Is Life a Game or a Play?

Is Life a Game or a Play?

A reader continued to take issue with my comments about life not exactly being equivalent to a play. He said he had an out of body experience where “I found myself on a stage in a giant rotunda. The audience was giving me a standing ovation.” He said he saw there were “49 levels from the beginning to end of a creative expression.”

The 49 levels make sense as it agrees with the esoteric writings which tell us there are seven cosmic levels each consisting of seven sub levels wherein we are at the lowest ebb.

In the whole scheme of things, the “play idea” does not exactly correspond for one must always consider this principle that correspondence of below with above is never exact, but always involves a twist, for in each level of creation the Intelligence of God seeks to do something new and different.

I submit that life is more like a game than a play. An actor giving a good performance may receive an applause, but a player in a game making the winning score is the one who really gets the mind-bending accolades.

There are similarities between a game and a play, but also significant differences. The main difference is that the script is all predetermined in a play and there is no free will to go off script.

In a game the rules are predetermined and because of past performance you may have ideas as to how the game will play out, but you do not know for sure. As you play you can make a split-second decision that may dramatically change the result of the game. If you succeed you will get the applause that you sensed.

On the other hand, both a play and a game are performed before an audience and the players receive accolades if they perform well.

Shakespeare himself said that “All the world is a stage and the men and women in it merely players and each person in his time plays many parts.” This also corresponds to comparing life to a game.

That said, some people take this idea of a predetermined script too literally to the extent that they believe that even Hitler was really a good guy and agreed beforehand to play the bad guy and kill millions of Jews and the Jews who suffered also volunteered for the part. Then after death Hitler and the Jews sang kumbaya together.

Let’s face it, no one in their right mind would volunteer to be tortured or starved to death or watch helplessly on as their loved ones suffer. Many of the parts that are played here are not voluntary but we are plunged into undesirable situations because of karma or the need to learn to be better players. Hitler did not plan on creating the negative karma for himself that he materialized, but was captured by illusion in the midst of the game and played out the role that illusion led him toward.

One of the reasons that life seems like a play to many is the sense that we are being watched by unseen beings. This makes it seem that we are actors on a stage performing for a host of watching beings from the unknown.

Even here the “play idea” breaks down somewhat because over 95% of any life is pretty boring and not worth watching whereas a play is written so every line is important and geared to having the whole thing watched to be understood. Then, with a game, there is much timed spent in preparation that would be boring to watch.

Also, on this earth there are many who have nothing much of interest that would attract attention if they were a part of a play. I think I speak for many in saying that if I were in the spirit and able to watch whoever I wanted there would only be a few I would find interesting enough to watch.

I know in my own life I am watched now and then. There may be a guardian angel or two helping me to stay out of trouble and danger, but as far as watching me because it is an interesting thing to do I sense this happens just once in a while. I will add though that Higher Lives tune into lower lives and can be aware of them while doing other things, thus eliminating extreme boredom while maintaining awareness.

I had an experience once when I made a life changing decision that afterward I was made aware that many spiritual beings were watching me. It wasn’t as if I was in a play though but more like I was in a giant arena making a game winning decision. The decision was more important than I realized as numerous concourses of beings were cheering me on with great jubilation for the decision I had made. Because of this decision certain things were going to manifest in the future, but from their eyes it was as if the manifestation were already in the present.

I remember the episode of Star Trek you mention where Picard lived an entire life within a few minutes of normal time. This is indeed a possibility and from some spheres of existence a whole lifetime here would seem but a very short time.

I think your sense of being watched like you are an actor in a movie could indeed be real but most likely you are watched for two reasons:

 First, you have lived an interesting life. Secondly, successfully navigating your life to a good end will mean that many people will benefit. This fact draws the attention of “watching lives.”

Overall, the purpose of life is very simple. It is about having an interesting experience, and if life becomes interesting enough the path of joy will be discovered.

“At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.” — Jean Houston

July 12, 2009

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Revisiting Initiation

Revisiting Initiation

Reader Question: “If I understand the initiation process correctly, it is a process of purification whereby our mind/body/spirit becomes in complete harmony with God. I realize this is a vast understatement but is this accurate or have I completely missed the mark?”

JJ: Purification is more of a byproduct of the path of initiation rather than the purpose of initiation itself. Purification, as it is generally understood, plays a much larger roll in the first two initiations than those that follow.

Each initiation does bring us in closer harmony with God, but again this is not the prime motivator that pushes us along the path.

The core ingredient that moves us from one initiation to another is the removal of limitations. Because of being born to this material existence we have moved into a sphere of great limitations. These limitations must be removed one by one until complete liberation is attained.

A reader first quotes me: “In the fifth initiation, the disciple receives a revelation that he has to take to the world. […] When that revelation is taken to the world successfully, he then has the opportunity to become a Master of Wisdom.”

Then he writes: “What might define/determine when a revelation “has been taken to the world successfully” – Publication? When a particular number of folks believe, follow or teach it? When it has manifested physically — like the lightbulb. What?”

JJ: One of the problems with teaching the Fifth Initiation is the lack of examples. Jesus worked on his fourth and the Christ his sixth and began his seventh. According to DK, Jesus completed his fifth as Apollonius of Tyana. It is possible that Moses completed his fifth before he was translated.

DK does not talk about his fifth or how any of his fellow masters accomplished theirs.

To complete the fifth involves more than getting a revelation and publishing it. After the disciple completes the fourth and approaches the fifth he will indeed receive a revelation involving principles or a vision of work to do. This could concern something that he alone must do, or even the furthering of a group endeavor. The revelation will involve the incorporation of higher knowledge, but it will be knowledge that the disciple not only has to anchor in the world, but also incorporate into his own life. He must transmute the vision into workable reality. When he accomplishes this to the satisfaction of his inner self then heaven and earth will meet in him and he will obtain power to sustain his body with vital energy as long as it serves higher purpose.

