Birth Control and Raising Children

This entry is part 21 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship


Chapter Twenty-One
Birth Control and Raising Children

This has been a hot topic of discussion for many years, but it is a subject that is often approached from an emotional angle. It is time to discuss this subject in a higher light.

It is obvious that some kind of birth control measures must be used among man. Conservatives argue that the world could house twenty billion people and that periodical wars and famines are nature’s method of controlling population. This has been true, but they do not consider that we will be entering a New Age where Humankind will use their spiritual will to prevent wars, and our godlike intelligence will prevent famines and pestilence. Therefore, with the population doubling every several generations it will only be a matter of time before there would be ten, twenty or even forty billion people on the earth.

Sooner or later, no matter what measures we take to house the population, the time could come when there will be too many people.

Another question to consider is this: What kind of approach is it to living to plan on a world where the population is controlled by war and disease? It is written” “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” If Humankind believes in this approach, then they shall have it. We indeed make our own reality. If this is true, that we can choose our reality, why not make a better one? Why not think, plan and believe in a world where war and disease are not necessary?

Such a world can only exist if the human race mentally participates in the extension of its family. The children of the New Age deserve the right to be conceived through a mutual love between two people. The parents should have a desire to give birth because of a natural desire and love and not out of a sense of duty or fear. Such children will be born with a much clearer channel to the Higher Self. Children who are unwanted to any degree have more obstacles in spiritual contact and control. They will have many fears and a sense of separateness.

Children also pick up and assimilate negativity that parents suppress. Honest communication between parents stimulates a higher vibration within the child.

Another item is that each ego needs a certain amount of time between lifetimes to assimilate past life experience and prepare the entity for the next one. When there is a high population density on the earth these entities are often forced to incarnate before they are ready and thus not reap the full harvest of the life experience.

Humankind has logically perceived that the earth has some undesirable population increases and has collectively decided that something needs to be done about it. Nevertheless, many still look upon any type of population control as evil and interfering with God’s will. They, of course, get this idea from God’s command in the Bible where he said to Adam and Eve: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth…” Gen 1:28

The word “replenish” comes from the Hebrew MALE which means “to fill or spread over.” What they do not realize is that they can still literally believe the Bible, but not be condemned for limiting the size of their family. Humankind has been fruitful and spread seed throughout the habitable parts of the earth. In the early days of civilization this decree made a lot of sense, but now the commandment has been fulfilled and if we listen within to the voice of God we hear a new commandment for the Aquarian Age: Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth with my Spirit that knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the sea. Let every child that is conceived be through the holy bonds of Love, and knowledge so the highest of spirits will desire entry. Let a seal be placed on the Adversary that spirits of delusion will not walk the earth that the presence of Christ may permeate the human race in peace for over 1000 years.

This leaves the responsibility with the individual. The couple has the law of God written in their hearts, as Jeremiah prophesied would happen in the New Age, and they check with their souls for confirmation as to when they should have a child.

There will be no ironclad rule governing population control during the New Age as to whether a couple can have one child or ten, but the people will be educated and the tremendous veil of ignorance on the subject will be removed so all children will be wanted children, loved children and cared for children.

There are numerous modes of birth control practiced today. Contrary to popular belief the most harmful of them all is the rhythm method. Just as animals have their seasons where they have sex, and others when they abstain even so do humans have their cycles. The sexual energies of the female are the highest for several days before her period and several days afterwards. This is also the most desirable (and fulfilling) time to engage in sex. In the low fertility period the female sexual energies are low. This is nature’s way of telling her that sex is least advisable during this time. Frequent sex in the low (sexual) energy period and none in the high energy period leads to a depleting of the life force and lowers resistance to disease. Those who practice the rhythm method, therefore, are always having sex during the wrong cycle and this is the cause of much of the low energy and distress of which they complain.

The apparent problem is that nature made sex most enjoyable during periods of high fertility to insure the survival of the species. Therefore, it appears that in periods of the earth’s history when there is an abundance of population that some type of contraceptive will be needed. Fortunately, this is not always the case.

When men and women learn the correct use of their soul energies they will have full power to pick the moment of conception. Those who are so attuned will also be able to have sex, even during fertile periods, and not conceive.

An enlightened couple will be able to take the power of conception to a higher level. When they realize that male and female is more of an energy state than a body state they can use the power of their combined energies during sex, sometimes with the help of certain mantras, and conceive a new idea that can materialize in their life and help create the “life more abundant” as prophesied by the Christ.

The possibility of mental birth control has already been proven by hypnotic research. Women under hypnosis were told that they would not conceive. Amazingly, the order was obeyed and the success was comparable with standard physical birth control methods. This definitely shows that women do have control over their time of conception.

The problem is that most men do not want to hypnotize their wives before each lovemaking session. Fortunately, there is a better way.

