Preparing For the Return of Christ

This entry is part 33 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Three
Preparing For the Return of Christ

Once unity is achieved, keeping the rest of the commitment will be automatic as long as we are willing to follow the communications of the Soul. Nevertheless, let us take a few moments to review the rest of the Covenant. The next major item of importance is that that we promise to do all in our power to prepare the way for the Coming of Christ. This is more than just a manifestation of the Christ Consciousness; it is an actual appearance of the Master of the Christ Energy for this planet.

This is the final of three stages of the coming of Christ, for the prophecy of the coming of Christ has more to its fulfillment than merely one event:

Stage One. the Recognition of the Christ Consciousness.

Many believe that the realization of the Christ Consciousness is all there is to the coming of Christ. It is a part of it but it is just the preparatory stage which has been building since the middle of the nineteenth century. This public realization began with the announcement of Joseph Smith that we are eternal and co-equal with God. This was followed by many other teachers who taught the principle of God consciousness in man. One of the main teachings of Jesus while he was here was that we will not only do works similar to his, but greater works and that we are sons of God as well as he is. The thought that Jesus was not inherently different from us, but “the firstborn of many brethren” is a principle that must permeate our minds before the physical “second coming” can occur.

John had this in mind when he wrote: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” I John 3:2

We have finally reached a point to where this first stage has truly been initiated. Almost everyone, even non-believers, are somewhat familiar with phrases such as “the God Within,” “Christ Within,” “The Inner Christ,” “The Christ Consciousness” and others. Many believe this concept, others disdain it, but few have escaped the idea entering their heads for consideration.

When the energy of the first stage has completed its work, then the average spiritual person will not flinch at joining Jesus in declaring “I am one with God.”

Stage Two: The Divine Possession As mentioned earlier, the entity Jesus was a reincarnation of the Biblical Joshua, and, after his baptism, shared his body with the entity who was the head of the Christ Energy for this planet. This person who had the office of the Christ was Melchizedek in a past era. This divine possession will happen again. This time, however, it could involve a number of masters instead of just one.

There is one Avatar in particular who has been called in from another solar system, and who operates through the First Ray, or Will-Power-Purpose energy. This Being is even more evolved than the Christ, who is on the second divine ray energy of Love. According to Alice A. Bailey the Hierarchy calls this entity the Avatar of Synthesis. Because Love energy alone does not have the building power to manifest the New Age, the Avatar of Synthesis is here to assist the Christ in the destruction of old thought forms and the building of new. His vibration is so high that, according to Alice A. Bailey, he cannot even manifest in the physical or emotional bodies. He must instead work through the mental bodies of either a disciple or a group. When anyone feels His presence there will be a tremendous inflow of the Power Energy tempered by Love which will stimulate them with a Herculean sense of Purpose to fulfill the Will of God.

Below is an invocation dedicated to this avatar.

Avatar of Synthesis Invocation
From the center where the Will of God is known, let Purpose guide the little wills of men.
Let the One Great Life manifest Its Purpose and send forth His Avatar.
Let this Master of Purpose come forth and amplify our wills to synthesize them with his own, giving us power to serve.
Let the Avatar of Synthesis manifest to the group of which I am a part.
That we may prepare the earth for the Lords of Light and Love.
Let Will and Power and Purpose manifest the Christ on earth.

We must remember that divine possession is much different than the spirit channeling that we hear about today. Most channeling is direct voice, where the entity that owns the body leaves and a disincarnate being from the astral realm assumes consciousness, speaks with his or her voice inflections and displays a new personality. When the channeling is over, the person has little recollection of what happened.

In a divine possession, the more evolved entity is a member of the Hierarchy who has already overcome death. The consciousness of the Master dwells with the disciple here on the earth, but the disciple always keeps full control over the physical body and maintains full consciousness and memory. The Master only has as much power as the disciple allows him to have, for a Master is one who has mastered power and does not interfere with free will. The Master can only be effective in so far as the disciple and he are one.

This divine possession is the second stage of the coming of Christ and will commence with the building of Human Molecules.

Stage Three: The Physical Appearance of The Christ If we liken the building of the New Age to creating a structure, then Stage One lays the foundation of the building. Stage Two completes it, and Stage Three dedicates and uses the building. In Stage Three we are not merely talking about a raising in consciousness or the coming of the Christ Within, but the actual physical manifestation of the Christ in a physical body. This will either involve a complete fusion with a disciple so their wills are one or his consciousness manifesting in a body all his own. Either way, the same Master who walked the sands of Galilee will return with greater power and wisdom than He exhibited two thousand years ago. Even so, it may be some time after he arrives that his “power and great glory” is visible to the masses.

He will come to teach all men how to raise their consciousness up to the plane of the Spirit so “the whole earth will be full of the knowledge and glory of the Lord.”

Before He comes, a group of people must be prepared to receive him. This must be a people who have already assimilated the basic truths that are already available on this planet. We must remember that Christ is a Master Teacher, and he is coming to teach us. If we have not yet learned the simple things that are here, available for us now, what good will it do for Him to come and give us something higher, something we may be unprepared to understand? Therefore, a people must be prepared to be ready to receive teachings which have never been presented to the earth.

The scriptures say that “When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.” Psalms 102:16 This means that Zion will be in the process of being built when He comes. Many believe the opposite; ie, that Zion will be built after He comes. Zion, or the physical gathering of Lights must take place before He comes or He has no reason to come. There is no major group in existence on the Earth who is presently ready for Him. Molecular Members must dedicate themselves one hundred percent to helping to prepare and gather a people to meet their Lord.

This event was prophesied of by the Christ himself. He said: “And he shall send his angels (The Greek reads: messengers) with a great sound of a trumpet, (teachings that will cause people to pay attention), and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” Matt 24:31

Before Zion can be built, or the Lord appear, the Molecular Order must be established on the Earth through the gathering of Lights. One of the reasons for its importance is that it will be the only organization that the Christ could join incognito and rise to the top. If He were to appear today unannounced, He would have the same problem He had in his last life and would be rejected by all organizations. All leaders would be threatened by Him and seek to destroy Him for fear of the loss of their own power and influence. Only through the Molecular Order can a man of His stature rise to the top, and someday He will join the Order and be recognized for who He is.

The Covenant to Build the Molecule

The next part of the Covenant commits us to building the Molecular Order so we can prepare for the coming of the Master. It reads: To aid in this, I covenant to do all in my power to assist in the materialization of the Molecular Organization on the Earth.

To fulfill this part of the Covenant, the person must first realize that he is joining more than a social club with a casual commitment. He is virtually dedicating his life to this work. If the disciple desires to treat membership lightly, then the pilgrim should make use of other organizations which are good for casual interest.

Seekers should take this part of the covenant with the realization that they are dedicating all their means possible to establishing a foothold on the earth for this organization which shall be a vehicle for soul energy. They should not let the personalities of others or their personal problems detract him from a full dedicated effort to assist in the creation of human Molecules. They should make a concentrated effort to gather with others who are committed to learn as well as teach and to work on projects beneficial for the group.

To form a working Molecule takes commitment that will not only last for this life, but will be a building relationship that will continue life after life, sphere after sphere, and world after world.

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The Molecular Commitment

This entry is part 32 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Two
The Molecular Commitment

A major step in achieving union is the establishment of a bonded relationship through a covenant of dedication. This relationship corresponds to the covalent bonds that are made between atoms within atomic molecules. Without the bonding power of commitment there can be no creation or cohesion.

There will eventually be three levels of involvement in the Molecular Order. Eventually, all organizations will become Molecular. Businesses, political organizations, civic groups, virtually anything with an organizational structure can be Molecular on some level. And why will this evolution take place? The same reason that the world as a whole is progressing away from tyranny toward the freer democratic systems. In other words, when something works society tends to go in that direction. Where there is freedom there is abundance, and human lives will gravitate to it. The Molecular Order gives the lowest member as much freedom to initiate as the leader of the whole. This order creates an atmosphere of freedom where new ideas can be implemented, and the common people will love it!

Therefore, the lightest level of commitment in the Molecular Order will eventually be the commitment to the Plan because it works.

This is not a commitment that can be implemented now. It will be some time before all the practical applications of the Molecular Order are seen by the general public. On the other hand, because the Molecular Order has not been demonstrated “on earth as it is in heaven” there is created, at this point in history, a great opportunity. This is the opportunity to be an initiate.

The Christ said: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” In this statement, He made reference to the two basic groups who compose any true spiritual organization. These are the “called” and the “chosen.” Where “chosen” is used in the scriptures it can often be accurately translated as “They who have chosen.” (Or those who use their inherit powers of decision). What they have chosen is, of course, the Higher Self, or the Spirit of God, or a truth verified by that Spirit.

To be called is to be educated through experience and this must take place before a person is even aware enough to go through a process of choosing. An ideal may seem wonderful to a large number of people. If they do not have to do any labor to manifest it, they will support it until the moon turns blue; but if they are called to actually labor in the vineyard of the Master, they are then truly awakened to the reality of the work involved. After having ample opportunity to labor, they then obtain an awareness as to whether they want to truly choose to work for the ideal on a full-time basis with a total commitment.

Therefore, the first level of commitment in the Spiritual Molecule we seek to establish is the “calling.”

The Calling

The seeker who wants to participate in the calling will believe that the idea of the Molecule is attractive and agrees to support the Twelve Principles of Synthesis as well as The Declaration of Goodwill. The one who is called dedicates all available energy toward the union and equality of all men and women and seeks to prepare the world for the Coming of Christ in whatever way he or she interprets this event. These see themselves, not as an isolated units, but as a part of a greater whole, and realizes to some extent that all men and women are interrelated and interdependent. The prospect desires to be one of the Lights to the world and seeks to extend a helping hand to all those who are in need. They seek to advance in the Light by receiving from other Lights and seek to help others advance by sharing their knowledge with others.

There are two basic mantras that Molecular members are urged to recite. The first is The Song of the 144,000.

The Song of the 144,000

We thank you Father
That you have revealed to us your protective universal light;
That within this light is complete protection from all destructive forces;
That the Holy Spirit of Your Presence permeates us in this light,
And wherever we will the light to descend.

We thank you Father
That you fill us with your protective fires of love;
That within this love is complete protection
From all destructive thoughts and feelings;
That the consciousness of Christ is lifted up in us in this love,
And wherever we will the love to be enflamed.

We thank you Father
That You are in us and we are in You;
That through us Your Will is sent forth on wings of Power;
That Your Purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven;

That through us Your Light and Love and Power
Is manifest to all the Sons and Daughters of Humankind.

The second major mantra was revealed through Alice A. Bailey. This is called The Great Invocation and is said to be uttered by the Christ himself on a daily basis.

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Commitment of the Disciple

The basic commitment of the disciple is simple. He or she is willing to entirely yield the will of the personality to the higher will of Spirit. This is easy to say but hard to do until the focus of attention has made a definite shift. Then after the shift has been made keeping the focus there becomes easier and easier until it then becomes simple and natural. When this occurs then the disciple would not consider going back to the will of the personality any more than the prodigal son, after he has returned to the Father, would consider returning to eating with the hogs.

It is advantageous to put the commitment necessary into words as a point of focus and understanding, but also important that the words not be seen as dogmatic or written in stone. Nevertheless, the basic spirit of the commitment as written is necessary for the creation of successful molecules.

The Pledge of the Disciple

The Molecular Order will not seek some draconian blood oath or powerful pledge with penalties. In describing the commitment of the disciple Jesus said this:

“But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” Matt 5:34-37

In other words, if the disciple accepts or rejects an agreement he or she merely says yes or no. They will not say something like “I swear in the name of God, angels and my grandmother.”

Thus we present the general commitment to which a committed disciple may simply accept with a simple yes.

