The Giant Leap

Feb 24, 2016

The Giant Leap

lwk Writes

Maybe there is also another important principle for the student here? Maybe it is that we should be skeptical of any teaching that promises huge leaps and gains with little effort on our part?


You are certainly correct here and those who embrace shortcuts are easy to find.

The most popular shortcut out there is the common Christian belief that all you have to do to be saved and inherit eternal life in the heavenly realms is to confess a belief in Jesus. Of course, it cannot be just any ole Jesus, but must conform to their interpretation of who and what Jesus is. The Mormon, Seventh Day Adventist, Catholic versions and many more are not acceptable to Evangelical Christians as authentic.

If, however, you confess faith in the right version of Jesus you will take a giant leap after death and dwell with God in bliss forever.

The Catholics put more emphasis on works, but they still allow a similar leap if one confesses to a proper authority before death.

Other Christian religions teach that you must do a few works but still promise a giant leap if you are faithful to their teachings and do good works.

Muslims also promise believers a giant leap but make more demands of the followers than most Christian religions. They have many rituals that must be followed and some extremist groups demand the ultimate sacrifice in fighting the so-called infidels.

Other religions have their shortcuts including those who believe that we have gone through a long series of reincarnations. Many teachers of this belief tell believers that if they accept them as a teachers or masters that they will be shown a shortcut to escaping the wheel of rebirth. An exceedingly large number of folk who believe in reincarnation believe they are on their last life, either because they see themselves as advanced or they have found some guru who has promised them a flying leap over many lifetimes that the rest of us will have to endure.

This giant leap deception not only manifests in religion but in all facets of life. Most of us have met someone who has promised us easy riches if we just invest in their scheme. In this situation it is best to recall the old adage, “If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is.”

The problem persists in politics. The United States became the most prosperous nation on the planet because we have followed the Tortoise Principle and its people have taken one step at a time toward economic liberty. Now we are backsliding because of being enticed with promises of an easy path forward. All we have to do is tax the rich, redistribute the wealth and everyone who is not rich will get lots of free stuff with no effort on their part. Even though this process has never worked over time the promise of wealth without effort is enticing and captivates many.

Whether it be easy salvation, a pyramid scheme or wealth by confiscation of other people’s money and the siren is promising an easy path forward – be warned. The real path forward in spiritual evolution will demand all the talents, intelligence and strength the seeker has to successfully complete the journey. If you are not being challenged then you are doing something wrong.

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The Tortoise Principle

Feb 22, 2016

The Tortoise Principle

Ginger writes about the idea that when a light is dimmed and then suddenly turned on bright that it hurts the eyes. She wonders if there is a principle behind this.

Indeed there is. I have written about it as a side item, but never presented this as a core principle. From the Book of Quotes on Freeread in the Light and dark section we read:

“If a light is slowly dimmed to fifty percent strength and then is instantly turned up to full strength, the person is startled as to the intensity. He had no idea he was missing so much light. Even so with spiritual light. We are often not aware when we are losing it.”

Indeed, as we move toward the light our soul engineers our life so we will not take giant leaps, but move forward step by step. DK tells us that the tortoise always beats the hare because he just moves forward incrementally without ceasing whereas the hare attempts giant leaps and is inconsistent.

Since you have an LDS background you might appreciate this quote from Joseph Smith:

“You have to learn how to be Gods yourselves, and be kings and priests to God, the same as all Gods have done before you, namely by going from one small degree to another, and from a small capacity to a great one: from grace to grace from exaltation to exaltation until you attain the resurrection of the dead.”

History of the Church; Vol. 6 Pg. 306

The idea behind this principle is this: You do not advance in any great effort by making one or two giant leaps forward, but must advance step by step. You move up a ladder one step at a time, not by taking six steps or even three. Two steps may be possible, but is not efficient.

There are several things we could name this principle so let us pick one.

The best two in my opinion is either the Tortoise Principle or the Incremental Principle. Perhaps the group will weigh in as to which one they like best.