Before there can be a successful conception there has to be a certain attitude of acceptance of a pregnancy on the part of the female. Many will argue that this is wrong, that there are numerous women who become pregnant when they have no desire for a child. Even women who have been raped have conceived – most of them completely against their will.

This is perhaps true on the surface, but even in unwanted pregnancies the female possessed a certain attitude of acceptance toward conception at the time of intercourse. This is more of an attitude of mind than a conscious decision. This attitude of mind was turned off in the women in the hypnosis experiment and, once avoiding this attitude, they did not have to even think about birth control to avoid conception.

The woman who gets pregnant through rape leaves this attitude open because of the belief system that is programmed in her mind. She is not to be blamed for, in her conscious mind, it was an unwanted pregnancy. She merely lacked the knowledge to reprogram herself.

The male seems to instinctively know that the female has power to prevent conception for when an unwanted pregnancy occurs he will often blame his partner when he was seemingly as much at fault as she was.

During normal sex when the female is experiencing a feeling of fullness emotionally she will often sense a strong desire to conceive that may go against all her common sense and reasoning. This feeling will be so private that she will rarely discuss it with anyone, even other females, but when this inward response comes it will feel so natural that she will throw caution to the wind and go with it.

The female, however, does not bear the full responsibility of the conception. Men also experience a deep soul impulse to impregnate the female and, when this attitude is accepted by her, the energy is sent to the female with an impulse to open up her conception desire. Nevertheless, an aware female may achieve power to checkmate this conception impulse. She has the ultimate say as to whether there is a pregnancy even though the male has a strong influence over her.

To prevent a conception some of the natural impulses that are inherent in men and women must be redirected by the mind. Suppression alone – of the conception instinct – will not prevent a pregnancy but have the effect of creating latent psychological problems for the forthcoming infant. Suppression is never the answer to any problem. Correct direction of force always is. There are many people who do not consciously want children, then, in the act of intercourse, they will momentarily open up to physical conception. Afterwards, they will suppress this feeling to no avail – wishing and hoping they have not conceived.

The conception instinct is a creative sense on an unconscious emotional level with physical results. If this creative energy can be redirected to a higher level – to a guided conscious conception of an idea (which originates from the intuitive level) then the energy will follow the thought and the physical conception will not occur. This is the secret behind the hypnosis effect. It works because energy followed the implanted thought. However, hypnosis does not make use of the tremendous creative energy released at the potential conception moment. If this energy follows a thought, then the thought will have an unfathomed power to materialize and the physical conception of a child will be bypassed. Eventually humans will develop this power to create though male and female interplay with thought so they will even be able to create physical bodies for children with no pregnancy period. Thus the Biblical curse on Eve will be removed from woman.

To move the creation process to a higher level during love-making it will be helpful to go through the following process. Shortly after you begin intercourse both of you visualize a very small ball of either golden or white light between your bodies in the heart area. See this ball as representing the Christ energy and see it as slowly growing until it surrounds both of your physical hearts. Feel a warm spiritual union developing between the two of you.

When you feel the spiritual light growing say these words together in unison: “The creative power of the Word is Becoming physical and the form it is taking is that which is seen and felt by us at the moment of union.” Sense the intensity of the light growing until you reach a climax and at the moment of climax together you must both see and feel that which you desire to manifest. If you do it correctly you will not have a baby, but will soon materialize that which you see and feel. It has to be done correctly by both of you and will take some practice. Therefore, you would want to get good at it before you depend on it as a method of birth control. Nevertheless, you can use it to enhance your power to manifest whether you use birth control or not.

I must warn you here that this is a very sacred energy and it must only be used with pure intent to manifest that which will serve more than the selfish lower self. Just as the physical conception gives life to another so must the higher conception help others to live more abundantly. It must be used with the intent to help others besides yourself or the energy could boomerang back upon yourself and cause an increase of selfishness and an inflation of the ego and other problems I will not go into.

To maximize this process the couple must practice tuning in to themselves as a unit until they can positively identify the moment of the conception instinct. When they are able to do this then mental birth control will be infallible. When this is accomplished their lovemaking can take on a new dimension of fullness with no inhibitions necessary.

When the time comes that the couple desire a child, they merely open their thoughts and feelings toward a physical child conception placing their thoughts upon the area of the womb in the woman. When a conception is not desired both must place their whole attention in the area of the throat or heart and not let the attention slip downward. To play it safe, when the conception moment is sensed lovemaking would temporarily cease.

Overall, then, soul infused human beings will have power to control the quality and number of children who come into their families, yet enjoy relationship and sex on all levels of feeling.

At present few are ready for this spiritual birth control and until they achieve the necessary spiritual sensitivity and consciousness traditional methods must be applied.

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