Cycles and Hope

Cycles and Hope

I was asked why I made a correlation using the number 1000. Why not another number?

The answer is quite simple. There are cycles in all things and the subconscious of humanity tunes into the universal truth enough that it has picked up on certain cyclic numbers and incorporated them into our own cycles.

Seven is the number of days (periods) of creation (and re-creation) and is an important number in the study of cycles and correspondences. Humanity realizes this and has made the calendar to have seven days in the week which repeat over and over. It is instinctive in this cycle for humans to give themselves a day of rest whether they are religious or not.

Another cyclic number is 12. Humanity uses this number over and over and has incorporated it into its cycles by giving us 12 months in a year. This tradition dates back past 4000 BC in Egypt.

A third and important cyclic number is 10 and multiples thereof. Humanity could have built our numbering system around any number, but we chose 10 because the soul of the race realizes that this is an important number when dealing with cycles.

The number 10 and multiples thereof are useful in the study of cycles when dealing with years of time.

10 is useful in the cycle of the individual. You should assess your life every ten years. Look for correspondences to happen now that occurred ten years ago and try and sense the lessons your soul is sending you. Look over the message of your experience over the past ten years and look for a higher correspondence in the next ten years. If you do this in connection with the soul you can be a prophet for your own life. The end of each ten years and the beginning of the new is the beginning of a new cycle for you.

100 years is an important cycle to study for the progression of the souls of the earth. This cycle gives us an idea of how much progress has been made by the average incarnated soul. For instance, this last 100 years tells us that the humans souls are making a giant step forward at this time in their evolution and that many have learned important individual lesson as well as group lessons.

1000 years is called in the Bible a day with God. It helps us to understand the cyclic nature of the 1000 if we look upon it as a day in the life of the human race. We do not have the history of mankind far enough back to study this correctly, but if we study what we have we will discover certain correspondences in the various centuries. For instance, we would find correspondences to our current time in the end of the first millennium AD and also just before the birth of Christ. The correspondence to the period before the birth of Christ would be stronger because 2000 years is close to an astrological day.

We are currently approaching the beginning of the seventh thousand years since the last Adam. Humanity realizes this and all religions express it in their dream and expectation of a period of rest and peace on the earth.

Such a day is coming, but its full implementation may be later than many are hoping for.

A reader says I imply facts that cannot be proven. Not so my friend. You can find the truth of any statement that I or anyone else makes by establishing soul contact and then running the principle involved by your soul. If the principle in the teaching is true, a chord within yourself will vibrate in harmony to it and you will sense a flashing of light within your mind. If it is not true there will be no light and no soul confirmation. This principle only works when you go beyond the personality and listen to your higher self.

If I receive soul confirmation on a teaching and tell you that the teaching is just my opinion then I would not be honest and honesty is imperative to maintain soul contact. On the other hand, you are welcome to look upon any positive or absolute statement I make as opinion. We must both look upon them as we see them from the highest part of ourselves.


I gave this quote a while back that created some interesting comments:

“When hope is loose in the streets, wise men bolt their doors and shutter their windows.” — Eric Hoffer

Most thought of hope as something positive and couldn’t relate to this negative presentation.

JJ: Indeed, I have written about hope as a positive aspect in the past. The ancient truism reads: “Hope springs eternal.” This is indeed a true statement and it is a good thing that it is true because sometimes, as human beings, that is all we have had to keep us going. No matter how much the weight and trials of the world bear down on us, as long as we continue, hope returns and we have a sense of daylight at the end of the path.

That said, we must also take into consideration that we live in a world of duality and all qualities have their positive and negative aspect.

Now hope is such a positive quality in most minds that it is difficult to see any negative side of it, but it is there nonetheless.

Hope is positive when you are hoping for an end result that will play a part in moving spiritual evolution forward and result in more love, light and abundance on the earth.

On the other hand, hope is negative when its attention is placed on something that is harmful to progression or is full of illusion

For instance, Hitler and his group hoped Nazism would succeed.

Many there are who hope their belief system will triumph when it would spell disaster if it did.

Many hope the object of their desire will become their mate when there is no compatibility and a marriage would be a disaster.

When I read Hoffer’s quote of hope being “loose in the streets” an image of something like the Bolshevik Revolution or Castro’s band of hopeful freedom fighters came to my mind. These were rebels filled with illusionary hopes that caused retrogression and human suffering.

Another misuse of hope is to place too much on a fallible individual because of charisma or strong authority. The scriptures say, “cursed is he who trusts in the arm of flesh.” One could follow this by saying “cursed is he whose hope rests in the arm of flesh.” One should look to internal verification from the soul and heart to generate positive hope — not to a man.

Hope that true principles will prevail and the Spirit will bring forth the people necessary for the hope to become a reality is a good thing. Place your hope in a man to bring forth true principles and disappointment will generally follow.

“Fools rush in where fools have been before.” – Unknown

March 6, 2009

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Coming Changes

Coming Changes

Written 1994

Several have asked my opinion on the common thread of the coming earth changes and avatars. So, I have decided to make several comments here that may be helpful.

Ever since the apostles asked Jesus about the end of the world there have been people and groups that thought the end was just around the corner. Even Paul talked about “we who are alive when the Lord comes…” as if he would see the end of times in his lifetime.

Nevertheless, we are approaching the beginning of what has been called the seventh millennium. Since many view the number seven to be one of completion they have supposed that the year 2000 will herald a great change or the end of the world.

Many base such a belief in the Bible which says that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Since the year 2000 is the beginning of the seventh thousand year therefore that marks the end of time and the beginning of the great millennium.

What is the truth here? Most enlightened people are aware that the earth is much older than 7,000 years. Man has been here much longer than 7,000 years. The truth behind Adam is that there have been many Adams. The first connected to us  obtained self-consciousness over eighteen million years ago. The latest appeared as represented by the Bible story somewhere around 7,000 years ago as traditionally believed. Adam is not the name of a man, but the name of a male-female unit. Each Adam is a stimulant to the evolution of mankind and their posterity are the true Israelites whose destiny it is to bring the knowledge of God to the world.

If you read the Hebrew carefully you will see that the first verses in the Bible read: “In the beginning strong bonding of male-female energies (the Gods) creates the heavens and the earth. And the earth was a desolate wasteland…”

The earth was a desolate wasteland for some period after the destruction of Atlantis and this is what Moses was referring to here. Somewhere around 7,000 years ago the last Adam was put here to help rebuild the earth. The six days of creation are really six days of rebuilding the earth, but are written to correspond to all creative periods that have taken place on this and other earths.

Most religionists believe that God created the world in six days or periods and rested on the seventh. This is not what the Bible says. It tells us that God continued working on into the seventh day “And on the seventh day God ended his work.” (Gen 2:2) After ending his work at the beginning part of the seventh day — then he rested.

