Oct 4, 2016
The Law of Vibration
DK mentions many different laws and discusses their effects but rarely does he give out a simple definition so the average reader can clearly understand what he is getting at.
Hopefully, this series on the laws will fill in some gaps and aid understanding.
So… What is The Law of Vibration
Anyway? Is all the meaning behind it merely the fact that all things vibrate? That’s not much to go on here. Let us look deeper.
He tells us that it is one of the four subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy as well as “as an aspect of the basic law of building.” It is also linked to the Law of Color and Motion.
All things considered there are two important principles to understand in considering this law.
The first is that it is the foundation of all manifestation as we know it.
The Law of Vibration, the basis of manifestation, starting on the first plane.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 569
The Law of Vibration.–This is the law of the first plane, and it governs all the atomic subplanes of each plane. It marks the beginning of the work of the Logos, the first setting in motion of mulaprakriti (undifferentiated matter). On each plane the vibration of the atomic subplane sets in motion the matter of that plane. It is the key measure.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 574
Thus we see that all creation as we know it, on all the planes was initiated by vibration.
And what is vibration? You could say it is the essence of form, light and sound.
And what creates these three?
The wavelength. Sound, light and matter are all created by wavelengths of different frequencies. All vibration is merely a series of wavelengths.
It is interesting that as science explores deeper and deeper into matter they can find nothing that is solid. All they can find for sure are vibrating wavelengths.
The great mystery is that which creates the wavelength which in turn creates vibration which, in another turn, creates all there is.
When we look at the wavelength we see the Trinity in manifestation. The originating power we can call purpose (First Ray), the top of the wavelength is love (Second Ray) and the bottom of the wavelength is Light (Third Ray). All this is projected by a decision from the one Great Life we call God and then differentiates into all there is. Note the illustration below.
I expand on this initiating vibration in my book, The Molecular Relationship. LINK
After creation occurs we are then surrounded by innumerable vibrations. The more refined vibrations are on the higher planes and the coarser ones on the lower. This material plane is the densest of them all. Having descended to the lowest rung, we must seek to understand the second principle involved in this law, which is threefold.
- First we must become spiritually sensitive so that different levels of vibration can be sensed.
- Secondly, the disciple must learn how one vibration effects another to effect positive change. On this DK says:
It will be found that the comprehension of the law of vibration, and the effect of one vibration upon another vibration holds the key to the establishing of better conditions of living, and of sound bodies on all planes.
Letters on Occult Meditation, Pg 243
The science of this aspect operates on the principle of entrainment. That is when you have two vibrations within close proximity they will synchronize and soon will be vibrating to the same frequency. It is interesting that the lower vibration will harmonize with the higher, rather than the other way around.
An example of this entrainment can be found when you strike a note consistently on a piano the same note will vibrate on a nearby guitar with no one playing it.
Leave several grandfather clocks with their pendulums swinging out of sync and after a time they will all be found to swing in harmony.
Using this principle the disciple can influence the vibration of others in a positive way. Unfortunately a great hurdle in the way are the various vibrations of group thoughtforms that cause many people to mindlessly go along with is vibration and react the same way. The disciple must learn to override this and send out a higher vibration that ill eventually cause many to vibrate to a higher note or octave.
- Finally, we must follow that perception of vibrations to ascend from the lower vibration state to the higher. The disciple must not be satisfied staying on his current frequency even though it may be higher than his associates. He must seek to ascend by tuning into higher vibrations such as:
- His own soul and eventually the monad and monad groups.
- High entities in the spirit world.
- The Masters and eventually Shamballa
The seekers must continue to ascend until they find themselves back untied to the Source to enjoy the great rest of pralaya.
