The Meeting of The Minds

This entry is part 11 of 40 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Eleven
The Meeting of The Minds

We have covered principles governing the sharing of two out of three of our basic energies: our desire nature and the heart. The full sharing of even these two energies is very rare, but the sharing of all three – desire, heart, and mind – is almost unknown among men and women at present. A union of minds is an almost idealistic goal, but it is one that will soon be achieved by a few advanced souls who will pave the way to complete fulfillment for the rest of humanity. In several hundred more years, this will be a much talked about subject.

Up to now, a complete union of minds usually occurs between a Master such as the Christ and a dedicated disciple; this is sometimes called the second comforter and was mentioned by the Master: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be IN you.” (John 14: 16-17)

The Christ mentioned this principle once again: “Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I WILL COME IN TO HIM, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Rev. 3:20)

The principle described this verse is sometimes referred to as a divine possession, or overshadowing. A member of the Hierarchy such as the Christ or one of the Masters associated with him will project his own mental and living essence to dwell in the body of a disciple for a period of time. During this time, the disciple’s body will house two minds at once and the interplay of energy the disciple will feel will produce sensations of union in a much higher wavelength and intensity than was the union of the heart energies.

It is the destiny of man and woman to eventually receive this, the highest of unions. Presently, highly developed men and women share a small endowment of mental energy, but that interplay they may feel in the mind during lovemaking and other times is generally only a slight foreshadowing to the greater union to come.

The question then naturally arises as to what a couple must do to achieve this, the highest of unions, so man and woman can achieve fulfillment and make love simultaneously in the three worlds of human endeavor.

To share the heart center, the two must be masters over the world of emotion; to share the world of the mind, both must be masters over the mind. To be a mental master, the mind must be subject to all intuitive flashes given to it through the soul. If the mind does not “obey” the higher self and comprehend principles delivered to it, it becomes very limited in its usefulness and eventually becomes destructive. In esoteric language, it becomes “the slayer of the real”. In other words, without the connecting link of the intuition the mind determines that illusion is real, and because it is full of facts and does not understand all true principles, it rejects or “slays” the true reality.

For instance, the mind, relying on facts only, often rejects the idea that a higher power than human exists because it cannot be concretely proven. This reality is then slayed until the seeker intuitively grasps the principle of the One Life. The individual then readjusts the facts to fit the principle and the reality once rejected is brought to life again.

The mind must be led out of deception and illusion through the soul by the power of intuition that connects us with the God Within, the source of all true principles. Then concrete reasoning is directed by the soul. At this point, one still uses freewill to choose to accept or reject the intuitive instruction, and if it is used correctly, then the power of Will is used to direct the mind to comprehend and direct reasoning according to soul impulses.

When two people reach this point, they can finally see “eye to eye” as it is called in the Bible. When a male and female reach this plateau, they can begin to experience celestial sharing of the mind energy. The mental matter that composes the highest part of their aura will intermingle and great will be their union.

To achieve the highest possible union with the opposite sex, a person should approach a relationship from the “top down” (or from the mind down to the body), and not from the “bottom up,” as is the case with most people.

To approach a perspective partner from the top down, one must start the relationship on a mental level; next he proceeds to the emotional energies, and last to the physical union.

The natural approach is to seek first a physical union, and if this is successful, then proceed to higher areas of union. The problem with this latter approach is that a physical relationship entered into without the interplay of the emotions and the mind merely stimulates the sexual energies and makes it much more difficult to focus on the higher energies later. Women instinctively know this is true, even though few are able to logically express the reason in words. Most females are repelled by the male who wants instant sex. She wants to be known at least on an emotional level (desire plane) first. She wants to share some feelings so the physical relationship can have some meaning.

One can tell which energy controls people’s actions by observing how they initiate relationships. If they attempt physical sex at the earliest possible moment, then they are motivated most strongly by sacral energy. If they attempt to win a partner first by sharing romantic or deep emotional feelings, then they are centered in desire or solar plexus energies. If they attempt to first win the partner through the mental sharing of thoughts and ideas with no emotional involvement, then they are centered in the mind. If they attempt to first win the partner through the sharing of pure love or acceptance, as in a close friendship, then the centering is in the heart energies.

Examples Of Higher Sharing

An example of a person centered in the heart energy and initiating a relationship is as follows:

Jim’s consciousness is centered in the heart and is motivated by Love-Wisdom. He meets Sue and is impressed by her, and wants to investigate the possibility of a long-term relationship with her. He finds her physically attractive, but does not like the idea of becoming physically intimate too soon. He may not be able to explain why, but he has always wanted sex to be more than physical gratification.

He also resists the “natural” inclination he feels to capture her emotionally too soon; he feels this would interfere with his judgment as to whether she would truly be a good partner. He sees love as something more than deep emotional involvement. He considers a deep friendship as more important than romantic love.

Even though Jim is very attracted to Sue, he resists the impulse toward physical involvement and first tries to make friends with her, just as he would approach a male that he likes. He feels that if he can look upon her, first, not as a male or female, but as a good friend that he can truly love without romantic attachment, then a permanent relationship can work.

In his friendship with Sue, he often finds himself in situations where he knows he could stimulate in her an emotional-desire love by speaking the right words, or making the right gestures, but these inclinations he resists until the time is right. He wants to first take the friendship to the critical level before moving to a romantic involvement.

He also finds himself in situations where knows he could stimulate Sue’s physical desire for him. There are times when he knows a touch, hug, or squeeze at the right moment would stir desire energies within her. These inclinations he also resists, for the stimulation of these energies would hinder his purpose to an even higher degree.

Jim’s friends think he is a bit odd for not making the “moves” on Sue, for she is very attractive, but he is not concerned about what they think. Jim is most interested in establishing a beautiful relationship.

One person, however, is very impressed, and that is Sue. Sue finds that she is very attracted to Jim, but has not yet become close enough to him emotionally to experience those deep longing feelings that she has had with other men in the past. Yet, she feels that if something could break the ice, she could be closer to Jim emotionally than anyone she has ever met. She finds that she is pleased that Jim respects her enough as a person to establish a non-romantic friendship. She thinks Jim is refreshingly different and waits with quiet anticipation for him to advance the relationship toward a greater involvement.

Finally, the time comes when Jim feels the moment is right. He speaks loving words to Sue. He tells her how much he admires her and wants to get closer to her. He touches and caresses her at the right time and looks in her eyes in ways that expresses his feelings toward her. Waves of desire and intense emotional feelings pass between them and at this moment they enjoy togetherness as they never have before. They have an enjoyment and fullness that is never known between those who begin at the physical or even emotional level and try to move up. By starting at their highest consciousness and moving down, Jim and Sue find they can experience a fullness in three levels of energy.

A second example is of one who is centered in the mental energies:

David is a thinker, a person of ideas. He is a person of logic and reason, and draws much inspiration from the world of the intuition. He often feels like a stranger in a strange land and tires of having to constantly reach down to an emotional level to establish relationships with women. He feels that he usually has only a surface relationship with most of the people he has met. He has never met anyone that he would like to make a permanent bond with, but he is always looking.

One day he met Elizabeth. He had a short conversation with her and found her stimulating, so he decided to check out the possibility of further involvement.

Even though she is very attractive, an immediate physical relationship is the last thing on his mind. He finds that he is not the slightest bit tempted to explore that area yet.

Elizabeth is also a person of strong feelings and David can sense this, but he consciously avoids any action or speech to stimulate those feelings, for he knows that a too-soon emotional involvement will often fog the mind so one cannot view a relationship in correct perspective.

David is not even interested in establishing a deep friendship even though he senses that this could be done quite quickly. A deep friendship may have the disadvantage of pulling his mind the wrong direction if this girl is not what he is looking for.

And what is David looking for?

David has been a searcher all his life, always looking for new truth and ever seeking to expand his consciousness. He has a strong sense of mission and seeks someone to help him accomplish the directions given to him by his soul. He will be interested in Elizabeth if she is a true seeker of light and truth.

He decides to test Elizabeth’s response and seeks another encounter with her. He asks her some questions and explains to her some of his philosophy and life goals. He finds that she is very interested and curious. She asks him many questions on various topics she has wondered about throughout her life and is stimulated by David’s answers.

David is now convinced that Elizabeth is a true seeker and may help him fulfill his life’s purpose. He begins to establish a deep friendship with her. Then, when the time is right, he proceeds downward from the heart energies, just as Jim did. Finally, when they begin their physical relationship, the two make a bonding covenant and are joined together for time indefinite through the energies of the soul.

David and Elizabeth experience a sharing of energies felt by few people on the earth and seek for a fullness of sharing at all four energy levels. The degree they both share is dependent upon the sensitivity of both to the energies of the soul and spirit. Generally speaking, the sharing of both cannot be much higher than the degree of soul contact experienced by the weaker partner. Thus, if Elizabeth is at a lower level of consciousness than David, David will have much incentive to lift her up for the benefit of both. Only by lifting her consciousness can David share in the highest energies with her.

After the bonding is consummated, David and Elizabeth share not only the energies of the heart and mind to a high degree, but also experience emotional and physical fulfillment that is felt by few. Highly evolved people seek not for fulfillment on spiritual levels only, but view all levels as one great chord where all the notes must vibrate to product harmony. The physical and emotional notes are to be played as well as the higher ones.

The physical and emotional worlds are as much of a creation of God as are the higher worlds, and when all creation is viewed as one, all things are spiritual. All energies are spiritual if they are directed toward the evolutionary path. To be evolutionary, the physical and emotional energies must adjust their vibration so they are in harmony with the heart and mind energies.

Highly evolved entities tune the chord of their energies from the highest to the lowest, and thus all the notes in the energy chord can vibrate harmoniously. If one tries to tune from the physical to the higher notes, the whole chord will sound off key and total fulfillment will be impossible.

All energies and creations vibrating in their pure state are good. It is only the inharmonious mixture or blending that produces poorly sounding chords.

We have stated that the desire nature must be directed and subjected to the higher energies of the heart, mind, and soul before the individual can correctly use those energies and proceed to higher levels of consciousness. If one is controlled by lower desires, a limit has then been placed on progression on the Path.

There are two basic desires seeking for mastery over the consciousness. The first is the desire of the lower or false self. When we speak of mastering desire, we speak of this. Second, there is the desire of the higher or true self. This is sometimes referred to as the Spirit or God Within.

As we evolve, we will find that these two desires are often in conflict. However, a person of low evolution will be almost entirely ruled by lower selfish desires. As progress is made, the higher desires are felt and they seem to conflict with the lower. Seekers fear they will have to sacrifice the wants of the false self and thus are slow to hearken to the impulses of the higher desires. However, the magnetic pull of the higher self increases, and sooner or later the aspirant yields to spiritual desire which leads to union. When this happens, one finds that the lower desires are not extinguished, but are instead put under the direction of the higher energies and the fulfillment of all desire is enjoyed with a greater degree of exquisiteness.

The desires of the lower self include all desires for the separated self, where the person disregards the group good. Lower desires are usually based on the physical or emotional need of one or two individuals and are often called personality needs. Higher desires do not concern personalities but souls, and in this realm one soul is as important as another. Those who are governed by lower desire seek to do their own little wills. Those who are governed by higher desire seek to say with the Christ: “Father, not my will, but thine be done.”

When the lower desires govern decision-making, the Son of God that is within each of us is bound in chains and has no freedom of expression. When the higher desires govern decision-making, the Son of God is released from prison and sits upon the throne to direct the lower self to greater expression and fulfillment. Thus, the whole self becomes free. This is one of the meanings of the injunction: “He who seeks to save his life (lower self) shall lose it (not find what he is seeking) and he who shall lose his life for my sake shall find it.” When we yield up (or lose) the lower self to the higher, we find the greatest expression of the whole.

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Correct Use of Energy

This entry is part 10 of 40 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Ten
Correct Use of Energy

We now are laying a foundation of knowledge that will help us understand what is good and evil in sex, but one more important point must be understood: We must define the core principle behind that which produces good and that which produces evil.

Since we are in a state of evolution, good is that which tends to accelerate us toward union with God and/or our fellow men and women.

Evil is that which causes us to separate ourselves from God, our souls, or our fellow men and women.

It has been said that there is only one sin . . . the sin of separateness.

Does this mean that we should have sex with anyone who is willing in the hope that we can share a union with many souls and move away from separateness? No. This idea is part of a great illusion. Casual sex leads to separateness and greatly hinders union in the three worlds. Therefore, it is “evil”, or a mistake. The commandments given in the scriptures condemn casual sex because the Guides of the race know that it leads to separateness and not union.

When a person engages in casual sex with whoever is willing, there is generally only a sharing of the sacral energies and sometimes a partial sharing of solar plexus energies.

When a person is more selective about his sex partners and tries to pick only those with whom he feels some affinity or “love” toward, then there can be close to a full sharing of both sacral and solar plexus centers.

Most of humanity have settled for this second level of fulfillment. We feel inside that there is something more, but know not how to obtain it. It is like a dream that we are prepared to not have fulfilled. As seekers evolve, however, they find that their deep feelings were not a dream and when they taste the joys of the higher unions, they find that nothing in heaven or hell will stop them from finding the right mate and entering into the full joy of the Lord.

Before a person can enter into the higher unions, certain laws must be followed. The joys of God are not found on the broad path, but on the so-called “straight and narrow”. Before there can be a union of the heart centers, the aspirant must learn to master the emotional energy streaming from the solar plexus. This emotional energy must be subject to the control of the mind. Before the mind energies can be shared, the mind must be dominated by the intuition. The mind must be subject to the control of the soul energies, or the God Within. The mind must not “slay the real” with its concrete reasoning, but must be subject to seeing and understanding the real and the true as presented through the intuition, or communication from the God Within, the source of all true principles.

Those who only shared solar plexus and sacral energies yet desire to also enjoy heart energies, they must do two things. First, they must find mates who are at the correct point of evolution, as previously discussed.

