The Threshold of History

This entry is part 31 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-One
The Threshold of History

Today we stand on the threshold of a new era. This approaching age has been called many names by the various peoples of the earth: Among them are The Great Millennium, the Age of Peace, the New Age, The Golden Age, The Dispensation of the Fullness of Times, and The Age of Aquarius.

In the end it matters not what we call it. All people, whether they be Jews, Christians, adherents of the New Age Philosophy, those belonging to the eastern religions and even atheists, are looking forward to the great day. What does matter to us all is that this long-awaited event does materialize. Unfortunately, many people cannot seem to get it through their heads that the manner of the manifestation of this glorious age is dependent upon the free will of humankind.

Therefore, we cannot idly sit back and “let George do it”, but Joe and Jim and Curt and Pam and Sue and thousands, perhaps millions of others must do their part.

Look within. Feel the Christ Center in the core of being speak the words ever so softly: “If you do not act who will? And if you do not participate in the role you feel gently pushed towards, perhaps the part will not be taken and the curtain will not raise on the grand play of the ages. Perhaps the responsibility of the future rests upon your shoulders… Perhaps.”

Many people feel that they have an important part to play in the bringing forth of the New Age, but I find that most of them feel somewhat frustrated with the feeling that they should be doing more. What that “more” is, is difficult for them to say, but the feeling lingers, deep inside, that their potential to serve is greater than they realize… that they are on the threshold of some new glorious opportunity. Many thousands are looking, waiting, seeking… And now, finally, in this moment of world tension the long night of searching is over, the opportunity lies open before us. It is the same opportunity that precedes any great evolutionary event: the opportunity for UNION.

In the beginning, families of similar interests merged into tribes and enhanced their life quality through UNION.

Tribes merged into nations and again enhanced their life quality through UNION.

Not many centuries ago, people from all over the world gathered to America and enhanced their life quality by the creation of States, again using the principle of UNION.

Not long after this, common circumstances forced the states together in UNION and again the quality of life was enhanced.

It is unfortunate that the enlightened people of the world have not followed this same sequence of social evolution. Many seekers seem to be presently corresponding to tribal living, for they all have their little tribal-sized groups making their own little efforts to improve the world. We try to tell ourselves we are doing enough, that we are operating through individual effort in what has been called the Aquarian Conspiracy, making little hints here and there about creative change, that this is the most effective way to work to change the world.

But is it?

This is the ONLY method the enlightened people of the world have ever used in recent times. Is it logical to say that because this is the single way we have followed that it is the best way? There are other alternatives. How can we deny them when we have not tried them?

The point is that the principle of union through free will has been tried again and again, and it has been proven to work and has never failed. The union of Souls always creates more power to accomplish than individual Souls and the union of groups will always manifest more power than the dispersion of energy through scattered groups.

The only reason the enlightened people of the world have had any power to create change in their scattered condition through the Aquarian Conspiracy is because they are “the light of the world.” Therefore, even though their energy is diffused, it is still potent; but imagine what would happen if the lights are gathered together, and not hid under a basket but placed on a hill for all to see to enlighten the world! Would not the effect be marvelous and wonderful?

At that time any hint of a conspiracy would cease and the lights of the world would walk openly among men and women in the light of day.

The time has arrived. The clarion call is now issued. Let the laborers come forth from their tribal consciousness, from the dark caves of the earth, and cease withdrawing into the land of shadows for safety. Let the Lights come forth into UNION and show forth the light of the Sun at midday for all the Sons and Daughters of the race to see! Let us create an ensign to the nations. Let us UNITE!

How do we unite and under what principles?

This is the grand question, for each spiritual group seems to have its own peculiar philosophy or area of interest. Some concentrate on healing, others regression and reincarnation, still others on rebirthing, awareness, self-discovery, eastern philosophy, study groups, inspired writings, health foods, world peace, a guru, an enlightened church, personality and dozens of other areas. Still, we have found that despite their diversity, there are an amazing number of points they all have in common.

We have contemplated long and hard on the basic unifying principles of the New Age, under which banner no enlightened person would shrink from supporting. In fact, these principles are so universal we feel that they may well draw numerous supporters from more orthodox beliefs and raise some of them up to a higher level of awareness.

Please read with care the following Twelve Principles of Synthesis:


  1. We believe in the equality of men and women, the equal rights of each race and in the sacredness of all life.
  2. We believe that we have the capacity to see Eye to Eye with each other through the application of the principles of non-deception, open communication and contact of higher intelligence that lies within.
  3. We accept the responsibility of maintaining our bodies, emotions and minds in a state of maximum health and vitality. We Seek not to hurt but to heal.
  4. We believe in the principle of Harmlessness, for when we harm another person, we only harm ourselves. We shall not inhibit, restrain, or oppress the free will or privilege of any individual to explore new concepts and philosophies.
  5. We believe in the principle of Free Agency, and that there is a power within that enables us to proceed with purpose and accomplish many great and important works pertaining to the coming Age of Enlightenment.
  6. We desire to initiate a New Age of Peace, prosperity and spiritual attainment through the intelligent application of the principles of Love, Knowledge and Wisdom.
  7. We acknowledge the Christ-God-Consciousness as the single creative source manifesting through the Universe, and that this Power lies within each one of us.
  8. We affirm that the power of Love is the greatest unifying principle and send only the pure Love of Christ/God to all.
  9. We believe in the principle of Service, for when we serve one another, we serve ourselves. We retain only that which we have given away.
  10. We disclaim all totalitarian and secular controls over our lives, and affirm the power of the people to enjoy a free, democratic society with maximum liberty for the individual.
  11. We promote World Peace through the complete elimination of nuclear and doomsday weapons, international aggression, and the eradication of world hunger and poverty.
  12. We seek not to be separative and isolated but to unite and join hands with all spiritually-minded groups and individuals who desire to bring Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all humankind.

We stand at the cusp of history. Never before have the Brothers and Sisters of Light worked in harmony toward a perfect union. Together we can initiate an age of peace, prosperity and synthesis that will improve the quality of all our lives. This will require the united and concentrated effort of all enlightened people, beginning with ourselves.

The above twelve principles will be gladly accepted by anyone with a vision of the New Age. They are not dogmatic or restrictive in any way but are already embraced by all the workers in the Light across the world. Thus no one will have to condescend or compromise in order to unite, and up to this day, this has been the basic problem. Spiritually minded people are independent and refuse to compromise their perception of the truth, and even more importantly, they refuse to be restricted in any way in their search for greater truth and meaning.

This independence has been their greatest strength, but also their greatest weakness. It is strength in the fact that it has led them into new realms of light, but it is weakness in the fact that they have instinctively resisted any effort to unite for fear they may lose some of their individuality or freedom.

This is the same fear that plagued the original thirteen colonies of the United States. Now, when we look at the success of the union of the states, we see that the fears of the original colonists were unjustified. Union is to never be feared as long as there is a preservation of freedom and human rights. Therefore, we seek to establish a union of those who feel a responsibility to assist in the ushering in of a New Age of Peace and Prosperity.

We also will seek to participate in projects to promote the following categories.

  1. Maximum freedom of the individual and the group as the first priority and World Peace as the second.
  2. Seminars, debates, retreats, and educational projects.
  3. Promotion of ideas through the established news media.
  4. Syndicated columns and articles in the media.
  5. Human rights.
  6. Encouraging responsible government in the various nations.
  7. The promoting of enlightened ideas through entertainment such as movies, music art etc.
  8. Promoting constructive change in the educational world, seeking to enhance ability rather than indoctrination no matter how wonderful the doctrine seems.
  9. The support of practical plans and ideas that will prevent a nuclear or other doomsday disasters.
  10. Gather the Lights and synthesize enlightened groups and promote good will.

To enhance this last point let us consider The Declaration of Goodwill as follows:


We, the people of goodwill from all nations, who desire to see the people of this planet progress in a state of peace, safety, and friendship, find it necessary to act and issue this Declaration of Goodwill.

Polarizing rhetoric, accompanied with vitriol and name-calling, from leaders, celebrities and media spawns tension among the masses and undermines goodwill and cooperation. Therefore, we, the silent majority and people of goodwill on this planet, have decided to take action and issue a call to correction. Such a correction is essential, for our leaders have power to take us into wars and conflict that could destroy our civilization.

We do not expect our leaders to be perfect or agree with us or each other on all matters, for that is beyond the present ability of most individuals. But there is one thing all can do that will pave the way to quieting the present conflict and opening the door to peace on earth.

We can all be civil to each other and send goodwill rather than the prevailing ill will we currently witness. Loving our neighbor as ourselves is at the core of the teachings of every great messenger of the past and we need to be reminded of this now, perhaps more than any time in our history.

The great majority of us who are not in power do not hate those who vote or think differently than ourselves, nor do we care about their race, sex, or status; we are willing to extend a hand of friendship and goodwill to all who will accept it. We do not call others hateful names or desire to hurt them, but seek harmlessness in all discourse and interaction. Name calling is out of the question for us and it should be for our leaders as well.

Many leaders and media personalities seem to think that personal attacks are justified, as it highlights how bad the “other guy” is in order to affect change; but negative tactics often beget negative rather than positive change. Calling our neighbors “haters” when they see themselves as loving people results in resentment and often fuels the emotions of the projected name calling. The attack thus brings forth the hate that was not previously there. Many leaders and media personalities understand this principle and use it to polarize and create false animosity where none should exist.

So much grief in the world can be avoided if our leaders would embrace the spirit of goodwill, as it is longed for in so many of us who silently watch these reckless attacks.

Therefore, we the people of goodwill call on leaders and media who fail to embrace a higher path to match the positive spirit of goodwill that exists in most of humanity, the common people.

The day of watching leaders bring us to the brink of destruction is over. Sending peace and goodwill is our charge as we seek to transform our societies throughout the world.

It is true we have problems to solve which require rigorous debate and uncomfortable discussions, but we cannot solve them by demonizing each other. If we look for the best in one another and give our neighbors the benefit of the doubt, we have a much better chance of solving problems and reaching agreement.

