The Seed and the Tree

The Seed and the Tree

Question: How is it that the great minds who have initiated the various religions and spiritual movements do not agree? Take reincarnation, for example, some teach for it, some against and others ignore it.

JJ: The important thing to understand is the Plan is much different than generally perceived. The Plan can be likened to the mustard seed and the tree. Long ago the seed was planted in the hearts and minds of mankind and now it has sprouted and broken ground and is struggling to survive in sunlight. Before the tree is fully formed the cells in its body look upon it and form incorrect conclusions as to how it is developing and what it will look like when mature. The seed, the sprout and the young plant know not their full destiny, but they can guess with more accuracy as they develop and time moves forward.

Revelation does not tell us with pinpoint accuracy all the ingredients of the Plan. Instead, it gives the seer the vital force necessary for the next step forward in growth and in that growth will come additional light.

As the plant grows the only thing that stays the same is change, yet within that state of flux are operating principles that are endless and ever true.

Joseph Smith was told the principle of unfolding revelation as follows:

“Behold, I am God and have spoken it; these commandments are of me, and were given unto my servants in their weakness, after the manner of their language, that they might come to understanding. And inasmuch as they erred it might be made known;” D&C 1:24-25

As the wisest among us grow in understanding, the light from God shines through the soul upon our minds. Because the Plan is not fully developed that understanding must foment in our minds and then be expressed in our own understanding according to our imperfections.

This is why Verse 25 reads: “And inasmuch as they erred it might be made known;”

In the growing stage it is impossible to not make errors for revelation is always incomplete and thus understanding is incomplete.

BUT understanding and revelation is ever unfolding and the scriptures are correct when they say we will eventually see as in the perfect day.

Many acorn seeds with the same built-in plan produce a wide variety of trees. Some taller, some wider, some stronger and some with more acorns than others. Yet the basic plan for them and their final maturity is the same.

Even so, each prophet, seer and master teacher will teach differently. Each will also have their consciousness centered on a different part of the growth, but all will have their attention on growth. They may not understand exactly where that growth will lead, but know this:  Growth is where they know they must proceed with all their strength.

For those of you seeking to establish soul contact the above paragraph is a major hint.

Some teachers did not teach reincarnation because they did not comprehend that part of the plan. Others did not teach it because they felt it would not be accepted. Still others did not teach it because they felt multiple chances would lead people into complacency.

Just as many branches of a tree all have their place, yet are seeking their own space in which to move and grow, even so do human leaders all move and teach a little differently in their own sphere.

Why was the teaching of reincarnation lost to the Christian church? Many early church fathers accepted it and used scriptural support for the doctrine. But when the church Fathers put the Bible together, they took many plain and precious truths out. One of these was reincarnation.

Question: “So was Mormonism created to just be a higher step that people could reach to before stepping up again?”

JJ: Mormonism was the last inspired work of the Piscean Age.

The building of the church was attempted in the days of Peter and fell short of perfection. This was the Alpha. Again it was attempted at the end of the age and an attempt was made at greater perfection. This is the Omega. This was not perfect either but it will have a strong influence on millions for some time to come.

Now we are entering the Aquarian Age and a new work will be attempted for those who are ready. It will be as different from the Christian church as a leaf is different from a branch. Even so, both are essential parts of the whole.

Question: “You speak of ‘a new work’ — and how ‘it will be as different from the Christian Church as a leaf is different from a branch.’

“Are you speaking of; or did you intend to speak of religion as a whole, or just ‘the Christian Church’?”

JJ: I was speaking of the new spirituality, which will evolve among humanity as a whole. In the coming age different branches of Christianity and Islam will still be around just as the pre Piscean religions of Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism are still around.

But the evolving new religion which will prefer to not identify itself as religion, but spiritual, will develop through the mass consciousness of those who are Aquarian thinkers. They, as a group, will not be any organized religion (though there will be organizations within it), but will, as a whole, recognize certain ascertained truths of unity. Just as people of all religions, even atheists, celebrate Christmas, even so will the people of the new spirituality see the value of uniting under various celebrations, holidays, teachings, ceremonies, etc.

I’m not talking about the Molecular Relationship here as this, and many other things, will evolve out of the new spirituality.

The new work includes many of the things I teach as well as many other things that will evolve through the new spirituality.

Question: Are we going to go beyond that which the master teachers of the past have given us?

JJ: None of the past masters and teachers were able to get the whole plan working for the whole plan is not yet here. The successful ones were able to produce additional growth toward the sunlight (son-light). Many teachers have got enough of their portion of the Plan working to produce growth and that is to be counted as success.

We can look back on the ancient Israelites and see their animal sacrifices and wars of extermination as primitive but they had success according to the growth that was needed at that point in development.

The Founders [of The USA] did not eliminate slavery, but they planted the seeds of growth that took us out of it.

Only the generation (and a few of the wise in the present) that experiences the growth of the times can understand correctly.

Early in the womb we looked like tadpoles and had tails. Whatever we did with those tails had meaning then, but not much now.

Question: How do I distinguish between that which is a simple change and that change which results in positive growth? Or is it a simple matter of evaluate as much as you can but ultimately you must just ‘try it and see’?

JJ: Ultimately it comes down to discernment and judgement. Fortunately, we have within us the sense as to whether we are just going through mindless change or real growth. All we have to do is pay attention to our sense of it. Just as one does not need any special ability to recognize whether he is rising up or sitting down he can sense his inner growth. As long as the person always goes with the growth he will eventually arrive at soul contact that he can understand.

Children have neither a past nor a future. Thus they enjoy the present, which seldom happens to us. —Jean de La Bruyere

Feb 11, 2009

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