If you go to the search link at the end of this post and type in “Initiations” you’ll be led to numerous things I have said on the topic.

Reader: “Is not God’s hand in all things so that ultimately, all our works fulfill God’s eternal purpose?”

JJ: God’s purpose is fulfilled despite our works, not because all of them are essential to purpose.

If you want a room painted blue and the worker paints it yellow then a non essential mistake was made. The painter has to learn of his mistake and then paint the room blue. Painting the room yellow was not essential to the plan, but a complete waste of time. In the end the owner got what he wanted despite the mistake which was not essential to his plan.

Reader: “In my experience, the forces opposite an act are as necessary to accomplishing that act as the force of the act itself.”

JJ: Yes, the opposition in all things as taught in the Book of Mormon is a true principle. All things are created by the interplay of opposing forces of positive and negative. One thing I have taught that goes beyond this standard doctrine is that for the creation of form to be, the two forces must be slightly out of balance. The positive and negative forces in each atom and molecule are slightly out of balance. If they were in perfect balance they would be transmuted into pure spirit.

Even so, good and evil are not perfectly balanced in the universe, but are dominated by good (creation) over evil (destruction). This is called “the dominating good” in the Alice A. Bailey writings.

Reader “I think of God as the director of the Broadway Play we call The Universe. To simplify, I limit the play to just this earth’s inhabitants (plant, animal, human). The director does not attempt to have the dark characters be as good as they can. For the play to be successful, each character follows the script. And without conflict, their wouldn’t be a story to tell.

“My question to the group was whether that belief comports to the system of teachings this group is based on, ie DK. I don’t think it does and hence why I laid out my thinking step-by-step to see where we deviate.”

JJ: First let me make it clear that unlike the churches and many organizations we do not have a strict set of teachings that members have to accept without question. Anything that I say or any quote from any source is open to question. If a teaching is given here and someone thinks they can present a greater light on the subject then they are welcome to try. All we ask is that students be civil in their discourse.

New people are welcome to challenge any presentation here, but they should also expect to be challenged themselves if something they say does not make sense.

The basic guide here is that teachings should ring true to the soul and make sense to the mind and heart.

That said, let us examine your idea that God has produced a correspondence to a Broadway Play in creating the universe.

There is one problem with this correlation. Where is the audience? Who writes a play to be watched by himself alone? That would be no fun.

What would be fun for God is to reflect Himself with an unlimited number of creations in His image and then plunge into a complicated universe that becomes an extremely complex puzzle from which to work Himself out.

A good game is always fun for any life form — even God; and we are all involved as his reflections in solving the problems of creation, guiding it toward a satisfying end and mastering all the challenges along the way.

You might want to read “The Grand Tour” in my book “Eternal Words.”

“Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.” — Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC)

July 10, 2009

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A Course in Revelation

A Course in Revelation

Many have enjoyed the treatise called “A Course in Miracles” which is believed by many to be revealed by Jesus.

Few, however, realize that this course is merely preparation for another course of a higher order which is centered around Revelation, or “A Course in Revelation.” The Revelations are also called “Keys.”

Let me quote from A Course in Miracles or ACIM for short:

The Course tells us that revelation transcends miracles (T-1.I.48) and Miracles are thus a means and Revelation is an end… The Holy Spirit is the highest communication medium. Miracles do not involve this type of communication, because they are temporary communication devices. When you return to your original form of communication with God by direct Revelation, the need for miracles is over.” T-1.I.28, 1.I.46.

Does it not stand to reason that since “Revelation” is a higher principle than the “Miracle” that there should be a course somewhere on it?

The basic stated purpose of ACIM is to remove the barriers between you and direct Revelation from the Holy Spirit. If you have applied the course successfully then you should be ready for the next step which is Revelation.

Here are some additional comments from A Course in Miracles on Revelation:

“Revelation induces a state in which fear has already been abolished.” T-1.I.28

Revelation “reflects the original form of communication between God and His creations, involving the extremely personal sense of creation sometimes sought in physical relationships. Physical closeness cannot achieve it. Miracles, however, are genuinely interpersonal, and result in true closeness to others. Revelation unites you directly with God. Miracles unite you directly with your brother. Neither emanates from consciousness, but both are experienced there. Consciousness is the state that induces action, though it does not inspire it.

“Revelation induces only experience. Miracles, on the other hand, induce action … Revelation is literally unspeakable because it is an experience of unspeakable love.” T-1.II.1&2

“Revelations are indirectly inspired by me because I am close to the Holy Spirit, and alert to the Revelation-readiness of my brothers. I can thus bring down to them more than they can draw down to themselves. The Holy Spirit mediates higher to lower communication, keeping the direct channel from God to you open for Revelation. Revelation is not reciprocal. It proceeds from God to you, but not from you to God.” T-1.II.5

“Under my guidance miracles lead to the highly personal experience of Revelation. A guide does not control but he does direct, leaving it up to you to follow.” T-1.III.4

Some worry that a teacher or guide such as myself is seeking to control, but such is not the case. My goal is the same as the Master’s to “direct, leaving it up to you to follow.

Unfortunately, Revelation cannot be directly taught from book form as was the case with ACIM and other important works. The Revelation is a personal experience between you and the Holy Spirit and cannot be spelled out in black-and-white by me or anyone else. You can be directed to it, however; and you can be given hints. Often times when the hints are solved a Revelation will come. In the world of Revelation from the Holy Spirit all is one and all entities see “eye to eye.” Thus a Revelation given to one will always be in harmony with a Revelation given to another. Sometimes one will receive additional information or insights, but harmony will always be there.

There are 36 Revelations or “Keys” as I have called them in this course. Revelations are not limited to these 36, but includes them.