Therefore, we the people of goodwill can no longer silently stand by and watch angry persons of power set the world aflame. All those with influence must be held accountable and shamed from hateful speech and emotion toward goodwill and friendship for all.

We, therefore, will watch our leaders and others with influence and call them out when they violate the principle of goodwill. When such a violation occurs, we will write them letters, emails, make posts on social media, and communicate our displeasure in every peaceful means possible to make them aware of their destructive behavior.

On the other hand, when people of influence perform positive acts of goodwill that deserve recognition, we will go out of our way to praise and recognize them.

Leaders and people of influence include:

  • Political, spiritual and business leaders
  • Celebrities of any kind
  • Those in the media, especially writers
  • People of influence in social media and on the internet
  • Last of all, there are those of lesser influence among family, friends and associates who need to be reminded to be and remain civil.

The simple fact is this. We need to start with ourselves. If each of us does our part to extend goodwill and friendship to all, and encourage others to do the same, the world will be healed and we can safely enter into a new era of peace and goodwill.

Instead of signing some endorsement we invite you to endorse the idea by joining the Goodwill group on Facebook. By joining you are saying you support The Declaration of Goodwill. After joining you are under no obligation for further participation though we hope all members will support Goodwill at every opportunity.

An initiate is one who works to “initiate” a new idea; something no one has done before. We seek to unite the Lights of the New Age so we can have real power for beneficial change beginning here in our own back yard. It is a rare opportunity and one that will be lost when the real work is done, for once an idea has materialized, the call to initiate is passed and one has to wait for a future opportunity.

It takes vision to be an initiate, to see the merits of an idea before it has been proven in the world. We believe we will find the right people and that we can work together so the brothers and sisters of the New Age and those with thoughtful common sense can have a much stronger voice in the world.

 To support Goodwill, go to Facebook and search the groups for “Declaration of Goodwill”. Joining the group merely shows that you support the promotion of goodwill.

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The Molecular Commitment

This entry is part 32 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Two
The Molecular Commitment

A major step in achieving union is the establishment of a bonded relationship through a covenant of dedication. This relationship corresponds to the covalent bonds that are made between atoms within atomic molecules. Without the bonding power of commitment there can be no creation or cohesion.

There will eventually be three levels of involvement in the Molecular Order. Eventually, all organizations will become Molecular. Businesses, political organizations, civic groups, virtually anything with an organizational structure can be Molecular on some level. And why will this evolution take place? The same reason that the world as a whole is progressing away from tyranny toward the freer democratic systems. In other words, when something works society tends to go in that direction. Where there is freedom there is abundance, and human lives will gravitate to it. The Molecular Order gives the lowest member as much freedom to initiate as the leader of the whole. This order creates an atmosphere of freedom where new ideas can be implemented, and the common people will love it!

Therefore, the lightest level of commitment in the Molecular Order will eventually be the commitment to the Plan because it works.

This is not a commitment that can be implemented now. It will be some time before all the practical applications of the Molecular Order are seen by the general public. On the other hand, because the Molecular Order has not been demonstrated “on earth as it is in heaven” there is created, at this point in history, a great opportunity. This is the opportunity to be an initiate.

The Christ said: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” In this statement, He made reference to the two basic groups who compose any true spiritual organization. These are the “called” and the “chosen.” Where “chosen” is used in the scriptures it can often be accurately translated as “They who have chosen.” (Or those who use their inherit powers of decision). What they have chosen is, of course, the Higher Self, or the Spirit of God, or a truth verified by that Spirit.

To be called is to be educated through experience and this must take place before a person is even aware enough to go through a process of choosing. An ideal may seem wonderful to a large number of people. If they do not have to do any labor to manifest it, they will support it until the moon turns blue; but if they are called to actually labor in the vineyard of the Master, they are then truly awakened to the reality of the work involved. After having ample opportunity to labor, they then obtain an awareness as to whether they want to truly choose to work for the ideal on a full-time basis with a total commitment.

Therefore, the first level of commitment in the Spiritual Molecule we seek to establish is the “calling.”

The Calling

The seeker who wants to participate in the calling will believe that the idea of the Molecule is attractive and agrees to support the Twelve Principles of Synthesis as well as The Declaration of Goodwill. The one who is called dedicates all available energy toward the union and equality of all men and women and seeks to prepare the world for the Coming of Christ in whatever way he or she interprets this event. These see themselves, not as an isolated units, but as a part of a greater whole, and realizes to some extent that all men and women are interrelated and interdependent. The prospect desires to be one of the Lights to the world and seeks to extend a helping hand to all those who are in need. They seek to advance in the Light by receiving from other Lights and seek to help others advance by sharing their knowledge with others.

There are two basic mantras that Molecular members are urged to recite. The first is The Song of the 144,000.

The Song of the 144,000

We thank you Father
That you have revealed to us your protective universal light;
That within this light is complete protection from all destructive forces;
That the Holy Spirit of Your Presence permeates us in this light,
And wherever we will the light to descend.

We thank you Father
That you fill us with your protective fires of love;
That within this love is complete protection
From all destructive thoughts and feelings;
That the consciousness of Christ is lifted up in us in this love,
And wherever we will the love to be enflamed.

We thank you Father
That You are in us and we are in You;
That through us Your Will is sent forth on wings of Power;
That Your Purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven;

That through us Your Light and Love and Power
Is manifest to all the Sons and Daughters of Humankind.

The second major mantra was revealed through Alice A. Bailey. This is called The Great Invocation and is said to be uttered by the Christ himself on a daily basis.

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Commitment of the Disciple

The basic commitment of the disciple is simple. He or she is willing to entirely yield the will of the personality to the higher will of Spirit. This is easy to say but hard to do until the focus of attention has made a definite shift. Then after the shift has been made keeping the focus there becomes easier and easier until it then becomes simple and natural. When this occurs then the disciple would not consider going back to the will of the personality any more than the prodigal son, after he has returned to the Father, would consider returning to eating with the hogs.

It is advantageous to put the commitment necessary into words as a point of focus and understanding, but also important that the words not be seen as dogmatic or written in stone. Nevertheless, the basic spirit of the commitment as written is necessary for the creation of successful molecules.

The Pledge of the Disciple

The Molecular Order will not seek some draconian blood oath or powerful pledge with penalties. In describing the commitment of the disciple Jesus said this:

“But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” Matt 5:34-37

In other words, if the disciple accepts or rejects an agreement he or she merely says yes or no. They will not say something like “I swear in the name of God, angels and my grandmother.”

Thus we present the general commitment to which a committed disciple may simply accept with a simple yes.

I commit myself to join you my brothers and sisters as a follower of the Spirit of God and as a disciple of Christ/God in totally dedicating myself to the building of the Kingdom of God on the earth, and preparing the way with the eye of faith for the appearance of the Son of God. To aid in this, I covenant to do all in my power to assist in the materialization of the Molecular Organization on the Earth.

I covenant to be one with you by ever seeking the One Spirit of God with you and resolve to solve all differences which may cause separation by seeking an answer and confirmation through the Spirit with you.

I covenant to channel all my energies of sex, money and power toward union and not separateness, and consecrate myself and all these energies toward the purpose of God to create the Union of Souls and to establish the Kingdom of God on the Earth. AUMAN.

The Covenant of Union

The key to union and the most important part of the covenant is the second paragraph: I covenant to be one with you by ever seeking the One Spirit of God with you and resolve to solve all differences which may cause separation by seeking an answer and confirmation through the Spirit with you.

There will be occasions when people in the Molecule will be divided. If there is any threat of separation, they are committed to resolve the problem by seeking the Spirit of God or Soul contact. If all seek with a sincere heart, then all will receive the same answer at the same time. In seeking this it will help to remember an important statement from A Course in Miracles: “The truth is true and nothing else is true.”

One of the key signs or indicators that a person is out of harmony with the Soul is that he or she will resist seeking Soul contact with their brothers or sisters. They may insist that they have had all the Soul contact in the world as individuals, but they will not want to pray or meditate with others to become one through the Soul energy.

The reason for this resistance is the lower self feels threatened by union, for the closer we are to the Union of Souls, the less the power the lower self has over us, and the lower self strongly desires to remain in the driver’s seat.

A key to discerning Soul contact is this. The Spirit only directly sends a message that is for the good of the group or the good of the whole. If a person says that he or she has received information from the Soul in relation to guidance with a job, personal finances, marriage, children or other personal affairs, then you can bet that the message did not come from the Soul unless the success of the personal incident was of prime importance to the group good or has an influence beyond that of  personal desires.

Almost without exception, this type of individual guidance comes from the subconscious mind. This mind is like a great computer that has access to all the knowledge of your present and past lives and will often assist us in making decisions. Its messages are very accurate, but not infallible.

Other messages come from the astral body, which is always in conflict with Soul direction. The astral light is a mirror reflection of Soul light so it gets everything backwards. Nevertheless, the information still looks like the real thing, just like a mirror. It takes the discriminating mind and intuition to separate the real from the illusion.

The Soul, on the other hand, as well as the Masters who are Soul-infused, fall back on the principle that we only learn mastery in our individual lives by solving our own problems. Therefore, the Soul waits until we have some group consciousness before it will even work directly with us. Let us remember that the Soul only gives revelations that will add to the greater livingness of the group or the whole, and the united group life is entitled to Soul contact as if it were one life.

When the group achieves this contact together they will experience a tremendous unity, peace and joy. It will seem so natural that all will marvel that so many are so dominated by attention on the personality and miss this more abundant life.

There is always a point of truth that is seen by the eyes of the Soul that will bring oneness to any group if they are willing to humble themselves, rise above pride of the ego and seek the God Within.

Generally, after several attempts, union will be reached. If it is not, it will be found that those who disagree with what others have discovered through Soul confirmation will generally be the same ones disagreeing on other occasions. If unanimous agreement is impossible, the majority should rule unless the leader of the Molecule obtains a revelation to the contrary. It should be noted, that if such a revelation is received, all those who are capable of Soul contact are entitled to confirmation from within to the correctness or incorrectness of the teaching of the leader.

