
Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  In the New Testament the only ones that Jesus really got angry at were the true hypocrites. Read Matthew, Chapter 23, and you see a very gutsy Jesus attacking leaders who had power to take his life.

2  Show me in the Bible where it calls Jesus a personal savior.

3  Jesus was very conscientious about giving power to the beast as illustrated in the book of Matthew.  [See Matt 19:16-17]

4  Jesus did not even want to take the chance of looking too “good” to his followers, but now the mindless followers think it is blasphemy to call Him anything less than the most good, most perfect creator God of the universe.

5  We might note here that Jesus was crucified because he was thought to be a blasphemer. Few of us today think He was a blasphemer, but the fact that He was so accused illustrates that one man’s good works is another man’s blasphemy. Of course the reverse is true. True blasphemy may at times be praised as a wonderful thing by many.

6  Jesus said that men are Gods (John 10:34), but he was speaking of God in all of us with equality, great and small.

7  Isn’t it interesting how clearly Jesus tried to teach the principle of not using a name or title that exalts one person above another because “ye are all brethren,” yet the churches using His name have not heard?

8  The authority of the Beast crucified Jesus.

9  Nowhere in the Bible is Jesus called perfect. All mentions of His perfection are a mistranslation.

10  (See Deut 21:23) Paul explains that if righteousness comes by the law then Jesus was cursed because He was crucified on a cross made from a tree. Why do you suppose it was in the plan of God that Jesus violated the law of perfection (AKRIBELA) to the extent that he was to be “accursed of God” by his very death?

11  One of the main reasons that Jesus was rejected by the Jews is because he was not perfect or exacting enough for them in keeping the laws of God given through Moses.

12  Jesus was the most perfect expression of love that ever walked the earth.

13  It is not just the man Jesus but all who reach the Christ consciousness can be Sons of God.

14  Jesus was a representative on this earth (not the originator) for the power of the Word of God, or the Son energy.

15  To put Jesus, Buddha and other religious icons in their right place and perspective is not blasphemous as truth is the highest form of religion and is never blasphemous.

16  To put Jesus in his right place in the universe is a good thing. Only by putting all things in their right place can the truth be seen.

17  If one puts Jesus on even a higher pedestal than He belongs then all perception of Him and His words will be seen through a fog and high illusion will be the result.

18  To believe that Jesus the entity created the trillions of inhabited worlds out there and then picked this little planet to visit with His presence would make this little planet pretty much the most important place in the universe. This type of thinking is very similar to ancient man who thought that the earth was the center of the universe and even the Sun moved around it.

19  Many wise teachers correctly see that there is an entity who most correctly or most perfectly (not ultimate perfection by any measure) demonstrates the Christ energy and consciousness that exists in all of us. For this little planet the entity who has best demonstrated this consciousness was Jesus.

20  Jesus is a current native to this planet Earth and has little to do with any other star systems in this galaxy let alone the billions of other galaxies of billions of stars in this little universe. All these other systems with inhabited worlds have their own teachers who represent the Son of God and teach as Sons of God.

21  The standard view of Jesus and other religious icons takes the joy out of religion. You are just never good enough.

22  Jehovah who appeared to Moses was not the same being who was Jesus (as some think) nor was He the Ancient of Days even though the book indicates he could have been.

23  Even Jesus has been a tool of the Beast as many times in our history the agents of the Beast have insisted that others accept their version of Jesus or die as, for instance, Cortes and his men did.

24  The Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses and many others have set dates for His appearance and they have all failed.

25  Suppose that Jesus had made His Second Coming and was standing right here in front of us. What would you ask Him?

26  Jesus presented to the world an ideal life that humanity can devote itself to attaining. We as humans must have an ideal before us to give us incentive to BECOME. Without an ideal there would be little incentive for any of us to move forward.

27  Djwahl Khul  [DK] told us that around the year 1980, if plans were to materialize, that the Master who was Jesus would be the Pope in Rome and create tremendous reform. He came again in the person of Pope John Paul I.

