Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 11

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 11
A Psychic Speaks

This was an interesting reading given by Sharón in 2005. I might add that no one is 100% correct in predicting the future but she did get several things close and perhaps more to come. She mentioned the destruction of New Orleans, a dramatic change in the presidency and water problems in Texas.

JJ: Sharón, do you want to come up? Sharón has good psychic abilities so we’ll see how she does.

Sharón (Giving prayer): “I thank you for the opportunity to be of service in this manner. God please remove my personality and my ego so that I may be the clearest conduit for the highest soul purpose of all involved. Light-keepers please surround us with the love of your life. Thank you light-keepers. Arch Angel Michael, please protect us and surround us with your radiant blue shield. Thank you Michael. Thank you also to the Arch Angels Ariel, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael for your assistance. Karma please forgive us for any portion of you that we may be removing prematurely and we ask that portion to go back into the earth to be transmuted. Thank you Mother Earth, thank you karma. Again, thank you for allowing my vessel to be used in this manner for this service. I sit believing all things in the universe are possible.

 Well, good morning or should we say good afternoon. May we take a look at you ones please? We may only look at those who say yes. Yes? That is a universal law. Yes?”

Audience: “Yes.”

Light Keepers speaking  through Sharón: “See, we tricked you all into saying yes. (Laughter) So we are taking a look. So, you ones are seekers. You ones also have great knowledge. What is determined between your great knowledge and those that find is that scale of discernment and the use of your free will. Yes, this is what makes a difference for you ones. So it is very easy to just keep seeking and in truth those who find are the best seekers as long as they don’t get too comfortable with what they’ve found because then they stop growing. Yes? Now, you had questions on the earth changes. Yes? So let us tell you what we are seeing because we don’t see as this one prior to us saw. We see much differently. First of all, the tsunami that hit was part of the clean-up and the changing of the axis on this earth that you ones call home. And that one was just the series of events that had started in 1987 if you ones go back to your geological records. It hit in an area which was the center of witchcraft, where it was the center of child pornography, where it was a center of pedophiles. It was the center of these energies and as the earth is shifting and moving these things must be cleaned and cleared and made more suitable for that which is coming and that which has been determined. Therefore this movement was focused in that area of your earth. There were more changes made from that tsunami and the consequent forces than was made during the time of Atlantis. There were more shifts that you ones have not even recognized yet. And it set many things into motion.

Between mid-July and mid-August of 2006 the tsunami will hit closer to home. We see your New Orleans, the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, being sunk or being filled with water, however you wish to look at it. It will be no more and it will not be worth raising from the dead. It looks like there was an area of Florida that was going to self-sacrifice, because it’s going to go anyway later, that will self-sacrifice to go at this time too because if not you ones will throw money down a hole that cannot be risen from the dead. So, it looks at this time as if Miami is the one who is raising to be volunteered to be self-sacrificed at this time also. So, know that this is coming.

“There are different things that are happening into your earth that will be many changes over the next hundred and fifty years. The earthquakes that have started off the coast of California, that are not being reported except in specialty news, have already started occurring, approximately two months ago. If you were reading there was a 7. quake off of the coast of California. These will continue until part of L.A. mudslides because of the changes underneath that will cause the earth to literally mudslide and the water to come in. The earth will just fall into the earth. It will be just part of the L.A. area but it will affect north up to San Francisco and down south to the Mexican border. This is coming but you still have much time yet. You also have a mountain or volcano that half of it is no longer there in the Canary Islands. This one is ready to fall and topple. When it falls and topples it will affect the tectonic plates. In eight to nine months later it will affect the coastline of Spain and it will affect the northern coast of Morocco. Then it will cause the tectonic plates to cause a wave to start underneath. This will not be like the one that has come recently, that some of you have read about, on the cruise ship where that huge wave came from nowhere. You see?