Secondly, the indiviidual must subject all the desire energy of the solar plexus to the control of the mind. Only in this way can the blazing fires of the desire center be sublimated and directed to the heart. The heart energy then circulates and much greater union becomes possible.

To circulate and blend the heart energies during and after sex, a strong commitment or understanding must be made and faithfully kept between the male and female. Sex without a commitment or bond only stimulates the desire energies, which drown out the finer vibrations of the heart. This is why the revelations from God to man have always encouraged him to make covenants with his mate and have put great emphasis on not breaking them. These commandments about the sex act were designed to inspire greater union.

Without a boding commitment, or strong understanding, the desire energy overshadows the heart energy. Secondly, without a commitment, there cannot be a full sharing, even if some heart energies are active; strong desire energies feed many personality fears that cause partners to throw up walls of protection from hurt. These are walls of separation. Without a covenant and trust, people fear union and fear to share all their energies because if those energies are suddenly withdrawn, great hurt automatically follows. Thus, all those who have casual sex with no commitment create barriers of negative energy that militate against a full sharing of the heart – all because they are afraid of being hurt.

To prepare oneself for a full sharing, one must mentally accept the possibility of being hurt, be prepared to deal with it if it comes, and then dismiss it from the mind. Then one must make a covenant (marriage or private covenant) with someone whom he or she believes they can trust. Then they should make a concentrated effort to lower all the protective walls and maintain a full communication and sharing. If both parties feel secure in their covenant, are matched with the correct mate, and control desire by honoring their agreement, they may experience the sharing of the higher heart energies. During intercourse, they should make a concentrated effort to release the pure energies of love from the heart with no inhibition.

In some cases, there may be a sharing with no vocalized covenant. The understanding both parties have with each other may create the same trusting effect as a covenant. For instance, both parties may have a silent understanding that they will be faithful to each other. The soul may look upon this in the same way it looks upon a covenant, but it is rare for a silent understanding to create the same effect as a vocalized covenant, which creates spheres of trust and understanding.

In another light, we can say that to raise the sharing energies to the heart center, sex, as well as other energies, must be directed toward Purpose. Purpose is the unifying energy of God and Purpose is only expressed in actions that lead toward union with God or union with each other, which leads toward God. Purpose is like an eternal stairway where each action is a step which leads to another and still another without end, until Union is achieved. If you see an action ending with only one, two or three steps, then you know that action fills a finite objective and does not represent the true energy of Purpose.

On the other hand, if an action is only one step on an unlimited stairway with no end in sight Purpose is being represented.

If one has sex to merely fulfill desire, then the steps created by the action shortly reach an end and the objective is fulfilled. The energy is then dissipated and sent back to the solar plexus center where the energy of desire is recharged and sent out again on a blind mission seeking fulfillment.

When the energy of desire is controlled by the mind and the mind is directed by the soul, then the desire energy is directed upward toward the heart and head, and this creates a step on the eternal stairway of Purpose; thus, heart energy begins to circulate and two people may share a higher union enveloped in the Love of God. Once it is felt in fullness, desire will never hold the pilgrims completely in its chains again. They will see the benefits of mastering desire. Even a spiritual person must see some benefit before proceeding upon the path of return.

Very few people ever completely master desire as it is expressed through sex, money, and power because the energies directed toward separateness and selfishness are strong indeed. To be mastered, all desire connected with these energies must be directed by the mind toward the greatest universal good one’s consciousness can comprehend.

Concerning sex, the solar plexus will say: “I have desire-love toward you; therefore, it is good that we join together in sex.”

The mind directed by the soul will sense this language of the lower energies as saying: “I desire you because you fulfill some of my needs and I want you to fulfill that desire not tomorrow, but now.”

If the mind’s translation is correct, then sex will not produce a sharing of the heart energies, for only an object of satisfaction is sought, and there is no connection with the eternal stairway of Purpose. To make this connection, the mind directed by the soul must say: “I will have sex with you when I see a possibility of making the act a step on the eternal stairway of Purpose. I will have sex when eternal union with no walls is the goal. This can only be insured by a timeless covenant. When this is the case, the energies of pure unselfish Love will surround us and we will achieve fulfillment few humans have known.”

Concerning money, the solar plexus will say: “I want to provide for my family and give them all the finer things in life they deserve; I want my children to have those things I never had as a child”.

The mind directed by the soul will interpret this as: “You want money only for your own pleasure. Even the things you want for your family are so you can have greater personal fulfillment. Your goals concerning money are mere objectives that will have a separative end. . .

To direct money toward Purpose, one must seek a way to use it so it does the greatest good for the largest number of people. It is true that one must have enough money for personal and family needs before giving to other causes, but one must raise higher than just personal gratification if to fulfill Purpose and control desire. The individual must seek some action with surplus money that will in some way, great or small, benefit the whole world, and aid mankind toward the path of Union. A covenant can also apply toward money and aid in the conquest of desire. To achieve this, a person can make a strong individual or group commitment or promise to consecrate all his surplus money to some effort that will further the evolutionary development of mankind. This is a completely selfless act and tends to transmute the lower desire energies into heart energies that can lead to oneness.

Concerning power, the solar plexus will say: “I want power to assert myself in areas where I have leadership abilities and to have the freedom, I need to carry out responsibilities related to these abilities. People like myself are natural leaders. Others need us to direct and guide them.”

The mind directed by the soul will interpret this as: “My desire nature seeks freedom for its own expression only, even at the expense of others. It wants to feed its pride and be recognized by men and women as being important and special. It wants to exert authority over other men and women even against their will, believing that it knows what’s good for them better than they know themselves.”

To direct power toward Purpose, disciples must use whatever authority they possess to serve and not command service. They must ever remember the injunction of the Master: “He who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven is the servant of all.” They should use any power they have to serve and benefit the whole human race as much as possible – not just the insignificant self. The power and authority people have must not be under the direction of their desire nature, or they will become as the unrighteous dictator over a tiny realm. A man or woman’s power must be under the direction of the mind and under the influence of the soul. This will aid the transmuting of solar plexus energy to the heart.

All disciples must master the three energies of sex, money, and power and subject the solar plexus desires concerning them by the power of the mind, or else they will be “damned” (or stopped) in their progression and unable to move ahead in the realm of the soul.

For each person, there is one particular energy upon which desires are most centered and will be his greatest “temptation” to overcome. Some people are very generous and unselfish with their money, but are very selfish with sex and love. Others have no problem with sex, but have a strong desire to control and dictate to others. In still others, money is their major ruin. All people have some pull from their desire nature to use all three energies incorrectly, but there is always one that is a special problem to them.

Of the three energies, sex is the hardest to put in the right perspective because error in the misuse of sex is difficult to pinpoint and realize. Few have all the money and power they want but most have opportunities to misuse sex, and sooner or later we are all tempted to do so.

The sex urge is basically the urge toward union with the Divine. It is that power that attracts spirit and matter and creates form for incarnating lives. All lives that do not express desire in the sexual relationship yet follow the natural flow of nature are under no “sin.” The problems concerning sex are always centered around that part of humanity that has little or no initiative to subject desire to the mind.

Keep in mind that it is important to control he desire nature, but to not suppress. Suppression of desire is very dangerous, for a desire suppressed will always surface again with greater strength. When desire is controlled and directed by the mind under direction of the soul, it is not suppressed. Often desire will be less inhibited than ever, for the mind is wise enough to always find an outlet for desire and recognizes that desires should be fulfilled according to law, but they must be directed so their expression is constructive and harmless. To become harmless, the desire nature must be checked periodically by the mind and then redirected in paths of greater fulfillment.

A person whose desires are not subject to the mind/soul will always feel somewhat unsatisfied whereas one who subjects his desires will ironically have greater and more intense fulfillment of them.

It is a giant step in the progression of the soul for one to control desire with the mind which is linked to the soul. It is a difficult step, but it produces a giant leap in the expansion of consciousness of the individual, and places him in spiritual contact with a group of other lives who have “overcome”. The feeling of loneliness one sometimes feels begins to fade and is replaced by a group life force. Now the intuition begins to develop at a fast pace, and the person begins to gain power to initiate spiritual causes. Thus, he or she is called a disciple as well as an initiate.

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Sex and Knowing God

This entry is part 9 of 40 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Nine
Sex and Knowing God

As we arrive at the cusp of the New Age men and women are asking questions about the right use of sex as they never have before. Many have broken off from the authority syndrome and are trying to decide for themselves concerning the use of sex.

Let us shed some light on this subject which has, in the past, been approached with such philosophical obscurity. To comprehend the answers, one must understand the purpose of marriage and sex as it applies to man and woman.

The Bible gives us some help here. In the Old Testament Hebrew two words are translated as “man.” The first is ADAM and the second is IYSH. ADAM is sometimes translated as “man” and sometimes literally as “Adam.” ADAM is not the name of a person, but of a racial being that is the hermaphroditic combination of male and female in the image of God: “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called THEIR name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Gen 5:2 On the other hand, the word IYSH refers to the single male only.

The word ADAM should not have been translated “man” as IYSH was for it refers to a certain type of man. Genesis 2:26-27, where we have a description of the sixth creation day, is an example of ADAM being translated as “man” in all Bibles. Let’s transliterate ADAM as it reads in the Hebrew as “Adam” and see how it reads: “And God said, Let us make Adam in our image, after our likeness…So God created Adam in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

This scripture is especially interesting when we read it in the light of the next chapter which tells us that “on the seventh day God ended his work…” Gen 2:2 On the seventh day, then, we are told that the “end” or last work of God was the creation of woman. She was taken out of the man and brought to him: “And Adam said, This is the bone of my bones, and the flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Gen 2:23-24

If woman was not created until the seventh day then who was the female mentioned as existing during the sixth day?

The amazing answer as we shall illustrate is that the male and female were united in one body during the sixth day and were divided in two on the seventh day.

Enlightenment on this mystery is revealed in the Hebrew word for God. In the first part of Genesis ELOHIYM is used. This is a strange word because it is plural and has been literally translated as “Gods.” The mystifying part is that it is used with a singular verb. In other words, if the first part of Genesis were translated literally it would read: “In the beginning Gods creates the heavens and the earth.” Translators have generally used God (singular) for ELOHIYM because of the belief in one God and it also goes with the verb. On the contrary, we know that God is not singular because later it reads: “And God (ELOHIYM) said, Let US make ADAM in our image…” Thus, we see that God is more than one entity and Adam was made in its (or their) image.

How is God plural? This is indicated in the word itself. The first part of the word is EL and is masculine and means “strong.” The second part of the word is thought to come from ALAH which means “to covenant.” This part of the word is feminine. It also is thought by some scholars to correspond to the name of the Muslim God “Allah.” If we place the meanings together, we can say that ELOHIYM, or God, means “strong covenant.”

If we add the fact that the male and female genders in the word indicate the “us” that makes the word plural are a male and female united we can say that God, or ELOHIYM, is “a male and female united through a strong covenant.”

Verily, this is the power that created the heavens and the earth and, in this light, the first verse of Genesis could be translated as: “In the beginning male and female energies united by strong covenants (or bonds) to create the heavens and the earth.”

This agrees with our previous statement that all manifested form was created through the marriage of opposing energies symbolized by the one wavelength.

Genesis continues and tells us that God made Adam in his own image “male and female created he them.”

God, who is male and female united by a strong covenant, created Adam, who was the image of God, or male and female united by a strong covenant…

This first Adam was created out of the non-physical (from the human point of view) ethers and was like a living cell with male and female united into one. He was a reflection of the Divine Hermaphrodite God with all the capabilities of reproduction.

The “Fall” occurred shortly after man was divided into two sexes. At this point, his energies became out of balance and the Adams fell away from the powers of godliness that was their divine right. These powers can only be regained by a person cleaving (making a strong covenant) unto his opposing energy and becoming “one flesh” as they were before the fall.

The greatest of masters, the Christ, made a comment on this: “The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, ‘Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?’ And he answered and said unto them, ‘Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them (the Adams) male and female (hermaphrodites), And said, For this cause (because they were in the beginning male and female in one) shall a man leave father and mother (leave the separate duality), and shall cleave unto his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore, God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

“They say unto him, ‘Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away?’

“He saith unto them, ‘Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.’” (Matt. 19:3-8)

Jesus understood the fact that man was in the beginning a hermaphrodite, that male and female could not get divorced and that man must eventually evolve back to that state. To initiate evolution in that direction, male and female must unite themselves through a strong covenant like the ELOHIYM and represent, as close as possible, “the image of God”.

To make such a strong covenant that can survive even death and continue into eternity, God must join the couple together. When the two are both at the correct state of evolution so they can balance each other’s energies, they can, as previously stated, receive a soul confirmation on each other. Without this godlike confirmation, God has not placed them together and divorce may actually be advisable. But if the confirmation is received, then a marriage covenant should be made that should never be broken by the will of man, for what God puts together should only be separated by God, if separated at all.

The marriages throughout the world should be rearranged so each one is confirmed by the powers of godliness working through the soul; then they should not be separated by the little wills of man, but should seek continually the divine male and female union as if in the image of God.

Jesus continues to expand this principle: “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication (her heart is not with her husband), and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away (unjustly) doth commit adultery. (See previous explanation). His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.

“But he saith unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. For there are some eunuchs (those who do not marry the opposite sex including gays) which were born from their mothers’ womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men (men who were castrated or have physical impairment): and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.” (Matt. 19:9-12)

The third category of eunuchs are those who have not received a soul confirmation to marry yet retain all their procreative parts; in other words, they have not been joined together by God to the opposite sex. Jesus said that all people cannot “receive this saying” or incorporate it into their lives, but those who cannot find a suitable marriage partner for an eternal bond, and are spiritually minded, should be a Eunuch for the Kingdom of God. He should covenant not to marriage but toward the kingdom of God and fulfilling the purposes of God. To be a true eunuch, he would abstain from sexual intercourse until God, through his soul, joins him with a marriage partner.