28  If Jesus had condemned himself for breaking all the silly little rules of the Pharisees, the world would not have a witness to the resurrection of the Son of God.

29  Almost all of the teachings of Jesus hit a chord of understanding in the hearts of those who listened to Him or have read His words.

30  Ancient man had difficulty putting the earth in its proper prospective. Modern fundamentalists have the same problem with Jesus. Accepting him as the first to manifest the Christ is not enough. We want to shove him up there as the head of the universe.

31  The words of Jesus in the Gospels are the most powerful words ever written and are quoted and duplicated more than any other in history.

32  If there is an historical Jesus then is it logical to assume that what is written about him in the gospels is basically true. It is also logical to assume there are errors in what is written, but he had to have been quite a remarkable person to have had such an impact on the world.

33  The wonderful truth is that Jesus came as a man like ourselves to set before us a practical ideal of what we can and must become.

34  When Jesus was crucified He only had 120 followers.

35  Another attempt [to return] may be made by the Master Jesus around 2020 or thereabouts. We will recognize Him when He comes for one of His first acts as Pope will be to exhume the body of Albino Luciani and have it tested for poisoning, thus exposing the works of darkness during His past incarnation.

36  Why was it that John the Baptist and Jesus were cousins, yet John said of Jesus “I knew him not?”  You would think that if anyone knew that Jesus was the Christ that it would have been John for he was preparing the way for his own cousin!

37  Before Jesus was baptized by John in Jordan, the Son of God was not on the earth in fullness, but John was aware of how He was to come and he was awaiting verification of this from God.

38  Jesus was the reincarnation of Joshua from the days of Moses.

39  Who then was the Son of God? It was the Spirit that John saw descending on Jesus.

40  There are numerous other scriptures that bear witness to the dual occupancy of the body of Jesus.

41  What happened in the dual possession of the body of Jesus will also happen with a number of others before the Christ walks among us again in the flesh, except this time He will come in greater glory.

42  Jesus or the Christ does not channel by direct voice.

43  Fundamentalists see only one way this [the scriptural account of Jesus’ return] can be fulfilled and that is to have Jesus come floating down in the air from the clouds. What could be another way this prediction could be fulfilled?

44  There have been a number of interpretations of the words of Jesus on the cross about the Father forsaking him. But, as it is written in the Greek, the translation is accurate and we even have this rendering in the Gospel of the Nazarenes, thought to be translated from the oldest texts available.

45  How can a Master rightfully teach us that we shall never die if He does not demonstrate the principle himself? Contrary to popular belief, Jesus did demonstrate exactly what He taught.

46  Can we still partake of the manna from heaven and never taste physical death as Jesus taught?

47  Most of us are many lifetimes away from reaching the perfection of Jesus, or the Christ, but within our soul there is a knowing that the day will come when we, the students, will become as our Master. When this day of attainment comes, we will not leave our physical bodies behind as many teach, for leaving them behind would cause us to suffer a great limitation.

48  I know of no one who has done greater works than Jesus, but when the time comes that some of us are living our last life to “attain” the resurrection of life, then will the world see these greater works.

49  Camelot went a step beyond that which Jesus did in his lifetime and that was the establishment of a physical kingdom.

50  One of the greatest predictions of the Internet was a parable of Jesus.

51  Jesus compared the Molecular Order linking to the greater life as a branch connected to the vine.

52  The main emphasis of the one [The Molecule] Jesus made was what the people considered miracles, but there are many other points of emphasis that we have not seen yet.

53  Jesus referred to Christ in the third person because the title of Christ did not belong to Him alone but to all members of the body that partake of the Spirit of God.

54  Jesus was not meant to be a personal savior. The words “personal savior” are not found in the scriptures.

55  Jesus was not the first to attain the resurrection of KRISIS, but He was the first to gain the resurrection of life.

56  At his trial Jesus was not condemned for any of his actions, for his actions were all loving service. Instead he was condemned for his words.

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