Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 14
The Great Sign
JJ: The main thing that Laura saw that I found interesting was the vehicles that went through air, similar to what Wayne saw, but she saw a view of the Earth from space that transposed the way Earth used to look to how it looked then and everything was changed. There was a similar amount of land mass and water but everything had shifted. There were new lands and other lands had been sunk.
JJ to an Audience Member: Are you ready to go into the future or back to the future from which you came? (laughter) Okay, close your eyes. You’re going to completely relax. Relax your whole body. You’re going into a very deep state of concentration. Visualize a light right here on your forehead, right where I’m touching. Concentrate on that. As you concentrate on that you can see anything you want to see. You can go anywhere you want to go; past, present or future. I’m going to count to ten as you concentrate on this spot and you’re going to go into the future, into a future life and time. In this future life and time you’ll be able to see everything from that point back to 2005. One. Two. Three. You’re moving forward. Four. Five. Six. More forward still. A future life is beginning to dawn upon you. You’re beginning to be there. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. You’re in a future life. You can see everything your future self can see. Who are you?
Audience member: “There is no shape nor form. I just see… [inaudible] it’s just like countless stars or galaxies. I don’t have any form. I don’t see any form around me.”
JJ: Concentrate on being wherever it is you are in your consciousness. I want you to tune your consciousness in on planet Earth in 2030 to 2040. Impressions are starting to come to you regarding this time period. When I count to three these impressions will be firmly formulated in your mind and consciousness. One. Two. Three. What are your impressions?
Audience member: “I see like white walkways, I see walkways, I see trees, I see hills. I really don’t see a lot of people.”
JJ: Has there been a disaster?
Audience member: “I’m in an area where there aren’t a lot of people but there is a white paved walkway that somebody built.”
JJ: Where is it?
Audience member: “Out west somewhere, maybe Idaho or maybe Utah.”
JJ: I’m going to count to three again and an impression will form about an Earth change. The next major Earth change that will occur will come into your mind. One. Two. Three.
Audience member: “2017. That’s all I got.”
JJ: Can you see what the change is?
Audience member: “I see a lot of water.”
JJ: Some type of flooding?
Audience member: “Yes.”
(Note: 2017 was a year of record breaking flooding and weather disasters causing $306 billion in damages in just the United States.)
JJ: Okay. Come back to the present. Did you get any impressions that you didn’t share and want to tell us.
Audience member: “No.”
JJ: I thought I’d use some of the psychic abilities some people have to see what we’d come up with here. We’ve had some interesting impressions but when we have these impressions come they don’t always agree 100%. A lot of times there is more agreement than appears because one person will get an impression on a certain area and the other person will get an impression on another area. The big question people have in this day and age, because of all the predictions, is, “What do we do to prepare? Do we need to prepare? Is there something really big coming?” For instance, has anyone heard of the predictions for 2012? A lot of people are expecting something big to happen then. Sharón gave an interesting answer on that.
Audience member: “As we’re talking about predictions… (inaudible) do you have any personal information?”
JJ: Yes, that’s a different story. If we have time near the end I’ll discuss that because it’ll take more than a few minutes to cover that. 2012, for instance, is a big one and a lot of people are almost banking on it to be true. Sharón gave an interesting answer that this is merely like the end of a cycle and the Aztecs were writing about cyclic time and didn’t mean it to be the end of the world. But if it is the end of the cycle, often the end of a cycle produces a point of tension which often does produce change. I believe the exact transition time between the Aquarian and Piscean Ages was when the first atomic bomb went off in 1945. I think that was the shifting of the ages right at that point.
The scripture says, the sign of the son of man in heaven with power and great glory that will eclipse all the stars and the moon and the sun. It’s interesting that the word “heaven” comes from the Greek word Uranos and another word derived from that is Uranium. It says that during the sign of the son of man the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then it says will all of the tribes mourn when they see the sign of the son of man in heaven.
You would think if there were a sign that Christ was coming not everybody would mourn. But it says everybody will mourn, all the nations, the tribes and the peoples of the Earth, the Bible says, will mourn when they see the sign. Well, you would think at least a handful of born-againers or somebody would be happy to see the sign that Christ is making his return, right? But what sign happened that caused everybody to mourn where the powers of Uranium were shaken? It says the powers of heaven and the word that comes from Uranos is Uranium. When the powers of Uranium were shaken it will produce a sign of the son of man coming in power and great glory that will eclipse all of the Lights of the Earth. Does that sound familiar?
Audience member: “Atomic bomb.”
JJ: Right. Why is the atomic bomb called the sign of the son of man? Somebody asked Jesus for a sign one time. He said he’d only give one sign and that was the sign of Jonah. He said the son of man will be in the Earth for three days and three nights then he predicted his resurrection. So he was placed in the tomb and the tomb broke forth and the eternal life was escaped. Now, what happens when the sign of the son of man is given in Uranium when heaven or Uranium is shaken until the tomb of matter, which is the Uranium atom, splits in two, just like the grave, the tomb that held Christ split in two.
The Uranium atom splits in two and a piece of pure spiritual energy escapes, pure energy, that produces the energy of the atomic bomb and it turns into two atoms but there is an escape of essence. Part of the matter is transmuted completely into pure energy and escapes. So the sign of the son of man is in Uranium because when the atom splits a portion of the eternal essence escapes and is free, just like when the tomb of Christ split open at His resurrection the eternal life of Christ emerged. The Uranium atom is a complete, perfect correspondence of the sign of the son of man.