As Jesus said this concept is not for everyone who is single, but only those who are “able’ to receive it. Nevertheless, he who does become a eunuch for the kingdom of God will obtain great power to focus his spiritual energies.

What is the core principle as to what is right and wrong with sex? Humanity has long cried out for an answer and none has been delivered. Nevertheless, mankind needs to know, for if he has not a sure guide, he will not be able to choose correctly and will always follow the path of least resistance. To tell a person who desires sex that “God thinks it’s a sin” does not carry the needed weight in this enlightened age. Therefore, let us seek the true principle.

In ancient days, sexual intercourse was described by the Hebrew word YADA, or the Greek work GINOSKO, which meant “to know”. When a man had sex with a woman, he was said to have “known” her. Here are several examples: “Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And KNEW (GINOSKO) her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus.” (Matt. 1: 24-25)

“And Adam KNEW (YADA) Eve his wife, and she conceived and bare Cain.” (Gen. 4:1)

“And Cain KNEW his wife and she conceived…” (Gen. 4:17)

“And Adam KNEW his wife again and she bare a son, and called his name Seth.” (Gen. 4:25)

This word is especially revealing when we examine its use in the following verse: “And this is life eternal, that they might KNOW (GINOSKO) thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3)

Other references are: “Then Manasseh KNEW that the Lord he was God.” (II Chron 33:13)

“They KNEW he was the Christ.” (Luke 4:41)

“Be still and KNOW that I am God.” (Psalms 46:10)

“All shall (eventually) KNOW me, from the least to the greatest.” (Heb. 8:11)

“I am the good shepherd, and KNOW my sheep, and am KNOWN of mine. As the Father KNOWETH me, even so KNOW I the Father.” (John 10:14-15)

All these quotations are translated from the same equivalent Hebrew or Greek word.

Why was the ancient method of expressing sexual intercourse the same as that used for establishing spiritual intercourse with God or the Christ? Is there something similar about a person knowing his opposite and man knowing God?

Christ even presents an interesting correspondence of sex when he says: “If any man hear my voice and open the door, I WILL COME IN TO HIM, and will sup with him and he with me.” (Rev 3:20)

When a man has sex with a woman there is produced union of the divided sacral energies. This produces a “knowing” of each other, a high physical sensation. Since each of us are a part of the projection of God, then we can know God by knowing our other half that completes that projection. The two halves are united and we finally know the whole, or the “one flesh” in the physical sense.

The sacral and the solar plexus centers, which influence our desire energies, unite during the average sexual act and produce high physical and emotional stimulation during above-average sex.

These two, however, are the lowest centers of feeling and are a mere reflection of the feelings of God, or the feelings of our highest attainable human consciousness.

The next major center, which is higher than the sacral and solar plexus centers, is the heart center, which projects love-wisdom energies. It is the center of the Christ consciousness and sends out the energy of pure unselfish love. Less than 10% of humanity are able to have interplay of a significant degree with this center, but those who do will know the meaning of spiritual sex. The sensations and knowing are on a higher plane. The feelings are much more spiritual and the sensations much more fulfilling. Those who do not share the heart energies will always feel that something is lacking in their sex life even if they reach a full physical climax with each act. They will have a sense that there something greater that could be obtained.

The sharing of the heart energies in their fullness is higher in exquisiteness than the sharing of the lower energies, just as the moon is brighter than the stars in light.

The highest major area to be shared is the head centers, or the world of the mind. The heart centers can be shared when people advance into the higher use of the mind. These people understand how to work with mental substance and have learned the use of common sense and unselfish love. The head centers cannot be shared to a great degree until both parties move up to the world of the intuition where they become one in vision. Here they open up communication with the God Within and commune with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, a great trinity of sharing. These sensations are higher than any sexual experience man has imagined. The mind sensations are higher than the heart just as the sun is higher than the moon, and a grand celestial knowing and union at three levels are experienced that goes far beyond any result produced by physical sex alone.

When a couple have known each other on these three levels, their consciousness has then together entered the presence of God. This conscious sharing from the solar plexus, heart and head energies then continues at all times when they act and think in oneness, even when they are not having sex. The sexual act merely serves as a source of recharging these energies and to remind the couple of the threefold union they should share 24 hours a day, even in each other’s absence.

This, then, is the ideal that all men and women are driven to seek: Union in the three worlds until the presence of God is entered, and Christ and eventually the Father come into the union and “sup” with them. The Father and the Son will be one and we will be one with them.

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Selecting a Mate

This entry is part 8 of 40 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Eight
Selecting a Mate

People of the world today are greatly deceived into thinking that any two people can get along and be happy together if they both put forth effort, compromise and adapt. All marriage manuals, courses and counselors put much faith and energy into this idea and disregard the all-important principle of selecting the right mate to begin with. Humanity seems to have ignored this point as a key to happiness.

While it is true that all people want to marry someone they love, they have no guiding principles to use that will assure them they will actually be happy. If they marry the wrong person, they will find that no amount of Herculean effort will bring stability to the marriage. They will find themselves in the most miserable of all circumstances. Even many apparently stable marriages are made of couples who have resigned themselves to their fate because of fear: fear of breaking religious or society rules, fear of being alone, fear of a lowered standard of living, fear of hurting the children, etc.

In understanding the guiding principle of mate selection, we must comprehend the difference between male and female energies, especially as they apply to human beings. The idea of examining differences between the guiding energies of males and females has been greatly dumbed down by the current politically correct society, yet this ever remains a key of understanding that leads to stable relationships. Unless this difference is realized and incorporated in mate selection, at least 50% of marriages will start off destined to doom just because of the law of averages.

The Apostle Paul understood the difference and wrote around the idea in one of the most controversial and misunderstood passages in the Bible. He said: “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.” (Ephesians 5:22-24) A corresponding admonition to Eve in Genesis says: “Thy desire shall be subject to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” (Genesis 3:16)

Many persons are unable to examine these scriptures objectively because they attribute their origination to the narrow-minded views of a male dominated society on women prevalent during that period. They reason that since Paul grew up in a male hierarchy, he wrote to conform to the thinking of that day. This is true to an extent, but we must not make the same mistake as many accuse Paul of doing: we must not miss the underlying truth he is presenting because our pre-conceived views produce narrow-mindedness.

Paul explains that this subject introduced is “a great mystery”. Part of that great mystery is the basic difference between male and female energies, and they are indeed different.

Paul said that wives should submit to their husbands as the head even as the husband submits to the Christ. This is probably the most misunderstood and abused scripture in the Bible. Liberated women of today instinctively rebel against subjection and rightfully shun the fundamentalist teaching of male totalitarian dominion. Paul had no intention of establishing family dictatorships, for he was speaking of male and female energies, BOTH OF WHICH EXIST IN EACH PHYSICAL SEX.

Male energy is the sending, or radiant, energy. Female energy is the receiving, or magnetic, energy. The mind is polarized as a male energy, emotional energy is female; therefore, the male has the energies that send, control and direct and teach, whereas the female has energies that receives, learn and are intelligently controlled and directed to obtain stability. On a physical level, the male is the sower of the seed, the female is the receiver of the seed and conceives. On a mental level, the male is the initiator of ideas through his mental energies; the female nurtures and grows the fruit of his ideas through her emotional energies; the fluid (emotions) of her mental “womb”, which creates form, provides nourishment for their creation, the child of their combined energies. Through the mental intercourse between male and female energy, powerful thought (male) forms (female) are created. The old saying, “Behind every great man is a great woman” reveals the truth of the interaction of these energies.

This is even true when the physical female is dominate in a male society. She dominates through male energy, and if she has a male companion he becomes female to her even though he has a male body.

Before proceeding let me stress again that both biological males and females have within them both energies, but biological males tend to have more male energy and females more of the female. We’ll elaborate more on this later.

The interplay of male and female energies create balance throughout the universe. One is not greater than the other. They are two equal aspects of the one energy of Purpose. Is one half of the wavelength more important than the other? Of course not.

In fact, these two energies have their own spheres of dominance. In the physical world the male is dominate which is evidenced by his stronger body. With rare exceptions, his strength easily enables him to overcome the female, if he so desires.

However, in the next sphere of livingness, the world of feeling, the female is heavily dominate. Her emotional strength is much stronger than the male and when the female uses this energy as a lever in the relationship the male usually feels overwhelmed and will yield to the female despite his superior physical strength.

Then again the male energy dominates on the next level, the mental. This is why there are more male engineers, mathematicians, inventors and jobs that require pure mental calculations.

But then again, the female dominates on the next level still which is the intuitive. The female is much more sensitive to higher perceptions beyond the mind as well as much more believing of things the mind cannot explain.

Thus, we can see that among these four levels of consciousness and perception that the dominance of the two energies is very equalized.

It is true that at various points in time one or the other energy is dominate. During periods of involution (descent into matter), female energy is dominate, and during evolution (ascent out of matter), male energy is dominate. Female energy draws us into matter and creates form, as did Eve symbolically draw Adam and the world into matter and form by eating of the forbidden fruit, which is called the Fall of Man. Male energy pulls us out of matter into spirit, as did the Christ in allowing himself to be crucified so that he could raise the physical body to the plane of the spirit. Both directions are necessary to fulfill the Plan of God in bringing about the creative purpose of the Sonship.

The female energy takes us into the world of experience, and, after we have played and experimented in the “playground of the Gods,” the male energy takes us back home.

We must remember that each of us possesses both of these energies no matter which body we occupy. We all play out roles of being both sender and receiver, but our souls are attracted to either a male or female body in a certain life because, at a certain point in time, our life force is charged or polarized in that direction. This charge fluctuates in us all from life to life. Thus, if one presently finds herself in a female body, this is an indication that her soul needs to be polarized in that energy to achieve maximum progress and fulfillment through learning and receiving. If one finds himself in a male body, then he will be a sender, initiator, and teacher to satisfy his soul direction. To achieve complete fulfillment, however, we must balance and use both energies within us. The fact that we find ourselves in either a male or female body is merely a statement of our soul’s intention that one or the other energy should be dominant, and that we should place our attention there.

Paul clearly explains how this subjection of female to male energy is to occur. (It is unfortunate that conservative religions have used his teachings as an excuse to deny the female her freedom of expression and limit her freedom of agency and movement).

Paul tells wives to submit to their husbands “as unto the Lord” and “as the church (form) is subject to Christ (spirit).” In viewing this scripture, all religions have overlooked the all-important point that a woman cannot submit herself to her husband as unto the Lord if her husband is in a lower state of spiritual evolution than herself. In a marriage relationship, the mate who is at the highest point of progression automatically assumes the role of the sending male energy and becomes the initiator-sender between the two. If a woman, then, marries a man who is at a lower point in evolution and submits herself to him, this corresponds to error of Christ submitting himself to the Church. It would obviously be wrong for Christ to do this because neither party would benefit or progress.

The Church has nothing to teach Christ and loses its spiritual life when it tries to assume His role. Unfortunately, this is currently the case. The Church tries to conform the teachings of Christ to its ends and dominion rather than the other way around. Consequently, the spiritual life within many churches is virtually non existent.

How many spiritually evolved women have been commanded by their religious teachers to submit to their husbands who are less intelligent than themselves? By the law of averages, about 50% of all women pick such mates and by submitting to them, they find themselves in a very uncomfortable and unfulfilling position. Because they are more evolved, they find themselves automatically in the position of the sender-male trying to submit to their husbands, who are receiver-females. Thus, neither party in the relationship is able to balance their energies and both are unhappy no matter how close their personality interests are and how much they strive for harmony.

Woman, by nature, must eventually put her attention on balancing her receiving energies to receive fulfillment and fullness of joy in marriage and other relationships. Since the male energies are those which are leading us toward evolution, then she ideally should find a mate, or sender, that she can receive evolutionary inspiration from. Therefore, to fulfill her destiny, a woman must find a male energy more spiritually evolved than herself or else she cannot become a receiver as the church is a receiver from Christ.

We realize that within one short lifetime that this is not possible for all. Nevertheless, if the female finds herself in a sending position it is much better for her to play out this role of the male energy rather than trying to submit to a male of lower evolution.

This point is of extreme importance, for the abuse of it is the root cause of a high percentage of all married couples being unsatisfied. If each female made it a point to marry a man more spiritually evolved than herself to enable her to become a willing receiver, the marriage success rate would jump exponentially, most probably to around 75%. A success rate higher than this is improbable, for about 25% of all men and women cannot be happy with anyone and do not have the temperament to establish a good bonding relationship. Nevertheless, 75% is a great improvement over 25%. The application of this one principle alone could almost bring in the millennium of peace envisioned by Christianity.

Paul explains the type of relationship the husband should have with the wife: “Husband, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water by the word . That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” (Eph 5:25-27) Just as Christ must be more spiritually evolved than the church before he can “sanctify” and teach it, so must the husband have higher knowledge and spirituality and be able to teach his wife if he is to play the role of the sender.

This does not mean that the male species is more evolved as a whole than the female, but it does mean that to find fulfillment, the individual female should find a male more spiritually evolved (or close to being equal) than herself if she is to find a stable, completely fulfilling marriage bond. One can still have a reasonable marriage relationship with the roles reversed, but we are looking for the optimum here.

Female energies are receiving energies and if she is united with a male that cannot send to her, then she will find that she must take. When the female finds herself in a taking situation, she often does so quite forcefully to the consternation of both herself and her mate. Her energies force her to be a receiver or taker. She becomes unstable if she resists this natural energy flow.

The male finds himself in a position of either being a natural sender in the relationship or of having his energies “taken” from him. He finds that his soul directs him to be a sender one way or another: either by giving it or by having the female take from him. If he resists this energy flow, he is unstable.

True fulfillment only comes when the male is the natural sender and the female the natural receiver.

