Testing a Messiah

Testing a Messiah

A reader admonished me to go visit a guy he thinks is the reincarnation of the Christ who lives in Cambria, California. If I were to do that with everyone who claims to be a great avatar then I would get nothing else done. If there were some evidence or soul communication and I thought Christ wanted my physical presence then I would be off. But if I were to check out teachers just because they say they are masters then I would be roaming the world aimlessly.

I know you respect the Alice A. Bailey writings so I will quote the introduction from the Tibetan.

In speaking of his teachings, he said:

“If they present truth in such a way that it follows sequentially upon that already offered in the world teachings, if the information given raises the aspiration and the will-to-serve from the plane of the emotions to that of the mind (the plane whereon the Masters can be found) then they will have served their purpose. If the teaching conveyed calls forth as response from the illumined mind of the worker in the world, and brings a flashing forth of his intuition then let that teaching be accepted. BUT NOT OTHERWISE.”

Notice that D.K. makes no mention of signs or Auric light. Notice that he mentions that the Masters are found on the plane of the mind. Notice that he offers us a process to test the truth of his writings?

From what I can discern of your messiah he does none of these and appeals to the plane of the emotions where all beginning teachers start.

There must be some little fragment that appeals to the plane of the mind “the plane whereon the Masters can be found” before I will make a sacrifice to explore. Notice that Jesus always rose to the plane of the mind in his teachings. That is why “no man durst ask him any more questions.”

I know that you are the type of person that does not like me or anyone else trying to sway you, but you must forgive me. Communication on the plane of the mind does tug and sway often contrary to what an astral entity desires. I do not enjoy communicating below the plane of the mind for an extended period. To me it is like going thirsty through a desert.

You seem offended when no offense was intended. I think you will find that if you commune with me mind to mind as well as heart to heart that offense will evaporate.

I will never force another mind or heart, but I do believe in an earnest presentation of the facts and important reasoning. The other person in such case always has complete free will to accept or reject. If they feel any feeling of force, it is because their own soul is tugging at them.

You have probably read the “Celestine Prophecy.” The first insight tells us to pay attention to coincidences. Now a person can follow this to an extreme, but I believe in paying attention. A coincidence with us is that we were both born on the same day of the year.

This causes me inwardly to study you more than I would another in your situation.

Another coincidence is that both of us believe that we will have a part in preparing the world for the coming of Christ.

After contemplation I would say this. It would seem that either I am here to help you or you are here to help me on the path.

I think that I am here to help you. You probably do not think you need help at the moment and will resist my efforts, but perhaps I can plant a seed thought that will materialize down the road when you realize that your guy is not the Christ.

If you had truly felt the presence of the Christ you would not be talking about an auric light or even spiritual beings. What would have been most impressive would have been the fire of the Spirit which John the Baptist called the “Baptism of Fire.” No vision, light, emotional feeling or physical appearance can compare with this. I can state this from experience because I know the Fire, and have experienced it and can immediately tell in a conversation with another if he or she has experienced a portion of it. Obviously, you have not or you would have described it to me.

Whenever I have mentioned the Fire to any New Ager or “born-again” Christian they all think they have felt it, but very few have. You probably think you feel it when you are around John, but if you truly had you would have tested me for the fire as I have tested you.

I can lead you to the Fire and the true Presence of Christ if you are willing. I realize that you are not ready now because you think you have found the ultimate, but there is a chance you will open up in the future.

I tuned into your messiah’s vibration and here’s what I see. He gives the appearance of one who would never interfere with your free will, yet the opposite is true. You do not understand what he feels and thinks. He has proclaimed himself the Christ because he has an unchecked desire for power and recognition yet he projects the opposite. He uses a strong magnetic energy to fulfill his will through others. In doing so he takes away a portion of free will while proclaiming to give freedom. He has you under a hypnotic mindset that you must be open to breaking free. If you disagree with him on a mental level he will be disturbed inside, but try to not show it. Those close to him will of course have the greatest power to affect him.

He will continue to preach to small groups of people for a time to come, but he will not have any mass appeal in this life. You will find he will become more and more demanding on close followers as time goes on. You will eventually see that he is here to be served, not to serve. Rather than demonstrate true will he will impose will more on others as time goes on.

Obviously, he does not trust you as a duplicate of himself as does the true Christ with his disciples. If he did then you could speak for him on line and it would be as powerful as if he himself were speaking. The true mission of the Christ is not to seek adoration for himself, but to make us all members of his body so we are all equal in spiritual power.

The fact that you cannot answer questions, but your messiah must do it is a sure sign that the spiritual link has not happened.

I see you have rubbed shoulders with some important metaphysical people. It may seem only natural that the Christ would be next in line, but don’t let this be a glamour for you.

I have probably offended you, but I must speak truly to you.

All things come to him who waits— provided he knows what he is waiting for. —Woodrow Wilson

Feb 17,  2009

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