Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 16

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 16
Earth Changes

JJ: There are a number of potential sources of clean energy, and even though nuclear is the only one we have that would be non-polluting, a lot of people are scared of it. It would be nice if we could find super tall windmills or maybe use currents from the ocean. The ocean has unlimited energy. Or if we could find some new way of separating hydrogen from oxygen because separating them to make hydrogen fuel takes a lot of energy.

They’re working on ways of doing this which won’t take so much energy and if they have a breakthrough and we could get hydrogen cheaply without having to use nuclear or some power source to do it, that would be better. People are spooked by nuclear even though I believe we are reaching the technological level where we can create safe power plants. We haven’t created one in the United States for twenty years because anybody who wants to make one is threatened with lawsuits.

Audience: “I think part of the trouble with nuclear, maybe we have the technology to create safer, cleaner power plants now but we still have all the old plants that we have to somehow deal with even if we transitioned to the new plants. I think that’s where a lot of fear comes from.”

JJ: Right. Even the old plants are pretty safe. There are several fail-safes among them. Three Mile Island received a lot more negative publicity than it deserved. There were three or four different fail-safes there and it only went through one layer of them which tripped. There was about as much nuclear radiation released as on the dial of your watch, but everyone was really spooked over it. You can’t blame them for being spooked when you associate nuclear with the nuclear bomb. It’s very scary for people. If it was possible to produce safe plants the public opinion could change on that eventually. Matter of fact, public opinion was pretty accepting until Three Mile Island and also Chernobyl.

Audience: “The public not coming to any solutions is one thing but the fact, like, I heard it said that the energy industry generates something like eight trillion dollars per year. So you have a group of people and that’s their industry. They aren’t going to be willing to let go of that.”

JJ: True, that’s a big problem we have. Any change in the power industry has to come fairly slowly because if it comes too quickly people with a lot of money are going to fight it. That’s something we need to realize and work around to some degree.

It’s an interesting thing to contemplate about creating a power source because a cheap power source has to be produced before the New Age can come fully in. Whether it be safe nuclear, tides, some type of wind power but right now alternatives like wind, solar and geothermal can only, according to scientists, produce only 2% of our needs. That’s all unless there is some breakthrough or change of focus. A breakthrough with solar is limited by the amount of energy available from the sun. Right now solar panels only convert 16-20% of the sun’s radiation into energy.

Audience: “How about the magnetic field of the earth? Could that be harnessed and studied?”

JJ: That’s a good point. Nikola Tesla had a theory that the earth itself oscillates back and forth and this oscillation produces electrical power that can be tapped into. Some people claim he actually tapped into this. His belief was that with advanced technology we could put some type of antenna on our roof that would tap into this energy that is already there through the oscillation of the earth. The Earth moves back and forth and wobbles. Just one little wobble would release a tremendous amount of energy and he believed that eventually this could be tapped into and everyone could have an antenna on their roof and bring in the electric power that they want and be completely independent from all the power sources that are out there.

Now the power sources that are out there probably aren’t too excited about developing something like this because if we could get the antenna for a couple hundred bucks and charge our cars with it, power our homes and get all of our power from this one little source then they wouldn’t be making much money off of us. So probably not too many people wanted to rush into developing this but this is a theory of Nikola Tesla that I found it very interesting. He was quite a guy.

I went to the library one time and read all the old articles about him from really old magazines. I saw this one article I hadn’t seen anywhere before. It was in New York City. They kept having a tremor in New York and nobody could trace its cause. It didn’t seem to be a normal earthquake or anything. Every other day the whole city would shake slightly and everybody wondered what it was. Someone went to the police and said, “I think Nikola Tesla might have something to do with this.” So the police got a warrant and they broke into his laboratory and it was during a time that the city was shaking. His whole building was shaking. He had this great big machine in the center of his laboratory and when he saw the police he took a sledge hammer and he smashed it. As soon as he smashed it, the quaking stopped. Apparently he didn’t want anyone to get a hold of it.

He would have parties and he would send hundreds of thousands of volts through his hand and light up stuff. He liked being the life of the party and doing fantastic stuff with electricity. He was a character like we haven’t seen on the earth since he died.