I commit myself to join you my brothers and sisters as a follower of the Spirit of God and as a disciple of Christ/God in totally dedicating myself to the building of the Kingdom of God on the earth, and preparing the way with the eye of faith for the appearance of the Son of God. To aid in this, I covenant to do all in my power to assist in the materialization of the Molecular Organization on the Earth.

I covenant to be one with you by ever seeking the One Spirit of God with you and resolve to solve all differences which may cause separation by seeking an answer and confirmation through the Spirit with you.

I covenant to channel all my energies of sex, money and power toward union and not separateness, and consecrate myself and all these energies toward the purpose of God to create the Union of Souls and to establish the Kingdom of God on the Earth. AUMAN.

The Covenant of Union

The key to union and the most important part of the covenant is the second paragraph: I covenant to be one with you by ever seeking the One Spirit of God with you and resolve to solve all differences which may cause separation by seeking an answer and confirmation through the Spirit with you.

There will be occasions when people in the Molecule will be divided. If there is any threat of separation, they are committed to resolve the problem by seeking the Spirit of God or Soul contact. If all seek with a sincere heart, then all will receive the same answer at the same time. In seeking this it will help to remember an important statement from A Course in Miracles: “The truth is true and nothing else is true.”

One of the key signs or indicators that a person is out of harmony with the Soul is that he or she will resist seeking Soul contact with their brothers or sisters. They may insist that they have had all the Soul contact in the world as individuals, but they will not want to pray or meditate with others to become one through the Soul energy.

The reason for this resistance is the lower self feels threatened by union, for the closer we are to the Union of Souls, the less the power the lower self has over us, and the lower self strongly desires to remain in the driver’s seat.

A key to discerning Soul contact is this. The Spirit only directly sends a message that is for the good of the group or the good of the whole. If a person says that he or she has received information from the Soul in relation to guidance with a job, personal finances, marriage, children or other personal affairs, then you can bet that the message did not come from the Soul unless the success of the personal incident was of prime importance to the group good or has an influence beyond that of  personal desires.

Almost without exception, this type of individual guidance comes from the subconscious mind. This mind is like a great computer that has access to all the knowledge of your present and past lives and will often assist us in making decisions. Its messages are very accurate, but not infallible.

Other messages come from the astral body, which is always in conflict with Soul direction. The astral light is a mirror reflection of Soul light so it gets everything backwards. Nevertheless, the information still looks like the real thing, just like a mirror. It takes the discriminating mind and intuition to separate the real from the illusion.

The Soul, on the other hand, as well as the Masters who are Soul-infused, fall back on the principle that we only learn mastery in our individual lives by solving our own problems. Therefore, the Soul waits until we have some group consciousness before it will even work directly with us. Let us remember that the Soul only gives revelations that will add to the greater livingness of the group or the whole, and the united group life is entitled to Soul contact as if it were one life.

When the group achieves this contact together they will experience a tremendous unity, peace and joy. It will seem so natural that all will marvel that so many are so dominated by attention on the personality and miss this more abundant life.

There is always a point of truth that is seen by the eyes of the Soul that will bring oneness to any group if they are willing to humble themselves, rise above pride of the ego and seek the God Within.

Generally, after several attempts, union will be reached. If it is not, it will be found that those who disagree with what others have discovered through Soul confirmation will generally be the same ones disagreeing on other occasions. If unanimous agreement is impossible, the majority should rule unless the leader of the Molecule obtains a revelation to the contrary. It should be noted, that if such a revelation is received, all those who are capable of Soul contact are entitled to confirmation from within to the correctness or incorrectness of the teaching of the leader.

It is entirely possible that in the beginning not all may achieve Soul contact and obtain the same answer, but those in the group who do feel the Spirit will be very unified and at peace with their answer. Those who have not made contact will be somewhat disgruntled and will often (but not always) have differing answers, even from each other. When the time comes that all members of the Molecule have definitely achieved Soul contact, even once, then the probability of the whole group receiving a uniform answer through the Spirit is high. This process must be perfected, however, to fulfill the prophecy: “They shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion.” Isa. 52:8

Seeing eye-to-eye will not happen by merely lazily letting the attention center on the personality, but it will require an act of will for all involved. Each must use the power of freewill of the life energy to direct the consciousness toward the Soul. This will require an effort to ignore the lower personality so the Soul will reign triumphant.

To achieve union, either prayer or meditation can be used. Prayer is often overlooked by many of the New Age people as being old age, but there is an important point to remember here. The Master of Masters, the greatest of us all, even Jesus Christ, spent a good deal of time in prayer. In some ways, prayer from the heart is the highest meditation, because in kneeling before God, we formally recognize that there is a higher power present that is greater than our lower self. There is no faster way to achieve Soul contact than through the offering of a humble prayer.

Prayers rise to several levels depending on their intensity and importance:

FIRST: The Subconscious Mind. The subconscious mind records the prayer as if it were part of a computer program and thus the prayer becomes an aid toward positive thinking and the directing of the entity toward the end purpose of the prayer.

SECOND: The Soul. The Soul or the God Self hears and responds to the prayer if it is directed with energy and sincerity. When this happens, an almost magical process of manipulating universal energy is put into operation to bring the request into fulfillment. The Soul also has power to direct the God Energy to the lower self so the self can feel an assurance that the prayer has been registered.

THIRD: Spirit Guides. There are many entities in the higher realms that are concerned about us on the earth and they sometimes tune into our prayers and assist us in the materialization of our requests.

FOURTH: The Masters. If the prayer happens to touch upon some important purpose in line with the objectives of the Hierarchy, then one of the Masters may take note of the prayer and assist the disciple in the request. This is fairly rare but it does happen.

In receiving an answer to a prayer, the name of the Jesus Christ is a powerful tool. While it is true that this English pronunciation is not much like the original that He used in Galilee, the name does have a rich meaning. It is more than a reference to the Master from Nazareth, but it means “anointed to deliver.” Jesus did not intend to keep the name just for himself, but advised all of his followers to take the name upon themselves. All enlightened Souls are anointed to deliver those who are in darkness. When we have been lifted up by someone above us, then it is our mission to lift or deliver others to higher ground also. There is a universal rule which tells us that we cannot go higher until we have given out what we have learned and assisted in lifting our brethren to where we are. When we have done this, then another will come along and lift us to higher ground. This is the principle behind the name of Jesus Christ. To believe on His name is to believe on this principle, that there are higher lives in the Universe waiting to help deliver, or “save” us when we are ready.

This salvation is a mutual effort of the student and teacher. The teacher does not actually do the saving, but provides the tools, example and the knowledge to the student. Students then have the choice to use those tools to take the next step or to stay where they are for a while longer. If they take the next step they are “saved” from their past and move into a bold new future.

When we end a prayer “In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen,” or “In the name of Jesus Christ, AUMAN” and we ask through the power of belief, then a response must come forth from the Soul or higher lives seeking to help in the name of Christ.

Verily, if two or more people believe in the name of Jesus Christ, and seek an answer in sincerity in that name, they can receive a simultaneous revelation, and unity will be instantaneous and beautiful.


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The Threshold of History

This entry is part 31 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-One
The Threshold of History

Today we stand on the threshold of a new era. This approaching age has been called many names by the various peoples of the earth: Among them are The Great Millennium, the Age of Peace, the New Age, The Golden Age, The Dispensation of the Fullness of Times, and The Age of Aquarius.

In the end it matters not what we call it. All people, whether they be Jews, Christians, adherents of the New Age Philosophy, those belonging to the eastern religions and even atheists, are looking forward to the great day. What does matter to us all is that this long-awaited event does materialize. Unfortunately, many people cannot seem to get it through their heads that the manner of the manifestation of this glorious age is dependent upon the free will of humankind.

Therefore, we cannot idly sit back and “let George do it”, but Joe and Jim and Curt and Pam and Sue and thousands, perhaps millions of others must do their part.

Look within. Feel the Christ Center in the core of being speak the words ever so softly: “If you do not act who will? And if you do not participate in the role you feel gently pushed towards, perhaps the part will not be taken and the curtain will not raise on the grand play of the ages. Perhaps the responsibility of the future rests upon your shoulders… Perhaps.”

Many people feel that they have an important part to play in the bringing forth of the New Age, but I find that most of them feel somewhat frustrated with the feeling that they should be doing more. What that “more” is, is difficult for them to say, but the feeling lingers, deep inside, that their potential to serve is greater than they realize… that they are on the threshold of some new glorious opportunity. Many thousands are looking, waiting, seeking… And now, finally, in this moment of world tension the long night of searching is over, the opportunity lies open before us. It is the same opportunity that precedes any great evolutionary event: the opportunity for UNION.

In the beginning, families of similar interests merged into tribes and enhanced their life quality through UNION.

Tribes merged into nations and again enhanced their life quality through UNION.

Not many centuries ago, people from all over the world gathered to America and enhanced their life quality by the creation of States, again using the principle of UNION.

Not long after this, common circumstances forced the states together in UNION and again the quality of life was enhanced.

It is unfortunate that the enlightened people of the world have not followed this same sequence of social evolution. Many seekers seem to be presently corresponding to tribal living, for they all have their little tribal-sized groups making their own little efforts to improve the world. We try to tell ourselves we are doing enough, that we are operating through individual effort in what has been called the Aquarian Conspiracy, making little hints here and there about creative change, that this is the most effective way to work to change the world.

But is it?

This is the ONLY method the enlightened people of the world have ever used in recent times. Is it logical to say that because this is the single way we have followed that it is the best way? There are other alternatives. How can we deny them when we have not tried them?

The point is that the principle of union through free will has been tried again and again, and it has been proven to work and has never failed. The union of Souls always creates more power to accomplish than individual Souls and the union of groups will always manifest more power than the dispersion of energy through scattered groups.

The only reason the enlightened people of the world have had any power to create change in their scattered condition through the Aquarian Conspiracy is because they are “the light of the world.” Therefore, even though their energy is diffused, it is still potent; but imagine what would happen if the lights are gathered together, and not hid under a basket but placed on a hill for all to see to enlighten the world! Would not the effect be marvelous and wonderful?

At that time any hint of a conspiracy would cease and the lights of the world would walk openly among men and women in the light of day.

The time has arrived. The clarion call is now issued. Let the laborers come forth from their tribal consciousness, from the dark caves of the earth, and cease withdrawing into the land of shadows for safety. Let the Lights come forth into UNION and show forth the light of the Sun at midday for all the Sons and Daughters of the race to see! Let us create an ensign to the nations. Let us UNITE!

How do we unite and under what principles?

This is the grand question, for each spiritual group seems to have its own peculiar philosophy or area of interest. Some concentrate on healing, others regression and reincarnation, still others on rebirthing, awareness, self-discovery, eastern philosophy, study groups, inspired writings, health foods, world peace, a guru, an enlightened church, personality and dozens of other areas. Still, we have found that despite their diversity, there are an amazing number of points they all have in common.

We have contemplated long and hard on the basic unifying principles of the New Age, under which banner no enlightened person would shrink from supporting. In fact, these principles are so universal we feel that they may well draw numerous supporters from more orthodox beliefs and raise some of them up to a higher level of awareness.

