Who Am I?

Who Am I?

I have made several statements about ourselves and our origin.

First. We are not our physical, emotional, or mental selves. These are instead called our three vehicles. Our true self uses these vehicles to explore the three lower worlds. Just as you put on a diving suit to explore underwater, so must you acquire the right “equipment” to explore the lower worlds.

In a way we are like the diver who is under the sea with limited oxygen and gets hit on the head and winds up with amnesia. When he sees his reflection, he assumes that the diving suit is himself and that is what he looks like. He must soon rouse himself and remember who he is or he will think the sea is his home and die for lack of oxygen. That would be a pity, for if he knew who and where he was he would know that he needs air and where to get it. But if he remains in deception then death is certain.

Second, I have stated that we as entities are eternal, yet all that has vibration has a beginning and an end. All matter, all form, all energy has vibration which will someday end. Just as when you pluck a guitar string it will not vibrate forever, so does the vibration off all things in the universe eventually run down.

On the other hand, the eternal part of us has no vibration. Everyone thinks that to travel to the various worlds we need to speed up our vibration, but could the opposite be true? Could it be that we need to still vibration instead? The truth is a great secret.

You may ask: “If that eternal part of us has no vibration, no form and no energy then it appears that it would not even exist. How do you explain that?”

The answer is another great mystery, but even mysteries are simple when they are understood.

You as an individual entity consists of a musical chord of four notes at any given point in time and space. Your physical body vibrates on a certain note as well as does your emotions and your mind. Then your soul vibrates on a fourth note. You also play your notes in a certain key. Altogether you incarnate through a very large number of lives and in each life certain notes will change. As your higher self “listens” to the music you play he/she/it will enjoy a piece of music more beautiful than anything we can comprehend here, but the music of your whole self can only be heard from the “Eternal Now,” because in our time frame it takes millions of years to play the piece.

In my journey through time I am playing one symphony for the ears of the One Great Life and in your journey you are playing another and altogether there are endless pieces of music being played for the enjoyment of our Creator. This is the true meaning of the term “Music of the Spheres.”

The playing of a melody is created by vibration, but the actual melody and notes themselves exist independent of vibration and are without beginning and without end.

Let us take a familiar tune by the Beatles — “Yesterday.” We think that it had a beginning when Lennon and McCartney wrote it. But in reality that is not so. Every note that we use to play it on the piano has existed from eternity as well as did the combination of notes that make the melody of “Yesterday” has always been in the mind of God. Vibration of the notes makes us aware of the tune, but the music still exists even when it is not being played. Even at this moment, when no one is playing it, when there is no vibration, the song lives within you and it can be recreated at any living moment.

The melody which is distinctly you has existed in the mind of God from eternity. But when you were given vibration, you received a form manifestation that makes you and others self-aware.

Once the children of God become aware of their melodies the melody is realized to be eternal. Just as no one can destroy the song “Yesterday,” no one can destroy you. Even if this planet were blown up and every piece of music destroyed with it, the song still exists; and somewhere, some time, someplace, a musician will recreate the tune and it will be played again.

You will be played again and again in newer and better versions, worlds without end. You will play until you and your Creator are satisfied. Then you will rest. After that you will play again.

In response to the above a reader asks this:

“Four notes? I thought there were seven notes in all.”

The four notes are predicated on the worlds of form. Three correspond to the physical, astral and mental. The fourth is a synthesis of the three corresponding to the whole personality.


Attention is an attribute that belongs to the real you. Attention uses your vehicles and is not created by them. Attention is enhanced by the vehicles, however.

A reader uses the word “humble.” That is a word very few use in the New Age community yet it is an attribute one must have to unlock the doors of greater knowledge.

Many who believe themselves to be great and wise are stopped in their tracks when they lose humility. This is what is meant by “the first shall be last and the last first.”

Those who are the most intelligent are “the first.” But then when they believe no one can teach them they stop learning and after a period of time sink to great ignorance and become “the last.” Many who are the least in intelligence seek in humility to learn wherever there is knowledge and advance from “the last” to “the first.”

Then there is the rare person in the third category. He or she stays humble in the midst of glory and ends the cycle of first and last and finds the way home.

God help those who do not help themselves. —Wilson Mizner

Nov 20, 2008

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Seeing What Is Not There

Seeing What Is Not There

One day a large meteor fell from the sky and hit the city of Casper Wyoming with great force.

It was completely destroyed.

Never in recorded history had such an event of destruction been witnessed by the civilized world.

There was virtually no warning for the meteor seemed to come out of nowhere. A few astronomers recorded it a few hours before the event and some tried to get a warning through to the government, but because of bureaucratic buffoonery none of the residents of Casper had any warning at all.

The media covered the event 24/7 for the next couple weeks. Finally, after the shock died down and the nation put itself back together people went back to their normal lives.

The one thing different though was the formation of an international commission organized by the nations of the world to come up with reasons why, with our technology, we were caught off guard and recommendations for an organization to prevent such an accident in the future.

The commission found three amateur astronomers who claimed to have seen the meteor up to three weeks before it hit but there was amazing little warning of such a major disaster.

This smelled bad to a number of people of varied background as they began to wonder if there was some type of cover-up. Another thing that bothered them was that the whole destroyed city of Casper had a military border around it and no one seemed to be able to get through.

After a few weeks a number of conspiracy theories began to surface. The most popular ran like this:

There was no meteor. There was no real proof that one even existed. Instead, our own government destroyed Casper with an atomic bomb sent by a missile. There are witnesses and some bad film of something coming out of the skies but a careful screening of the witnesses and film seem to reveal that it was a rocket and not a meteor at all.

Some asked why in the world would the government want to destroy Casper.

The reply was that there were two reasons. First on the date it hit there was a large conference of environmentalists who were creating a problem for many in the government. All of these were conveniently eliminated.

Secondly, the nations of the world poured many billions of dollars into a project to scan the skies and destroy any meteor like this before it hits us again. It was believed that those who benefited from this money were in on the conspiracy to destroy Casper. The President’s second cousin was the president of an optics company who received major anti-meteor funding. This looked very suspicious to them. In addition, a number of high government officials had stock in companies that would benefit.

Finally, a conspiracy theorist sneaked through the barrier with a Geiger counter and investigated the wasteland. His suspicions were confirmed when he registered a high degree of radioactivity.

The military found him and locked him in a decontamination chamber. After several days of being checked out by doctors they let him go.

He went right to the media and told all who would listen his story. He had proof an atomic bomb, not a meteor destroyed Casper and the military obviously knew about the radiation because they put him through a decontamination process. He said there needs to be a major investigation and the President and his ilk must be prosecuted and removed.

Polls began to show that about a third of the population believed some type of conspiracy was taking place and faith in the president and military sank to an all-time low.

What was the real truth?

The truth was a meteor did destroy Casper just as the experts said. The meteor contained a large amount of uranium and also uncovered some that was below the surface of Casper so there was quite a bit of radioactivity on the remains.

The military bureaucracy wanted to thoroughly investigate the makeup of the meteor and the cause of the radioactivity before they released the details.

There was no conspiracy, but when a unique event occurs, that has never been recorded in our history, a number of seemingly unexplainable anomalies occur.

We find what we are looking for.

