Freedom Without Responsibility

This entry is part 61 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 11, 2015

Freedom Without Responsibility

Adam writes:

On the individual side of things, this would explain why sudden changes in human consciousness (i.e. when the individual gives himself/herself more freedom to explore and express, uninhibited by prior beliefs and unearned authority) so often result in temporary chaos of indulgence. A religious person that releases the binds of controlled thought that has always controlled his actions, thus overindulges in the senses for a time – perhaps even succumbing to long term addiction and dangerous, even life-threatening behaviors.

Hopefully the individual eventual learns to harness/control the passions again, but with a higher sense of consciousness and enhanced freedom. Three steps forward with two steps back, but ever upward.


This tendency of the disciple to get out of control and throw away the benefits of control imposed upon him when he makes his first advances into spiritual freedom was addressed in the book of Revelation. Here is the verse with my comments:

The Master follows the praise with some criticism:

“Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” Rev 2:4-5

Scholars are somewhat mystified as to what was the “first love” of the church at Ephesus. Some think that it was the original enthusiasm, brotherhood or ideals of the members that just wore off and they were being admonished to get themselves recharged.

A closer examination will reveal that this was not the problem. To understand what the first love is we need to return to the key word which is “permission”.

As written earlier, the first real step toward enlightenment and movement on the path occurs when the seeker gives himself permission to follow his internal authority rather than the outward. To discover the first love we must ask ourselves what the seeker was attracted to that caused him to take the steps to find the path in the first place – before he followed his internal self. In other words, what virtue did he have before he was enlightened that made him move toward Spirit to begin with?

The answer leads us to his first love.

Before he was ruled by internal permission, his life was governed by external authorities who gave him permission. These external authorities were seen as representing the voice of God. As such, the seeker took these outer commands and instructions very seriously. He felt that if he disobeyed the prophet, priest, guru or book it was the same thing as disobeying God. He was thus very assiduous about honoring that voice and being a good servant for God, as he understood the concept. This was his first love.

Then, at the start of his new journey, he discovered that the authorities representing the voice of God knew no more about the truth than he did – that his internal voice was what he needed to follow.

The problem is that there are two internal voices. One is the voice of the Spirit and the other is the voice of the lower self, expressing lower desire. When the seeker first begins his journey on the path it is true that he does indeed contact the real voice, but neither is he perfect nor has he overcome selfishness. The lower voice is much easier to hear and requires no meditation or concentration of attention to get its message. Thus, when the aspirant begins his spiritual journey, he hears the lower voice much more than he hears the higher.

In the past he had some protection from following the lower nature because he followed his “first love,” his teachers and the voice of God they represented. Despite their faults, these outer authorities admonished him to exercise self-control over his passions and lower nature. They encouraged him to have self-discipline.

When the seeker discovers his inner authority and gives himself permission to ignore the outer, he (for a period of time) goes from one extreme to the other. He goes from obeying every external word that seems to come from God to ignoring all he has learned in the past.

What does he do now? Now that he has released himself from outer authority he follows the inner, but the trouble is that the spiritual voice does not lay down the law in detail, as did the outer. If he has a decision to make and does not receive clear instruction from the Spirit, he falls back on lower desire. When he makes this mistake he is left with a choice between lower desire and outer authorities… BUT he has rejected outer authorities, so in all areas where he has no clear communication through the soul (or perhaps ignores that communication), he is left with following lower desire.

The net effect of this situation can be summarized as follows:

(1) The seeker makes the breakthrough and clearly hears and follows the still small voice.

(2) He releases himself from the bondage of outer authorities.

(3) He feels free and this freedom seems to be what enlightenment is all about. He now goes overboard and follows every desire that comes to him, ignoring the discipline he learned in the past.

This explains a popular criticism that many who consider themselves “enlightened” receive from the rank and file religious people. With some justification they will accuse them of being carnal, undisciplined, licentious, rebellious, etc. The seeker will often laugh such criticism off as being somewhat primitive and unenlightened, and continue to follow any impulse that feels good to him. This takes him away from the soul for a period of time. He will find that he will need a wake-up call from the Master’s voice to set him back on track.

In a moment of sanity, when he sees that the lower impulses lead to disaster after disaster, he hears the higher voice:

“Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.”

Upon hearing this message he realizes that he has discarded many principles from his past that harmonize with the voice of the Spirit. He has merely used his new freedom as an excuse to follow his lower nature. He sees that if he continues on the current course he will lose contact with the true inner voice and the light (candlestick) will no longer shine within. He must “repent,” or change course. He must honor those things from the past which were good and lead him toward Spirit, and follow the voice of the soul to yet higher realms of understanding.