Now let us put the principle in words.

It is the idea that progress from point A to point B or any major adjustment to a new situation, energy or light must be made in increments that does not overtax the seeker.

The scripture says it well:

And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize…

Mosiah 4:27

The truism behind the principle is:

Do not bite off more than you can chew.

It is interesting that there is a protective web between all the centers that protects them from opening up too suddenly as it would be a disaster to release too much soul energy before one is ready to assimilate it.

The problem with many as they begin their real journey on the path is that when they catch a small glimpse of the plan they want to hurry forward as quickly as possible. The beginner often thinks he is on his last life and wants to take giant leaps. This unreasonable judgment often sets him back a lifetime or two. The successful disciple just moves ahead one step at a time and if the next step consists of small things then so be it.

Following this principle does not mean that the disciple can spend a lot of time just taking it easy. All disciples must learn to make efficient use of their time as they are moving forward step by step.

I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy.

Marie Curie

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The Pope and The Donald

Feb 19, 2016

The Pope and The Donald

I believe that Pope Francis is the first pontiff in history to single out the United States as the evil empire. He hasn’t used that exact phrase, but his criticisms of us reveal that he sees us this way.

First, he criticizes us as being unchristian and greedy because of our free enterprise and capitalism. He seems to think that Jesus wants us enter into the forced sharing programs advocated by socialists and communists rather than leaving sharing up to Christian free will.

Then he lectures to us about destroying the planet though burning fossil fuels, as if we are the only country who has inhabitants driving cars and heating our homes. I wonder if he would have the courage to go to China or Russia and tell them their way of life runs contrary to God’s will.

Then he breaks down the barrier between church and state and addresses both the U.N. and the United States Congress.

Now he adds fuel to political/religious fire and division he has created by attacking a leading presidential candidate. On Thursday, Feb 18, he was asked his views on Donald Trump. The interviewer told the pontiff that Trump “said that if he were elected president he would build a 2,500-km wall along the border. He wants to deport 11 million illegal immigrants.”

To this Pope Francis said

“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the gospel. … I say only that this man is not Christian if he says things like that.”

Well, Donald did say things exactly like that so Pope Francis is definitely stating that Trump is not a Christian.

Some are trying to whitewash the Pope’s statement saying he didn’t mention Donald by name, but this is silly because the question specifically mentioned him by name meaning the answer was directed specifically at Donald Trump.

To his credit Trump didn’t take the accusation lying down. He said:

“No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith,” He added that people in the government of Mexico “made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope.”

Then he wrapped it up with this creative possibility:

“If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president.”

So, is the Pope justified in attacking Trump as being unchristian for wanting to build a wall to keep illegals out? Is there anything in the Bible that teaches against keeping out undesirables with walls?

To the contrary the scripture are full of support for wall building. The first thing David did when he established the city that would become Jerusalem was to build more walls.

Later the city was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, but after a period of captivity the Jews rejoiced when Ezra and Nehemiah were allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild its walls and so Israel could dwell there safely.

Jerusalem has been famous throughout history as the walled city, but the real clincher in this story is not the Old Jerusalem, but the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is portrayed in the New Testament as the City of God where dwells God and the redeemed. Of this it is written:

“Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God … And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels.” Rev 21:9-12

And why does God’s own city have a wall? It is to keep out those who are not citizens of the kingdom of God for the following scripture says:

“And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” Rev 21:27

“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without (outside the wall) are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” Rev 22:14-15

Someone needs to tell the Pope that even God needs a wall to keep out those who are not authorized citizens of is kingdom.

It’s almost funny when you think of it, especially when you consider that the Vatican has a giant wall 50 feet high and has such strict immigration rules that Donald Trump looks like Mother Teresa by comparison.

The United States should be the last country that Pope Francis should preach about inclusiveness as we take in more immigrants here than any other nation.