Absolutely True

A Course in Miracles student posted attempting to correct me stating that I was wrong saying that truth is absolute. He maintains that truth is relative and quoted this from the Course:

 “The truth is true. Nothing else matters, nothing else is real, and everything beside it is not there. Let me make the one distinction for you that you cannot make, but need to learn. Your faith in nothing is deceiving you….” T-14.II.3

You say the truth is relative, but I find that teaching nowhere in ACIM or in life. Instead, I find that statement based in illusion. It is the “faith in nothing” that the course teaches.

Here is a quote that affirms that truth is absolute:

“For truth is true, and nothing else is true. There is no opposite to choose instead. There is no contradiction to the truth.” W-pI.138.4

Then it says this comparing the idea of relative truth to chaos:

“The first chaotic law is that the truth is different for everyone.” T-23.II.2.

There is nothing relative about the statement “My mind is a part of God’s. I am very holy.” It is absolute truth that you are a part of God and so am I just like it is an absolute truth that a wheel is part of a car.

If I am happy, I may say absolutely that I am “very” happy. This would be true and nothing else would be true in that instant. “I am very holy” is a very absolute truth about you and me when we see through the eyes of the Holy Spirit. If we do not see it, it is still absolutely true.

You ask: “Does absolute truth see you as separate from me?” The answer is yes and no. We are parts of the body of God just like the various parts of our body. My mouth may say “I am Joseph” or it may say “I am the mouth.” Both are absolutely true. But the whole absolute truth is that the mouth is a part of the whole and that one part of the whole is affected by every other part.

The answer to your question is that when I look at the wholeness (or holiness) of God you are not separate from me, but if I look at the part then I am separate. This makes what I see relative to my perception, but does not make any truth relative. Truth never changes, only our perception does.

I can’t believe that you are a student of ACIM and have not grasped one of its basic teachings about the truth.

You also state “truth has to do with the heart not the head.”

ACIM teaches as much about the importance of the mind as it does about the heart. They are both two parts of a great whole. Using the heart alone to find truth is like one hand clapping. It doesn’t happen and as the Course states:

“This is a course in mind training.” T-1.VII.4

Many times it stresses the importance of mind:

“If I did not think I would not exist, because life is thought.” W-pI.54.2.

It appears to me that there is some fear in you about using the mind. I think you should examine this part of yourself that avoids the inner conflicts the mind can arouse. If the mind is guided by the Holy Spirit then the conflict may arise in others when truth is presented, but not in the presenter.

If you have learned the basics of ACIM you will not feel attacked by this but edified. My words are not as strong as the course itself.

“Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things”. – Isaac Newton.

Nov 18, 2008

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The Mystery of Purpose

The Mystery of Purpose

Purpose is the initiating energy and has no duality, but its vibration creates the illusion of duality.

Purpose is the initiating energy and is eternal. It is different from intent or having an objective. That which you intend will have a beginning and an end as well as that which you will and the two energies are thus under the influence of vibration as well as time.

Eternal Purpose is not the same as objective. An objective has a beginning and an end but Purpose exists in timelessness. An objective which is in alignment with Purpose is part of an eternal chain of events.

Purpose begins in timelessness, passes through every atom in time and returns to timelessness again which is the same as saying it has no beginning or end.

First comes Purpose. It must exist before there can be Will or intent. Without Purpose there can be no will to do anything. Where ever there is a Will the question is — what is the Life willing to do? The answer is to fulfill Purpose.

Aligned with Will and Purpose is Power. When the Life has Purpose and perceives Power to fulfill that Purpose then the energy of Will directs that Power and we have the creation of vibration.

Actually, vibration exists between two eternities so it has no end but all the forms vibration takes has beginning and end.

When Will-Power-Purpose are realized to some degree then intention comes into existence. There has to be some sort of self-identity to have intention.

The aspects of Will-Power-Purpose have many correspondences. I have also called them Light-Love-Purpose.

Purpose has no vibration because it is the midway point between the points of the wavelength. Therefore, it cannot be two, but is only one. It is the point between “land and water that is neither wet nor dry.” It is the place where “magic is wrought.”

Life extension can come through intent, but immortality can only come through aligning with Purpose which links us up with lives much greater than ourselves who have “obtained the resurrection” and can channel the power of re-creation down to us.

Purpose takes one out of the influence of the “rolling force.”

The word “faith” is not really a belief but it is a state of mind that is aligned with Purpose that can override all the influences on the physical world even to the production of great miracles including the overcoming of death.

A full explanation of Purpose has not been given to mankind, but can be sensed through contemplation.

There are a basic set of principles we all must eventually learn, but we all will have a different experience in reaching the end of the path. That different experience could be called a different path. My point is that technically we all wind up learning the same lessons just as you mentioned in the martial arts.

Doing things by the force of will does have its limitations. Let me explain. If you will for something to happen and it interferes with the will of two other people whose combination of two wills is stronger than your one, then the power of the two wills will overcome your one. This is the reason a successful politician must tune into the will of the masses. Even a Hitler must keep public opinion on his side.

In many cases it is impossible for two opposing wills to have their way. They will often diffuse each other.

The true path to power is to tune into the Power of Purpose the One Great Life has in store for this planet and then become an agent of His Power. In this case a person is not operating in the power of his “little will” but of a power that is a fiat accompli — a will that must be fulfilled.

Compare your will to the Planetary Logos, for instance, with a germ in your body to your own. As long as that germ does not interfere with your larger will it is free to do as it pleases, but the moment one starts to put you at dis-ease you will then take strong medicine to stop it.

A reader brought up the idea that the real Jesus escaped crucifixion and another disciple took his place, similar to Islamic belief.

There were two entities involved in the crucifixion and resurrection, but I maintain it was quite a bit different than this. See my previous writings on the overshadowing.

Everyone has a purpose in life. Perhaps yours is watching television. David Letterman (1947 – )

Nov 17, 2008

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Imperfect Initiates

Imperfect Initiates

There has been speculation that Barack Obama may be an initiate so I thought I would make a few comments. Identifying initiates is a tricky thing. For one thing, many expect an initiate to be near perfect, or at least have a similar belief system to themselves. In the past I have identified George W. Bush as a second degree initiate, and some who dislike Bush thought that this just couldn’t be.

Why did they think this?

Most likely because they strongly disagreed with Bush.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. First and second degree initiates are still subject to illusion, and therefore will often strongly agree with each other as well as many non initiates.

These initiates will work in all fields of endeavor and will often promote things that you or I may find repulsive. There are initiates who strongly believe in communism, socialism, free enterprise and some close to anarchy.

The reason the first and second initiates are so diverse is they have not yet mastered illusion and are unable to see all the flaws in their foundation beliefs.

They have, however, reached the stage where they tend to follow the highest they know.

I use the word “tend” rather than giving an absolute because a handful of initiates get frustrated with their slow progress and leave the highest they know behind and gravitate toward the selfish side. As they progress and learn they see through much illusion so unlike average selfish people they pursue selfishness knowingly.

Both selfish and unselfish second-degree initiates eventually reach a point of realization where they are able to make the great choice. They are able to make this choice because they see the two paths in front of them.

One path leads to spiritual light, love and unselfish service.

The other leads to lower light, self-love and selfish service. The wayward one sees that this produces more immediate and easier to attain results.