It is entirely possible that in the beginning not all may achieve Soul contact and obtain the same answer, but those in the group who do feel the Spirit will be very unified and at peace with their answer. Those who have not made contact will be somewhat disgruntled and will often (but not always) have differing answers, even from each other. When the time comes that all members of the Molecule have definitely achieved Soul contact, even once, then the probability of the whole group receiving a uniform answer through the Spirit is high. This process must be perfected, however, to fulfill the prophecy: “They shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion.” Isa. 52:8

Seeing eye-to-eye will not happen by merely lazily letting the attention center on the personality, but it will require an act of will for all involved. Each must use the power of freewill of the life energy to direct the consciousness toward the Soul. This will require an effort to ignore the lower personality so the Soul will reign triumphant.

To achieve union, either prayer or meditation can be used. Prayer is often overlooked by many of the New Age people as being old age, but there is an important point to remember here. The Master of Masters, the greatest of us all, even Jesus Christ, spent a good deal of time in prayer. In some ways, prayer from the heart is the highest meditation, because in kneeling before God, we formally recognize that there is a higher power present that is greater than our lower self. There is no faster way to achieve Soul contact than through the offering of a humble prayer.

Prayers rise to several levels depending on their intensity and importance:

FIRST: The Subconscious Mind. The subconscious mind records the prayer as if it were part of a computer program and thus the prayer becomes an aid toward positive thinking and the directing of the entity toward the end purpose of the prayer.

SECOND: The Soul. The Soul or the God Self hears and responds to the prayer if it is directed with energy and sincerity. When this happens, an almost magical process of manipulating universal energy is put into operation to bring the request into fulfillment. The Soul also has power to direct the God Energy to the lower self so the self can feel an assurance that the prayer has been registered.

THIRD: Spirit Guides. There are many entities in the higher realms that are concerned about us on the earth and they sometimes tune into our prayers and assist us in the materialization of our requests.

FOURTH: The Masters. If the prayer happens to touch upon some important purpose in line with the objectives of the Hierarchy, then one of the Masters may take note of the prayer and assist the disciple in the request. This is fairly rare but it does happen.

In receiving an answer to a prayer, the name of the Jesus Christ is a powerful tool. While it is true that this English pronunciation is not much like the original that He used in Galilee, the name does have a rich meaning. It is more than a reference to the Master from Nazareth, but it means “anointed to deliver.” Jesus did not intend to keep the name just for himself, but advised all of his followers to take the name upon themselves. All enlightened Souls are anointed to deliver those who are in darkness. When we have been lifted up by someone above us, then it is our mission to lift or deliver others to higher ground also. There is a universal rule which tells us that we cannot go higher until we have given out what we have learned and assisted in lifting our brethren to where we are. When we have done this, then another will come along and lift us to higher ground. This is the principle behind the name of Jesus Christ. To believe on His name is to believe on this principle, that there are higher lives in the Universe waiting to help deliver, or “save” us when we are ready.

This salvation is a mutual effort of the student and teacher. The teacher does not actually do the saving, but provides the tools, example and the knowledge to the student. Students then have the choice to use those tools to take the next step or to stay where they are for a while longer. If they take the next step they are “saved” from their past and move into a bold new future.

When we end a prayer “In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen,” or “In the name of Jesus Christ, AUMAN” and we ask through the power of belief, then a response must come forth from the Soul or higher lives seeking to help in the name of Christ.

Verily, if two or more people believe in the name of Jesus Christ, and seek an answer in sincerity in that name, they can receive a simultaneous revelation, and unity will be instantaneous and beautiful.


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Preparing For the Return of Christ

This entry is part 33 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Three
Preparing For the Return of Christ

Once unity is achieved, keeping the rest of the commitment will be automatic as long as we are willing to follow the communications of the Soul. Nevertheless, let us take a few moments to review the rest of the Covenant. The next major item of importance is that that we promise to do all in our power to prepare the way for the Coming of Christ. This is more than just a manifestation of the Christ Consciousness; it is an actual appearance of the Master of the Christ Energy for this planet.

This is the final of three stages of the coming of Christ, for the prophecy of the coming of Christ has more to its fulfillment than merely one event:

Stage One. the Recognition of the Christ Consciousness.

Many believe that the realization of the Christ Consciousness is all there is to the coming of Christ. It is a part of it but it is just the preparatory stage which has been building since the middle of the nineteenth century. This public realization began with the announcement of Joseph Smith that we are eternal and co-equal with God. This was followed by many other teachers who taught the principle of God consciousness in man. One of the main teachings of Jesus while he was here was that we will not only do works similar to his, but greater works and that we are sons of God as well as he is. The thought that Jesus was not inherently different from us, but “the firstborn of many brethren” is a principle that must permeate our minds before the physical “second coming” can occur.

John had this in mind when he wrote: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” I John 3:2

We have finally reached a point to where this first stage has truly been initiated. Almost everyone, even non-believers, are somewhat familiar with phrases such as “the God Within,” “Christ Within,” “The Inner Christ,” “The Christ Consciousness” and others. Many believe this concept, others disdain it, but few have escaped the idea entering their heads for consideration.

When the energy of the first stage has completed its work, then the average spiritual person will not flinch at joining Jesus in declaring “I am one with God.”

Stage Two: The Divine Possession As mentioned earlier, the entity Jesus was a reincarnation of the Biblical Joshua, and, after his baptism, shared his body with the entity who was the head of the Christ Energy for this planet. This person who had the office of the Christ was Melchizedek in a past era. This divine possession will happen again. This time, however, it could involve a number of masters instead of just one.

There is one Avatar in particular who has been called in from another solar system, and who operates through the First Ray, or Will-Power-Purpose energy. This Being is even more evolved than the Christ, who is on the second divine ray energy of Love. According to Alice A. Bailey the Hierarchy calls this entity the Avatar of Synthesis. Because Love energy alone does not have the building power to manifest the New Age, the Avatar of Synthesis is here to assist the Christ in the destruction of old thought forms and the building of new. His vibration is so high that, according to Alice A. Bailey, he cannot even manifest in the physical or emotional bodies. He must instead work through the mental bodies of either a disciple or a group. When anyone feels His presence there will be a tremendous inflow of the Power Energy tempered by Love which will stimulate them with a Herculean sense of Purpose to fulfill the Will of God.

Below is an invocation dedicated to this avatar.

Avatar of Synthesis Invocation
From the center where the Will of God is known, let Purpose guide the little wills of men.
Let the One Great Life manifest Its Purpose and send forth His Avatar.
Let this Master of Purpose come forth and amplify our wills to synthesize them with his own, giving us power to serve.
Let the Avatar of Synthesis manifest to the group of which I am a part.
That we may prepare the earth for the Lords of Light and Love.
Let Will and Power and Purpose manifest the Christ on earth.

We must remember that divine possession is much different than the spirit channeling that we hear about today. Most channeling is direct voice, where the entity that owns the body leaves and a disincarnate being from the astral realm assumes consciousness, speaks with his or her voice inflections and displays a new personality. When the channeling is over, the person has little recollection of what happened.

In a divine possession, the more evolved entity is a member of the Hierarchy who has already overcome death. The consciousness of the Master dwells with the disciple here on the earth, but the disciple always keeps full control over the physical body and maintains full consciousness and memory. The Master only has as much power as the disciple allows him to have, for a Master is one who has mastered power and does not interfere with free will. The Master can only be effective in so far as the disciple and he are one.

This divine possession is the second stage of the coming of Christ and will commence with the building of Human Molecules.

Stage Three: The Physical Appearance of The Christ If we liken the building of the New Age to creating a structure, then Stage One lays the foundation of the building. Stage Two completes it, and Stage Three dedicates and uses the building. In Stage Three we are not merely talking about a raising in consciousness or the coming of the Christ Within, but the actual physical manifestation of the Christ in a physical body. This will either involve a complete fusion with a disciple so their wills are one or his consciousness manifesting in a body all his own. Either way, the same Master who walked the sands of Galilee will return with greater power and wisdom than He exhibited two thousand years ago. Even so, it may be some time after he arrives that his “power and great glory” is visible to the masses.

He will come to teach all men how to raise their consciousness up to the plane of the Spirit so “the whole earth will be full of the knowledge and glory of the Lord.”

Before He comes, a group of people must be prepared to receive him. This must be a people who have already assimilated the basic truths that are already available on this planet. We must remember that Christ is a Master Teacher, and he is coming to teach us. If we have not yet learned the simple things that are here, available for us now, what good will it do for Him to come and give us something higher, something we may be unprepared to understand? Therefore, a people must be prepared to be ready to receive teachings which have never been presented to the earth.

The scriptures say that “When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.” Psalms 102:16 This means that Zion will be in the process of being built when He comes. Many believe the opposite; ie, that Zion will be built after He comes. Zion, or the physical gathering of Lights must take place before He comes or He has no reason to come. There is no major group in existence on the Earth who is presently ready for Him. Molecular Members must dedicate themselves one hundred percent to helping to prepare and gather a people to meet their Lord.

This event was prophesied of by the Christ himself. He said: “And he shall send his angels (The Greek reads: messengers) with a great sound of a trumpet, (teachings that will cause people to pay attention), and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” Matt 24:31

Before Zion can be built, or the Lord appear, the Molecular Order must be established on the Earth through the gathering of Lights. One of the reasons for its importance is that it will be the only organization that the Christ could join incognito and rise to the top. If He were to appear today unannounced, He would have the same problem He had in his last life and would be rejected by all organizations. All leaders would be threatened by Him and seek to destroy Him for fear of the loss of their own power and influence. Only through the Molecular Order can a man of His stature rise to the top, and someday He will join the Order and be recognized for who He is.

The Covenant to Build the Molecule

The next part of the Covenant commits us to building the Molecular Order so we can prepare for the coming of the Master. It reads: To aid in this, I covenant to do all in my power to assist in the materialization of the Molecular Organization on the Earth.

To fulfill this part of the Covenant, the person must first realize that he is joining more than a social club with a casual commitment. He is virtually dedicating his life to this work. If the disciple desires to treat membership lightly, then the pilgrim should make use of other organizations which are good for casual interest.