There are twelve Revelations of knowledge, twelve to enhance the wisdom-understanding aspect and twelve of power also called “The Keys to Immortality and Eternal Life.”

You must pass through the first round of Revelation before you go to the second and the second before you go to the third.

The first “Revelation” or key to receive is “Who and/or What AM I?”

Hint: To say God, the Soul, the Higher Self is not enough. To understand what you are you must also understand what you are not.

For instance, a person may buy an expensive car and like it so much that he begins to identify with it so that if the car is damaged, he or she feels pain. We understand, however, that we are not our cars, but a car is a vehicle that we use to explore the physical world.

There is the real YOU that uses vehicles to explore the worlds of form. What are the vehicles that most people identify with and think that is their “Selves,” but in reality is not their Selves at all?

The first three keys are covered in the three volumes of the Immortal series and the fourth on in my book “The Unveiling.”

Going with the flow can be a definite decision, as well a standing still. Going against the flow usually involves decision. Going with the flow usually involves acquiescence and not decision. There is always a sense of purpose behind a true decision. Those who “go with the flow” usually have no purpose in what they are doing. They are actually letting go of their power of decision.

The power of choice is available to the masses, but the full power of decision is reserved for the Gods.

Remember the scripture: “Now the man is to become as one of us: To be able to decide good from evil.”

Isaiah later points out that in his day none had the power to decide good and evil. Why is this? Because we do not understand the power within us. We think we are making decisions when we are merely making a choice to follow someone else’s decision. Actually, it is often not even a choice, but pure acquiescence.

Visualize yourself floating down a swift stream on a log. To continue going downstream involves only acquiescence and no decision is necessary. On the other hand, you will only undergo the struggle to swim upstream if there is some purpose involved. This normally requires some decision.

If your life is at stake and you need to swim upstream to save it then you are following the line of least resistance again. You or your higher self have already decided to make an effort to preserve your life at most any cost. Therefore, the motion to swim upstream is not a current decision, but the effect of a past one.

Many new agers do not understand this principle and think that “going with the flow” is a high-end goal. Not so. The animal kingdom has already perfected this art through programs written into their data banks by the Gods who really decide.

“Of those who say nothing, few are silent.” — Thomas Neill

July 8, 2009

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The Ideal Disciple

The Ideal Disciple

A reader gives this quote from DK:

“When love for all beings, irrespective of who they may be, is beginning to be a realized fact in the heart of a disciple, and yet nevertheless love for himself exists not, then comes the indication that he is nearing the Portal of Initiation, and may make the necessary preliminary pledges. […] If he cares not for the suffering and pain of the lower self, if it is immaterial to him whether happiness comes his way or not, if the sole purpose of his life is to serve and save the world, and if his brother’s need is for him of greater moment than his own, then is the fire of love irradiating his being, and the world can warm itself at his feet. This love has to be a practical, tested manifestation, and not just a theory, nor simply an impractical ideal and a pleasing sentiment.” Initiation Human and Solar, Page 193

He then makes this comment:

“I think I understand the concept that DK is trying to get across here, but is anyone ever TRULY this altruistic? I think maybe a lot of people WANT to be like this but when the chips are ACTUALLY down, find themselves acting somewhat differently. What person of reason does something that he not only sees absolutely no benefit to self in but even detriment to self? Absolute altruism – seeking benefit to other in total disregard for self – as the above DK quote sounds, makes as little sense to me as does absolute selfishness. Does one ever act in total disregard for self?”

JJ: That was a beautiful quote from DK. I sense that it was worded as it was to stress the ideal attitude of the disciple toward service, which is basically this:

If the need comes down to his or her personal desires or the greater good of humanity or the group, he will choose the group.

Does this mean that he has no thoughts of his personal destiny, personal satisfaction and individual joy?

No. It does not mean that at all as evidenced by the Tibetan himself who wrote:

“Joy settles as a bird within the heart but has winged its way from the secret place within the head. I am that bird of joy, Therefore, with joy I serve.” Discipleship In the New Age Vol 1 Pg 158

The disciple places service of the whole above service to the individual self because he realizes that this is the true path to joy. It is as Jesus said that only by losing our life can we find it. Even so, by placing individual happiness last can we be the first to become that bird of joy.

One could say that the disciple has the ultimate self interest in mind because service without thought for the lower self brings the greatest possible joy and happiness to the whole of the individual.

Even the Master himself realized this as stated in the scriptures:

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb 12:2)

So what was it that gave Jesus the power to endure the cross?

It was “the joy that was set before him.”

Even Jesus himself did not relinquish self-desire without a struggle. In the Garden of Gethsemane when he realized the pain he would have to endure he pleaded with the Father, “if it be possible remove this cup.”

Neither he or any other disciple goes through the Fourth Initiation without blinking and questioning, but in the end, he expresses this toward higher will:

“Not my will, but thine be done.”

DK indeed expressed the ideal, but even the ideal disciple does not move forward without thinking of self. What he will do is to always proceed toward the good of the whole, but sometimes after a serious internal cross examination of the sacrifices involved and questioning the necessity of the sacrifices along the way.

The disciple realizes that he is a valuable tool for the work itself and you do not throw away a thing of worth for something of little value. The sacrifice of the disciple should have a good chance of producing fruit of equal or greater value than the worth of the sacrifice itself.

The Highest Religion

Another reader asks this: “I am also interested in the groups opinion of The Book of Mormon. Do members here consider it a work of scripture?”

JJ: The group as a whole only has one belief:

“The highest religion is truth, whatever that is.”

The Keys was started by Rick Audette who doesn’t particularly like Mormonism, and was not intended to be a group to draw anyone of any particular belief, except for those who are searching for greater light.