The first path leads to oneness with Christ and the Brotherhood of Light. The second leads to associations with the brothers of darkness.

Only a third degree initiate or higher who has seen the two paths and chosen correctly can be trusted by the Brotherhood of Light. Lower initiates, even though they be of pure intent, can still be sidetracked by illusion and for a period of time promote the cause of darkness rather than light.

As a whole those who have attained the third degree or higher will sense the Oneness Principle and will rarely disagree, especially where principles are involved. When a principle enters the communication two third degree initiates will see the core of it in a similar fashion though they may disagree in the working out of the details and minutia.

That said let us ponder again on the status of Obama.

An initiate is one who initiates. An initiate for the light initiates things that bring greater freedom and light. An initiate for the dark side initiates works that bring less freedom for the whole.

Has Obama initiated anything? As far as a work of some kind he has done very little and I see no qualifying thing here. (written in 2008 right after the election) He says he will hit the ground running as soon as he takes office and make many changes. Let us see if he creates a work of lasting value that brings greater freedom.

On the other hand, aside from a lack of work he has initiated, a thing of importance was accomplished by being the first black man elected President. In doing this he has set an example for his race which may give them a greater faith in their own accomplishments and bring greater freedom for them.

I would guess that Obama is a second degree initiate around the same level as Bush. The difference in the two is that they both have different illusions in their foundation beliefs, giving them both much different world views.

Even so, I will tell you this. When the two men meet and work out the transfer of power they have and will both feel a rapport with each other. It will feel like they are both part of a brotherhood, but the feeling will not make sense to them, especially to Obama who wants to dislike Bush. Obama will go away from those meetings liking Bush more than he wants to.

Now if they were both third degree initiates they would have more than a sense of brotherhood, but a knowledge. In private they would embrace as brothers and see eye-to-eye on the direction the nation must take.

As an initiate Obama is in a dangerous position as a believer in sharing the wealth by force of law. If he is to choose the path of light, when he arrives at that point, he must work to expand rather than to contract the freedom for the whole. Assisting the black race is not enough, the third-degree initiate must seek the welfare and greater freedom for the whole.

In about two years from now (maybe sooner) we should have a pretty good idea if he will be making additional progress toward the light.

On another  subject a reader says I am working on the assumption that “the spiritual essence has no form.” Not so.

I recognize the form of the spiritual essence as I understand you as defining it.

When you describe the egg shape you seem to be describing the shape of the astral body which circulates around us. Is this correct?

This is the second world of form. Still higher is the mental world. Then there are the four formless above that. Even there we have wombs of circulating energy ready to give birth to words of form.

All the seven worlds have either form or a correspondence to form and thus are filled with vibration. All vibration has a beginning and end.

But what is it that is vibrating? That is the eternal part of ourselves because it truly has no form and is not influenced by time.

To overcome death one does not continue existence in one single form. This would eventually cause retrogression. To overcome death one must learn to still the vibration and go back to our source and then recreate a body (the “Mayavirupa”) by creating the necessary vibration.

The vehicles of human awareness have form, but the power behind the awareness does not and is eternal.

On the other hand, the way you now think, feel and believe will not exist in the far future, but that which causes them will.

A reader mentions forces that are “glue” that hold our bodies together. These forces are basically earthly prana directed by soul energy and is not claimed by me to be eternal or responsible for awareness.

Awareness as we know it is caused by our perception through our vehicles. If we lose our physical body our attention is shifted and our awareness changes. Some people lose most of their awareness because of the strong identity with the body, others have an enhanced awareness because they can let go and adapt to the new circumstances. We are not rendered “something else” any more than falling in love makes us something else. An experience of different energies alters us but does not make us something else. It only seems that way.

“Will” is still an illusion, albeit a very high one and is created by Purpose. Purpose creates awareness; therefore, awareness does have a strong link with the Eternal. Awareness is created and recreated eternally by the eternal ray of Purpose making you an eternal being.

Our “will power” and “intent” can prolong life, but has nothing to do with immortality. The Great Initiator created the power of the wavelength that multiplied itself creating the Illusion that the Creator divided itself. To find immortality we must unite with the other parts of ourselves and tap into the creative Ray of Purpose.

I agree that time is different in the various worlds of vibration, but maintain that it does not exist when Purpose is found, because there is no vibration to cause time or beginning or end. There is only “Eternal Now.”

In response to a comment suggesting there were good and bad rays I said this:

The rays are neither good or evil but all work toward the dominating good. Good dominates because there is intelligence dispersed throughout the universe and intelligence eventually sees the correct path and chooses to follow it. As long as intelligence exists in the world of form, good will dominate. Of course there will be temporary pockets and cycles where evil or error will dominate, but intelligence will eventually see the error and correct it.

Nov 14, 2008

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Messages from the Future? — Part Two

Messages from the Future? — Part Two

Here’s some more info from Schyler who  says he is from the future. My comments are not included as they were saved in a separate file.

Post Number Six — From Schyler

Sorry, I cannot take the time now to really address the questions you pose, but I’ll do what I can.

First, nothing that has happened is cast in stone. What I describe is earth/human future as it now is progressing. It is not really “dismal” in the long run, but I suppose you see it that way in the short (next several centuries) run. None of it need be dismal, except that as the planet’s population grows and civilization(s) expand and become more complex, it is likely (highly likely, I’m afraid) that the wars within and between nations will occur. Nationalism is the curse of the human race in the near future. If it cannot be surmounted, we are doomed to see human civilization pounded back to a more base time and manner of doing things. Even the great “super power” the U.S. may find itself torn apart by regional conflicts which never have been resolved since the beginning of the nation and even after the war between the states, 1861-65. Isn’t that self-evident? Nationalism also is progressing rapidly like a terrible cancer in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. It afflicts the Middle East and could even in time ravage large countries such as India and China. All of this is to say, leaving out the natural calamities which humans could overcome if united, the political situation in the world might be the determining factor. No one needs Nostradamus or any other ancient prophet.

There are damn few records because much of the world apparently in the late 21st and 22nd centuries were severely ravaged by natural disasters as well as a series of wars that eliminated records from that time, as well as wiping out vast electronic libraries. It is a bad idea not to put some records in stone. A massive electrical storm from space could wipe out many important records now. Think about where our computer world is headed. But then that is why I’m here now, and my successors for the next two centuries also: to try to reconstruct the records. Does this make any sense? We do not want to change the outcome of what happened, to be honest. We don’t want to change our future. We like it, in fact. But we are carefully studying it, just as you would if you could go back to study the origins of America. Would you want to change the course of the American Revolution? You could. But in “fine tuning” what was done in Philadelphia, you might just screw up the rest of history. Trying to make it better could make it worse. No, we want to understand, so we can make it better much later, not in the near term.

In the year 2500 plus we have reached far beyond the solar system. The sea is our home.

The well prepared and most able of humans guide the affairs of the human race on planet earth in 2500. Election is an outmoded term. Do we really elect our leaders now? Study Socrates and Plato. They had a much better idea about the nature of democracy. Unfortunately, we think that by having elections, with anyone able to run, and usually the most popular, or made popular with money and influence, we have genuine popular government. Alexander Hamilton deserves more study. Although I’m a life-long Democrat, mainly because I think the present so-called Republicans are self-serving and selfish people in too many cases, I find that Hamilton understood the true nature of democracy better than did Jefferson, and definitely better than Andy Jackson. As I say, this is written at high speed and deserves better attention. I’m only throwing out some ideas to study.