Please read with care the following Twelve Principles of Synthesis:


  1. We believe in the equality of men and women, the equal rights of each race and in the sacredness of all life.
  2. We believe that we have the capacity to see Eye to Eye with each other through the application of the principles of non-deception, open communication and contact of higher intelligence that lies within.
  3. We accept the responsibility of maintaining our bodies, emotions and minds in a state of maximum health and vitality. We Seek not to hurt but to heal.
  4. We believe in the principle of Harmlessness, for when we harm another person, we only harm ourselves. We shall not inhibit, restrain, or oppress the free will or privilege of any individual to explore new concepts and philosophies.
  5. We believe in the principle of Free Agency, and that there is a power within that enables us to proceed with purpose and accomplish many great and important works pertaining to the coming Age of Enlightenment.
  6. We desire to initiate a New Age of Peace, prosperity and spiritual attainment through the intelligent application of the principles of Love, Knowledge and Wisdom.
  7. We acknowledge the Christ-God-Consciousness as the single creative source manifesting through the Universe, and that this Power lies within each one of us.
  8. We affirm that the power of Love is the greatest unifying principle and send only the pure Love of Christ/God to all.
  9. We believe in the principle of Service, for when we serve one another, we serve ourselves. We retain only that which we have given away.
  10. We disclaim all totalitarian and secular controls over our lives, and affirm the power of the people to enjoy a free, democratic society with maximum liberty for the individual.
  11. We promote World Peace through the complete elimination of nuclear and doomsday weapons, international aggression, and the eradication of world hunger and poverty.
  12. We seek not to be separative and isolated but to unite and join hands with all spiritually-minded groups and individuals who desire to bring Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all humankind.

We stand at the cusp of history. Never before have the Brothers and Sisters of Light worked in harmony toward a perfect union. Together we can initiate an age of peace, prosperity and synthesis that will improve the quality of all our lives. This will require the united and concentrated effort of all enlightened people, beginning with ourselves.

The above twelve principles will be gladly accepted by anyone with a vision of the New Age. They are not dogmatic or restrictive in any way but are already embraced by all the workers in the Light across the world. Thus no one will have to condescend or compromise in order to unite, and up to this day, this has been the basic problem. Spiritually minded people are independent and refuse to compromise their perception of the truth, and even more importantly, they refuse to be restricted in any way in their search for greater truth and meaning.

This independence has been their greatest strength, but also their greatest weakness. It is strength in the fact that it has led them into new realms of light, but it is weakness in the fact that they have instinctively resisted any effort to unite for fear they may lose some of their individuality or freedom.

This is the same fear that plagued the original thirteen colonies of the United States. Now, when we look at the success of the union of the states, we see that the fears of the original colonists were unjustified. Union is to never be feared as long as there is a preservation of freedom and human rights. Therefore, we seek to establish a union of those who feel a responsibility to assist in the ushering in of a New Age of Peace and Prosperity.

We also will seek to participate in projects to promote the following categories.

  1. Maximum freedom of the individual and the group as the first priority and World Peace as the second.
  2. Seminars, debates, retreats, and educational projects.
  3. Promotion of ideas through the established news media.
  4. Syndicated columns and articles in the media.
  5. Human rights.
  6. Encouraging responsible government in the various nations.
  7. The promoting of enlightened ideas through entertainment such as movies, music art etc.
  8. Promoting constructive change in the educational world, seeking to enhance ability rather than indoctrination no matter how wonderful the doctrine seems.
  9. The support of practical plans and ideas that will prevent a nuclear or other doomsday disasters.
  10. Gather the Lights and synthesize enlightened groups and promote good will.

To enhance this last point let us consider The Declaration of Goodwill as follows:


We, the people of goodwill from all nations, who desire to see the people of this planet progress in a state of peace, safety, and friendship, find it necessary to act and issue this Declaration of Goodwill.

Polarizing rhetoric, accompanied with vitriol and name-calling, from leaders, celebrities and media spawns tension among the masses and undermines goodwill and cooperation. Therefore, we, the silent majority and people of goodwill on this planet, have decided to take action and issue a call to correction. Such a correction is essential, for our leaders have power to take us into wars and conflict that could destroy our civilization.

We do not expect our leaders to be perfect or agree with us or each other on all matters, for that is beyond the present ability of most individuals. But there is one thing all can do that will pave the way to quieting the present conflict and opening the door to peace on earth.

We can all be civil to each other and send goodwill rather than the prevailing ill will we currently witness. Loving our neighbor as ourselves is at the core of the teachings of every great messenger of the past and we need to be reminded of this now, perhaps more than any time in our history.

The great majority of us who are not in power do not hate those who vote or think differently than ourselves, nor do we care about their race, sex, or status; we are willing to extend a hand of friendship and goodwill to all who will accept it. We do not call others hateful names or desire to hurt them, but seek harmlessness in all discourse and interaction. Name calling is out of the question for us and it should be for our leaders as well.

Many leaders and media personalities seem to think that personal attacks are justified, as it highlights how bad the “other guy” is in order to affect change; but negative tactics often beget negative rather than positive change. Calling our neighbors “haters” when they see themselves as loving people results in resentment and often fuels the emotions of the projected name calling. The attack thus brings forth the hate that was not previously there. Many leaders and media personalities understand this principle and use it to polarize and create false animosity where none should exist.

So much grief in the world can be avoided if our leaders would embrace the spirit of goodwill, as it is longed for in so many of us who silently watch these reckless attacks.

Therefore, we the people of goodwill call on leaders and media who fail to embrace a higher path to match the positive spirit of goodwill that exists in most of humanity, the common people.

The day of watching leaders bring us to the brink of destruction is over. Sending peace and goodwill is our charge as we seek to transform our societies throughout the world.

It is true we have problems to solve which require rigorous debate and uncomfortable discussions, but we cannot solve them by demonizing each other. If we look for the best in one another and give our neighbors the benefit of the doubt, we have a much better chance of solving problems and reaching agreement.

Therefore, we the people of goodwill can no longer silently stand by and watch angry persons of power set the world aflame. All those with influence must be held accountable and shamed from hateful speech and emotion toward goodwill and friendship for all.

We, therefore, will watch our leaders and others with influence and call them out when they violate the principle of goodwill. When such a violation occurs, we will write them letters, emails, make posts on social media, and communicate our displeasure in every peaceful means possible to make them aware of their destructive behavior.

On the other hand, when people of influence perform positive acts of goodwill that deserve recognition, we will go out of our way to praise and recognize them.

Leaders and people of influence include:

  • Political, spiritual and business leaders
  • Celebrities of any kind
  • Those in the media, especially writers
  • People of influence in social media and on the internet
  • Last of all, there are those of lesser influence among family, friends and associates who need to be reminded to be and remain civil.

The simple fact is this. We need to start with ourselves. If each of us does our part to extend goodwill and friendship to all, and encourage others to do the same, the world will be healed and we can safely enter into a new era of peace and goodwill.

Instead of signing some endorsement we invite you to endorse the idea by joining the Goodwill group on Facebook. By joining you are saying you support The Declaration of Goodwill. After joining you are under no obligation for further participation though we hope all members will support Goodwill at every opportunity.

An initiate is one who works to “initiate” a new idea; something no one has done before. We seek to unite the Lights of the New Age so we can have real power for beneficial change beginning here in our own back yard. It is a rare opportunity and one that will be lost when the real work is done, for once an idea has materialized, the call to initiate is passed and one has to wait for a future opportunity.

It takes vision to be an initiate, to see the merits of an idea before it has been proven in the world. We believe we will find the right people and that we can work together so the brothers and sisters of the New Age and those with thoughtful common sense can have a much stronger voice in the world.

 To support Goodwill, go to Facebook and search the groups for “Declaration of Goodwill”. Joining the group merely shows that you support the promotion of goodwill.

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The Union of Souls

This entry is part 30 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty
The Union of Souls

A basic purpose of Molecular principles is to produce union among all people. Union must first begin with the individual self. The personality must be united with the Soul; worded another way, the lower self must be united with the Higher Self. The only way a continual union of any two or more people can take place is if the two follow the will of the God Within, or the Soul, which never disagrees with itself. One Soul is never out of harmony with another Soul for in the world of soul. There is no difference in vision between “my soul” and “your soul.”

Those who do not have Soul contact can only be united by strong authority which allows no freedom of choice or movement. This is always a temporary union and has been demonstrated several times in the Piscean Age, which is passing. Now, in the Aquarian Age, a new type of union will manifest. This will be a union through seeing eye-to-eye because all members of that union will have some contact with the Soul. Union through understanding will be the keynote.

Therefore, the first objective here is to lift the individual member up to the realm of the Soul so the individual can feel Its warm radiation and learn to recognize Its voice. Those who have never contacted the Soul will be unaware of the voice of the Soul and will often make the mistake of believing that their emotional impressions are from God or their Soul.

The individual must be taught to reach the point of tension that brings “the still small voice,” “the peace that passeth all understanding” and the “baptism of fire” which come from an inflow of Soul and Spirit energy. Each must learn the difference between these three. The seeker will learn the difference between the feelings of the Soul and the feelings of the higher emotions which are a reflection of the Soul.

We must also learn the difference between the vibration received from a thoughtform of energy and the vibration of the Soul. We will learn the difference between the vibration of the interplay of Souls through high emotional levels (such as the sharing of energy in romantic love) and the vibration of the individual Soul. We must learn to differentiate between a channeled spirit that is under control of the Soul and one that is influenced by the lower or astral self. Finally, we must learn the difference between the vibration of one’s individual Soul and a message or endowment of energy from a Master or a Spiritual Guide who works though the Soul.

Those who learn to differentiate between the Soul energies and these other energies will then have the unique capacity to achieve oneness in thought. When a complete Molecule achieves oneness of thought through becoming sensitive to the Soul, then the Spiritual Hierarchy, which is presided over by the Christ, can pour forth its spiritual energy, which is channeled down from the very presence of God into a group here on earth. At that moment, the veil between heaven and earth is “rent in twain” and the group is translated from the Kingdom of Mankind into the Kingdom of God. They will become people of wonder and miracles just as were the apostles of Jesus.

Many people believe that it is impossible for even two people to think as one, let alone a whole group. On the illusionary plane of the personality this is true, for if the consciousness is centered on the great illusion, then the grand order and synthesis of all things is not apparent and points of harmony are overlooked. Psychologists say that you can tell that you are dreaming by looking twice at any scene. If it looks entirely different each time you look, then you are dreaming. This is the way the illusion of the personality is. Every time we look at it twice it changes and every time two people look at the same illusion they see and interpret it differently.

There is, however, another world which we call the Kingdom of God, or the Kingdom of the Soul, where truth changes not and principles are eternal. When two different people look through the eyes of the Soul all things are seen as one, for all Souls are one. When looking through the eyes of the changeless Soul instead of the personality, or the lower self, then the scene before them will look the same to both of them and they will see eye-to-eye. They will then experience the Union of Souls and the two will become one.

As the two, or more, become one, they will be aware that they are both feeling the same Soul energy, and sharing the same spiritual fulfillment at the same instant. It will seem almost as if the two lives are only one life. It is a wonderful realization. It can happen with any two or more individuals who are willing to look beyond the illusion of the personality to the real world of the Soul.

Jesus talked about this principle when he said: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matt 18:20 In modern language, we could say that when two or more gather together to seek Soul contact, for the purpose of union, the Christ consciousness will manifest in the midst of them.

Achieving this oneness is essential to the functioning of the Molecule. Without it we will merely have twenty-four ordinary people forming a group. With union through Soul contact, we will then have a functioning Molecule that can be accepted by the Hierarchy to lay the foundation for the complete transformation of the whole planet earth which will bring about the redemption from the Fall of Man as prophesied in the scriptures.

Union is easy to teach but difficult to accomplish in real life with real people. The first step to union is to believe in its possibility. This is a problem for many. Because most of us have not experienced a Union of Souls, the possibility of seeing eye-to-eye seems to be a dream of an idealist.

