Errors or Not?

Feb 5, 2016

Errors or Not?


Long ago I noticed that the physics proclaimed on this forum was in error.

You may recall the claim that the proton contains 6 quarks. Most recently a climate cycle of 11,500 years has been claimed.

So Keyster science should not be trusted.


The only error was in your wild imagination. The three known quarks within the proton do not account for even half the mass so something else has to be there. Scientists at Cern realize this and are now looking for the particles that may account for the extra mass. One theory is that each quark is accompanied by an anti quark or some other unknown particle.

Saying I am wrong when science neither proves or disproves my position, but does give evidence, is far from you finding an error.

As far as the 11,500 year cycle goes. It is a popular theory that the last ice age cycle of note ended about 11,500 years ago and we are due for another one. The exact period of the cycles of the major and minor ice ages are not known with exactness so if you claim to have exact knowledge on this then you are smoking the wrong stuff.

Here is a link to my argument that demolished the supposed error that you think you found.


Finally, I do not ask anyone to trust anything I say, but encourage them to check my words out with known facts and their own souls and reasoning.



Sorry to have to say this on your birthday but your most disappointing characteristic is that you refuse to ever admit that you are incorrect even when it is very obvious. Even in the Alex Jones/CNN case after being told by several of your devotees, in the end you still held that CNN could have done it.


If someone comes up with reliable information that proves me wrong I’ll admit it right away. For instance I stood corrected on a point or two in the double slit experiment discussed here which I did not understand completely. I see the picture a lot better now. But if someone comes up with an opinion as to which research or theory is most accurate which disagrees with my opinion or conclusion then nothing has been proven right or wrong. When all the data is not known there is no way to prove who is right or wrong.

Take this CNN photo you brought up. Here were my final remarks on the matter.

The claim being made wasn’t that the doctored photo was on the internet or CNN’s website, but on the broadcast news. If this is true then no Google search would turn this up unless someone has the original news clips. I cannot find a sign of the original video newsclips anywhere and the CNN site has nothing on it supporting or refuting this story.

Since we have no hard proof that CNN doctored this or any other image we’ll have to give them the benefit of the doubt. Message #77640

Since the original newsclips were never produced we can never know for sure about that photo. I gave CNN the benefit of the doubt, but that was the best anyone could honestly do without seeing the original footage.

In the future if you disagree with me that is fine, but don’t expect me to change my opinion unless you provide some proof or strong reason.

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The Offending Part

Feb 4, 2016

The Offending Part

lwk quotes this scripture followed by a question:

“And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.” -Matthew 5.29

Do you suppose this is something the man Jesus said, not necessarily guided by the Christ within, or perhaps even modified/added to/corrupted in the transmission of the scriptures themselves?

If you could distill down what the teaching was intended to convey, what would that be?


This basic thought is repeated several times in Matthew and Mark, which is not a surprise because many scholars think that Mark was written first and used as a source by the author of Matthew.

The above scripture mentions the “right eye”, but later Matthew repeats this thought in Matt 18:9 just mentioning the “eye” with no right or left attached. Mark does the same thing. There are similar references to cutting off the hand or the foot if they offend.

Even though there is some literal truth to these scriptures, as I noted before, it would seem quite possible that Jesus may have rephrased them if he had thought about how literally some future fanatics may take his words. Then too, it is quite possible that he never said it this way at all. Mark words his a little differently and Luke and John leave it out altogether.

The Aquarian Gospel gives a larger account of the Sermon on the Mount and never mentions this scripture at all.

Furthermore, Jesus said “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.” Matt 5:17

Here is one of the laws:

You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord. Leviticus 19:28 ESV

My guess is that this was a saying attributed to Jesus and got placed in there when the gospels were compiled. Jesus probably made some off hand remark about how it would be worth the sacrifice of a body part to enter the Kingdom of God, but didn’t plan on this type of wording to enter the holy writ.

As I said there is some literal truth in the scripture, because a life lived well with a missing body part is better in the end than a careless one where one is whole.


99.9% of the people would see it as madness to pluck out an eye or cut off a hand just to avoid temptation. An I agree, that a person would have to be bordering on insanity to do such self mutilation, but there are some who have done it.

Saint Lucia of Syracuse, plucked out both her own eyes and sent them to an admirer to stave off his advances when she thought he may interfere with her vow of chastity. I’m not sure who was the more insane, Lucia, or the church for making her a saint.