To achieve this fulfillment, two things must happen:

First, men and women seeking mates must recognize their natural energy flow and the female must seek a male who is at an equal or higher point of evolution than herself. Thus, the haphazard and random mate selection of today must be replaced by a more scientific one. People must learn to judge with a fair degree of effectiveness the pure intelligence of potential marriage partners. Once it is known what to look for, the female will realize that she cannot be fully satisfied with a man who cannot naturally send to her.

Secondly, the whole marriage order should be altered. About 50% of married couples are unhappy because they are with the wrong mate. The solution, as we pointed out, is not a marriage course or counseling. The solution, unfortunately, is a rather drastic one (from society’s point of view): divorce, and remarriage to mates that balance their energies.

“But”, says the objector, “divorce is bad. It breaks up families, hurts people and is hard on the children…”

In many cases this is true. Many children are sacrificed for selfish purposes when the only real reason for a break up is a desire for a new experience. On the contrary, a bad marriage is worse than divorce. No stable family is created, individuals are hurt daily, and it is much more damaging for the children than living with a single responsible parent.

Each woman should examine her mate and ask: Am I unhappy because I am unable to receive from him? Men should ask: Am I unfulfilled because I cannot send to her? If the answer is “yes”, then one should strongly consider divorce and remarriage. If children are involved, such a decision is doubly difficult and it may be wise to delay the separation for  a time, but it must be realized that an imbalance of energy affects the children and that a divorce and correct remarriage will actually benefit them. Under the influence of balanced energies, the children will tend to be more stable.

In the case of a divorce both parents should do all in their power to see that the children are under the influence of both a mother and a father. It is sad that in many cases one parent will be vindictive and sabotage the relationship of the other spouse with the children. This can create a no-win situation.

Nevertheless, a black and white attitude in this and all matters should be avoided. The soul may direct a person to stay with a mate for overriding reasons, but generally, the short period of pain following a divorce is nothing compared to the daily pain of a bad marriage on all family members.

In selecting a spouse, the female should not only choose one of equal or higher evolution, but also one fairly close to her own consciousness. If there is a large gap in evolution between husband and wife, even if the husband is more evolved than the wife, there will also be problems and the bond will be weak. In the case where the man marries a woman too far below him, he will be unable to give to her in fullness because she will not fully appreciate what he has to offer. If we correspond the evolution of mankind with the numbers one through ten, then we will find that males who are a 10 should marry an 8, 9 or 10. If he were to marry a 6 or lower, there would be a gap that would prevent the formation of a strong bond and a stable human Molecule becomes impossible.

If a female feels she is a 10 and cannot find a man of higher evolution, yet feels she must get married, then she should select a man as close to herself as possible in progression. Not everyone will find complete fulfillment in relationships in any one life, even if they have complete knowledge, but that knowledge can lead them toward a fullness of joy that their soul cannot withhold from them if they do not cease seeking.

The female who is a 9 or 10 in evolution and cannot find a sending physical male will find her spiritual fulfillment and balance in higher contacts that she will make that may lie outside of marriage.

A major objection many may have to divorce will be on religious beliefs, but this should not be a deterrent if one examines the Bible. Jesus gives the one reason that couples may justifiably divorce: “But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.” (Matt. 5:32)

Here we have another scripture that has been greatly misunderstood and has caused much trouble in the world. Many religions have forbidden divorce because of these words of Jesus.

Notice that Jesus said that the only justifiable cause of divorce is “fornication”. The prevalent belief among Christians is that fornication is sex between two unmarried persons or between two married people not married to each other. But here Jesus uses fornication as an act between married couples. Therefore, the meaning intended by Jesus is not the one attributed to the word by people of today.

Actually, fornication may not even involve sex, for in the context it is used throughout the Bible, it means “to be alienated from” or “to remove one’s heart from”.

Thus, if the wife’s heart is alienated from her husband, he may justifiably divorce her. God often called Israel his wife and when she committed fornication against Him and removed her heart from the true God and worshipped idols, she committed fornication against Him and He gave Israel, his wife, a bill of divorcement.

Thus, it is with people. If their energies are not correctly matched and balanced, they commit fornication and become alienated and should get a divorce.

On the other hand, if their energies are balanced and the husband divorces a wife who has given her heart to him, he “causeth her to commit adultery.” In other words, he causes her heart to forcibly seek someone else who may be at a wrong point of evolution. “And whosoever shall marry her that is divorced (wrongfully divorced) committeth adultery.” If a man marries a woman whose heart is still with her original husband, there is produced an imbalance of energy and this is what true adultery and fornication are.

The question will naturally arise as to how one is to find another at the correct point of evolution. How is one to tell whether or not he is a five, seven, or ten?

Pinpointing a person’s correct point of evolution is indeed difficult. We could take pages outlining an approximate procedure, but even if correct principles are spelled out the average person would not use them correctly. In mate selection, the primary concept that should concern the female is the question: Is the man, I am considering capable of sending to me and stimulating my spiritual evolution? Can he teach me and lift me up to higher realms of consciousness? Does he comprehend true principles faster than I do? Does a natural giving come from him to me? Am I close to him in spiritual evolution? Do I feel confident in trusting his judgment?

The male should ask himself: Does she seem to be willing to receive from me or do I naturally tend to receive from her? Do I enjoy telling her things I believe? Am I able to teach her and pull her up to a higher consciousness? Does she respond when I mentally give to her? Does she love me for my mind as well as emotional stimulation? Am I the natural giver and she the natural receiver in the relationship?

Both parties should seek for confirmation in the relationship from their own souls and intuition through prayer, meditation, or contemplation. If their marriage is the right direction, they can both receive an endowment of soul energy as a spiritual testimony to the correctness of their relationship. If they desire further confirmation, they may seek the advice of another who they respect as a person of high spiritual evolution. This third person may then receive inspiring counsel for them as a second establishing witness. Nevertheless, individual soul confirmation must always be the supreme influence.

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Human Relationships

This entry is part 7 of 40 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Seven
Human Relationships

The foundation of the family unit through the establishment of the marriage bond was the foreshadowing of The Molecular Relationship. The one-to-one monogamous relationship has been historically proven to be the most natural and stable one existing among men and women. In this union, the man is like a positive ionic atom who takes a negative ion and together produce a whole with greater properties than either alone have. You could say that a male and female in a good relationship create one human atom, or Adam. These greater properties appear, however, only when there is true union. When this union is consummated, the couple has the power to become as one entity, with much greater strength and power than the one sex alone.

Unfortunately, few ever achieve true union, for about half of all marriages end in divorce. Of the married, surveys reveal that about 75% of all couples are eventually not happy with their marriage, and would leave their relationships if the right opportunity presented itself.

Thus, about 25% of married couples have achieved relative stability and happiness, and therefore have attained a degree of molecular bonding. The creation, or hope of creation, of this simple Molecule (or completed human atom) has been the impetus behind almost all great social evolutionary systems among humanity.

Because of marriage and the resulting family unit, mankind began to build homes and protect the family unit. The gathering of family units created cities. The gathering of cities produced nations. With these gatherings came many governments and business orders, all of which are in some way indebted to the bonded relationships. In one way or another most of the progress mankind has made toward civilization is because of the first Molecular Order: the impetus toward male-female bonds, many of which occur outside of orthodox marriage.

.At this point we may pose this thought for consideration: less than 25% of married couples practice any semblance of molecular relationship and few if any of them have a fullness of sharing. Many of these stable marriages occurred because of chance; that is, the couple were lucky enough to find each other, someone they could live with in relative peace. Even so, this feeble approach to the bonding order of the molecules has stimulated remarkable progress for mankind. Imagine what would happen if mankind successfully followed the order of the atoms and 100% of married couples were successfully bonded. If the present marriage relationship (which is similar to a completed hydrogen atom) can so inspire man and woman, what heights would they attain if they, with conscious effort, sought and practiced the order of the molecules?

Mankind is evolving toward two aspects of The Molecular Relationship. The first involves male and female interrelations and recognizes the physical and psychological differences between man and woman. This includes the sexual relationship.

The second does not involve any physical sex but looks upon male-female combinations as units of energy with either a male or female polarization. These units will unite to eventually form complex Molecular Orders and lift mankind to great heights of consciousness.

All things in manifested form are charged with a surplus of either male or female energy, but by nature the charge should be slight. The division of the form of the human into male and female bodies actually runs contrary to perfect balance and creates a sharp separation that causes trouble for us. By nature, all life forms tend to evolve to hermaphrodite (having both male and female aspects contained in one living unit.)

The atom usually achieves a high degree of balance with its male and female energies and only carries a slight charge, as do the Molecules and cells of our bodies. The cell does not need another cell to fertilize it, but contains within itself the male and female elements necessary to reproduce itself. Thus, it is much more balanced than the human being, who is out of balance when separated from his opposite.

The present separated condition of the sexes in the human and animal kingdom is unnatural, for all such life forms descended from original hermaphrodites and will eventually evolve back to that condition. Unity and balance between male and female energies is the natural condition of joyful livingness.

Man and woman today correspond to the atoms which are called ions, with an overcharge of positive or negative energy. Man is like a positive ion missing an electron and the woman is like a negative ion with an extra electron. A bonding between them produces balance and fullness if there is a correct interplay of energy.

Men and women have seven centers and six are capable of functioning in fullness on their own, but the sacral center (located between the navel and the tailbone), which controls the sex drive, is divided in two energies. Half of the energy of this center is in the female body and half is in the male. When they are joined together in love they produce a completeness and a balance of energy; that is why the sex drive, the impulse to balance one energy with another, is so strong. Men and women feel incomplete in the sacral area.

The sacral center is the only center with only one polarity in a body. The male body has one polarity and the female the other. To the male his polarity feels positive and to the female her polarity feels positive even though they are opposite. When they unite sexually they can each sense a completeness that occurs when both polarities are sensed simultaneously. In this sense they are no longer two, but “one flesh.”

Male and female have both positive and negative polarities in the other centers and do not have such a driving need to unite with the opposite sex to complete themselves. Nevertheless, when the other centers of the male and female share a similar vibration there is a non-possessive transfer of energy that creates high states of joy in both of them.

One male and one female working together in cooperation and love, physically and emotionally, balance each other’s energies. Without each other they are like incomplete atoms. With each other they become as one atom (or “Adam” as the Bible calls them).

A popular teaching states that we are perfect within ourselves and we need no other human being to complete us. As far as being able to live a fulfilling life this is true. Many single people are happy and would have their life no other way. But from a higher point of view, we are not complete until the whole of the human race (and eventually all life in the universe) are united in oneness and this uniting must begin with two people and multiply geometrically.

The male-female unit is the basic building block of the soon-to-be human molecular kingdom. In other words, one plus one equals one. This is why monogamy is the natural state of mankind. It takes the complete sharing of one male and one female to create balance.

In a polygamous situation, for instance, someone is almost always out of balance and, historically, this type of relationship has only been able to exist under the influence of a strong authority. Only through the fear of God, secular laws and authority, or by the sheer power of money has a physical multiple relationship been able to be maintained without some type of open rebellion.

One may ask as to why some of the greatest members of the human race have then practiced it. Among them are Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Isaac, Jacob, Mohammed, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and many others. In addition, many great men, and a few women, in history have carried on multiple relationships outside of marriage with just as close of an association as those who practice plural marriage.

In past ages plural relationships were created for a variety of reasons. Among them are:

(1) Misuse of power.

The person dominating the relationship (usually the male) did not have the patience to perfect a one-on-one relationship so such a person selected multiple mates for his enjoyment. Why? Because he could.

(2) Promiscuousness

In this case the person feels out of balance and unsatisfied because of too strong of an identification with the physical and emotional selves. Such a person has no understanding of the energy flow and is unaware of his unbalanced state.

(3) In rare cases the guides of humanity saw an opportunity to create a channel for the incarnation of advanced entities to serve the race and encouraged their mouthpieces (prophets) to take more than one mate to create a greater number of bodies of high vibration.

This was periodically necessary in more primitive times but in this era it would create more problems than it would solve and overall there is no a lack of quality bodies for the awaiting generation. Individual couples must learn to take the measures necessary raise themselves to the spiritual level necessary to prepare the quality bodies necessary for the coming teachers.

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The Evolution of the Molecular Relationship

This entry is part 6 of 40 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Six
The Evolution of the Molecular Relationship

It will help us to know and understand the next step humanity must take in the relationship principle if we follow the evolution of matter itself. In each step, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, there will be correspondences. They will not always be exact, but they will be close enough so one with intuition can discover the truth of that which is above by studying that which is below.

Most scientists now accept the exoteric truth that matter and energy are interchangeable. Those who know have always used the words matter and spirit. Matter is female, or receptive, and spirit, or energy, is male or sending in relation to matter. Energy merely operates in a different frequency than matter. When spirit impregnates matter, soul energy is produced which is neither spirit or matter, but the interaction between the two.

Before form existed as matter it was energy vibrating in an apparent vacuum. As the vibration created structure, up and down quarks began to manifest and became attracted to each other and “married”. These married units attracted numerous other married couples until a vast community of families were created. A “city” of married sub atomic particles (many which are as yet undiscovered) produced a positive center called a proton. To balance off the positive center, a negative field electron was sent in circular motion around the proton. These two energies became married unto time indefinite and created a stable atom of hydrogen. This process was duplicated billions and trillions of times until vast hydrogen clouds were created. Modern astronomers have studied the hydrogen clouds and many believe they are the beginning of the creation of worlds.

For billions of years, free hydrogen atoms accumulated and the hydrogen clouds became denser. The energy within the cloud is intense and the atoms formed few if any lasting relationships. Slowly, these atoms attracted each other and the center point of the cloud became a point of intense gathering; the tiny atoms were literally forced into a union called “fusion”. In the fusion process, four hydrogen atoms were compacted together with such pressure that they were transmuted into the more evolved element of Helium and other heavier  atoms. Note here that it took the fusion of four atomic lives to create one greater one with new properties. Nevertheless, the four individual lives are not lost. Each of the four sets of male and female particles still maintain their individuality, but are merged into a greater order of livingness.