Seekers should take this part of the covenant with the realization that they are dedicating all their means possible to establishing a foothold on the earth for this organization which shall be a vehicle for soul energy. They should not let the personalities of others or their personal problems detract him from a full dedicated effort to assist in the creation of human Molecules. They should make a concentrated effort to gather with others who are committed to learn as well as teach and to work on projects beneficial for the group.

To form a working Molecule takes commitment that will not only last for this life, but will be a building relationship that will continue life after life, sphere after sphere, and world after world.

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The Covenant of The Three Energies

This entry is part 34 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Four
The Covenant of The Three Energies

The last part of the Covenant reads as follows: “I covenant to channel all my energies of sex, money and power toward union and not separateness and consecrate myself and all these energies toward the purpose of God to create the Union of Souls and to establish the Kingdom of God on the Earth. AUMAN.”

The basic idea here is to dedicate all of our energies toward the Union of Souls and not toward the separate self.

We shall briefly cover this commitment as to how it relates to the three basic energies beginning with sex:

The Right Use of Sex

What is right and wrong about sex seems to have baffled humanity since the beginning of time. About the only clear-cut teaching offered is through religious interpretation. The basic black-and-white doctrine on it is that sex outside of the marriage relationship is wrong. Ask a religious person why it is wrong; he says: “Because God says so.” Somehow, this explanation does not satisfy intelligent people. They want to know the reason behind all things, and without an explanation or understanding, they have little motivation to live by this or any other principle.

Sex is an energy; the governing principle that makes the correct use of any energy is union. Simply put, that action which separates souls is negative and action which brings souls together in union is positive.

The marriage covenant is a natural good because it is a covenant which directs the energy of sex toward the union of two souls; and the male and female energies must unite and harmonize before greater unions with others can take place.

Adultery is negative because it directs the energy of sex away from union which produces separateness and weakens the relationship.

Some commit adultery in the name of freedom, but if there is deceit and betrayal involved less freedom will be the result in the kingdom of the soul.

Does this mean that the only sex we are supposed to have is within the confines of a legal marriage?

To understand the answer to this, we must not take the black-and-white approach but must look at the principle behind marriage. The underlying principle behind marriage is a covenant with the purpose of directing all sexual and romantic energy toward the union of two souls. What the soul looks at is the fulfillment of purpose, not a legal marriage document. Therefore, even if the two are not legally married, but have an understanding between them that they are dedicating their romantic and sexual energies toward each other for the purpose of union, then the principle is fulfilled.

Any sexual act that is performed outside of the agreed-upon relationship is then separative, is not good, and is in violation of the agreements made.

The worst misuse of the sexual energy is when deceit and betrayal are involved, and when an agreement with a partner is broken, these two evils usually manifest.

The question may arise: Is it all right to have multiple relationships if everything is completely open with no deceit or betrayal, and all are in agreement? This is not as nearly a serious offense against the soul as when the breaking of a covenant is involved; but multiple relationships interfere with the union of souls because the circulation of energy is incomplete and an empty feeling or lack of fullness will be felt by some participants, which prevents the complete merging of two which makes a human atom. Sex without commitment can lead to separative feelings such as jealousy and bitterness, and can cause the destruction of a spiritual organization.

It is important to remember here that there are two basic paths that all Humankind are on. The first is the Path of Experience. This is the path of the individual who lives for the separative selfish self and experiences all there is in the world of separation. After many lifetimes the pilgrim has gleaned much valuable experience, and he or she eventually learns there is no permanent satisfaction in separation.

The second is the Path of Union. We enter this path when we tire of having experience just for the sake of experience, and we seek to put purpose in our lives. Purpose is the energy that seeks union and when we sense it we seek only to use energy to push us toward those experiences that will bring us closer to oneness.

Therefore, the correct use of all energy including sex is directing it toward union of an indefinite duration.

In the physical world, most recognize that we make many changes on the road to perfection. Over many lifetimes we change partners numerous times on the road to the final union. Each sexual partner we have will be like a teacher for us, to help us be better prepared for the next relationship. If there is an understanding of faithfulness or trust there should be no betrayal whatsoever.

If a betrayal of trust occurs those great lives that direct karma will eventually put offenders in situations where they are betrayed and will learn the lesson of the tremendous pain previously inflicted. Such pain, for the most of humanity, is only surpassed by the death of a loved one.

However, if the relationship is not working, and one participant decides they want another relationship, or want to end the current one, they should be open about it. If they have an outside sexual relationship and are deceitful, they will cast a dark cloud over their souls that may cost them their relationship with their Higher Selves for the rest of their lives unless they realize the magnitude of the harm they have done and seek to correct their path.

If partners want to move on to another relationship, they should first conclude the current one. Hurt feelings will most likely result, but the hurt will, in the long run, be much less than a betrayal. Ending a relationship with openness and honesty instead of deceit and betrayal keeps the door open for progress on the spiritual path.

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Right Use of Money

This entry is part 35 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Five
Right Use of Money

Just as sex is an energy, so is money. All energies by themselves are neither good or evil but are neutral. Their direction determines their effect. Money obviously can be used for either good or evil and, again, if it is used only for the separative selfish self, it is relatively evil; if it is used with purpose toward union, then it is good.

This does not mean that all the pleasures of the lower self are to always be sacrificed in the realms of money, power and sex. The point is that it is important that the personality self be satisfied and happy; however, in its separative condition, it does not know how to fulfill itself. Only the Higher Self, or the Soul, knows how to bring complete fulfillment to the lower. This is another principle to ponder. The higher knows how to fulfill the lower, but the lower is generally ignorant of the higher and knows not how to fulfill itself.

When we consecrate our energies toward Soul Purpose, personality fulfillment is not sacrificed but enhanced, for the higher has power to fulfill the lower. When the Soul is in control, we have much more enjoyment from all the energies of money, power and sex.

When we covenant to channel our money toward union, we are virtually promising to direct it to fulfill the purpose of God. The main purpose that needs to be fulfilled at this point in history is the creation of the Molecular Order, or the physical manifestation of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

Does this mean that we must cease making our house payments and other necessities, entertainment, etc. and give all of our money toward the kingdom of God? No. these expenses may be necessary if we are to be able servants to do the work. We are meant to have abundance; therefore, the money we spend on necessities should be with the attitude of making us better vessels to fulfill Purpose rather than for the fulfillment of the lower self.

We need to stay emotionally and mentally healthy if we are to be good servants for humanity; therefore, it is recognized that a certain amount must sometimes be spent on what may appear to be frivolous. Unfortunately, some will read these words and take them to the extreme. This is why Soul contact is important, for the Soul will always guide us in the correct use of energy, and it will be a little different for each person.

If Molecular members are to give of their surplus funds to a benevolent cause, after their necessities are purchased, most may give next to nothing. Thus it is important that we establish a general rule here. People in ancient times paid a tithing or ten percent of their income to finance spiritual matters. There is an interesting scripture on this in the Bible where God is rebuking Israel for forgetting to pay their tithes: “Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return? Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

“And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground: neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts. And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts.” Malachi 3:7-12

The God that created us has given us all that we have, and to create the power of union that we need, He expects us to contribute 10% of our money energy directly toward the purpose of the Union of Souls. If we do not do this, He tells us that we “rob” Him. He tells us to prove his Word. If we do make the contribution, He will pour more blessings on us than we have room to receive, and He will help us financially by rebuking “the devourer”. The devourer is the negative energy which destroys our financial well-being. Thus, the promise is that we will always have enough for our needs if we follow the principle of tithing.

Remember, we said the higher has power to fulfill the lower. When we dedicate ten percent toward Soul purpose, then the power of the Soul is brought forth to insure that you will always have increase, for the Soul then has an interest in your financial well-being.

Just like your banker wants you to succeed when he has an interest in your business, so will your Soul direct you toward financial independence and prosperity if you dedicate ten percent toward Its purpose.

The Molecular member should make it a goal to contribute ten percent of his income after taxes toward that which is perceived as furthering the Purpose of God. This will be money which is directed toward an evolutionary cause and not directly toward personal needs or family.

It must be recognized that for some it may be impossible to pay a full ten percent when they first commit themselves. It may seem that in most cases at the end of the month people need an extra ten percent just to break even rather than to give ten percent and then be even. This is not a black and white demand. Nevertheless, if we examine our budget and priorities most people can find a way to give a full tithe. If we understand the principle of tithing as taught in the Bible we would be happy to pay the ten per cent. Through the eyes of the Higher Self sacrifice is impossible. To give and to receive are one. Therefore when we give money to a group cause we are only giving to ourselves in a more profound way than any personal benefit we would get from the money.

Those committed to the soul will sense from the Higher Self that they are expected to give what they can to help create the kingdom of God whether that amount be one percent, ten, or twenty. A successful Molecule must be composed of people who have totally dedicated themselves to creating group life.

The cause we have espoused is much greater than the present churches. The commitment we are making is more serious, and each dollar we spend will have hundreds of times the positive effect as their dollars. Cannot we therefore gather together a resolve within ourselves to contribute at least as much as an average religious person who generally has much less understanding than ourselves?

In initiating great change, there is great opportunity to pay off past negative karma and attain some surplus on the positive side. If we cannot be as faithful to the highest we perceive as the emotionally polarized person in an orthodox religion, then what hope of glory do we have?

If we see the vision of the tithe, and how it can benefit ourselves and the work, we will find a way to pay it. Nevertheless, some will have difficulty in paying a full tithe when they first make the commitment. If they do then they should seek to serve the work by some donation of their time to an evolutionary cause.

The gift of giving is as important to the giver as it is to the Molecular member. We should remember that money is energy and when we are giving money we are giving some of our energy to the group life. This will help make the individual feel a part of the larger life. If there is no giving of energy to the higher life then our energy will fall back upon ourselves and all our concerns will be upon the needs of the lower self and we shall die to the reality of the higher life.

Question: OK, I’m willing to do my share. Where shall I send it or what shall I do?

Answer: At present we have no organization set up to handle donations and it may be a while before this occurs, but should not stop anyone from applying the principle of giving.

In fact some are already giving of their time which is just as valid as giving of money. Keep in mind that money and time are very closely related because time is used to create money and money can buy time.

If one is able to give money a higher cause here is the principle can be followed. Pick the highest good that you understand and give money in that direction.