Presently, I would guess that maybe a third of the members have some type of LDS background in their lives. We get quite a few questions related to LDS teachings, but we do not seek to be an LDS or any other religious group. The group as a whole sees all the churches as a kindergarten experience. Some things we learned there are useful, but we want to concentrate on the quest for knowledge not sought in the major religions.

Reader: “How would it compare to wisdom literature. For example, I place The Bible, The Koran and the Bhagavad Gita above works such as ‘Seth Speaks,’ Madam Blavatsky, ‘A Course in Miracles’ and other channeled works.”

JJ: I’d put them all in a similar category as far as truth goes. You have to study them all in the light of the soul. If one group of teachings rings highly true with your inner guidance then it is logical to give them some preference for a source of truth.

Reader: “I am not familiar with DK writings but it appears from the messages I have read here that it is also a channeled work. By ‘channeled’ I mean that the mouthpiece for the work is in a trance state and a particular advanced being speaks though that person.”

JJ: The only work you mentioned received in the trance state was Seth. The DK writings were received in a similar manner that Joseph Smith received his; except that Alice A. Bailey wrote them down herself as she received them, so obviously no trance state was involved. She carefully explains the telepathic method by which she received the messages.

In the trance state astral entities from the spirit world or thoughtforms are contacted. Some are more intelligent than others, but they are not masters. Christ and the Holy Ones associated with Him work through a higher form of either impression or mental telepathy.

I would invite you to read the Bailey works as they take you way beyond anything else offered from an extra human source.

Reader: “Under this definition, The Book of Mormon is somewhere in between The Bible and the channeled works listed above.”

JJ: The Book of Mormon is far from unique in the method of reception as the works of Alice A. Bailey, “A Course in Miracles,” “The Koran,” and works of Madam Blavatsky were received in a similar manner in full consciousness.

Myself and other members sometimes quote from the scriptures of the world, but any writing from any source that emphasizes some truth is considered a positive thing.

“The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.” — William Hazlitt (1778 – 1830)

July 7, 2009

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Death, Perception and Decision

Death, Perception and Decision

The scripture in Deuteronomy 34:5-8 does say that Moses died, but the author made an assumption because he admits that “no man knoweth of his sepulcher.”

Whoever wrote the last few verses assumed that Moses was dead because he left and never came back.

Some additional evidence is given in Romans 5:14:

“Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.”

Did death reign from “Adam to Moses” because Moses never died?

Who says that Gods do not physically die? Most believe that Jesus was a God, yet also believe that he died.

The fact is that many of the assistants to Moses as well as Moses himself were called Gods in the Old Testament. It is the Bible who calls apparently regular mortal men capable of death “gods.” Then too, Jesus verifies this teaching. Obviously, Jehovah recognizes men as Gods before even before death is overcome.

A reader refers to my comments in Genesis 32  where Jacob wrestled with an angel — the pre-incarnate Christ. He asks, “Where do you get that idea? It is nowhere in the Bible. Do you claim some type of revelation or something?”

The Bible says he wrestled with God in the form of a man. It says nothing about an angel or Christ.

You mentioned the two angels who appeared to Abraham in human form. I agree with that. But a third person also appeared in human form. We are told this was the God Jehovah as I stated in a previous posting.

It is true that there is one God, but if you are one with the one God then you are also as God. Jesus proclaimed himself God by stating that “I and my Father are one.” Just as the trinity is one God so can you and God be one God. If two drops of water merge then there is one drop, not two. Jesus told us to be one as he and his Father are one.

Many say that they want to enter the Kingdom of God. If the animal kingdom is composed of animals and the human kingdom is composed of humans — would not the Kingdom of God be composed of Gods?


There are three main causes of imperfect perception. A reader basically covered the middle one by mentioning our desires and also fear. These are both tied to the emotional level. Emotional distortion of truth is called “glamour.” One of the core causes of this is an expanded feeling of importance.

The other two causes of incorrect perception come from the physical and mental. Laziness affects all three of our levels to a degree.

The emotional distortion of truth is perhaps the most obvious to the advanced ego. Take the OJ Simpson story for instance. If people felt that he was a hero they may ignore the evidence because of their feelings.

The pull of substance is called “Maya.” It would include alcohol and other drugs, but this is only part of the answer. Overall Maya is the pull of matter itself. Contemplate other pulls on us from our lower nature that pull our attention away from that which is real.

Experience is a real event, that, if remembered accurately, is a great teacher of reality. Experience leads us to greater perception, not away from it. Incorrect perception of an experience can be a detriment, however.

There is a problem at the beginning and sometimes the middle of many “logical” thinking processes that lead one’s attention away from the truth. This is not an emotional thing, but purely mental. This is the third deception.


Concerning the principle of Decision, I would like to make a gentle correction. A reader says that “Many people have already decided within themselves what is good and evil.” It does seem that way, but in truth most people have not made a decision at all. Very few know how to decide at all. The knowledge of the power of decision is the key to becoming like the Gods or the “Us” of Genesis.

What most people call decision is in reality a decision made by some authority they have accepted and not a real decision by them weighing the two extremes.

One must sense the Middle Way before a true decision can be made.

Much of what we call decisions is merely following the line of least resistance.

Contemplate the difference between a real decision and an apparent decision. True decision makes us aware of our “God Selves.”

“As a rule we disbelieve all the facts and theories for which we have no use.” — William James (1842 – 1910)

July 5, 2009

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The Iron Rod

The Iron Rod

We have had many come and attempting to teach us the state a reader mentioned as being beyond revelation. I have knick-named this “The Nothingness Philosophy.” We have spent many thousands of words discussing it but since each missionary for the cause cannot put nothingness into words we remain unenlightened to them.

The bottom line is that there are many states of consciousness, and the one mentioned is one that we plunge into now and then, but obviously we do not want to stay there all the time or we would not be here. We are obviously here for a purpose so it is best to move ahead with that purpose and fulfill it so we may have joy.