In 2013, approximately 41.3 million immigrants lived in the United States and if we add in U. S. born children the number reaches 80 million or about a quarter of our population.

By contrast the whole United Kingdom only has about a half million, France 332,000, Germany, 693,000 and Italy, wherein lies the Vatican only 307,000 less than one percent of the USA. Then as far as the nation which is called the Vatican goes one is much more likely to win the lottery than become a legal immigrant there.

With such a huge number of immigrants already here it is only logical that we should follow the example set by the Christian God and his city, and establish rules and secure our borders so we can make sure that decent people are allowed to come in and to keep out those that would do us damage.

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The Song of Eternal life

Feb 17, 2016

The Song of Eternal life

Tom Writes:

Any special instructions for the song of Eternal life like visualizing people saying it or pretty lights in and around the body like with the song of the 144,000 I been saying both songs for a few months without missing that many days in between.


Whereas visualization is important in the Song of the 144,000, feeling is the key ingredient in the Song of Eternal life. As you say this song, first attempt to feel connected to your Source, which is God. To this source we owe our lives so feel the life coming from Spirit and flowing into you as you say the words. Feel the life correcting all the wrongs in your body and setting them straight.

Secondly feel a sense of thanksgiving and appreciation. Do not sense yourself fighting any problem that you have but thank your body mind and soul for all their attempts to help you and see them being aided by the extra life force you are invoking.

After you finish feel a sense of love for all the lives seeking to assist you as well as all those who are attempting to find their way home.

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Like-Minded Souls

Feb 16, 2016

Like-Minded Souls

I received a comment on my post of “Like Attracts Like” that went something like this.

We all have a desire to fit I and belong but some people just cannot find a place that seems right for them. Then maybe you join a group and you feel welcome at first but then you have a falling out and lose attraction.

Are there some people who just do not belong anywhere and have no “like” to attract another “like”?

To understand the answer there is one important point that first must be understood. All of us are linked to our souls and our souls are masters on their own plane and linked to each other. On the soul level life experiences true brotherhood and attraction is universal.

When we as individuals commence our progression here on the earth we begin as projections far removed from our Higher Selves and assess differences and similarities according to what we take in from this dense material world. As the pilgrim progresses he eventually makes a breakthrough and establishes a small link with his soul that grows over time. After the link is established the similarities and differences of the physical world begin to lose their meaning because they are overshadowed by the greater interplay that manifests through the soul. When a brother who has made contact encounters another with a similar amount of contact then an immediate attraction will result. He or she will enjoy being with this person much more than one that has similar personality interests. They will both be interested in the higher life of the soul and that eclipses interests in the material world.

So if one is a seeker of higher things and feels that he or she does not belong my advice is to do all in your power to continue the journey on the spiritual path. All serious attempts move the individual forward and when progression reaches a certain degree then contact will not only be made with the Higher Self, but the seeker will recognize and be drawn to others who have made such contact.

So how so we explain the fact that there seems to be people on all kinds of different levels of progression who feel isolated, or that they do not belong?

There are a number of reasons for this and here are a few:

(1) Cycles. Cycles affect all both high and low. Sometimes your Higher Self as well as Higher Lives see that it will be advantageous to you to struggle completely on your own for a while. Some call this he Dark Night of the Soul, where the seeker feels abandoned.

If this is the case then the seeker must follow he advice of Paul and “Be ready in season and out of season.” II Tim 2:4 New King James

In other words, live your life as a soul whether you feel love and brotherhood or not. This way when the positive cycle of contact returns you will just continue and not have to make a lot of changes in behavior.

(2) Uneven progression. As each person progresses he moves ahead faster in some areas than others. In one area of living be may be in harmony with the soul and in another he may be out of tune. The part that is out of tune may signal a red flag to others on the path and cause them to avoid him and the feeling may be mutual.

The key here is to focus on the positive with a realization that none of us are perfect in the personality world. A positive focus will eventually bring other positive people into your life.