Thus, if we use the correlation made by many religions that the end of times will come at the beginning of the seventh thousand years because God rested then, we will have to revise this because if the correlation is correct then the end of times would not come until some time into the seventh millennium because God continued working for a period on into the seventh day.

Even so many people are expecting events to occur before the year two thousand because they have misread the scriptures and have produced an illusionary correspondence.

From now until around 2010 many false messiahs and prophets will surface. There will be quite a few right around the year 2000. For some period after they will continue to surface claiming that the calendar is a few years off and the real year 2000 is 2001, 2002, 2003 and so on. Around the year 2010 people will become cynical and even the most religious will begin to question as to whether any real messiah or avatar of the new age will come.

Actually, the entity who was and is the Christ has never left us. He has spoken to the world numerous times through his servants. I will name just one. When Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of England and gave his speech to a discouraged country that was the single obstacle between Hitler and world conquest. The Christ came into him and inspired him to speak these words:

“Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight in the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the Old.”

These great words rallied a nation from despair to sublime confidence until the inspiration was fulfilled.

Christ has and will continue to work through individuals and groups for the betterment of mankind, but the time of a great millennium or a New Age of peace is on the horizon and the entity we know as the Christ is committed to take a more direct role in directing mankind.

“He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.” — Sir William Drummond

First posted on AOL in Aug 1994, Reposted March 1, 2009

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Questions on Evil and Equality

Questions on Evil and Equality

Question from Reader: “Are you teaching some New Age principle of tolerance where people who do evil just think they are decent guys so we shouldn’t “call a spade a spade” even when we see it?”

JJ: To call the thousands of points of one’s character as all evil is not calling a spade a spade, but is a mistake. Even Hitler did some good things. He started the Autobahn, the Volkswagen, got manufacturing going again, etc. No matter how bad the guy is it is always more accurate and productive to specifically point out what it is that is evil.

After all, what is evil, but a mistake, and we all make mistakes, but none of us are always mistaken, neither are all of us always correct.

I have never taught that we should tolerate or embrace mistakes. You cannot find any example of this in my millions of words posted.

Reader: Previously you have taught: “Good is that which takes us forward on the path of Spiritual evolution toward greater freedom, livingness, intelligence, light and love. Evil is that which takes us back into the past to lesser freedom, lesser livingness, lesser intelligence, light and love.”

I agree with the above principle. If we identify a person as being evil we are in fact identifying their principle direction. We are saying that they want to go back to a “past of lesser freedom.”

JJ: I think we agree on this but you are seeing disagreement. I would have no problem in identifying a person as pulling us more in an evil direction than a good one, but even so, no one is 100% evil in his thoughts or actions. Even a dark brother will generally treat his dogs and kids well and want to get the trains to run on time.

Reader: So, if Hitler just popped up in reincarnation and you recognized him, and recognized he hadn’t changed much from his previous life, and if he was looking to succeed again in seizing power, you wouldn’t label his as evil, because you don’t like people labeling you as evil?

JJ: No. I wouldn’t label him as evil but would look at his words and works and fight against the error in them. Just calling him evil would communicate little light to anyone and make the accuser look like Jimmy Sawggart.

It is more effective to pinpoint where the error (evil) is and attack that.

Reader: “What if Winston Churchill had been afraid to label Hitler as a madman early on?”

JJ: Churchill pointed out where Hitler was in error and how he was dangerous. That is just what I would have done in that situation.

How did Churchill fight the mistaken person? First he attacked his regressive philosophy. Then when appropriate he used physical force.

I do not see any disagreement if we define our terms properly. If one concentrates on semantics then one can argue all day long when there is no disagreement.

As far as calling people evil, consider three people who fought evil and created positive change:

[1] George Washington: I do not believe he ever called King George evil but the British did condemn him and his band of rebels as such.

[2] Abraham Lincoln: Many, not only in the South, but the North called him evil but I do not recall him ever singling out any individual as evil. He never called Jefferson Davis evil though he did think he was in error.

[3] Ronald Reagan: Even though he thought Jimmy Carter screwed up the economy, Reagan never called him evil or any negative names. He acted according to the principles I teach and explained the error and worked to rectify it.

On the other hand, many called Reagan evil. Here is just one quote from a comment made:

“Reagan was a cold-blooded murderer, a union busting parasite, con artist, and a good liar. I’ll shed no tear for the death of a tyrant. Nor will I stand by idly while the truth is sacrificed in a frenzied worship of a demagogue. Reagan was evil personified; he can rot in hell.”

It is interesting that those who use the strongest words of pure condemnation are usually in the greatest of error.

I think we both agree on the following.

We both believe in identifying evil in the world, bringing it to the light of day and fighting against it in every possible effective way.

The problem as I see it is that too many just point fingers at each other calling each other names associated with evil instead of identifying the problem and peacefully discussing it.

The reader then pointed out that he embraced many of the ideas of Ayn Rand even though she was an Atheist. He particularly liked her book on the history of capitalism

I had the impression while reading this book that her soul let her drift toward atheism so her mind would not be influenced by illusion from religion. This allowed her to develop a rational philosophy without interference.

I suspect that in her next life she will consciously sense the soul and the value of group work without losing her value of individual effort and freedom.

Another reader expressed concern that I was advocating communism because of some of my comments on equality. I responded as follows:

No one is talking about establishing communism or doing away with the free market. You need to read my treatise on the Molecular Business to understand where I am coming from.

Look at the air that we all breath. We all desperately need it, but because there is an abundance of it there is complete freedom to gather all of it we want. There is also equal opportunity to breath it. We can all breath in all they need.

Even so, this will eventually happen with the things we consume. Technology and ingenuity will eventually provide us all we need so we will have all we want in consumables just as we now have all the air we need. Eventually this will eliminate the need for money itself.

As long as good prevails no freedom or freedom to market will be taken away, but an abundance will totally change our attitude in the way we look at wealth and making an effort to acquire it.

In the future society of abundance there will be no money and people will be motivated to work at a labor they love. Undesirable work like garbage collecting will be completely automated.

In the interim we will have something like the Molecular Business where most within a single company will receive the same wage. Those who work extra hours can received extra cash or stock. Those in management can also receive extra stock.

The government is not involved in anything I have advanced. To be a successful Molecular Business would require around 50 or more employees. Some businesses could do it with less but a 50 or more is desirable.

If a person has a small business he may or may not succeed. In the coming era of abundance, he would have no worries in experimenting with a business or enterprise because his basic needs will be covered.

In the future state of abundance, society will not require anyone to get a job unless we happen to be living in a dictatorship. In a free society people will get a job because they want a job and its benefits, not because of what the government tells them.

In a Molecular Business people apply for a job just like any other business. All employees receive an equal wage for hours worked. If that wage is too low,  he will not even apply. If a person does not work he does not get paid.