The Lives in the First Two Centers

In the last post we discussed the influence of the lesser lives through the solar plexus center demonstrating as the lower emotions calling for our attention.

So what about the other centers?

Another center that is often of equal or greater force in getting our attention is the sacral center. This is the center governing sexual energy.

These lives are particularly powerful in young people who have not settled in some type of routine of self control and direction. If reasonable self control is not established the main deva life with its lesser components will dominate the person until his vital energy is exhausted.

The lesser lives of this center are quite easy to recognize. The only reason people do not is that they see the sexual energy as being a part of themselves rather than individual lives within the body.

Now think of a time that a very attractive person crossed your path. If you are normal you felt a strong pull, even if you are committed to someone else. Perhaps a part of you felt like grabbing that person and ravishing him or her on the spot, but of course, you controlled yourself.

Perhaps a part of you felt like throwing your current relationship to the wind and starting something fresh and adventurous.

Fortunately, most people do not follow all the desires expressed by those crazy lives in sacral center. Most put them under some form of control, though many yield in moments of weakness, usually to their regret.

When a provocative sexual situation occurs the observer can certainly at that point register that there are lesser lives in the body with a mind of their own and these lives need to be controlled and directed into a harmless outlet. When the person is highly aroused sexually he or she can definitely feel the effect of these lives which is beyond the mere thought process.

The ultimate testimony to the presence of life in the sacral center is the result of its creative activity which is the birth of a new and independent human life – a baby.

The first center in the lower regions is at the base of the spine. This is the initiating center from whence come the flow of energy that vitalizes or feeds the other centers and hence the entire body.

Now the seeker may comment that he can surely feel the influence of lives from the solar plexus and the sacral, but can’t think of any communication that would be coming from the base chakra. What in the world would that be?

The reason the sensing of the life there is not as obvious is that it is not as excitable as the lives tuned in to the emotions and sexual desire. Even so, all of us feel the life presence there every day, but again the reality passes over our heads.

Tuning into the life in the base center is quite simple. Just ask yourself these questions?

How am I feeling today on a physical level? What is my energy level? Do I feel tired or am I alert and ready to tackle my work?

Then after you ask yourself these questions tune into the life that activates and energizes your physical body?

This is the life at the base chakra. If you feel tired all the time then you are doing something to hinder its vitality. If you feel good energy and a sense of physical well being then you are allowing it to express its life force.

When someone asks you, “How are you, today?” you will generally say fine and see this totally in reference to your life. But the real answer you give (speaking physically) concerns the condition of the lives at the base of the spine.

If the seeker will quiet himself down, concentrate and tune in to his life energy he will become aware of this foundation life. Focus on the energy source for your body and whether or not it is adequate in the present. If it is not adequate then ask it what it needs in order to circulate more energy throughout the body.

Now let us focus on the throat and heart centers. What will communication or contact with them reveal?

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Questions on Lesser Lives

This entry is part 62 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 12, 2015

Questions on Lesser Lives

Ruth quotes me as follows:

“What you see and sense is a powerful life form dwelling in the solar plexus area that wants to take control of the body and direct it toward destructive ends for its own satisfaction.”

And then asks:

Why would this powerful life form want to direct out body toward destructive ends for its own satisfaction?


These lives are on a different course than whole human lives. They evolve by being controlled. When intelligently controlled, they can be directed toward constructive ends. When not controlled they merely take the line of least resistance which leads to chaos.


Does it get some type of pleasure from this? And why would it?


Emotionally based lives get pleasure from expressing themselves whether it be constructive or destructive. They do not have much discernment.

Have you ever reacted emotionally and then minutes later asked yourself, “Why did I do or say that?” What happened is you turned your body over to the life of the solar plexus which just wants to express itself, good or bad.


If it did this, then it would have no body?


There is a lot of destructive emotional things said and done that do not involve injuring the body. Normally the feeling nature seeks to preserve the life of the body.


Where did this life form that is so destructive come from?


All lives are composites of lesser lives. The solar plexus has ten petals dominated by ten lesser lives with a more significant one in the center of the lotus.

From the beginning of the universe the intelligence of God worked through lesser lives, gathering them together to create greater lives. All organized lives came from the creative mind of God.


Are these life forms part of the Lunar Lords from the Moon chain?


Many lesser lives here were partially developed in past systems.