As far as thinking that the holding onto the iron rod meaning that we should adhere to the authorities in the church — I couldn’t disagree with more.

The iron rod in the parable is the word of God — and where is that found?

It is found within as indicated by the apostle John:

“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.” (Rev 14:1)

The name of God which is God in us wherein the Word of God lies is in the forehead, or within our own divine consciousness linked to God.

Lehi’s dream is more fully explained below taken from an address I gave at the 2002 Gathering. Here is an excerpt from that:

The inner spirit is stimulated by the love of our fellow men. When we share love with our fellow man it stimulates the word of God within us so that we have a sense of what the tree of life is like because the love of God is even greater than the love we share here among us.

When we are able to make it to that tree of life we make it by holding on to the iron rod which is revealed to us as we follow the highest that we know. As we do this we can make it to the tree and partake of the fruit. So Lehi did this. He followed this iron rod and he made it to the tree. As he and several others made it to the tree they partook of the fruit. When they partook of the fruit he noticed a river of filthy water. On the other side of this river was a large and spacious building. In this large and spacious building were people dressed in fine and beautiful clothing.

These were looking at the people who had partaken of the fruit and they were laughing and making fun of them and telling them that they were ridiculous. Then Lehi saw that several who had come and partaken of the fruit were ashamed because people were pointing their fingers at them and making fun and mocking. Even though they had partaken of the fruit of the love of God they were ashamed and they wandered off onto strange paths and were lost. But Lehi said that he ignored the people who were pointing their fingers in scorn and making fun of him and he continued to eat of the tree and he was satisfied.

This is an interesting parable because it illustrates so much truth. When a person does the highest that he knows he begins to move ahead and he begins to feast upon the love of his fellow man and upon the love of God, there are those who will point the fingers of scorn. There are those who will make fun. There are those who will accuse the person of being a new age quack or a Christian quack or some type of weirdo or freak or whatever they want to call them. The person will be ashamed and he will withdraw. Maybe it will be his family members pointing fingers at him and saying, “You’re not going to go do that weirdo stuff, are you?” Maybe the weirdo stuff is that which leads him to the tree of life where upon he can partake of the love of God. So the person who partakes of the fruit must be able to withstand scorn, pointing fingers, family, friends, and everyone that may think he’s a little strange. We know Rick’s the only one who’s really strange. (laughter) The rest of us don’t have to worry. Just joking Rick.

I know, for instance in my family, they all think I’m very strange. I was telling somebody earlier, that none of my family will read my book or even take my book. When I give the book to them and say, “Here take it. It’s free” then go visit them the book is nowhere in the bookcase to be seen. Many of my friends are active in orthodoxy so they’re very wary of me because I’m a strange character to them.

So this is one of the things we must withstand. We must withstand people pointing their fingers, pointing us out, pointing you out as being off the beaten path. The path toward the true love of God is not always easy. But you notice, if you ever watch a movie where you really feel love manifested, like Titanic. At the end of Titanic the guy goes through tremendous friction to be able to have the woman of his dreams then he gives his life at the end and you feel so bad and you feel taken in by it. Wherever there is a lot of love manifested, like you feel in a good story, there’s usually a lot of sacrifice and a lot of difficulty crossed. Then after the difficulty is crossed the love is manifested. Titanic is a good example. They went through a lot of difficulties. They even sank with the ship and the woman survived that. Jack gave his life to save his loved one at the end. You just start choking up when you see something like that even though it’s fiction and in a movie. A good story can remind us of the true reality and the true sacrifice it takes to manifest that which is eternal and important.

Esoteric Knowledge

A reader comments on my use of the word “esoteric” which mean “hidden.” He says this can have several applications and wants to know how I apply it.

Just like many other words that have various shades of meaning based on the context and reference of the author even so is this word used from numerous angles of meaning. I have no problem with any of them. I can usually tell what the author has in mind when he uses the word — that is the main thing.

When I use the word as in juxtaposition to exoteric the two words take on the meaning of inward and outward. In this context esoteric knowledge is that which is only available to those who seek within and exoteric knowledge is available to the masses who just look at the obvious.

Generally, when I use the word esoteric in reference to knowledge, I am speaking of knowledge based on spiritual principles that rings true, but not accepted or sought after by the masses, thereby it is hidden from their consciousness.

The Atlanteans

Reader question: “So who and/or what were the Atlanteans prior to this intermingling with the Aryan?”

JJ: The Atlanteans did not significantly change after this event but evolved slowly. Their descendants are the oriental people of today. When a new race is created the members are not necessarily more spiritually advanced. Each race has its advantages. The Master DK says he still prefers an oriental body even though it was not the latest race because it is conducive for the inner work. Others like the Aryan body for it is useful in dealing with the outer world.

A reader responds with this: “You don’t have to BE an oriental to THINK like an oriental. Sorry, DK”

JJ: DK’s attraction to an oriental body has little or nothing to do with thinking but more with how the body functions as a vehicle that makes the inner work a little easier. For instance, it is easier to relax in a La-Z-Boy chair than on a lawn chair. You can think on either one but that doesn’t mean they do not have an effect on where your attention is.

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” — Will Rogers (1879 – 1935)

July 4, 2009

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The Kingdom of the Gods


The Kingdom of the Gods

A student asked the following:

“Could you be a little more specific regarding the passage you quoted — Gen 32:24-30. How did Jacob who wrestled with an angel become a god in this passage?”

JJ: In reality we do not become gods in the religious sense, but we realize our oneness with God as Jesus did. As I quoted earlier from John, Jesus stated the he and the Father were one and his disciples were to also encouraged to be one as he and the father are one. Jesus realized his oneness with God and became identified with God. If we also realize this then we also become one of the gods. If you and God are one then you are the same as God.