Whether Jesus said this or not it surely was not meant to be taken literally, but merely stated to make the point that most any sacrifice or disability we might have to suffer for the kingdom of God would be worth the price. Those who go so far as to give the ultimate sacrifice of their lives for the truth are assured of great reward. On the other hand, suicide, in an attempt to negate life, is a grave error.

Even though all the words attributed to Jesus in the scriptures may not be completely accurate they are still the result of contemplative thought and have value. What meaning can we derive from these strange scriptures?

There are three body parts mentioned that may offend and cause the disciple to turn to the path of destruction. They are the eye, the hand and the foot.

The eye discerns light from darkness and when it ceases to follow that discernment the whole body goes into the hell of darkness and the person loses his way.

Through the eye the individual sees many things done by others that offend him. In this case he needs to pluck out the offense (not the eye) so he can see into the soul of his brother.

The hand is a symbol of labor and it offends when a person does harmful deeds that cause ill will in his brother’s heart. These offensive deeds (not the hand) need to be eliminated and replaced by acts of generosity and love.

Feet symbolize the power to move forward toward our goals and overcome obstacles on the way. Offences of the feet come when the person walks by those in need and does not help, or he bulldozes over a brother in the way causing harm. The disciple must remove this offensive behavior (not the feet) and seek to be a servant rather than to be served.

In reading and interpreting any words belonging to either a wise man or a tyrant one must use the eye of discernment. The literal words often do not tell the whole story.



Ruth asks: “These are the Jews that were here on Earth before other humans and Sanat?”

Not quite sure which group of Jews you are referring to here. If you are referring to sixth degree initiates the answer is no.


With the 7th Initiation, that Christ will be undergoing for the rest of humanity, what does that entail for him?


It is written: “He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied.” Isa 53:11 To complete his seventh initiation he must complete the work he has set for himself so his soul will be satisfied so he can move onward to greener pastures and leave the work for others to more forward. What all this entails no one knows in full detail.

For more on the seventh go to this audio


Start at 5 minutes 48 seconds.

The full presentation is HERE


(Does Christ have to) resurrect the rest of humanity out of the darkness and above the cosmic physical plane? Or only himself and his elementals and Devas?


They will not be taken completely out of darkness but he will complete as much as is possible – to his satisfaction. All life will be stimulated.


So Jesus will be the Messiah over the Jewish leaders and ancient Jews who have incarnated into the Mormon Church? How are those people going to recognize him, when they are so stuck in wrong thought forms and corrupted beliefs?


The disciple Jesus will be a Messiah to the Jewish race, not the Mormons. That does not mean he will be “over the Jewish leaders” but he will be a force for change. Keep in mind that it has been over 60 years since DK made this prediction and even the plans of the Great Ones change with new influences.

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Reflections on Trump

Jan 31, 2016

Reflections on Trump

Donald Trump is one of the most interesting as well as controversial presidential candidates we have had or some time. The amazing thing he has a good chance of getting the Republican nomination and winning the presidency. If he runs against Bernie Sanders he should win despite his controversy because the majority do not want a socialist president. Hillary is having legal problems because of her illegal emails and may not be able to stay in the running.

Just like circumstances fell in place for Obama to become president, so far circumstances are falling in place for Trump.

Trump has a great Achilles heel though and that is the number of people against him. Presently 60% of the people see him as negative. Some analysts feel that if a couple Republican candidates drop out that most of their people would go to Cruz or Rubio and not Trump and when the herd gets thinned that Trump may be in trouble. Time will tell.

Here are the plusses and minuses I see with Trump.


He is very intelligent. Like I said his handwriting shows he is the most intelligent candidate since JFK. However his intelligence flows in a different direction. None of us can excel at all things. Intelligent people pick a few things of interest and excel at them. Trump does have an interest in the material and abstract but his handwriting shows that he really places a lot of attention on the social aspect of being. Some may question this because of his politically incorrect statements, but consider how well known he has been for decades. Few people are household names because they are billionaires. He is a household name because of a high social consciousness and awareness. It makes it look like he is in the game for the ego, but his greatest motivation is to mix with interesting people. He likes stimulating them in either a positive or negative way.

If he becomes president he has he potential to use this social intelligence in a positive way on behalf of the country.


He is somewhat of a wild card. As I said, he does not reveal all his plans or thoughts. This is not only confirmed by his handwriting, but his own words. Several times he has been asked about position of several issues and he has responded that he will not reveal his thoughts because knowing too much about him would hinder him in dealing with enemies if he becomes president.