So why are we housing a life form that is so destructive? Is that part of our karma, or part of our own lower nature from a past universe?


It has little to do with negative karma. All life, including man goes through a destructive and uncontrolled period until he begins to fulfill the purpose of his creation and creates or encounters some type of control or direction that moves it toward a constructive, joyful end.

When lives of the solar plexus are put under constructive control they then reflect the energies of the soul and add to the joy of being human.


Is this lifeform the Dweller also, or is this life form, like the Dweller wherein it is a collective of all our negative thoughts, since the beginning of time and space?


No. Your dweller is a thoughtform composed of emotional and mental matter apart from the centers. It may use fear and negative emotion connected with the lower centers, but it is distinct from them.

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DK, War & Peace

This entry is part 63 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 14, 2015

DK, War & Peace

Richard writes:

JJ has already politicized the supernatural by determining if DK leans to the left or right.


Most people tell us with their own words which direction they lean. In examining DK’s leanings I merely presented his views in his own words which made many of his leanings quite obvious.


My question to JJ is does DK lean to the War Party or to the Peace Party?


Don’t know of any peace party. It couldn’t be the Democrats as Democratic administrations led us in World War I, World War II, the Korean War and into Vietnam.

The Republicans led us into the Gulf War and Afghanistan.

I would guess that neither of these is the peace party. It can’t be the Green Party as they are always at war with capitalistic interests.

The Libertarians as a whole try to avoid physical war but most consider themselves at war on other levels with Big Government.

As far as DK goes we know of a surety that he supported the Allies against Hitler in World War II. He strongly criticized the United States for taking an isolationist attitude and allowing Hitler to become such a menace to civilization.

He strongly criticized the peace movements for getting in the way and slowing down the process of winning the war.

After the War he wanted the Allied nations to have a monopoly on the atomic bomb in order to prevent totalitarian regimes from threatening the world. Unfortunately, this did not happen.

Outside of World War I & II we do not have data on which recent wars he would have supported, but he did make it clear that when freedom or a just cause is at stake that one should fight. He often quoted the example of Arjuna from the Bhagavad Gita which he said was a scripture of the highest order.

Arjuna was faced with a similar prospect to many in the American Civil War and said this to Krishna:

How can I do battle with my kinsmen, with those I love and who have loved me, for whom I have cared, as they once cared for me? Though they have gathered to serve Duryodhana’s folly, to deprive us of our birthright, to kill me and my brothers on this battlefield, how can I fight them? My body trembles at the thought. My bow falls from my hands. My flesh burns. My arms and legs have no strength. My mind is confused; my reason confounded. I am lost.

… To act is to bring upon us a day of pitch darkness. We have come here for the sake of an earthly kingdom; … But by acting, we reserve for ourselves only a place in Hell. It is best for me if Duryodhana and his armies come before me. Disarmed by doubt, I will not resist them as they kill me. This will be my best reward. These were Arjuna’s words to Krishna as the two armies awaited Arjuna’s signal to begin the battle.

With Arjuna’s words sounding in his ears, Krishna’s spirit quickened. He spoke to Arjuna, whose eyes burned with tears, overwhelmed by despair. Krishna said: —What shameful words are these, Arjuna? This is the hour of trial. Why do you falter? Your despondent grief enfeebles you; it dishonors you. Slunk in the trenches of despair, you will win neither heaven nor earth. Do not exchange arrows and bow for impotence and cowardice; this is not your way. Do not yield to these faults or to this weakness. Rise up and fight!”

Arjuna said: —How can I fight them, immortal Krishna? These enemies are my teachers from earliest youth. How can I cut them down when they deserve only my veneration? It is better to wander in rags, begging for alms, than to sprinkle the bread of my sustenance with their blood.

… With these words, Arjuna cried out: —I will not fight! and said nothing more.

Krishna smiled, hinting of laughter, and spoke gently to Arjuna as they stood between the two armies. Krishna said: —Do not weep tears for them. Though your words are sincere and full of insight, your sorrow profits no one. Tears are wasted on the dead; the wise do not grieve for the living or the dead, for life and death shall pass away. —In time we have always been, both you and I and all these kings of men; and we will always be. Putting on the body of the child, the youth, the old man, a wise man does not wonder that in death, the Self passes into another body. … Even if you believe that a man is born again and again, and that he dies again and again, you should not grieve, for in death birth is inevitable and in birth death is inevitable. Being born, he must die. In death, he is reborn. If you understand this, then you will not grieve for the loss of what can never be lost.