(3) The pilgrim may have too much focus on the material world. He may make friends with similar interests, but when the interests change the friendship will wither. Like personalities who gather do not experience the intimacy of soul brothers and often suffer from an emptiness that must eventually be filled with soul love.

(4) The pilgrim places too much attention on the emotional/astral world and reacts strongly to it. This person will often wind up being offended by most of his associates and in turn will send out a vibe of repulsion that offends them. This person will suffer many feelings of isolation and rejection until his mind assumes control over his emotions and directs them toward a positive end.

The bottom line is this. Figure out the type of people that you want to draw into your life and then become a servant to them and offer them something of value that they will appreciate. Do this while seeking the path that takes you toward soul contact and you will turn out to be a good and interesting person gathering around others who are also good and interesting. In the end you will sit back and say to yourself, “I am blessed. Life is good.”

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DK and Annoyance

Feb 14, 2016

DK and Annoyance

Ruth asks:

Didn’t DK say we should not get annoyed or upset by other peoples’ personalities?


He didn’t speak of annoyance in the normal sense. For instance, perhaps you have a neighbor with a barking dog, or a boss that shouts in your face. DK had several people in his group that tried his patience. It is fine to allow the personality to feel a little disgust for crazy behavior and to do what you can to civilly correct it, but the key is to not allow the behavior of others to get the best of you and to cause your own behavior to react negatively.

When he spoke negatively of annoyance he was generally talking about the behavior of one group member toward another, or the group as a whole. For a spiritual group to work the members must give each other the benefit of the doubt, overlook a lot of personality problems and look upon the soul of the other members. He didn’t care much about people’s personality reactions as long as it did not interfere with the spiritual progress of others or a group.

Here are some of his comments to a member of his group that was creating problems with too much criticism and annoyance at fellow group members.

For several years and more, you have consistently taken the position that one of my disciples has failed to measure up to his opportunities and that my entire group of disciples has not given the service which was demanded of it. You have so stated to a number of people and have also asserted that my work—as indicated by me in my various pamphlets and books—has not been properly done either by the group or by those who have pledged themselves to do it. You have criticised openly all that has been attempted and have steadily belittled and openly under-rated the work that has been done. You have misunderstood the attitude of my entire group. You have not helped in any way constructively. You have interjected a spirit of criticism everywhere.

Why is this? There are two reasons, my brother, and I care enough about your unfoldment to tell you with frankness what they are. One is that your fluid, uncontrolled, lower mind reverts with facility to criticism, to the formulating of group plans which are impossible of accomplishment, changing such plans at frequent intervals and using speech as a means of spreading distrust and criticism. Secondly, you are mentally and spiritually ambitious and yet you do not have the personal magnetism or the executive ability which would enable you to form your own group. It is easier to undermine another group.


Can you train yourself to overcome a critical spirit? I would remind you that habit is potent and that you are facing your life task and your major problem. You are adequate to the task, but only if you become truly convinced of the need.

Can you begin to concern yourself with constructive work which will meet the present need around you? You have talked much. Can you now begin to work?

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pages 588-590

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Feb 13, 2016



Have you JJ never told a lie in your 71 years on Earth?


I think I was born believing in being honest. I can’t remember anyone teaching me about it as my parents were not religious when I was young but I have always been committed to telling the truth, even as a kid. I have slipped up several times on small things that were kind of a knee jerk response and of course I have made my share of mistakes, but an honest mistake is not a lie. Of course, writing fiction and telling jokes are not lies because the receiver knows the ground rules.

Telling the truth has gotten me in trouble a number of times, but overall it has kept me out of a lot more trouble than it caused.



Well, if I was brutally honest at work, in all my jobs, I would get the sack.


You can be honest without being brutally honest. Let us suppose a female spouse asks, “Do you think I am fat?”

The brutally honest answer could be, “You’re fat as a pig and I find you repulsive.”

A diplomatic but honest answer is, “What is your weight now compared to ten years ago?”