He has changed positions a number of times and may change them again.


He is a determined fighter to get what he wants. This will be positive if he fights for the good of the country.


Some worry that he will fight for personal interests rather than the good of the country. Voters need to assess whether he has the best interests of the country in his mind.


He has proven, more than the other candidates that he can run a successful business, come back from behind, make good deals and electrify and audience.


He has also had failures and has offended a lot of people.


He has proven he can get things done.


There is a concern that if given the power of the presidency he would use too much authority and bypass Congress as Obama has tried to do.


We know a lot more about him than we did Obama when he was elected.


Not all like what they know, or think they know.

The three issues I look for in a president is how he will handle national security, the economy and will he support the Principle of Freedom? If these are taken care of then our lives can go on to solve all the other issues which are minor by comparison. I am not attracted to a president who wants to borrow money to give me freestuff.

Whoever we elect will have many unknowns about him or her as the person enters the office.

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Trump Supporters

Jan 30, 2016

Trump Supporters

I read the article about Trump referenced by lwk and I must say that he really plays loose with the facts and seems to have a great bias against Trump. He draws conclusions that are not based on any recognized reality. For instance, Mr. Schwimmer says:

“Here is a man who has never held public office and has achieved less in business than Paris Hilton.”

True, he has never held public office but to say he has achieved less in business than Paris Hilton is madness. Paris has never managed a multi billion dollar enterprise, never made deals comparable to Trump and never built or managed any huge real estate endeavors, never authored a best selling how-to-succeed book and never had people support her for president. True they both had television shows, but Trump’s required a lot of savvy and judgment whereas Paris just had to be her silly self.

In his book, The Art of the Deal Trump describes a typical day:

Most people are surprised by the way I work. I play it very loose. I don’t carry a briefcase. I try not to schedule too many meetings. I leave my door open. You can’t be imaginative or entrepreneurial if you’ve got too much structure. I prefer to come to work each day and just see what develops.

There is no typical week in my life. I wake up most mornings very early, around six, and spend the first hour or so of each day reading the morning newspapers. I usually arrive at my office by nine, and I get on the phone. There’s rarely a day with fewer than fifty calls, and often it runs to over a hundred. In between, I have at least a dozen meetings. The majority occur on the spur of the moment, and few of them last longer than fifteen minutes. I rarely stop for lunch. I leave my office by six-thirty, but I frequently make calls from home until midnight, and all weekend long.

It never stops, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That’s where the fun is. And if it can’t be fun, what’s the point?

I would guess that is much different than a typical day for Paris Hilton.

Schwimmer continues:

“who, except for the real estate knowledge, connections, and fortune, all of which he inherited from his father.”

Trump helped his father’s real estate business become successful and when he branched out on his own he borrowed $1 million from him. His father was never worth more than about $250 million and had five children to divide up the inheritance at his death. Trumps assets today are valued at $10 billion so obviously he did not inherit this from his father. His father, I’m sure was helpful, but not the cause of his success.


“has failed at pretty much everything except real estate and, of course, self-promotion;

That’s like saying Bill Gates has failed at everything except his business ventures. Until running for president, real estate and his TV show were his main focus so calling him a failure in all but this is strange indeed. He co-produced and starred in the very successful Apprentice for over a decade.


who touts himself as a champion of the little guy

I’ve never seen him do this. He talks about greater prosperity for all Americans.


“switched political party affiliations at least five times since the late ’80s, according to voting records.”

He’s been a registered Republican since 1988. Reagan also switched parties.


Who says he will “bomb the **** out of” ISIS” but is afraid of a five-foot-six blonde bombshell.

We do not know that. Many think this was merely a strategy to put the focus on Cruz and take him out as a competitor.

Next Schwimmer tells us we should not support Trump because he referenced Second Corinthians 3:17 as Two Corinthians 3:17. He was technically correct, but that is not the way fundamentalist believers reference scripture. So trump is not a big Bible scholar and doesn’t use the lingo. Who cares!

Then Schwimmer reminds us that Trump tells us he will make deals with all kinds of entities, including Democrats. He seems to think this is a terrible thing.

What is terrible is making bad deals. If a deal is good and benefits the deal maker’s side then why complain? The Republicans are terrible at making deals that benefit them. Instead they go along with the Democrats and doing this is called a deal. If they make no movement to fulfill promises to those who elected them then the deal is bad. For instance, budget deals that needlessly increased our debt are bad deals for all.