Different Molecular Businesses and different countries will pay different wages for some time to come.

The trend toward equality will embrace the world. The two brotherhoods have their ideas about achieving it. The Dark Brothers want to do it by force and the Brotherhood of Light by free will.

“I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.” — Jackie Mason

Feb 26, 2009

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The Mindless Beast

The Mindless Beast

A reader gives examples of three people who are basically fighting City Hall and think they are fighting the Beast. She basically wants to know if it is sometimes better to just follow the rules and avoid the problems that come through defiance?

First let me say that the many people who go out of their way to defy civil rules, police, local laws, etc., are not fighting the Beast. The Beast is not composed of the rules society passes in an attempt to make life better for the whole. Of course, many such rules may do more harm than good, but it is better to have a society with law and order than anarchy.

If our laws were part of the Beast then the burglar could say he is fighting the Beast by invading your home and defying the law.

My friend Wayne, who is now passed, had this illusionary idea of the Beast and was always getting into trouble by defying his personal Beast. For many years he refused to carry a driver’s license because he was not going to let “them” tell him what to do and besides, no one asked his permission to make such a law. He went to jail over it several times, but still continued to drive without a license.

He didn’t believe that City Hall had authority to force him to get building permits and built illegal structures on his property without them. He accumulated thousands of dollars of fines over this.

He never paid a dime of income tax in his adult life. One time the IRS came to his door and he threatened them and they never came back. I guess they never wanted another Randy Weaver.

When he went to court, he would refuse to stand for the judge and would openly condemn them and speak against whoever was prosecuting him.

He had so many troubles for defying authority that I think all the tension created in his life was one of the reasons for his early death. The sad thing is all the trouble he went through in defying authority never made any difference. City Hall remains as strong as ever.

On many other matters Wayne was extremely intelligent, but he seemed to have a huge blind spot in dealing with civil laws and authorities.

Another thing is that he, and others like him, are not fighting the Beast.

The Beast is composed of outward authorities that take the place of God and thus control your mind with your actions following along.

The civil laws I follow, even the ones I disagree with, do not control my mind. I am not brainwashed into thinking they are infallible or come from a holy or divine source. I use my personal judgement as to how I will handle them. If the speed limit is 30 mph, I may just go crazy and go 35 mph if I feel like it!

I was under control of the Beast when I was active in the LDS church for I saw the prophet as a spokesman for God to the extent that if he gave me an order it would be like God giving me an order. When a Mormon learns to see such an order as coming from a fallible man that he can take or leave, according to his inner guidance, then he has moved away from the Beast.

If you are in a profession, such as climatology and work toward proving the standard global warming theory because otherwise you may lose funding then you are under the power of the Beast.

If you are on the political left or right and follow your leaders without thinking it through then you are under the power of the Beast.

If you mindlessly follow your doctors orders with an important diagnoses without doing a little research on your own, then you are under the power of the Beast.

All of us have unearned and unjust authorities that tempt us to follow like mindless beasts.

A reader  quoted me as saying: “In my whole life I do not recall ever calling anyone ‘evil’ or even ‘bad.’“

He then says: “Even Jesus is quoted as — in essence — calling some people evil (or son’s of the Devil, which certainly seems to be the reasonably equivalent to me):

“‘Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.’ John 8:44 (KJV)”

JJ: But he did not call them “evil.” Jesus used the word evil many times, just as I do, but not once did he apply it to any specific person. To call someone a liar when they lie is not a judgement condemning the whole of the person’s character, but a black-and-white fact that condemns a specific part of their character.

He also predicted they would commit murder, which they did do when they crucified him. That was a specific fact.

Even with their faults they had good aspects to their character so Jesus did not pronounce them 100% evil by calling them that. On the cross he said, “they know not what they do.”

I denounce real evil when I see it. To be effective, however, it is much better to point out the error rather than to point blank condemn the whole of the person as evil. Doing this makes the condemner come across like a lunatic to be ignored.

The principle involved here is judgement. It is a negative use of judgment to condemn thousands of points of one’s character under the blanket of evil. It is a positive use to specifically point out the evil and explain the error.

Concerning another subject of discussion, you are not becoming God, you are already one with God. You are a part of the body of the One Great Life. On the other hand, the God you are is becoming what you decide to become because as God you have the power to decide and become what you decide to become.

As you observe the universe from one end to the other you will see that no two things are alike. That is because each part of God has decided to become something a little different, which is unique. You must decide what it is that you want to become. When you  are  though you will return home. It is not one decision. It will be a combination of many decisions. However, in this one life you will have one overriding decision which will govern all others. Perhaps you have not discovered it yet.

Most people do not truly exercise the power of decision, but are controlled by the reflective decisions of others. Perhaps this first key has been difficult for many because they have been controlled by the decisions of others more than realized. If so, they must take this power to themselves, keeping the principle of harmlessness in mind.

If you feel you are going crazy this is good. It is a sign of growth. Just don’t let it scare you off. Be governed by love, not fear. As you get close to greater knowledge dark forces will attempt to amplify your fears. You must realize this and ignore them.

If, in pursuing these principles, you feel you are at a dead-end, go ahead anyway, guess if you have to and this will open doors.

“I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” — Agatha Christie (1890 – 1976)

Feb 25, 2009

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Vampires & Gods

Vampires & Gods

In the book “Celestine Prophecy,” the author gives nine insights to the New Age. One of them has to do with the fact that we as individuals are inclined to steal energy from others. We do this he says because it produces a “high” for us. The cure says the author is to tune into universal energy and get our high from that.

This is partially correct but he does not tell the whole story.

For many, many lifetimes the evolving individual seeks power through domination just as mentioned in the Celestine Prophecy. After eons of time the individual learns through trial and error that there is a path and begins following it. After additional progression he obtains considerable power to influence other humans and realizes he can subject them to himself without their awareness of how he is doing it. When he obtains the beginnings of this power he is faced with a great decision. Will he take the free will of others to himself or not?

If he decides to consciously take power from others then he has chosen the dark path. On the other hand, if he chooses to not steal power from others, but to follow a true path of service and seek to empower his fellow humans without taking away their agency then he has chosen the path of light.

It takes an evolved person to tell a light Brother from a dark one because the differences are often subtle and the methods of the dark brothers often have the appearance of much goodness. Even though the dark brother is willing to steal power he rarely gives the appearance of doing so and his disciples give their power away with so little resistance that they are not even aware what is happening – not until they try and take it back again. When they do, the dark teacher will be very disturbed and turn on his former student.

On the other hand, the light brother refuses to take power from his brother or sister, but relies on the truth as a persuader. Because pure truth has such a powerful effect to influence, even when complete free will is present the teacher of light is often accused of using force. The reason for this is truth cuts its own way and can never be completely ignored and often the student does not want to be confronted with it. When the student gets a glimpse of truth he does not want to hear he will either ignore it, run from it or attack the teacher as one who is forcing his will.