For additional light I have included some quotes from DK on the Law of Vibration below:
A gradual grasp of the Law of Vibration as an aspect of the basic law of building; the initiate learns consciously to build, to manipulate thought matter for the perfecting of the plans of the Logos, to work in mental essence, and to apply the law of mental levels and thereby affect the physical plane. Motion originates cosmically on cosmic mental levels, and in the microcosm the same order will be seen. There is an occult hint here that will reveal much if pondered upon. At initiation, at the moment of the application of the Rod, the initiate consciously realises the meaning of the Law of Attraction in form building, and in the synthesis of the three fires. Upon his ability to retain that realisation and himself to apply the law, will depend his power and progress
Initiation, Human and Solar, Pg 140
The Ray Path.
It is difficult to know by what other name to call this Path, as so little is known about it. In treading it, a man stays on his own ray, and works thereon in the various kingdoms on all the planes, carrying out the behests of the Lord of the World, and working under His direction. It carries a man to every part of the solar system, yet links him definitely with the synthetic ray. It is a very complex path, for it necessitates a capacity for the most intricate mathematics, and an ability to geometrise in a manner incomprehensible to our three-dimensional brains. This path is taken by the man to whom the law of vibration is of profound importance. He works first in the council chamber of the Lord of the World at Shamballa, manipulating the law of vibration on his own ray. Later he will have his habitat on the planet corresponding to his own ray, and not on the earth unless he is on the ray of the Planetary Logos holding sway upon the earth. Later again as his evolution progresses, he will pass to the sun; then having mastered all connected with vibration in this system he will pass to the cosmic system, going off his own ray (which is but a subsidiary ray of one cosmic ray), on to the corresponding cosmic ray.
Initiation, Human and Solar, Pg 188
Later, when the knowledge of occult healing is more familiar, and the laws which govern the subtle bodies are more known, physical plane science will be superseded by the preventive science of the subtler planes, that science which aims at the provision of right conditions and the building of bodies that are both self-protecting and neutral to all attack. It will be found that the comprehension of the law of vibration, and the effect of one vibration upon another vibration holds the key to the establishing of better conditions of living, and of sound bodies on all planes.
Letters on Occult Meditation, Pgs 242-243
A number of people who know somewhat the rudiments of the law of vibration, and can definitely, by the power of thought, apply certain waves of colour to effect certain cures, and bring about, through scientific comprehension, the desired results.
Letters on Occult Meditation, Pg 246
Experiments can be made along the line of vitalisation and magnetisation, which involve direct action on the etheric, and this again will be found hid in the law of vibration and of colour.
Letters on Occult Meditation, Pg 247
The Law of Vibration will gradually, therefore, be more and more understood, and be seen to govern action in all of the three departments of the Manu, the World Teacher and the Mahachohan. It will find its basic expression and its familiar terminology in those of colour and sound. Emotional disorder will be regarded as discordant sound; mental lethargy will be expressed in terms of low vibration, and physical disease will be numerically considered. All constructive work will eventually be expressed in terms of numbers, by colours, and through sound.
Letters on Occult Meditation, Pg 252
The expression “the sounding of the Word” must not be too literally interpreted; the esoteric “sounding forth” is based upon a study of the Law of Vibration, and the gradual tuning of the lower vibrations of the sheaths or vestures of consciousness so that they synchronise with the note or sound of the conscious indweller. Speaking correctly, the Word is to be sounded by the soul or the ego on its own plane, and the vibration will subsequently affect the various bodies or vehicles which house that soul.
the Light of the Soul, Pg 58
When truth to all beings is perfected, the effectiveness of his words and acts is immediately to be seen – and it leads on to the consummation dealt with in the sutra under consideration – the effectiveness of all words and acts to convey reality or truth as it is. This sutra gives the clue to the work of the magician and is the basis for the great science of mantras or of words of power which are the equipment of every adept
Through an understanding of,
- The law of vibration,
- The science of sound,
The Light of the Soul, Pg 195
When the relation of the five senses to the five elements (ether, air, fire, water and earth) is understood, and the Law of Vibration is studied and mastered, the adept can then turn to useful purposes all the powers of his nature. He not only can enter into communication with all parts of our planetary system but can also use discriminatingly and wisely all those parts of his own nature which are allied to, or correspondences of the nature of God as shown in the macrocosm.