Trump has proven himself to be a good deal maker. Schwimmer seems to think he will use this talent as president, not to help America, but only himself. I see no evidence of this. One of the main deals he says he would like to have a part in is making a better deal with Iran so they do not obtain power to lob nuclear missiles our direction. Sure, that is in Trump’s best interest, but also the best interest of you, me, the whole country and world.

Schwimmer then goes on implying that Trump supporters are bordering on madness and delusion, following him without reason as if he were the second coming of Jesus.

There are a number of candidates I like and would be much happier to have as president than Obama, but I support none of them blindly.

I do not think I would get everything I want in Trump but one thing I like about him is that he understands the value of a dollar and knows how to get things done. Right now our biggest problem is our perilous economical situation and increasing debt. I believe he has the intelligence to set the economy on a stable footing and eliminate some of the wasted spending.

He is the only one running for president who has run a major business.

Back in the 1990s Trump was about two billion dollars in debt. That would have finished a lesser man. Of this time he said: “I refused to give in to the negative circumstances and I never lost faith in myself. I didn’t believe I was finished even when the newspapers were saying so. I refused to give up. Defeat is not in my vocabulary.”

Instead of giving up he focused and turned an apocalyptic situation into great success. He is noted in The Guinness Book of Records as having the biggest financial turnaround in history.

That’s not proof that he can do that for America, but it gives us more than the blind faith that Schwimmer accuses supporters as having.

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Ice Ages

Jan 23, 2016

Ice Ages


(Concerning Ice Ages) “As usual JJ does not have correct scientific facts.”


I am pretty careful about my scientific facts, thank you. It is rare that someone makes a legitimate correction of what I write.

There are numerous cycles that are called ice ages. The greater ice age, the Pliocene-Quaternary glaciation, started about 2.58 million years ago. Within that cycle have been lesser ice ages said to range from 40,000 to 100,000 years. Within that cycle are lesser ones still ranging from 10,000 to 12,000 years and within that cycle are 1,500 year cycles. This last 1,500 year cycle was called “The Little Ice Age” that ended with the recent warming which began around 1850.

A good case for the 11,500 year cycles was made by Robert Felix in his book Not by Fire But by Ice. He makes a good case for the fact that the 11,500 year cycles have occurred regularly for millions of years.

A case for the 1500 year cycles was made by S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery in their book Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years – a very well written book I might add.

Dates of previous cycles are regularly disputed and revised so there is no way of knowing who is making the most correct estimates.

In support of the rest of your post you might want to check out this article Global Warmists Angry Half The Earth Isn’t Covered In Ice.

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The Great Divide

Jan 20, 2016

The Great Divide

It is interesting to observe the great political division that has occurred among the people today. It seems to be fought out with great intensity within the United States, but the effect seems to be world wide.

The only time in history that I have seen such a parallel was the conflict over slavery which resulted in the U. S. Civil War.

We can see on hindsight that slavery was the cause of the last great division, but can we see the cause of the one we are facing today?

If we look we can. It is again slavery that is causing the problem, but on a higher turn of the spiral. Again we are headed toward another point of tension that will result in conflict. The best case scenario is that the conflict will work it self out in battles on the emotional and mental planes. The worst case is that it will descend into a full fledged physical conflict. Let us hope we have evolved enough as a society that we can resolve the worst of the problems through non-physical conflict.

When we as a civilization advance to the point where this is possible then we shall have indeed move into a new age where the battleground (the Kurukshetra) will see conflict resolved in planes higher than the physical.

It is interesting to reflect back to my early memories of politics back in the Fifties and Sixties. Of course, back then Republicans and Democrats had their disagreements, but being on one side or the other did not raise a red flag with your neighbors families and friends. You weren’t called names or accused of vile things just because your opinion differed from the other guy.

My first wife was a liberal socialist while I was into free market capitalism, yet we never discussed politics. We had lots of conflict in our marriage, but politics wasn’t part of the problem. Back then politics rarely interfered with friendships or family, but today it does.

Today if you go to a party and crash a group talking about a political view and express a different opinion they will look at you like you have leprosy and avoid you like the plague from that point on.

It didn’t used to be that way. We as a people have greatly polarized into two camps that cannot stand each other.

This makes me reflect on several scriptures that have predicted a division. But the division has a purpose and that is to initiate the great gathering of lights.