I’m going to read to you several interesting things that go contrary to what a lot of people think.

One of my theories is this. If you want to find the truth, find what everybody is thinking then look in the opposite direction. There you will often find the real truth. It’s not ironclad, it’s not black and white for sometimes what everybody is thinking is actually true. But often times, especially when their beliefs are not documented by science — that’s when I really look at what they believe and then look in the opposite direction.

That’s why I looked at nuclear energy, because everybody was saying nuclear energy was bad. I decided to look into it and find the true facts. I found out that right here in Idaho they developed these breeder reactors and the government shut down he research because people were afraid.  But these breeder reactors can take the waste of Yucca Mountain and eliminate all the waste and create enough energy to power us for a thousand years. Does it make sense to bury that energy source that could power us for a thousand years? It didn’t make sense to me once I looked into it. That was the opposite direction that everyone else was looking and I found this interesting piece of information.

I’m going to read you several things then we’re going to talk about them later on. What are the changes that are going to happen on the Earth? Is the Earth going to warm up because of global warming and the big greenhouse effect where all the glaciers will melt? Or are we going to have an ice age? 20 or 30 years ago everyone was predicting global cooling. Now they’ve switched to global warming. They can’t make up their minds. Which one is it going to be? Both sides have interesting statistics. Here are some interesting facts.

Mars is experiencing global warming. Mars is experiencing global warming? There are no humans there so why is it warming up on Mars? The fact is that we go through cycles of warming and cooling and warming and cooling.

Many are surprised to learn that there are many glaciers that are actually growing in size. If we go by number it seems small at around 15%, but if we measure by volume the figure is said to be as high as 90%. This is because some of the growing ones are huge and in Antarctica.

Unfortunately, we only hear of statistics designed to alarm us. The media focusses only on the shrinking glaciers. From listening to them you would not think a growing glacier even exists.

And as far as sea level rise goes there are parts of the oceans where they are actually standing still or getting lower but on the average satellite figures tell us the rise is just over three millimeters a year, which is about the thickness of two pennies.

Alarmists tell us that New York City may soon be underwater, but for that to happen the sea level would have to rise 400 feet to cover the land (not the buildings) and at a little over three millimeters rise per year that would take about 40,000 years to happen.

Unless there are some great earth changes there is not a lot to worry about in our lifetimes concerning the flooding of our coastlines.

Ninety percent of the world’s glacier mass is in Antarctica. Most of this is over land and most places where they’re over land they are growing. Where they are shrinking is where the glacier stretches out over the ocean. Now why are the glaciers that are floating over the oceans shrinking, whereas those over land are growing? They are shrinking because the water in some areas of the ocean is getting warmer. We hear about global warming but what is actually getting warmer? The upper atmosphere is actually getting cooler. The total atmosphere including the upper is getting very slightly warmer over the last 100 years. But when they figure the earth warming they are also figuring the temperature of the water. The main thing that is melting glaciers is pockets of warm water. What’s causing the water to get warmer? They say CO2 but CO2 mainly affects the atmospheric temperature. The atmosphere warming up or cooling has very little effect upon the ocean in the short term. What warms the ocean? This is the key thing to what creates the earth changes.

Audience: “Is it volcanic activity?”

JJ: Right. Under water volcanic activity. There is a cycle and as we know the core of the earth is as hot as the sun. The core of the earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling like a heartbeat. There are a number of different cycles. There are cycles of approximately 12000 years. Some say it is 11500 that the core of the earth heats up and then cools. When it heats up there is more volcanic activity under the ocean.

It is interesting that the rise of ocean temperatures vary wildly throughout the world. For instance the Arctic oceans in the north are warming three or four times faster than those of Antarctica in the South.. This is because there are other factors besides warming air at play.

When the volcanic activity shoots forth heat into the oceans, what does that do to the oceans? Warms them up. Some scientists that are studying this are getting nervous because when the oceans warm up that has a tremendous affect on the planet. Does anybody know what it does?

Audience: “El Nino.”