I don’t think it would be good to explain to geographical location of my personal community in 2500. Humans do live on the planet in a number of places, including a major civilized center off the coast of Florida. We also reside in an area that is now Texas, too, but it no longer is above the sea. I think I’ve written more than I should. I personally reside off the planet as Tellus Telegari in 2500 plus. But of what importance is that?

I believe that in my later time, the planet has achieved a good balance between the human race, other intelligent species native to the planet, and with intelligent beings who are from places not native to the planet. These “aliens” by the way are here, and have been working with the planets rising and falling civilizations for much of human existence. You must know that, of course. Best to you. Must go and get some work done.

I’m teaching several courses this summer. One is in basic media writing, although you wouldn’t know it from my hasty writing here, and also I have a “class” for people here and now who have indicated a willingness to explore the possibilities of raising the self-awareness of themselves and learning ways to affect the course of human events. I am just one of a great many teachers located all over the planet who are doing this, and have been doing this for a long time. I am very happy to be a part of this great work, even though we know we will not be entirely successful. Just remember, if we were not doing anything at all, I wouldn’t be writing to you now. I wouldn’t be here at all, nor would you, my inquisitive friend. But you are, after all, with all your questions, just the kind of individual who will make the difference.

Peace Profound,


 Post Number Seven — From Schyler

Wars always change humanity, and not always for the good.

Ok, you ask about records. I need to address that in this way: We have some records about this century in which you are living, but I’m here, along with others, to learn more and reconstruct lost records, especially from 2025 on to 2340 or so.

We chose leaders by merit, as noted before, and they serve as long as they display merit. They do not choose their careers, but are chosen, usually by the Supreme Council and its allied bodies, and are invited to undergo the necessary preparation. No, to anticipate a question, Adoph Hitler, or even Richard Nixon, would have little chance, because of their psychopathic natures, to achieve consideration, but other good uses could be found for them: such as running a forest and/or seaweed management program.

We live under the seas by choice, but now that the atmosphere is improving after decades of effort, more are venturing the pioneering effort to live on the land. No need to “push” the water back. We have technology and adaptation to make living beneath the sea as natural as living now on the land, but better. We began with “bubbles” and biospheres, yes, but we have produced an intelligent race of humans who can live fairly deep, at least 300 feet beneath the water. After that, one needs pressure suit. I can’t begin here to explain technology.

We have “colonies” on planets within, and beyond our planet. Yes! But it started the other way. Planet Earth is a colony of a local celestial body. My soul connection, Tellus, is originally from Europa, by way of the colony Io, see Jupiter. Tell me if you figure that out. Yes, we are still active there, and awaiting a “fireworks,” this year, but not one of life-threatening nature. We originated (Tellus and his connections as well as mine) from a place located 32 light years or so from here. Not good at details at high speed typing. Tellus is only part “human” since he has, and I think my present physical body could claim the same, DNA or genetic origin from Sirius Two, binary system, “Dogon Origin.”

That’s it for now. Continue to ask questions. Answer some. Why do you want to know? Who are you. Where were you born (are from), Where are you going? What do you want?

These are the last communications I had from Schyler. This was in 1994. He left with mysterious abruptness. and I never heard from him again. Google searches turn up nothing on him. Encountering him was a little like the John Titor mystery.


Post Number Eight — From Schyler

First, let me say that your questions are good ones, for the most part. They stimulate some thinking. I’m sure they will get better, and maybe then I will have time to ask some of you.

[1] Yes, World War 2 was a terrible world-wide disaster from which the human races has not yet recovered, and may not for a long time. It’s outcome could have been far worse, of course. Best, as in case of American war between the states and World War 1, would have been had these wars not been fought. Without the first, no U.S. as known, and the second, World War 1, no need for World War 2. Yet, as I’ve said, one terrible event may produce in the long run a good eventuality. Even the American Revolution, had it not occurred or been lost, might have produced a very different power dynamic that also would have changed the world, for better or worse?

[2] 25th Century has massive historical records from 2300 and on. But we still are reconstructing the “dark ages,” in between. I’m one historian and teacher of many working on history of this time. Clarify question if this does not satisfy you.

[3] Leaders of our civilization are selected on the basis of ability and criteria, over which we continue to debate, but no one becomes a leader for psychopathic reasons! That is, because he or she aspires for some ego trip leadership. Once a leader is recognized and placed in proper office he or she serves until there is reason, based on continual evaluations, to remove that officer. An exception, however, is the Supreme Council (SC). It serves for life, and decides its own membership. It is very hard, I’m sorry to say, to drop a SC leader. The U.S. Supreme Court is something like the guiding council of Io and Europa, and the Galactic Federation, both. I’ve put in too much there, but you figure it out.

All effort is to keep the most enlightened in leadership areas, not only on the Council, but other important leadership areas. Unfortunately, as today, humans still err.

Most live beneath the “atmosphere” of Earth’s seas, for one simple reason: The planets above sea atmosphere is still polluted and hard to deal with. Sorry about that. But you should have seen and experienced what the above sea atmosphere, even at ground level, in 2300. Efforts are continuing to restore the “surface” areas, but most humans and other fortunate life forms prefer undersea and other beneath water areas, with some strong exceptions: adventurers and all.

Yes to your last question. And we have many friends from outer space. More later. I see “instant messages coming in.”

Best to you and your inquisitive spirit.


Post Number Nine — From Schyler

Hey, I was expecting that you would drop in about now. I really have faith since it is 1:50 or so your time, but only 11:50 here. Or. . . You are the only one who asks intelligent questions of someone like me. Amazing. Yes, we have much technology in our time beneath the sea. Why shouldn’t we? What do you take us for? A school of unlettered and stupid fish? It works very well. The sea is only a thicker atmosphere than what you know, and much more pure.

The Supreme Council scares me, as does your government now. But we live with our “Great Masters” trained in the art and/or craft of government. No some things will never change. Just think how the average Roman felt about government in 200 AD, etc.

It has checks and balances. Each member is responsible to the Law. Each member must each cycle render a complete accounting which can be thoroughly checked against what has happened. It is a little neat thing that keeps even a potentially corrupt person from doing something less than serving the whole. It is sort of like being monitored on a continuing basis. Remind you of the IRS [Internal Revenue Service], with good intentions?

You have only my word and what it is worth. I offer no proofs. No way of confirmation now. It hasn’t happened yet.

It is possible for the human race to achieve peace and stability in ten years, or less, but it won’t. And when the natural course of things cut in, it will be less possible. No, sorry, we must have the times of darkness. I think so, if only that out of that time came my time (Tellus’ time).

Okay, dear Joseph. I’d love to know more about the “certain knowledge,” which I suspected you had all along. I’ve answered your questions. Did I pass your preliminary test? If so, tell me what you know. I see your direction, but need a destination. That is my question. What is your next port of call?

Yes, and thank you for your dialog. Glad to be in touch, dear kindred soul.