To make sure that we understand that union is possible or even desirable, it is important here that we define our terms. Union does not mean that we will all want to drive the same cars, work in the same jobs, or paint our houses the same color. It does not mean that all of our computer brains will calculate the same way. On the other hand, it does mean that we will each see the same underlying principle behind a set of facts when they are expounded to us. Reread the discussion of principles and facts (see chapter 25) and bear in mind that when a principle is touched upon, the person who is sensitive to the Soul will sense a flash of light. Two or more people with the same sensitivity will experience the same flash and will experience a similar understanding together. They may relate the facts with different words, but they will understand the principle because they both received light from the same source, the Soul, or God Omnipresent.

In the world of the Soul, or the Kingdom of God, all life is one. There is no division or dual meaning. All Souls are one because they are linked to their source. Contacting the Soul is therefore as if we are contacting the One Great Life which is God. If there is truly only One Life pervading the Universe, how could it disagree with itself? If two people contact God pertaining to one point of doctrine, will they not both then agree in principle? Verily, yes.

A good scripture to study to inspire us toward oneness was given by the Master Jesus. He said: “The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy Soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:29-31

When we consider that the energy of love is the urge toward union, then we can look at this scripture in a different light. We can then interpret the greatest commandment as follows: There is only one God or One Life, and we are to seek union with that Presence in ourselves and with others with all of our hearts, all of our Soul, all of our mind and strength. We will think, feel and act as one life as God is one life. We will seek to be one with our neighbor as we are one with ourselves. This is the greatest commandment because it redeems humanity from the Fall, and all other commandments are based upon this principle.

The key to union is found in the ancient statement that “energy follows thought.” If our thought or attention is placed upon the illusionary personality, then our God Energy is also there reinforcing the illusion that separates one brother from another. Our attention is placed on the personality when we focus on the faults and imperfections of others. Energy is then centered on the illusion of imperfection and we cannot see the perfected Oneness in others or ourselves.

The key to Soul contact is to remember that there is a unified God that is omnipresent and is therefore in our neighbor as well as ourselves. We must look beyond the deception of division and imperfection and always put our attention on the God Presence. This will cause our energy to reach the God Presence in others and ourselves and we will sense the union of our Souls no matter how irritating a fellow brother or sister may be. As soon as we feel any irritation, we must shift our attention to the fact of the God Presence. Since energy follows thought, there is then a shift of energy and a degree of Soul contact is achieved.

If we are constantly concerned about the imperfections of others and allow them to be a source of irritation to us, then Soul contact will only be a dream unrealized. It helps us here to know that we all spend many lifetimes on this physical plane and those who make the most mistakes generally have not had a lot of experience in handling life. Would a college student get irritated at a kindergarten child for not knowing algebra? It is just as unreasonable for us to get angry at young Souls because they are still selfish and have not taken the same courses that we have.

Another point to remember is that people in the dark often get angry when presented with a greater light, such as the Jewish leaders who attacked Jesus. If we are too quick to judge and jump to the conclusions that satisfy the lower self instead of the revelations of the soul then we could wind up condemning those who are in the light to be a heretic.

True disciples will make use of the principle that “energy follows thought” and keep their thoughts pointed in the direction of the kingdom of God over the kingdoms of the material earth.

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The Middle Way Principle

This entry is part 29 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship


Chapter Twenty-Nine
The Middle Way Principle

Some will have a hard time seeing the Middle Way, just as they do in all matters. The general thinking among spiritually inclined people is that we either need to set up an authority, or a “God without,” that we need to follow without question, or we need to think entirely for ourselves by using our own reasoning powers and never follow anyone or give anyone any authority over us.

The Middle Way principle teaches us that extremism and the black-and-white attitude is wrong, that the correct path is between the two extremes. We must look at both sides of all things and use the power of discernment, and judgment to make a decision somewhere down the middle.

This principle applies to authority just as it does to anything else. To completely reject all authority is just as wrong as it is to “trust in the arm of flesh” or to accept authority without question or Soul confirmation. Where is the Middle Way here? How do we determine when to accept authority and when to reject it?

Those who are truly on the Middle Way path will need no explanation, but, nevertheless, we must proceed to explain, for few have their feet securely on the path and we must make it as clear as possible. Some who are caught up in the black-and-white world will not understand, no matter how lengthy or detailed an explanation is given for the Middle Way requires the effort of applying thought, and anything that requires effort is resisted by many.

For the person on the Middle Way, there still exists the power of authority. An example of such recognized authority for him or her is the Spirit of God Within. The voice of God speaking through the Soul is the ultimate authority for disciples. They find it to be basically infallible in so far as they can interpret it correctly. The question to consider is this: Why is the authority of the Spirit recognized? Let us list the reasons:

[1] The vibration of a person’s Spirit is much higher than the personality, and it is logical that the higher would be more reliable than the lower.

[2] The disciple has tested previous information given through the Soul and has always found it to be reliable.

[3] A certain inner knowing and peace accompanies the revelations through the Soul. If the revelation feels wonderful and uplifting then it is logical that we will benefit by following it. (Keep in mind here that such a revelation may cause a disturbing feeling to those who do not have Soul contact.)

After a long period of testing the Spirit and finally bowing to its direction, the disciple does indeed accept it without question as an authoritative source. The seeker may still question its direction in search of a full mental understanding, but will never again question its authority.

We must keep in mind that this is not blind acceptance, but an intelligent one. We must never place ourselves in the closed-minded position of rejecting all authority either on the inner or outer planes.

What authorities are we to accept on the outer plane? The highest authorities in the human kingdom should be they who have taught us principles which have been confirmed by our own Souls. This means that such individuals know the power of Soul contact themselves and, unless they have forgotten, ignored, or denied this power, they should be able to receive it again. Therefore, if they teache us a second or third principle that may not seem to make sense to the personality self, we should still consider the doctrine and check with the Inner Spirit for verification. If the Spirit verifies such teachings again and again, then it becomes logical to grant the person more and more authority. The authority that we give such a person will open our minds and hearts to a greater power of receivership so we can consider the teachings with little resistance, making it easier for us to receive verification from our own Souls.

Nevertheless, we should never give any man, woman, disembodied entity or even Master the same authority as our Souls, for we should always do our best to check the truth of all teachings with the Spirit of God which dwells in us.

We call this authority we are talking about here an earned authority. If someone proves certain teachings to be centered in the Soul time and time again, then that teacher has earned the right to have some authority in our minds. This can be a valuable help to us when we find it difficult to receive Soul confirmation on a matter. Perhaps your Soul has decided it wants you to use your own power of discretion here and is leaving you on your own. In this case, an authority who has earned your respect can be a valuable person to assist you.

All leaders, or senders, in the Molecule should carry some authority with those who are receivers. The leaders should be “earned authorities,” or people who can be trusted to make wise decisions. We should trust them with a certain amount of latitude to make decisions for the group, but at the same time keep them posted on the amount of input that we, as individuals, desire to have in the leadership process. If we cannot trust a leader with any power of authority, then he or she should be replaced with someone who can be trusted.

Discerning the Middle Way in leadership is difficult for many, especially for those who are too lazy to make the effort to think for themselves. For, on one extreme, we have those relying on top-down thinking and decision making, who put all their trust in their leaders, whether that authority is earned or not. This results in a bland, watered-down journey to nowhere.

On the other extreme, we have the group who rejects all leadership and authority. This group will be very sluggish and slow to move forward or make decisions. The group as a whole will be frightened by any innovative path.

A leader centered in the Soul who has earned authority with peers is able to overcome these hurdles and move the group forward to stimulating new horizons.

Think about it. If the apostles gave no authority to Jesus, how could he have created and unified the first Molecule? If George Washington had no power to give orders, how could he have won the Revolutionary War? If we give no support to those who have vision and Soul contact, what good does it do to have them around, or how could we prepare to accept Christ when he comes? If we recognize no authority at all then we will be too closed-minded to allow the Master of us all to prove himself when he comes.

Would it not be sad to find ourselves in the position of the ancient Jews who rejected their Christed One because of misplaced authority? Let us follow the Middle Way and not mindlessly follow unearned appointed authorities, but lend support to elected ones and initiators who have a desire in their hearts to serve their fellow humans. Give the servants of the race power to serve without questioning and restricting their every move yet at the same time continually check with the soul to make sure the Purpose of God is being followed.

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Leadership in the Molecule

This entry is part 28 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship


Chapter Twenty-Eight
Leadership in the Molecule

Most will agree that there must be something wrong with the world’s present method of selecting leaders. Look at the government bureaucracies for instance. Where in them will you find a truly dynamic leader who is willing to take the initiative? We have the same problem in big business. Many seem to be “yes men” who are afraid to make a bold move. All decision-making seems to get bogged down by people who are either afraid of making a mistake or have no authority to move.

The reason for this is very simple. In all hierarchical organizations today, the selection process for leadership is determined by appointment, from the top down. In the Molecular organization, the principle is the opposite. Established leadership is determined by election.

Another method of acquiring leaders will be the same in the Molecule as it is in the world today. We could call this principle “leadership by initiation.” To initiate means to begin something. In other words, an initiate is a self-starter. As we mentioned earlier, the higher the initiate, the more far reaching will be the work he or she initiates.

The most common initiates in the free world today are those who start their own business. Because they do not need approval of a higher up, those with initiative can go ahead and begin using their own intelligence and resources. They have the advantage of not having to please a hierarchy above them, but soon find they must please their stewardship (employees and customers) if they are to be successful. Those from below keep them on their toes, not those above. This produces effective stimulation because those below are recipients of service and are by far the best judges of its quality.

Leadership by initiation is basically Molecular, or bottom-up leadership, because an initiate can begin no organization or business without the freewill support of the people. In a way, the success of an initiate is determined by the election process. If a sufficient number of people do not elect to support him or her, the enterprise fails. Most businesses fail because the would-be initiate did not have a solid base of public support. If one decides to sell dresses at a baseball game, for instance, the people will probably vote the entrepreneur out of business. Consequently, if the person does not have enough vision to initiate something better, the discouraged initiate will usually go work for another initiate.

The free countries of the world have some of their leadership elected by the Molecular Principle, but unfortunately, even in the United States, most leadership is not by election, but by appointment. All government agency leaders are selected by appointment, as well as almost all leaders in business, religion, science, medicine, education, and most times even the person who is running for elected office is appointed by the power brokers. Thus, our power to truly elect the people’s choice to leadership has been very minimal. We might call the benefit of this the “trickle-down effect.”

Nevertheless, the benefits of the power of election are still quite obvious when we compare strong authoritarian countries and the United States. In many countries such as North Korea, Cuba and others there are no free elections; leaders are appointed from the top down. Therefore, each leader is concerned not about pleasing those under his stewardship, but the party boss who has life or death power over his career. No one dares to broadcast to associates that they think their leader is deficient or mentally disturbed.

Another disadvantage is that there is very limited power for the people to initiate their own business or for the people to elect which business they wish to support.

In the United States, the political leaders are selected from the bottom-up. (We realize, as we said earlier, that the power brokers often determine who will run for office, but the theory and partial practice of the US, and other free market countries, is bottom-up leadership.) Because the elected officials are responsible (at least partially) to the people, they are concerned about pleasing them so they can return to office. Anyone can go to the street corners and tell the world how out of place they think the elected official is without fear of being hauled away.

In addition, the U.S. offers everyone the opportunity to go into business and testing it with public approval.

The difference in the prosperity between the free and controlled enterprise is directly related to the power of the people to have their choice of leaders in business and politics. We can examine the 2024 Index of Economic Freedom by the Heritage Foundation to see the correlation between freedom and quality of life. The highest seven rated nations using twelve freedom parameters are Singapore, Switzerland, Ireland, Taiwan, Luxembourg, New Zealand and Denmark.

The United States comes in at number 25, but that is way ahead of authoritarian China at 151, Russia at 131, and the last three on the list which are Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea at numbers 174, 175 and 176.