What’s interesting is it says that this sign given in heaven or Uranium will make all of the people of the tribes and nations of the Earth mourn. When the atomic bomb went off at Hiroshima, what did everyone think? We thought, “Well we got the Japanese but we could be next.”
Audience member: “It could still happen.”
JJ: Yeah, it’s a miracle it hasn’t yet. So, when it happened there wasn’t a single person who was entirely comfortable with that event. Everybody on the Earth, every single person, was disturbed. We thought science could develop it more and more until all of us could be touched by it. We could destroy the Earth with this power so this sign of the son of man made everybody nervous, made everyone mourn. When you think on it, that’s the only sign that could make everybody on the planet nervous, no other sign could do this. It certainly couldn’t be a sign like the Christians believe of looking at the sky and seeing some angels show up or something like that heralding the coming of Christ. There would be at least there would be at least one person happy on the Earth. You would think millions of people would be happy. But the scripture says, “all the people will mourn when they see this sign.”
Audience member: “Which scripture are you referring to here?”
JJ: Matthew 24. It’s the whole chapter discussing it. I can’t remember the exact verse but it’s in Matthew 24 where he talks about the disciples asking about the coming of the end of the age.
Audience member: “So this sign actually became the realization of our — when we realized we were immortal? Our immortality?”
JJ: Yea, there is a positive and a negative side. Number one, it makes us all mourn but number two, the writings of Alice A Bailey make an interesting statement that this was an initiation for matter itself. Matter itself was undergoing an advancement forward because matter was being stimulated so it could release its eternal essence. In matter itself there is a light center which is covered by electron clouds that hide the central light of the atom. In the nuclear explosion that central light is partially released and a portion of the eternal essence is able to be liberated. So, it has a positive and negative aspect. when we move ahead and obtain greater power for good there is also power for evil. So the Brotherhood of Light is very cautious about helping us develop more power because even though we may be able to use it for good, it can also be used to destroy us.
This was one of the problems they had in ancient Atlantis was that the Brotherhood worked, with what they think now on hindsight, was too closely with the disciples of Atlantis. Their technology got too advanced too quickly and they wound up destroying themselves. The dark brothers got a hold of the technology and used it in a negative way to the point that the only solution was to allow Atlantis to destroy itself. So it did over a period of time. It didn’t happen all at once. It went through several different cataclysmic destructions before Atlantis was completely destroyed.
So, we look forward to our future and everyone wonders what it’s going to be. Like we were talking about last night, the exact details of the future no one knows. There are certain cycles and the Masters do know what is going to happen within these cycles but a lot of the details are unknown. Several people had impressions that part of what happens is determined by us.
Even what happens on the Earth is determined by us to a large degree by our consciousness. The weather is determined by us too, much more than we think. As someone once said to me, “Well, there is weather on Mars. That’s not determined by anybody.” Actually there is life on Mars on the higher spheres, as far as that goes, and it’s true that if there was no physical life on the Earth, there would still be weather but when physical life is here the weather is influenced by our group thoughts and groups fears. Not only the weather but also what happens. If we fear a coming Apocalypse enough we put in motion energy that can make that at least partially happen.
Audience member: “(Inaudible in parts) — in that scripture does it not also say that those will not pass away before His return?”
JJ: Right. A lot of people read that and they think he is talking about the generation that existed in Jesus’ day but there is another way of reading it. The generation that sees this sign of the son of man shall not all pass away until Matthew 24, the predictions in it will be fulfilled. So if we read it in that light it makes it pretty interesting. That would mean that Christ will actually come again before everyone who was born in 1945 will pass away.
Our thoughts influence things a lot more than we think. There is an old saying that says “Energy follows thought.” A lot of people may not believe that. I might say, “I want that piece of paper to rise” and energy should follow thought. It doesn’t work exactly that way. It’s possible we could move material with our thought but thought doesn’t work directly upon matter.
Thought goes through the emotional plane then the etheric plane then down to the physical plane. But thought works very heavily upon emotional matter and emotional matter is very strongly connected to the weather because emotion is strongly connected with the element of water. Mind is connected with the element of air. In astrology air equals mind and water equals emotion.
So because energy follows thought, that means your thoughts will strongly influence the weather and events connected with air and water because your thought has a much more powerful and immediate impression upon mental matter than it does upon emotional matter or physical matter. But once the higher realms are affected then it materializes down into the lower realms. You’ll notice upon the different areas of Earth we have different temperaments of people and different types of weather follow. Where more emotional people are gathered you’ll see a lot more hurricanes and typhoons and things like this. Where more mental people are gathered, the weather is more stable as a whole.
Let’s take all the flooding that happened in California right after the election. California is very liberal and Hollywood hates Bush and they expected to carry a win but when Bush won the election they were very depressed so the weather followed the depression and they were overshadowed by really bad weather. It rained and rained and there were mudslides and it very much duplicated the depression people in Southern California had over losing the election to George Bush. That was a very interesting correspondence.
Audience member: “Boise’s weather has changed dramatically over the last 10-15 years where we hardly have any snow at all but we do have an influx of Californians moving in.”
JJ: I never thought about that but that’s a very good point. Susie said a lot of Californians have moved to Idaho and now the weather is more like California weather. That’s a really good thought. Their thinking could have something to do with it.
“Visions come not to polluted eyes.” — Mary Howitt
Oct 6, 2009
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