Those who steal energy and take free will are often accepted as loving, giving teachers whereas the true teachers are often highly criticized and turned upon and completely unappreciated, except by future historians.

We talked earlier how God multiplied Itself from the one Great Life into an innumerable number of parts. Since the great reflection he has been working on the problem of putting himself back together. You and I as pieces are involved in this most great puzzle.

Because the art of finding the other pieces is slow and frustrating many are tempted to try and steal the God energy from the other pieces thus making them spiritual vampires. The bite of the vampire is the taking of free will through subtle means. This then leaves the God energy in a state of non use. Then the entity is free to siphon it off and he gives a portion (but not all) of it back allowing him to keep some for himself while appearing to be a source of energy to the follower.

The false teacher is a little like our government. It takes our money through a forced tax and then gives part of it back. The ignorant are grateful and see big government as a great benefactor whereas the wise realize that they can make better use of their own money than the government can.

The dark brother never gets enough power from others because he is operating on the principle of separation. It is like taking power from batteries that have cut themselves off from a source of recharging. Once one begins to run down then he must find another and another.

The source of power for the teacher of light is more than just tuning in. He must find other pieces of God and unite them together without taking away any of their agency. Truth is his or her only weapon. When the divine alchemist unites several parts together that before were in a separate condition then all the parts are enhanced in power. The power then comes naturally, very little tuning in is necessary. You would have to tune out to not feel it.

As the pieces of God are put back together a greater light is produced that causes darkness to disappear and a great truth is revealed. 1+1=1.

The Man Who would be Christ

The dialog continued between me and the reader who thinks he has found the reincarnation of Christ in California whose name is John. Here are some of my comments to him.

You expect me to believe you based only on the fact that you say it (Or John says it).

You and John have no principles to present, no new knowledge, no new revelation and no plan.

You have not shown a willingness to test my teachings or the light I offer.

On the other hand, I have not only shown a willingness to test John’s teachings, but I have had to fight tooth and nail to get you to tell me any of them. You seem to base your witness on signs seen from without. I base my witness on the Spirit within.

You: You cannot speak of this great being’s teachings of the New Age without his authority. I can speak on any subject and so can my students. The only authority is the spirit within.

This gives you the general idea of how I see it. The only thing I have not done is make a trip down there. But why should I have to? If you were willing you could reveal more of his teachings to me. Hearing him in person does not make his words or thoughts any greater. It only gives a teacher more opportunity to use astral energy.

You say that I cannot lead you to the fire of the spirit. I know from experience that I can just as the Apostles of old did. There are certain principles involved, but time and time again when the student is willing to follow the path a portion of the fire is felt. Part of the purpose of the Keys I teach is to lead a person to the Spirit. If you are willing to ask the Father of Lights about me with a humble Spirit he will reveal to you that I speak the truth.

How does one bypass the mental plane yet function in it? You seem to speak in paradoxes. I think the more likely truth is that John has not yet risen to the mental plane. The few sayings you have quoted seem to indicate that. I would be willing to venture that you are smarter than he is. I think he overwhelms his followers by taking energy from them rather than giving them light and knowledge. After he takes and accumulates energy then he sends it back in an altered vibration. This deludes the follower into believing that he gets energy from John, while in fact they are receiving back part of what they have given. I pick this up because I have tuned into John, or rather he tried to tune into me first, causing me to tune back. It bothers him that I am not impressed by his vibration.

It is interesting that you and I are born on the same day of the year and both have air signs as rising. Mine is Gemini and yours is Libra. Your soul will certainly push you toward mental development, but the Venus conjunct Jupiter in Pisces will certainly bring out some poetry from you. It also causes a strong attraction toward John. The ascendant indicates your main lesson in life to learn. Yours will be correct judgment through reflection on both the heart and mind. Perhaps the purpose of John is to force you to eventually use powers of discernment and mental discrimination you have never used before.

The ruler of my ascendant is Mercury and is in my eighth house and is in Aquarius. I have no planets in Scorpio, but have Mercury and Mars in the eighth house and have Venus in Aries in my tenth house. My planets are fairly evenly distributed throughout my chart. I have a pretty good chart except that Saturn forces me to learn my lessons exactly before I can use all the benefits. Holistically, that is also a benefit even though I have grumbled about it.

As is our confidence, so is our capacity.  – William Hazlitt

Feb 24, 2009

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Discerning True Messages

Discerning True Messages

A reader presented a channeled message proclaiming Obama as a great avatar. I thought I would make a few comments.

I’ll say a few words about how to recognize a true revelation.

The first thing to realize is that almost all proclaimed revelations or channelings are not what they claim to be and are full of false information. Most of them come from a thoughtform created by the channel himself (or herself).

Most of the channels are good-hearted people who want to bring enlightenment, but have eyes clouded with emotional energy. They are full of glamours and ego fulfillment and thus see themselves as a special being worthy of channeling some great being who is eager to regularly give them the information they desire.

I do not usually find a lot of light in channelings who believe some great being is speaking through them. For one thing, this channel claims  to be speaking in the  voice of the archangel Michael who is further up the ladder of evolution than Jesus or the Christ and would generally only work with humanity indirectly, except on rare occasions.

Ronna Herman’s messages sound like they are delivered by direct voice. DK tells us this not a method used by the masters except on rare occasions. A true representative of the Hierarchy will use mental telepathy or the science of impression.

There are true direct voice mediums, but the contacts they make are generally from the astral world. The most famous legitimate one is Jane Roberts who channeled Seth, a being that was not a master, but an intellectual from the spirit world.

If a person is channeling through a thoughtform and deceived (or deceiving) about their source they will give us various clues. Here are several:

  * They will claim to channel a high master, archangel, Christ, or even God himself.

  * They will teach very little in their own right, but always be speaking through the authority of a high being.

On the other hand, those who receive real messages will usually write some original material in their own name. Jane Roberts, Alice A. Bailey, Helen P. Blavatsky, and others did this.

  * Specialness will be stressed. We live in a special time, a special place. We are special people. This earth is a unique and special planet — often the only one like it in the galaxy or universe.

These people do not seem to realize that there are 200 billion solar systems in this galaxy alone and there are many planets just as beautiful and special as this one.

  * The channelings give a lot of data for which there is no way to prove true or false. They rarely if ever elaborate on principles, which can be immediately verified through the soul of a sensitive seeker.

Now let us briefly look at some of Herman’s words that were supposed to come from Michael:

Archangel Michael: “The question was asked some years ago, ‘When will we have a president of the United States who will be a true leader with integrity, and who will seek the greatest good for all the people?’ Our answer was, ‘When you are ready for such a leader.’”