Post Number Ten — From Schyler

Thank you for a most fascinating message. Your answers are as good as your questions. I’m in the middle of grading papers and preparing for class tomorrow. I want to read your letter carefully, and then answer when I have more time. But I appreciate your communication. I acknowledge that you may have received knowledge “that will prepare man to step from the human kingdom to the God kingdom.” I think my own near death experience gave me an insight, and I definitely saw the light then. The great difficulty, dear brother, is convincing those around us without having them crush us with a label of crazy, or worse. I try to be careful. The more one knows, the more one is likely to be hurt or killed. I will read your postings in the Keys of Knowledge and study what you’ve written here and also there.

In respect and sincere wish to know. Goodbye for now.


Post Number Eleven — From Schyler

Thank you for being patient with me and offering most excellent intellectual and spiritual challenges. By the way, I am writing that book you suggested. It might, however, or I should say, will shake up readers, especially New Age types. Not orthodox. Not what most want to hear. Definitely not comforting to those who think we can save the planet and this current civilization. You are correct in one way, dear Joseph, we can modify the future. At least you can. No, you won’t change my future, nor the one you would have if you never had been influenced. Explain someday.

Best to you on the path. . . with Love, Schyler.

Faith declares what the senses do not see, but not the contrary of what they see.  Blaise Pascal

Posted Nov 15, 2008

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Messages from the Future?

Messages from the Future?

When I first came online around 1996 and joined America Online I came across a very unusual character named Schyler Rehart

who claimed to be from the year 2500. He didn’t travel here physically but said he switched bodies with a person in this timeline.  The following are some of his replies to me.

Post Number One — From Schyler

Sorry, meant to add, I know exactly who I am, but I’m more interested in who you are. Until I know, I don’t chose to tell you who I am, since obviously you are new to this system. But I have your best interest and love at heart, if you have mine.

Post Number Two — From Schyler

I think you should be more specific. My life is rather long and complicated. I am of this world and time, and then way beyond. Or maybe you’ve figured that out. Check my profile. How much are you prepared to know? What can you understand? I’m from the 25th Century, but I’m also living here and now, and I can’t get back. What the hell do you care about that? Ever read anything by Mark Twain? I’m his “Yankee” in an earlier time. Not entirely happy about it. My name from Io and/or Europa: Tellus.

Want to continue?

Schyler Rehart

Post Number Three — From Schyler – answering some of my questions:

You’re are the first to ask. Remarkable.

Okay: from Tellus Telegari direct, on Io and/or Europa.

[1] Yes, but there are only millions, not billions of individuals on the planet Earth. More elsewhere, however.

[2] Of course there were terrible conflicts (“bones of contention”) We had a series of wars and natural disasters, and for a time, the human race was pounded back to a desperate state.

[3] No shift in the Earth’s axis. That is not going to happen for 50 million years at least, no matter what Velikovsky or whatever “Worlds In Collision” tells you.

[4] The continental shifts occur only over great periods of time. The Earth, in 25th Century will pretty much be as now, except that the landscape is very different — more the thanks of the human race and what it wrought, than any major shifts in the tectonic plates or anything like that. More humans will live beyond the planet Earth than on it by the time you give.

Your experience could be your soul-being of a time that has, as did Tellus Teligari, my soul-being visited me. In the future, time travel of a kind is possible, but not to change the future, but only to communicate. You’ll find all this to be true in good time. I would suggest you do not try to exchange time-periods, whatever, at least until you are fully prepared and feel it would be mutually beneficial. It can be life-threatening. I know.

More later, dear Joseph.

Post Number Four — From Schyler

Oh, I forgot, 500 years from now we finally establish a government that is made up of what Socrates would call, rule by the capable and able, not of the masses: that is, a government of enlightened people who are concerned and sincere, not ambitious and ego entranced. But that is beyond us at this time, obviously. No, not a perfect government, but one as far superior as say, well, compare that of Attila with the one we have now. Believe it or not, we have made some progress, but not all we could do. Government of the able is far beyond us right now, obviously! But we are on the path, after a few more wars and the temporary collapse of a few civilizations. The human race will prevail.


Post Number Five — From Schyler

You ask very good questions, and I wish I knew all the answers. Unfortunately, between this time and the time from which my future soul came, in his time he was named Tellus Telegari, and he lives (will live) in a place I will for now merely refer to as the Great Forest Io. It is located far from here, but on this planet.

You are the first to ask on-line. I have come across people with well-developed curiosities in my life.

The reason that Tellus opened the connection with his former life, namely me, is that he also is seeking answers. We don’t know much about the period between 2025 and 2350. Civilization took a bad turn at that time, and was set back to a kind of “dark age” that we want to know more about.

I don’t have time to go into details now. Maybe you will have to wait to read my book. But I’ll tell you, as much as you are better off knowing for now, and all I can tell you without sounding off-the-wall.

[1] Avatars are among us in every age. Great spiritual individuals, men and women are here now. We are reluctant to know them, or trust them. It is a wise prophet to tread carefully. We all know what happens to individuals who appear to know much and tell the people what they don’t want to hear. It is a good way to anger individuals who can cause serious harm, and an early transition from this life. J.

Krishnamurti, for example, was a great avatar. He wisely refused to accept the role, and taught, or rather, offered guidance to those of us willing to sit and listen and ask questions. He went through transition after a long and successful life on earth. He taught in a place called Ojai, California. You can check him out, and decide whether he was a wise man. I was privileged to know him for more than 25 of my years, and loved to be with him summers when he was available. There are others, but it is the fate of such people to be lost sometimes in the babble of those who would put themselves forth as prophets. Never expect a true sage to go public and proclaim his real status. Anyone who does that is asking for rejection and worse.

[2] Yes, earth has made contact with representatives of other planets. As with avatars, the contacts are carefully arranged, and take place at the will of the aliens who are wise enough to know just how much they can accomplish. As with wise individuals, they know how humans react when presented with knowledge that upsets their cherished ideas and beliefs.

[3] Don’t understand have we explored under the earth. We have, but we need to explore the seas. There is intelligent life in the oceans of the world. Eventually, as in the case of Tellus, humans will live in places beneath the oceans where life began, and where it will end for this planet.

[4] The average life span when? In 2500 or so — about the same as now, except that the environment is more difficult to deal with and it requires much greater effort for humans to live well on the planet. Some individuals, however, have learned to live as long as 100 to 120 years. But that is true now.

[5] Religion is an obsolete concept in the future. We retain belief systems, but the idea of what you, I believe, understand of religious orders, cults, etc., were replaced by a basic acceptance by humans that life is meant to be lived and experienced. We generally, but not all, reject the idea of a set of orthodox ideas set down and established as “The Way.” We continue to believe in the Creator. The Soul is understood much better, and the need, as Avatars of the past have insisted, that we each go forth into the “wilderness,” be tempted, and find for ourselves the truth of life, and learn to live according to our discovery of the meaning of life. Much more on that, of course. Read K., as noted above. We have before us now the necessary information and inspiration. We need to grow spiritually and learn to deal with our realities in the light of the actuality, and stop depending on “enlightened ones” to tell us what to believe and how to live. This is not to say there is no first principles and verities. There certainly are. But we must do more than believe in them. We must learn to live by them, as we come to reconcile ourselves to them, and then to live in accordance to them, not pretending to believe or processing to be good believers. By our thoughts and deeds we will be judged, not by our professed beliefs, no matter how fervently held and loudly proclaimed.

