Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 15

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 15
Advances in Energy

Robin: “This just came into my mind. You were talking about how our thoughts have an effect on the weather. Two or three years ago when we traveled to Nauvoo for the gathering and Rick traveled with us, he taught my kids and me how to concentrate on clouds in the sky and make them disappear. I thought, “Oh, that can’t be done. It’s silly.” But you can. If you pick out a little cloud, you probably don’t want to start with a big cumulus, pick a smaller wispy cloud at first and concentrate on it thinking, “Disappear, go away, disappear.” As you watch and concentrate that water vapor disappears.”

JJ: Is that true Larry? I know Larry can be more of a skeptic.

Larry: “Well, my kids seemed to believe that it happened and they’re fairly skeptical. I was probably sleeping or doing something else.”

Robin: “He was driving. As we traveled in the car we’d each pick one out, ‘I’m going to do that one over there.’”

JJ: I’ve never tried it but I’ve heard a lot of people say they can do that sort of thing. This is the way it is with creation. Creation begins in the mental, in the area of thought and comes down into the area of desire then materializes in the physical. One of the things we need to overcome is the wrong interpretation of the Book of Revelation.

Audience: “It just started raining outside.”

JJ: Okay. Who has been thinking about water? (laughter) I’ve been thinking I really want water because I’ve been thirsty up here. Anybody else thirstier than usual here? I don’t know what it is. Must be the dry atmosphere.

So, we could move fairly peacefully into the next age. Right now we’re on the cusp even though I believe the transition period happened in 1945. The total transition period is a period of a couple hundred years. It takes a couple hundred years to really move to a new age because we have to let go of the old Piscean energies. The Piscean energies are still strong and holding on. All the fundamentalist churches are controlled by the Piscean energies. A lot of the political ways of thinking and anything connected with anti-technology is Piscean. Aquarius governs technology because it’s an air sign, which governs mind, thought, space, air flight, space flight and technology. So we’re going to see tremendous technology develop. It’s interesting to see who is anti-technology. It isn’t just fundamentalist Christians but a lot of fundamentalist new-agers are also anti-technology. Technology can be dangerous but it’s something we need to deal with.

We have to face these things and move into the future with enough peace and goodwill to be able to develop technology yet not kill ourselves with it. If we had a full-fledged atomic war we could end up going back to the old Aquarian age of thousands of years ago rather than the new Aquarian age.

Audience: Indistinct.

JJ: Yes, some of the environmentalists are Piscean because a lot of them want to live like the Amish and this type of desire is more Piscean than Aquarian. Now the interesting thing here is that we’re not only entering into the Aquarian Age here which is said to be a 2160-year cycle, we’re not only moving one out of twelve but there is a greater zodiac and there are twelve greater signs. In each one of these greater signs there are twelve sub-signs. The greater signs take in a longer period of 25,920 years for each sign, or over 300,000 years for the complete cycle of the greater twelve.. Now we are moving into two Aquarian ages at one time. We’re moving into the lesser Aquarian cycle of 2160 years but then we are also moving into a greater cycle of Aquarius of over 25,000 years. So we are moving into a double Aquarius and this happens very rarely. It means we are going into an area that’s not only influenced by Aquarius but doubly influenced. It’s going to make this age a tremendous age of change. because Aquarius is an air sign the plane of the mind is going to be very highly developed and emphasized.

In the Age of Pisces, which is governed by water, emotion and feeling were very much emphasized. All the crusades were fought because of that passion they had. They fought for the blood of Jesus because of their passion and they fought for their beliefs because of their passion. But now we are moving into a hopefully more peaceful period that is governed by higher mind. That doesn’t mean the lower emotions will be dropped. We’ll use the good emotional energies and take them with us. We’ll make use of the best of what we learned in Pisces and take it with us as we develop the mind to the highest extent possible.

Audience: “Have you heard the saying of Saint Germain that this planet is one of the few that has water and that you can only process emotions with water so a lot of people come here to learn that.”

