Decision, Our Ultimate Power

Decision, Our Ultimate Power

Many decisions are based on programming. From a higher point of view these are not decisions at all but are reactions to a decision made by someone else. All motion is the result of some decision somewhere, but where the decision originated is not always obvious.

Genesis 3:3-4 & 22 makes an interesting statement”

“Behold, the man is to become as one of us, to know good and evil….”

Let us alter this slightly to:

“Behold, the man is to become as one of us, having the power to DECIDE what is good and what is evil.”

Decision is the power of the Gods, but if this is hidden from us and we don’t think we have permission to decide then the power that is in us is hidden by illusion. If our power is hidden, then the Antichrist powers make all important decisions for us.

You may find it of interest that the judges in the Old Testament were called Gods by Moses. Moses was also called a God. In most cases this is mistranslated in today’s Bibles, but it is in black-and-white in the Hebrew. Those who made decisions and assumed power to do so had the power of the Gods, so they were called Gods.

Decision is the key to the door that opens to all worlds — even immortality.

A reader asks: “Is ultimate righteousness repression or expression of the lower?”

I’ll give you my answer. The lower passions are a part of ourselves as well as the higher. They should never be suppressed or denied, but should be directed to full, but harmless, expression under the guidance of the higher self.

I hope you read the verses in Genesis I quoted. They hint at a great truth. The full power to decide good and evil — and other things will make you as the gods. In fact the word “Elohim” that is translated God in the Bible is actually plural in the Hebrew. That’s why the Elohim said “Let US create man…” and “The man is to become as one of US.”

A God among the ancients was one who realized his oneness with The One Great Life.

Letting God come into your life and make decisions for you is a step above not recognizing a divine power. All the Fundamental Christians use this process and it is helpful.

But the much greater realization is realizing your oneness with God and when you merge your consciousness with that of the Spirit then your decisions are divine.

The key is to separate yourself from the illusion that you (generic you) are the decision maker when in reality you may be just following some real decision maker. Few people make decisions that really shape their destiny. Instead, they are waiting for either signs from God or someone with authority to tell them what to do.

Perhaps the greatest hint for the full realization of this key is the words of God to Moses when Moses asked God who he was. He said:

“I am becoming that which I DECIDE to become.”

In other words, God would not tell Moses who he was because he is in the constant activity of deciding who he is and tomorrow he will be different than he is today. That is why the revelation of God and the Masters of the race is different in each age. That is why the scriptures say “Behold I make all things NEW.”

The greater the life, the greater the power of decision and the more lives that decision will affect.

A reader suggests this: “There ought to be a collection of testimonial statements about your book, arranged into categories:

“(1) Amazing Spiritual Experiences

  (2) Correlating Witnesses

  (3) Endorsing Statements”

JJ: I wish I had saved all the comments that I have received relating unusual or spiritual experiences. I received the most shortly after I published the first book, for that had the most sales. I received a quite a few of private letters from people relating their experiences over the years. There was an amazing number of people who mysteriously heard bells or encountered a mysterious stranger.

Then over the years I have received some odd ones from people who think they were someone important in a past life wanting me to follow them. These past lives range from Jesus to John, to Paul to John the Baptist to Joseph Smith. The Joseph Smith guy was particularly upset at me for not following him and condemned me to hell.

I was glad that Cheri had a spiritual experience after reading Book Four as the grand tour was one of my favorite parts to write. A number of people have expressed intense feelings over the part where I am instructed to bless the universe.

I have also received a lot of comments from people who have had spiritual experiences from saying the Song of the 144,000, even some ministers using it with their flock.

Sometimes I have believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. —Lewis Carroll

Feb 9, 2009

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