Archangel Michael: “Beloveds, that time has arrived. There is much symbolism regarding your new leader that may be ignored by the masses. However, those of you who are centered within your Sacred Heart, and view exterior events from a higher vantage point with an open and objective mind due to the influence of your Sacred Mind will understand the significance of what we tell you. BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is the 44th president of the United States of America;

“44 is a master number.”

JJ: There is no such thing as a Master number, though numbers do have significance.

Wyoming was the 44th state. Does this mean that Dick Cheney is a master since he comes from there, or the people of Wyoming are smarter than the rest of us? I don’t think so.

Bush II was the 43rd President. 4+3 = 7. Some call this the number of perfection. It was also Abraham Lincoln’s number. He was the 16th president and 1+6=7.

I rest my case.

Archangel Michael: “This will be the 111th congress of the United States. This is also a master number and signifies ‘a new beginning.’“

JJ: Yes, it could represent a new beginning, but that does not mean it will be a good one.

Archangel Michael: “Barack Obama’s current ancestral lineage is what you would call one-half Caucasian or one-half white and one-half African American or one-half black, which signifies a ‘coming together,’ or a joining of two Root Races which have been in conflict for hundreds of years. This issue is even more profound, for as many of you, this great soul carries the DNA of all the Major Root Races within his DNA signature.”

JJ: But this does not make him special. There are millions of others with similar DNA mixtures.

Archangel Michael: “Without divulging his true cosmic identity, for this would infringe on his privacy, we will give you a brief glimpse of his history and what he brought forth to experience during this lifetime, so that you will understand the grand opportunity that is being offered to the citizens of the United States This is a brief overview, you might say, as if he were to ask for a cosmic reading:”

JJ: A cosmic identity? Sounds higher up than the Solar Logos. Again we are entering the specialness illusion.

Obama has a very well developed astral body which gives him great ability to communicate with the emotionally based people and gain their trust.

Archangel Michael: “BELOVED MASTER, It is time for you and the many faithful warriors of Peace/Light to know how magnificent you are and how brave you were to answer the clarion call to descend into the density of this earthly experiment. The events in your solar system and on Earth are quickly moving into the higher frequencies of Light and great change is in the offing.”

JJ: Any moving into higher frequencies of light for the earth is proceeding gradually. A handful of individuals are making progress. (Written in 2009)

Archangel Michael: “Therefore, it is important that you focus on what is right in your world and not get caught up in all the negativity and fear that is spewing out into the ethers.”

“Your (Obama’s) Soul shines brightly through your eyes, heart and deeds. You have been on the path of illumination for many lifetimes.

“You are what might be called one of the original Earth parents, for you carry within your DNA the encodings for some of the original root races placed on Earth.”

JJ: Here is more emphasis on specialness. Sounds like he was Adam. I won’t quote the rest of the message to Obama for it is fairly lengthy.

There seems to be a drought of enlightened revelations out there. Outside of a handful of teachers holding on to the real there is a plethora of people channeling mediocre material from supposedly superior beings.

It will be interesting to see what 2025, and after, brings when DK or a representative speaks again.

Here is another dialog the guy who thinks Jesus reincarnated  as a guy named John in Cambria, California.

You have me confused here as to what your belief is toward John. You say he operates  from a plane   above the mind. I would say that if he cannot come down to the mind and does not function on the plane of the mind, yet is in a physical body, then he has not bypassed the mind.

Tell me. Does John use the mind or not? If so what do you mean when you say he does not function on the plane of the mind?

Again you give me physical signs that John is a great being. That is everything electrical malfunctions when he is around. To me this verifies my suspicions that he is not the Christ. If he were the Christ it would seem that all electrical units would function better, not worse. It sounds as if he is surrounded by an undirected chaotic energy that has no purpose but to impress. This is typical of the workings of the dark brotherhood.

A correspondence to this would be if Jesus used his electrical energy to turn the water into mud instead of wine. It would have still been impressive, but would have been a destroyer aspect rather than a building. Suppose Jesus had also turned the blind man deaf instead of healing him? A case could have been made that this was a miracle, but to what end?

If we follow the law of correspondences then the true Christ who was a great healer would cause electrical machinery (including our bodies) to work better, not worse.

Again, I would stress to you that the greatest witness is internal. One must follow the spiritual fire, no matter what is happening on the outside. The outside must always be examined on the plane of the mind and reflected internally or deception is inevitable.

Perhaps an example from the Bible would be enlightening.

“But there was a certain man called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used Sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria giving out that himself was some great one:

“To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying this man is the great power of God. And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries.”

Then this man who had convinced the people that he was “the great power of God” saw real power through the apostles. He saw that they had power to make people feel the Holy Spirit, something he was unable to do. He then offered Peter money for this gift and was told that his heart was not right in the sight of God.

Simon converted people to the idea that he was some sort of Messiah through outward signs, but the apostles converted the people through the inward fire. Read Acts 8:9-24.

You have never spoken to me about the fire of the Spirit, but only offer me outward signs to convince me.

If you have not felt the fire of the Spirit, I would be happy to lead you to it. I say this not as an act of superiority, but in the spirit of service from one who has experience.

1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a guidebook! – Paul Tan

Feb 21, 2009

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Testing a Messiah

Testing a Messiah

A reader admonished me to go visit a guy he thinks is the reincarnation of the Christ who lives in Cambria, California. If I were to do that with everyone who claims to be a great avatar then I would get nothing else done. If there were some evidence or soul communication and I thought Christ wanted my physical presence then I would be off. But if I were to check out teachers just because they say they are masters then I would be roaming the world aimlessly.

I know you respect the Alice A. Bailey writings so I will quote the introduction from the Tibetan.

In speaking of his teachings, he said:

“If they present truth in such a way that it follows sequentially upon that already offered in the world teachings, if the information given raises the aspiration and the will-to-serve from the plane of the emotions to that of the mind (the plane whereon the Masters can be found) then they will have served their purpose. If the teaching conveyed calls forth as response from the illumined mind of the worker in the world, and brings a flashing forth of his intuition then let that teaching be accepted. BUT NOT OTHERWISE.”

Notice that D.K. makes no mention of signs or Auric light. Notice that he mentions that the Masters are found on the plane of the mind. Notice that he offers us a process to test the truth of his writings?

From what I can discern of your messiah he does none of these and appeals to the plane of the emotions where all beginning teachers start.

There must be some little fragment that appeals to the plane of the mind “the plane whereon the Masters can be found” before I will make a sacrifice to explore. Notice that Jesus always rose to the plane of the mind in his teachings. That is why “no man durst ask him any more questions.”

I know that you are the type of person that does not like me or anyone else trying to sway you, but you must forgive me. Communication on the plane of the mind does tug and sway often contrary to what an astral entity desires. I do not enjoy communicating below the plane of the mind for an extended period. To me it is like going thirsty through a desert.

