Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 19
A City on the Sea
JJ: One of the ways that I believe the Lights are going to escape some of the coming calamities is by building cities upon the sea. There is only one place on earth that is not controlled by governments, though they’re trying to control that now. It’s the oceans, international waters. If you were to go build a city upon the sea it would be completely independent from any government because no one government can claim international waters.
The second alternative is to build great ships. Ships that are like floating cities but instead of staying in one place they can go around the earth. One particular guy had this idea. When the idea came to me about building cities on the oceans I wondered if anyone else had had the idea. Another guy had the idea to build what he called the Freedom Ship. It’s on the Internet if you want to google Freedom Ship. It will give you a picture of it. He’s been trying to get financing for this for about ten years now.
It’s a giant ship. It is to house about 50,000 people. It even has its own airport on it. It’s for the rich though. It’s pretty expensive. He doesn’t plan on escaping calamities with it. His idea is to launch it and spend a two year time period visiting almost every major port in the world then circling back to the point of origin and starting all over again. He’s thinking of creating trade by buying and selling in different ports so people can have businesses and actually make money through working deals with the various peoples where they land. It’s not a bad idea. He claims the ship is big enough to resist a tsunami. It’s almost like a floating island.
That’s a feasible idea, but I see a combination where perhaps if we built a city in the ocean it could also be movable. If we had to move it out of the way of a hurricane or something we could start the engines and move it, provided we had enough satellite warning. We could make them like Legos, manufacture them on land and float them out to the floating city and join them up like a Lego construct until eventually we get a large city. To accomplish this we would need maybe about 10,000 people’s interest. What we have is just a small number of people right now interesting in anything that we’re teaching. But I envision a time when we will be able to permeate society with certain ideas. Say if we had a book as popular as the DaVinci Code. We could captivate people’s imagination with that much publicity. That’s what we’re going to need.
Does everyone know who DK [Djwahl Khul] is? He’s the entity, the master who gave the writings to Alice A. Bailey. He says, that to bring in the New Age it’s going to take money, it’s going to take billions of dollars in advertising. Because to take new ideas and permeate society – it takes a lot of money. Eventually we will be able to do that but in order to pull off this floating city we are going to have to think big. One of the problems of the people who are into the survivalist mode is they preach to a lot of people then get 3 or 4 followers then they try to build a community and nothing happens.
Dan worked with one of the most successful ones I’ve heard about. Do you want to tell us about it Dan? Tell us the pros and cons of what you went through. It was in Costa Rica, right?
Dan: “Costa Rica, right. As it started out they tried to get enough money together to purchase land or an island somewhere. When that didn’t pan out, after ten years or so, they decided to try to create an Internet community. The problem with it was programmers were mostly involved and they are so independent minded that we couldn’t get everybody together to cooperate enough to get anything done. Everybody wanted to follow his own path basically. They didn’t have a project manager. There was probably ten or fifteen million dollars gathered there. It ended up going down the drain. The man that had the idea originally was really Hollywood. He put a lot of stock into glitz and glamour to try to woo the rich folk down there to give him their millions. It ended up completely failing just a couple of years ago.”
JJ: Would you say one of the main reasons for failure is that people were just too independent?
Dan: “Yeah, that’s it exactly.”
JJ: That’s what I find about everybody in the survivalist mode. They’re so independent that they can’t hardly find even one other person to cooperate with them because they are so into their own ideas. Other people, like a members of various religions, are accused of being such sheep that they can’t think for themselves. People go to one extreme or the other, it seems like. Either they are complete sheep that have to be told what to do or they’re so independent that they can’t get anything done because they can’t get anybody to work with them.
This is where the soul comes in. If a group has soul contact and the soul registers a certain idea or concept, and people are in tune with the soul, that can bring independent people together. This is what we all go through. As we go through our evolution we evolve through our emotional body where we want to be like a sheep and follow somebody and we do everything they say. Then we’re let down so often that we break free of that and we become very independent. The next step up is to get soul contact. Then we maintain our independence yet we understand the importance of cooperating and will cooperate through the soul even when our personalities may not agree 100%.
This is what the core group of the gathering of lights has to be. They have to have the soul contact so that their independence is recognized yet they are willing to cooperate for the greater good. It’s like Spock when he was ready to die in that Star Trek movie wherein he said:
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
If we were to build a city on the seas or a complementary floating city with it or a great ship that goes around and does commerce, the combination of these two things could really accomplish a lot. There are several advantages of this.
We could plant it anywhere in the oceans that we wanted or move it to any spot that we wanted. If an ice age came and there were glaciers all over Canada and they started creeping down to Idaho and Chicago, it wouldn’t bother us. We could float down until we were in a tropical paradise. We could continue to live in a tropical paradise no matter what happened because if one part of the earth begins to freeze or get too hot we could just move to where the weather was nice. That’s one thing about being mobile. We’d have a mobile city capable of motion so we could stay in a nice temperate area in which to live.