Answer: “I’ve put on 20 pounds.”

“Looks like you are wearing it well and I love you more today than the lighter you, but if you lost a few of those pounds it would be terrific!”

I’ve met people who are brutally honest to the point of being rude and find them very annoying. It is better to say nothing or change the course of the conversation than to insult someone.


lwk writes:

I am curious what specific scriptures you are thinking of that “indicate that this earth is hell..”?


This scripture implies it but he Book of Mormon clarifies it:

Rev 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Rev 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

This is from my book Eternal Lives:

When Nephi was interpreting the filthy water in his vision he said it was “hell”. His brothers then asked: “Doth this thing mean the torment of the body in the days of probation, or doth it mean the final state of the soul after the death of the temporal body, or doth it speak of the things which are temporal? And it came to pass that I said unto them that it was a representation of things BOTH TEMPORAL AND SPIRITUAL.” I Nephi 15:31-32 Here we have it in plain English. Hell is both temporal and spiritual. Men can suffer for their sins both in and out of the body, and since this temporal existence is part of “hell” how are men going to be sent there after they die if they are not born again?

“There cannot any unclean thing enter into the kingdom of God; wherefore there must needs be a place of filthiness prepared for that which is filthy.” I Nephi 15:34. Nephi tells us that that place which is prepared is hell, of which the filthy water in the vision was a symbol of, and such symbol “was a representation of things both temporal and spiritual”. Therefore those who suffer the temporal hell are sent back to the “temporal” earth.

Let us examine the meaning for further light: “And the sea gave up the dead which were in it.” What is the sea? The scripture explains: “The waters (the sea) which thou sawest where the whore sitteth are the peoples, and multitudes, and nations and tongues.” Rev 17:15. We are told that “Death (Physical death II Nephi 9:11) and Hell (the spiritually dead in hell. II Nephi 9:12) delivered up the dead which were in them.” Thus we see that on the last day ALL the spiritually dead including those still living on the earth (The sea) and all the Spirit world (Death and Hell) will be judged, and those who cannot abide the judgment must suffer a “second death” and be cast into the lake of fire (or another round of numerous lives of sorrow).

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Alice A. Bailey Quotes

Feb 11, 2016

Alice A. Bailey Quotes

I gave you some highlights of the Course In Miracles. Now here are some by DK from Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1

Invocation 1935

Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.

Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.

May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.

May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time.

Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.

So let it be, and help us to do our part.


What I say should be read with care, for the written word may contain several meanings and these can be sensed, according to the intuition—awakened or otherwise—of the aspirant.


In the coming New Age, the Master is responsible for the offering of opportunity and for the right enunciation of the truth but for no more than that. In these more enlightened days, no such position is assumed by the teacher as in the past, and I do not assume it.


There is not the slightest suggestion of authoritative pronouncement by a member of the Hierarchy who must be obeyed and whose word is infallible. Let this be remembered, otherwise work will not be possible, elements of danger may enter in and the present effort come to naught.


May I reiterate that in one sense your individualities are of no interest or moment to me, except in so far as you raise or lower the group vibration. As personalities, you matter not to us, the teachers on the inner side. As souls you are of vital moment. Each disciple in the group of any Master may have many weaknesses and limitations. These act as hindrances to others in the group. But, as souls, such disciples [10] are somewhat awakened and alive and have achieved a certain measure of alignment. So it is with all of you in my group. As souls, I cherish you and seek to aid and lift, to expand and enlighten.

I would like here to emphasise one point as we consider the individual in the group and his group relations. Watch with care your thoughts anent each other, and kill out at once all suspicion, all criticism and seek to hold each other unwaveringly in the light of love. You have no idea of the potency of such an effort or of its power to release each other’s bonds and to lift the group to an exceedingly high place.