The problem in the free world is that bottom-up or elected leadership in business is still very minimal. While it is true that anyone in the free world can go into business for themselves, the freedom principle is reversed within the business once it is established. I do not know of any business where the leader is selected by election of co-workers. The same applies to religion and to most other branches of society. They are generally governed by the top-down appointment system just as is the government of China.

The Molecule Order will set the example wherein leadership will be selected entirely by the bottom-up principle, or initiation, wherein there will be no appointments. Its efficiency is destined to become “an ensign to the nations.”

Free elections, however, only take us half way toward truly effective leadership. What good does it do us to elect a good leader if he has no power of decision? What good is it if we have a George Washington or an Abraham Lincoln leading us if we tie his hands and do not let him lead? In the Molecular Order the leaders are free to lead and have full power to make decisions for their stewardship. This immediately, with one master stroke, eliminates much of the sluggishness that exists in organizations today.

Do not get the idea that the Molecular leader is a dictator who has power to boss people around. As Jesus pointed out, the Molecular leader is not a dictator, but a servant: “And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat? but I am among you as he that serveth.” Luke 22:25-27 He also said: “He that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” Matt 23:11

Examples of servant leaders are George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Examples of you-serve-me leaders are Hitler and Stalin. The first seeks to serve the people; the second seek the people to serve them.

In the Molecule all leaders are forced to have their attention on service because their position can be taken by a more worthy member at any time. Nevertheless, this does not mean that they have to get the group’s permission on every little item of business they handle. One of the main purposes of the Molecule is to streamline effectiveness and encourage the power of initiation.

The Christ did not ask for permission from the twelve for every decision he made. Instead, he made many decisions on his own initiative which were designed to increase his ability to serve. Even the servant must have power to do his job without getting permission for every little detail, or else he or she will not be an effective worker. If the servant has a job watering horses, and the day is hotter than usual, then the good servant would naturally increase the amount of water, even if the master’s permission is not available. Indeed, it is understood that the master expects the servant to use his best wisdom to insure the health of the horses. If  servants use poor judgement and the horses die, then they will be dismissed, but if they keep them healthy then the master cares not how they do their job.

Many groups cannot seem to understand this point. They seem to think that no decision can ever be made without endless group discussion. They would let the horses die for lack of water in favor of endless debate. They are so afraid of an individual decision that they allow no one the power to serve.

Not so in the Molecular Order. The leader is indeed a servant, but also has power to serve, and power to serve only. The moment the male/female unit begin to exercise unjust authority, the group will be offended and replace them.

This order will also be effective on a practical basis with single males and females where the zero point in spiritual energy balance is not sought.

A little realized fact is that a group decision reflects, not the highest intelligence of the group, but the average intelligence of the group. Molecular decisions are to reflect the highest intelligence of the group by allowing the freedom of the individual to exercise initiative.

Leaders in the Molecule, therefore, have power to serve their group to the best of their ability and, if a decision has to be made at a time when the group is not available for discussion, the leader has power to make it. Normally, however, the leading unit will present all important business to Molecular members, for if they do not get their input and participation, the leadership is likely to be challenged and replaced.

If the leadership sees a direction that they feel is good, but the group may reject, it will be their duty to teach the group the logical principles behind the idea. They will encounter difficulties with their ability to lead if they lose the support of the group; therefore, they should look on other members as his brothers and counselors and include them as much as possible in all major decisions. On small decisions the group should trust their leaders to have sufficient intelligence to deal with them, thus saving both the leader and the group much small talk and wasted time.

For example, I have been a salesman most of my life and have found I would much rather sell to the small business owner than to a large company. In a large company you often have to present the product to three or four leaders before you can find the person you really need to talk to; then, he will often report that he has to present the idea to some committee. If you then call back a month later, they will usually have shelved the product and tell you to call again later or ask for additional information.

When small business owners are approached by a salesperson, they generally state right away whether or not they are interested. Neither the salesperson or the owner’s time is wasted and both can get on with their work. Every salesperson appreciates the efficiency of a company where there is one individual who can say yes or no.

In the Molecular Order there is always a person who can say yes or no. The leader always has power of decision for his stewardship.

One may be alarmed at this and ask if this cannot lead to dictatorial powers, where the rights and input of the individual are abused. This is an important consideration, for in top-down governments, the power of authority is always abused; but not so in the bottom-up governments. In the Molecular Order, any leader who does not operate in the best interests of the majority will be challenged and replaced through the election process. Therefore, if the leader wants to keep his position, he must not lord himself over others, but consider their feelings, ideas, and opinions.

Because leaders must keep the stewardship happy to remain in power, they will have a natural desire to keep the organization as democratic as possible. They will find they must present every major decision that comes up to the group and receive their input. If the group disagrees, then their job is to guide the group to a decision that all can be happy with and support. If someone who is not in a leadership position comes up with an idea or project, it is to be heard with full consideration.

The two primary jobs of the leader are: (1) To stimulate the group with ideas, projects, and concepts; and (2) To lead the group to union through prayer, meditation and teaching so all can achieve Soul Contact and become one on the direction that needs to be taken.

If the leadership uses their authority and makes major decisions without taking the group’s feelings and thoughts into consideration, then they will be quickly corrected by the outcry of the people. If they make this mistake a number of times, they will be challenged for leadership and replaced.

Nevertheless, the leader must be trusted with some decision-making powers or we will merely have an organization like all others that are sluggish and with no power of movement. This will be left up to the leader’s discretion. It is too difficult here to draw a black and white line. We do not need to do this. The group will do it for their leadership. Thus, it is important that the leader tune into the consciousness of the stewardship and judge for where the line is.

Soul confirmation will be sought on major decisions and, hopefully, oneness can always be reached. If it is not, it means that some (or all) members are out of harmony with the Soul. If oneness cannot be reached, then the leader may seek for a majority vote on the problem. If the majority approves on the side of the leader, then the whole group should consider the decision as made for the whole. Those not in agreement may not want to support the project and should not be forced to participate in something against their desires, but they should at least cease opposing it. At this point we should remember the maxim: “Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.”

If the majority go against the leadership after Soul confirmation has been sought (and this should be a rare occurrence) then they should try to adjust the plan so it is acceptable to the majority and seek an answer on this. If they are unable to get the group to support and believe the will of the majority runs contrary to the Spirit of Truth, they must again do all in their power to teach the correct principles to the group and seek Soul confirmation with them. The leadership (as with all of us) must follow the light of their Soul, and revelations confirmed by the Soul, even without majority support.

If the time comes that the leader does not receive majority support, a crisis will certainly appear. First it must be recognized that no person is infallible, but the Soul is always to be trusted. If the leadership has indeed received Soul confirmation, then the right decision has been made. If they are going by the light of the personality, then they could be wrong. Those in the group who have not received Soul confirmation will be at the whims of personality discretion as to whether the leader is correct. They will have no way of knowing if the leadership is following the Soul or the personality. In this case, all they can do is sit back and let the leadership take those who support them and pursue the goal. Time will tell if the leader is right or not.

If the leadership proves to be correct, then those who disagreed with them should question their own ability to be open-minded, and seek with greater sincerity to obtain Soul contact so they can support the next endeavor and make the success even greater.

If the leader proves to be incorrect, and those who disagreed with him believe that they can do better, then they should challenge the leadership and replace them with someone more sensitive to Soul contact.

Perhaps it would be helpful here to look at how leadership works in the operating Molecular Order. Let us say that Jack and Barbara are on the earth at the time that the Molecular System is set up, and they decide to join a Molecule. First, they become an associate member of an existing Molecule. Then, when enough associates are available, a new Molecule is created. Leaders are then elected for each triangle and a male-female Unit is selected over the entire Molecule.

Let us say that to begin with, Jack and Barbara have no leadership position, but as time passes, they feel more comfortable in the Molecule and they believe they should lead the triad. All they have to do is challenge the present leader for their position and call for a vote. If two out of three Units vote in their favor they now preside over the three units of six individuals.

Now, Jack and Barbara are somewhat dissatisfied with the leading unit of the Molecule. The unit has been pushing their weight around and not getting enough input from the members and has also been avoiding taking the initiative. Jack and Barbara believe that they can establish a better rapport with the members as well as create strong leadership so they challenge the Molecular head and call for a vote. The majority feel that they want more representative leaders so they vote Jack and Barbara in.

Jack and Barbara are happy to be in leadership position but they soon discover that they must be careful how they use their authority. They find out that people’s feelings are very sensitive and they become aware of the fact that they too will be challenged and replaced if they are not considerate and effective leaders. They discover that they must always get input from the Molecule and allow each individual a maximum amount of freedom of choice.

As Jack and Barbara become more familiar with their leadership role, they begin to look toward greater positions. The next step up would be the head of a triangle of Molecules and after that the head of a Master Molecule. As they look higher and higher in the leadership, they notice that the quality of the leaders definitely improves, for in this system those of highest leadership potential float automatically to the top in a short period of time. Just as water reaches its own level, so does intelligence in the Molecule. Instead of reaching the highest level of incompetence, as the Peter Principle works in our present system, the Molecular Order causes a person to reach one’s highest level of competence. Jack and Barbara see that they can advance in leadership to head the entire Molecular Order if they demonstrate that they have the wisdom to do so.

Here we see that the Molecule is basically a true representative democracy, but with maximum authority (which can be removed at any time) in the hands of the leaders. It follows the Middle Way principle and uses the best of the democratic system combined with the efficient elements of the authoritarian system.

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The Expanding Molecule

This entry is part 27 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Twenty-Seven
The Expanding Molecule

The Human Molecule duplicates itself just as do the tiny lives in nature. That is, they reproduce by duplicating their form. Each Molecule will have twenty-four members, twelve male and twelve female. In addition to these twenty-four there will be associate members. The associate members will be just as committed as are the full members. The only difference is that there is not yet a Molecule available to them so they can be a full participating male-female couple. A second Molecule cannot be created until there is a second group of twelve male-female Units that can split off from the first.

The associate Molecular member will attach himself or herself to one of the Molecular Units and the spiritual energy will thus proceed from the Molecule to the associate member. The male-female Molecular Unit plus any associates that are working with them will all be considered one Unit and are under responsibility to achieve one voice in all their Molecular business, for if they are not one, they are not Molecular.

See below for an illustration of the completed Molecule.


Next, we have an illustration of the expanding Molecule.

The number of units in each Molecule of this type never deviates from the number twelve even if we have more than twenty-four participating. One Unit may consist of the male-female partnership plus one or more associates. Their voice, however, in all Molecular business is to be counted as one Unit in the Molecule.

Before the creation of the second Molecule there may be over twenty-four associate members attached to one Molecule. However, as the number of Molecules increase, there will be fewer and fewer associate members needed with each Molecule. For instance, when there are twenty-four Molecules, it is possible that each Molecule could then have only one associate apiece before they are gathered into a new Molecule.

The married or working associates will generally cooperate with their partners as if they were one flesh, or one voice, in the Molecular Unit with which they are working. Single associates will be a unit with the couples they are working with until they either commit themselves to a member of the opposite polarity, or until they find working partners and become one of the twelve units in a Molecule.

It is understood that many of those who will be drawn to the Molecular Relationship will not have a participating partner of the opposite sex. These will either be single or married to a spouse who is not interested in the work. To help create a balance of energy in the Molecule, each person without a spiritual partner will eventually choose one. Until the first human Molecule is created, we will be looking for a general balance of the male and female energies involved, for all involved may not have a suitable partner as the creation of the Molecule is in process, but as Molecules are created partnerships will become stable.