There are a lot of different businesses we could go into. We could grow hydroponic foods. We could mine for gold in the ocean water and develop that sort of thing. There are a lot of different minerals that can be obtained from the ocean. There is a lot of different herbs and medicines that can be drawn from the ocean floor that people really haven’t explored much yet.
Assaf: “The United Nations, I think, has some rules against independently mining the ocean.”
JJ: They’re not happy controlling all the land. They want to control all the oceans. They’re even thinking of charging people for using the oceans. But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. If there is a great calamity there won’t be any UN to deal with.
So, the advantage to this is that it would provide a place for the Lights to gather, give them protection, give them mobility. There are several dangers. There is the possibility of a great upheaval of the oceans themselves or a great tsunami we might have to worry about. But two things will counter this. First energy follows thought. I believe a group of enlightened souls that understands the principle of energy following thought can help to actually manipulate the weather with their thought and hold back any calamities that may affect them if they are gathered. If they’re not gathered, if they are intermixed with people who don’t understand the principle then they won’t have much power to prevent anything. Like the Bible story of Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah, before it was destroyed Lot and his family were told to get out. If they had stayed they would’ve been destroyed.
You’re taking a little bit of risk no matter where you go. Noah, when he built his ark, felt he was taking a risk right there. We’re taking a risk whatever we do but looking at this, we can control the weather to a certain extent in the gathered condition because energy follows thought and because of that a city on the ocean composed of gathered lights will be secure as secure can get because it’s also mobile.
This is something somewhat in the future. I believe it needs to be started within the next 20 years. It’s a fairly long-term project but when the time comes that somehow we’re able to strike a chord that rings with the public consciousness, so that we’re in their consciousness, like the Davinci Code is in the public consciousness now, then we can pull this off and get it started.
(Note: At the time of this editing in 2025, 20 years have passed and a number of visionaries are actively working on the creation of floating cities)
Audience: “Another advantage is that tourism would be huge because we wouldn’t have the AMA [American Medical Association] telling us what is healing and what is not as far as cancers and stuff. Those things that are available to others we would be able to buy them.”
JJ: I’m glad you reminded me of that because tourism would just about pay for building the city on the ocean. In addition to that, we wouldn’t have anybody telling us what we can and can not do. Medically we could research cures for cancer. No income tax. Maybe a sales tax or something very simple. A lot of people would want to invest in what we’re doing because of the lack of taxes. A lot of people would want to incorporate there.
Audience: “Was this your idea or where did it come from?”
JJ: It came to me about ten years ago but I just presented it for the first time in Manti last year.
Assaf: “Would we still need police and an army?”
JJ: We always need police for a few of the reprobates but hopefully not very many. We might need them to keep an eye on Mindy as she’s always raising hell. (laughter)
Artie, are you ready to give away the presents?
Artie: “Presents? They’re prizes, not presents.”
JJ: I think the common people will be the ones behind this because they could take the equity in their home and buy a new home, have it built, and have it shipped out and joined like a Lego to the group. We’d eventually have our own parks and everything while floating on the sea. For transportation we wouldn’t need regular cars but maybe little electric vehicles to buzz around. You wouldn’t need to go very far in most cases.
Artie: “Some of you who were late getting here yesterday probably missed hearing me say we have these fabulous prizes that I give out ever year. Except this year I had a bunch more because I had a bunch of Christmas crap that I wanted to get rid of. (laughter) I thought, ‘I’ll just bring them here.’ Instead of doing door prizes where it is just a matter of luck, I’m going to give listening prizes to see if you’re listening. I was listening and I came up with three questions so far. When you have the answer stand up and I’m going to watch who is first. I’ll also pay attention to who is second because if you’re wrong I need to go to the second person to see who is next. That’s the person who gets the prize, whoever comes up with the right answer. Ok, what was the Greek word for perfection that means exactly right? To do something exactly right?”
Rob: “Akribela.”
Artie: “Rob gets the prize. (applause) Let’s see Rob. What’s something you might really enjoy? I think I’ll let you come back here and pick your prize but you can’t tell anybody what’s in here.
“He got the best one of course. Hold it up so everyone can see. It’s a water fountain with candles. (Audience chatters as Artie says, ‘No, I’m not regifting!’ I did buy this.) These are original presents. We’re suckers for people who come around the office and sell us this stuff and I have a whole closet full of this stuff and need to get rid of it. On to the next question. Rob you can’t win again. Once you win, that’s it. Next question. Do you remember the guided meditation? What was the fifth event in that guided meditation? What was the fifth thing he asked you to look at?”
Assaf: “The abode.”
Artie: “Yes! Very good! (applause) Assaf picked the corkscrew bottle opener. One more thing for tonight. What was the cycle that JJ talked about just before we went to dinner, the magnetic pole shift. There is a cycle of a period of years. How much time is in that cycle?”
Belen: “150,000.”
“Yes. You guys are good! (applause).
“Belen got the personal organizer with a calculator. That’s it for today.”
Being right too soon is socially unacceptable. – Robert Heinlein
Nov 11, 2009
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