This principle will mean different things to different people.

Some may have a desire to help the poor. If I saw this as a highest good I would just give directly to the needy rather than to some organization that takes a giant cut for administration. This can include family members in need. If everyone took care of their own families then there would be no poor and homeless.

Others may see the curing of disease as a highest good. For them a donation of a tithe to some research may bring much more fruit than a regular religious contribution.

Others (such as some reading this) may see the building of the Kingdom of God as the highest conceivable good and as much more important than supporting charities, because when it is brought in many of the purposes of the charities will be automatically fulfilled.

These individuals would be motivated to give time and money to promote teachings that lay the foundation for the new age. Wise disciples will avoid giving money gurus who use it for their own material purposes, but will seek to place it where a light to the world will be amplified.

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Right Use of Power

This entry is part 36 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Six
Right Use of Power

It is ironical that while sex is probably the most difficult energy around which to make a commitment. it is the easiest of the three energies to keep under the direction of the soul. On the other hand, few will think twice about making a commitment directed toward the right use of power. Nevertheless, this is the most difficult of the three energies to keep under the right-use of soul control. The reason that its misuse is not more obvious to average people is that they do not have much of this energy to misuse.

There is a lot of truth to the statement “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Few people are able to correctly handle the use of this energy. Even good men such as David and Solomon were not free from its misuse.

When we speak of power, we refer to any power, influence or authority we have over another person’s life by position, birth, finances, love, enlightenment, respect or other means. We will sum this energy up by using the single word: “power.”

A parent has power over children. The dominating member of a marriage has power over their partner. A lender has power over the borrower. A rich person has power over most poor ones. A boss has power over an employee. A king or queen has power over their subjects. A minister has power over the flock. An editor has power over many people. A guru or teacher has varying degrees of power over students. A popular person has power over friends and so on.

When we make the covenant of union, we must all carefully examine our lives to discover the power we have over other people, and ask ourselves how we have been using it. Do we use our power to merely satisfy the separative, selfish, little self or do we use it to benefit our fellow men and women? When we take the Covenant, we promise to use this energy toward union. When power is directed toward union, then we use any power or influence we have over our fellow humans to promote the cause of freedom for all, and bring unity and goodwill to all relationships.

There are three offenses of power that seriously cloud our contact with the Spirit of God:

[1] The offense of ignoring the Higher Will. If we have power and use it only to satisfy the lower self and ignore the higher will, then this sin is committed.

[2] The offense of ignoring the source of power. The source of all real power comes from the God Within. If we take the powers that are given to us by God and claim them as our own on a personality level, a dark cloud is created that cuts us off from the Divine Presence. We lose all gifts of the spirit until we are humbled in “sackcloth and ashes.”

[3] The offense of using power to destroy freewill. This is one of the worst “sins” we can commit, even if we are trying to force someone to do the right thing. Cortez thought he was following the will of God when he forced Indians against their will to bow to the cross and acknowledge Christ or be killed. We may think we are doing a good thing when we force a friend to go to church, counseling, or whatever, but unless distressed people are mentally insane or seeking to take their lives, they should not be forced to do anything right or wrong. We will learn from our mistakes, but we will not learn by being protected from them.

It is all right to influence with knowledge, truth, and facts. This influence still leaves the power of decision in the mind of the receiver. But when we go so far as to say something like: “Do this or I will not loan you the money.” “Do this or I will not love you.” “Do this or you will go to hell,” then we have an attempt to take away the freewill of our friends. This is terribly wrong.

One of the most inspired writings in the world on the subject of the right use of power was written by Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, on the right use of the Priesthood, or the power of God: “Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen? Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world (the lower self), and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson-

“That the rights of the priesthood (power of God manifest on earth) are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven (the higher self), and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness. That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the Souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man. Behold, ere he is aware, he is left unto himself (no Soul contact), to kick against the pricks, to persecute the saints, and to fight against God.

“We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. Hence many are called but few are chosen. No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the Soul without hypocrisy, and without guile. Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy. That he may know that thy faithfulness is stronger than the cords of death.

“Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy Soul as the dews from heaven. The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever.” Doctrine and Covenants 121:34-46

It is indeed the nature and disposition of almost all men and women to exercise unrighteous dominion when given a little authority. Nevertheless, it is the intent of those making the commitment to do all in their power to use this energy to unite the minds of others with themselves with no loss of freedom of choice.

The effect of living and abiding by this Covenant of union will be very powerful in even one person. Two people will increase its potency not two times, but four times. As numbers are added the whole will always be seen to be greater than the sum of the parts. Great change is always caused by a small number of people. It has been said that we owe the entire Renaissance to about eighty people. A new Renaissance could be created any day by less than this number who are united in the Soul.

The cause is great, the initiates are few, but such is always the case. On the other hand, a unique opportunity is given to those of vision and dedication to truly manifest the glory of God in humankind, to become ensigns to the people of the earth, and to light a light so bright that it can never be extinguished or forgotten so long as the earth shall stand.

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The Molecular Business

This entry is part 37 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Two: The Molecular Business
The Problem with Business as Usual

The Molecular Relationship is nature’s order and so it is a natural thing that all of humanity’s organizations will gravitate, in their evolutionary process, toward it.

The business world is no exception and is presently leading all other organized activity toward this natural system. The paramount principle of the Molecular Relationship is that it encourages initiation, and in today’s world there are more initiates being made in the business community than any other. Every entrepreneur is in the process of initiating something, or attempted initiation.

Still, there is a long way to go, even in the avant-garde business world. At present, business leaders sense the need of the Molecular Relationship and are feeling their way in the right general direction, but still lack the vision, and self-sacrifice necessary to see the whole picture.

The bottleneck for businesses all over the world is the same that bothers all other organizations to some degree: there is always a lack of freedom to initiate. Complete freedom to initiate is the great power that will bring in the New Age of peace and abundance that spiritual teachers have looked toward for thousands of years. It is that simple, but unfortunately, simplicity usually eludes us. If our eyes are caught on the illusion then we always see the complex. If our eyes see the real, we see the simplicity behind all things, no matter how diverse they may be.

Since the beginning of business history, the basic mode of operation has been the same: the one with the bucks has power to initiate a commercial endeavor. If those in charge have a degree of common sense they succeed and make the business profitable. In the process they hire a number of employees to assist. Because they are the initiators they have full life-and-death power over the various jobs, of which there is always a scarcity. Because of the scarcity of employment, the initiators (or “bosses” as we will call them) assume a positions of tremendous power over the lives of these subordinates. Any hint that they may be terminated fills them with foreboding fear and distress. Thus those in charge assume life-and-death power (concerning career) over their subjects, just as a king, or dictator, has life and death power over the subjects. The bosses, therefore, establish for themselves little kingdoms, and for eight to ten hours a day they rule with supreme authority. Only after the workday ends do the subjects regain their freedom to run their lives, hobbies or additional work as they see fit.

As a kingdom grows, so grows the bureaucracy of the king. Alone they cannot control (or govern) the lives of all their subjects, so they select others who agree with their philosophy and give them power to be governors, or overlords, over the lives of the people. The people have no voice in the selection of these overlords but are chosen completely by the decree of the king. Each overlord has the same power as the king over the subjects, but controls a smaller group. The overlords are subject to their various kings, just as the people are subject to them and they maintain their power as long as they please their kings (or bosses) and stay within the guidelines of their Eminence’s philosophy. Thus, the overlords are not free, for they are also subjects, but they do have the advantage of power of dominion.

Correspondingly, we can easily see that as a business grows, it becomes a microcosmic kingdom. The boss cannot control the whole enterprise so he selects a bureaucracy of overlords. These overlords (executives, vice presidents, supervisors, foremen) direct the working lives of the employees and have a similar power over their lives as the Number One Boss, except over a smaller number. The employees have no voice in the selection of these overlords but are chosen completely by the decree of the boss. The overlords are subject to the bosses just as the employees are subject to them, and they maintain their power as long as they please their bosses and stay within the guidelines of their Eminence’s philosophy. Thus, the managers are not free, for they are also subjects, but they also have the advantage of power of dominion just as overlords under a king.

This is an interesting correspondence, isn’t it? We think we are a free people, but when we stop to think of it, there are eight hours a day when most of us are not. We have a life-and-death subjection (career-wise) to a mini-dictator five or more days a week.

One may argue and say: “My boss is a nice guy and lets me have latitude in my job. He is not a dictator.” It may be true that he is a nice guy but the fact that he is a dictator is dependent on his power, not whether he is a nice guy. An individual may be a dictator or king and at the same time be a benevolent person, and the people will enjoy a large range of freedoms. This does not mean they are not ruled by a dictator. Just watch what happens if this benevolent person dies and is replaced by one with a lust-for-power. It then becomes obvious that the leader has absolute power.

Watch what happens in business when the nice boss is replaced by an authoritarian one who is not concerned with human rights. You will find that he or she does have power to dictate. You might also watch what happens when the boss who is a nice guy has his job threatened by his superior and then has his own wishes crossed by a subordinate. We will see that even the “nice guy” uses his dictatorial powers now and then, and perhaps unjustly.

For a leader to have the power of a king or dictator would be fine if we were all perfect men and women in meeting out justice, but since none of us are perfect, authoritarian power is always meted out with imperfection. Therefore, the only solution to the establishment of pure efficiency is the creation of a relationship which will limit authoritarian power to control our desire to initiate, yet at the same time give the leader power to lead and make decision.

The Molecular Business operates on similar principles as the Spiritual Molecule except that the numbers of individuals in the various molecules will not be determined in advance, but will be resolved as needed. Nevertheless, when a company finds certain number combinations that work, they should try and uniformly duplicate them as much as possible just as nature does with its molecules.

In any molecular structure that is created, we must remember that the number three is of prime importance. If we look through an electron microscope, for instance, we will see that the atoms form numerous associations in triangular relationships. This is because the Trinity is the foundation of all life. We observe this truth consistently throughout nature.