From one way of looking at it each of us are a part of the One Great Life we call God. But from another angle we can say that we are that One Life because our true Self, which is a part, also identifies with the whole, and has the consciousness of the whole.

If the animal kingdom is composed of animals and the human kingdom of humans, then what is that which composes the Kingdom of God?

Obviously, it would be the gods, or those who are one with God.

The story of Jacob represents the journey of the individual from a state of deception to a state of knowing. The name Jacob comes from the Hebrew YAAQOB which means “heel catcher, supplanter, or one who restrains.” This represents the carnal man who supplants and restrains God who is within all of us.

He who was Jacob and was living in a state where the kingdom of God within, or God within was “restrained.”

Then came a time when Jacob meets a “man” who he calls a “God” (with a big “G”) and wrestles with him and beats or prevails against him. After this happens the God tells Jacob that he now has a new name “Israel” which means “to prevail as God.”

Even the wording in the King James supports this:

“Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou POWER WITH GOD AND WITH MEN, AND HAST PREVAILED.” (Gen 32:28)

Because Jacob prevailed with God and man he had progressed beyond the restraint symbolized by the name “Jacob” and was given the name Israel because he realized his true nature. He realized that he was one with God just as was the God with whom he had wrestled and beaten.

Moses, like Jacob, was a true Israelite in the fact that he did prevail and have power with the God Jehovah. He is the only person in the Bible who actually called Jehovah to repentance.

When Jehovah found out that the children of Israel were making a golden calf and giving it the credit for delivering them out of Egypt he was very angry and said unto Moses:

“Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation.” (Exo 32:10)

Jehovah had promised that the descendants of Israel would become a great nation. Now they had betrayed him he decided he wanted to destroy them all but Moses and fulfill his promise through him. This gave Moses some leverage in petitioning for his people for if Moses did not cooperate and Jehovah destroyed all of Israel but him then there would be no one to fulfill his promise through. Since Jehovah must fulfill his promises then he would need Moses.

Moses thought it would be ridiculous for Jehovah to destroy all of the people he had put so much effort into delivering and told God that the Egyptians would make fun of him for taking the Israelites into the middle of the wilderness just to destroy them. Then he told Jehovah:

“Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.” Then Moses reminded Jehovah of the promises he had to fulfill through them. Later he even laid his own soul on the line: “Yet now, if thou wilt, forgive their sin-; and if not, BLOT ME, I pray thee, OUT OF THE BOOK WHICH THOU HAST WRITTEN.” (Exo 32:32)

Jehovah listened to Moses as one equal would listen to another and considered his words and CHANGED HIS MIND. The scripture says:

“And the LORD REPENTED of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.” (Exo 32:14)

Jehovah then came up with an alternative plan that would satisfy Moses and at the same time fulfill his purpose.

Just as Jacob wrestled with a God at Peniel and prevailed so did Moses mentally wrestle with Jehovah on Mount Sinai and prevailed against him to the extent that he (God) “repented.” Jehovah commanded Moses to “let me alone”, but Moses ignored him and argued for his people, yet it was not accounted a sin because Moses was manifesting the same Spirit of the One God as was Jehovah and because they both listened to that One Spirit they reached agreement. Jehovah was always in command and gave the orders, but it was accounted righteousness for Moses to question blind obedience to a decree that did not make sense to him.

Even so with each of us. We must leave the state of suppression, or Jacob, and wrestle those authorities that we allow to suppress God in us until we prevail even as Moses, Abraham and Jehovah.

Another reader asks me to comment on this verse:

“What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor.” Psalms 8:4-5)”

Again, in the King James and other versions [of the Bible], the word ELOHIYM is mistranslated. In this case it is incorrectly rendered “angels.” It should read:

“For thou hast made him a little lower than the gods.”

In this material realm we are a “little lower” than the Gods but when we realize our true nature we shall join the ranks of Christ, Jehovah and others who are one with God.

In reality the Christ is a position occupied by The Holy One of Galilee. But there are other populated planets and each of them with intelligent life has a Christ at its head.

The Christ of our planet is still in a state of progression and putting all things (as far as we are concerned) under his power just as his Father before him did and just as you and I shall.

The destiny of mankind (on this and other planets) as a whole is to put all things in the universe under our feet. This may take thousands of years.

“What is to give light must endure burning.” — Viktor Frankl

July 1, 2009

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Teachers and Fulness

Teachers and Fulness

A reader asks: JJ, are there others like you out there teaching? If so are you aware of them? It seems like you are alone. Are there any other teachers you recommend that are living? Can you identify any past teachers who are now reincarnated?

JJ: Interesting questions.

To be honest with you I haven’t found anyone like me out there, but then all of us are unique individuals and there is no one out there like you either.

As far as teachers go I haven’t found a living one in the spiritual area that presses my buttons, though there are a number of scholarly people who provide good information. There are a lot of teachers and channelers out there but few present anything new. Most teach, or attempt to clarify, that which has been presented in the past. Some of them are in it for money or ego and others are in it for the love of teaching and service.

Because there have been so many good teachings given out through past teachers current ones who seek to clarify them and teach them are doing a necessary job in this age and reaching many people on various levels who are not yet touched by my teachings.

Because so many teachings have been given out for thousands of years it is necessary in this age for various teachers to come forth, take the best of them and give them out to the public in a way that reaches them.

I haven’t found anyone of recent times teaching new material dealing with principles as I have been doing but there’s only so many new teachings the consciousness of humanity can handle.

Djwahl Khul tells us he will teach again around 2025, but there will be plenty of material to keep the minds of students occupied until then.

Some of the brightest teachers and innovators have been working in other fields especially politics, alternative health and science. These initiates are often sharply criticized by the media as well as their peers, but every initiate must be prepared for this.

