Cycles of Ten

Cycles of Ten

Let us say that the force that produces a shift or great shaking of the earth is caused by the interplay of two planets less than several hundred miles apart, yet we have no record of such an event. In this case a scientist will try and explain any shift of the axis with this data missing. Therefore all conclusions will be somewhat erroneous.

The second problem with the mind is that it generally has limited data and with limited data a dead end is eventually reached where no more accurate conclusions can be drawn.

An example would be a study of 1000 year cycles. We only have an accurate history of the world for less than 2000 years and fragmented and often inaccurate data before that. Then too much of the history we do have is colored to reflect the authorities in charge at the time it was recorded.

Therefore, the mind will reach a dead end in mathematically projecting cycles of history more than 100 years in length.

In this and other cases the mind will say: “There is no way to reach a definite conclusion.” When this happens the real is slain because in the real world of the soul nothing is lost and all information needed is available. The soul can tune into the history of the world clear back to the beginning of creation. Even more important, the soul understands principles that govern all things and can thus lead a person to an accurate understanding of the real.

To create a plausible theory of the unknown following the scientific method may require years of research, contemplation, and trial and error comparisons, etc., and still the theory could be dead wrong.

On the other hand, one can contact the soul and discover the principles on this same subject in an instant and be 100% correct if the concrete mind interprets the soul contact correctly.

For instance, long before we sent a rocket to Mars I read an interesting article by an astro scientist who gave some interesting evidence that one of the satellites or Mars was manmade. He said that there was no variation in reflected light indicating that the satellite was perfectly round which was impossible for an orb of that small size. He also stated that the amount of reflected light indicated that the surface had a high reflection like some type of shiny metal. In addition to this he gave several other reasons that seemed quite sound.

I kept this information in my mind for years and when we sent a Mars probe, I was very interested in seeing the first photos of Deimos and Phobos. I was disappointed to see that they looked like ragged chunks or rock, definitely not manmade. I wondered how this scientist’s data could have been accurate when his conclusions were so wrong. His name was Otto Binder, quite respected in some circles.

Before we sent men to the moon I remember reading another scientist who gave about a dozen sound reasons why the moon would be covered with about twelve feet of fine dust and that the first astronauts would sink in it after they land. This sounded so logical that when the first men landed on the moon I was halfway expecting them to sink — but it did not happen. Both men were impeccable in their logic, but somehow someone fed them incorrect data. Apparently, the extreme temperatures of the moon mixed with the forces of cosmic rays does not cause a disintegration of the surface of the moon as they thought.

I have been deceived several times in my life by a logical presentation of scientific data, but not once have I been deceived by my soul. Every time the missing data has become available, my soul has been proven correct — and so will your soul and all souls be proven correct.

There are many numbers and forces and astrological cycles that affect events. All the data we can gather should be focal points for contemplation. When we contemplate in communion with the soul the right answers will come.

I suspected that the reader was referring to computers when he said the binary number system is the most widely used, but that’s talking apples and oranges. The brain also uses the binary system so from this aspect it has always been the most widely used base. Mankind uses the brain and computers and civilizations are not consciously using the binary system. The number 10, as I said is the most widely used by civilization. The number ten governs consciousness, but the binary number 2 governs the subconscious. The number ten is useful in studying the outward form of history, but the number two and multiples thereof are useful in studying the inner workings of history.

Then he says that the soul is fallible because many claiming soul contact make mistakes.

In answer I will say this. Many claiming soul contact are ordinary people speaking off the cuff. Those who do have soul contact also make mistakes when speaking from the personality self. But when knowledge is transmitted from the soul that knowledge is infallible as far as it is correctly presented without corruption. I have never had a piece of knowledge from my soul proven wrong — not once. That is why I trust that communion so much now.

One must achieve soul contact himself to recognize words spoken through the soul of another person.

In answer to your question, I am talking about cycles that govern physical events. I will give you two that give evidence to the cycles of ten and multiples thereof.

Every President elected during a year ending with zero from Lincoln to Kennedy over a 100 year period died in office. During the 1980 elections many wondered if Reagan would suffer the same fate. He broke the cycle, but was still affected by it. He was shot while in office. It is almost beyond coincidence that a similar event happened every twenty years six times in a row.

The Kennedy assassination was very close to 100 years from Lincoln’s, in fact they were elected 100 years apart. The similarities of the two assassinations is almost beyond belief. Someone compiled them, but I don’t have a copy at my fingertips.

One interesting correlation is that conspiracy theories abound around both assassinations and that they are two of the most significant assassinations in our history.

When my wife read my postings on the 100 year cycles she thought she would look into any correlations between Grover Cleveland and Bill Clinton who were elected 100 years apart. Below is what she wrote:

“Grover Cleveland. He was the 22nd & 24th (Clinton is 42nd = 24 backwards) Democrat president — the only president to be re-elected after a defeat. (Republican Benjamin Harrison was our 23rd president.).”

When I read this, I thought this was another “comeback kid,” the name commonly coined for Bill Clinton. Hm-m-m, I wondered: since these two presidents served 100 years apart, is there evidence of another parallel cycle similar to Lincoln & Kennedy? Here’s some similarities I found:

  * Cleveland went to school in Clinton, NY.

  * He was an attorney as was Clinton.

  * He and his brother William provided financial support for his widowed mother as Clinton did for his.

  * When drafted for the Civil War service he hired a substitute, which proved to be a political embarrassment later in his career. Clinton was accused of being a draft dodger.

  * He served as a state governor as Clinton did.

  * During his presidential campaign he was accused of sexual impropriety (he fathered an illegitimate child).

  * During his presidency he devoted himself to tariff reduction to open trade opportunities with more countries. This corresponds to Clinton pushing NAFTA through congress.

  * During his second term, his party, the Democrats, controlled both houses of Congress.

  * Both men presided over a period of economic growth.

“The enemy is anybody who’s going to get you killed, no matter which side he’s on.” — Joseph Heller (1923 – 1999), Catch 22

March 24, 2009

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