If we look at any successful organization or cause, we will also see the Trinity of energies at work. The political machinery of the United States is a good example. We have, as representing the First Ray, or Father Energy, the President, or the executive branch. Secondly, there is the Legislative branch representing the Third Ray of Intelligent Activity, or the Holy Ghost Energy. Finally, we have the Supreme Court, or the judicial branch, representing the Second Ray, or the Love-Wisdom, or the Christ Mediating Energy which mediates the laws for the benefit of the people.

The Founding Fathers probably had no knowledge that a Trinity was needed for creation; instead, they followed their intuition which guided them in that direction. What they did not realize was that if they did not follow this Trinity Principle, then the great creation that they wished to initiate would have never been given life and the old kingdom government would have reigned here in America.

This Trinity Principle can be seen today in any business or organization that will outlive its founder. First, there will exist the Chairman of the Board, or the President and advisors as representing the Father Energy. This group executes the laws. Next there will be the members of the Board of Directors or investors who recommend regulations or set the policies. These represent the Third Ray, or Intelligent Activity Energy. Finally, there will be the managers representing the Christ Mediating Energy, who carry out and interpret policy for the general workers.

Every successful business will have this Trinity of energies operating in it, but there is no black and white pattern that they all will follow. It may merely involve a father, mother and child depicting the Three, or it could involve three divisions of a giant corporation. The important point to remember is that there is power in the use of the three energies and all business should look for methods of using them.

There are three basic problems that cause inefficiency in a business that the Molecular Relationship will correct:

[1] Poor choice of management for key positions. Too often a business will turn into a microcosm of the government bureaucracy and incompetents will fill important positions and set up their little mini-dictatorships. People under them will be resentfully aware that they should be replaced. Instead, they find their hands are tied in influencing the structure of the organization. All power to hand out any position is controlled from the top down.

[2] Employees are not committed. This complaint is universal among business owners and managers. Employees only seem interested in putting in their time and taking home their pay. How can they be made more conscientious and have a greater sense of responsibility so performance and reliability will be enhanced?

[3] Inflexible wage scales. Every substantial business is committed to certain fixed employee salaries. This is fine when business is good, but, when business is slow, meeting these paydays hurts and can often spell doom to a company. Many businesses could have succeeded if there had been some employee flexibility regarding wages.

The business world has created these three problems because it is out of harmony with nature by being much too authoritarian. This has made individual responsibility impossible in many cases, and has created numerous mini-dictators who must be obeyed without question. All living things in nature enjoy a shared responsibility and cooperation rarely found in the business world of today.

What executives do not realize is that this cooperation and sense of responsibility will occur naturally in a business or organization if the black-and-white authoritarian process is replaced by one of shared responsibility.

Next, we will discuss how key positions in a company can be selected to harmonize with the natural flow of energy.

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The Selection of Key Positions

This entry is part 38 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Eight
The Selection of Key Positions

In the past, the selection of all positions in business has been determined from the top down. By top down we mean that those in higher authority choose all those who shall be in management below them. In the Molecular Business this process is reversed, and the determination is made from the bottom up. By bottom up we mean that those who work under a manager are the ones to choose who supervises them.

The reason that the business world has reversed this natural order is simple. To understand we must merely look at the evolution of a large company. A successful business is usually created by one person, or a small core of people. This person, or group, then proceeds either alone, or with partners, to create a structure. This is well and good so far, but after the organization is created, authoritarianism and selfish motives set in, and each manager sets up a power base for their own benefit and not for the welfare of the company.

Unprofitable managers will often fool everyone except those employees directly under them. To maintain their power, they must deceive those above him who have power to either remove or advance them. They deceive their superiors by blackmailing the only ones who are aware that they are incompetent: their subordinates. They let them know in certain subtle ways, that the employees understand perfectly clear, that the subordinates’ job and promotion potential is in the managers’ hands. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the employees to support their managers whether they be right or wrong.

If managers create programs that will lose the company money, for instance, the employees may see the flaws but be afraid to express them, for it may make the various managers look bad, and if they make their boss look bad, or even feel bad, their work stability may come under threat. Employees may know this because they voiced mild opposition in the past and it caused them problems. Now the underlings know it is best for them to always support the boss. The workers are thus forced into situations where they must choose between personal benefit and company benefit.

But if they choose the company benefit, the employees will not be in a position to be of any use for they will risk losing their jobs. Therefore, they will rationalize this situation with the thought: “If I choose personal benefit I can stay in the company and at the same time look for ways to quietly help the it.” They rarely find those ways, but the thought salves the conscience.

Thus we see the employees always (almost without exception) choose the personal benefit.

And who can blame them? Such is human nature.

The employees will support the managers in their bad ideas because, under the system, they benefit personally. In addition, they is fearful of any other choice.

If subordinates sees their managers lying, or presenting false pictures to superiors about employee performance, the employee is again faced with the choice of either benefiting the Company by exposing the truth, or profiting by supporting the deception.

Employee will, of course, support the deception. If they go above his boss’ head, the boss will never let them forget it and will look for every opportunity to slow their progress or get them dismissed.

If the manager steals, or takes undue advantage of the Company, the employee will generally remain silent because of the personal benefit.

If a manager fires one of their fellow employees unjustly, other employees may feel hurt for the person, but they will not vocally complain, for they sees they may be next on the list. Again, employees benefit by remaining the silent supporting worker. There has to be a lot of spiritual truth portrayed by the three monkeys who hear, see and speak no evil. The creator of this thought was probably thinking of the worker in the authoritarian system who has lost dignity and integrity as an individual and becomes as a scared monkey.

If managers lets employees assume some of their responsibilities (which they will take credit for) and then takes a three-hour lunch break, the workers will cooperate in shielding them from exposure, even if they are seething from resentment. Why??? Because it is in their best interests. They will figure that the Company must take care of itself.

If a manager had a fight with his wife one morning and takes it out on the subordinate by verbally abusing him and castigating him for wrongs he did not commit; the worker will take the abuse and complain very mildly, if at all, because his job survival is at stake.

We live in an age where we do not fear for our lives on a daily basis as some have in ages past. Survival is the strongest urge in humankind, and anything that threatens this creates the strongest possible fear. In the past, authorities manipulated this survival fear by threatening lives. Today it is jobs or promotions that are threatened, for the sense of survival is probably more strongly connected with our employment than it is with anything else, and when the possibility of termination arises, a deep-seated fear connected with the survival instinct arises.

In short, if  employees feel this great fear in connection with their jobs, then the managers assume the totalitarian power of a dictator over their job lives. In any dictatorship the subordinates will try to read the mind, thoughts, wishes and whims of their Holyship and carry them out without question or consideration of the common good. They do this because, under a dictatorship, the subordinates benefit when the superior is happy, whether the kingdom benefits or not. The health of the country, or company, is ALWAYS second to pleasing the totalitarian authority.

The time has come to free the slaves.


Yes, slaves. The Molecular Business is the new Emancipation Proclamation!

Think of it. Most of the workers in the free world are in a form of slavery. Part-time slaves perhaps – eight hours a day – but slaves nevertheless. Ask them and find out. Most will admit that they feel that way even though they may not like applying the word to themselves.

Some slaves are content with their lot; others are very resentful, but they are still slaves if they have no freedom of expression to a superior and must obey his every whim without question.

On the other hand, there are some slaves who have a good master. The tactful master may make his slaves feel like they are not really slaves at all, but are as free individuals, and if the slave and master have a good relationship the slave may be quite happy and content.

But they are still slaves. They would realize this if a pleasant manager is replaced by an egomaniac. They would then understand that the power structure they are in can be harmful to their freedom. They are slaves as long as the master, or manager, has complete power over their job life, and they, in return, have no power over the manager. They are slaves if they can only speak up if the manager allows them to.

Relief only comes when the taskmaster is a “nice guy,” but even then, a slave is still a slave. It’s the system that makes it so.

It’s time for a new system. The consciousness of the free world demands freedom on the job as well as off. That demand is to be met by the Molecular Business.

The idea is very simple and the seeds of its manifestation already surround us, but it has not demonstrated itself strongly in business for one major reason: People in authority love the power it gives them, and they will use this power, at all costs, to keep their area of dominion secure. Since that authority is almost impossible to remove once an organization has been established, it is not likely we will see the established companies turning into Molecular Businesses. The first Molecular Businesses will be entirely new enterprises. After some success we will see a number of faltering companies turning to it to save them from going under. Finally, after it has been proven to produce abundance, we will see the established businesses reluctantly turn to it. The reluctance will come from those who wish to hold onto their power over others.

The power to fill key positions in the Molecular Business will be reversed. Instead of having this power vested from the top downwards, it shall be given from the bottom upwards and shall be applied through a democratic system.

Let us say that company ABC is a Molecular Business and we are examining their first-level managers. (By first level we mean the lowest order of managers.) These are not selected by second-level managers, as is usually the case. Instead, they are elected by the employees they supervise. A company executive may make a suggestion, or nominate a prospective manager, but he or she does not choose who will fill the position.

Giving subordinates power to select their leaders, eliminates, in one master stroke, some of the major problems found in the business world. It neutralizes the Peter Principle which accurately tells us that, in the business world of today, each employee eventually reaches his highest level of incompetence then then just stays there.

What this Peter Principle tells us about today’s business is this: That workers continue to be promoted as long as they are doing well and are happy in their work, but as soon as they are given work that they cannot handle, or where they are incompetent, the promotions cease. They are not demoted back to jobs they can do well for two reasons: First it would hurt the poor guy’s ego to go backwards and take a lower-paying job; secondly, superiors would have to admit they made a mistake in the promotion. An authority, with dictatorship power, resists admitting error at all costs.

What therefore happens again and again is that employee after employee reaches their level of incompetence and stays there. We can look around us and see that every established company has a very high percentage of its management incompetent, and usually unhappy, at their jobs.

On one side of the coin this is funny, especially when we hear weird stories about dumb decisions and mistakes made by bureaucrats. We read the Dilbert comic strip and watch movies like Patch Adams, Dirty Harry, Rambo, Die Hard, or Good Morning Vietnam and laugh at the incompetency of the bosses and then squirm at how they do everything in their power to get in the way of the real hero. I liked Bruce Willis’ line to an incompetent police executive during a crisis in Die Hard: “You’re not a part of the solution, pal, you’re a part of the problem.”