In the process of fusion, great amounts of energy are given off. The fusion process gives us the energy of the hydrogen bomb and is also the process whereby the sun generates its energy.

Through the process of fusion, spirit, or energy, descends deeper and deeper into matter and more and more complex atoms are created until finally entire suns, star clusters and complete galaxies of billions of stars are created.

The gravity of the sun captures and embraces planets which circle around it. them. As these planets coalesce and cool, the most advanced elements are utilized in rocky planets as earth. These include iron, lead, as silver, gold, radium, uranium and others.

When spirit descends into matter and touches its deepest point, then it stops involving into substance and starts evolving out of matter. Thus the process of evolution begins and the factor producing it is marriage. At this point, the male and female atoms join, not through the force of fusion, but through the process of natural attraction leading to marriage. Note that the bonding takes place through a free will attraction as evolution begins and not by force.

When atoms find suitable partners, they unite in a strong bonding relationship and share electrons with each other. In other words, they share energy, and this shared energy holds them together. They make a marriage bond which they agree to within their own sphere of consciousness. The chemist calls this bonding relationship “shared electron-pair bonds”, or “covalent bonds”.

As atoms form these covalent bonds, they know not what the end product will be of their evolution, but act under the impulse of Spirit which urges the tiny lives to unite and create something greater than themselves.

The most elementary marriage among the elements is that of two atoms of the simplest of elements: hydrogen. Two hydrogen atoms form the simplest bond in a monogamous marriage, but the bonding is a strong one and difficult to break down. Each atom has one electron which they share with each other. This sharing completes their first orbital shell, or chakra, and causes them both to be more stable.

The first orbital shell can hold a maximum of two electrons and, since hydrogen has only the one orbital shell and each atom has only one electron, there can only be a single marriage. When two hydrogen atoms share their single electron, they fill up their orbital sh ell and it is as if each one had two electrons. Note the diagram below:


The more advanced elements have more complex electron shells and many of them give and receive two, three and four electrons and evolve into a multiple relationship. This causes the creation of a more advanced molecule, and the result is a more highly evolved substance with higher properties than the separate elements had in their single condition. One of the most common molecules is H2O, or water. Each hydrogen atom can only marry once, but the oxygen atom can receive two electrons and thus has two mates, as illustrated below. In this case, the oxygen atom is a female with two bonding male relationships. 

In turn, the water molecule has either a slight negative or positive charge and forms relationships with other water molecules.

In another example, carbon, which is male, has four relationships with the atoms of chlorine and produces a molecule with totally new powers and properties.

It is important is understand the advancement that relationships in the atomic world produces. Hydrogen and oxygen are both gases, but when they unite, they produce the more advanced product, which is liquid water. Water is totally unlike either hydrogen or the oxygen that is in the air that we breathe. The union of these two elements produces a substance much greater than they were individually. In the same way, humanity, through the Molecular Relationship, can create group lives with greater powers and properties than it has individually, and will be able to share in the consciousness of the whole. Expansion of consciousness is the great objective of existence. This makes human molecular marriage very desirable, for it can create a possible expansion of consciousness which is beyond our present dreams.

The atoms and molecules of our bodies have a consciousness and marriage relationship which began billions of years ago. At that beginning point, they could hardly dream of the place they are at now where they share in the consciousness of the whole body. Thus, they have no desire to again be lowly atoms with separate and single existences. Instead, the force of evolution presses them ever onward, and they forever seek more and more complex molecules. Then, the molecules unite in various marriage orders and beautiful crystal forms are produced, and, after eons of time, a living cell is created. Finally, the cells unite in bonding relationships and create every type of life form that we see about us.


Humanity must follow on a larger scale what the tiny atoms have done in the microcosm. We will create human molecules. The molecules will create forms, and the forms will create magnificent living human cells.

The initiating of human Molecular Relationship is the initiation of the next quantum leap in evolution for mankind. This evolutionary leap is not so much a single jump as in times past, but a transition to group evolution that makes possible eternal increase for humanity so that they can tap all the powers of godliness that have always been within.

The concept of The Molecular Relationship is not new, but has been partially introduced in times past to certain initiates and formulated in a limited way. There has always been great limitation in developing it among humanity because of the consciousness of the people. However, the concept has always existed among the brotherhoods who have guided the race of man. Some call these beings Masters, some call them Gods. Others call them resurrected beings. They are an evolutionary step above regular humans and are often called the God Kingdom. The Brotherhoods form Molecular Orders that interconnect the divine thread of Purpose, which leads back to the presence of the One God. Now, humanity has reached the point where a new and everlasting order of relationship can be firmly established among them.

To reach this point, man has gone through a similar evolutionary process as the atom has. The correspondences are close, but never exact, for each higher kingdom has a higher consciousness and a more complex molecular order at the end of its evolution.

We go through a series of hundreds of incarnations as human beings. Our first incarnations are in a fairly primitive state; these would correspond to the hydrogen atom. Then, gradually, through the force of circumstances, we are fused into a higher atomic weight and the seven chakras, or energy centers and their pedals, open up until we correspond to radium and uranium and become radioactive. Finally, the advanced entity splits the tomb of matter (just as an advanced atom splits) and the resurrected eternal life is released from its prison. In between these times, the individual goes through many male and female existences.

Below, please note a chart showing the electronegativity value of all the elements. On the average, the 1.6 values and lower are the male atoms and 1.7 and higher are the females. In the molecular state, the atom with the lowest negative charge is the male and highest is the female. Male and female are relative factors and will vary according to the energy with which they are in a relationship.


On the chart above, carbon (C) has a high female charge, but since oxygen (O) has a higher one, carbon becomes a relative male when united with two atoms of oxygen to form CO2, or carbon dioxide. Thus, it is with humanity. Some males find themselves highly charged with female energy. The solution for these males is to create stability with female partners with slightly more female energy than themselves.

If you study the chart, you will see how the tiny lives pass through incarnations where they are sometimes male and sometimes female. The vertical rows represent corresponding elements with similar properties, and as you follow them from the top down, you will see how the various correlations of elements evolve in male or female charge. The seven horizontal rows represent the seven electron shells, corresponding to the seven chakras or energy centers in man.

Of the seventeen vertical rows with a charge, seven are evolving toward the female charge, eight toward the male charge and two remain fairly stable. All the radioactive elements in the seventh shell are the highest evolved atoms and carry a male charge.

At the risk of being attacked by the females reading this treatise, I will first point out that I did not create the atomic world. It is just there for us to examine. It is interesting to speculate as to how correctly our evolution through male and female cycles correspond to the evolution of atoms. It does seem that the best and the worst of people in our history have been males. It is a fact that those who have initiated causes and have led humanity to great heights and depths have usually been in male bodies. There are exceptions, but even if an advanced entity finds itself initiating a great cause in a female body, she must do so using male energies, for all initiating energies are male, as we shall soon explain. Thus, the most notable persons in history who have appeared to accomplish great works (good or bad) have been male, such as the Buddha, Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Edison, on one end and Nero, Mussolini and Hitler, and others, on the other.

When an entity from the spiritual realms decides to initiate a cause on the earth, he usually chooses a male body. The reason for this is that the male energy radiates outwardly and it is easier for him to make a physical accomplishment in the male energy.

If the entity decides he needs to learn a great lesson or absorb knowledge and wisdom he will generally choose a female body because the female energy draws things inward magnetically.

All of us go through both of these cycles of male and female energy and one is not greater than the other. The female energy, however, does not get all its deserved credit because it (being magnetic) is not visible with the eye. It must be felt. The male energy (being radiant) is seen with the eye and gets more of the credit in this age, but it shall not always be so.

However, the human race as a whole is evolving to utilize more female energy, which is just as powerful as male but in a magnetic direction rather than radiant. As knowledge of the female energy increases, more advanced entities take female bodies as such intelligence gravitates to opportunity.

Keep in mind that a person of even the stature of Christ could assume a female body, but he would be operating under mostly male energies because he is initiating cause which is a male energy function.

An interesting difference between the atoms of the earth and humanity is that these atoms carry an overall female charge, whereas the human kingdom has an overall male charge. This accounts for male dominance in most societies. Fortunately for the female, this charge is shifting toward neutrality, or balance and equality.

The key to understanding the marriage of atoms to create molecules is found in the word “balance”. Because duality exists as a division of Purpose into positive and negative forces, this causes all wavelengths and all forms to be at least slightly out of balance. In some cases the lack of balance is so small that it is not detected by scientists. There is no form or life that is one hundred percent balanced, or neutral, but all consciousness is driven in this direction.

The inert or noble gases are very close to neutrality, but the atoms that we examine here are at least slightly out of balance and seeks greater balance through “marriage” with other atoms. Even after the marriage bond is formed and the molecule created, such molecules in turn find themselves slightly out of balance and seek stability in newer and higher relationships with other molecules. This seeking for stability and balance is the driving force behind all evolution and presses the atomic and molecular lives forward until the cell is created. The cells then seek balance in relationships and evolve into life forms with other cells until man is created. Finally, man and woman find themselves out of balance and seek harmony in the human marriage relationship. However, the marriage of the atoms is in an advanced state of progression, whereas humanity is in its infancy and has only begun to experiment and follow soul direction in this area.

The whole drive behind the entire evolutionary process in all forms can be summed up in this statement: All form seeks stability and balance through the establishment of a shared bonding or marriage relationship. A bonded relationship, or marriage, is merely the result of life forms striving for balance. In the end, balance will be achieved by the union of all diverse forms and their demonstrative oneness and the return to the energy of Purpose, but while duality and form exists, there will never be perfect balance. We are all driven to seek this balance, however, and must seek it if we are to paint the pictures of God.

If we look at the Molecular Order as a drive for stability, then we can easily understand why atoms and molecules establish the relationships they do.

For instance, the ammonium molecule is made of three atoms of hydrogen married to one atom of nitrogen. They form this relationship because hydrogen needs one electron to complete its outer electron shell and nitrogen needs three. Thus, hydrogen shares it’s one outer electron with nitrogen and nitrogen shares one of its electrons with hydrogen. Since nitrogen needs three electrons for balance, it must find three companions to form a stable molecule. In forming this relationship all the atoms benefit. All atoms complete their outer shells and receive relative balance. Note the ammonium molecule below:

The hydrogen atoms are not only dependent on the nitrogen for stability, but also each other. Each hydrogen atom benefits and receives stability because its brother hydrogen atoms are sharing, and there is also interplay between the three electrons shared by the three hydrogen atoms because they all share in the same electron shell. Keep this point in mind, for this inter sharing of all the atoms is the key to molecular stability and must be applied to human relationships, as we shall see.

In the above ammonium molecule, relative stability has been achieved. This can only be done through a bonding relationship that is dependable. If, for instance, a hydrogen atom was to fly off, it must be immediately replaced by another atom of hydrogen or the molecule would be destroyed, and each atom would be in its original state of imbalance.

It is also interesting to note that even a balanced molecule will seek to help other atoms achieve balance even if some of its own stability is sacrificed. When the ammonium molecule encounters a hydrogen ion (or an out-of-balance hydrogen atom with no electron at all) with a lopsided positive charge, it will then share it’s last two electrons with the hydrogen. The hydrogen atom, having no electrons to share, places the whole molecule out of balance with an excess positive charge, as indicated below:

This association with the extra hydrogen atom is not a permanent relationship but the ammonium molecule is merely doing the stray hydrogen a favor by carrying him for a season. The ammonium molecule immediately begins to look for another molecule that has an excess electron that can take in the hydrogen ion in a permanent relationship. The word “ion” came from a Greek word that means “traveler”. Indeed, the stray hydrogen ion travels from one relationship to another seeking to balance itself with another electron.

Simple molecules like water (H2O), ammonia (NH3), sodium chloride or salt (NaCl), carbon dioxide (CO2), and others form the larger body of the molecules of the earth, but as we look at the more advanced and organic molecules, we see the establishment of some very complex marriage relationships.

Chemists were long puzzled over the marriage or bonding relationship of hydrogen and carbon in benzene. Analysis showed that six atoms of carbon were married to only six atoms of hydrogen. According to the balance needed in their orbiting shells, a carbon atom should be able to take in four hydrogen atoms, which would mean that six carbons can take in twenty-four hydrogens. However, it was discovered that benzene had established balance through an unusual marriage relationship as follows:

Each line stands for a shared pair of electrons. The double line stands for two shared pairs. Notice that to achieve balance, the carbon atoms married each other as well as hydrogen. Each carbon atom is married three ways: One to a hydrogen atom, once with a single bond to a carbon atom, and one more with a double bond, or a double share of electron pairs to still another carbon atom. The interchange of energy between the carbon atoms flows in a circle with all the outside hydrogen sharing in the circular force. In relation to each other, every other carbon is male, but in relation to the hydrogen they are all female.

A similar but continuous hexagonal marriage relationship of carbon atoms alone, as illustrated below, produces common graphite. Here, each carbon atom is associated with three other marriage partners:

Hydrogen and carbon in various molecular arrangements produce a number of hydrocarbons with numerous properties:

Here we can get an idea of some of the variety of molecular relationships that can be derived from just two different kinds of atoms.

Now we shall illustrate some of the more complex molecular and atomic arrangements. Below is Penicillin:

Next we see that cocaine involves very complex relationships:

Silicon and oxygen form an interesting crystal chain:

A study of these molecules will reveal that a wide variety of marriage relationships are possible in nature. We see that a molecule can be very complex yet still have stability. It is important to note, however, that a random mixture of atoms will not produce a stable molecule. Sometimes the addition or subtraction of just one atom could destroy the whole relationship formation in the molecule. In others, such as penicillin, the “R” stands for “radical.” At this point in this particular molecule, a number of different atoms can be interchanged. A substitution of the atom here will slightly change the properties of the drug, but not destroy the molecule.