[6] The next great war. Who knows? We would like to know that. But the next several decades will not be a peaceful time. As the Chinese curse, may we live in interesting times. We will do that. Civilization will change dramatically. At some time in the not-too-distant future, the planet will suffer some very bad times, and most of the human race will die violently. Not all at once, but as our civilization evolves and comes more interdependent and complex, so it also moves toward its down destruction.

[7] I’m sorry, but Nostradamus was a man who had great insight for his time. We read much too much into his quatrains. The Middle East will explode first, then India and Pakistan, but that will be only the beginning. The idea of an Antichrist is a simple metaphor for something too complex here, but it is a religious notion and has no real validity.

[8] Don’t know about human future in space. We apparently will make some progress to reach Mars. No known planets near us can support our human life, but the attempt to reach planets will hasten this civilization’s downfall. There are, by the way, many planets in the universe that support intelligent life. Some of them, traveling in ways that defy our knowledge of science, have reached us long ago, and are among us.

That’s more than enough to unsettle you, I’m sure. But the government I suggested will exist, but not soon, sorry to say, although it is worth the effort to achieve it. None of what I’ve said has to happen. Worried about changing the future? Why not? This is a complex notion. The future, as the past, is very large and has its own destiny. We can, however, make some changes, and for the betterment of the human race. It is predicted, I am reliably told, we will. But that won’t change our overall fate, because the human race is as I write making its own destiny. Sorry I can’t be more clear and understandable here. But since you asked. . . . Love and best to you, and peace profound.

Your Friend in return,


Our goal must be – not peace in our time– but peace for all time. – Harry S. Truman

Nov 13, 2008

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The Midway Point

The Midway Point

A reader put forth the idea that the pendulum was swinging back toward the midpoint of truth because he was pleased at some recent political developments.

I was curious to know what center points of truth he believed the pendulum had swung over as I did not see much realization of truth either in the politicians or the people.

Let’s go back to Abraham Lincoln again. Most of us agree that he was a great avatar, and moved the nation and world forward for the cause of freedom. There were three things he did that demonstrated that he sought a Middle Way:

[1] He saved the Union. In doing this is been criticized by some for not honoring states rights and normally states rights should be respected. But at that time the southern states were using the states rights argument to enslave a whole race of people. And because of this abuse of power Abraham Lincoln was correct stepping in and overriding the idea of state’s rights to save the Union. If it had been reversed and the North had seceded from the Union to establish freedom instead of slavery using the argument of states rights then one would have been correct to support such a thing. But, as it was, Lincoln used the second key of judgment to save the Union on correct principles.

[2] The second thing he did, which was correct, was to abolish slavery. On hindsight we can now see slavery was a definite evil that needed to be eliminated. On this principle of freedom Lincoln was definitely standing at the midway point of truth.

[3] The third thing Lincoln did was to promote the settlement of the West, expansion of free enterprise and the expansion of ownership of land. He laid groundwork for a great prosperity that was to come in the United States that affects us to this day.

Now let us look at the issues of our day and pick where we think the midway point of truth may lie and see if any of our politicians or our president are taking us in the right direction:

[1] First let’s look at our economy. The first and most important aspect of any economic program is the budget. Spending must basically equal the amount of money available. So the midway point of truth that any politician should advance us toward is a balanced budget. Is anyone doing that? No! Any leader seeking the midway point of truth, discovered through judgment, will lead us to control spending and a balanced, or at least a responsible budget.

[2] Taxes. As a nation if we consider all of our taxes income tax sales tax, real estate taxes, use taxes hidden taxes and so on we spend over 50% of our income on taxes. The amount of money we spent on taxes is 1000 miles away from The Middle Way. The Middle Way on taxes should be somewhere between 10 to 25%. I’m not talking about just income taxes but all taxes should not exceed this amount. Do you see any politician leading us to the midway point on this? No.

[3] Another hot button issue is abortion. Where would the midway point on abortion be? Certainly not to use abortion as birth control and, on the other hand, highly structured laws to abolish it do not work either. One thing we all agree on is we want the number of abortions to go down. To follow the midway point one would listen to both sides of this issue and encourage each a lively debate where both sides are heard not only before the public but in the schools. Young people need educated on both sides of this issue so they can make, in connection with their parents, informed decisions about their destiny. Few if any politicians are seeking this Middle Way Path.

[4] Now let’s look at the military. We still live in a dangerous world. Yes, it would be nice if we could just sing kumbaya and have another peace dividend. The trouble with the peace dividend is that it was temporary and we had to take that peace dividend and then spend it on rebuilding the military after the 911 disaster.

Missile defense could be the salvation of, not only our country, but the world. Without it we are in danger of a nuclear holocaust. Reducing missile defense spending definitely misses the middle way of truth. Until the world is a safer place we have to have enough military strength to prevent tyrants from taking over the world and reducing civilization to ashes.

[5] Freedom. The tendency of this country and the free nations of the world is to increase regulations, restrictions and forced social programs. All of these things take away our freedoms. The midway point, remember is not in the exact center between two extremes, but the Middle Way is the point of truth between the two extremes. So how much freedom should we have? The amount of freedom we should have is not in the exact middle between the freest societies of the world and the most restrictive societies of the world. The midway point of freedom is always the maximum amount of freedom that the consciousness of the individual or society can use.

Throughout the history of the world individual freedom has always been restricted more than it should have been. The one great surge forward in freedom was the establishment of the Constitution of the United States and the freedoms that were allowed its citizens thereafter. Since that time almost every politician has sought to diminish freedom, feeling that we are not responsible enough to use it. So they must tell us how to use our freedoms. We are far from the midway point of freedom and neither the president or Congress as a whole has a clue as to where this midway point of freedom is. The people themselves are going to have to lift their voice to make their desires known if things are going to change. I believe the leadership to advance freedom will rise from the midst of the people rather than from the midst of Congress or the presidency for the next generation or two.

[6] Personal responsibility. It is the tendency of almost all leaders Congress and presidents to relieve citizens of personal responsibility and attempt to become our saviors and parents. Creating a nation that is dependent upon its leaders and money taken from the rich and giving to the poor is far removed from the midway point of truth considering personal responsibility. If people are taught to be responsible for themselves and their own destiny they will rise up and do great things and be able to become servants for the world and humanity itself. But if they’re taught, they must depend upon government and its handouts personal responsibility will be crippled and the nation will be brought to its knees. A true leader seeking The Middle Way will set an example of personal responsibility and inspire people to become successful through their own efforts. When people expect to succeed through their own efforts the main thing they want is for people, organizations and government to stay out of their way and let them pass and move onward toward success.

[7] Partisanship. A leader seeking The Middle Way will seek what is good for this country before he will seek what’s good for his party. Lincoln in seeking the good of his country sought the best people to assist his administration and for his cabinet. Instead of merely seeking people who agreed with him he reached across the aisle and chose a number of Democrats and opponents to serve with him. Some of these people were strongly opposed to him when he ran for president but Lincoln realized that some of his former enemies were very intelligent and he needed them in perilous times.

Now in this day and age placing someone from the other party in a prominent position is a rare thing but unfortunately, it’s also rare to place anyone in a powerful position that disagrees with the president.

