The Molecular Relationship Videos

This entry is part 23 of 31 in the series Audios

1. The Molecular Relationship, Class One
An overview of The Molecular Relationship, the next great step in spiritual evolution.

2. The Molecular Relationship, Class Two
Where did God come from and how did creation come to be?

3. The Molecular Relationship, Class Three
Understanding time and the seven planes.

4. Molecular Relationship, Class Four
Why we left the higher world of bliss and take our chances in this world full of pain and suffering. The marriage relationship the beginning of the Molecular Relationship.

5. Molecular Relationship, Class Five
Relationships are the power behind all creation. How to create good ones.

6. Molecular Relationship, Class Six
The number seven, seven rays, seven chakras and many energies.

7. Molecular Relationship, Class Seven
The corresponding seven centers (chakras) in nations, the human kingdom, the seven kingdoms and more.

8. Molecular Relationship, Class Eight
The structure of the Hierarchy and the divisions of the New Group of World Servers.

9. Molecular Relationship, Class Nine
The Seven Centers of Shamballa and The One About Whom Naught Can Be Said

10. Molecular Relationship, Class Ten
Bringing balance into relationships. Seeing ourselves as energy units.

11. Molecular Relationship, Class Eleven
Balancing energy to create stable relationships

12. Molecular Relationship, Class Twelve
More on energy, and the potency of female energy.

13. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirteen
The link be tween sex and knowing God – the higher correspondences of sex.

14. Molecular Relationship, Class Fourteen
The importance of trust and full sharing in a fulfilling relationship

15. Molecular Relationship, Class Fifteen
Examining union physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

16. Molecular Relationship, Class Sixteen
The importance of mastering glamor and illusion to enhance relationships.

17. Molecular Relationship, Class Seventeen
The Sharing of Mind and Spirit in Relationships

18. Molecular Relationship, Class Eighteen
Examining Lucille Cedercrans’ teachings on groups.

19. Molecular Relationship, Class Nineteen
The Mystery of Romantic Energy

20. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty
Communication, The first key of happiness

21. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-One
The Importance of Honest Communication

22. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Two
The Importance of an Open Mind

23. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Three
The Principle of Giving and Receiving

24. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Four
The Seven Needs Essential to Happiness, Part 1

25. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Five
The Seven Needs Essential to Happiness, Part 2
Covering the need for knowledge and the need for emotional fulfillment.

26. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Six
Cycles and the Need for Order

27. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Seven
Trust, a Key to Happiness

28. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Eight
The positive side of negative emotions.

29. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Nine
The foundations of the next great step in evolution

30. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty
Balancing energies to reach the zero point and draw down spiritual power.

31. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-One
The Human Molecule – the foundation of a new life form

32. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-Two
Future Spiritual Evolution Explained

33. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-Three
Leadership in the Molecule

34. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-Four
New Governing Principles

35. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-Five
Enlightened Leadership Principles

36. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-six
Journey to Soul Contact

37. Molecular Relationship Class Thirty-Seven
Leadership from Pisces to Aquarius

38. Molecular Relationship Class Thirty-Eight
The Middle Way

39. Molecular Relationship Class Thirty-Nine
The Prodigal Son

40. Molecular Relationship Class Forty
The Union of Souls

41. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-One
Relationship with the Soul

42. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Two
The Twelve Principles of Synthesis

43. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Three
The Commitment of the Disciple

44. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Four
The Reappearance of the Christ

45. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Five
End Time Predictions

46. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Six
The Sign of the Son of Man

47. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Seven
The Molecular Business, Part 1

48. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Eight
The Molecular Business, Part 2

49. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Nine
The Parable of Abundance

50. Molecular Relationship Class Fifty
Molecular Politics – How politics everywhere can be changed to represent the will of the people.


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