You seem offended when no offense was intended. I think you will find that if you commune with me mind to mind as well as heart to heart that offense will evaporate.

I will never force another mind or heart, but I do believe in an earnest presentation of the facts and important reasoning. The other person in such case always has complete free will to accept or reject. If they feel any feeling of force, it is because their own soul is tugging at them.

You have probably read the “Celestine Prophecy.” The first insight tells us to pay attention to coincidences. Now a person can follow this to an extreme, but I believe in paying attention. A coincidence with us is that we were both born on the same day of the year.

This causes me inwardly to study you more than I would another in your situation.

Another coincidence is that both of us believe that we will have a part in preparing the world for the coming of Christ.

After contemplation I would say this. It would seem that either I am here to help you or you are here to help me on the path.

I think that I am here to help you. You probably do not think you need help at the moment and will resist my efforts, but perhaps I can plant a seed thought that will materialize down the road when you realize that your guy is not the Christ.

If you had truly felt the presence of the Christ you would not be talking about an auric light or even spiritual beings. What would have been most impressive would have been the fire of the Spirit which John the Baptist called the “Baptism of Fire.” No vision, light, emotional feeling or physical appearance can compare with this. I can state this from experience because I know the Fire, and have experienced it and can immediately tell in a conversation with another if he or she has experienced a portion of it. Obviously, you have not or you would have described it to me.

Whenever I have mentioned the Fire to any New Ager or “born-again” Christian they all think they have felt it, but very few have. You probably think you feel it when you are around John, but if you truly had you would have tested me for the fire as I have tested you.

I can lead you to the Fire and the true Presence of Christ if you are willing. I realize that you are not ready now because you think you have found the ultimate, but there is a chance you will open up in the future.

I tuned into your messiah’s vibration and here’s what I see. He gives the appearance of one who would never interfere with your free will, yet the opposite is true. You do not understand what he feels and thinks. He has proclaimed himself the Christ because he has an unchecked desire for power and recognition yet he projects the opposite. He uses a strong magnetic energy to fulfill his will through others. In doing so he takes away a portion of free will while proclaiming to give freedom. He has you under a hypnotic mindset that you must be open to breaking free. If you disagree with him on a mental level he will be disturbed inside, but try to not show it. Those close to him will of course have the greatest power to affect him.

He will continue to preach to small groups of people for a time to come, but he will not have any mass appeal in this life. You will find he will become more and more demanding on close followers as time goes on. You will eventually see that he is here to be served, not to serve. Rather than demonstrate true will he will impose will more on others as time goes on.

Obviously, he does not trust you as a duplicate of himself as does the true Christ with his disciples. If he did then you could speak for him on line and it would be as powerful as if he himself were speaking. The true mission of the Christ is not to seek adoration for himself, but to make us all members of his body so we are all equal in spiritual power.

The fact that you cannot answer questions, but your messiah must do it is a sure sign that the spiritual link has not happened.

I see you have rubbed shoulders with some important metaphysical people. It may seem only natural that the Christ would be next in line, but don’t let this be a glamour for you.

I have probably offended you, but I must speak truly to you.

All things come to him who waits— provided he knows what he is waiting for. —Woodrow Wilson

Feb 17,  2009

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Absolute Certainty

Absolute Certainty

The topic of absolute certainty has been discussed and since this is a subject I have said little about I thought I would make a few comments.

The question of absolute certainty has been asked many times by philosophers through the ages. René Descartes was the most famous person to ask the question, “Do I know anything with absolute certainty?”

After much thought he came to his famous conclusion: “Cogito, ergo sum” translated as — “I think, therefore I am.”

He knew he was thinking, therefore, he knew that which was thinking had a real existence of some kind.

On the other hand, the extreme skeptic could say that there is a possibility that our thinking is not done by ourselves but is part of some great computer program of which we are a part.

Descartes was definitely correct to pursue this direction. He was on a quest to find the essential part of us that is real.

Why is this important?

Because once the indisputable real is found then this truth can be extended to lead us toward the sublime truth of reality.

If we start with illusion then the truth will never be found, but if we start with truth then we have a chance to find more truth.

Since it is possible that we are not even doing our own thinking is there anything left that is irrevocably true?

Yes. There is one thing even more sure than thinking itself.

And what is that?


Even if everything happening in our lives is pure illusion one thing remains real. Illusion or not, each of us are having a real experience. Even when we dream, surrounded by that which is not real, one thing remains true. The dreamer is having a real experience.

Therefore, the one sure thing that is true is this.

I am experiencing; therefore, I am becoming.

Consider all the things that may not be as they seem.

Maybe you are not here right now, but in a dream from which you will awaken in five minutes.

Maybe you are a part of a government project and your memories are planted. Maybe you are really someone else.

Maybe your friends are not your friends.

Maybe your belief system is entirely wrong.

Maybe there are no stars in the sky.

Maybe you are really living in 1920 just deceived into thinking you are in the twenty-first century.

Of course, it is only a remote possibility that these and other things should not be trusted as they seem to be, but the possibility does exist.

Because a possibility for illusion on any level exists, does this mean we cannot search for truth?


But if we can only trust experience to be real, how shall we proceed.

Answer: Let the quality of experience be your guide.

For instance, when you achieve soul contact the quality of your experience will be higher than you have had before. By trusting the quality of your experience you shall move closer toward all truth, whatever that is.

Is it possible that things revealed through soul contact can still contain illusion on a higher level?

Yes, but the illusion on a higher level will be closer to reality than the illusion here just as the illusion here is closer to reality than a dream. The consistent thing that remains is that all layers of existence give us experience.

This is why it is important to follow the highest you know. This highest may still be illusionary, or even a higher illusion, but the path you follow by following that highest you know will lead you to the true ultimate reality.

So even if there is a slight chance that up may be down, and down, up, one must still follow the obvious until something to the contrary is revealed.

All things are eventually revealed to him who is pure in heart and has the courage to follow the highest he can perceive and digest.

Books of Knowledge

I have had several ask me what spiritually related books I recommend for reading so I thought I would pass along my recommendations. They are pretty much in order of what I would consider spiritual quality.

  * The writings of Alice A Bailey given by mental telepathy from a Tibetan Master named Djwahl Khul, commonly called DK. I consider these a definite number one for spiritual accuracy and enlightenment. There are twenty-four books in total. Four were written by Alice A. Bailey and the rest were channeled in full consciousness by mental telepathy from D.K. You will definitely notice a difference between AAB’s personal books and those dictated by DK.

Even though these books are great they may not be where you want to start because they are very deep and technical. If you do read them you might want to pick up The Occult Glossary” by G. de Purucker to help you decipher the vocabulary.