These incompetents would be funny if they would restrict themselves to the movie world, but, as any person who is in contact with a hierarchical organization can testify, they are everywhere, affecting us, afraid to make progressive decisions, slowing us down and interfering with our standard of living, peace and happiness. When we are affected individually, it is no longer funny. It is sad. Something should be done about it.

A simple democratic process applied in the business world will automatically ensure that the incompetents are weeded out. Let us look at an example of how this selection process works in a Molecular Business in filling a vacancy for a manager over twelve workers.:

Unlike the businesses of today the Molecular Business does not wait around for a decree from an executive as to who will fill a vacant position. The position is open to anyone. Any one of the workers in a supervised group (let us say there  are twelve) may either volunteer themselves or nominate another. In addition to this, a worker from another department may also volunteer or be nominated. After all the candidates have stepped forward, then the twelve will hold an election. When one candidate receives more that 50% of the votes then this person becomes the new manager.

Each elected manager has to receive a majority of votes from his or her department to become elected. What happens if four are running and A gets 4 votes, B 4 votes, C 3 votes and D 1 vote? In this case no one received the majority. The solution is quite simple: They select the two with the highest votes, which were A and B, and then vote again. The one with the majority vote will win, unless there was a tie. In case of a tie the winner is picked by the next manager above them in authority.

One may justifiably ask the following question: What if the group was deceived into thinking that they chose a good manager and later found out this individual was an incompetent? Are they stuck with their bad choice?

No. The Molecular Business recognizes that no choice is infallible, and there will be many times that the first selection will not be the best possible. Only actual performance on the job can determine the qualifications of a leader. Promotions are filled by people who have potential to do the job, but have not yet proven themselves so mistakes are to be expected. Fortunately, the Molecular Business makes provisions for the correction of those mistakes whereas the orthodox business is crippled by them.

Anytime one of the subordinates feel they can do a better job than their superiors, they may challenge them for their position and call for a vote. The challenge will be accepted and a vote will be held by secret ballot presided over by one of the workers in the group. It is advisable that candidates not know who voted against them. Nevertheless, this is not a black and white rule. If the Company or a division thereof wants to have open voting, that also should be their choice.

All workers should be made aware of the voting outcome. If managers know they obtained their position by a majority of only one vote, they may try extra hard to do the job and keep their subordinates happy so a new challenger will not be able to replace him.

If challengers are defeated then they must wait a designated period of time, such as ninety days before they can issue a new challenge; otherwise managers may be in danger of harassment and distraction from their jobs.

When the aspiring managers are voted in, they will trade places with the current managers. The first line employees then become managers and the managers become the first line employees. If the now-replaced managers believe they have been unjustly treated, they can (after a period of ninety days) challenge the group for their old positions or apply for transfers to other departments of the Company.

It’s always possible that the former manager, and the person who replaces him, are both competent managers. Their working group may just be fortunate enough to have two high-quality individuals to choose from who are qualified to be managers. In this case, the former manager can seek a transfer to another group that lacks leadership and can then challenge the manager there if desired. In the Molecular Business, anyone who has talent should not have to let it go to waste.

If the new first-level managers are a people of ability and talent, they may soon discover that they are more capable than the second level individuals above them. As they sense this and prove themselves competent as first-level managers, then they may challenge those above them in hope of advancing another step.

If they succeed at this, then they may later challenge the third-level managers. Their only limitation is that they can only move up one level at a time. They will find that, just as water reaches its own level, so does intelligence reach its correct level in the Molecular Business. If they can prove themselves qualified to lead the whole company, then there is nothing holding anyone back from assuming that position within a short period of time.

In the Molecular Business no one in the company can relax in the easy chair of authority and be callous and indifferent to the needs of subordinates. All leaders will find that they will have to be concerned for those under them or they will be replaced by others who will be.

All job positions in the Molecular Business are offered first to those who want to apply for them. An appointment will only be made when there is no volunteer available.

Workers may want to transfer to different areas of the company. They should not be denied this choice. They are always free to apply for a transfer, and as long as there is an opening, and other groups can accept them by a majority vote, they will be allowed to make the move. If word has it that they are troublemakers and is not accepted into a new group then they will have to stay where they were initially.

In the standard business of today there is intelligence seeking its correct level, but there are many blocks to achievement. Once in a while, a high position is filled by a competent one, but the person probably had to spend most of one’s life getting there. Perhaps the employee could have done an even better job twenty years ago when he or she had more energy, but that energy was suppressed a great deal to please please superiors and move ahead.

Often competent, intelligent people encounter too many obstacles, too much resistance, and make too many people feel threatened. They often wind up breaking away and becoming an entrepreneur, forming some enterprise of their own, even if it means taking a high risk and living on a shoestring. Some of the most intelligent people demand freedom for themselves above financial security.

The Molecular Business supplies financial stability as well as freedom. We shall explain the financial aspect later, but from what we have discussed so far, we can see that freedom is a prime virtue of this order.

In the authoritarian business of today the employee does not have complete freedom of speech, as we mentioned earlier. The employee has to support the boss no matter how much in error is made. Those who speak up are always in danger of losing their jobs.

Not so in the Molecular Business. Here, it is the other way around. The manager is the servant and must try to please the employees. The employee has full power to speak one’s mind without fear of reprisal, for the manager does not have power to fire an employee without the support of the fellow workers.

This principle gives the workers of the world freedom of speech at last. And is it not logical that we should have freedom of speech in that area of life wherein we speak the most – our jobs?

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Hiring New Employees

This entry is part 39 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Nine
Hiring New Employees

Leadership in a new molecular company operates on the same principle as that in an established company. The leaders are all selected by popular vote and after the first round is selected the hierarchy is subject to rearrangement at any time.

New employees generally start at ground level, never on the managerial except in the creation of a new company. Even if they have had supervisory experience in the past, they will have to prove themselves anew in the Molecular Business. Others, of course, who have training in special skills such as engineering, architecture, law or some other specialty will not start out as a production worker. That would be counterproductive. A person with expertise should be able to start immediately using that skill. It is the positions of leadership that must be earned through the approval of peers. An occupational skill can usually be successfully taught, but leadership is something that must be demonstrated in the field to be believed.

Concerning hiring, the manager will do the interviewing and leg work involved, but before the final hiring the group will have a discussion and then a vote on the candidates.

When there is a job vacancy in any work group, notice will be given to all workers in the group that there is an opening, and if they know of anyone they would enjoy working with they may put the name in for consideration. The manager may also put names forward. If they are satisfied that they have enough names to consider they need look no farther. If they lack names the manager will make available to them recent applications that have been made. They will look over these to select the remainder of the people they wish to interview.

One item that is suggested here is that the Company employ a qualified handwriting analyst and include comments on the qualifications of the applicant with the application form. Having studied handwriting analysis for decades years I am well aware of the value of this tool. A good analyst can discover qualities about a person in minutes that may take five years for a business, or even friends, to know.

When the working group has what they consider to be a sufficient number of names for consideration, they will, as a group, review the details of each application and will interview each applicant. In the job hunter’s absence, the group will then vote. The same majority rule applies as described in the previous voting procedure.

The Manager

If managers do not hire, fire, make everyone nervous and scare the hell out of employees, then what do they do? The answer is quite simple…

The manager manages.

The one in charge might also be called a coordinator. The manager in the Molecular Business is the true servant.

The manger does not have final power to fire, but everyone recognizes that it is part of the job to see that everyone is performing as they should be. If not, he or she can call a meeting of the group any time and recommend some disciplinary action for a laggard. A good manager will have the support of the majority of the group and will be able to fire an employee who deserves it.

The same principle goes for hiring. A manager having the respect of the group will have an earned authority and will find the workers will often support suggestions which are given.

In all other areas not specifically limited by Molecular Business Principles, the manager has much more latitude and authority than one will in an orthodox business. In the regular business, the manager often has little authority to apply creative ideas to the job because they are always checked by someone on a higher level. In the Molecular Business the one in charge has complete authority to go ahead and initiate whatever seems to work as long as it does not interfere with the plans of the manager above him.

In the regular business a manager’s greatest authority is over the lives of subordinates. In the Molecular Business the manager has minimal authority directly over his subordinates, but has complete authority to carry out the designated job description.

Anyone in the working group can make suggestions, voice disagreements and add their wisdom without fear of reprisal, but it is recognized that the manager’s main job is to be a leader and to show the way to greater productivity.

In fact, this is why a manager is elected: simply because peers recognize him or her as the definite leader of the group. Thus the group will have a natural inclination to follow and be good team players.

The manager has power to make decisions for the group and set goals without asking anyone’s permission. Before making any major decision, however, the leader will be expected to present the details to his group for their input. The managers’ power are always checked in the fact that, if the workers’ feelings and desires are ignored, they will soon find themselves challenged and replaced.

Managers have freedom to make decisions for the group, as a whole, but this power is also checked in the fact that if they make bad decisions they will be challenged and replaced. The organization is set up so that the manager is literally forced to take the attitude of a servant, rather than one who must be served.

Managers are also teachers. They will teach the whole group ideas and concepts they see as pertinent to their success. They will either teach new employees their job or see that someone else does. They will also be a coordinator for the group where personality problems are concerned, and will help them find solutions so the group can function harmoniously.

After all comment and discussion have been made on a difficult decision, the manager’s decision is the final one. This is the end to which the leader was elected. If the decision is of poor quality then the manager can be voted out. Otherwise, as long as this does not happen, the employees are under an obligation to support and follow decision handed down.

This pattern somewhat follows that of representative government outlined in the Constitution of the United States. Legislators are elected to represent us. In the Molecular Business this same pattern is found. Managers are elected, then they represent the group. The group gives input, but the managers have power to make the final decision as to work goals and procedures, similar to the way they do now, but with less interference from above.

Nevertheless, the manager will find it extremely important to keep the goodwill of fellow employees and may ask for a vote of the workers on many items and make decisions based on majority vote. There are no black and white rules here. Rules cannot be made in advance for everything. Leaders in the various Molecular Businesses will solve their several problems as they come up.