So, I don’t see any evidence of catching the point of truth at the present moment. I think the pendulum currently swings to the left all over the world. This has the effect that anyone presenting something fairly moderate, or reasonable is in danger of being called an extremist.

As I said before the cycles of the pendulum swinging are many. There are yearly cycles, cycles lasting several years and even thousands of years. So at any point in history, we have cycles within cycles affecting us. This is why we see conservative domination in some areas and liberal domination in other areas within the same time period.

From what I’ve seen and studied of the current situation I see little evidence of the Middle Way approach to anything. I would be happy to see a change of direction on this, and would be delighted to see politicians do positive things to take us toward greater freedom security and economic prosperity.

I wouldn’t bet my mother’s operation money on it though.

The best prayers have often more groans than words. —John Bunyan

Nov 8, 2008

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A Place for Heaven

A Place for Heaven

Is heaven a place or not? This quote seems to make it clear it is not

“Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within.” place T-18.VI.1

This is often quoted to show that heaven is not a place, but what is left out is the sentence that precedes it which reads:

“The Kingdom of Heaven is the dwelling place of the Son of God, who left not his Father and dwells not apart from Him.”

The word “place” in reference to heaven is used twice in the same paragraph, first saying that heaven is a place, and then saying it is not.

In fact, there are a lot more references to it being a place than not. This one uses the word “place” two times in referring to heaven:

“Yet it is not illusions that have reached this final obstacle which seems to make God and His Heaven so remote that They cannot be reached. Here in this holy PLACE does truth stand waiting to receive you and your brother in silent blessing, and in peace so real and so encompassing that nothing stands outside. Leave all illusions of yourself outside this PLACE, to which you come in hope and honesty.” place T-24.II.9

It refers to the kingdom of heaven as a “resting place.”

“Let no idle and foolish thoughts enter to disturb the holy mind of the Son of God. Such is the Kingdom of Heaven. place Such is the resting PLACE where your Father has placed you forever.” place W-pI.50.5

Then it even speaks of a place in heaven:

“Each part of Heaven that you bring is given you. And every empty PLACE in Heaven that you fill again with the eternal light you bring, shines now on you.” place T-22.VI.5

 (Capitals added)

So, what gives here? Is the Course contradicting itself or what?

Actually, apparent contradictions like this can be found in most any writing of a teacher who puts out a significant volume of words.

The Course itself tells us the solution to understanding in these situations. It portrays the outward description, such as the words used, as the frame or the form, but the actual intended meaning as the picture or the content. It says the ego looks at the form and becomes confused, but in our right mind we should see the actual picture or the content.

When the content, or the actual intent is seen in the Course, one will see that there is no conflict because the student will see that which was truly intended to be communicated.

That said, let us look for the true intended meaning behind these quotes.

When it says that heaven is not a place it adds this in the next verse:

“The belief that you could give and get something else, something outside yourself, has cost you the awareness of Heaven and of your Identity.” T-18.VI.2

The obvious intended meaning is to not look for heaven as being a “something outside yourself.”

In other words, heaven does not exist in time, space and form. Don’t expect to find heaven on Venus, the Sun or the center of the galaxy.

Heaven is not a place you can physically travel to. It is also not a condition you can make here on the earth. Getting rich and famous, having good health or even good relationships here are all conditions, and not heaven as the content reveals.

Instead, it is “an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within.”

So, what is the Course saying then when it speaks of heaven as a place?

To understand we must realize that the word “place” has several applications. place The Course uses the word “place” in relation to heaven in two contexts. The first is a place in time and space, which it says does not really exist because time and space does not exist in heaven.

The second is closest to an alternative dictionary definition which says place can be “a state of mind.” This seems to be the intent when the Course speaks of heaven as a place.

Thus, if one student speaks of heaven as a state of mind, or awareness, and he is corrected by another who tells him that heaven is not a place, it is the one correcting that is in error because he is looking at the frame rather than the content/intent of the writer/speaker.

Ultimately, we are told that heaven is “perfect Oneness” and we cannot have perfect oneness if we look at the frame rather than the true picture that is intended to be communicated, and we cannot see the true picture unless we see how the word is intended to be used.

When describing feelings one may say, “I am in a good place now.” Here he is talking about his state of mind, not where his feet are, and to respond as if he were talking about the placement of his body would show a lack of understanding.

One may even describe some strange place he visited in his dreams, but few would think he was talking about something happening in the physical body.

The bottom line is that effective understanding demands that we not always go by a single definition for each word, when there may be several, and to always seek the meaning the author intended to convey rather than what may appear on the surface.

If you happen then to catch me saying something indicating that heaven is a place, rest assured that I am not saying it is somewhere we can find in a spaceship, but I am using it to represent a state of being, as does the Course.

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One Path Many Forks

One Path Many Forks

The group was discussing the reasons behind our separation from Deity.

If I were to pinch you it may hurt me (in an emotional sense) as much as it hurts you, but if you were to pinch yourself and not tell me about it I would not register the pain in the slightest. For instance, I just pinched myself and it caused a twinge of pain. Did you feel it? I think not. I certainly hope that you do not feel all the pain on the planet.

That is one reason God is divided on the physical plane — so the pain can be shared and endured.

I have never claimed that “the Path” was “my path” as I am accused. I have always called it “the Path,” because it belongs to us all. Some seem to believe that we all have different “homes” to go to and thus different paths. In the end there is only One Life to merge with and thus in the perspective I am using there is only one home and one path. I can easily see that given a different perspective from mine one would see many paths.

I believe that Christ was the greatest teacher because his words have a greater impact on me than any other teacher with published words.

Even the Bible does not say he was perfect. The word “perfect” in the Greek in reference to Christ merely means that Christ did the job he came to do. The word “perfect” as we define it (without flaw) was applied to the thinking of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Some think I am closed minded because I do not agree with them on all things. I believe I have been listening here very intently. If I do not agree I will not change my mind unless higher understanding is presented. Others are the same way though.  Most do not change their minds because I disagree with them. In fact, that is pretty rare.

I intently believe in us helping each other. We cannot go home alone and he who is my teacher will not lift me higher unless I lift others higher.

A reader asked me about Paul Twitchell, founder of Eckankar. I have read his book “Key to Secret Worlds” shortly after it was published. The first thing that concerned me about Paul is that he presented many flowery pieces of data, but he did not teach me one new principle. I do not consider anyone’s teachings inspired unless they can teach more than purported facts that can me made up by a creative mind.

He teaches a shortcut to the highest heaven, similar to the born again Christians. They say to just believe in Jesus and you will go to heaven. Eckankar says: believe in the Eck Master and go to the highest heaven. What is the difference? Not much.

The living Eck Master is looked upon in a similar vein as the way the Mormons look upon the prophet, the Catholics look upon the Pope, and the Moonies look upon Reverend Moon. Those followers also see their master in their dreams at times. Acolytes will deny this correspondence, of course, but so do the other religions.

When I have attended Eckankar I have found them to be engrained in their way of thought as much as the Jehovah Witnesses when I have attended their meetings. When I have asked questions, I get stares and cold silence just as when I ask questions in a Mormon church. They remind me of a Mormon Church with a fancy vocabulary.