It is not a negative thing (as some claim) to point out a fault or error. As the clear light of the soul pours in, it reveals the personality for what it is. If true dispassion is practised, this group of disciples can see things as they are and remain untouched by the revelation of the desirable or the undesirable qualities. If you are depressed or irritated or hurt by such revelation, it indicates a basic lack of dispassion and proves attachment to the personality and to the opinions of others.


Add also to your meditation a short period wherein you will try and link up with your co-disciples, sending them love, soul force, and help.


Another question might here be asked: What should disciples in a Master’s group look for as evidence of successful group work? First and foremost, as you well know, group integrity and cohesion. Nothing can be done without this.


Can such a telepathic interplay be set up that the barrier of death will eventually prove no barrier at all and continuity of communication persist?

Many such questions arise and time alone will give the answer. If there is persistence in effort, if there is the loyal link of love, if there is adherence to the group ideal and if there is mutual forbearance and understanding and patience, it may be possible that this group can be welded into a unit which will indeed be a living atom in the hierarchical body.


A change in this relationship between disciples is now being made. An attempt is being set on foot to see if a group activity and interplay can now be set up upon the physical plane, involving consequently the use of the etheric body and the brain. The difficulties confronting you are, therefore, great and I am anxious that you should realise this. Will you realise, for instance, that any differences of opinion which may occur in the relations of this group of disciples will be caused by astral-brain reactions and, therefore, must not be considered of any importance whatsoever? They must be immediately eliminated and wiped from the slate of the mind and of the memory and classed as entirely personality limitations and unworthy of hindering group integrity.

This experiment, being attempted by a group within my Ashram, is one in mental relations and in soul contact, with the emphasis and attention placed basically there. The astral-physical brain reactions should be regarded as non-existent and as illusion and should be allowed to lapse below the threshold of the group consciousness—there to die for lack of attention. This type of group work is a new venture and unless something definitely new emerges as a result of this experiment, the time and effort are not warranted. You must not imagine that the particular line of work on which you may be engaged is the factor of main interest. It is not primarily the unfoldment of the intuition, or of the power to heal, or of telepathic efficiency which is of importance. That which counts with the Hierarchy as the Ashrams function is the establishing subjectively of such a potent group interplay and group relation that an emerging world unity can be seen in embryo. A joint power to be telepathic or a group capacity to intuit truth is of value and somewhat novel. It is the functioning of groups who have the ability to work as a unity, whose ideals are one, whose personalities are merged into one forward swing, whose rhythm is one and whose unity is so firmly established that naught can produce in the group the purely human characteristics of separation, of personal isolation and selfish seeking, that is new. Unselfish people are not rare. Unselfish groups are very rare. Pure detached devotion in a human being is not rare but to find it in a group is rare indeed. The submergence of personal interests in the good of the family or in that of another person is often to be found, for the beauty of the human heart has manifested itself down the ages. To find such an attitude in a group of people and to see such a point of view maintained with an unbroken rhythm and demonstrating spontaneously and naturally—this will be the glory of the New Age.

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More on ACIM

Feb 8,2016

More on ACIM

Hope you enjoyed the Superbowl today. I was rooting for Denver and they won with a bigger margin than I expected.

Here are some more quotes from the Course in Miracles. Run them by your truth detector.

Indiscriminate sexual impulses resemble indiscriminate miracle impulses in that both result in body image misperceptions. The first is an expression of an indiscriminate attempt to reach communion through the body. This involves not only the improper self identification, but also disrespect for the individuality of others. Self-control is NOT the whole answer to this problem, though I am by no means discouraging its use.

The whole danger of defenses lies in their propensity to hold misperceptions rigidly in place. This is why rigidity is regarded AS stability by those who are off the mark.

The confusion of miracle impulse with sexual impulse is a major source of perceptual distortion, because it INDUCES rather than straightening out the basic level-confusion which underlies all those who seek happiness with the instruments of the world. A desert is a desert is a desert. You can do anything you want in it, but you CANNOT change it from what it IS. It still lacks water, which is why it IS a desert … The thing to do with a desert is to LEAVE.