JJ: Really. I hadn’t heard that before but I’m sure there is some truth behind that. It’s interesting that this earth is covered by three quarters water and we are such strong emotional beings on this planet. But the lesson of Aquarius will be to learn to walk on water so to speak. The symbolism of the Christ walking on water was the mastery of the emotions, to not let the emotions control you but you control them by learning to master them.

Audience: “Technology is creative so if we’re going to have this massive amount of technology isn’t that cool that a lot of people will be working together to create? I get a sense there is some negative out there but it doesn’t have to be negative. It’s a step forward.”

JJ: Yeah. A lot of people are afraid of technology. It’s not just fundamentalists or new-agers, it’s a cross section of a little bit of everybody. Some very conservative people want to go out in the woods and have five acres and store food and prepare for whatever comes. They don’t want technology. They just want an ax, a plow and a horse.

Audience: “But can’t technology open up some doors? Like ‘Surprise! I never thought about that! Awesome.’”

JJ: That’s true. On the other hand, there are new-agers who want to go out and get five acres too. They have a little different attitude. They want vegetables but no meat but they essentially want to do the same thing as the survivalists. Guys in Waco and some of these places –a lot of them have a similar type of idea but on two sides of the belief system.

Technology is interesting to contemplate. We’re worried about the technology that brought us oil because we’re throwing CO2 in the atmosphere yet that technology that brought us oil is taking us to greater technology that will develop other types of fuels that will be plentiful and non-polluting and we won’t be dependent on the Middle East to get it. The fact that we discovered oil in the Middle East is a two-edged sword. It allowed the people who live there to develop more but on the other hand they’ve also become a danger to us. Hopefully they can develop enough for their evolution, then we can leave them alone when we get independent sources of power.

So, technology is sort of built with stepping stones. Some of these stepping stones may make us nervous in the process but as we move up we eventually get on stepping stones that bring us freedom. There are a number of different energy sources that could bring us total freedom from depending on oil. Oil is a tremendous cause of friction but like Sharón says, if we weren’t fighting over oil we’d probably be fighting over something else. But if we weren’t fighting over oil I don’t think we’d fight as badly over the next thing.

Audience: inaudible question on developing sources.

JJ: There are several things we could develop. It’s possible to develop safe nuclear energy. We have the technology to create breeder reactors that could take the waste, that is supposed to be stored in Yucca Mountain, and that could power the United States for a thousand years. We could eliminate all that waste and provide power to the United States for a thousand years with the new generation of breeder reactors but a lot of people are against breeder reactors because it can produce plutonium and atomic bombs are made from that. But we can already produce plutonium and make atomic bombs anyway so really the danger is not increased.

Another way is hydrogen power. The only trouble with hydrogen power is to produce 1 unit of hydrogen power it takes about 1.2 units of some other energy source. If we have to burn 1.2 units of coal to produce 1 unit of hydrogen then we’re going backwards rather than forwards.

If we were to produce breeder reactors that consume waste rather than to create waste….

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Right. If we had enough nuclear we could make hydrogen like crazy and be non-polluting. France, for instance, uses nuclear energy for 80% of their power. They aren’t spooked about it the way we are here. Matter of fact, they’ve improved their nuclear plants a lot because they’ve continued working on the technology. It’s improved enough that people aren’t afraid to live next door to a plant in France. France had to develop nuclear because right after the oil shortage of 1978 they thought, “Man, the Middle East is going to blow up in our face and we have no oil in France. We’ve got to do something.” So, they looked into building safer nuclear plants and the nuclear plants they have today are much safer than those of the past.

When they built the first railroad bridges there were quite a few accidents and enough people were killed and enough trains destroyed by crossing those early railroad bridges that a lot of people thought them so dangerous that railroads should be done away with completely because they can not build a safe one.

