- The Real Beginning
- The Separation Begins
- The Beginning of Form
- Light, Love and Purpose
- The Marriage of Atoms
- The Evolution of the Molecular Relationship
- Human Relationships
- Selecting a Mate
- Sex and Knowing God
- Correct Use of Energy
- The Meeting of The Minds
- The Mystery of Romantic Energy
- Three Keys to Happiness
- Key Two – The Open Mind
- Key Three – Willingness to Give
- The Seven Needs
- Trust
- The Positive and Negative of Feelings
- Turning The Negative Positive
- Children
- Birth Control and Raising Children
- The Molecular Order
- The Male-Female Relationship
- The Human Molecule
- Molecular Principles
- The Spiritual Link
- The Expanding Molecule
- Leadership in the Molecule
- The Middle Way Principle
- The Union of Souls
- The Threshold of History
- The Molecular Commitment
- Preparing For the Return of Christ
- The Covenant of The Three Energies
- Right Use of Money
- Right Use of Power
- The Molecular Business
- The Selection of Key Positions
- Hiring New Employees
- How To Get Employees Involved
- Parable Of Abundance
- Molecular Details
- Molecular Politics
Chapter Seven
Human Relationships
The foundation of the family unit through the establishment of the marriage bond was the foreshadowing of The Molecular Relationship. The one-to-one monogamous relationship has been historically proven to be the most natural and stable one existing among men and women. In this union, the man is like a positive ionic atom who takes a negative ion and together produce a whole with greater properties than either alone have. You could say that a male and female in a good relationship create one human atom, or Adam. These greater properties appear, however, only when there is true union. When this union is consummated, the couple has the power to become as one entity, with much greater strength and power than the one sex alone.
Unfortunately, few ever achieve true union, for about half of all marriages end in divorce. Of the married, surveys reveal that about 75% of all couples are eventually not happy with their marriage, and would leave their relationships if the right opportunity presented itself.
Thus, about 25% of married couples have achieved relative stability and happiness, and therefore have attained a degree of molecular bonding. The creation, or hope of creation, of this simple Molecule (or completed human atom) has been the impetus behind almost all great social evolutionary systems among humanity.
Because of marriage and the resulting family unit, mankind began to build homes and protect the family unit. The gathering of family units created cities. The gathering of cities produced nations. With these gatherings came many governments and business orders, all of which are in some way indebted to the bonded relationships. In one way or another most of the progress mankind has made toward civilization is because of the first Molecular Order: the impetus toward male-female bonds, many of which occur outside of orthodox marriage.
.At this point we may pose this thought for consideration: less than 25% of married couples practice any semblance of molecular relationship and few if any of them have a fullness of sharing. Many of these stable marriages occurred because of chance; that is, the couple were lucky enough to find each other, someone they could live with in relative peace. Even so, this feeble approach to the bonding order of the molecules has stimulated remarkable progress for mankind. Imagine what would happen if mankind successfully followed the order of the atoms and 100% of married couples were successfully bonded. If the present marriage relationship (which is similar to a completed hydrogen atom) can so inspire man and woman, what heights would they attain if they, with conscious effort, sought and practiced the order of the molecules?
Mankind is evolving toward two aspects of The Molecular Relationship. The first involves male and female interrelations and recognizes the physical and psychological differences between man and woman. This includes the sexual relationship.
The second does not involve any physical sex but looks upon male-female combinations as units of energy with either a male or female polarization. These units will unite to eventually form complex Molecular Orders and lift mankind to great heights of consciousness.
All things in manifested form are charged with a surplus of either male or female energy, but by nature the charge should be slight. The division of the form of the human into male and female bodies actually runs contrary to perfect balance and creates a sharp separation that causes trouble for us. By nature, all life forms tend to evolve to hermaphrodite (having both male and female aspects contained in one living unit.)
The atom usually achieves a high degree of balance with its male and female energies and only carries a slight charge, as do the Molecules and cells of our bodies. The cell does not need another cell to fertilize it, but contains within itself the male and female elements necessary to reproduce itself. Thus, it is much more balanced than the human being, who is out of balance when separated from his opposite.
The present separated condition of the sexes in the human and animal kingdom is unnatural, for all such life forms descended from original hermaphrodites and will eventually evolve back to that condition. Unity and balance between male and female energies is the natural condition of joyful livingness.
Man and woman today correspond to the atoms which are called ions, with an overcharge of positive or negative energy. Man is like a positive ion missing an electron and the woman is like a negative ion with an extra electron. A bonding between them produces balance and fullness if there is a correct interplay of energy.
Men and women have seven centers and six are capable of functioning in fullness on their own, but the sacral center (located between the navel and the tailbone), which controls the sex drive, is divided in two energies. Half of the energy of this center is in the female body and half is in the male. When they are joined together in love they produce a completeness and a balance of energy; that is why the sex drive, the impulse to balance one energy with another, is so strong. Men and women feel incomplete in the sacral area.
The sacral center is the only center with only one polarity in a body. The male body has one polarity and the female the other. To the male his polarity feels positive and to the female her polarity feels positive even though they are opposite. When they unite sexually they can each sense a completeness that occurs when both polarities are sensed simultaneously. In this sense they are no longer two, but “one flesh.”
Male and female have both positive and negative polarities in the other centers and do not have such a driving need to unite with the opposite sex to complete themselves. Nevertheless, when the other centers of the male and female share a similar vibration there is a non-possessive transfer of energy that creates high states of joy in both of them.
One male and one female working together in cooperation and love, physically and emotionally, balance each other’s energies. Without each other they are like incomplete atoms. With each other they become as one atom (or “Adam” as the Bible calls them).
A popular teaching states that we are perfect within ourselves and we need no other human being to complete us. As far as being able to live a fulfilling life this is true. Many single people are happy and would have their life no other way. But from a higher point of view, we are not complete until the whole of the human race (and eventually all life in the universe) are united in oneness and this uniting must begin with two people and multiply geometrically.
The male-female unit is the basic building block of the soon-to-be human molecular kingdom. In other words, one plus one equals one. This is why monogamy is the natural state of mankind. It takes the complete sharing of one male and one female to create balance.
In a polygamous situation, for instance, someone is almost always out of balance and, historically, this type of relationship has only been able to exist under the influence of a strong authority. Only through the fear of God, secular laws and authority, or by the sheer power of money has a physical multiple relationship been able to be maintained without some type of open rebellion.
One may ask as to why some of the greatest members of the human race have then practiced it. Among them are Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Isaac, Jacob, Mohammed, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and many others. In addition, many great men, and a few women, in history have carried on multiple relationships outside of marriage with just as close of an association as those who practice plural marriage.
In past ages plural relationships were created for a variety of reasons. Among them are:
(1) Misuse of power.
The person dominating the relationship (usually the male) did not have the patience to perfect a one-on-one relationship so such a person selected multiple mates for his enjoyment. Why? Because he could.
(2) Promiscuousness
In this case the person feels out of balance and unsatisfied because of too strong of an identification with the physical and emotional selves. Such a person has no understanding of the energy flow and is unaware of his unbalanced state.
(3) In rare cases the guides of humanity saw an opportunity to create a channel for the incarnation of advanced entities to serve the race and encouraged their mouthpieces (prophets) to take more than one mate to create a greater number of bodies of high vibration.
This was periodically necessary in more primitive times but in this era it would create more problems than it would solve and overall there is no a lack of quality bodies for the awaiting generation. Individual couples must learn to take the measures necessary raise themselves to the spiritual level necessary to prepare the quality bodies necessary for the coming teachers.
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