I want to finish the instructions about sex, because this is an area the miracle worker MUST understand.

Inappropriate sex drives (or misdirected miracle-impulses) result in guilt if expressed, and depression if denied. We said before that ALL real pleasure comes from doing God’s will. Whenever it is NOT done an experience of lack results. This is because NOT doing the will of God IS a lack of self.

Sex was intended as an instrument for physical creation to enable Souls to embark on new chapters in their experience, and thus improve their record.

The whole process was set up as a learning experience in gaining Grace.

The pleasure which is derived from sex AS SUCH is reliable only because it stems from an error which men shared. AWARENESS of the error produces the guilt. DENIAL of the error results in projection. CORRECTION of the error brings release.

The only VALID use of sex is procreation. It is NOT truly pleasurable in itself.

The ultimate purpose of the body is to render itself unnecessary. Learning to do this is the only real reason for its creation.

“I and my Father are one… Actually, the original statement was “are of one KIND.”

When man can return to his original form of communication with God by direct REVELATION, the need for miracles is over. The Holy Spirit mediates higher to lower order communication, keeping the direct channel from God to man open for revelation. Revelation is NOT reciprocal. It is always FROM God TO man. This is because God and man are NOT equal. The miracle is reciprocal because it ALWAYS involves equality.

The miracle is a learning device which lessens the need for time. The sudden shift from horizontal to vertical perception which the miracle entails introduces an interval from which the doer and the receiver both emerge much farther along in time than they would otherwise have been.

T 1 B 41b. A miracle has thus the unique property of abolishing time by rendering the space of time it occupies unnecessary. There is NO relation between the time a miracle TAKES and the time it COVERS. It substitutes FOR learning that might have taken thousands of years. It does this by the underlying recognition of perfect equality and holiness between doer and receiver on which the miracle rests.

We said before that the miracle abolishes time. It does this by a process of COLLAPSING it. It thus abolishes certain INTERVALS within it. It does this, however, WITHIN the larger temporal sequence.

The validity of the miracle, then, is PREDICTIVE, not logical, within the temporal schema. It establishes an out of pattern time interval, which is NOT under the usual laws of time. Only in this sense is it timeless. By collapsing time, it literally saves time, much the way “daylight saving time” does. It rearranges the distribution of light.

The miracle-worker, therefore, accepts the time-control factor of the miracle gladly, because he knows that every collapse of time brings all men closer to the ultimate RELEASE from time, in which the Son and the Father ARE one.

When the Atonement has been completed, ALL talents will be shared by ALL of the Sons of God. God is NOT partial. All of His children have His total love, and all of his gifts are given freely to everyone alike.

“Live and let live” happens to be a very meaningful injunction. Twist reality in any way, and you are perceiving destructively. Reality was lost through usurpation, which in turn produced tyranny. I told you you were now restored to your former role in the Plan of Atonement. But you must still choose freely to devote your heritage to the greater Restoration. As long as a single slave remains to walk the earth, your release is not complete. Complete restoration of the Sonship is the only true goal of the miracle-minded.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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A Course In Miracles

Feb 7, 2016

A Course In Miracles – UR Text Version

I downloaded the more complete version of the Course In Miracles that was referenced by Duke and started reading it. It includes a lot of the original notes and adds editorial comments. It is not as polished as the popular edition, but I like the idea of reading the original wording to make sure that I can see what was truly intended to be said.

Below I am including some of the words that I highlighted because I found them interesting and sometimes though-provoking.


“You will see miracles through your hands through Me!”

That is how the Course originally began.

It is crucial to say first that this is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what to take when. It is just because you are not ready to do what you should elect to do that time exists at all. (You will see miracles through your hands through me. You should begin each day with the prayer “Help me to perform whatever miracles you want of me today.”)

Embarrassment is only a form of fear, and actually a particularly dangerous form because it reflects egocentricity.