Some of you know what we are speaking of. This will be so much larger. No ones will know what happened but it will be. It looks to be eight to nine months after the falling of this on the Canary Islands. And it will hit your coastline, the northeast coastline and it will make some islands where there are none now and it will make some damaging. We are looking at your ones of the Washington D.C. area and we see this is not a wonderful place to be. they need to move more into the Pennsylvania area and into their underground quarters which they have already built because your government has foreseen some of this coming. And some ones think they are not listening but they are listening and they are prepared. And they are actually ready.

“So you have many earth changes coming, the timing of which is now, that you are in the midst of through a hundred and fifty years but the next one that you can test us one ought to be coming in 2006 with your New Orleans. Then maybe you will start to say, ‘Ha! I think I’ve heard that somewhere before.’ Now we have to watch to see which one comes next, this in the Canary Island which then affects your east coast, which looks at this time to happen before the California. But it is not set in stone because you ones’ attitudes and you ones’ ability to love and you ones’ ability to have fears all affect the weather. In truth it does. However the earth is cleansing at this point in time.

“The good news is that as we are going through this time period only one-third of the earth’s population would remain at the end. However, now we will tell you, yes one third is leaving and one third is staying but one third is still making up its mind. These are the ones that ones like us are reaching out to and the one third that is staying to educate the one third who have not made up their mind. For, there will always be warnings ahead of time if you ones are listening when it is to move. If you look at your friends and if you look at those people you know, how many are in transit starting this year and the tail end of last or plan on moving within the next year. It is because those who are being urged by their soul contact, those that are being urged by spirit, please move your ones now to some place of safety. Move your ones now so you are more settled so you may be of assistance when others need you to be of assistance and not need at that time to focus on self but on others. So, this is what we are seeing in the form of the earth changes that are coming and many of this is coming in you ones’ lifetimes and many of you will find that your loved ones in the next four years will be opting out because they will choose to do this not to live through this time period of great transformation. And there, one, for you, we see your floating cities. We see that too. Do you have any other questions of us while we are present?”

JJ: Is the earth going to get warmer or cooler in the near future?

Sharón: “Actually it’s going to shift. Some areas are going to get warmer and others will get cooler. It depends on where you are. Yes? So there is what is forming of the ice ages that is coming but it is going to be manageable this time because of different forces that are coming in from different areas.”

JJ: That’s kind of the impression I had too.

Sharón: “We’re so glad we’re in agreement. That is possible because we get our answers from the same place you do.”

JJ: What about this location here? Will it be affected?

Sharón: “In the Salt Lake City area you ones are going to get shipped from there because the Salt Lake, there is a river running under the lake and the Salt Lake is going to fall. So, that will have an effect up and down and you ones are a little bit close.”

JJ: Will it destroy Salt Lake?

Sharón: “Yes, oh yes. It’s hard to take that hard of a fall and come out without some bruises.”

JJ: How will that affect the Mormon church?

Sharón: “Well, they need a little shaking up, don’t you think? How are they going to explain that one? Maybe God got mad? Yes?”

JJ: Completely re-organized with all the general authorities sunk down there?

Sharón: “What’s going to happen is that people will have to come for their own soul contact. It’s going to have to come from within. You cannot get it from another. It is just like when you ask us questions about personal lives, we give you information, we don’t give you answers. You see? So you can make your own answers. So this is part of the process so people say, ‘I trusted this one. I trusted this one. I stopped thinking for self. Now I have to come back to think for self.’

Much information will be coming out. Some truth, some not. So you must learn who you’re going to trust and who you’re not so you have to be able to verify for self. What happens is, inside when you hear the truth, you get feeling good. You warm up, you come in with joy. When you don’t hear the truth, you get we feel sad, see? Because emotions come from spirit and you ones think you manufactured them yourselves.”

JJ: Are you Sharón or are you an entity working through Sharón?

Sharón: “We put her here so that we may use her physicality. And we are a group.”

JJ: How big of a group?

Sharón: “We always show up with at least 17, sometimes as many as 208, depends on who is calling us in.”

JJ: Okay. How many now?