The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

Matt 13:24-30

The tares that have been sowed among the wheat in our era are concepts that have been incorporated into our system that run contrary to the freedoms guaranteed to our Constitution and threaten a new era of slavery.

Here is Jesus speaking again:

And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

Matt 25:32-33

The sheep are the people who realize that there is a higher intelligence that can guide us if we just go within and listen while the goats are those who merely want to follow their own little wills and desires for immediate satisfaction, even at the expense of others.

Even the Book of Mormon predicts this division:

For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire. II Nephi 30:10

Isaiah speaks of a time when the conflict will be resolved:

And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness. The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off: That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought.

Isaiah 29:18-21

Here Isaiah describes the characteristics of those who are on the wrong side of the conflict.

(1) The terrible one. This comes from the Hebrew `ARIYTS which indicates an oppressor or tyrant – one who takes away freedom,

Those on the wrong side will support oppression.

(2) The scorner. This comes from the Hebrew LUWTS which can be translated as to scorn, mock or hold in derision.

It is interesting how much the left today holds in derision harmless people of faith or supporters of the Constitution.

(3) They who watch for iniquity. We really see this happening in the political world today. Now the errors of some (Bill Cosby for example) are so great that we don’t have to watch for them to see them. What this is referring to are those like the critics of Jesus who watch for iniquity with such passion that they would find it even in the Christ. The watchers of iniquity try and destroy the workers in the light by finding small things and claiming they are big evils that must be opposed.

(4) That make a man an offender for a word. Does this describe the politically correct crowd or what? These guys stay awake at night trying to find new words that offend so they can accuse the opposition of being racists and bigots.

Of course, the average person does not want to be called such things so many try to keep up on the latest list of things they are not supposed to say such as Peanut Butter Sandwich, Normal, Pet Owner, Holding Down the Fort, Rule of Thumb, Homeless, Guys, Girls, Black Sheep, Bald, Failure, Handicapped, Midget, and even Christmas is seen with a jaundice eye by many.

(5) Lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate. He who reproves at the gate will teach correct principles for just living that will infuriate those who are against the principle of freedom and opposers will lay snares to create problems for those with whom they disagree.

(6) Turn aside the just for a thing of nought. There are many examples of this today. Perhaps the most obvious one is the negating of many of the just principles espoused in our Constitution for concepts of no value by comparison – or the turning aside freedom for slavery.

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The Observer

Jan 19, 2016

The Observer

We have often talked about the importance of maintaining the attitude of the observer and some have asked for further explanation. DK here gives some good advice on how the seeker can maintain such an attitude:

  1. Am I confusing a re-viewing with a re-doing or with a re-experiencing?

Do I understand what I mean when I regard myself as an Observer?

  1. What or who is the Observer? What is under observation?
  2. Am I capable of learning to observe, and of freeing myself from those results of observation which may not be desirable?
  3. Can I observe myself mentally, unbiased by any reaction from the emotional personal self?
  4. If I use this review on the attitude of the Observer as it should be used,
  5. What will be the effect in my life?
  6. What will be the effect in the life of the group I wish to serve?
  7. Can I honestly say that I can stand aside and observe with dispassion?
  8. If this review work is a definitely scientific method of development, have I ever given the technique of observation a fair trial? Do I feel it now to be desirable? Why?
  9. What basis can I find in my studies that this method of reviewing is the way for me, and that it will intensify my capacity for increased usefulness in service?
  10. In what way can right observation speed my progress upon the Path?
  11. If it is true that the blind must advance by touching but that those with sight move forward by seeing, and by keeping free and unattached, why, then, having sight, do I close my eyes and fail to observe? What is the main hindrance?
  12. Is my mind the organ of observation for the spiritual man? Can I offer this organ to the observer to use?
  13. Can I hold my mind steady in the light which streams from the Observer? Can I hold it as the searchlight of the soul?
  14. As I review today, what part has observation played?
  15. How do I define the word “observation”?
  16. Observation in the spiritual sense is a faculty which grows out of Self-realisation.
  17. Am I able to forget the fragmentary personal self?
  18. Can I centre my consciousness in the Self?
  19. Observation is a power of the Observer. It works in association with the mind. Do I understand and wield this power?
  20. We are told that there is an archetype, a pattern, a ray, a goal and a light which reveals these higher patterns or divine ideas. Do I know anything of this? I mean, practically, in my daily life.
  21. What is the archetypal pattern of observation, and how can it be expressed in my personal life?
  22. Do I recognise and am I in touch with other Observers of the way of life?
  23. Can I draw upon the power of observation and the wisdom of the Observer when others need it?
  24. I am the redeemer of the lower nature. In what way does observation aid in this redemption?
  25. Does redeeming force, released through observation, pour through me?
  26. In what fashion will the observation of the Observer bring changes in my life, my habits, and my attitudes?
  27. Through which body do I most easily express myself? Which of my bodies requires the most observation and control?
  28. Have I demonstrated the powers of observation today? Have I been in conscious contact at any moment with the Observer?
  29. What activities and qualities of my lower nature (good as well as undesirable) need to be observed if I desire to serve more intelligently?
  30. What is the major hindrance to my constant practice of observation? How can I offset this difficulty?
  31. How does the assumption of the attitude of the Observer assist my fellowmen?
  32. In what way can I most truly serve them? And how will observation help me to do this?