Those partners who are not married to each other are called “working partners.” Any person married to a non-participating spouse must understand that it would be a violation of his or her responsibility of balance in the Molecule to be sexually unfaithful to that spouse as long as a commitment is acknowledged or understood between them. Such a marriage may be somewhat awkward, not so much because of the Molecule, but because of the obvious difference of philosophy and interests between the two. Nevertheless, we must remember that the basic aim of the Molecular philosophy is to create stability, and the spouse should be aware that we seek to help relationships, not hurt them. It helps to understand that sexual and romantic energies have nothing to do with the molecule which only uses spiritual energies in its creation.

Now we will present potential multiplications of molecules of twelve, but in doing so remember that the twelve units is merely one type of human molecule and many others will eventually be formed.

The next step is the creation of the Master Molecule. This consists of twenty completed Molecules or 240 units or 480 people plus associates. See below for a diagram of the Master Molecule, with indications of the energy flow from the initiating Molecule.

You will notice that the organization of the Master Molecule follows the same pattern as does the single Molecule. This creates a very powerful organization where energy and thought can quickly be sent from the Hierarchy, to the initiator, to all members of the initiating Molecule, and then to all the Molecules.

The twenty initiates who lead the first twenty Molecules will create an inner Molecule that will have a union and spiritual power greater than has ever been demonstrated on the earth. Some of these will be initiates who have incarnated on the earth for the specific purpose of assisting in the creation of the Molecular Order.

The next major stage of growth will be the creation of the City or Pyramid Molecule which will consist 12,000 units. Below is the top view.

Below is the side view which reveals the pyramid

The City Molecule will equal 50 Master Molecules. It also equals seven Governing Molecules plus one Master Molecule, which will be the leading molecule in this order.

The leaders of these fifty Master Molecules will form an inner governing body which will be called the Council of Fifty.

The next step is the creation of the macrocosmic Human Cell. This consists of twelve Pyramid Molecules or 144,000 units. These will fulfill the prophecy of the Bible of the 144,000 “which follow the Lamb withersoever he goeth.” Rev 14:4

When the Cell is created, there will appear a new life form on the earth that is called in the scriptures ZION. Zion will have powers and properties that have never been seen on the earth, beyond that which we can imagine today. Zion will be higher than a Molecule, just as in nature the Cell has much higher and different properties than does a single Molecule.

Because the 144,000, or the Cell, is the beginning of the creation of true life, at or before its completion, the Master of Life and Love will appear in the flesh. The literal Second Coming of Christ will be a historical fact. He and the Ancient of Days symbolically stand at the center of the Cell.

The 144,000 will build a literal city which will fulfill the Bible prophecy of the New Jerusalem that will lie foursquare: “And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” Rev. 21:14

Literally, the City will be created by the multiplication of the Molecule of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb.

According to the Bible, this Cell will have some unusual properties. In Isaiah Chapter Four, we are told that Zion will be covered with some sort of dome (possibly physical or spiritual) or canapé that will protect it from the fierce elements and over it shall be a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Then in Revelations, John saw the Heavenly Jerusalem, (which is a group of cells which shall manifest in a future age), appear on the earth and “her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal…The city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with a reed, twelve thousand furlongs (Approximately 1500 miles) The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal

“And the building of the wall of it was of Jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass…And the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” Rev 22

The final city of the New Jerusalem will have a physical manifestation, but it’s actual shape and size may correspond more in a symbolic way rather than a literal. On higher levels through meditation a more literal New Jerusalem will manifest. The scripture says the city will be 1500 miles high as well as wide and deep so for the near future this will not be literal. By the measurement in John’s day that was 12,000 furlongs so 12,000 is the symbolic number to look at and this number times the twelve gates or portals equals 144,000 which is the true beginning of its earthy reality.

We must keep in mind that 144,000 is not a limiting number as some religions believe. The first 144,000 will be followed by another and then still another without limits until superlives are created that have never before entered the imagination of Humankind.

The time will come when the lights of the earth will gather together physically and create many molecules and build new cities after the order of peace that will set such an example of the quality life that the nations of the earth “shall walk in the light of it,” as was written by John the Beloved.

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The Spiritual Link

This entry is part 26 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Twenty-Six
The Spiritual Link

In the days of Jesus, the spiritual link was made at His baptism. John the Baptist stated several times that he did not know who the Christ was, even though Jesus was his cousin. On one occasion he was told how to recognize Him: “And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see THE SPIRIT descending, and REMAINING ON HIM, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. And I saw and bare record that this is the Son of God.” John 1:33-34

Who was it that John called the Son of God? Most assume it was Jesus, but there is another entity involved here. This was the Spirit that descended and remained in Him. Was this the real Son of God?

While it is true that we are all sons of God, we also know that the Spirit that descended upon Jesus was a special entity. This is the person who is the Master of the Christ Energy for this planet. It is true that the Christ Energy is in us all, but on each planet there is one person who is the purest representative of that energy. He is given the official title of “The Christ.” This is the person who entered into the body of Jesus and was Melchizedek and also Krishna in a previous time. The disciple Jesus was Joshua in the days of Moses.

Therefore, after the baptism and the connection was made, two entities shared one body: There was Jesus, a son of Man and a member of humanity, and also the Christ, the unborn, an active member and leader of the Hierarchical Molecule.

Jesus often referred to this higher entity as his Father. His disciples misunderstood and thought he was referring to God in the normal sense. Nevertheless, the understanding of the principle of divine possession, or of two entities in one body, helps us to understand some of the more ambiguous statements of Jesus For instance: “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK UNTO YOU I SPEAK NOT OF MYSELF: BUT THE FATHER THAT DWELLETH IN ME, HE DOTH THE WORKS.” John 14:7-10

Jesus made many references like this, but the disciples were slow to understand exactly where or who the Father was. Jesus even went so far as to promise that the disciples could have the same experience of divine possession that he had: “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and WE WILL COME UNTO HIM, AND MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM.” John 14:23

This prophecy was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. The Molecular energy manifested, and the apostles felt the presence of the Hierarchical entities merging with them, thus giving them the spiritual energy, which had been long lost from the earth.

Then there was the time that the Pharisees thought that they could prove Jesus wrong because their scriptures told them that truth is established by two or more witnesses. They accused him of being a single witness to his teachings, that there was not a second witness. To this Jesus responded:

“Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true: for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go. Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me.

“It is also written in your law, that the testimony of TWO MEN is true. I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.

“Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.” John 8:14-19

It is interesting that Jesus testified that he wasn’t alone, but that ‘two men” were present.

One of the more interesting references that Jesus made to the Molecular connection is as follows: “I am the vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me, and I in you. AS THE BRANCH CANNOT BEAR FRUIT OF ITSELF, EXCEPT IT ABIDE IN THE VINE; NO MORE CAN YE, EXCEPT YE ABIDE IN ME. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered’ and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” John 15:1-7

A tree or a vine is an excellent illustration of the Molecular Principle. The fluid in the tree corresponds to the spiritual energy of the Molecule. The vines and branches are like the tributaries of that energy. Jesus said that for a branch to bear fruit, or to even continue to have life, it must be connected to the vine, and that he was the vine, or the source of the spiritual energy for this planet.

If the branch is severed from the vine, it receives no fluid, life. It then withers and dies and is good for nothing except to be gathered and burned. What kind of life was he referring to here? Virtually none of humanity are connected to the Vine, or the Molecular Order at the present, yet humans definitely are alive. We must bear in mind that Jesus was referring to a much greater life, a life source which is eternal with no limitations and a fullness of joy. This is a life so great by comparison to what we have now that to one experiencing the greater life, what we have now would be considered death.

Examining nature provides us with an understanding of this principle. When a branch is severed from a tree it does not immediately die, but still looks healthy and normal for a short period of time. However, it only takes a short time before it withers and looks deathly in comparison to the connected branches. Long after the severed branch is dried and burned is the connected branch still alive and well.

We are all severed branches from the Vine of God. We may appear to be alive and well, but it only takes a few years before the signs of death and disease become apparent. If we are connected to the True Vine, we then have an eternal supply of life energy and eventually even death is overcome.

The Vine that was established on the earth in the period of Jesus was rejected by humanity. They chose death instead of life. But now we are approaching a new era, an age wherein the Molecular Order will again be established on the earth and eventually accepted, and will cause a transformation of the entire planet.

The first step in this process is to create an actual Molecule in a correct state of balance. When this is then done, and possibly even before, a member of the Hierarchical Molecule will descend into one of the bodies of a member of the Order. Thus, we will again have a body on the earth possessed by two kindred spirits that will link humanity up to the spiritual flow from the presence of God. If the Molecule is then at a point of oneness, the divine energy that is carried into the body of the disciple by the Hierarchical member will circle around and flow through the bodies of the rest of the members and they will be instantly translated from the human kingdom to the Kingdom of God. This will be a time of tremendous rejoicing in the spiritual spheres, for it will be a time of the creation of true spiritual life on the earth, which will lead us back to our true inheritance.

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Molecular Principles

This entry is part 25 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Twenty-Five
Molecular Principles

The foundation of the Molecule is the male-female Unit working in harmony together. As mentioned earlier the male is the sending Unit and the female is the receiving. To understand the Molecule we must not look upon male and female as merely bodies in the regular sense, but as energy units, and we must realize that the body merely symbolizes the male or female polarization that our Soul has placed us in. The Molecule is a functioning electrical creation, and to create any operating piece of equipment, all units have to function in their correct energy. The male-female human Units are no different. The positive-negative, sending-receiving, radiant-magnetic relationship must be set up for a human Molecule to function properly in the macrocosm just as the atomic lives must follow these principles in the microcosm

The problem is that the male is in his energy as a sender, but cannot function efficiently as a sender if his female partner has reached a much higher state of evolution than himself and is the major sender in the relationship. If a man marries a female of noticeably higher sending polarization than himself, she automatically becomes the main sender, or male energy, and he the female energy; this instantly throws both of them out of their natural energy current. Therefore, the male should find a female for a partner who is able to receive from him, someone that he can elevate to a higher vibration. The female should seek a partner who can stimulate her toward higher evolution, someone she can learn from and trust as a competent teacher or sender.

If this interplay is impossible in the current relationship, then there are several possibilities to maintain balance.

[1] If the person is single or has a partner not interested in the spiritual path, he or she can find a working partner that seems right for the sending-receiving relationship. It is important to understand that the spiritual partnership has nothing to do with romance or physical sex, but only the interplay of the male-female energy. The only relationship needed in the normal sense is friendship.

[2] Or, if a working partner would cause a problem with a current relationship you want to keep then they can draw energy from others of the opposite sex in the Molecule in the same situation. Details will be discussed later.

One may argue that we are supposed to teach each other and learn from one another. This is both true and false. It is true that we can all teach each other facts. It is, however, false that we can teach each other principles. It may take a thousand facts to clarify one principle, but from one principle one can derive thousands of facts.

A fact is merely a piece of information that anyone can incorporate into their brain memory. It can likewise be programmed into a computer. A principle is a different matter. A principle is the underlying truth that makes all facts valid. It requires judgment to use and cannot be completely programmed into a computer.

For instance, the Constitution of the United States is built around the principle of the Free Agency of humanity. Around this principle has sprung the Constitution and thousands of books containing millions of facts. In the days of the foundation of the United States, there were only a handful of enlightened people who were able to understand the principle of freedom. People of lower evolution could not see it. There was no way that King George from England could teach or enlighten George Washington in any degree on this principle even though he probably had as many facts in his head on the subject as Washington did. On the other hand, Washington could have done much to enlighten the King if he was willing to listen.

This is true on a broader scale. Those beginners on the Path may relate enlightening facts to those farther along than themselves, but they can never directly teach them principles. Principles are only passed down from higher to lower. If any of us achieve enlightenment on any principle, it is either inspired by a person who is further along the path than ourselves or from our Higher Selves. What we are saying here is, in fact, a principle: enlightenment proceeds from the top down, never from the bottom up.