I find the current living Eck Master to be a very mediocre man. On TV I saw a minister out reason him. How humiliating for one who is claimed to be the most intelligent man on earth!

Even though it was a core teaching I found that no one I met in Eckankar really knew anything about soul travel, or could do it, but were deluded into thinking they could.

Paul Twitchell obviously is not advanced enough to have freedom in even the lower three worlds. He has died and his body is no more. He has no power to manifest another physical body at will and appear among us. Therefore, he has no freedom in the physical world, unless he wants to be reborn like the rest of us.

I hope my critics can “become as a little child” and discard everything they have learned, and start over, looking with a new perspective, but seek for principles, not a flowery vocabulary.

Many who have escaped from the grip of conservative religions cringe at the idea of any one teaching them — yet such a person will often immerse himself in books without thinking of the correspondence. Books are written by people and if we allow ourselves to be taught through books then those authors are our teachers.

There are teachers who seek authority and dominion over you — then there are others that only seek to elevate you.

There are hierarchies that crush and destroy; there are others (few at present) that elevate and give life.

To say all teachers and hierarchies are bad or useless is like saying all Chinese are bad because I had a bad experience with one.

One must keep open to the possibility that perhaps there are beneficial Hierarchies and Teachers.

Words in the physical realm are not the highest form of expression as some assumed that I meant. Nevertheless, I stand by my conclusion that anything that can be understood in the physical body can be expressed in words. That doesn’t mean that everyone will understand the words perfectly. It’s obvious that some do not understand all of mine, neither do I understand all I read. Nevertheless, through the process of correction we can all come to understanding.

As an example, a reader points out a person who knows how to make something, but cannot describe the process in words.

The fact that you know how to make something does not indicate an understanding. My body synthesizes Vitamin B12, but my thinking self, residing in my body, knows nothing about it. I don’t even know when it is happening, therefore, I cannot put it in words. I cannot do so because there is no conscious understanding.

What is overlooked in my explanation is that I was referring to conscious understanding, and understanding is only conscious.

A computer program works, but there is no understanding in the computer.

The man that can tie a knot or make something, but not explain it step by step, is a person responding to training or programming, but does not have conscious understanding. If he did understand, then he could put it in words.

All the lives that make up our bodies have a great amount of knowledge, but it is “below the threshold of consciousness.”

The example presented of Tae Kwon Do illustrates my point of the oneness of the path. It was mentioned that in the higher degrees there are few differences. To get to that point where the differences merge, they had to learn the same principles. These same principles are the one path I talk about.

Lord, take my lips and speak through them; take my mind and think through it; take my heart and set it on fire. —W.H. Aitken

Nov 4, 2008

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Questions of Mystery

Questions of Mystery

Allow me to ask readers to raise your thoughts to the possibility of a higher understanding. You cannot acquire higher knowledge by reiterating anything you have read in a book or have been told by any teacher. All your stimulation by being a student of books and teachers is to serve one purpose — to get you to think for yourself and to get you to be able to put your understanding into your own words.

Let us take a common thought about oneself. “I am Consciousness, or Higher Consciousness.”

Have you ever thought about what you are saying? What is consciousness anyway? What is the principle that produces it?

If you say I am Soul — have you thought about what Soul or Spirit is? Is it higher vibration? What is Vibration? What is the difference between higher vibration and lower vibration? Or has it occurred to you that the difference between the worlds may not be the speed of the vibration at all, but the type of vibration? If it was speed only then science may be able to discover the higher worlds using present methods.

Perhaps the higher vibration is hidden within the lower just as the spirit is hidden within the body.

The key to knowledge with understanding is to ask questions of yourself — to reflect — to contemplate. Memorizing the words of others is good if reflected upon, but if not, then this merely creates an illusion of understanding and is actually a detriment to understanding. This is where “the mind slays the real.”

If you look within yourself and observe how your consciousness works it will help your understanding.

Let me elaborate some more on what YOU are not.

You are not your body. Most readers seem to understand this pretty well. However, many people identify too much with physical impulses.

A few teachers have also said you are not your feelings. We have tossed this around the forum and I do not recall any elaboration on it. Perhaps it is because it is hard to imagine the fact that we are not our feelings because they seem to be such an integral part of ourselves.

What are the feelings? There are positive ones like love, aspiration, happiness and joy. Then there are negative like hate, anger, jealously, possessiveness. We like to identify with the positive and ignore or suppress the negative, but the truth is that we are not either of them. We like to say that we are love, but what we normally call love is felt by one of our vehicles which we are not. The astral or emotional body feels love, hate and all the emotions. Just as when our physical body dies, we no longer feel physical pain, even so, if our astral body were to die we would no longer have a vehicle to feel the standard emotions.

Therefore, we feel emotion, but we are not emotion.

If we drop the physical and astral body then what is left? The only body in the world of form we have left is the mental. This is the vehicle that thinks on the level of form, but do not get it confused with the physical brain. The physical brain is like a great computer. It calculates and runs computer programs, but it does not have living thoughts any more than the computer. On the other hand, the mental body is a vehicle for the intelligent comparing of data. It has discernment, logic and can follow a series of events to its logical conclusion. It is able to assign value to things. It has power of interpretation and is very useful in interpreting the feelings sent to it from the astral.

The beginner in human evolution identifies with the physical body and instinct. The average person identifies with feelings. The advanced human identifies with the mind. All three are in illusion because they identify to some extent with their vehicles.

They use the body, emotions and mind, but all these have a beginning and an end. What is left? “Who and/or What Are We?” What were we before we acquired these vehicles and what will we be when we leave them behind?

This part of you has certain attributes. It has one thing in particular that it can participate in while occupying the three vehicles simultaneously. You use that participation every day and there is even a common name for it. If I were to have told you this keyword in the beginning it would have meant little, but now after reflection — hopefully it will mean something.

Still, the keyword by itself is only the first step. The final step is the realization behind this attribute, which is responsible for life itself and consciousness as we know it.

Don’t be discouraged about the Bible. It contains many mysteries that the religions of the world have glossed over and would prefer you did not know about. Some important principles came to me while I was reading it.

However, to get the full meaning out of it you have to empty yourself of all religious teaching you have ever received and “become as a little child.” In this state you can truly understand the Bible and other inspired writings.

A reader asks what the following Biblical quotes mean:

“The heart is desperately wicked, who can know it?”

Answer: The writer here was not referring to the heart here as a source of spiritual love, but to the solar plexus, the seat of desire. When desire (of the heart or lower self) runs unchecked by the spiritual self then the person does become “desperately wicked,” like a Hitler or Charles Manson.

“All of your righteousness is filthy rags.”

Answer: The lower self without the guidance of the higher self is incapable of doing anything that is truly “good.” Compared to one who has soul contact his righteousness has little or no effect and is an illusion. “Filthy rags” is strong language, but it puts the point across.

The reader asks if we are separate from the One? The answer is yes and no. Your mouth, for instance, has an identity apart from you, yet it often says “I Am Carole.” It doesn’t say “I am the mouth,” but because it is a part of you, instead it says “I Am Carole.”

Your higher self is one, but many; just as your body is. There is an individual part and a group part. A part of the higher self shares your consciousness and participates with you to make you what you are.

O Lord, help me not to despise or oppose what I do not understand. —William Penn

Nov 3, 2008

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