Working with the Soul

Working with the Soul

I was asked about our higher and lower selves?

There is a part of yourself that is a Master on its own plane and exists beyond time and space. In a way it is like your future self after it has mastered all things. Imagine that you could meet yourself one million years in the future. Just think how intelligent you would be!

Your lower self expresses itself through the three lower bodies of form called the physical, emotional and mental. There are three higher correspondences of these bodies possessed by your higher self in the formless worlds.

Have you ever felt a high emotional feeling when contemplating spiritual truth that seemed to be a much higher vibration than regular emotion? This could have originated from your higher emotional body. Your lower body would still be affected but there will be a spiritual feeling associated with it that seems like a feeling of going to your true home.

Have you ever had knowledge come to you that you have never read? It could come from your higher mind.

The sixth sphere is the Monad or your true self. We are in relation to our monad as a shadow is in relation to us, except the plan of the monad is to give eternal life to the shadow as an extension of the God Self.

Communication between higher and lower selves is done through soul. Soul is the interplay of spirit and matter, but it is neither of them. Soul brings knowledge of matter to spirit and knowledge of spirit to matter. Soul is often used interchangeably with the higher self, but technically it is the link to the highest part of ourselves.

The higher Self is linked to the Monad and the Monad is one of the multiplications of God and has access to all that God has access to.

The concepts I have posted here are either verified by my soul, sent from my soul or sent through my soul and communicated to the best of my ability. . I am not connected with any group and am not under the influence of any thought form.

We have more channelers out there today than in perhaps any other age, yet so much of the information is from the emotional body and based in glamour and illusion. Many of the things that seem good are copied from other inspired writings without giving the appropriate credit to their source. I have been impressed through my soul to teach others how to contact soul and Spirit so they can know all truth for themselves and do not have to lean on the traditions of men. There are certain simple steps to take to make true contact, but it is amazing to me how the bulk of humanity will make every effort to avoid those steps and thus be deceived by the first personality guru who comes along.

I was asked of what other points of contact have been made by the Brotherhood of Light since H.P. Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy.

As far as writings go a particularly inspired piece of work was given to Levi after the turn of the century called The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The next major revelation was given to Alice A. Bailey by the Master Djwhal Khul (D.K. for short) a disciple who works directly under the Christ and is sometimes called the messenger boy of the Gods since he is only several hundred years old in his current body. Alice A. Bailey received DK’s writings by mental telepathy and wrote around 20 transmitted books and several of her own. These books have plenty of esoteric information and hints to keep us busy until after 2025 when the Hierarchy will speak again. The period in between is a period of revelation and transmittal of revelation.

An inspired work the world knows about since Alice A. Bailey is “A Course In Miracles” said to be transmitted by Jesus. This definitely came  from a higher intelligence and has much food  for thought.

Outside of these there is a little truth given out here and there by numerous individuals who have made soul contact, but mixed with it is a tremendous amount of shadowy material. Only those who are in the soul will be able to sort out the real from the unreal.

A major direct attempt to help the world was a great failure. Many of the Hierarchy incarnated in Germany with the intent of picking up the Shamballa energy and Hitler beat them to it. These disciples were thus caught with their pants down and found themselves in a horrifying situation. Stauffenberg, Rommel and others were trusted disciples in on a plot to remove Hitler and were themselves killed along with thousands of the greatest lights of Germany when the plot was uncovered. Some were strung up with piano wire and their death put on film to show the other German troops the fate of traitors.

Many of the disciples of light who were put to death for conspiring against Hitler have been reborn for the purpose of finding each other and preparing the work for the return of the Christ. Unfortunately, many are having difficulty working through the negative experience of being forced to serve under Hitler. This has produced a cloud between them and the Son of God within. Therefore, many disciples who jumped right back into incarnation for the sake of service have fallen behind and are caught in various traps and do not trust completely in the mission they feel within themselves.

Part of my job (and others) is to find these souls and help them find themselves and dispel the negative cloud between them and their souls.

In addition, there are many other workers of light who have been sidetracked by the dark brotherhood in other lands. This is the reason why there are so few inspired leaders in the world today. Those who are destined to be the true leaders of humanity are tired and weary and have been sleeping on the job. It is now time for them to awake and follow the voice within one more time, perhaps the most important time of all.

Cheri makes an interesting comment:

“I almost never post but thought I’d share an experience I had last night. I finally made time to read “Eternal Words” yesterday.

  “After I read the part about the universe inside the toothpick I put the book down and tried to fall asleep. I loved that part of the book and it gave me a lot to think about that I had never thought about before. As I was lying there with my eyes closed meditating on what I had just read I started to see white light and bursts of blue also. Next, I felt my spirit ‘ball’ up at the top of my head like it wanted to burst out. I couldn’t move my body but I wasn’t scared. It felt like my spirit popped out of my body a little bit. Then it felt like my spirit went back into my body. My spirit then would float up and out of one limb at a time, and sometimes my whole lower body would float up. I felt attached at the head still. I felt so close to popping out of my body but it never completely happened. For what seemed like a long time I was alternating between balling up at the top of my head and floating out of my limbs.

  “After I woke up this morning I felt, and still feel, very tingly all over my body and through my cells. I also feel like my spirit is a little bit out of the top of my head and I feel like I’m walking around sideways and dizzy. I feel amazing. Very tired yet very energized (like what I feel like after I have a baby).

“That was an incredible experience, and I thought I’d share how your book “Eternal Words” affected me!

“Thanks for a great book JJ!”

JJ: Thanks for the comments.

Maybe you were on the verge of taking the grand tour or a portion thereof. Or maybe you were just receiving verification that a multiplicity of universes is inside of us.

People are always asking about the good old days. I say, why don’t you say the good “now” days? Isn’t “now” the only time you’re living? —Robert M. Young

Feb 1, 2009

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