We could spend a thousand pages on the relationships and interactions of the tiny atoms and molecules, but this treatment should be enough to give the reader a grasp of the basic principle of The Molecular Relationship: the atoms unite themselves in various marriage orders to produce molecular and cellular life with properties and potential much greater than they alone possess. Now, humanity must do the same. Our next step in this treatise is to examine how male and female may achieve fulfillment and progress by following the same marriage order that all the other progressive lives in the universe do: The Molecular Relationship.

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The Marriage of Atoms

This entry is part 5 of 40 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Five
The Marriage of Atoms

Is there a similarity between the bonding of the atoms and the marriage of humans? Do the atomic worlds foreshadow the destiny of man?

For this treatise, it is important that we look upon ourselves not only as male and female in the physical sense, but also as male and female in the sense that we are two aspects of the divine energy of Purpose. We should see ourselves as separated energies that are working toward union.

Marriage, too, is much more than the joining of two physical persons; marriage is a universal order, a bonding relationship. It combines the male and female energies into a united whole. All male and female energies seek this marriage, or balance.

It is interesting to study the marriage of atoms. In observing them, we must realize that every form, whether it be an atom or planet, possesses a consciousness and life peculiar to itself and is either positively or negatively charged. In other words, it is either male or female. The chemist calls the male atom a positive particle and the female atom a negative one. Within the atom we also have the positive or male nucleus, and the negative or female electron shells which are married to the nucleus to produce something greater than themselves – a whole atom. In the case of the marriage of the female electrons to the male protons in the nucleus, the ratio is always one to one. If there are seven protons, for example, as in the case of nitrogen, they are balanced off with the energies of seven orbiting female electrons. These sub-atomic particles, which are the building blocks of all form, never deviate from seeking this one-to-one ratio.

As we study the atomic and molecular world, we do so with purpose, for we seek truth in the ancient truism “as above, so below; as below, so above”. In other words, by studying the atomic worlds (the microcosmic) and the higher worlds of planets, stars, etc. (the macrocosmic) and corresponding their relationships with humanity, we can ascertain correct principles whereby stability may be produced. At present, social scientists tell us that three out four of our marriages are unhappy, or unstable. If we can find the secret of how tiny atoms achieve stability, perhaps we can then take those principles and apply them to humanity.

In addition to the electrons and protons, the atoms are also made of a third major particle called the neutron. This particle is relatively neutral and there is usually one or more neutrons for each proton in the atom. There seems to be no set rule governing the number of neutrons in each atom – just what is necessary to create stability. Most of the lower elements have an approximate ratio of one neutron for each proton, but some of the heavier elements have a ratio of approximately 1.5 neutrons for each proton. In each atom there is always a certain number of neutrons that produces the most stable atom. In carbon, for instance, there are usually six protons, six electrons, and six neutrons. This is commonly called carbon 12. This the most stable carbon atom. In nature there are also trace amounts of carbon with seven and eight neutrons. Carbon, with eight neutrons, is called carbon 14 and is unstable, radioactive, and tends to break down to a more stable element.

To create balance, each charged particle, the protons (male energy) and the electrons (female), have a marriage relationship with two particles: their opposite charge and the neutral neutron. In these three particles, we again have represented the energies of the Trinity. The neutron represents the Father (Purpose), the proton is the Son (Love), and the electron is the Holy Spirit (Light).

Protons and neutrons have power to generate electrons and positrons and have a mass more than 1800 times as large as either of them. A positron is the same as an electron, but has a positive charge and is a foundation particle for anti-matter. Protons are positively charged unless they throw off a positron. Then they become neutrons. The neutrons have a balance of positive and negative charges within. However, this is only a relative neutrality, for even though all life forms are seeking balance, or neutrality, none of them are exactly neutral. Anything that has form is either male or female, but sometimes the energy difference is very slight. Not yet recognized by science is that neutrons are slightly female. This evidenced in nuclear physics by the fact that neutrons will tend to throw off an electron (female energy) before they will emit a positron (male energy).

To assist the reader see the diagram of helium:

As we go smaller we find that the protons and neutrons, the nucleus of the atom, are made of up and down quarks. The up quarks have a charge of +2/3 and the down quarks have a negative charge of -1/3. They are always found in triangles which combine to either neutralize or create a charge of positive one (except in anti matter where the charge would be -1).

Notice how the foundation block of creation is represented by Star of David. This microcosm is built on the number six as mentioned in the Immortal series written by myself.

Protons and electrons are normally seen as having a uniform charge but some are slightly more charged than others. In our diagram of the helium atom, we have two electrons circling roughly like planets when viewed as particles. Even though they are both female, or negative, one is more negative than the other; no two particles are exactly alike even if the difference is not yet measurable by us. Thus, there will be a secondary marriage relationship between the two electrons. The electron with the lowest negative charge assumes the role of the male and the other the female. The protons play upon each other’s energies in the same way and the electrons have some interplay with the neutrons. Thus, each particle has a Trinity of marriage relationships: one major and two minor. This Trinity of relationships produces the stable atom.

An interesting principle to contemplate is that all male and female energies in the universe are seeking stability, or neutrality. In other words, they seek to return to the energy of Purpose. All is seeking to duplicate the gathering principle set in play from the beginning, which is for the many to gather into the one and create something greater than the sum of the parts. The prodigal son of form is seeking to return to his father. This stability, or return, is always reached through marriage. Thus, marriage is a universal principle used to unite all male and female energies.

We have been talking about atoms in the microcosm, but there are also greater atoms in the macrocosm. Our Earth, with one moon, is like a great hydrogen atom, but the next true atomic correspondence is the Sun, with the planets circling it. On an even greater scale, the galaxies, which are composed of billions of stars, correspond to great positive and negative charges. Even the universe itself is a great collection of galaxies that will form a positive charge that will eventually become much more than an atom.

Human beings, who find themselves between the great and small atoms, are atoms on their own level and have the great destiny to create building blocks that will evolve into higher life forms through marriage, just as the marriage of atoms produced molecules that eventually created life which finally evolved into humans. So too must humanity create life greater than itself through marriage. This will lead us to the evolution of life and consciousness hitherto undreamed of, and powers we cannot at present fathom, until we attain all the powers of godliness and create in our own image a grand heavenly man.

The correspondence of the individual human being to an atom is most interesting to make. The physical body corresponds to the nucleus of protons and neutrons and the normally unseen aura that circles around the body corresponds to the orbiting electrons. The nucleus of an atom has a mass of up to 4,000 times that of its electrons. So too does man’s dense physical body account for almost all his mass. The female energy circling man/woman has almost negligible mass and is invisible unless seekers train themselves to see it. When the aura is seen, the seer will discover beautiful changing colors, geometric shapes and an aura that actually revolves around the physical nucleus, just as electrons dance within the atom. The true shape of the individual is then circular and the aura is in a constant state of rotation and movement just as the electrons in atoms are.

The size of the human aura will vary greatly according to the point of evolution, just as will the size of the orbiting fields of the atoms vary according to their atomic weight, or point of evolution.

Within the physical body and extending about a millimeter or two from it is the etheric body. This is the energy field that holds the physical body together and gives it its shape and vitality similar to the job of gluons within the atom.

Within us are also seven chakras, or force centers and concerning these much has been written. The first five are aligned up the spine and the final two are in the head. The first is the center at the base of the spine. This center enflames and supports the energy of all the other centers. The second is the sacral center and controls sex energy. The third is the solar plexus; it creates the desire nature and the emotions. The fourth is the heart center and from it issues love and wisdom. The fifth is the throat center and from it emanates the high creative energies of the artist and creator. The sixth is the Ajna center between the eyes, called the Third Eye. The energy that creates ideas springs from it. The seventh center is at the top of the head and it manipulates the energy of Will-Power-Purpose.

As a person progresses through numerous lifetimes as a human being, these centers of energy open and begin their circulation, and a corresponding negative, or female energy, circulates in the aura. A lowly evolved person may have only the bottom center or two opened, while a highly evolved initiate will have energy circulating unimpeded through all seven centers.

Correspondingly, the atoms have seven energy centers which open into circulation as the atom evolves from hydrogen to radium. These seven centers found in the orbit of the atom are called electron shells. The chemist designates them by the letters K, L, M, N, O, P, and Q. It is interesting to note that radium is the first element to have all centers opened, and it naturally glows in the dark. In the same way, a human with his centers opened will sometimes have such a strong aura that he will glow and have a visible radiance to those who are sensitive, like the Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration.

The energy centers of the atom are divided into numerous subshells and orbitals, and correspondingly the seven chakras are subdivided into numerous energy pedals.

The most interesting correspondence for the sake of this treatise is that atoms with incomplete electron sells are polarized in either positive or negative (male or female) energy and they marry each other.

The secret behind the marriage of atoms and the production of stable molecules is the master secret to the building blocks of the universe. This universal marriage, which we shall name The Molecular Relationship, creates for us a pattern that we must follow, or remain forever separate and single, denied of our evolutionary progression, and unable to return home. After eons and eons of time, humanity has finally reached a point where they must take the next giant leap into the evolution of life.

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Light, Love and Purpose

This entry is part 4 of 40 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Four
Light, Love and Purpose

When the projection of the One Life in the Sonship that produces Love and Light vibrates in the material plane, we have that reflection manifested as wavelengths wherein the top represents love, the bottom light and the invisible point or line the aspect of purpose. Depending on the circumstances light and love can be reversed in placement.

The vibrations and wavelengths increase exponentially and manifest as seven differentiated vibrations which are behind all physical creation. These are often called the seven ray energies which are represented in the Bible as the Seven Spirits before the throne of God. (Rev 1:4)

We shall pay particular attention to Light and Love. Even though they are keys upon the path of return they are the root cause of the great illusion that separates, or appears to separate, humanity from God. Both Light and Love have beginning and ending points in the material universe and all things with a beginning and an end are illusion. However, they are from an eternal source; thus, they represent ideas that cannot be destroyed and manifest periodically for all eternity, but such manifestation always has a beginning and an end, and is therefore not he prime energy. Illusion, or the dream state of God, is thus a cyclic occurrence, just as we human beings sleep and dream every twenty-four hours. Our dreams may bring pleasure, pain, and experience, and they seem very real while we are dreaming, but when we are awakened, we know that it was an illusion. The significant point is that our group consciousness participated in the illusion and this made the experience seem real.

Light and Love create the dreams of God and the power of the One Life is projected into the dreams through Purpose. Thus, God is in all things and through all things and is an active participant in all things so long as the illusion of duality endures.

The energy (for want of a better name) of Purpose is not an illusion, for it has no form, and has no beginning and no end. Purpose is the only direct energy which is eternal. Light and love in their original state are also eternal, but exists here in a temporary reflected state and ends with a return to the formless eternal state. Oneness can be eternal. Anything that appears to be more than one is part of the great illusion and will have a cyclic end or rest. The end will always result in unification with the One Purpose, projected from the One Life of the united Sonship.

The wavelength produced by the energy of the Trinity produces everything there is from the tiniest atom, with its electrons circling the nucleus of protons and neutrons, to the largest galaxy of billions of star systems. There is no such thing as solid matter. As the scientist divides and divides and goes smaller and smaller, he will find nothing but wavelengths. The electrons and protons and quarks that create the atom of substance vibrate and produce wavelengths, and are in turn created by wavelengths.

The wavelength is multiplied into an unlimited number of waves and these waves permeate everything there is, but at the midpoint of all waves is the energy of Purpose from the One Life to the one Sonship to this universe of time and space.. If we visualize Purpose as a thread, then we can take any wavelength in existence, whether it be matter, light or sound, and follow the thread of Purpose as it crisscrosses through all form, great and small, back to the projecting One Life. In this simple statement is the omnipresence of God explained.

Contemplate this point because it is important. The power of Purpose projected from God is like an interconnecting thread within each wavelength, and all things are created from wavelengths. Within our bodies are billions and billions of wavelengths, all connected by the one thread of Purpose. The wavelengths that produce other humans are an extension of this one infinite thread. Not only are humans an extension of the one thread, but all living things are made of wavelengths and the single thread also permeates them. Even rocks, earth, and apparently inorganic matter is made of wavelengths, and this single thread goes through them also. Thus, there is no such thing as matter without Life and Purpose. All form is interconnected by the divine thread of Purpose, making God “in all things.”

That which produces differentiation in life, quality and appearance is merely the different frequencies and distortions of the one originating wavelength.

For instance, the different colored lights such as red, green and blue only appear different because of their different frequencies, or repetitions, of the wavelength that produces them. Sound is a wider wavelength that travels through air and produces a different effect because the wavelength of sound repeats itself much more slowly than the wavelength of light. The different frequencies of wavelengths produce different notes in sound. As you progress up the musical scale, you merely create wavelengths of a higher vibration. If one could make the vibration high enough, light could be created. If one could manipulate vibration in harmony with form, then matter could be produced.

The highest wavelength is the vibration of manifested life which is the projection of the One Life that animates all forms. The life that animates every man and woman is a wavelength of high vibration, but no two groups of wavelengths that create each man and woman are the same. Each possesses different frequencies and tones peculiar to itself. Also, that wavelength that creates each of us does not stay on the same frequency, but changes hour by hour, day by day, year by year, and from life to life. The life that we were yesterday is different from the life we are today, and will change again tomorrow. Our individual frequencies will continue to change until we play the whole symphony of God. Then the music will temporarily subside and all life will return to its source billions of years hence, and we shall share in the waking hours of God. Because we are one with God we shall never cease to be, but we daily cease to be as we were yesterday.

All physical creation is, then, produced by wavelengths, and there are wavelengths within wavelengths within wavelengths. All dualities are created by reflections and distortions of the energies of Light and Love that form the one wavelength. Reflections of Love and Light are good and evil, pleasure and pain, joy and misery, hot and cold, positive and negative, light and dark, and most important for this treatise, male and female.