Therefore, to create the correct current of energy in the Molecule, the male-female relationship must be established so the principles flow from male to female. To make this work, the ideal would be to have males who are slightly farther on the path or near equal to their female companions rather than so far behind they cannot use their natural sending energy. The principle of sending-receiving can work even if the male and female are near the same degree of evolution. (This is because of their energy polarities.) If this is the case, they will assume the correct energy and the sending-receiving relationship will be set up. The problem arises when the female is significantly more evolved than the male and demands the sending position. In this case the energy current is reversed and the flow is weak.

When the male-female units are functioning in their correct energy, we have then laid the foundation for the creation of human Molecules. Each correctly functioning male-female partnership is then to be looked upon as one Unit. The words of the Master Jesus were esoterically correct in that the male-female union is not two, but “one flesh.” Matt 19:5. The two together are like one human atom (or Adam). As a test of their unity in the Molecular Order, the male-female partnership is to be counted as one voice and not two. Thus, they must reach unity between them on all items of Molecular business. If they are unable to do this, it is evident that their energy is out of balance, and one (or both) lack soul contact, and thus short circuits the Molecular creation.

The next step is to create a functioning Human Molecule. This requires twenty-four people. The ideal Molecule consists of an equal number of males and females, or twelve male-female partners functioning in the sender-receiver relationship. From here on in this manuscript the male-female partnership will be referred to as one Molecular unit. Thus the Molecule consists of twelve Molecular Units.

The Units are divided into four triangles or four groups of three Molecular Units. Each triangle has a leader which will be elected by the majority vote of the three. In addition, each Molecule has one triangle which is the governing triangle. The governing triangle is that group which possesses the leading Unit of the Molecule. The leading Unit of the Molecule is chosen by one of two methods: (1) The power of initiation or (2) The process of election.

[1] INITIATION: There has been much talk about initiates and how to become one. On this point there is much needless confusion in the world. The understanding of an initiate is quite simple. He or she is merely one who can demonstrate the power to initiate or begin something of benefit for humankind. For instance, Columbus was an initiate because he initiated or started the migration to the Western Hemisphere. Lincoln was an initiate because he initiated the freedom of the slaves. Edison was an initiate because he initiated the light bulb. The more far-reaching the thing started, the higher is the degree of initiation attained. Those who begin a work with world-wide repercussions are very advanced initiates. Those who successfully begin a work with less than world-wide impact are initiates of a lesser degree. Those who do not work at beginning anything new in the service of humanity are not generally initiates to any degree, but, if they are seeking to find their path, they are called aspirants.

The sure sign of true leadership ability is the power of initiation. As evidence of this, we notice that a business that is run by the initiator often is very successful, but, when the initiate retires and the company is headed by a non-initiate, it does not seem to do as well as before. One who has the vision to begin a new project or enterprise on their own initiative generally has the leadership ability to hold it all together better than anyone else. Ask any business owner, large or small, and you will get a positive response on this.

Therefore, under the initiation principle, the Unit which is clearly responsible for the creation of a certain Molecule will be the natural leader of it and will be entitled to assume the leadership role. The initiate of a Molecule is the Unit who has clearly done the majority of the work in teaching and drawing the people together into the Molecule.

If it happens that the initiating male-female unit shows poor leadership hthey may be voted out by a majority vote of the Molecule and replaced by a new leader. The initiating unit is then always free to participate in still another Molecule and assume leadership of that by either initiation or election.

[2] ELECTION: If there is no clear-cut initiate, then the leading unit will be nominated and elected by the Molecular members. A candidate is one who either volunteers for the job or is nominated. The unit elected should be the one considered to be the most able and willing teacher, or sender, in the group. Any number can be nominated, but the Unit finally chosen must be selected by a majority vote. If the first voting does not produce a majority then a second vote will be cast for the two receiving the most votes. If the Molecule later discovers they made a mistake and put the wrong unit in, its leadership may be challenged by any other Unit in the group and another election may be called for. If a new Unit receives a majority vote, then the old leader will be replaced by a new one.

The Hierarchical Connection

After the Molecule is set up with twenty-four people or twelve male-female Units with the correct sender-receiver interrelationship, one more step is needed. The creation of the Molecule is like the creation of a light bulb. We may have all the correct ingredients together, but if the light bulb is not connected to an electrical current, then it is of no more successful in lighting a room than a rock or a dog bone. Just as the light bulb needs a connection to work, so does the Molecule. The Human Molecule needs to be linked up to the Hierarchical Molecule, or The Brotherhood of Light as we have called them.

The Hierarchical Molecule consists of the Christ and his immediate disciples. The Hierarchical Molecule is in turn linked up to the Shamballa Molecule which consists of the one the Bible refers to as the Ancient of Days, or, in esoteric writings, as Sanat Kumara and his disciples. This is the earthly representative of the “Father in Heaven.”

This entity is in such a high vibration that He has been referred to as the “God of This Planet,” or the “Most High” by the ancient scriptures. Our earthly Father-God is linked up and is a disciple of the Solar Logos. He is the governing being of the entire solar system.

The Solar Logos is linked up and is a disciple of still higher lives until we arrive at The One About Whom Naught Can Be Said, who is the governing life over seven solar systems which is linked to other lives like Itself.  Going any higher than this is mere speculation, even for the highest adepts, but we do know there is a Universal Life or united Sonship and It’s body is the universe itself.

The Planetary Logos, The Solar Logos and those even higher up are in the form of humans when they manifest in the world of form, for they perfected their form as humans ages and ages ago. We must keep in mind that the Planetary Logos is like a seed atom in the life of the planet earth itself. The Logos is Molecular, but the elementary life of the earth itself is far from it and is a kingdom behind humanity in evolution. The consciousness of God is manifesting in the material universe in human form at this period of universal evolution and thus the responsibility falls upon humans to bring the beauty of molecular form from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the lower lives to the higher, and when the higher is completed its complexity and beauty will surpass all previous creations.

Thus, the spiritual energy flows from the highest life in the Universe by the power of the Molecular Order, down to the Hierarchical Molecule governed by the Christ. This energy flow is, however, currently cut off from Humankind because humans and the kingdoms under them have “fallen” away from this principle.

The spiritual energy of the Molecular Order therefore misses the human kingdom, the animal kingdom, the vegetable kingdom and, to some extent, the mineral kingdom.

Nevertheless, within these kingdoms, the molecular power and order still functions. The cells, molecules, and atoms in all our bodies are still linked up and receive the spiritual flow from the One God, the Universal Logos; this is the power by which all living things in the Universe are created and have their being.

Thus we find that the spiritual energy from the One Great Life pervades all forms above the human and below the organic life forms on the earth, but humanity and the life forms under human are missed because we have conscious thought, but are caught in the illusion that it is possible to be separate from the One God.

The diagram below illustrates the spiritual flow of the Molecular Order.


At present there is no link to connect humanity to the Molecular Orders above us. This is what needs to occur so we have direct access to spiritual energy coming from our true Source. This full access cannot be accomplished by the individual alone but in cooperation with a group of brothers and sisters seeing eye to eye through the vision of the soul.

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The Human Molecule

This entry is part 24 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Twenty-Four
The Human Molecule

One can only wonder at the manifested properties of a Human Molecule. Water is so much different than either hydrogen or oxygen. How could a group of molecular humans be different than human, or greater than human? Would they be supermen and women, or Gods, or what?

If we think about it, we do not have to look to the future to see the power of a human Molecule, but to the past. There have been several attempts to create such a group, but by far the best known was initiated by Jesus.

Just as an atomic Molecule has to have a certain number of atoms in it to work, so does the human; the number that Jesus used, for example, was twelve units. However, we must not overlook an important principle: each human atomic unit is composed of not just one man or one woman, but a male and female united. The Bible does not tell us specifically that each of the apostles had a female partner, but neither does it say that they did not. It does concretely say that Peter had a wife (See Matt 8:14).

The New Testament clearly tells us that there was a large company of women who followed Jesus and the apostles. It was these women who first witnessed the resurrection and related it to the disciples: “It was Mary Magdalene and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles.” Luke 24:10

The only men specifically mentioned that were with Jesus were the twelve. It seems logical that a number of these women who followed them were wives, or companions, to the twelve.

If each of the twelve had a female partner, this would make the actual number in the Molecule of Jesus twenty-four. Ironically, this is the number of entities in the Molecule before the throne of God: “And round about the throne (of God) were FOUR AND TWENTY seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.” Rev. 4:4

Because the entities were called Elders does not mean they were male or had a certain position in the church of God. “Elder” comes from the word PRESBUTEROS which means “Elder one.” In other words, the twenty-four entities before the throne of God were very evolved and ancient Souls having the experience of many lifetimes.

In the marriage relationship, Jesus said that the male and female “are no more twain, but one flesh.” Matt 19:6. Therefore, one human Adam or Atom is male and female united. The Molecule of Jesus was thus called the “twelve” rather than the twenty-four.

In the human Molecule, the female is polarized in the energy of magnetism or receivership. The male is in radiance or is sending. Remember, we all have both energies within us, but we are guided by our Soul to manifest the energy represented by our physical body (male or female).

The male energy of radiant action is not more important than the female, but it is more visible and generally receives more credit. This should not be the case, however, for without the female energy of magnetism, there would be no power to draw energy into form and maintain it there.

The ancients recognized and appreciated this principle. That is why their deities were female. They recognized that no form could manifest without the female energy.

In the Molecule of Jesus, the men performed the recorded miracles, but the women had the magnetic force to draw the spiritual energy so the miracles were possible.

It is interesting that the first recorded miracle of Jesus was at a marriage feast. What is even more interesting is the fact that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was responsible for the guests and Jesus was instructed by his mother that they needed more wine. Why was Mary presiding at the wedding if she were not the mother of the groom (which was the custom at that time), and why was Jesus responsible for more wine if he was not the groom? Did he pull from the magnetic energy of his female mother and his bride to perform his first miracle of changing the water into wine? Read John 2:1-11 and ask yourself. Even if we discount the idea that this was Jesus’ marriage we still see female energy at play in the request made by His mother.

At the time of the greatest miracle of them all, the resurrection from the dead, who was the first person that Jesus appeared to? Was it Peter, who was to be the head of the church?


It was Mary Magdalene.

Not only was Mary Magdalene there to see the miracle of the resurrection before any man, but so were “Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women…” Luke 24:10 Is it possible that for His greatest miracle, Jesus actually needed to surround Himself with the magnetic power of numerous females?

When he performed his second greatest miracle of raising Lazareth from the dead, he drew from the faith of Mary and Martha who were present. Martha said to him: “I know, that even now (that Lazareth is dead), whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.” John 11:22

Martha here believed in something that had never been done before: that a man whose body was in decay could be raised from the dead. None of the apostles believed in Jesus the way the women did. The question is: Could Jesus have even performed the great miracles without the magnetic belief of the females around him? Was this the reason that just before he gave the command for Lazareth to rise, he asked Martha if she believed on him?

The male apostles did not believe that Jesus was going to rise from the dead, but numerous women did. They were waiting at the grave for him when he arose because they believed that he could conquer even death as he had told them.

The fact is simply this: without the synthesis of male radiant energy and female magnetic energy there can be no creation. On the other hand, by the power of the cooperation of the two energies, there is no creation that can be withheld. Yea, even the miracle of the resurrection of the dead is accomplished on this very principle.

“Behind every successful man is a good woman” could just as well be Biblical scripture. The power of belief and faith is a feminine principle. It is magnetic and not radiant. When a female exercises this power and believes in a man it does something magical. It gives him power to use his radiant action energy to manifest whatever it is she believes in. The creation of this power, however, takes cooperation from both sides. The female must believe and the male must act on that belief. By following this simple principle, any male-female union may have all their desires fulfilled.