The Light of the Soul, Pg 352
There are seven systemic laws, which govern the manifestation of our solar Logos:
- The Law of Vibration.
- The Law of Cohesion.
- The Law of Disintegration.
- The Law of Magnetic Control.
- The Law of Fixation.
- The Law of Love.
- The Law of Sacrifice and Death.
Each of these Laws manifests primarily on one or other of the seven planes of the solar system.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 6
The subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy are four in numberThe Law of Vibration, dealing with the key note or measure of the matter of each plane. By knowledge of this law the material of any plane in its seven divisions can be controlled.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 219
The Law of Vibration, the basis of manifestation, starting on the first plane.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 569The Law of Vibration.–This is the law of the first plane, and it governs all the atomic subplanes of each plane. It marks the beginning of the work of the Logos, the first setting in motion of mulaprakriti. On each plane the vibration of the atomic subplane sets in motion the matter of that plane. It is the key measure. We might sum up the significance of this law in the words, “light” or “fire.” It is the law of fire; it governs the transmutation of differentiated colours back to their synthesis. It controls the breaking up of the One into the seven, and then the reabsorption back into the One. It is really the basic law of evolution, which necessitates involution. It is analogous to the first movement the Logos made to express Himself through this solar system. He uttered the Sound, a threefold Sound, one sound for each of His three systems, and started a ripple on the ocean of space. The Sound grows in volume as time progresses, and when it has reached its full volume, when it is fully completed, it forms one of the notes in the major cosmic chord. Each note has six subtones, which, with the first, make the seven; the Law of Vibration, therefore, comprises eighteen lesser vibrations and three major, making the twenty-one of our three systems. Two multiplied by nine (2×9), makes the necessary eighteen, which is the key number of our love system. Twenty-seven holds hid the mystery of the third system.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 574
The Law of Vibration is the law of progress, of movement and of rotation. On the seventh or lowest plane, the vibration is slow, clogged and lethargic from the standpoint of the first, and it is in learning to vibrate or to rotate more rapidly, that we mount the path of return. It involves, therefore necessarily, the building in of finer matter into the vehicles, both deva and human. In this second system, on the five planes of human evolution, we have the five vehicles – physical, astral, mental, buddhic and atmic – which have all to be purified, rarefied, intensified and refined. In the two lowest, the physical and the astral, only matter of the five higher subplanes, of their respective planes, is to be found, for the two lowest subplanes are too low for deva or human bodies; they were dominated in the first system. The mental body is the first in which we find matter of all the subplanes. The aim of evolution for us is love dominated by intelligence, or intelligence dominated by love, for the interaction will be complete. The human race came into the chain at a point where it naturally took bodies of the fifth astral and physical subplanes, and we can see here an analogy to the coming into the fourth root-race of the more advanced Egos.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pgs 575-576
In a mysterious way this law (The Law of Sacrifice and Death) is the reverse side of the first, or the Law of Vibration.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 597
Yet all three effects are felt in spirit-matter; all proceed under the law of vibration, and this law is literally the response of deva substance to force emanating from some conscious or unconscious source.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 644
The sound of the AUM, the sound of the OM, and the SOUND itself, are all related to vibration and its differing and varied effects. The secret of the Law of Vibration is progressively revealed as people learn to sound forth the WORD in its three aspects.
The Rays and the Initiations, pg 132
The law of vibration and the study of atomic substance are closely intertwined. When more is known about these atoms and their action, reaction and inter-action, then people will control their bodies scientifically, synchronizing the laws of vibration and of rhythm. They are the same and yet unlike. They are phases of the law of gravitation.
A Treatise on White Magic, Pgs 65-66
Copyright by J J Dewey
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