The Destroyer Aspect

The Destroyer Aspect

I received a comment that we should not judge Hitler as being an antichrist for we all have a Hitler within as well as Christ.

The reader may be thinking of a statement of DK through Alice A. Bailey which says:

“The work of what in the West is called “the Christ Principle” is to build the forms for the expression of quality and life. That is the characteristic work of the second aspect of divinity. The work of the Antichrist is to destroy forms, and this is essentially the work of the first expression of divinity. But the work of the destroyer is not the work of black magic, and when ignorant humanity regards Antichrist as working on the black side, their error is great. His work is as beneficent as that of the building aspect, and it is but man’s hatred of the death of forms which makes him regard the work of the destroyer as “black,” as being against the divine will, and as subversive of the divine programme. The work of the representatives of that mysterious power which we call cosmic evil, and their responding representatives, is indeed worthy of the word “black”; but it is not applicable to the work of Antichrist. It might be added that the work of the black forces wells up from below, whilst the work of the destroyers is impelled from above. The symbols of these two ways are the sword and the cross.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 74

JJ: It is true that the second ray is a building energy and the first is the destroying and they both have their place in the Plan. However, notice that DK defined antichrist as the destroyer which is the opposite of building (Christ). This is not the definition given to it by the average Christian or even New Ager to which I was writing in my last post.

They see Christ as love and antichrist (opposite of Christ) as hate.

They see Christ as freedom and antichrist as enslavement.

They see Christ as truth and antichrist as deceit

From this type of definition Hitler was indeed antichrist and such is acknowledged by DK in these words:

“The tendency to fasten the war on Hitler and his gang of evil men should not blind us to the causes which have made his evil work possible. He is mainly a precipitating agency, for through him world selfishness and cruelty have been brought to a focus. But, as Christ has said: “Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh.” (Matthew 18:7.) The causes of this rampant evil are inherent in humanity itself.

“The totalitarian order must go because it is contrary to the spiritual vision. The world order, as visioned by Hitler, is based upon the subjection of the weak to the rule of a super-Germany; it is one in which the life of the little nations will be allowed to go on just in so far as they serve the need of Germany. The lesser Axis powers are permitted existence only because they benefit German aims-Italy, to give Germany scope in the Mediterranean; Japan, to handle the Asiatic problem which is too large for Germany to handle alone. It is an order whose intention is that the best of all industrial and agricultural products shall go to Germany and the unwanted residue to the little nations. It is an order in which the educational processes will be controlled by the dominant super-race. All departments of knowledge will be subordinated to the glorification of Germany. Germany will be portrayed as the seed of all world glory, and as the ruthless saviour of mankind; the beauties of war, of struggle and of physical strength will be emphasised, and these so-called admirable objectives of the human spirit will be developed to produce a race of men in whom the “effeminate” beauties of loving kindness and wise consideration for others will find no place.” From Externalization of the Hierarchy April 1940

JJ: Thus we see that if we use the definition of antichrist as used by the common man that Hitler does indeed hit the mark and was “judged” as “evil” here by the Brotherhood.

It is interesting to note that Jesus used the first ray energy of the destroyer as well as love and the Jews sensed this when they feared that he would destroy their religious structure. Such fear was not without basis for his new teaching did indeed destroy many old forms and this was a good thing.

Because the Allies won World War II the destruction of forms had a good effect. Especially good was the destruction of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. These outdated forms are now replaced by a more democratic form of government.

On the other hand, if Hitler had won the war the form that would have been destroyed would have been the emerging free governments of the world and this would have definitely been antichrist (contrary to the will of the Master) as the world understands the term.

Another reader expressed concern that my identifying Hitler as an antichrist would cause us to enter a false sense of security that the antichrist of Christian expectation will not show up.

I have never said that another antichrist will not come. I have said that if the freedom loving people of the world do their part, an antichrist like Hitler will not succeed in dominating the world as we approach the new age. On the other hand, if enough people desire this potential antichrist and fear and dread is spread abroad, then it is entirely possible that we will manifest that which we conjure up as is warned by Malachi the prophet:

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” Mal 4:5-6

I know the Mormons use this as a genealogy scripture, but the meaning is much more far-reaching than that. To really understand the meaning one must examine the key word here which is the mistranslated “curse.” The word comes from the Hebrew CHEREM which literally means “utter destruction” or “extermination.” It is translated as “utter destruction” in I Sam 15:20.

It is derived from and very similar in meaning to CHARAM.

Here are some verses where this word is used:

“Come against her from the utmost border, open her storehouses: cast her up as heaps, and destroy her utterly (CHARAM): let nothing of her be left.” Jer 50:26

“He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed” (CHARAM). Exodus 22:20

“And Israel vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand, then I will utterly destroy (CHARAM) their cities. And the LORD hearkened to the voice of Israel, and delivered up the Canaanites; and they utterly destroyed (CHARAM)them and their cities: and he called the name of the place Hormah.” Numbers 21:2-3

We are thus told that the entire earth is in danger of having all life “utterly destroyed” unless we “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.”

The first question is, what is meant by the children turning their hearts to their fathers?

Answer: This means that we should study the history of our fathers or those who came before us, not only from the scriptures but from all possible accurate historical records.


Because history repeats itself if we do not learn the lessons of our fathers. This is one reason why the study of the rise of Nazi Germany and Hitler are so important. If we understand what happened in the past we can prevent another antichrist from coming to the surface. A Hitler in this age would be much more dangerous than one previously because we now have the power to destroy human existence as we know it.

Thus one key to preventing the “utter destruction” of the earth is to learn from the mistakes of our fathers.

From a scriptural viewpoint we must also learn of the promises of God to the fathers, and the most prominent of them all is the promise of the gathering of Israel or the gathering of those who have the Holy Spirit within them.

The second key to preventing the destruction of the world as we know it is to turn the “heart of the fathers to the children.”

What does this mean?

We are the children of the fathers past, but we are the fathers (and of course mothers) of all future generations. Unless we as a human race cease having our hearts merely centered on our little selves and enlarge our capacity to reach out to our children of future generations and seek to make the world a better place for them, these future children may not even be born because of the destruction we could bring upon ourselves.

Too many Bible believers have withdrawn their responsibility to make the world better for our children. Instead, they sit around waiting for God to destroy the world and wind up being of no use to God or man in the process.

This type of cop-out is exactly what Malachi warned us of. Instead of sitting back and waiting for God to do it our hearts much reach across time and sense our personal responsibility to rising generations.

If we sense this what will we do?

(1) Seek to bring peace on earth through the free will of man

(2) Seek the mutual elimination of weapons of mass destruction.

(3) Seek to cease polluting the earth and being an enemy to nature.

(4) Seek to love our neighbor as ourselves.

(5) Seek to love children yet unborn as ourselves.

Notice that Malachi does not seal our doom. Instead be gives us the solution, the way of escape from a great peril and that put simply is this:

“Learn the lessons of history and leave the world a better place than we found it.”

We are on the cusp of a new era and have learned some things and do have enough people on the earth with enough light to make a difference. If good people do nothing but wait for doom, we are indeed doomed; but if good men and women follow the highest they know and seek guidance of the Holy Spirit, then salvation will be ours and this salvation is what I teach without apology.

Feb 13, 2000

Copyright by J J Dewey

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