Do your duty, Arjuna. Act without hesitation. For the warrior, the greatest good is lawful war against an evil enemy. A lawful war opens the doors of heaven for you. Enter therein, Arjuna. Rejoice in good fortune that this battle is joined. But if you shrink before this battle or turn your back upon your duty, casting aside honor, this is a grievous transgression. Men will recount your shame, dishonor, and disgrace now and in the future. They shall say cowards possess the courage of Arjuna. For one honored, the loss of honor is worse than death. Great warriors will accuse you of cowardice; those who once honored you will treat you with contempt. Your enemies will rejoice in mocking you. They will laugh and say, “See how Arjuna fled before us, a deer among lions.” Death in battle is better than the mocking derision of enemies. —If you are victorious, you gain glory in this world. If you are defeated and cut down on this field, you gain glory in the next world. Arise and fight, Arjuna. Glory is upon you. Be detached from happiness and unhappiness, gain or loss, victory or defeat. Be resolved to fight, or you will fall into error.

Indeed, if we are faced with low life’s who wish to kill us or take away our freedoms the best course is to fight to preserve that which is just and right.

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The Lives of the Throat and Heart

This entry is part 64 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 16, 2015

The Lives of the Throat and Heart

Now we move to the throat and heart centers to see what communication or contact with them reveal.

The lives composing the sacral and solar plexus centers are under an impulse to control the personality, but need to be controlled by the indwelling ego for the sake of their own advancement as well as the person incarnated.

As we advance upward to the throat, the heart and the head, the lives are of a higher order. These higher devas respond to the control from the soul rather than the personality.

The throat is at the midway point between the frequencies of heaven and earth so to speak. It helps to understand the throat center to realize that the human kingdom represents the throat center for the planetary life of earth.

The human kingdom is composed of the very spiritual and the very materialistic. A part of this center dwells in soul consciousness, a part touching upon it and a large part is stuck in a very materialistic thinking.

The throat center stimulates creative energies and in the human kingdom we see very inspiring creative endeavors in art, music, architecture and innovations of all kinds. On the positive side many of these help humanity. On the negative side we are also creative developments used for war, destruction and perversion.

Even so, the lives in the throat center can be responsive to personality desire or to the will of the soul. Which one they tune into will be determined by the person in charge. If the pilgrim focuses on lower desire then his creative energies, as well as his speech, will reflect this. If he focuses on the spirit and soul then the creative energies will turn their attention to reflecting the higher life and the manifestation of spiritual things.

To tune into the lives in the throat center pay attention to the various impulses that come to you to speak, to write or to create. If you find yourself speaking something you regret, without thinking, then the lower lives there have taken over and bypassed the control that you should be exercising.

If you are in charge of words that come from your pen or mouth and you feel good about them then the chances are some of the light of the soul has been received by the throat center.

Christ and his Hierarchy, the Brotherhood of Light, represent the heart center of the planet. So just as the life of a master is of a higher order than the life of an average human, even so are the heart energies more in line with soul and spirit than are the lives below the heart. The lives in the heart are thus controlled by the Higher Self and not the lower. To access the real energies of the heart the seeker must seek to make his will harmonize with his Higher Self.

At first this just happens now and then and sometimes by accident. You may make a decision in line with the Higher Self and not even be aware of the unity. But then when you move on a decision in alignment with higher will you will experience sensations from the heart petals responding.

The main life of the heart center is composed of twelve lesser lives called petals. Six represent the wisdom aspect and six tune into spiritual love.

You feel the wisdom lives when you come to a new realization, perceive a new truth that isn’t obvious to the lower personality or have an Ah-ha moment.

You feel the lives reflecting spiritual love when you share soul energy with other humans. This often comes as a result of service. Bringing joy to or helping a young child is one of the easiest ways to stimulate and feel this spiritual love of the soul. A child hasn’t been separated from his soul for very long and thus tends to guide us toward spiritual love with greater ease than many adults.

The spiritual love of the heart feels quite different than the desire love of the solar plexus – which includes most romantic love.

The lower love responds because of what the other person does for us. For instance, most people fall in love because of what the other person offers him or her.

The love from the heart center responds because of what you do for a brother, sister, or child. You feel the lower love when you are served and the higher when you serve with the aim of carrying out the higher will of the soul or spirit.

Most of us have felt the higher love a number of times in our lives. It doesn’t come often enough but it does come to those with a sincere heart.