Miracles are everyone’s right, but purification is necessary first.

Miracles are a form of healing. They supply a lack, and are performed by those who have more for those who have less.

Miracles attest to truth. They are convincing because they arise from conviction. Without conviction, they deteriorate into magic, which is mindless, and therefore destructive, or rather, the uncreative use of Mind.

Miracles are the absence of the body. They are sudden shifts into invisibility, away from lower order reality. That is why they heal.

The recognition that there is nothing you WANT to hide, even if you could. This brings escape from fear.1

“Lord heal me” is the only legitimate prayer.

Miracles make time and tide wait for all men. They can heal the sick and raise the dead because man himself made both death and taxes, and can abolish both.

Miracles DO NOT depend on Revelation. They INDUCE it.

Christ inspires all miracles, which are essentially intercessions. They intercede for man’s holiness, and make him holy. They place man beyond the physical laws, and raise him into the sphere of celestial order. In this order, man IS perfect.

If a mind creates without love, it can create an empty shell. This CAN be possessed by evil. But the Atonement restores the Soul to its proper place. Unless there is emptiness there is no danger, and emptiness is a false creation. The mind that serves the Spirit is invulnerable.)

The answer is NEVER perform a miracle without asking me IF you should. This spares you from exhaustion, and because you act under direct communication the trance becomes unnecessary.

The references to the earthbound entering bodies really refer to the “taking over” by their own earthbound “thoughts.” This IS Demon Possession. After all, Lucifer fell, but he was still an angel. He is thus the symbol for man. Atonement is the knowledge that the belief that angels can fall is false. It is true that mind can create projections as well as miracles, but it’s NOT true that projections are REAL.

This is a rather intriguing line when you think about it: Lucifer becomes the symbol, not for a demonic entity, but for man, specifically man’s “earth-bound thoughts.”

“Casting spells” merely means “affirming error,” and error is lack of love. When man projects this onto others, he DOES imprison them, but only to the extent that he reinforces errors they have already made. This distortion makes them vulnerable to the curse of others, since they have already cursed themselves. The miracle worker can only bless, and this undoes the curse and frees the soul from prison.

Ultimately, every member of the family of God must return. The miracle calls to him to return, because it blesses and honors him even though he may be absent in spirit.

God WOULD be mocked if ANY of his creations lacked holiness. The Creation IS whole. The mark of Wholeness is Holiness, not holes. THE SONSHIP HAS NO HOLES ANYWHERE.

You are asked to behave toward others as you would have them behave toward you. This means that the perception of both must be accurate,

those “who change their mind” (not name) about destruction (or hate) do not need to die. Death is a human affirmation of a belief in hate. That is why the Bible says “There is no death,” and that is why I demonstrated that death does not exist. Remember that I came to FULFILL the law by REINTERPRETING it. The law itself, if properly understood, offers only protection to man. Those who have not yet “changed their minds” have entered the “hellfire” concept into it.

A MAJOR contribution of miracles is their strength in releasing man from his misplaced sense of isolation, deprivation, and lack. They are affirmations of Sonship, which is a state of completion and abundance.

Whatever is true & real is eternal, & CANNOT change or be changed. The Soul is therefore unalterable because it is ALREADY perfect, but the mind can elect the level it chooses to serve. The only limit which is put on its choice is that it CANNOT serve two masters.

Free will is the attribute of the mind, NOT the Soul. The Soul always remains changeless, because it never leaves the sight of God.

The Creation of the Soul is already fully accomplished. The mind, if it votes to do so, becomes a medium by which the Soul can create along the line of its own creation. If it does not freely elect to do so, it retains this creative ability, but places itself under tyrannous rather than authoritative control. As a result, what it creates is imprisonment, because such are the dictates of tyrants.

To “change your mind” means to place it at the disposal of True authority. The miracle is thus a sign that the mind has elected to be guided by Christ in HIS service. The abundance of Christ is the natural result of choosing to follow him.

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