Understanding Mind

Understanding Mind

Question: What other things need to be taught to assure the world that a new age of peace can really be established?


How will disciples reach the masses?

There are indeed many great and wonderful things that will be taught in the new age. There is one most important principle that has been overlooked and here is the hint.

The Age of Pisces which we are leaving is ruled by which element and what does it symbolize?

The Age of Aquarius which we are entering is ruled by which element and what does it symbolize?

The shift from the element of Pisces to the element of Aquarius indicates the new comprehension that must be known. What is it?

We can see this shift playing out in the polarized elections and political divisions of today.

A reader pointed out that the element of Pisces is water symbolizing emotions and that of Aquarius (air) symbolizes the mind

The shift of attention by humanity from an emotional base for decision to the mind will insure the stability necessary for an age of peace to prevail.

As humans begin evolution we start with attention centered in the instinct/physical. Next we evolve to the emotional/astral. Then we move to the mental/thinking and finally to the intuitive/soul.

What do you suppose is the percentage of humanity that has risen to the plane of the mind to some degree?

Many feel that emotion (misnamed heart by many) is higher than mind, but why is it necessary that mind controls emotion rather than the other way around?

Are the heart energies connected with mind or emotion? Explain

This answer to the percentage was actually given by Djwhal Khul through Alice A. Bailey back in the 1940s. The answer he gave was about ten per cent. Sometimes, however, I feel that it must be lower than this for sometimes it is difficult to find a logical person.

Another thing to consider is that humanity is evolving and that it is likely that this figure has risen perhaps a few more percentage points.

Now some have thought that certain degrees of mind is active in all people, but this is not quite the case. It is true that those not included in the ten percent may have some mental activation, but just not polarized there yet. Even so, there are many in which the principle of mind lies dormant.

One may object and declare that everyone thinks, it is just that some think with more accuracy than others.

On the contrary my friends, the truth is that all use their brains, but all do not think. The cause of this world wide misunderstanding is that the use of the brain has been related to thinking, but…

The brain does not think.

Instead the brain is a piece of equipment equal to a super computer. This super computer has many built in programs and is capable of many calculations, but it does not think.

What does it do then?

Answer: It calculates. Calculating and thinking are two very different activities.

The emotionally polarized person has instinct, can calculate and feel, but does not think.

This is why most of the people on the planet have the mark of the Beast of authority. Only by the development of the ability to think can one break the mold of being controlled by programming, break free and become truly independent through thought.

The brain corresponds to a super computer, but the thinker corresponds to a programmer sitting at the keyboard with the realization that he does not have to go according to program, but has the power to work creatively and rewrite things.

The thinker is in charge of his destiny.

The non thinker must be controlled by a program.

The thinker does not lose contact with emotion, but increases contact, but learns to direct feelings intelligently.

Just as light has a higher vibration than sound and yellow is higher than red even so is the astral vibration higher than physical and the matter of mind is higher than astral/emotion.

This does not mean that light is “better” than sound or mind than feeling for both are essential on their level. It does mean that one is higher in vibration than the other and the higher vibration is always more difficult to comprehend and master.

All of us have a mental body, but the elements of which it is composed are not available for our use until we begin to master thought


Many feel that emotion (misnamed heart by many) is higher than mind, but why is it necessary that mind controls emotion rather than the other way around?

All of us feel emotion, but for most this feeling comes through the solar plexus center which is a reflection of heart energy. Few have felt the full power of the heart energies.

Emotion leads us into experience with no plan to master that experience. Mind must eventually be brought into play to create plans and direct the emotion and the experience in a constructive direction. Without the dominance of mind over emotion there will always be a lack of completion of purpose and a drifting off randomly in a new direction.

Emotion without mind is self destructive.

There is no such thing as mind without emotion for one must pass through the world of emotion to develop mind.

There are those who suppress emotion, but the emotion is still there.


Are the heart energies connected with mind or emotion? Explain

The heart center is composed of twelve energy petals that slowly unfold as we evolve toward Spirit. Six are different types of love energy and six are differing types of wisdom energies.

These wisdom energies in connection with the two head centers are very much linked to mind and thought as well as spiritual feeling. Solomon talked about thinking in the heart and indeed he was teaching a profound realization.

Let us now seek greater understanding in differentiating between the thinker and the non thinker.


Is one who has graduated from college as an engineer likely to be a thinker?

Is one who has patented three inventions likely to be a thinker?

Is the author of a best selling book likely to be a thinker?

Is one who has started a new and unique business likely to be a thinker?

Which is most likely to be a thinker?

(a) A member of a dangerous cult.

(b) An outstanding member of an orthodox church.

Name an individual who you believe to be using mind.

Nov 15, 2000

Copyright by J J Dewey

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