There was a lot of talk back then about not having railroads at all because a safe bridge could not be built. It was impossible. Well, the engineers got together and thought about how to build a safe bridge and it got to the point where the bridges hardly ever collapse. That isn’t a worry anymore. It’s a little like nuclear energy. When we built our first nuclear reactors for creating electricity they weren’t nearly as safe as we can build them now and they aren’t nearly as safe as they would be in say, 50 years from now.

Imagine if we could take the waste from Yucca Mountain and live on that for a thousand years and not build weapons out of it. A lot of people think anti-nuclear means anti-nuclear everything. We really don’t want nuclear war. That’s the main thing we don’t want. We don’t want nuclear pollution. If we can do away with nuclear pollution and nuclear war and just use nuclear energy for safe means it’s not nearly the problem we’ve had in the past.

Audience: “What about solar energy?”

JJ: The trouble with solar energy is that it will take the area of about three states to power the United States. You’d have to completely cover them.

Audience: “What about just for residences to cut back on other sources?”

JJ: Solar energy is clean except to construct the solar panels creates a certain amount of pollution. To do that you get more pollution than you have from nuclear. You have to have the solar panels and they need to be replaced and serviced and it takes quite a bit of iron and materials and it creates pollution to make the heat to create these things. People don’t take that into account.

You’d have to take about three average sized states and cover them entirely in panels to give us enough power to power the United States. People think we can improve on it but even if we got all our energy from the sun there is just not enough there. It’s a good supplement but it’s expensive at thus time though I’m sure there will be improvements in the future..

Audience: “What about the tides?”

JJ: The tides are a possibility because there is unlimited power there. They tried several experiments. The last experiment they had was completely destroyed by the tide itself, by a big wave. They sunk a bunch of money into development, then a big wave came along and destroyed the whole experiment.

I believe that could be a source and the tides could be a source of power that could even replace nuclear. It would be nice if we didn’t have to use nuclear because people are afraid of it. And I hope I didn’t offend that lady that just left because I think she was an anti-nuclear person.

We need to look at everything with new eyes as we’re looking at the future. One time when Wayne had a vision of the future a power source came to him that I thought was really interesting. He saw that they were putting generators down under the ocean. The ocean has different temperatures at different levels. By using the variance in temperature they were able to create a turbine from the different temperatures of the various depths of the ocean. Do you remember that Wayne? Did you ever read any research on it?

Wayne: “Not that I recall.”

Audience: Indistinct — research paper.

JJ: So that’s a viable source. Another source that people say we can have is wind. Wind is very unreliable because unlike coal or nuclear or most other things where you get a consistent energy, wind stops. The wind stops and it throws a kink in everything. If it were supplemental it would be fine but if we were relying on it we would maybe have our electricity go out and come back on. Plus it takes a tremendous surface area of the Earth to give us the wind power. I myself, when I go through these big windmill areas think I’d hate to see half my state covered in them. That’s a source of eye pollution in my mind.

They want to put a big windmill farm in Robert Kennedy Jr’s backyard area and even he is against it. And he’s a big environmentalist. But when they want to put one near him, he’s actually suing to keep them away from his backyard. The thing is it’s a little impracticable to think about producing mass windmills because too many people would complain of the eye pollution. If we had a few here and there we wouldn’t get many complaints but if we built enough to really become a sustainable force a lot of people would say, “Hey we want something else. We want our trees and forests to look like trees and forests. We don’t want windmills everywhere.”

Audience: “During World War 2 the Germans developed technology to get fuel, diesel fuel, gasoline from coal and I read just recently that they aren’t doing that from coal but they are building plants in the Mideast with oil plants to build much cleaner burning diesel. It’s technology the Germans developed during World War 2.”

JJ: The Germans were short of energy so they had to improvise and came up with some pretty good ideas for that time. When the human mind is forced to come up with solutions great advances forward often occur.

There’s nothing I’m afraid of like scared people. —Robert Frost

Oct 10, 2009

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