  * A Course in Miracles. This has more depth than most realize, but it is written in easy flowing script and has something for everyone. The author identifies himself as the Christ. Read it and see what you think. The whole single purpose of the course is to lead you to soul contact.

  * The Bible and other scriptures. Many New Agers reject the Bible completely, but if you put the likes of Swaggart and Jim Bakker aside and study it with no preconceptions you can receive great light and inspiration. If you are one of those who thinks the Bible is kindergarten then just read Isaiah or the Book of Revelation and explain them to me.

I believe the best translation of the scriptures (as far as accuracy goes) to be by the Concordant publishing company.

  * The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ by Levi. This is a revelation which tells us about the missing years of Jesus and reveals much more about his teachings.

  * The Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. If you are just getting into metaphysics this is a good set of books to read. They are easy reading and contain much good inspiration.

  * The Secret Doctrine by Madame Blavatsky. These writings are not easy reading. You have to wade through them, but there is a lot to be learned from them.

  * The Books of T. Lobsang Rampa. These are easy reading and very fascinating. The first ten or so were the best. After that he repeats himself.

  * The Right Use of Will by Ceanne DeRohan. This was her first book and her best. I believe it was inspired. Many are also impressed by her later books but they leave me flat. I think she made them up herself.

  * Secret Places of the Lion. This is a history of the workers of the light from ancient times through the present. It details the past lives of various famous figures. The author claims to get his information from a manuscript in Peru just as the Celestine Prophecy does.

  * The Books of Neville are very good. They teach general metaphysical principles in a fresh way.

  * The Seth material by Jane Roberts, the best of which is “Seth Speaks.” I’m not impressed by most of the trans-channeled material out there but this one has a lot of interesting ideas to contemplate.

  * Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This is not purported to be a metaphysical book, but it is nevertheless. All of Hill’s books are very good and practical.

  * The Books of Catherine Ponder. She writes in a different vein to Napoleon Hill, but gives fresh insight on a different level to achieving goals.

There are many other very good books out there, but there is also a lot of illusion, but if you are a true seeker you can get some light from the greatest darkness.

This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it. —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Feb 16, 2009

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Avatars, Decision and Judgment

Avatars, Decision and Judgment

It is always good to define terms to avoid confusion. When we talk of “the Avatar” we usually are referring to a great soul like the Christ or Buddha. They have a visible presence in the material world, but their consciousness is one with the spiritual realm.

However, an avatar in general is one who initiates some great change in this planet. Abraham Lincoln is an example. The founding Fathers are an example of a group of lesser avatars working together.

We are approaching a greater correspondence to the Founding Fathers. In this age we will have a group of avatars working worldwide in various degrees of activity. Some may even disagree with each other not realizing they are cooperating on a higher level.

To shed some further light on Decision I will make these comments.

For a decision to be a true decision it does not have to be in harmony with your higher self. The one great life has granted you the power to decide whether you are right or wrong. The only ones who fully realize the power of decision are the disciples of the Brotherhood of Light and also the disciples of the Dark Brotherhood. Both sides have great power because they understand this power.

The difference is this. The leaders of the dark brothers get their power by grabbing the power of decision to themselves as much as possible and the brothers of light get their power by teaching and encouraging the power of decision. Those who are not disciples on one of the paths make very small almost inconsequential decisions and merely react to decisions already laid down.

Hitler, for example, was a representative of the dark brothers, yet received great power because he understood decision. Few of those under him used decision, but reacted to decision. True decision requires great faith in yourself.

Decision is a neutral power, like money. It can be used for good or evil.

The power that can make one a God can also make one a devil.

“Choose you this day who you shall serve” is a true injunction. Eventually all are presented with two paths and we must make a decision with understanding. Only a small percentage of humanity see clearly enough to even make a decision concerning the paths.

When you choose the path, you become what you decide just as the great Life, the God of Moses, was in the process of “becoming.”

An avatar just does not wake up one morning and discover who he was. Take Buddha for instance. During the first third of his life he had no idea that he had any special mission. It wasn’t until he defied his dad’s orders and went out into the world of suffering that he even asked any questions.

Asking questions was his first step.

Next, he went out into the world and learned all he could from other teachers.

After that, he received a new revelation that was taught nowhere on the planet. It was at this point that he began to wonder who he was, but discovering who he was important after he first dedicated himself to world service.

We have no biblical proof of when Jesus discovered who he was, but I will tell you what I think. He fully realized it when he fasted for forty days. That is why he was driven into the wilderness with a fast. The mission he saw for himself was overwhelming and he was trying to fully comprehend it.

There are many out there today who believe that they are a Messiah or Avatar and are greatly deceived.

A true avatar does not go around telling everyone who he or she is. Those who are ready will discover the true identity through their souls. Even Jesus did not proclaim himself to be the Christ, but did acknowledge it to Peter after he received a revelation from “the Father.” Even after this he told Peter not to tell anyone who he was.

For a true servant the important thing is to have service to mankind circulated, not his greatness. The servant is even willing to miss out on any credit if that is helpful.

Question:  Why do the media and politicians only see reality as if it were wearing reverse image glasses, and resist good ideas that help the common man, as well as demonize any step forward?

As I  see it there is no organized conspiracy behind this approach, but the world, as a whole is astrally polarized, and those who see themselves as authorities receive a double portion. This especially applies to the media and politicians.

Astral consciousness automatically reverses truth and turns things upside down. Common people who are more detached from authority will often see things more correctly than the authorities who seek to be believed. They do not have as much astral energy reversing their vision and often have more access to mind and reason when it is presented to them.

This affects humanity as a whole to some degree, but those who are attached to authority are the most affected.

It is true the majority is all powerful and it is also true that those in power attempt to trick them into not believing or seeing this power in themselves.

It’s like when a man gets a lion trained through the use of strong authority, that authority convinces the lion that the trainer is stronger than the lion. This is illusion because he is not.

The majority is like a lion sleeping among its trainers. When they become aware of their strength they can take command at any moment.

Politicians think about the majority around election time and when the majority makes its wishes felt. All other times they try and ignore them and concentrate on their own little wills.

Going back to the Bible again. The “Judges” in the days of Moses were called Gods, Eloheim, the same title as given to the maker of heaven and earth. This is because they judged and made decisions.

Keep in mind that the middle way cannot be found through a black and white formula. The midway point between the swings of a pendulum is slightly different from the point of rest when the pendulum is still because each swing as a little different arc as it is slowed down by friction. Just as the middle point between the swings is close to the point of stillness so is the correct path usually one of moderation. But keep this in mind, Correspondences are not always exact, only guides. There are times that the middle way will be an extreme. There is no written law to find it. The only way to find it is to contemplate what you find without – with the chords of your soul and make a judgment. After you have made a judgment and a decision to follow that judgment the exactness of the middle way will be revealed as a point of precise truth.