Sharón: “About 176. You ones need a lot of help. (laughter) We just play and tease. It’s because you ones are truly seeking that we come in with more so that each one can open up to his own at the same time so that your own guidance team that works with you that some call personal angels, whatever you wish to call them, we call them your guidance team, can come in and work with you at the same time we are here because it makes it easier for them.”

JJ: What’s your impression of this group?

Sharón: “Hmmmm. Everyone has good and bad. Yes? And everyone has much to learn, it doesn’t matter where you are on the path. However, we will say that the vast majority of your group are honestly seeking and are here with pure intents that’s what we see. Then we are looking at ones as we look to see, who watched their clock, for the thief who admits they’re a thief, we like him. You see? It’s the thief who says he’s not a thief, than we know he’s also a liar. (Laughter) You see?”

JJ: There is a lot to be said for honesty, right?

Sharón: “It is very much. It is the one true thing that keeps you in connection with your soul and hearing clearly. For every time you shade the truth or every time you blanch it, for every time you decide that piece isn’t necessary, you see, you diminish your own soul contact. For every time you say, ‘This is my truth,’ I understand that is your truth and I will honor that but this is my truth. And by your silence you’re not saying the impression that you agree but by your voice you are saying, ‘Isn’t that interesting?’ I have a different point of understanding. You see? Not to judge that one for who he is but to make known that you are not in agreement by your silence for that is also truth and how else will other ones learn?”

JJ: Does anyone have any questions? Do you have any other impressions?

Sharón: “In what area? We know politics, we know individuals, we know earth changes, we know many things.”

Audience: “Earth changes.”

Sharón: “In Texas Houston area is going to have plenty of water problems and water challenges. Along that gulf will also have them. There will be safe corridors in Texas. There will be many changes of many different forms that are coming. The safe corridor starts right south of San Antonio and goes right north of Round Rock. It is the area of Texas that will feel the least amount of damages and recuperate the quickest. Alright?”

Audience: “Inaudible — safe place?

JJ: Is this a safe place here for instance?

Sharón: “Well, some is safe and some is not. Some are safe from earth changes but not from people because you’re going to have some racial disturbances. You’re going to have some ‘have and have-not’ disturbances. You’re going to have some border between your states conflict. We don’t want those ones. We’re having a hard enough time here by ourselves so when you say, “Where is safe” both from the economy and from some of the things that are happening, it’s going to be a combination. Plus we see that when the light is extinguished in the White House, as it written now, unless you ones choose differently, the dark will come in next. So there will be many changes but many will herald that that is really the light. It’s very interesting what is coming.”

JJ: Some predicted that problems between the Republicans and the Democrats will become so bad we may have another civil war.

Sharón: “It’s not necessarily a civil war in the way that your North and South fought before. It’s more like every state goes for itself. Interesting yes? And just to throw this out since you ones asked about Texas, one third of your army, your Air Force, your forces all come from Texas so when they call their people home, guess what. The United States does not have a strong force. Interesting yes?”

JJ: Is Texas going to secede from the union?

Sharón: “There is already much clamor for that. It will depend on the consciousness of the people at the time. There are many who are wanting that but the ones who carry true light will say, “No, we must look out for our brothers.”“

Audience: “How long is the Iraqi war going to last?”

Sharón: “It looks like, at this time, at least 7 to 8 more years before they settle or get settled where you ones are not focused on it as a war, however it will take 40 years for them to get a true sense of Democracy because first they will get a false sense of Democracy and they will literally put in the same kinds of people they put in before only they will think they are free.”

JJ: So they will get it worked out?

Sharón: “Eventually but its taking at least 40 years.”

JJ: United States?

Sharón: “The United States is still working on it. (laughter) You are now closing your borders. You are now in the process of closing your borders.”

Audience: “What will happen in 2012?”

Sharón: “2012 will be followed by 2013.”

JJ: Are you saying it will be an ordinary year?