If you think back to a time when you felt spiritual love or a flash of enlightenment you can sense that you were indeed feeling a life within yourself reflecting spiritual energy under the control of your soul, a master on its own plane.

The end goal is to be one with our Higher Selves so we can be a participant in releasing the higher energies of the throat, the heart and the head.

The final two main centers are the center between the eyebrows and the crown chakra. Contemplate on the lives dwelling there and what contact would be like until I write again.

Only the hands that have let slip all within the three worlds are free to carry the ultimate blessing to struggling humanity.

Treatise on White Magic, Page 265

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The Lives in the Head

This entry is part 65 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 17, 2015

The Lives in the Head

Now let us look at the two highest centers which are the center between the eyebrows – the ajna, sometimes called the third eye, and the crown center – also called the sahasrara chakra, or the thousand petalled lotus.

The center between the eyebrows consists of two major petals. One petal is rose red and yellow and the other blue and purple. Each of these major petals consists of 48 lesser petals each making a total of 96 petals composing this center. It takes many lifetimes to unfold all of these lives but when they are the powers of heaven are manifest on earth through a human entity.

Just as the physical eyes see and bring in data for the brain to process, even so does the ajna center see, but on a higher level. How much the seeker sees depends on his point of evolution and how many lesser lives of the center are activated and cooperating.

So how much can the disciple see through the ajna center? Seeing is virtually unlimited as a fully opened center is linked to the originating monad. He or she can penetrate into the unseen worlds of form as well as the formless. He can see into the hearts and minds of men and sense the heart and will of God and beings unseen by common man.

As the disciple opens this center he begins to penetrate the realm where ideas are born and principles understood. He realizes he must do more than memorize facts and data, but must understand the how and why of things. This third eye receives principles and reflects them to the heart center which processes them with added wisdom and understanding.

So, what will the seeker feel when he senses the lives of this center? These lives dance and play upon the inner light within the head. Close your eyes and focus in the forehead until you see or sense living light in motion. Feel them transmitting that light to your whole being.

You’ve sensed them before, but you didn’t realize they were lives in their own right laboring to bring heaven down to earth for you. Recognize their labors and the gifts of the spirit will multiply and manifest.

The highest center in the body is the crown at the top of the head. Even though it is called the thousand petalled lotus the actual number is a little short of this. It consists of twelve larger outer petals, white and gold in color, that interplay with the twelve golden petals of the heart center. This is sometimes called the “heart center in the head.” Within the circle of these twelve petals are 960 lesser petals.

This center is linked to the monad and this link is slowly realized by the seeker, after many lifetimes of struggle, when many of the petals are activated.

This center reflects the will of God and assists in manifesting it on the earth. Each of the 960 lesser petals represents some divine purpose manifested in some life, past or future. The twelve major petals represent a greater embrace of Divine Will where the seeker becomes a disciple and performs a correspondence to the Twelve Labors of Hercules in twelve or more lifetimes or cycles.

Have you ever sensed that you have a purpose that you are supposed to fill in this life? All of us have this sense whether we acknowledge it or not. This sense is reflected to you from one or more of the lives in the head center.

Be still for a few minutes and contemplate your purpose and the value of your life. That sense of value and mission is reflected to you by an inner life doing his darndest to get through your thick skull. If you are like the rest of us these dedicated lives have their work cut out for them.

As the disciple advances along the path his sense of higher will increases so he can see beyond the purpose of his own life to Divine Will as it is designed to work out in groups, nations, the human race, the entire planet and more. There is always more.

Now we have covered the seven major centers it would be beneficial for the seeker to practice now and then in quiet moments in sensing the lives from the base of the spine to the top of the head and then synthesize them in the inner consciousness and see them and himself as one greater life working in cooperation.

Give thanks to the lives within and the God they serve as you cheerfully continue on your journey.

If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.

Bishop T. D. Jakes

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Manti Gathering Video

This entry is part 66 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 19, 2015

Manti Gathering Video

Bryan Smith made a video recording of the 2004 Manti gathering and gave me the DVDs. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with them as they would have been expensive to duplicate and sell at the time and you could only put ten minutes of video on Youtube at that time.

Then I misplaced them and they were lost for close to a decade. We looked everywhere for them but could not find them. After we moved a few years back I figured they were lost forever, but then a few months ago, on a bookcase in plain sight, there they were. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I guess it must be destiny that they be made available. I can now place larger videos on Youtube and will be placing the additional videos on there shortly.

Here is the first part.


Check out the Youtube directory on the right for the other ten videos.

