The Law of Economy, Part 1


Sept 1, 2016

The Law of Economy, Part 1

I have already written a book on principles explaining 100 different ones. LINK Now it is time to tackle something a little different. This time we will look at various universal laws and seek a further understanding of them. The core laws we will examine are those which have been mentioned by Djwhal Khul in the writings of Alice A. Bailey.

Before we proceed we need to ask ourselves what is the difference between a principle and a law. It is basically this.

A principle is that which reveals understanding of the intelligence of God working in the three worlds of form which causes creation in the universe to work toward a dominating good.

A law is a description of the working of a principle, or principles. By law I am referring to universal laws and not man-made rules.

If the law is accurately described then the perfection of God is made visible because such a description shows the consistency of the principle and allows us to predict the future actions of the mind of God in the universe.

To put it simple, a law is something we may observe. The principle requires understanding to properly register it.

Therefore, let us seek to not only observe universal laws but to understand them that we may not only see the various laws, but understand the principles behind them.

DK writes about three prime laws which are associated with the three aspects of power, love and intelligence, usually mentioned in reverse order, or the order toward which we are advancing.

In the previous solar system we were governed by and seeking to perfect Ray Three, or Intelligence in Matter. The law associated with this is the Law of Economy.

In this solar creation we are seeking to perfect Ray Two, Love/Wisdom. The law associated with this is the Law of Attraction

In a future solar system we will seek to perfect the demonstration of Ray One, Will-Power-Purpose. The law associated with this is Synthesis.

Each one of these laws has branch laws associated with them. In addition, DK gives us a number of laws that stand on their own with no association given, though all are linked together in some ultimate fashion.

We will thus examine the Law of Economy first.

The main problem we have in defining this term is that DK is not one to give clear-cut black and white definitions – at least not all in one place. Instead, he states that he prefers the occult method of circling around the subject in question and then in the end centering on the core of the meaning, or, better yet, to allow the student to come to his own conclusions.

This type of presentation is great for the sincere, but flexible student, as in the last analysis, he is able to acquire a greater angle of understanding of the subject and fill in the gaps with his intuition than if he just had a couple paragraphs in black and white explanation.

That said, before we comment on the Law of Economy, let us look a some of the clues that DK has given us on it. Here are a few quotes:

the law governing matter, the third aspect.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 6

This law is the basic law of nature and of the natural evolving man…

Discipleship in the New Age Vol II, Pages 422-423

…this Law of Economy might be considered as the controlling factor in the life of the third Logos … the Law of Economy, which is the Law of Adaptation in time and space, or the line of least resistance. This line of least resistance is that which is sought for and followed on the matter side of existence.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 142-143

It is the law governing the scattering of the atoms of matter and their dissociation from one another, wide distribution, vibratory rhythm, heterogeneity and quality and their inherent rotary action. This Law of Economy causes matter always to follow the line of least resistance, and is the basis of the separative action of atomic matter. It governs matter, the opposite pole of spirit.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 214-215

The subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy are four in number

  1. The Law of Vibration
  2. The Law of Adaptation
  3. The Law of Repulsion
  4. The Law of Friction

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 219

It might be added in closing, that this law (Economy) is one that initiates have to master before They can achieve liberation.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 220

A man is governed by the Law of Attraction, is evolved through the Law of Economy, and is coming under the Law of Synthesis.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 249

The lower three planes or subplanes act under the Law of Economy

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 330

The third law is the Law of Economy, and is the law which adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force. It makes perfect each atom of time, and each eternal period, and carries all onward, and upward, and through, with the least possible effort, with the proper adjustment of equilibrium, and with the necessary rate of rhythm.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 568

a waste of energy which is forbidden under the Law of Economy.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1021

in the Hierarchy nothing is lost through failure to recognise the law of economy. Every expenditure of force on the part of a Master or Teacher is subjected to wise foresight and discrimination.

Initiation, Human and Solar, Pg 67

This instinct of Deity is closely connected with the Law of Economy and is an expression of the Principle of Materialisation. For man, it has to be studied, grasped, and wrought out through the right use of the mental body, working under the influence of Atma or Spirit.

Esoteric Psychology Vol II, Page 242

The man who aims at providing a point of contact, between conditions of chaos and Those Who work for constructive ends and order, should likewise use that most necessary factor of common-sense in all that he does. This involves always obedience to the law of economy of force, due to discrimination, and a true sense of values. Where these are present, time will be economised, strength will be husbanded, energy will be wisely distributed, excessive zeal will be eliminated, and the Great Ones will be able to depend upon an aspirant’s sagacity and thus find a helper.

A Treatise on White Magic, Page 323

In summary, here are some of the important ingredients of the Law of Economy.

  1. It governs matter and the third aspect.
  2. It is the basic law of nature and of the natural evolving human.
  3. It follows the line of least resistance
  4. Initiates have to master this law before they achieve liberation.
  5. It “adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force.”
  6. The law forbids the wasting of energy.
  7. Common sense and good judgment are key factors in the right use of this law.
  8. It has subsidiary laws

Stated more briefly we could say that this law causes the maximum amount of effect through the use of a minimal amount of force. One masters this law by learning to correctly discern the right amount of energy to use, and direct it in such a way that the maximum constructive effect is achieved.

We’ll discuss this further in the next post.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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