Even though this principle is simple, it is difficult to find an example of it carried out. This is largely because men do not realize or appreciate the contribution of the female and the female does not believe in her male because she doesn’t realize the power of her natural energy blended with his.

Thus did Jesus organize the Twelve in their correct energies and stimulated the women, including the wives of the apostles with a powerful belief. This not only gave Jesus power to perform miracles, but also his disciples.

This power continued with them until the betrayal of Judas. This withdrawal of energy caused the number of completed units to drop from twelve to eleven. Any chemist will verify that a standard molecule must maintain its proper number or it will lose its properties. This is what happened to the twelve… they lost their higher properties. From the time of the betrayal of Judas to the addition of the twelfth apostle, Matthias, the apostles were frightened, ordinary men with no power above the ordinary human.

Jesus himself was severely affected by the betrayal. At the point in time when Judas completely decided to turn on his Master and was with the Jewish leaders Jesus had brought three of the apostles to the Garden of Gethsemane. We are told that he “began to be sorrowful and very heavy. Then saith he unto them, My Soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.” Matt 26:37-38 Mark also described him as “sore amazed.” Mark 14:33

Some of these words are not translated very accurately. “Sorrowful and heavy” come from LUPEO and ADEMONEO. “Sorrowful” is a fairly accurate rendering of LUPEO. It implies great sorrow, distress or grief. ADEMONEO implies a great distress of the mind or Soul. It could be translated as “anguish” or “depression.” It most exactly means that the Soul of Jesus was saturated with a feeling of foreboding.

The second “sorrowful” comes from PERILUPOS. This has essentially the same meaning as LUPEO with the addition of the prefix PERI. This implies that the sorrow surrounded and completely permeated Jesus.

“Watch” comes from GREGOREUO which means to be awake or fully aware of what is going on. It implies the opposite of death or sleep.

“Amazed” comes from EKTHAMBEO which implies a state of mind that is astounded by what is happening and is in a state of wonderment.

What do we get from this? When Judas was in the process of betraying his Lord, Jesus was so completely overcome with a feeling of sorrow, heaviness, and distress of mind that he was astounded that such a thing could happen to him, the greatest of us all. The feeling was so intense that he thought that if it became any worse, he would die before any cross would get him. He was “sorrowful even unto death…”

The feeling was so intense that he pleaded for his apostles to “watch” or be fully aware with him so he could draw strength from them.

The pain became so great he asked his Father to remove the cup from him “And being in agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” Luke 22:44

Does this pain and heaviness that nearly killed Jesus have anything to do with the betrayal of Judas?

The answer is yes… it had everything to do with it. A human Molecule of eleven could not conduct the spiritual energy flow, nor did it produce the same results as did the twelve. When Judas withdrew his energy, the whole Molecule was shattered and the tremendous spiritual power that had been flowing through Jesus and the apostles had been interrupted. They were all affected, but Jesus felt the brunt of it since he was the focal point. They were all sustaining a strong spiritual flow and when it was cut off, it felt as if their very life was dissolving. Jesus almost died and the apostles could not stay awake. He only brought three of the eleven to Gethsemane. Perhaps the other eight were still back in the room of the last supper asleep through depletion of energy. Whatever the case, he hoped to create some Molecular flow between himself and Peter, James and John. This would have returned him some of his strength.

The effort failed. Three times Jesus tried to revive the three apostles to share awareness with him and three times they fell back into a deathlike sleep.

Finally, he reached a point at which he could no longer continue on the physical plane without a recharge of energy. At this point: “There appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.” Luke 22:43

This angel was a member of the Molecule which existed in the Spiritual Hierarchy of which Jesus was a member. This angel then was able to re-establish in Jesus the spiritual flow he needed to continue his work. After this, he woke the apostles for the fourth time and this time they stayed awake. Jesus was able to recharge them so they could be themselves again.

We all know the story from here. Jesus was taken, crucified, and after three days he rose from the dead. Sometime after this later event, the eleven met together on the day of Pentecost. From the time of the betrayal to this time the apostles were just ordinary men, but now they were inspired to rectify this situation. They were going to add the additional unit to their group to make the complete Molecule of Twelve. They chose Matthias and immediately after he (and his female partner who is not mentioned) joined the group to complete the mystical number of twelve their minds were united “with one accord in one place: And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:1-4

Verily, the time of miracles was ushered in again. At this time Peter spoke to a crowd of Jews who gathered around to see what was happening. This crowd represented about sixteen different languages, yet each man heard Peter speak in his own language within his mind. Peter was no longer just a regular human being. He now had properties more than human.

A short time later Peter and John clasped the hand of a man who was lame from birth and had never walked. Peter commanded him in the name of Christ to be healed. The crippled man not only walked, but leaped for joy. Peter’s healing energy was so great that “insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them. There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them that were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.” Acts 5:15-16

Later Peter commanded a lady named Tabitha to rise from the dead. Shortly thereafter, Peter was cast in prison, bound with two sets of chains, sleeping between two guards, and watched by sixteen soldiers. He was approached by a spiritual messenger and the chains dropped from him. That was because the vibrations of his body were raised in the presence of a Molecular brother from the other side of the veil. Peter was then escorted through the walls of the prison and the gates of the city. The disciples could hardly believe it when they saw him.

Philip had a similar experience. After he baptized a eunuch he disappeared and was later found teaching in a nearby city.

The apostles continued to have tremendous power to do good works throughout the only authorized record we have, which is the book of Acts. The Bible only tells us about the death of one of the apostles who was James, the brother of John. The death of a faithful apostle did not have the negative effect as did the betrayal of Judas. There is really no death. The consciousness of James merely moved locations and his support was never withdrawn. On the physical plane, however, Paul was already chosen to be an apostle, so through him or possibly someone unnamed, the number twelve remained intact.

The last words of Jesus to the apostles was to “teach all nations” and, according to tradition, they separated and visited many nations and performed many mighty deeds. Unfortunately, all but John were killed and never replaced. People seeking power and authority set up a system of ecclesiastical authority, having no awareness of Molecular power. The spiritual connection with the Christ was therefore severed and the church became just another dead form to rivet humanity’s eyes to images that have no life or power.

The Molecule was revived again in the legendary days of Camelot. There was a larger order with numerous knights, a more central one with fifty especially selected by King Arthur and Merlin. This particular number was used to create a vortex of power. The number 50 is symbolic of a peculiar combination of energy pedals in the centers. The base of the spine has 4, plus the 6 of the sacral center, plus 10 of the solar plexus, plus 12 of the heart, plus 16 of the throat, plus the two major pedals of the Third Eye equals 50. The union of the fifty energies pave the way for the use of the 1000 pedaled lotus at the top of the head wherein lies the energy of the Will-Power-Purpose of God. Thus, through the symbolic sword of Excalibur, the knights wielded the power of God on the earth.

In addition, they had a governing Molecule composed of twelve knights, symbolizing the twelve apostles.

It is interesting that my favorite movie of this period, Excalibur, shows twelve males and twelve females gathering around the round Table.

The Molecular Order of that period produced tremendous power in Camelot so that none of their enemies could overthrow them. In addition, Camelot was more than a regular city. It was a grand experiment in cooperative living and an attempt to establish the equality of brotherhood of men and women.

The Molecule was seriously injured when Guinevere and Lancelot betrayed King Arthur. They provided an important balance of energy that was never completely replaced. Then, after the death of King Arthur, the power of Excalibur, or the Molecule, was lost to the earth somewhere around 570 AD.

The Bible gives a prophecy about this event: And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman (the power of the Molecule utilizing female as well as male energy) clothed with the sun (centered in the consciousness of the Spirit of God or the Soul), and the moon under her feet, (the emotions are under the control of the Soul), and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (The power of the Molecule is manifested through twelve male-female units)… “And she brought forth a man child (Christ and those with Christ consciousness), who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron (the power of truth): and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. (the Ascension of Christ followed by the effort of the true disciples of Christ to keep the teachings on the kingdom of God alive up to 570 AD): And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand, two hundred and sixty days.” Rev 12:1-2;5-6

After the loss of Excalibur, the power of the Molecule was withdrawn from men. The period of time given here is 1260 days, but in Bible prophecy a day is often symbolic of a year. If we add 1260 years to 570 AD, we arrive at the year 1830. This was the year that Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet, established The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Numerous people involved in this period were reincarnated from the days of King Arthur.

Together they started the Church and chose another Molecule of twelve apostles, each of whom had a female partner. Just before his death Joseph also created a governing body which he called “The Council of Fifty” similar to King Arthur’s, but was killed before he could harmonize it. After his death, the Church could see little use or purpose in this Council and dropped it.

Joseph had much difficulty establishing unity even among his founding Twelve. At times he had as many as half of them against him in their hearts and some sought his life. Nevertheless, at certain times some of them went forth and did mighty miracles such as raising the dead and healing the sick. When Joseph had organized several Molecules in the correct order in the temple at Kirtland, Ohio, a pillar a fire descended on it that lit up the whole countryside. This was a real fire visible to all and the next day an article was written about the fire in the anti-Mormon press that seemed to burn the temple down. Joseph was attempting to unify his Molecule of Twelve to prepare for a greater revelation when he was killed. Shortly after that, the leaders of the Mormon Church halted the gathering process and lacked the vision or connection to create working Molecules. They kept some of the numbers intact, but lost the knowledge concerning the spiritual connection.

At this point “the Woman fled into the wilderness” the second time. The wording is slightly different than the first scripture: “And to the woman were given two great wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.” Rev 12:14

On this second flight into the wilderness, the Woman is given power by two wings of a great eagle. As everyone knows, this is a symbol of the United States. We find it on the back of every dollar bill. The first flight was for 1260 years, as previously discussed, but this one is a corresponding, but different, period. It is represented by time (one certain period of time), plus times (two certain periods of time), and half a time (or one-half of a certain period). Altogether, this equals three and one-half periods of time. We know it corresponds to the first period because if we say that each period equals one prophetic year of 360 days, (a prophetic year is 360 days) then three and one-half years equals exactly 1260 days.

In this second prophecy, the time period was written with a different wording because it referred to a different duration of time. The correspondence was that it referred to three and one-half periods. This three and one-half period shows up again and again in the book of Revelations. We have just quoted two. In addition, the two witnesses prophecy for three and one-half years and lie dead in the streets for three and one-half days. So far we have the three and one-half periods (represented by 1260 years), three and one-half years and three and one-half days. What is the three and one-half times that the Molecular order was in the wilderness in the United States?

Logic tells us that it will not be 1260 years, three and one-half years, or three and one-half days since they have been used already (and the scripture here always seems to use a different correspondence).

My first contemplation of the three and a half time periods led me to conclude that the most likely interpretation was to be three and a half generations. I believe this is correct except it refers not to the generations of people, but of the church itself.

The first time, or generation, was the period of the church during the life of Joseph Smith. (1830-1844)

The second generation covered the period in which the members fled to Utah, gathered there, built cities and became established as a church. (1844-1890)

The third generation involved the establishment of authorized doctrine and channels of authority as well as the outreach of the church to the world. During this period members are tightly controlled as to behavior and teachings that can be embraced. (1890-1980)

Finally, we arrive at the half time, or the fourth generation.  During this time period many members resist the strict control and seek for teachings that go beyond those authorized by church authorities.  It is a new awakening for those who are ready in and out of the LDS church. Enlightened souls all over the world begin to break off from establishment religion and control, and think for themselves, guided by their inner light.

In the middle of this period human molecules will manifest again.

The exact time does not matter to us. What does matter is that it will happen and that we must do all within our power to lay the correct foundation for its manifestation. Therefore, the next section of this treatise will deal with the Molecule’s workings and organization.

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