Illusion 105

Illusion 105

Question: Is there not a difference in a mistake due to incorrect or incomplete information that is easily overcome, and an illusion that is held (speaking of close possession) due to an overwhelming or long standing inability or unwillingness to see the ‘whole picture’?

JJ: Great question _ I’ve been thinking of this very principle since my last post.

We are told that a third degree initiate is one who has basically mastered illusion – at least to a certain level. Does this mean that such an initiate cannot be tricked with false data as we were with the false Spielberg information?

No it does not. Anyone in the flesh can be temporarily deceived with wrong data. Technically when this happens it could be said that such a deceived person, initiate or not, is in a state of illusion – for as we said, illusion is created by either a missing piece or a wrong piece to the puzzle.

So, how then can a third degree initiate be called one who has overcome illusion when he can still be temporarily tricked and even the Masters are said to have to deal with illusion on their plane?

The answer is this.

The reason illusion misleads the average seeker is because he is polarized in his emotional body or lower mind and does not have the ability or motivation to seek out illusion that may be deceiving him and dispel it. To dispel illusion the seeker must move his attention to the higher mind of pure reason and contact the soul.

When this happens it does not mean he cannot be tricked in minor items, but when there is some illusion which will have a negative effect upon him, soul contact synthesized with pure reason will lead him to the illusion so it can be dispelled.

He who has reached a point to where illusion will be destroyed will do the following.

(1) He will look for illusion in his life and belief system no matter where it may lie, even in his cherished beliefs.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how few do this. Many who think they are open-minded and looking for error in their lives are not looking at all. Instead, they are looking for confirmations of their beliefs rather than the whole truth which may destroy their current beliefs.

There is nothing more terrifying to the beginning seeker than the thought of having his belief system destroyed.

(2) When he finds an error he will immediately adjust his life, his work and belief system to incorporate the new truth, or piece to the puzzle.

It is amazing how many people when confronted with a correction of their error will defend the error and refuse to accept the truth even though it is impossible to refute with the use of reason.

(3) He has enough mental development to understand the need to dispel illusion and has a willingness and desire to do so.

(4) Seek to keep his mind centered in the light and his consciousness in the soul.

Many see the light from time to time and touch the soul now and then, but he who dispels illusion must stay centered at all times.

If the seeker will do the above four things he will feel “a disturbance in the force” when there is an illusion that needs to be dispelled. He will then seek out the illusion and “seek and find” the truth which will dispel it.

Reader comment: Several days ago I read JJ:’s post over and over about the power of the thoughtform affecting Mormons. I tried every way possible to develop a deeper understanding of this phenomena. I’ve been trying to do the same with the Christian Fundamentalist mind set.

JJ: This is probably interesting to contemplate if you have never been caught up in a religious thoughtform. You are to be commended for contemplating with an open mind for most seekers, especially new agers, just immediately dismiss religious followers with which they disagree as unstable emotional zealots. They feel that they could have not gotten caught up in such a belief system in a million years.

Such a thought is often based in illusion itself.

Where is the illusion?

The missing piece is a lack of understanding of the power of a group thoughtform and where it gets its power.

When a person studies the life of Christ he will often receive either a reflection or a touch of real soul contact verifying that certain elements perceived are true. Because the emotionally polarized person’s discriminative faculty operates in a black and white mode he will usually accept that the whole Bible is literally true.

The beastly authority who interprets the Bible for him will then mold his fixed mindset that will be extremely difficult to change.

The religious zealot usually does not discriminate enough to even see or understand illusion but is caught up in the glamour that his Lord is master of the universe and he is one of the few to understand the mind of God through his revealed word.

The Mormons are largely caught in the same trap but on the average are more mental and use more discrimination than the standard Christian. Some of the LDS intelligentsia are evolved enough to be more controlled by illusion than they are glamour – similar to Christian Scientists.

Mormons, for instance, believe the Bible as currently written does have mistakes in it, but they believe it was infallible as originally written.

They are effected by the same pull as the Orthodox Christian in that they often receive soul confirmation on parts of the Bible, but in addition they receive additional soul contact on parts of the Book of Mormon and teachings of Joseph Smith.

The effect of this is that it causes them to assume that, since the LDS authorities are the caretakers of these teachings, then God also supports all they do and say as God’s word that is not to be challenged.

Now if you think that this illusion only applies to supposedly backward religions take a look at metaphysical groups. They do the same thing. Members of the Theosophical Society (just one of many possible examples) usually reject the teachings of Alice A. Bailey because their leaders which are the caretakers of the teachings of H. P. Blavatsky do not accept them.

When I was 13 I studied the teachings of the LDS church and was impressed by many of them and received verification that certain things were true.

I never fell into the trap that the LDS authorities were infallible. In fact I almost got in trouble in my teens for stating that we would go to the moon when a Mormon apostle said we would not. I bluntly stated that he was wrong. I also was criticized as a teenager for using hypnosis and handwriting analysis which the authorities told us we should not do. I ignored them and continued.

After I had a serious accident at the age of thirteen when a homemade rocket blew up in my hand numerous leaders of the church visited me in the hospital and authoritatively stated.

“I’ll bet you learned your lesson. I’ll bet you’re not going to make any more rockets.”

I smiled back and said, “Not until I get out of the hospital. I’m just going to be more careful next time.”

I got a bang out of watching the expression on their faces when I gave this reply. They were so dumbstruck they didn’t know what to say.

And I wasn’t just bluffing. After I got out of the hospital I went right back to working on rockets. I did take the step of buying pre-made engines which were much safer than making them yourself.

I would often invite a group of kids over to my house after church to watch me launch my new masterpiece to the consternation of my local Bishop.

Even though I was not enamored with the intelligence of the authorities I was very impressed with the scriptures and concluded that the church was part of a divine plan and we should support it the best we could despite the mediocrity of the leadership. I felt at the time that there would eventually be some type of transformation of the church in the future and that a time of great revelation and learning was yet to come.

I personally fulfilled this expectation in that I experienced revelation and learning, but had to leave the church behind to do so.

The bottom line is this. The illusion and thoughtforms of the great institutions of the planet have deceitfully captivated many intelligent people. Even many who see through the illusion continue to stay in the organizations for various reasons.

When we see others captivated in some illusion that we see through the thought should not be one of superiority, but “there, but for the grace of God go I – and I may yet be following a similar illusion not recognized by myself.”

Fame is only good for one thing — they will cash your check in a small town. –– Truman Capote: (1924-1984)

April 3, 2004

Copyright by J J Dewey

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