The dividing point of all these dualities is Purpose. As the energy of the wavelength swings from Love to Light, the unifying energy of Purpose is sensed, and thus the energy of duality is recharged and sent on its way to expand or contract the form.

It may seem strange to say that good and evil is a reflection or correspondence to Love and Light, but an important point to remember is that all dualities correspond to these two energies. In their purest form, Love and Light are not as we understand them, but these two words are the best choice available to us for the two aspects of the wavelength. Good, as understood by humanity, is a distorted reflection of Love and evil is a distorted reflection and misuse of Light. Good and evil repeats itself in history like a great wavelength animated by Purpose, and that which seems to be good in one era can be evil in the next.

To understand relationship is to understand duality, for a relationship, or a marriage is a symbol of the unifying Purpose behind duality. When we speak of marriage in this treatise we are not necessarily speaking of some legal marriage contract, but of a union of two or more souls to create something greater than themselves. This is a repeat of the process of higher creation which has been in existence in the vast eternities before our existence here.

Male and female bodies are only symbols of male and female energies. Both male and female energies are represented in projections of Light and Love and the one that dominates in an aspect depends on which plane of existence is the manifestation. In the physical realm male reflects light and female is love, but in the higher planes a reverse takes place according to our vantage point. Our physical universe is a mirrored reflection from a higher universe, and just as everything is reversed in a mirror, even so you do not see your true image, for everything is reversed and distorted in this universe of time and space.

All things that are manifest are created by male and female energies and all these energies are united in form through the process of marriage, or union. Marriage is motivated through Purpose and gradually guides all male and female energies away from duality and separateness toward unity and oneness. Relationship, marriage or the union of male and female energies, leads all life forms back to their Source.

All things in the universe are either positively or negatively charged. That is, they are influenced more by either Love or Light energy, or they are either male or female. This includes everything from a sub-atomic particle to an atom, a human being, a planet, or a galaxy. Everything is either male or female. There is nothing that is 100% neutral except for the energy of Purpose.

Even though it is true that all forms are polarized in either male or female energy, it is also a fact that each form is composed of wavelengths with much interplay between both energies. Within the makeup of a human male for instance, there will be many female energies at work, and so will the female deal with numerous male energies within her. The reason an entity takes a male or female body in a certain life is because this energy is better suiting to fulfil his or her life’s purpose. As the entity goes through cycles of creation he or she will switch sexes, races and situations, so after the cycle in incarnation is over the pilgrim will have a fulness of experience.  

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The Beginning of Form

This entry is part 3 of 40 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Three
The Beginning of Form

We will now proceed to the beginning as described in the scriptures of the world. When it is written “In the beginning” it is speaking of the beginning of the universe of form, time and space, but there were many eternities before this event. However, the beginning of this visible universe in which we find ourselves has been all that the majority have been able to fathom so this is where the teachers of the race have focused. This account has given a slight glimpse into existence before this perceived beginning.

Before the beginning of the worlds of form the separated monads, or Sons of God, gathered together and recreated the original idea of God, or The One, but with a different idea. Instead of making exact reproductions of Itself, and expanding endlessly, the United Sonship wanted to create a universe where each monad could experience differences and create themselves according to independent desire. They also wanted to experience the full range of duality and to know both good and evil.

The Sonship, or the Word (as John called it) descended into the planes as previously described. The One Sonship became the three and then the many as they manifested to the fifth plane down composed of form created by mind. There each monad manifested as a light that was different than any other light and they were very fluid and could take any form with a thought. The goal was to create a universe where form seemed permanent and where time would proceed in linear fashion. Here they would face the ultimate challenge of losing their identity in the form and then having to work their way back toward Spirit and their true Source.

Patterned after The One, the United Sonship at the beginning of its separation manifested Itself in an existence beyond time and space. From our perspective it was only a point that occupied no space, but within this point were all the monads that was associated with it, a number of a great magnitude.

The Sonship put much thought in how to proceed with the creation of form and how to eventually make that form fulfill their purposes. As the thinking proceeded, they concluded that the task ahead would be a challenge indeed for they could see that a finished and useful form would indeed be extremely complex and would require much creative thought. This thought with the end in mind manifested the aspect of Purpose, an aspect borrowed from The One. The path before them was to follow that purpose until all their desires were fulfilled.

The decision was made to go from the simple to the complex. The first act was to project all their group essence into a single point. Then they made the beginning of motion by causing the point to move forward. Finally, they created the beginning of form by causing the point to vibrate up and down which created wavelength.

Next, they extended their energy from Purpose and created a second wavelength and then a third and fourth until the extended stream produced millions, then billions, then trillions finally and incomprehensible number. But there was a number. There is always a number to everything.

Next they extended a second stream of wavelengths of similar length. This was followed by a third, then a fourth until they had a circle with a point in the center with twelve streams. The universe so far was like a wheel with twelve connecting spokes. The number of extended wavelengths was equal to the number of participating monads and each monad linked itself by the power of its thought to one of the wavelengths. The one life force circulated from the point to the twelve edges of the circle and then around the edges of the circle. Each monad maintained a link to the whole and thus to each other.

The lines, or streams of wavelengths linked to the circle, created space. This circle around the point projecting the wavelengths was the beginning of a universe of form, time and space.

The monads were still connected in awareness and as they were still connected to the one mind they decided to vibrate as individual monads, but in harmony with the others. They increased vibration and individually and collectively created wavelengths with seven different aspects as follows:

From the beginning of the creation of form then, there is projected the Ray of Purpose. Purpose has no beginning because the Life that projects it is eternal; thus, it has no end. Purpose is like a single endless line, or spiral, and because it is endless, it penetrates all things. When Purpose decides to paint pictures, it projects vibration and thus creates the wavelength. The top of the wavelength is called Love and the bottom is called Light, but Purpose is always there existing unseen between the two. It is the motivating Power.

When Purpose vibrates with the objective of creating divine art, or manifest form, then the illusion of two separate energies is created. These energies, or aspects, are Love and Light, and are not separate from Purpose any more than Purpose is separate from Life. Purpose, Love, and Light are three Aspects of the One Life. They are one energy, but appear to be three energies. They are the One in Three, and the Three in One. These correspond to the energies of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

One of the best illustrations of this is the guitar string. When it is stationary there is before you only one string, but as soon as you pluck it there is immediately produced the illusion of three strings. There appears to be three strings until the vibration ends. Then we see one string again.

So it is with creation. There appears to be three energies as long as the one energy of manifestation has motion or is vibrating, but creation is based upon the illusion of the three. In reality there is only one. While manifest creation is in existence in time and space the Trinity will be real to us, but when the vibration that creates all things is stilled then all the universe will go back to its source, for the separation will come to an end.

Notice that the line of energy that produces Love and Light is a single emission. It is only the fluctuation of that one energy on both sides of Purpose that creates the illusion of Two or more, or the great illusion of Duality.

Even though the appearance of the Trinity of strings is an illusion that does not negate its value. Quite the contrary, for without this Trinity it would be impossible to create any rhythm or melodies and the guitar would be able to fulfill no useful function except to stand silent in the closet.

Even so the United Sonship reflected Itself, creating motion, or vibration, so the Music of the Spheres, and form, time and space is made manifest so the various parts of God can know themselves and each other as individual lives.

The real beginning of the creation of form was on the fifth plane down, called the plane of the mind by some teachings. This is the highest plane which has within it matter that can be molded into form. This matter is often called mental matter for it is much more refined than physical matter and can be instantly molded by thought.

In our physical world if we want to create something we have laboriously fetch all the materials and physically put them together. In the mental world all we have to do is to put it together with our thoughts and it can instantly appear. Some people visit this world with near death experiences and they think they are in heaven. It is heaven by earthly standards, but there are much higher realms beyond this.

In the process of descent, the monads resided in the plane of the mind and manifested every type of form they could imagine which would serve as prototypes of that which would manifest in the physical world.

One may think that the creation of the first atom was a simple step, but there is a universe within the atom and the trial and error that their thoughts went through to make a stable hydrogen atom would boggle the mind of any scientist.

The Sonship thus focused on the plane of the mind until they had prototypes of quarks, atoms, all the elements, molecules, bodies for living things, planets, stars, galaxies and the physical universe itself.

Upon completion of the necessary prototypes, they finally arrived at the point where they could begin creation of the dense physical and thus create for themselves the ultimate challenge. Once identified with a physical body they would forget their true identity and be completely ignorant of all the powers they possessed in reality. This, the greatest of illusions would require the most strenuous of effort of many lifetimes to master, but they had faith that it could be done.

To create a universe where the various lives would be able to experience the full range of emotions as well as pain and pleasure, a step had to be taken that was different from the higher planes. Up to the point of physical creation all lives had a high degree of sharing. In their true spiritual home, before the separation, sharing was complete and what one experienced all experienced. Some of this was lost in the descent to the plane of the mind, but not all. Now as the descent into dense physical matter was contemplated it was realized that this sharing had to be eliminated to the extent that each life would be seen as a completely separate unit.

Upon reflection the reason for this is obvious. We as humans know how difficult it is to handle the pain and distress we experience as a single life. Just imagine how much your quality of life would be affected if you shared the pain of just three other people. Now imagine sharing with a hundred, a thousand, a million or all the billions of people on the planet. The pain would be beyond that which could be imagined.

Therefore, unlike the higher planes, life in the physical universe would have to appear to exist as isolated units completely separated in consciousness from each other. Each individual would only feel the pain in his or her own life and not that of other people, even loved ones. They could have empathy for the pain of others, but they would only actually feel their own.

This isolation was not necessary in the higher worlds because there was no pain there and sharing only increased the positive flow of life.

On the material plane where pain would exist sharing would have to be limited. Each life would have to be a universe to itself or existence there would be unbearable.

According to their reasoning, to have the opportunity to experience all of duality; pain and pleasure as well as the full spectrum of happiness and sorrow would give all life a depth of understanding and appreciation that had never been realized before.

The biggest problem to be faced would be that which would be caused by the isolation and feeling of separateness of the various lives. They would have to forget who they were. The process of retrieving that awareness would be long and difficult indeed, but this would be the ultimate challenge that they originally desired.

Was this a challenge they could master? Although they believed they could, this question brought forth a fear that was carried with them into physical creation.

The final step of creation then arrived. All was prepared on the plane of the mind, but now it had to be distilled to the dense physical plane.

The whole of the Sonship gathered their forces as if it were a great circle surrounding a universe and projected a point in the center. They caused the point to vibrate creating the first wavelength in the physical plane. They projected intensified thought into the vibrating point and the wavelengths multiplied endlessly. They then gathered the wavelengths into forms and gathered the lesser forms into greater forms many times until the formation of quarks. then the quarks gathered and manifested protons and neutrons.

The first stage happened in about a second of time measured by us, but for the life involved in the microscopic scale, time was much different and it was as if billions of years went into that process. The second stage that involved the creation of protons and neutrons took only a few minutes of our time but much longer to the lives involved.

From our perspective this was a Big Bang that occurred in an instant, but, for the lives involved, it was a long process.

Science looks at the properties of matter and they figure that we were extremely lucky that everything fell into place the way it did, but there was no luck involved. The beginning of form required the application of very high intelligence over what seemed to be an eternity to those involved, but it would have been impossible if the mental prototypes were not created first.

The next major step was the creation of the completed hydrogen atom followed by helium. By our standards of time this process took much longer for balance needed to be perfected between the positive nucleus and the negative electrons This process took many thousands of our years and consciousness moved toward our current reckoning of time until time was perceived as we now know it and creation advanced quite close to current scientific teaching in that the initial light atoms gathered into giant stars fusing into heavier atoms and turning into supernovas creating the heavy elements. After this process the elements gathered again and manifested the universe as we know it today.

We now find ourselves in a universe where the purpose of the incarnating sons of God is to experience all that this world of limitations has to offer. The goal was to forget that they were unlimited beings so they could experience all levels of duality which would include pain and suffering as well as pleasure and happiness from achievement. They believed that overcoming limitations would produce an increased sense of joy that was not yet found in the highest spiritual realm.

Then when they had finished in the realm of limitation the goal was to return home. The path of return involved the eternal process that created heaven itself. That involved single lives gathering and forming greater lives shared by all. This they did until the One was created.

Now they were separated again this process had to be repeated. In this physical plane, creation began with wavelengths that were distilled from higher wavelengths from the plane of the mind. Planes higher than mind conceived the concept of creation from wavelengths, but not the actual manifestation of their form.

The original wavelengths projected from the plane of mind to the physical included seven wavelengths from the mind within the wavelengths in the physical as follows:

This has the interesting effect of creating a secondary wavelength seven times larger than the first. It helps to visualize it if we draw a line through it to see the wavelength of the material world.

This explains a great mystery, the reason we cannot, with present scientific knowledge, detect the spiritual realm we go to after death. The wavelengths which create the higher worlds are hidden within the wavelengths of our own. Who has ever considered that the wavelengths that create our world are made of smaller but hidden wavelengths?

Many world thinkers have taught that all is illusion or frequency, but few have reduced the cause of physical manifestation down to the wavelength, but what is a new thought here is that the vibration is made from vibration is made from vibration… The vibrations within vibrations are the unseen worlds in the mental plane. This hides them so well that it is difficult to prove their existence without understanding this principle. We cannot here portray the hidden worlds in exactness, but this idea will lead our minds in the right direction.

Within all the worlds of form exist the Seven Ray energies. They are created through a ripple effect as various wavelengths involve and evolve. The dot indicates a point in space and time where a planet, individual, or atom may find itself.

The One Wavelength further subdivides itself into endless amounts as illustrated below:

When we consider the originating wavelength a question that may arise is which direction did it go? All the above diagrams have it going from left to right. This is not exactly correct. These illustrations are two dimensional in order to register preparatory truth upon the mind of the seeker.

