True Vision

True Vision

The Course makes a number of statements that are open to several interpretations. It seems that this problem could have been easily solved with a little additional explanation, which leads one to assume the possibility that this approach was done on purpose.  This leads to the idea that those who only see what they want to see will find the explanation that suits them, but will still get some benefit from the Course. On the other hand, those who seek the truth wherever it leads will find pearls of wisdom to speed them upon their way.

One such statement that can lead to a distortion of truth is this:

“I am responsible for what I see.” T-21.II.2

Suppose you witnessed your neighbor kick his dog. Being an animal lover, you are concerned and approach him and say, “Hey! What did you do that for? That animal did nothing to deserve that.”

But the neighbor is a fellow ACIM student so he quotes you this verse from the Course:

“I am responsible for what I see.” T-21.II.2

Then he says: “You saw me kick the dog so you are responsible for this whole situation and any suffering the dog has. Why did you allow this to happen when you have invented the world you see? (lesson 32)

How would you respond to this guy?

This is one of those statements for which there could be numerous interpretations, some leading to unreasonable thinking. Let us list some and see what rings the chords of truth from within.

Interpretation One: We are in a dream and I am the dreamer. Therefore, I am responsible for everything I see. I am manifesting the wars in Israel and Ukraine. If my neighbor kicks his dog then that was really me who did that.

I’ve seen some course students use this idea to escape responsibility for bad behavior by saying basically that this behavior isn’t their responsibility but the responsibility of the guy seeing it. That would be like the guy who kicks his dog blaming the incident on the one who merely witnesses it. Since the witness is responsible, he continues abusing his dog and feels justified.

Is there something wrong with this picture? Everything within an animal lover says yes.

Does the witness have any recollection of ever wanting to hurt a defenseless dog or any other pet?  Does he recall any decision he has ever made that would lead to harming the neighbor’s dog?

The answer is no to both questions. We love our pets and the Course says that God saves “every loving thought you ever had.” T-5.IV.8 This does not support the idea that you are responsible for the neighbor kicking his dog.

Interpretation Two: I am not responsible for decisions others make but I am responsible for how I perceive or interpret them.

This is indeed a true statement for the Course stresses that we perceive incorrectly and the lessons tell us to be “determined to see things differently.” Lesson 211

The normal interpretation of such a cruel neighbor is to despise and condemn him, but if we follow the Course, we will merely see a Son of God like ourselves, but one who is in error. You, of course, you would do what you could to see that the dog is protected.

Even though we are responsible for how we interpret what we see this does not explain the concept of sight itself, so a larger explanation is needed.

Interpretation Three: I, as a separated Son of God, am not responsible for the actions I see my neighbor or anyone else doing, but as a part that is one with the entire Sonship, I share responsibility for this world and everything that happens within it. Because the Sonship made the decision to create this world of illusion, and I am one with that Sonship, then I share responsibility for everything I see.

As it turns out we as individuals in the illusion see many things that we do not support and we seek to turn all nightmares into “happy dreams.”

This interpretation makes sense and is in harmony with the Course.

Interpretation Four: There is another interesting interpretation which is often overlooked and it is this.

There are two worlds which we can choose to see and “It is impossible to see two worlds which have no overlap of any kind. Seek for the one; the other disappears. But one remains.” W-pI.130.5

We therefore have the choice to see this world where there is pain and suffering or “The real world (which) cannot be perceived except through eyes forgiveness blesses, so they see a world where terror is impossible, and witnesses to fear can not be found.” W-pII.8.1

Seeing this real world instead of this one is the last step we take before God takes us home.

This world of illusion indeed has its problems, but we have chosen to see it, and this makes us responsible for what we see. No, you as an individual are not responsible for another individual kicking his dog, but you chose to see this world so you are responsible for the vision. Similarly, if you choose to see a horror movie you are responsible for sitting there and watching it, but you are not responsible for the actions in the movie itself.

One of the main purposes of the Course is to teach us how to correct our vision so we see the real world instead of this one.

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