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The Foundations of the Earth

This entry is part 67 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 21, 2015

The Foundations of the Earth

Johann writes:

JJ, you have said that no life outside a singular cell life forms would be here without the presence of man.

1200 millions years ago simple multicellular organisms evolve. That is a long way off from when the hierarchy under the direction of the Ancient of Days came here a few millions years ago relatively speaking.

So if it was not the hierarchy then who where those that are responsible for everything in between including the dinosaurs?

Who are those men that occupied the other planes from 1200 million years ago to about 20 million years ago and are they here now?


Sanat Kumara came here with a number of associates to establish the foundations of Shamballa and prepare the way for self-conscious humans to manifest on the physical plane.

Before this time, however, there were many advanced human beings working on this and other planets in guiding and developing the life therein.

Job writes about this:

Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof?

When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Job 38 1-7

Who hath divided a watercourse for the overflowing of waters, or a way for the lightning of thunder; To cause it to rain on the earth, where no man is; on the wilderness, wherein there is no man; To satisfy the desolate and waste ground; and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth?

Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth? Job 38:25-27, 33

Here Job was asked where he was when the foundations of the earth was laid and “the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

He was one of the sons of God that shouted for joy, but could not recall that event to answer God’s question.

The morning stars were advanced human entities who had achieved liberation in a past system. The Ancient of Days and Christ were among these.

The Sons of God were advanced intelligences who cooperated with the creation of the earth with the intent of incarnating here. You could have been one of them.

Evolution and creation of life just didn’t happen by accident but was developed by great spiritual scientists from higher spheres putting the ingredients together and vitalizing them with life moving life forward from a single cell plants to animals to physical humans.

Job acknowledged this when he gave higher Intelligence the credit for causing “the bud of the tender herb to spring forth.” And then asks:

“Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?”

Or as the New Living Bible words it:

“Do you know the laws of the universe? Can you use them to regulate the earth?”

These great lives indeed use the laws of the universe to create earths like this and the life in it. They have always been present here though not always in the physical.

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God’s Imagination

This entry is part 68 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 22, 2015


God’s Imagination


I don’t know how God or the All had an imagination when It had no beginning and no ending. How does one imagine things, that one has never, ever seen or experienced in one’s life…


Why anything at all exists is the greatest mystery, but it is a fact that creation does exist, and you and I exist and that we have imaginations. If we have imagination then certainly God does because we are in His image.

The great thing about imagination is that we can conjure up things we have never seen or experienced that will take us into new experiences. I can imagine many things I have not seen and am sure you can to.


For example, how did the All, or One, even know what a human being looked like etc etc?


At one time he probably didn’t. For most of Steve Job’s life he did not have a clue what the iPhone was going to be like, yet through trial and error with the help of his (and his fellow workers) imagination it came into being.


Yet all of this information and imagination was stored in It’s consciousness, even though It had never had a beginning.

JJ No, it was not stored there and neither was the iPhone stored in Steve Jobs mind. Steve created using imagination and also God created on the same principles.


These types of questions sometimes keep me awake at night, because it is like a miracle that WE all even exist, because we stem from something that had no beginning and no ending.


It is good that you are reflecting but don’t let the mysteries keep you from your sleep. After all, we must go forward into new and unique experiences and we know that experience is real. We know we are here and that within your body of matter is intelligence. Since we are proof that there is intelligence in matter then we know that there are unlimited possibilities for intelligence to exist and create in matter on many different levels.


So I take it that there were no missing years of no hierarchy without any Kumaras before AoD

came here. That there were just other Kumaras with a different job and when AoD came here that was just an addition to what was already here and maybe some of the other Kumaras went away after AoD came here.


The Ancient of Days has a totally different job than did the intelligences that laid the foundations of the earth and life in it. Life and creation itself first had to be imagined in the formless worlds and then created in mental matter. The astral and physical came later and followed the pattern set, though imperfectly at times.

There has always been hierarchy, but there are many different degrees of hierarchies with many different jobs to do in many different spheres of activities.


What strikes me is the huge amount of time this all takes.


From our perspective the time involved is vast, yet from a higher perspective the life of a universe is the blink of an eye.


Me one of them? Like Job? Don’t you have to be a little more advantaged than what I was in a distant past to fill that description, of building life itself on a molecular level?


You are looking at yourself as you function on the physical plane as a reflection of your soul with only a small part of the intelligence of the whole. Neither the humans or any other physical race had a hand in their own creation while dwelling in the physical plane. On the other hand, when we were one with our Higher Self we had access to much more intelligence and awareness without the pull of illusion from the physical world.

