Oct 30, 2018
Not Seeing
Nimrod quotes me as follows:
”Thus to see beyond the world of form we must suspend the seeing of form and go to the universe of infinite ideas by not seeing, not thinking and not feeling.
There is much more that could be written on this subject. A few would find it fascinating, but others may lose interest.”
Then he asks:
I would like to formally request that you fascinate me (hopefully us) by saying much more on this topic 🙂 concentrating on the “not seeing, thinking, feeling” aspect.
How can I refuse such a sincere request? I will at least say a few more things.
This principle of “not seeing” dawned on me when I became interested in seeing auras and started attempting to see them. In my quest I found that the etheric double that extends a few millimeters from the body is easy to see but the aura which is made of a more refined matter is much more difficult. Then the mind stuff beyond the aura is much more difficult still.
I practiced for some time without results but kept at it and finally began to see flashes of the aura. They were quite beautiful and attracted my conscious attention, but I found that when I consciously focused on them they instantly disappeared. I found that curious, but kept practicing, trying to figure out the principle that would allow me to see these elusive colors.
Finally, I realized that the more I consciously cared about seeing them the less I saw, but if I put myself in a state of mind that did not care, and did not try, yet still allowed myself to look that I could then see.
I eventually called this process “not seeing”. The reason I called it such was that to see I had to not try to see, but merely allowed myself to see on a higher level.
Then I discovered that this principle not only applied to seeing but to all types of perception that occurs while in the body. For instance, to transcend physical brain thinking you have to temporarily put it aside and not think. This creates a vacuum that is replaced by a higher type of thinking from the higher mind. This explains why many of the great thinkers seemed to be absent minded. I read once that when Einstein went for walks that he became so disconnected from paying attention with his regular mind that when he resumed his regular brain thinking that he would be temporarily lost and not realize where he was.
There is a truth in the term, “absent-minded professor.” Great thinkers will use their lower mind when appropriate, but will enter a zone where they put it aside and “not think”. This does not eliminate thought as many presume, but opens the door to higher thought. The fact that lower thought is suspended does not mean all thought is suspended. When Einstein suspended lower thought he was still thinking, but on a higher level. This was when he received his best ideas.
This principle also applies to feeling. The higher octave of the lower feelings are the higher revealed through the intuition. To access the intuition with its high level of feeling and sensitivity the seeker must still feelings, or place them in a state of peace, so the higher can be accessed.
The principle behind this is as follows:
Tuning into the perceptions of the lower self is like turning on the radio and not being exactly on a station so all you hear is static, or maybe a combination of station and the broadcast. To hear the true broadcast you have to “not hear” the static and allow yourself to hear the real broadcast.
All perceptions of our lower self contain much static that causes blockage in our perception. These must be transcended so the real truth can be perceived. The correspondence is not exact, but close enough so the intuition can create a clear picture.
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