- The Real Beginning
- The Separation Begins
- The Beginning of Form
- Light, Love and Purpose
- The Marriage of Atoms
- The Evolution of the Molecular Relationship
- Human Relationships
- Selecting a Mate
- Sex and Knowing God
- Correct Use of Energy
- The Meeting of The Minds
- The Mystery of Romantic Energy
- Three Keys to Happiness
- Key Two – The Open Mind
- Key Three – Willingness to Give
- The Seven Needs
- Trust
- The Positive and Negative of Feelings
- Turning The Negative Positive
- Children
- Birth Control and Raising Children
- The Molecular Order
- The Male-Female Relationship
- The Human Molecule
- Molecular Principles
- The Spiritual Link
- The Expanding Molecule
- Leadership in the Molecule
- The Middle Way Principle
- The Union of Souls
- The Threshold of History
- The Molecular Commitment
- Preparing For the Return of Christ
- The Covenant of The Three Energies
- Right Use of Money
- Right Use of Power
- The Molecular Business
- The Selection of Key Positions
- Hiring New Employees
- How To Get Employees Involved
- Parable Of Abundance
- Molecular Details
- Molecular Politics
Chapter Thirty-Five
Right Use of Money
Just as sex is an energy, so is money. All energies by themselves are neither good or evil but are neutral. Their direction determines their effect. Money obviously can be used for either good or evil and, again, if it is used only for the separative selfish self, it is relatively evil; if it is used with purpose toward union, then it is good.
This does not mean that all the pleasures of the lower self are to always be sacrificed in the realms of money, power and sex. The point is that it is important that the personality self be satisfied and happy; however, in its separative condition, it does not know how to fulfill itself. Only the Higher Self, or the Soul, knows how to bring complete fulfillment to the lower. This is another principle to ponder. The higher knows how to fulfill the lower, but the lower is generally ignorant of the higher and knows not how to fulfill itself.
When we consecrate our energies toward Soul Purpose, personality fulfillment is not sacrificed but enhanced, for the higher has power to fulfill the lower. When the Soul is in control, we have much more enjoyment from all the energies of money, power and sex.
When we covenant to channel our money toward union, we are virtually promising to direct it to fulfill the purpose of God. The main purpose that needs to be fulfilled at this point in history is the creation of the Molecular Order, or the physical manifestation of the Kingdom of God on the earth.
Does this mean that we must cease making our house payments and other necessities, entertainment, etc. and give all of our money toward the kingdom of God? No. these expenses may be necessary if we are to be able servants to do the work. We are meant to have abundance; therefore, the money we spend on necessities should be with the attitude of making us better vessels to fulfill Purpose rather than for the fulfillment of the lower self.
We need to stay emotionally and mentally healthy if we are to be good servants for humanity; therefore, it is recognized that a certain amount must sometimes be spent on what may appear to be frivolous. Unfortunately, some will read these words and take them to the extreme. This is why Soul contact is important, for the Soul will always guide us in the correct use of energy, and it will be a little different for each person.
If Molecular members are to give of their surplus funds to a benevolent cause, after their necessities are purchased, most may give next to nothing. Thus it is important that we establish a general rule here. People in ancient times paid a tithing or ten percent of their income to finance spiritual matters. There is an interesting scripture on this in the Bible where God is rebuking Israel for forgetting to pay their tithes: “Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return? Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
“And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground: neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts. And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts.” Malachi 3:7-12
The God that created us has given us all that we have, and to create the power of union that we need, He expects us to contribute 10% of our money energy directly toward the purpose of the Union of Souls. If we do not do this, He tells us that we “rob” Him. He tells us to prove his Word. If we do make the contribution, He will pour more blessings on us than we have room to receive, and He will help us financially by rebuking “the devourer”. The devourer is the negative energy which destroys our financial well-being. Thus, the promise is that we will always have enough for our needs if we follow the principle of tithing.
Remember, we said the higher has power to fulfill the lower. When we dedicate ten percent toward Soul purpose, then the power of the Soul is brought forth to insure that you will always have increase, for the Soul then has an interest in your financial well-being.
Just like your banker wants you to succeed when he has an interest in your business, so will your Soul direct you toward financial independence and prosperity if you dedicate ten percent toward Its purpose.
The Molecular member should make it a goal to contribute ten percent of his income after taxes toward that which is perceived as furthering the Purpose of God. This will be money which is directed toward an evolutionary cause and not directly toward personal needs or family.
It must be recognized that for some it may be impossible to pay a full ten percent when they first commit themselves. It may seem that in most cases at the end of the month people need an extra ten percent just to break even rather than to give ten percent and then be even. This is not a black and white demand. Nevertheless, if we examine our budget and priorities most people can find a way to give a full tithe. If we understand the principle of tithing as taught in the Bible we would be happy to pay the ten per cent. Through the eyes of the Higher Self sacrifice is impossible. To give and to receive are one. Therefore when we give money to a group cause we are only giving to ourselves in a more profound way than any personal benefit we would get from the money.
Those committed to the soul will sense from the Higher Self that they are expected to give what they can to help create the kingdom of God whether that amount be one percent, ten, or twenty. A successful Molecule must be composed of people who have totally dedicated themselves to creating group life.
The cause we have espoused is much greater than the present churches. The commitment we are making is more serious, and each dollar we spend will have hundreds of times the positive effect as their dollars. Cannot we therefore gather together a resolve within ourselves to contribute at least as much as an average religious person who generally has much less understanding than ourselves?
In initiating great change, there is great opportunity to pay off past negative karma and attain some surplus on the positive side. If we cannot be as faithful to the highest we perceive as the emotionally polarized person in an orthodox religion, then what hope of glory do we have?
If we see the vision of the tithe, and how it can benefit ourselves and the work, we will find a way to pay it. Nevertheless, some will have difficulty in paying a full tithe when they first make the commitment. If they do then they should seek to serve the work by some donation of their time to an evolutionary cause.
The gift of giving is as important to the giver as it is to the Molecular member. We should remember that money is energy and when we are giving money we are giving some of our energy to the group life. This will help make the individual feel a part of the larger life. If there is no giving of energy to the higher life then our energy will fall back upon ourselves and all our concerns will be upon the needs of the lower self and we shall die to the reality of the higher life.
Question: OK, I’m willing to do my share. Where shall I send it or what shall I do?
Answer: At present we have no organization set up to handle donations and it may be a while before this occurs, but should not stop anyone from applying the principle of giving.
In fact some are already giving of their time which is just as valid as giving of money. Keep in mind that money and time are very closely related because time is used to create money and money can buy time.
If one is able to give money a higher cause here is the principle can be followed. Pick the highest good that you understand and give money in that direction.
This principle will mean different things to different people.
Some may have a desire to help the poor. If I saw this as a highest good I would just give directly to the needy rather than to some organization that takes a giant cut for administration. This can include family members in need. If everyone took care of their own families then there would be no poor and homeless.
Others may see the curing of disease as a highest good. For them a donation of a tithe to some research may bring much more fruit than a regular religious contribution.
Others (such as some reading this) may see the building of the Kingdom of God as the highest conceivable good and as much more important than supporting charities, because when it is brought in many of the purposes of the charities will be automatically fulfilled.
These individuals would be motivated to give time and money to promote teachings that lay the foundation for the new age. Wise disciples will avoid giving money gurus who use it for their own material purposes, but will seek to place it where a light to the world will be amplified.
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