As far as the reincarnation of people of historical note goes I will say this. A famous person in one life may not be famous in the next. Even if he is a high initiate, he may not make the necessary breakthrough for success in each life. Some lives will be for learning and preparation for a future significant accomplishment.

Joseph Smith was correct when he said that our intelligence will stay with us in the next life. George Washington, Thomas Edison or Napoleon may incarnate with a totally different mission which may make then difficult to recognize, but the one thing that will remain will be their basic intelligence.

If you see someone claiming to be a great one from the past just ask yourself if his native intelligence and abilities are as great as the one he claims to be. In every case where I have seen such claims the answer is no.

We can expect all the great Lights of the past to return, but Edison, for example, may be guided through his soul to enter the world in politics this time round and it may take him a couple lifetimes to learn the ropes and make a difference there. The Labors of Hercules demands different missions for different periods of time.

The Fulness of the Gospel

Question: Mormonism teaches about achieving the fulness of the gospel as if this is the end of the road in what can be achieved. Could you comment on that?

JJ: Let us take two doctrines from the LDS church.

The first is the one you just mentioned. Using the standard definition of the fullness of the Gospel it would seem that all the seeker has to do is accept Jesus and his salvation and his quest will be over. Since the person’s cup is full then there is nothing else necessary to do or to learn.

The second doctrine is that of eternal progression as taught by Joseph Smith. This teaching says there is no end to progression that we move “from exaltation to exhalation” and we move onward “worlds without end.”

Do you see a problem here? If the standard definition of “fullness of the gospel” is true then there is no eternal progression. On the other hand, if there is eternal progression then there is something wrong with the orthodox idea of the fullness.

Every seasoned seeker knows from a testimony within that there is eternal progression. This means we need to take a closer look at the meaning of “fullness of the gospel.”

What does the word “gospel” mean?

Exactly what would that (the everlasting gospel) be? The English word “gospel” comes from a combination of two Anglo-Saxon words, “God” and “Spell” which together basically means “to tell about God,” or “God’s story.”

To help us understand better let us examine the more ancient Greek word for Gospel found in the Biblical text, which is, EUAGGELION. You have probably heard that this word means “good news.” The disciples went forth and preached the “good news” of the resurrection of Jesus and this was the basis for its use.

Actually, Jesus used the word regularly before the resurrection when he was walking the earth. He often talked about the gospel of the kingdom of God and if one reads the context they will see that “good news” is a questionable meaning.

EUAGGELION comes from the two Greek words EU and AGGELIA. EU means “good, happy or pleasing.” AGGELIA is the Greek word for “angel” and means “messenger” or “the carrier of a message.” Rather than “good news” it would be more accurate to call it a “good message” or a “good or sound doctrine, teaching or philosophy.”

The meaning is further enhanced by being called the “everlasting gospel.” The word “gospel” in the Bible is used in relation to the teachings of Christ, who is also called “The Word” by John. Thus the everlasting gospel could be called the eternal teachings, or “Eternal Words,” or as Jesus called them, “words which shall not pass away.” Thus, we are told that the disciple penetrates the veil between heaven and earth and ascends in consciousness to the realm of Spirit, sees eternal principles and brings them down to earth. When words of Spirit are thus brought to earth they will not pass away for they came from timelessness or eternity.

The Book of Mormon and Bible thus contain the fullness of the gospel in that they contain eternal words, words that shall not pass away. They also take the consciousness of the reader to an understanding of true principles that shall not pass away.

Do the Bible and Book of Mormon give us all the fullness, or eternal words that God has for us?


They give us a few, but there are many more we shall gather as we eternally progress.

A flaw that exists in every religion is that they all teach of a point which, when reached, is the end of the journey. For the typical Christian it is accepting Jesus; for the Mormons when they have the supposed fullness; for the Buddhist when they reach Nirvana, and so on. The truth is that we are on a journey with no end and no beginning.

And who wants it to end? If there were no more mountains to climb life would become so boring we would want to go into non existence. If we do not want that to happen then we had best move forward and learn the true joy of stretching ourselves and ever progressing forward.

“If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it!” — Jonathan Winters

June 29, 2009

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Are Esoteric Teachings Useful?

Are Esoteric Teachings Useful?

Question: Is there any usable knowledge in the writings of Alice A. Bailey or any other esoteric writings?

First, let me say that as a general rule esoteric knowledge has a much different purpose than exoteric knowledge, such as an engineer building bridges.

If a person wants knowledge to obtain skills to do outward things then DK is not your man. To learn practical applications in the outward world one must learn from the teachers in the outward world. For instance, I make signs and I certainly do not look to esoteric knowledge to improve my craft.

Probably the closest subject corresponding to esoteric knowledge learned by standard scholars is the subject of philosophy — which sometimes goes into the outskirts of the esoteric.

You can’t build a bridge or manufacture a car with philosophy. People generally study it because they find it interesting. It expands their mind and helps give them purpose in life. A life with purpose is much more exciting than one without it.

Esoteric and spiritual knowledge does not build bridges, for it is not directed toward the outer world, but the inner. Is the inner world worth cultivating?

Yes, a thousand times yes. When we die, we take nothing of the outer, but the inner remains making its cultivation of sublime importance.

But one may say these pieces of knowledge you are inserting in your mind are fairly meaningless and they are making no change.

My answer is that every piece of knowledge or revelation of a principle is important.

Visualize putting a puzzle together and you do not know what the final picture looks like. You may place hundreds of pieces and still not know, but if you continue the time finally comes that one seemingly insignificant piece turns on the light of seeing, and you now see and understand what the finished picture will be.

Now if you go back to the beginning and find that piece that turned on the light and just look at that alone, could you have guessed the picture?


Why not?

Because it was not the final piece that turned on the light, but a combination of all the pieces.

