Understanding, Initiation and Numbers

Understanding, Initiation and Numbers

Understanding comes when the person perceives, asks all the pertinent questions about the thing perceived and then comes up with the most logical answers.

Understanding also has three levels and this is the first.

In seeking answers like this it is always good to look at various levels of being and find correspondences. So how would I describe the upper two levels of understanding?

As I said, the first level is accomplished through standard thinking and analyzing a subject until we see more than a spreadsheet of facts, but we see a bigger picture. We see how the facts fit together to create greater light on the subject.

To attain the next level of understanding one must access the Buddhic plane through the soul, or the source of true intuition. The seeker then understands through the comprehension of principles. In other words, he can see more than the first level deductive reasoning, but can see the bigger picture through seeing principles.

The third level of understanding takes the seeker to the level of spirit or up to the plane of atma, the realm where divine ideas originate. A divine idea may embrace many principles in its application and such a revelation beings an increase in understanding in the process of creation itself.

Question: “Are the three levels exclusive, or do the ‘higher’ levels incorporate/include/use the ‘lower’? In other words, will one still use the 1st even if one ‘uses’ the 3rd?”

JJ: There is a principle involved here. The higher always includes the lower, but the lower does not comprehend the higher. Higher levels of understanding thus use the lower when dealing with the physical plane.

What is An Initiate?

I do not know of any book anywhere that tells the true meaning of an initiate.

The answer is quite simple. An initiate is one who is able to initiate. There have been many societies in times past and present that claim to make initiates by having them learn data or to learn various levels. In truth this has nothing to do with initiation into the Brotherhood of Light. To draw the attention of the Brotherhood of Light you must initiate or begin things that will benefit others. There are also dark initiates who begin projects that will enslave others.

Edison was an initiate because he invented the light bulb and many other items. He was the first to manufacture it and it benefited the world.

Abraham Lincoln was an initiate of high degree because he initiated the freeing of the slaves.

The founding Fathers were initiates because they initiated a whole new and beneficial method of government.

A small businessman is an initiate in a lesser degree because he initiated his business.

Jesus, Buddha and Moses initiated major religions therefore, they are major initiates.

One of the purposes of the Keys is to stimulate the power of initiation in others by getting them to stimulate contact with their own souls.

Jesus said “by their fruits you shall know them.” Always look at the actions and teachings to determine good and evil of an individual or group.

Back to Numbers

There is an ancient maxim that says: “The mind is the slayer of the real.”

Now I am a big believer in the use of the mind myself and believe the world of the mind is higher than that of emotion, but when we stop at mind without guidance from the unseen soul then reality is slain.

Because what I teach does not fit within the guidelines of the scientific method as you have learned, some seek to disprove me with much more vigor than they seek to consider the truth in what I say. Many metaphysical principles cannot be proven scientifically. On the other hand, the sound ones cannot be disproved either, but they can be proven by soul contact.

A reader again expresses the view that different numbering systems in different cultures have no effect.

I say different numbering systems set up different vibrations, cycles and points of meditation for different civilizations and do produce different results. There is not enough data to prove or disprove my point so the soul is the only answer.

I say there is a reason for ten fingers and the appearance and reappearance of the number ten and multiples thereof, but it cannot be entirely explained by scientific knowledge.

The changes near the year 2000 are somewhat self-fulfilling but that does not explain it all. Many other cycles are involved.

Both light and sound are vibration. There is no disagreement about the seven notes and if the law of correspondences is correct then the seven notes would have seven corresponding major colors. There are millions of shades and mixtures of colors but the seven corresponding to the seven notes are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. If you can see auras you will note that the colors are much more distinct than they are in a rainbow and they are fairly distinct there.

You say the most common numbering system today is Base 2. Which civilization is using this?

The use of 1, 2, 3, 7 12, 24, and 49 in cyclic reappearance is quite different from (but not entirely) from mathematical cycles that you are using as comparison. You cannot make completely accurate predictions of human events by using any present mathematical formula or cycle.

“In America, through pressure of conformity, there is freedom of choice, but nothing to choose from.” — Peter Ustinov (1921 – 2004)

March 16, 2009

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