god also should seek to be one with them. This is one of the secrets of perfect health.

17  I found that there were certain people who could not be healed by faith – that to learn a lesson of some kind they had to endure certain maladies.

18  The true unselfish servant often will experience miraculous healing which will give him more power to serve and thus pay off his debt to humanity quite quickly.

19  We need to stay emotionally and mentally healthy if we are to be good servants for humanity.

20  Whenever I have a physical problem the first thing I do is go on a fast.

21  We need to allow people to do whatever damage they wish to do to themselves, as long as they are aware of what they are doing.

22  What are the attributes of the throat center and what about this center could be misused or frustrated to cause a problem with the hearing?

23  Beginning disciples (and some advanced ones) will often have great health struggles as they have not yet learned to overcome the dark attacks.

24  Those who have the mark of the Beast will suffer ill health, will labor in drudgery as if they were a slave and work to support organizations and stone buildings rather than the living spirit.

25  Health conscious people with health problems have those problems not because good health practices do not work. But because of a wrong direction of a flow of energy.

26  By adding fasting to any healing technique your spiritual power will be amplified.

27  If you are serious about it and want to do something for both your health and spirit go on a fast. The first time I saw an aura clearly was after a ten day fast on lemon juice and honey.

28  By adding fasting to any healing technique your spiritual power will be amplified.

29  Concerning the name of Jesus, in The Immortal Book I we are told that the entity Jesus does not even like the modern name Jesus and only uses it when He has to for identity purposes. Nevertheless, because of the thoughtform behind the name it does have a powerful healing energy that can be harnessed in connection with the power of faith.

30  An inclusive attitude was one reason that Jesus had such ability to heal. When He looked at a poor ragged cripple He did not allow himself to see a person excluded from the gifts of God. Instead He saw one who was equal to himself, deserving of all the fruits of the Spirit. When that vision that Jesus saw was glimpsed by the cripple, he became a Son of God himself for an instant, and was healed.

31  When the eyes of the downtrodden meet the eyes of the soul, healing begins and vision is restored.

32   There are two methods of healing. One is called magnetic healing and the other is healing by radiation. With magnetic healing you actually touch the physical body. With radiation you don’t touch the physical body.

33  The mind must see the name BECOMING perfectly manifest. If a healing is being performed then the vision of wholeness (holiness) must be seen.

34  I submit that at least half of those who die at the hands of mistakes caused by doctors could have been returned to health with only a minimum of education in the true science of healing available to all.

35  Is the American Medical Association avant guard in promoting a cure for cancer or do they resist the real cures?

36  Zion will have the healthiest people on the planet, not only because of good physical environment and minimal pollution, but the emotional and mental conditions will prove to be as great of a boon to health as good nutrition and clean air.

37  Often times a search for a cure or improvement in health will wind up leading a seeker toward embracing the Light and following the highest he knows.

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