Even so, it has been with me. I have found pieces here and there, but still could not see the picture until I gathered enough so the picture could finally be visualized.

The writings of DK through Alice A. Bailey have given me many pieces to many pictures that has turned on many lights.

Has it made a difference?

It didn’t build any outward bridges but it built a lot of inner ones.

The light I received from DK overshadowed anything I learned in the church, for I became dissatisfied with the simple teachings there and shifted my consciousness away from standard religion to higher knowledge. This led me out of the church, which was a good thing for me.

I have told the group before that the whole concept of the Molecular Relationship was downloaded into my mind in an instant, but I’m not sure I would have understood crucial ingredients if I had not studied principles as taught by DK.

I could write a book on things I learned from the Alice A. Bailey books, but just as important as the actual learning was what the learning did for me. It gave me an increase of faith and a fiery purpose to keep moving forward in my progression. After all, what good is life if you have no purpose? Other writers and teachers have assisted me along the way, but DK gave me the realization that there is unlimited knowledge out there for the taking. Earlier in the church I thought I was at a dead end — that I had all the basics and the prophet would have to give more revelation at a future time.

Take the principle of harmlessness for example. This teaching is not new and was briefly mentioned by Jesus. It is difficult to find anything that is entirely new. On the other hand, DK gave many new insights on this principle that went way beyond anything written in the Bible. His teachings on it made me much more aware of myself and how to apply this principle in ways that I never received from the words if Jesus.

Here’s just one example. He pointed out we can create harm by attempting to enlighten others. Some people are not prepared for certain truths and if we try to force-feed others too soon it will damage their psyche. When I read this, I immediately knew this was true and it changed my approach in teaching. It made me much more accepting of people that were not ready to change.

After I introduced DK to Curtis (my nephew) we sometimes used to do a fun exercise. We’d take one of the DK books and open it at random to a page and read about 100 words and the examine the knowledge that was there. Each time we were amazed at how much we would find there which was usually more useful knowledge than in a whole church book that we had been reading in the past.

DK’s teachings on the Intuition have been particularly useful to me. Again, many in the past have spoken about intuition, but not the way DK does. DK defined it differently than I had seen before and made me realize that I had used this principle but just had not isolated it properly in my mind. When I did this, it gave me much more power to use it and see the Oneness Principle, something DK did not teach in so many words, but led me toward.

I personally owe a lot to DK and would be a much different person today if his writings had never existed. Even though he teaches much that is esoteric, I have found that his teachings have done much to ground a dreamer, such as myself, in the real world.

“One’s first love is always perfect until one meets one’s second love.” — Elizabeth Aston

June 27, 2009

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Source of Emotions

Source of Emotions

I was asked for my views on the source of emotion.

Djwhal Khul [DK] has given the best seed thought on this. He states that the astral (emotional world) is created by the mental, that in ancient days the emotional world did not even exist. It wasn’t until humanity’s mental ability developed that desire as we know it was even possible. The lower emotions are therefore created on an illusionary principle and the astral world of lower emotions will one day pass away.

And what creates our values? A mental assessment of what is meaningful to us.

Now mind alone will not create all the emotions as we know it but the fullness of these emotions is caused through the interplay of mental energy with etheric energy and prana. Etheric energy creates the impulses to the life sustaining desire in animals, but when this is analyzed and amplified by the mind, we have produced the spectrum of human emotions not available to lower life forms.

On the other hand, the Masters learn to then place the human emotions in their proper place through the power of higher mind and negate their negative influence. They have learned to see where the illusion is.

Then we have higher emotions on the plane of the Buddha that are created from the Mind of God itself. Paul [the Apostle] in speaking of one of these, spiritual love, said it endures forever. It indeed at least endures for the life of the universe and then is reborn with each new creation.

Question: If mind is necessary to create emotion, then what about animals? It seems that they have feelings.

Human emotion is an effect created by the mind. The root emotion that sets man apart from the animals is desire. This is particularly evident in our sexual natures. It is true that animals are attracted to each other but mainly through instinct during the mating season. With humans the attraction is during all times because of the mental construct of what is and is not desirable and attractive.

Except in rare cases where the animal is very advanced the feelings an animal experiences is produced by its instincts, learned and natural and it has no power to intelligently direct them.

Because a human has power to program and deprogram himself he has power to manufacture his emotional world or to deconstruct it.

Comment: I don’t see how ‘lower emotions are … created on an illusionary principle.

JJ: If the emotions are “always an effect produced by the mind” as you say, then as soon as the mind changes the programming the emotion is no more. Because the emotion can pass away and be as if it had never been then it is created by an illusionary principle.

On the other hand, the higher mind is capable of seeing truth and principles which is eternal so it exists upon a non-illusionary principle.

The higher emotions are those that do not pass away such as spiritual love, spiritual joy, spiritual desire for eternal progression and creation in line with the dominating good and others.

Jealousy, anger, hatred, possessive love, and other lower emotions are created by the meaning we assign to situations and will pass when the situation or the mental construct changes.

As far as there being an astral or emotional world, there is no way to prove this exists. I personally can feel my emotional body and have seen the vivid colors given off by it many times. It is different than the etheric. Anyone can see the aura if they want to practice at it long enough.

As far as what the emotions are or where they come from — that could be a treatise in itself. All creation springs from positive and/or negative or male and female energy. Thought comes from the male side and emotion of feeling, the female.

Basically, we all know what emotion is because we all have felt it. If one had never felt anger then he wouldn’t know what it is even if someone explained it to him. Similarly, a person must taste an orange to know the taste. It cannot be explained in full.

All life is immersed in thought and feeling which originates from the heart and mind of God. To understand thought and feeling in fullness one must understand God. We start by understanding ourselves.

Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you. Henri-Frederic Amiel

June 22, 2009

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