The first-level managers, of course, have other managers above them. They have complete latitude over the implementation of plans as long as they are in alignment with the managers above themselves. This is their only restriction. The lower must always harmonizes with the direction of the higher until we come to the president of the Company where we will find a person with an army of workers under a unified direction. This will be a person who will have great employee support, not because of fear of an authoritative position, but because of earned and elected leadership.

The principles and powers we have discussed here that pertain to the first level manager apply to managers on all levels up to the President.

To summarize, the Molecular solution to incompetent management has many benefits:

[1] Intelligence will reach its own level quickly. Instead of losing brilliant people by shuffling them out or causing job burnout, the Molecular Business will draw them in and offer a consistently stimulating opportunity.

[2] Ground level workers will no longer feel like slaves. They will not be able to be fired according to the whim of the boss, and as long as they perform well, in the eyes of their fellow workers, they will have jobs.

[3] The employee will always have the freedom to work for the benefit of the Company as the top priority, not the boss.

[4] The worker will be able to participate in hiring co-workers so greater harmony is produced in the workplace.

[5] Incompetents are never locked into a position, but are placed back in areas where they can perform well.

[6] This solution will stimulate much greater efficiency and productivity and greatly enhance the profitability of the Company.

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How To Get Employees Involved

This entry is part 40 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Forty
How To Get Employees Involved

Employee involvement is a concern of every business, public and private, as long as there is one or more employees on the payroll.

How can it be accomplished?

How can employees be made to perceive themselves as part of the team?

How can they be made to feel and act more responsibly?

Numerous business courses, seminars and training meetings are held with this objective in mind.

Unfortunately, they all head the same direction. They teach the objective but not the solution.

The objective, of course, is to make the employee feel more involved like the business is his own. Numerous business courses hold this objective and vision before the eye of the student and point out how much more profitable the company will be if this is achieved. Benefits, benefits, benefits are listed, listed, listed…, but where is the solution???

All the energy aimed at a solution is always directed toward management rather than the bottom-line employee.

Basically, millions of dollars are spent in business courses for managers to aid employee incentive. The philosophy of such courses can be summed up in a nutshell as follows: The manager is supposed to be a nice guy and treat employees fairly, but also play games with them to make them feel involved. This leader is supposed to use a lot of common sense and lead in the most efficient manner and try to be one of the guys, yet maintain authority and respect. The Company is to give numerous pep talks and offer incentives to make employees produce more.

The ideas presented by management and motivational courses are good, but they all make the mistake of tackling the branches of the problem and not the root. All solutions are temporary and not permanent.

We have already solved half of the problem of employee motivation by introducing the election process whereby workers can elect competent managers over them. This alone may booster employee moral and production by a large margin.

What we need now is something to keep the incentive up day after day without the need of expensive courses and pep talks (which are minimal in their effects).

Wouldn’t it make sense to find the most motivated and involved worker there is, and then find out what it is that is the key to this person’s motivation and, finally, take that motivating factor and instill it in the common worker?

That makes sense, doesn’t it?

And who is the most involved and motivated worker in the world? Who will work fourteen or more hours a day up to seven days a week whether the company is making money or not? Who never steals from the company and always, that is always, works for its benefit? Who is ever encouraging others toward better performance and dedication? Who is willing to miss meals, time with family and friends, put off buying luxuries for the company’s sake, place marriage on the line, take chances, be available at a minute’s notice, doesn’t mind being awakened in the middle of the night with a company problem and virtually has an eternal affair going on with the business? Who is this person?

The owner.

Business owners are totally motivated and involved. It matters not if they have never seen a motivational or management course. They are involved in a way that managers only dream and wish their employees would be.

Ownership and control is involvement. It is a principle. It works automatically and does not have to be taught or learned. It just is.

Unless a person is completely indifferent to life, ownership brings an immediate sense of responsibility. There is probably no one more responsible and completely aware of the work that needs done than the small business owner.

Independent salespeople are also very motivated, for they have complete stewardship over their position and control over hours and workload.

Larger businesses have multiple owners. These owners still have a high sense of responsibility, but may have the disadvantage of one owner shifting responsibility to another owner.

Finally, we have the business which is largely owned by stockholders who are not employees. These non-participating owners are certainly concerned about the company, but often have their hands tied as far as affecting company profits. Even so, they have a strong sense of involvement with the company.

A general principle of success has always been to take a concept that works in one area and apply it in an adapted form to other areas.

If we want to instill a sense of involvement and responsibility in workers, we need to look at the most successful example: The small business owner. Therefore, we must take those principles that motivate this individual and apply them to all employees in a large business.

How do we do that?

We make all employees owners with a stewardship over their individual responsibilities.

How do we make them involved owners?

[1] All employees, even ground level workers who are just starting on the job, receive part of their pay in stock. Most other bonuses for performance are also paid in stock.

[2] Reversing the flow of authority of selection of key positions from the top down to the bottom up is a key ingredient to reversing this gap, but the next aspect we shall introduce should dispel this distance once and for all, and unite the various classes of a corporation into one working body.

[3] This next principle presented will be looked upon with a jaundice eye by many and will only be accepted by the world after it has proven itself beyond the point of argument. Only those who have nothing to lose, who are cooperative and team-spirited, will be able to embrace it at first. However, it should not be that startling. It is merely an extension of the most motivated worker in history: The small business owner.

Let us take the consciousness of the small business owner and visualize it spread over one thousand people in a large corporation. Let us see those thousand people as one entity operating a small business.

How is the salary of the small businessperson determined?

How then, will the one thousand workers pay themselves?

They will both be paid on the same principle.

The small businessman puts the business first, realizing that the main priority is to have operating capital. Without this, the business would die and have no possibility of expansion or independence. The secondary monetary priority is to have money to live on, or take-home pay The owner can only receive an income after operating expenses are paid.

The third priority is expansion capital. This is what is left over after the owner receives a livable wage and operating expenses. Sometimes though even take-home pay is sacrificed with the idea of expanding the business so take home pay will be much larger in the future.

The principles that work for a small business can also work for a 1000+-member corporation. Their first priority should be operating capital for supplies and overhead. Without enough of this the company will greatly suffer and be in danger of closing its doors. Many companies go out of business for just this reason.

Operating capital needs to be the top priority, but a supposedly benevolent objective sometimes gets in the way forcing some businesses to close their doors. That objective is that employees are always  to receive their full wage no matter what, even if the company goes broke and everyone loses their jobs and then makes money at all.

Can you see small business owners paying themselves full wages during a short month and then being unable to operate the business in the next month? No. They will not do this. They will eat beans, if necessary, during the short month and then take out extra during a good month. This flexibility gives the small business owner an interesting edge over the large corporation.

On the other hand, a large corporation has many advantages. Imagine the extra stability it would have if all workers were involved owners who felt responsibility for the company and were willing to sacrifice some of their paycheck during bad times and then pay themselves extra during good times. If a company had this flexibility, it would be almost impossible to go broke and it would give it a tremendous competitive edge.

The Molecular Business pays its workers differently than does the present authoritarian businesses. The workers get paid from two sources: stock and cash.

The amount of stock employees receive is dependent on the importance and skill of their jobs. The President of the Company, for instance, would receive much more stock than would the common worker, but all would receive some stock, thus all would be owners in one degree or another.

Employees cannot cash in stock as long as they work for the company. This insures equality and capital reserves for the company.  Employees can cash in their stock when terminated or retiring.

The unique and perhaps controversial aspect of their take-home pay is the amount of money each would receive. All employees, from the president down to the first level worker, would receive exactly the same wage. The only way that one employee could receive more cash than another is if one works overtime, yet the worker still has the option of receiving this in stock.

Think of the effect this would have on company moral and union. The President of the company and the common worker both receive the same wage.

This principle would do more to end the division between management and labor than any other move. When two people receive the same take home pay, they are automatically in the same class.

It is true that people of similar interests will still gravitate together, but in this pay situation, none would tend to feel that they are in a world apart or above their co-workers.

One important point overlooked here is that this principle works consistently in nature, and all great discoveries are made by observing nature.

All the fears of the Molecular Business are unfounded and are held together by the weak ego which sees not unity, but separateness.

Up to now all incentive in the business world has been built around the idea of separateness, of two classes. Those who make a lot of money and those who barely survive. Everyone wants to be in the class that makes the money, and it is recognized that the opportunity is open to all, but in the present system, abundance is only available to a small percentage. All have a chance to be in that percentage, but not all have the advantages necessary to get there.

Those who have made it look at the have-nots judgmentally and say or think: “I am successful because of my enterprise and skill, and there is no reason anyone else cannot do the same. The only reason the unsuccessful one does not have abundance is because he either does not think correctly, or is lazy.”

This may be true for some. On the other hand, there are many people who are industrious and try to think positive, but made some wrong choices, had some bad breaks, did not have rich or helpful parents to help them get started and numerous other reasons why they did not make it into that elite percentage.

Another point is that success studies show that a large percentage of those who do acquire substantial success struggled through many failures and near poverty until after the age of forty.

Do we look at these successful peoples’ early lives and say that the reason they never had success earlier is because they were lazy or had a bad attitude?

In the businesses of the Old Age this separative thinking prevails. The philosophy is basically: “Each man (or woman) for himself.”

The coming age will be much different (and better). The keynote will be: “I seek to fulfill my brother’s dreams and in doing so I fulfill my own. I and my brother are one.”

In the Old Age business, the dream is to be richer and better than your brother.

In the New Age the dream is equality and abundance for all.

As we have said, the Molecular Business is a natural principle. We will illustrate this by comparing it to nature. The workers in the business are like cells in our bodies. The money they are paid corresponds to oxygen.

In a healthy body one cell does not take a salary of ten units of oxygen and another cell, with the same needs, receives only one, but they both receive equal amounts. In times of health there seems to be little use in hoarding oxygen, for all cells can have all they need. What good does it do to have more than you need? It does not enhance health or happiness.

On the other hand, what happens if the body holds its breath and there is a shortage of oxygen? The cells cooperate and all take a little less. All suffer a little, none suffer a lot. The distress is merely a temporary inconvenience and when the body breathes again, abundance is restored.

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