Sharón: “On August 12th on 2012 many will think that something special is supposed to happen because the Mayan calendar has ended. Yes? They have simply ended the cycle where you go through the zodiac backwards, 2,160 years in every cycle. You see? That is only a cycle that is ended so a new cycle will begin. What will happen in that time — we see huge tsunamis, we see much destruction. In 2004, 2006, 2012 and 2018 then it settles.”

Audience: “What will happen with the Canary Islands?”

Sharón: “Canary Islands will be no more. When will that happen? We have to wait to see the effects of the earth because you ones think we have all the answers. You see? All we can say is it looks like this comes next and the greatest probable future at this time is this based on what is occurring. So after we see the damage and the destruction that has been hailed in the New Orleans and the Florida area and this area here then we will be able to look at a better time element on when the Canary Islands thing will happen. But for those who are in their 50s, it will happen within their lifetime. For those who are in their 60s, it will probably happen within their lifetime. But many people will be saying, ‘You know with all this destruction,’ especially when they see that the United States has more and more skirmishes–the police, there just aren’t enough — many people will say, ‘I’m out. I’m gone. I don’t want to go through this.’”

Audience: “Do you see earth changes in Chicago?”

Sharón: “Canada is going to be the true free place. They’re going to be more free than the Unites States and they are already starting to get an influx of people who are seeing this ahead of time and want to move there and create safe places. They are already being pickier on getting in and getting out. You see? Before you could just move. Now it is much pickier because they will be true free democracy as the United States goes through its turmoil. This is what the issue is in truth.

You ones may have your millennium. The minute 51% and more agree to be responsible for themselves and two others and not four others because every must learn to row their own canoe and pull their own weight. You see? It is a mentality thinking that one says, “Oh, this has happened to me and I can put the blame here, here, and here.” And they never look here, you see? This is what is causing the problems because then they have entitlement.

What is very interesting, as we are looking at different groups is when they have spiritual entitlement. ‘I have this much knowledge so I don’t have to do the labor that is needed, because I have this knowledge so it ought to come to me.’ That is not truth. Because you have this knowledge you have to work twice as hard because you see where the work is needed. It’s not that now somebody else can do it because you have understanding, it’s now that you have to pitch in with two hands and two legs and pull your friends in with you.

What we see as the problem of people who have understanding is that they have spiritual entitlement or spiritual superiority. ‘Somehow I am better than you because I understand it spiritually.’ It’s like the new badge, you see? So this is not helping. And there are many ones who are spiritual who do not want to get their hands dirty because they think now that they understand this, they are above this.

This is where there are many problems so it will be depending on many things and who rises to the occasion and who does not because you ones always have free will. And at any given time it will, when we tell you, ‘This is what we are seeing at this time,’ what we do is we look at everyone’s free will and we look at what needs to occur and we say this is the most probable future of what is coming. And yet when we are looking there is always in us the knowingness that this could shift at any time if enough people rise to the occasion and move forward as their soul directs them to and not as their personality does.

There are safe areas — part of Idaho will be very safe, part of Montana will be very safe. The part of Idaho where it meets Montana is a safe area. There will be safeness in many, many sections of Canada. There will not be safeness near the Mississippi or near any large body of water. So, when you ask about Chicago the answer is ‘No, it will not remain safe. It will be flooded, it will have damages.’”

JJ: How about Boise?

Sharón: “Boise is going to be right on the edge. Boise, as it continues to rise, it is attracting both the light and the dark so you will notice that the light of the light is coming but also the dark of the dark, somewhat of a balance.”

JJ: What about north of Boise?

Sharón: “That area is supposed to make it as of now.”

JJ: What about Sun Valley, where we are now?

Sharón: “This is very interesting because it is like this area is scheduled to make it yet it is wavering. So if people in this area come into greed, it will not. If people in this area remain with pure hearts, it will make it. It is supposed to make it but there is an opportunity for many people to be fleeing that will come with the idea of greed.”

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. – Alan Kay

Sept 26, 2009

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