Book Of Quotes
Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes
From The Discourses Of JJ Dewey
1 Today the average person sees a sinner as “a person who will let his hair down” and have a good time. Thus if you are not a sinner you’re pretty much an introverted geek. If you don’t sin a little you’re just not cool. But in the days of Jesus it was not cool to sin because the word sin had quite a different meaning from today.
2 The word “sin” comes from the Greek HAMARTANO which literally means “to miss the mark.” “Out of harmony” or “error” would be other ways to put it.
3 Sin is merely error and there will always be error of some kind in the worlds of form, but every error that we have will eventually be dispelled by light and the application of that which is revealed.
4 Fables have indeed been built around many of the teachings of Christ, including the sacraments.
5 Sin among humanity is corrected when light is manifest and a link with the will of God is established to enable the disciple to stand in the light.
6 We cannot justify our harmful actions, our errors, and our laziness by merely throwing up our hands and saying: “I screwed up and drank some Drano. I guess this is part of the perfect Will of God.”
7 If I were to demand or declare that certain teachings be accepted as truth beyond dispute, and others of little worth because they are just mindless opinion, then I would be directing you away from your own self discovery.
8 The ancient wisdom teaches there is only one sin in the real sense and that is the sin of separateness.
9 The heresy of separateness must be dealt with by all groups and individuals whether scattered or gathered, and the danger is especially perilous when successful physical results are manifest.
10 The icon that is worshipped is not the Christ, but a dim astral reflection with no intelligence.
11 Individuals who believe they are in the most subjective groups on earth can be as guilty of this feeling of specialness as the close knit religious extremists.
12 Separateness is the “root sin.” From it springs every physical evil that confronts mankind. It lays the foundation to the great illusion that we are all isolated entities and therefore breeds individual and group selfishness.
13 Separateness is settled in with humanity whether we are working individually or collectively and will not go away by ignoring it. It must be prepared for, faced, and dealt with. The strongest weapons against it are enlightenment and inclusive love blended with power.
14 If we then, being imperfect, know how to treat our children with reasonable helpfulness, would not God who is perfect be even more loving, more giving and give us better and more exciting creative gifts than any of us can give to our children? Who could be afraid of a God like this? Jesus was teaching that it is silly to think that God, who is our Father, is sitting on some throne ruling in anger, waiting to destroy us at the first sign of rebellion. If your own child makes a few mistakes would you send him to some fiery hell to burn forever? No. A thousand times no! If we would not do that to our children, then why in the hell do people think that God would take some type of fiendish delight in seeing his own children suffer so?
15 Is one normally criticized for moving from one city to another to better himself, or for building a new home to improve his condition? It is no greater sin to desire to gather with like minds and participate in building the kingdom of God. In fact it is not a sin at all and we should not have to defend ourselves to rational people on this point.
16 Responsibility only enhances freedom and prosperity when it is reasonably free from illusion and motivated with pure intent. It is a virtue but virtues can be misplaced.
17 To live in the body and enjoy a higher state of life because of the body, yet reject the body because it has nothing to offer, is a contradiction in terms.
18 Abortion is an error, but not as bad a murder of one who has an investment in life; nevertheless, the freedom to commit this error should not be infringed when the pregnancy is young.
19 Good statistics can only defend a falsehood when some of the truth is left out or the margin of error is high.
20 There are those who think it is blasphemy to consider that God can be anywhere except sitting on a throne in heaven being worshipped by his hosts.
21 Obviously, we are better off avoiding really bad mistakes if some are so bad it would be better if we had not been born in order to avoid them.
22 To recognize sin is to merely recognize error and then seek to correct it, not through guilt but through practice and by common sense.
23 The negative effect of error is guilt.
24 You seek for justice not for revenge but to assist, by the aid of law, in rendering the abuser harmless, to protect society from harm and to guide, by justice, the offending person away from his error.
25 Sacrificing everything for nothing is a sin against all that is holy if there ever was one.
26 Much of my family, who are mostly Mormons (several have broken away), see me as so far astray that it would be a sin to read my book.
27 Some may not give a rat’s behind as to whether the Master plants his feet among us or not, claiming instead that they have the Christ Consciousness and that is good enough.
28 The true antichrist not only denies the coming of Christ in the past, but the coming of Christ in us in the present and the future.
29 Jehovah commanded Moses to “let me alone,” but Moses ignored him and argued for his people, yet it was not accounted a sin because Moses was manifesting the same Spirit of the One God as was Jehovah and because they both listened to that One Spirit they reached agreement.
30 The sin against the Holy Ghost is really a sin against the soul where the soul contact is denied after having received it. This happens when you feel it but say you didn’t feel it.
31 Everything that we consider a sin that really produces harmfulness in this world comes from being separative.
32 Each of us is responsible for our own actions and each of us can be influenced positively or negatively by either a saint or a sinner.
33 Rape is a sin of violence rather than one of sexual pleasure.
34 Doubting the word of God is not a sin. How can one even know if a statement is from God unless he doubts it first and examines it logically and through the Spirit?
35 Attachment is a very misunderstood concept and is often mistaken for virtue.
36 The principle of atonement releases us from the negative effects of sin or error.
37 We are being indoctrinated with the idea that the basic nature of human kind is evil and the only way around it is to force men and women to do good. And, that we must pass laws to force us to wear seat belts, helmets, obey speed limits, and to abstain from harmless and harmful drugs. Taxes are forced from us to spend on hundreds of give-away projects for our own good whether we agree with them or not.
38 That which creates bondage is sin and freedom is obtained when the truth releases us from sin.
39 If you want to fight then come out in the open and fight; and do not hide behind the words of love, peace and oneness.
40 Have you noticed that most of the true successful people don’t really say much about their success but just go forward and demonstrate it? Yet time and time again people hire financial advisors who have done nothing in their lives but advise and success motivators who have only succeeded at convincing others that they are successful.
41 I personally think that the various holidays are one of the most positive aspects of our world-wide culture. There is always more goodwill during them and people as a whole are more cheerful and reflective of positive things in life. It saddens me when I see a large percentage of them condemned by those with fanatical beliefs calling Halloween evil, Christmas anti-God or Thanksgiving as hypocritical.
42 How can dwelling on Thanksgiving–or the spirit of peace and love at Christmas ever be a bad thing?
43 If you or anyone you know still has even the slightest desire to help your brother or sister then you have not committed the unpardonable sin.
44 When it is written that Jesus saved the world from its sins, the meaning is simply that He left the teachings and example necessary to correct the world from its error in belief and thinking. Most people did not believe a man could rise from the dead. Jesus corrected this error by demonstrating power over death, thus he saved the world from sin in this matter.
45 When we err and discover the error, we, through the Will of God, seek to correct the error.
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