JJ: Yes, El Nino. It’s caused by the ocean warming up but there is a danger much higher than that.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: What happens when the oceans warm up is that you have more water coming into the atmosphere. When we have more water coming into the atmosphere, we’re going to have more rains and snows. Eventually, when we have more snow in the north we have more heat from the sun reflected into space, so instead of a global warming we have a global cooling effect. Then it turns out instead of having more and more rain we have more and more snow and this produces what they call an ice age. The last time the oceans warmed up it produced pretty much all the glaciers we have today. It produced more moisture on the earth and the moisture descended and eventually became the glaciers. The water level of the oceans actually sank rather than rose. Everyone is worried about it rising but the geologists who are studying this underwater volcanic activity are worried about the oceans going down rather than rising.

Audience: “There was a 300 foot difference in the sea level at the last ice age.”

JJ: Right. So, the last ice age of significance was approximately 11,500 years ago and the cycles of the ice ages are approximately 11,500 years. So we’re approaching this time again. This is what they say would happen if we entered an ice age. We’d have a couple years of real unusual weather with a lot of hurricanes, snow and excessive moisture. Remember all the excessive moisture we had in the east this last winter? We had it pretty good around here but some areas didn’t.

Audience: “At the end of April we went up to Washington and there was 6 inches of snow on the ground and all the spring flowers were frozen.”

JJ: Some of the scientists studying this are a little nervous by these past few winters we’ve had with the excessive moisture. I personally don’t believe we’re quite there yet. Some scientists say it could be imminent or it could be a couple hundred years off. If the cycle is accurate it won’t be too long.

Who knows. Maybe the greenhouse effect from the added CO2 (carbon dioxide) will save us from an ice age.

Larry: “I read that they studied the small transition period into the ice age and that weather then was not just bad weather but it was extraordinarily violent weather.”

JJ: During the last ice age what happened is that glaciers formed in the north and came clear down to this area where we are now. If we were living during the last ice age we could look out our windows and see the end of the glaciers right here in Sun Valley Idaho. They covered all of Canada. It covered all of England clear down to France. Ice completely covered all of these areas. The last ice age eliminated the mammoths. Matter of fact, they found mammoths with grass still in their mouths – they were frozen very quickly by something.

Audience: “Some say we need the ice age, that we’ve been farming long enough and that this interglacial period has taken all these minerals and trace elements out of the soil in lots of places and that’s what it needs, to be covered with ice, to rest, to grind up these rocks and minerals.”

JJ: That’s an interesting thought. There is this guy named Joel Wallach that studied people who lived to be over a hundred years old. You’ve probably heard stories about them. He visited and studied these people who lived an extra long life span and he only found one thing they had in common. Some of them ate bacon and eggs and lots of lard and grease and butter. He looked for a common thread. There was only one common thread. They all had a lot of minerals in their soil. Those who were healthiest obtained the irrigation water from melting glaciers. These glaciers have all kinds of minerals in them, so you might have something there, Larry. Maybe the ice age is nature’s way of creating glaciers to replenish the minerals in the soil. Ninety percent of the minerals in the United States as well as most of Europe are depleted. Most of the world has ninety percent of the trace minerals gone from the soil.

I like Australian wine and I think I like the taste better because in Australia they only have 50% of their minerals gone. Ninety percent of ours are gone. Australia has the most trace minerals of any of the nations. Chile still has a few good minerals left and their wine tastes pretty good too. There is something about these trace minerals and wine that gives it extra good flavor. That’s my theory on that anyway.

So, that’s a good point. I believe you have a point that the ice age may be a way of replenishing. One of the people we did a reading with, I think it could of been Sharón, said this next turbulence will not be as bad as the last. It’s possible because, for one thing, the earth as a body is cooling. The inner core will slowly cool over a period of millions of years so it’s quite possible the next ice age won’t be as bad as the last one. Let’s hope so.

Audience: “Global warming could be a good thing if we could find ways to prevent the ice age from happening and find ways to re-mineralize.”

“What this country needs is more free speech worth listening to.” — Hansell B. Duckett

Oct 22, 2009

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