Before we came to this earth (as well as between lives) we, in our higher bodies learned and did all kinds of amazing things including assisting Divine Intelligence in the creation of life on this and other planets.

When we descend to the physical we are greatly diminished in spiritual intelligence from what we were in the soul. Visualize the soul swimming in water and you swimming in honey to get the idea.

To overcome this handicap we must make soul contact and work toward being one with the soul. When this is achieved swimming will be more like being in water rather than honey.

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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Advice for a Happy Life

This entry is part 69 of 73 in the series 2015

Dec 23, 2015

Advice for a Happy Life

Here we are nearing Christmas again. It seems we were here just a month or so ago. It does indeed seem that the space between two Christmases is a lot shorter now than when I was a kid.

Since it is the season of giving gifts I will give you, my friends, some advice I consider crucial to a happy life.

  1. Maintain your health.

This is an important one because if a person is in ill health and always feeling out of sorts, or in pain, he or she will have difficulty in getting full enjoyment out of anything else in life. He will not be able to fully enjoy a good marriage, good friends, good food, wealth, vacations, entertainment, sports, or just plain kicking back and relaxing.

We have much more power over maintaining good health and vitality than most think and the first key is to not see yourself as a victim. If you see yourself as a victim of bad genes, bad childhood, past mistakes, bad luck, bad karma or whatever you already have two strikes against you.

He who takes responsibility for his lot in life is miles ahead of the person who is born in the best of circumstances who becomes disgruntled and sees himself as a victim when things go wrong.

Energy follow thought so a negative attitude will draw negative energy causing ill health. Negativity is dispelled by hope, love and faith in yourself and others. Always give the other guy the benefit of the doubt when making judgments. See what is best in others.

You probably know someone who beaks every health rule in the book but is still healthy. Well, you can bet that this person does not see himself as a victim and has a healthy view of himself.

A positive attitude helps but diet and exercise are still important. Even with a positive attitude a bad diet and low exercise will cause Father Time to catch up with you.

I do not have time to give you a treatise on exercise. All of you know what it is and know we need to get some daily.

As far as diet goes eliminate processed food, anything made with white flour, processed sugar, fructose, chemicals, and processed table salt. Use Celtic or unprocessed salt instead. Look at the ingredients of anything packaged that you buy. If it has more than a half dozen ingredients you are probably eating some chemicals that would terrify you if you Googled them. Breaking the rules once in a while won’t hurt you – sometimes you have to when you eat out, but when you buy for yourself buy whole foods and make yourself healthy meals.

Thousands of books have been written on diet and health but HERE is one of the best and it is free on the web.

Take some time to do some reading on natural healing. If you are in ill health and do not read at least two or three books a year on alternative health then you are not taking enough responsibility for your own health.

Here are two tips I have found helpful that you will not find mentioned by many authors.

First Tip: Fast from food after your evening meal to close to noon the next day – 16-18 hours. Just drink close to zero calorie liquids. Do this every day, except for special occasions.

I have been doing this for a number of years now and it has produced a number of health benefits.

Second Tip: Eat a good sized clove of garlic every day. No, you don’t just throw the garlic in your mouth and chew it, but it must be prepared a certain way. Take a garlic press and crush the clove in on a small plate. Then spread out minced garlic so it all gets maximum exposure to the air. When the crushed garlic is exposed to the air for 5-15 minutes it produces a powerful substance called allicin which has tremendous benefits.

The reason this caught my attention was that I read about a study that said that those who took raw garlic daily had a great reduction in colds and if they did get one it was very mild. Well, over the past 50 years since I have been paying attention to my diet I have been very healthy, except that I usually did get a cold once a year.

I have been taking this crushed garlic for several years now and haven’t had a sign of a cold since the day I started consuming it.

Here are some health benefits from the allicin in garlic:

From immune enhancement to cancer prevention, there is a wide range of health benefit in allicin. Many clinical studies have showed that garlic/allicin has the ability to lower total cholesterol, LDL, or “bad cholesterol” and triglycerides, and increase HDL cholesterol. (2,3) This in turn may aid in the prevention of heart-related conditions such as heart attack, atherosclerosis, and stroke. In addition, garlic/allicin may support the overall health of the circulatory system, which may help in lowering the risk of heart attack and strokes. (4,5) Specifically, garlic/allicin activities are believed to have the following positive effects:

Prevention of cardiovascular attacks

Restore suppressed antibody responses

Broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities.