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pages 443-445

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Finding the Truth

Jan 18, 2016

Finding the Truth

A reader tells us that we should not believe a thing just because someone says it.

Where have you been? This has been a core teaching here since he Keys started in 1998. I don’t think that anyone here is making the case that we should believe anyone just because they say it. I have taught one should not accept a man, angel or god if the teaching does not harmonize with our own souls or make sense. Following an unearned authority without thinking for yourself is taking the mark of the beast.


Nothing is completely black or white.


Some things are black and white, but others, where not all the facts are known, may not be. For instance, it is a black and white truth that I post regularly to the Keys. It is not a black and white fact that all my posts are brilliant.


If X says A is good, and I say A is bad, that doesn’t entail that I think X is bad. X may be simply wrong about A, which happens all the time in the world of humans.


Opinions do not represent any universal truth. If A says that red is the most beautiful color and B says blue is then the black and white fact is that those are merely two opinions. The opinions themselves do not establish any universal black and white truth.


For instance, when JJ says Obama is similar to Nero, this shows me that he has no idea who Nero was and what he did. JJ doesn’t read too many books. Nero wanted to wipe the Christians (he fed them to the lions, for example), he burned the biggest city in the world (Rome), his own city, just because of boredom and wickedness.


I think that it is you that must not read much. If you have studied the life of Nero you would discover that he was much more like Obama than any other Roman emperor. He loved rubbing shoulders with the celebrities of the time and loved the praise of the people and even participated in various performances. Similarly, Obama rubs shoulders with celebrities and visits Hollywood, or invites celebrities to the White House whenever possible. He appears on TV as much as possible. And to top it all off he is fiddling around while Iran, North Korea, and ISUS are preparing to burn us down.

Nero had the advantage of having ultimate authority as emperor, but fortunately Obama is restricted (somewhat) by the Constitution. Even so, he has used the IRS to attack his political enemies, something Nixon only dreamed of doing.

Thanks to Obama withdrawing all troops from Iraq millions of Christians have been persecuted and many killed. He shuns taking Christian refugees but gleefully invites Muslims.

Like Nero he is cheered on by his supporters and causes great angst among the rest who fear for the fate of the nation.

I know, I know, you think he is as innocent as the driven snow, as the mounds of evidence goes over the head of ideologues.


JJ put forward some of the most preposterous assertions, such as “Obama is a communist/Marxist” (again, he has no idea who Marx was and what he wrote),


I have made no statement about Obama being a Marxist. I think I made a link one to some site that indicates Marxist tendencies and this bothered you immensely.

My main complaint against Obama is that he is taking us away from the principle of freedom instead of toward it.


“Climate change is manipulation” (he makes this assertion against the whole of the scientific community),


I support all proven facts about climate change as do all real scientists. The trouble with the argument is that it is led by politicians, like Al Gore, rather than real scientists. It is a fact that scientists have not proven how much effect humans have on the climate. Opinions of scientists vary over 1000%.

What the climate will do in the future is not a black and white thing.

I’ve written quite a bit on climate change and so far you haven’t been able to refute anything I have said about it.


“Bush had legal grounds to invade Iraq” (all evidence shows the contrary).

Did you miss my post where I said this:

After this the war was not declared over but a cease fire was arranged through U.N. resolution 687. The agreement that Saddam signed on to in order to enact a cease fire and save his skin was that he would allow full inspections and destroy all his weapons of mass destruction and not build any more. He also agreed to honor the civil rights of his people.

