Discovering the New Age, Part 2


June 20, 2016

Discovering the New Age, Part 2

Sorting out Mind from Emotion

The core difference between the old age and the new is emotional polarization vs mental. DK emphasizes that a great benefit of the coming age is that people will shift to the mental plane in their thinking, “the plane whereon the Masters can be found.”

Humanity has made some progress in this direction but the vast majority are still emotionally polarized. If you confront their dogmatic beliefs with logic and reason they will just tune out, reject and seek to have their astral ideals reinforced.

There are a lot of things I could present, from the plane of the mind, concerning political beliefs that would be instantly rejected by many students. Such controversy usually accomplishes little but the establishment of grievances. Instead I am going to present several items of a political nature that most would agree must be handled with logic over feeling. If we can see eye to eye on these then perhaps a door may be open for wider agreement.

The first item to examine is the completely illogical and outrageous national debt.

By the end of the Obama administration the debt will be around $20 trillion dollars. That is about a quarter of a million dollars owed by a typical family of four.

And where can you find a typical family of four to come up with the quarter million cash to pay their share?

You can’t.

So the politicians just kick the can down the road in hope that the someone in the future will be responsible for the reckoning.

Is it logical that our government has run up such a huge debt in our name?


Is it logical that the American people just acquiesced and let them do it?


Is it logical that millions of Americans encouraged such borrowing and support it to this day?


So, what accounts for this madness? Does it come the emotions or the mind?

Obviously such recklessness does not come from a people centered in reason, but from the emotional plane where logic usually takes a back seat.

But even emotional people have a brain. We all know lots of emotional people that still handle their budget in a reasonable way. How could we have let this happen to or country?

The answer is really quite simple. We the people have just not been paying attention to the details. We have trusted our financial fate to politicians and they tell us that there is no problem with the money they are spending… not to worry.

If we compared our country to a family it would go like this.

Jeb has a credit card with a very high limit but just makes an average salary. There are many things the family desires that cannot be obtained with his salary alone. Since his wife and kids are always complaining about what they do not have Jeb feels under pressure and starts to cave. He drives a used car but everyone wants a new one, and a sporty one at that. He buys one with his magical credit card and is a big hit with all in the family except little Eddie. Eddie is a smart little kid, a whiz on computers, gadgets and numbers.

“How are you going to pay for this car, Dad?” He asks.

Everyone turns on Eddie and frowns. His skepticism seems to spoil their excitement.

“Don’t worry about it,” says Dad.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it,” the others echoed.

Now the family had been pretty frugal with buying their groceries and Jeb was getting complaints that the neighbors eat better than they do. He thought about the praise he had received for buying the new car so he thought, “What the heck! I’ll buy better quality groceries with the credit card. After all, why should we do without when the neighbors have what they want?”

Jeb started buying quality foods with his credit card and soon little Eddie voiced concern about where the money was coming from. Jeb had some second thoughts and cut the grocery budget for a few weeks, but got so many complaints from the rest of the family that he went back to buying the good stuff. He thought, “We deserve this,” and threw in some expensive wine on the purchases.

Soon his son, Andy, graduated from High School and wanted to go to a good college. They had enough money set aside for him to go to a local junior college and live at home, but Andy didn’t like that idea.

Andy told his Dad, “I don’t want to go to the local backwoods college and stay at home. That is humiliating when all my friends are going to the good university in the big city.”

Jeb responded, “But, son, that would cost three times as much as the local college, especially considering, higher tuition and room and board.”

“But Dad, it’s for a good cause. It’ll give me a greater chance to get a good job.”

Jeb hesitates, “We just don’t have the money son.”

Andy triumphantly comes back with, “But you have that great credit card and if you really loved me and wanted what is best for me then you would use it.”

Jeb did love his son and he felt guilty that such love was ever in question so he gave in and sent Andy to the good college.”

Little Eddie voiced some concern about the large debt and interest accumulating on the credit card, but the Mother said, “You love Andy, don’t you?’

“Yes,’ said Eddie.

“You want what is best for him don’t you?”

“Of course.”

“Then let us get behind supporting him and sending him to the good college that he deserves,” said the Mother.

You see where this is going? Soon, not a month goes by that some new desire to spend for a benevolent purpose surfaces. There seems to be no end to good spending causes for the family.

And what is the inevitable result of such recklessness? Basically the same as a Ponzi Scheme.

Soon the payments and interest become so great that Jeb has to make payments by charging them to the card itself.

Finally comes the day that the bank carefully examines Jeb’s situation and becomes alarmed. They completely cut off his credit and take his card back. Then they demand payment in full. They tell him that if he doesn’t have the savings to pay then all his assets will be sold and proceeds taken by the bank.

The Jeb family then suffers a total disaster. They have to sell their car, their house and Andy has to drop out of college and get a low paying job. They now barely have enough for groceries and all other wonderful purchases are sold or returned.

Now they have nothing of value.

And why?

Because they followed desire/emotion rather than reason.

What could have prevented the disaster?

The solution was extremely simple. They should have only bought what they could afford and when they saw they were over extended they merely needed to cut back on their spending. They needed to realize that they could not afford everything they desired, even if the desired seemed to be benevolent.

Now the really odd thing is this.

Most families are fairly responsible with their credit cards and even the majority of the more irresponsible ones do not go so crazy that they will suffer a collapse through purchases that are not absolute necessities.

Now we, as a nation are like a big family that has a huge credit card, as did Jeb. Most of us can stand back and look at Jeb’s decisions and see them for what they are. They were based on the old age emotion desire aspect and not the Aquarian reasoning.


Half or more of our population seem to have no problem with our exorbitant debt or adding much more to it as long as part of the money spent fulfills some of their personal desires they see as benevolent.

So I ask this question. Do decisions that support this dangerous spending come from the plane of the mind or the emotional/astral? Are they related to the old age, attached to desire or the new, seeking a mental polarization?

One would think that all but those anchored like cement on the old age would see where the mental polarization would lie.

Conclusion: Those attached to the old age, linked to the desire nature, will support totally irresponsible spending, even for many things that are not real necessities, to get what they want.

The mentally polarized will seek to a balanced budget and responsible spending, even if some of the good things they desire are not obtained. Instead they will work to obtain their desires through practical and logical and harmless means.

For Part 3 GO HERE

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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