Preventing the common cold

Prevention and treatment of cancer.



Here are some more tips for a happy life.

  1. Choose carefully all that you allow to come into your life. We all realize that getting clean air, water and good food is essential to good health, but the ingredients we consume in life that affect us are much more than these.

Be selective in the books you read, the shows you watch and all the words you allow into your consciousness. This includes words you speak, especially to yourself. Memorize some inspiring words.

Be especially selective of people you allow into your life who may have an influence on you. Negative people are like an infection and are difficult to tune out. Be particularly selective in choosing a mate. No marriage is much better than a bad marriage.

  1. Be thankful for what you have and find a few seconds each day to just feel grateful to God for the good that is in your life. Since energy follows though this will draw more good things to you.
  2. Focus on the soul in all who you meet and feel a sense of love and goodwill toward them. Those who have a sense of goodwill will respond positively.
  3. Don’t take yourself too seriously and see the humor, even in difficult situations.
  4. Focus on giving more than receiving and see yourself as having an unlimited means to give.
  5. Free yourself from the beast of unearned unjust authority. If you do not do this you will suffer from guilt and never feel that you are good enough. The God within is much more understanding of our flaws than is the god without.
  6. Follow the highest you know so you can be at peace with yourself.
  7. Be as harmless as possible.
  8. Find work to do that you enjoy
  9. Work on something each day that makes you a better and more valuable person. Always seek to do better.
  10. Take some time out for fun and relaxation on your own terms.

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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The Peacemakers

This entry is part 70 of 73 in the series 2015

Merry Christmas

Dec 25, 2015

The Peacemakers

We live in a time of great differences. There have always been differences of belief among families, groups, peoples, and nations, but now it seems that we are approaching some type of crystallization where the differences are more pronounced and enunciated.

Today we see pronounced and emotional political differences as seen few times in history accompanied by sharp religious conflicts between Islam and the other world religions. Fortunately, we are not seeing all out world war, but there are a lot of smoldering disturbed and disgruntled people on the planet ready to take up arms. This causes all informed people no small amount of concern.

If there were a time that we could use some words of comfort or advice from the Prince of Peace, this is it.

Fortunately, his voice is not that far away. Have we forgotten what he said?

“I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Matt 28:20

“If he is with us always, even unto the end of the world, then where is he?” asks the skeptic.

He is much closer than you may suppose. Close your eyes, still your thoughts and feelings. Let peace abide in your soul, love in your heart, and resist not the light that streams into your mind. When you find that point where peace, love and light meet, then you will know that He is here, that He has never left us alone. You will hear the Master speak:

“Be not afraid, my friend, for it is I. I am indeed aware of your concern over the times in which we live and the turbulence thereof, but this is not new. Each cycle has its own set of difficulties that seem to call for a savior, but as each cycle passes humanity survives, learns a lesson and moves on to the next challenge. Each new challenge is a little different than the previous. People complain about these difficulties, but in the end we make another step closer to peace on earth good will to all men, women and living creatures including the earth itself.

I said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”

And who are the peacemakers?

These are they who go within and from that great center of peace hear my voice and know the oneness of that center which is linked to all the children of God.

The peacemakers look not for perfect peace without, but seek it within. When the peace is discovered then nothing without can disturb it.

Consider my life which did not seem to be outwardly peaceful.

Herod tried to kill me shortly after birth. My family had to flee to Egypt for safety. When I taught many religious authorities challenged me and argued with me. When I performed miracles they accused me of using the powers of Satan.

My disciples did not understand me and argued among themselves and one close to me betrayed me leading to an agonizing crucifixion.

Even though great conflict and uproar followed me wherever I went I was still a peacemaker for I brought the peace that passes all understanding.

When I greeted my friends I often said:

“Peace be unto you.”

These were more than words for great thought and intent were also conveyed. When my friends heard these words their hearts were penetrated and their souls rejoiced. A sense of peace came over their entire being.

The outer gods and christs bring the sword of division, but the inner brings peace and unity. The true peacemakers light the inner candle that glows and sends peace, light and love and lights the inner candle of associates. The peacemaker widens his circle of inner peace wherever he goes.

If you want to do your part in bringing peace on earth then find my peaceful presence at the core of your being and from that point of focus send peace to whoever will receive.

Say, or at least think, “Peace be unto you,” to all you meet this Christmas season. In doing this you move the world a step closer to outer peace as well as inner peace.

One more time… Hear my voice penetrate your whole being.

“Peace be unto you – may the love of God rest upon you.

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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