There are two types of judgments.

The first is the limiting judgment. This is where the person makes an assumption about another that is less than the highest that the other person believes of himself. Then this person will attempt to convince him and others that his limiting judgment is true. This type of judgment can discourage the aspiring soul from fulfilling his dream and should be avoided. This type of judgment is condemned in all inspired writings.

The second judgment involves discernment. The seeker looks at both sides of a situation, absorbs all the facts available and then makes a judgment as to what is correct or the best course of action.

One of the main differences between the two judgments is that the first limits and causes action to cease whereas the second expands and causes action to increase.

Unfortunately, mankind does not discern between the two judgments and lumps them together under the “do not judge” idea.

The first judgment is used by the dark brotherhood and the second is used by the brotherhood of light to manifest the powers of God within them. However, you will find that you will be greatly criticized by many around you when you use your true powers of judgment and decision.

When you hear the words “Who do you think you are?” then you will know you are on the right track.

To fully use the Godly power of decision true judgment must precede it or the decision will be quite random.

The present is the now, the here, through which all future plunges to the past. —James Joyce

Feb 13, 2009

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The Seed and the Tree

The Seed and the Tree

Question: How is it that the great minds who have initiated the various religions and spiritual movements do not agree? Take reincarnation, for example, some teach for it, some against and others ignore it.

JJ: The important thing to understand is the Plan is much different than generally perceived. The Plan can be likened to the mustard seed and the tree. Long ago the seed was planted in the hearts and minds of mankind and now it has sprouted and broken ground and is struggling to survive in sunlight. Before the tree is fully formed the cells in its body look upon it and form incorrect conclusions as to how it is developing and what it will look like when mature. The seed, the sprout and the young plant know not their full destiny, but they can guess with more accuracy as they develop and time moves forward.

Revelation does not tell us with pinpoint accuracy all the ingredients of the Plan. Instead, it gives the seer the vital force necessary for the next step forward in growth and in that growth will come additional light.

As the plant grows the only thing that stays the same is change, yet within that state of flux are operating principles that are endless and ever true.

Joseph Smith was told the principle of unfolding revelation as follows:

“Behold, I am God and have spoken it; these commandments are of me, and were given unto my servants in their weakness, after the manner of their language, that they might come to understanding. And inasmuch as they erred it might be made known;” D&C 1:24-25

As the wisest among us grow in understanding, the light from God shines through the soul upon our minds. Because the Plan is not fully developed that understanding must foment in our minds and then be expressed in our own understanding according to our imperfections.

This is why Verse 25 reads: “And inasmuch as they erred it might be made known;”

In the growing stage it is impossible to not make errors for revelation is always incomplete and thus understanding is incomplete.

BUT understanding and revelation is ever unfolding and the scriptures are correct when they say we will eventually see as in the perfect day.

Many acorn seeds with the same built-in plan produce a wide variety of trees. Some taller, some wider, some stronger and some with more acorns than others. Yet the basic plan for them and their final maturity is the same.

Even so, each prophet, seer and master teacher will teach differently. Each will also have their consciousness centered on a different part of the growth, but all will have their attention on growth. They may not understand exactly where that growth will lead, but know this:  Growth is where they know they must proceed with all their strength.

For those of you seeking to establish soul contact the above paragraph is a major hint.

Some teachers did not teach reincarnation because they did not comprehend that part of the plan. Others did not teach it because they felt it would not be accepted. Still others did not teach it because they felt multiple chances would lead people into complacency.

Just as many branches of a tree all have their place, yet are seeking their own space in which to move and grow, even so do human leaders all move and teach a little differently in their own sphere.

Why was the teaching of reincarnation lost to the Christian church? Many early church fathers accepted it and used scriptural support for the doctrine. But when the church Fathers put the Bible together, they took many plain and precious truths out. One of these was reincarnation.

Question: “So was Mormonism created to just be a higher step that people could reach to before stepping up again?”

JJ: Mormonism was the last inspired work of the Piscean Age.

The building of the church was attempted in the days of Peter and fell short of perfection. This was the Alpha. Again it was attempted at the end of the age and an attempt was made at greater perfection. This is the Omega. This was not perfect either but it will have a strong influence on millions for some time to come.

Now we are entering the Aquarian Age and a new work will be attempted for those who are ready. It will be as different from the Christian church as a leaf is different from a branch. Even so, both are essential parts of the whole.

Question: “You speak of ‘a new work’ — and how ‘it will be as different from the Christian Church as a leaf is different from a branch.’

“Are you speaking of; or did you intend to speak of religion as a whole, or just ‘the Christian Church’?”

JJ: I was speaking of the new spirituality, which will evolve among humanity as a whole. In the coming age different branches of Christianity and Islam will still be around just as the pre Piscean religions of Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism are still around.

But the evolving new religion which will prefer to not identify itself as religion, but spiritual, will develop through the mass consciousness of those who are Aquarian thinkers. They, as a group, will not be any organized religion (though there will be organizations within it), but will, as a whole, recognize certain ascertained truths of unity. Just as people of all religions, even atheists, celebrate Christmas, even so will the people of the new spirituality see the value of uniting under various celebrations, holidays, teachings, ceremonies, etc.

I’m not talking about the Molecular Relationship here as this, and many other things, will evolve out of the new spirituality.

The new work includes many of the things I teach as well as many other things that will evolve through the new spirituality.

Question: Are we going to go beyond that which the master teachers of the past have given us?

JJ: None of the past masters and teachers were able to get the whole plan working for the whole plan is not yet here. The successful ones were able to produce additional growth toward the sunlight (son-light). Many teachers have got enough of their portion of the Plan working to produce growth and that is to be counted as success.

We can look back on the ancient Israelites and see their animal sacrifices and wars of extermination as primitive but they had success according to the growth that was needed at that point in development.

The Founders [of The USA] did not eliminate slavery, but they planted the seeds of growth that took us out of it.

Only the generation (and a few of the wise in the present) that experiences the growth of the times can understand correctly.

Early in the womb we looked like tadpoles and had tails. Whatever we did with those tails had meaning then, but not much now.

Question: How do I distinguish between that which is a simple change and that change which results in positive growth? Or is it a simple matter of evaluate as much as you can but ultimately you must just ‘try it and see’?

JJ: Ultimately it comes down to discernment and judgement. Fortunately, we have within us the sense as to whether we are just going through mindless change or real growth. All we have to do is pay attention to our sense of it. Just as one does not need any special ability to recognize whether he is rising up or sitting down he can sense his inner growth. As long as the person always goes with the growth he will eventually arrive at soul contact that he can understand.

Children have neither a past nor a future. Thus they enjoy the present, which seldom happens to us. —Jean de La Bruyere

Feb 11, 2009

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