The deal was that if Saddam did not live up to his agreement (WMD inspections and civil rights) then the cease fire could end and the war would resume. No time limit was placed on this.

Bush and Blair enforced UN Resolution Number 687 as well as Number 1441. The latter was unanimously passed by the UN Security Council in November 2002 shortly before the war. Bush is accused of initiating a new war. It is not a new war, but an old one that was legally resumed and after he went the extra mile and got an additional UN resolution passed approving action. Clinton resumed the war legally several times (without an additional UN resolution) but not on the same scale Bush did. Bush and Blair merely enforced UN resolutions that others dragged their feet on because of their own oil contracts with the tyrant, Saddam Hussein.

Saddam Hussein’s refusal to obey the UN resolutions, especially cooperating with inspections of WMDs was then the number one reason for going to war. What good are UN resolutions if they are not enforced? Passing a resolution may make people feel good, but it means nothing if the described action is not taken. Bush and Blair were the only ones who meant what their country said when they voted for them.

In addition the Democratic-led Senate voted 77-23 for a war powers resolution and the House approved the war by 296-133. Hillary Clinton was one of the ones who voted for it.

If Bush bombing Iraq was illegal then Clinton’s bombing was even more illegal because he never sent anything through Congress.


Bush is good, then it’s settled. Everybody saying the contrary opposes JJ, which means opposes the Brotherhood of Light.”


I have never taught any such thing here. All are free to agree or disagree with me. I am recognized here for giving strong evidence to back up what I say and many have received soul confirmation on things that cannot be empirically proven.

Some of my strongest supporters here disagree with me on a number of teachings and this is fine.

You, on the other and seem to approach members here with a jaundice eye which makes many wonder why you are even here if you do not see much truth to be found here.

I see you end with a quote from the Bailey books. I am surprised you even read them when you say

that statements have “to be logically and empirically convincing.” DK leaves most of his teachings to be proven by the intuition rather than empirical evidence.


From A Course in Miracles

How can he (the Son of God) enter, to rest and to remember, without you? Except you be there, he is not complete. And it is his completion that he remembers there. … Think you when this has been achieved that you will rest without them? You could no more leave one of them outside than I could leave you, and forget part of myself.

Basically it is touching on the same principle that Jesus did when he said that a sparrow falling to the ground does not escape the attention of God. God needs all his creations for Itself to be complete for the ALL is God.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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A New Key

Jan 15, 2016

A New Key

I introduced a new key in the last gathering and as luck would have it, there was a flaw in the recording equipment and most of the speech on introducing this was lost.

This key was a little different in that the basics of it has been taught before by others. The Sixth Key of Knowledge is The Law of Correspondences.

This is indeed a key of knowledge and an understanding of it leads to unlimited knowledge and understanding.

Even though the teaching on it has been out there for ages most teachers have made the mistake of seeing it as black and white in principle. They make the statement as above so below and below is as above and leave it at that.

This approach leaves a huge gap in finding the truth as that which is above is never exactly like the below. The insight in this key is that God is always doing new things and when a higher creation appears it has correspondences to lower or previous ones, but always with a twist and that twist has to be found through the use of the intuition.

To understand we can look at history. They say that history repeats itself when it fact it does not do so exactly. One cycle of history may correspond to a past one, but there will always be differences. To discover the coming differences requites intuitive contemplation.

With physical creation an atom corresponds to a solar system, but with a twist. There are a lot of similarities, but also there are differences and the differences on a higher level are a key to the manifestation of greater intelligence.

Anyway about an hour of the presentation was lost but some of the gaps are filled in a previous article here.

And here is the last part of the presentation which was recorded.


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Jan 14, 2016


  1. If You’re choking on an ice cube, simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat. Presto! The blockage will instantly remove itself.
  2. Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold the vegetables while you chop.
  3. Avoid arguments with the females about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink.
  4. For high blood pressure sufferers ~ simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure on your veins. remember to use a timer.
  5. A mouse trap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.
  6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives. then you’ll be afraid to cough.
  7. You only need two tools in life – WD-40 and duct tape. if it doesn’t move and should, use the WD-40. if it shouldn’t move and does, use the duct tape.
  8. Remember – everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
  9. If you can’t fix it with a hammer, you’ve got an electrical problem.

Ending Thought:

Some people are like slinkies – not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs.

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