In actuality, before the first wavelength there was no form, space or time for these are created out of the wavelengths. Because there was no space or time there was no direction. Therefore, the originating wavelength had to go all directions at once through all the many reflections: up, down, front, back and sideways. In going all directions from the center the circular ball was produced. As we look through the universe at atoms, planets, stars we see circular spheres which are recreations of the first wavelength. See the diagram below as a circular ball of wavelengths emanating all directions originating from the point of life in the center:

The circle is represented by many objects in the universe, but then we also have many forms deviating from that form. No two wavelengths are exactly alike so the circle evolved into imperfect circles, spirals and other forms.

In this material universe creation evolved into seven categories of frequencies corresponding to the seven colors of the rainbow.

There is no space, time or form, as we know it, in the four energy worlds above the mental, but in them is laid the foundation for all possibilities within his universe of time and space.

The current creative life, the human, has within it all the seven foundational frequencies and is the soul of the universe, the mediator between God and matter.

Above us are forms coming into a gathered and organized state, and below us are the many particles which have duplicated the original creative process that produced The One. Wavelengths produce particles that gathered and created quarks, which created protons and neutrons, which emitted electrons and formed atoms which fused into more complex atoms, which gathered into molecules, which gathered to create cells, and eventually life evolving into humanity as we know it. There are many planets in this universe with intelligent humanoid lives which stand at the midpoint of creation. As the soul of the universe, it is our job to continue the process of creation and continue to gather into greater wholes and create life greater than ourselves until in ages hence the physical universe itself becomes as one great life of which we can all share. When this happens, all the Sons of God, the prodigal sons, can return home.

There they can rest until they, or their created offspring, decide they want another adventure in time and space.

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The Separation Begins

This entry is part 2 of 40 in the series Molecular Relationship

The Molecular Relationship

Chapter Two
The Separation Begins

Approximately one third of the children of The One were interested in entering the great illusion and gathered together in consciousness and formulated a plan. Since The One did not endorse their endeavor, they decided to create a reflection of their Creator. They then used their great powers to unite as one great life that would create a new universe, inferior to the one that was their natural home, but one that would offer them many limitations to overcome as well as all aspects of duality. Not only would there be love, but there would be hate, and instead of eternal peace there would be both peace and conflict. There would be opposites to everything they presently enjoyed that would lead to many disturbing feelings. But they all felt that this opposition in all things would present great challenges, and by overcoming them an even greater joy could be achieved than was offered in heaven.

After embracing the plan, they joined to create a reflection of The One but with a mind that would accept the negatives of duality as well as the positive. They called this the United Sonship. This Sonship would be separate from the universe of The One for they would create a new universe governed by the Sonship, one that would incorporate all the aspects of duality. In their life with The One, each monad shared a supreme equality. What one possessed all possessed and all qualities were shared equally. These monads wanted to find out what it would feel like to be different from each other and create their own identity and even have their own individual names.

As the plan progressed, all the remaining hosts of heaven looked on with great alarm and did all they could to influence them to not execute their plan. Neither The One or the lives within wanted to see such a large part of the whole become separate. They were also concerned that the separation would not be temporary as planned, but could become permanent.

The United Sonship ignored their concerns and continued with their plan. To execute it they would have to use the powers given to them by The One to not only create an illusion, but make it seem totally real so the challenges could be seen as real. They realized that this could not be done in the realm of light, for in that realm they had everything. They willed themselves to go to the edge of creation – to that point toward which the universe of the One was ever expanding. Their consciousness moved past many vast creations of light until they came to a great barrier with a beautiful golden hue. They knew that beyond this golden light was a void of nothingness. Everything was within the light and nothing was without. To make their illusion real they had to go into the void and create as was done with The One, but this time using duality instead of placing focus only on the positive.

They attempted to go through the golden barrier but discovered that they could not penetrate it. It was at this time that they realized that they were a part of creation and it was impossible to leave it. It seemed then that since they were a part of The One, there was no way they could totally leave this great life of which they were a part.

These lives still wanted to execute their plan and believed that this was possible, for hadn’t they been given all power? This should mean they have power to separate from The One and create according to their own desires.

The United Sonship finally came up with a solution “We must leave our original light and mind here in the real universe and project our minds through the golden barrier into the void. Once there, we can create according to our desires. The only problem is that we will have to descend to a great depth to forget our identity. We will eventually enter a great dream state not connected to our true home.”

As the lives in the Sonship contemplated moving forward, they realized the path of return may be more difficult than they supposed and a shiver of fear echoed through the entire group.

Fear was a quality that had never been realized by any life that was in heaven. The original Twelve felt it when They created the One, but it seemed alien to them and was ignored. Now that which was denied loomed before them with such strength that it had to be recognized.

The question was, what would happen if they left their essence in heaven and projected an illusion of themselves into the void? Would they be able to awaken to their true reality and return?

“It will be worth the risk,” came a response, “because in the end we will have an enhanced heaven, one that knows good and evil yet prevailed. Just imagine the possibility of an increased joy.”

After considering this, the United Sonship suppressed their fear and decided to continue on their venture. The vast group, consisting of an immense number of monads who were Sons of God, thus went into meditation deep and projected themselves into the unknown – the great void.

The Descent into Form

Once in the void a sense of loss came over them. They still had creative powers but could not create the Eternal. From this point on, all creations would have a beginning and an end. Nevertheless, they proceeded forward.

In their beginning as living monads, they existed as points in divine space, but in this void before them, there was nothing, not even space; so the first order of creation was space itself. Their united mind then conceived of the idea of space where there could be an imagined distance between two points. They used their creative imagination to create new space as vast as they could conceive. It was a space that seemed endless, yet ever expanding to make room for themselves and all that could be imagined.

This was their first plane of descent.

Next, they decided to project themselves as monads, or points of light, into this space. In doing this they desired to take their first step toward differentiation to move away from the sameness and total equality that each had in their spiritual home. They decided to start with a Trinity of differences and use this number as the foundation of all their creations.

Within The One all monads were equal in that they had all power, a fulness of love and equally shared the mind of God. Their first limitation in their new venture was that each monad would choose to focus on one of these aspects, for in this new universe each would excel at one of the aspects while not enjoying a fullness of the other two.

A majority chose the aspect of love-wisdom followed by the next choice of mind and that which it would create. A lesser portion chose will, power and purpose. Even though power was a very desirable aspect, it was also the easiest to misuse as well as the most difficult to understand without a fullness of the other two qualities. This caused many monads to be hesitant in focusing on this first aspect.

The next order of descent was to plane number three, the plane of ideas. In the unity of The One, ideas were indeed in circulation, but none based on duality. Now that the Sonship could consider both the positive and negative, a vast number of new ideas could be expressed. The monads settled in this plane until every conceivable idea was shared and in circulation.

The problem of settling on this plane was that the ideas were merely ideas and were not followed by creation. The thinking of the group was that some type of manifestation must follow these ideas. They must create a plane wherein form can become manifest.

The decision was made to create a plane where ideas can manifest as form. This would be a big leap from anything done by The One, or by them previously, for in a universe of form it would appear to the monads that there is creation outside of their united minds. This was something never done before, but it was the reason behind their whole endeavor so they moved forward.

To manifest form, yet keep their higher connections. they proceeded to create two planes at one time. The monads would project themselves down to an initial plane of form governed by mind and then create another plane that would link the lower plane with the higher.

The fourth plane of descent would connect the higher and the lower, and the fifth would initiate the creation of form. This fifth plane is called the plane of the mind, whereas the fourth manifests the intuition. It is in the plane of the mind that higher ideas are received and given some type of form by the power of thought. It is here that individualized souls, often called causal bodies, are created.

The monads then proceeded to project a portion of themselves into the plane of the mind and reflect themselves in a soul body. Such a soul could manifest as any form desired, or merely as light, but even as light it would have a vibration and identity different from any other soul. Because of this each projected soul took upon itself a distinct name.

This world of thought was a pleasant place to reside, for as soon as a desirable thought occurred, a manifestation immediately followed. Thus, by the power of their thought they created beautiful worlds with beautiful life forms, consisting of glorious cities with marvelous buildings and scenery. Every idea that the souls desired became manifest.

The only problem with settling here was that their main objective was not yet accomplished. The souls did not have a full awareness, but they still had significant realization of who they were. To really challenge themselves they had to sever the link of awareness and enter a world where they would be a blank slate with no true knowledge of their themselves. This would be the ultimate challenge and overcoming such a limitation would be the ultimate victory.

They then moved forward to create a plane of dense physical manifestation. The soul, which was a partial reflection of the monad, would then reflect part of itself into form so dense that it would seem to be beyond the control of thought. To manipulate this dense form would require the application of other forms, instead of mere thought as on the plane of the mind.

The souls then saw that on this lowest plane they would need individualized bodies to complete their mission. Within these bodies they would be linked to a lower projection of the mind of the soul. Then they saw that the interplay of lower mind with the dense physical would create desire, and this desire, a lower reflection of love-wisdom, would constitute a distinct plane. The mind was the fifth plane, the desire nature was the sixth, and the lowest that they could conceive was the dense physical, the seventh plane. Finally, the physical was a plane that they could enter with the ultimate challenge of near total forgetfulness, yet despite this challenge, they had faith they could overcome all the limitations imposed, enter the path of return and eventually reunite with The One with an enhanced awareness.

As they began to manifest in these two lower planes of time and space a point of no return was reached, and a great fear swept over the entire sonship. They were indeed plunging into the unknown. They were confident they could return, but an element of doubt crept in saying, “what if we could never remember who we are?”

This fear which followed them caused the path of return to be much more problematic than they planned, but they certainly had what they wanted – a limitation to overcome. On the other hand, the fear factor gave them the ultimate challenge, which, according to their thinking, would give them the prospect of ultimate joy.

The Path of Return

The One and all the remaining extensions, or Sons of God, became aware of the great descent into a realm so dense that all knowledge of heaven and their true identity was virtually gone. The universe they created would indeed last for billions of years and their essence would be recycled many times, but even though some would think the universe of form was eternal, it would indeed have an end. If the monads did not regain their identity and power before the end of the universe then that which gave them habitation would disappear into the nothingness from whence it came, and all these children of the One could be lost in the great void forever.

The One was already feeling a loss with the entering into the great sleep and the departure of the consciousness of a third part of itself. “This situation cannot be eternal,” It thought to Itself. “I must save my children and thus save the wholeness of Myself.”

This thought reverberated through all the lives that were within the body of The One. There was complete agreement, for all who remained identified completely with the whole.

In that instant, all the focus of The One, which included all the lives within It, focused on Its center, and within that center was a great circular bubble which symbolized the divine space taken by the sleeping monads. Within that bubble were endless points of light which represented that great number of sleeping monads.

The One did not enter the bubble to save Its children for It would then become trapped in the illusion and heaven and all that is eternal would cease to be accessible. Instead, it gathered together all the co-creators to assist in a new creation, an entity composed of threads of living light, knowledge and love which would be projected into the bubble, but with threads connecting it to heaven and other threads extending to separated ones. This universal entity would then maintain an awareness of all that is in heaven while entering the dream with enough light to guide the willing monads back home when they are ready. The threads connecting it to The One would keep it safe from fully entering the dream and forgetting its Source. It would always know who and what it was. This was the beginning of the mission of what many call the Holy Spirit. Others call it the Christ or the God within.

The idea was that all the prodigal sons would eventually greatly tire of the separated condition and indistinctively seek guidance to return home. When that time comes, then this projection of The One would be a beacon they could follow back to their Source.

It is interesting how this account harmonizes with the famous scripture from the Gospel of John, which reads:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.

“All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” John 1:1-5

Notice how this harmonizes with the account presented here, especially when we realize that the Word was Christ as noted in several passages that follow. Here is one

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” John 1:14

It is interesting that concerning the creation of all we see that it is only the Son that is mentioned and not the Father. It is also enlightening to note that the Concordant version, which gives a literal translation, describes the Word as an ‘it” and not a “he.”

“In the beginning was the word, and the word was toward God, and God was the word. This is in the beginning toward God. All came into being through IT (not Him), and apart from IT not even one thing came into being which has come into being. In IT was life, and the life was the light of men.”

In other words, the Christ, which made all the worlds, is more than the man Jesus as noted by Paul:

“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, SO ALSO IS CHRIST. For by ONE SPIRIT we are all baptized into ONE body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into ONE SPIRIT. For the body is not one member, but MANY (All lives together)… Now Ye are the body of Christ (the Son), and members in particular.” I Cor 12:12-14, 27

Since Christ is a body of which we are members, it would make sense to refer to such a body as “it” rather than “he.”

That which made all things in this universe of time and space was not God the Father, but God the Son which John called “the Word.” And The Christ, which created all things is a body with many members which includes all of us before we completely lost our identity as one with Christ or Sons of God.

Amazingly the Bible acknowledges that we were thrilled at the creation of the earth for the opportunity provided:

“Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding…When the morning stars sang together, and ALL THE SONS OF GOD shouted for joy?” Job 38:4&6

We, which includes all the monads who left their spiritual home, were part of the Word, or Sonship which created this earth as well as the universe of time and space. We rejoiced at the creation of this earth which made it possible for us to be challenged and grow and rejoice at the overcoming of limitations.

In our history of existence, then, there were five great events which occurred.

The first was the natural interplay of cause and effect which stimulated monads to go beyond the zero point and manifest as intelligence.

The second was the gathering together of intelligent monads into groups which created a group life greater than the sum of the parts.

The third was the gathering of groups into greater groups.

The fourth was the gathering of all groups into one which created the One Great Life called The One, or God.

The fifth was the separation of a third of the monads into a void where they proceeded to create the universe of time and space, or that which we experience in the current reality where we have forgotten our true identity.

In the first four cycles of our existence, we gathered together until we became one. In the last, we shattered that oneness into the many that we now experience.

Now, in another great phase, we must unite together again and experience greater and greater oneness until we, as prodigal sons, can find our way back home.


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