Decision, Our Ultimate Power

Decision, Our Ultimate Power

Many decisions are based on programming. From a higher point of view these are not decisions at all but are reactions to a decision made by someone else. All motion is the result of some decision somewhere, but where the decision originated is not always obvious.

Genesis 3:3-4 & 22 makes an interesting statement”

“Behold, the man is to become as one of us, to know good and evil….”

Let us alter this slightly to:

“Behold, the man is to become as one of us, having the power to DECIDE what is good and what is evil.”

Decision is the power of the Gods, but if this is hidden from us and we don’t think we have permission to decide then the power that is in us is hidden by illusion. If our power is hidden, then the Antichrist powers make all important decisions for us.

You may find it of interest that the judges in the Old Testament were called Gods by Moses. Moses was also called a God. In most cases this is mistranslated in today’s Bibles, but it is in black-and-white in the Hebrew. Those who made decisions and assumed power to do so had the power of the Gods, so they were called Gods.

Decision is the key to the door that opens to all worlds — even immortality.

A reader asks: “Is ultimate righteousness repression or expression of the lower?”

I’ll give you my answer. The lower passions are a part of ourselves as well as the higher. They should never be suppressed or denied, but should be directed to full, but harmless, expression under the guidance of the higher self.

I hope you read the verses in Genesis I quoted. They hint at a great truth. The full power to decide good and evil — and other things will make you as the gods. In fact the word “Elohim” that is translated God in the Bible is actually plural in the Hebrew. That’s why the Elohim said “Let US create man…” and “The man is to become as one of US.”

A God among the ancients was one who realized his oneness with The One Great Life.

Letting God come into your life and make decisions for you is a step above not recognizing a divine power. All the Fundamental Christians use this process and it is helpful.

But the much greater realization is realizing your oneness with God and when you merge your consciousness with that of the Spirit then your decisions are divine.

The key is to separate yourself from the illusion that you (generic you) are the decision maker when in reality you may be just following some real decision maker. Few people make decisions that really shape their destiny. Instead, they are waiting for either signs from God or someone with authority to tell them what to do.

Perhaps the greatest hint for the full realization of this key is the words of God to Moses when Moses asked God who he was. He said:

“I am becoming that which I DECIDE to become.”

In other words, God would not tell Moses who he was because he is in the constant activity of deciding who he is and tomorrow he will be different than he is today. That is why the revelation of God and the Masters of the race is different in each age. That is why the scriptures say “Behold I make all things NEW.”

The greater the life, the greater the power of decision and the more lives that decision will affect.

A reader suggests this: “There ought to be a collection of testimonial statements about your book, arranged into categories:

“(1) Amazing Spiritual Experiences

  (2) Correlating Witnesses

  (3) Endorsing Statements”

JJ: I wish I had saved all the comments that I have received relating unusual or spiritual experiences. I received the most shortly after I published the first book, for that had the most sales. I received a quite a few of private letters from people relating their experiences over the years. There was an amazing number of people who mysteriously heard bells or encountered a mysterious stranger.

Then over the years I have received some odd ones from people who think they were someone important in a past life wanting me to follow them. These past lives range from Jesus to John, to Paul to John the Baptist to Joseph Smith. The Joseph Smith guy was particularly upset at me for not following him and condemned me to hell.

I was glad that Cheri had a spiritual experience after reading Book Four as the grand tour was one of my favorite parts to write. A number of people have expressed intense feelings over the part where I am instructed to bless the universe.

I have also received a lot of comments from people who have had spiritual experiences from saying the Song of the 144,000, even some ministers using it with their flock.

Sometimes I have believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. —Lewis Carroll

Feb 9, 2009

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What is a Disciple?

What is a Disciple?

A student writes: “In your original comment you used the word ‘disciple(s).

“While I understand that Initiates are not necessarily to be thought of as being particularly ‘religious,’ I have found that the word ‘disciple” does carry with what I would consider to be a high level of ‘spirituality’ (versus religiousness) with it.

“In your response you now switch to referring to these people as Initiates and not Disciples — and I believe you have already identified these two before as Initiates.

“So what the IS the differences and similarities between a Disciple and an Initiate? Or is there any? As in are the terms completely interchangeable?”

JJ: Every disciple is an initiate to some degree but not all initiates are disciples dedicated to the light, for some are attempting to initiate plans that will further the dark side as Hitler did.

Loosely speaking a disciple in the light is one who is dedicated to moving ahead a portion of the plan that will bring advancement and evolution to humanity.

In an esoteric sense all true disciples are spiritual but from the viewpoint of the public they are not. Lincoln was criticized for not being spiritual because he did not belong to a church and he was always telling jokes and stories that were considered crass for his time, but now looks like stories out of a Normal Rockwell neighborhood.

Winston Churchill, another disciple, was criticized for not being spiritual as he drank, smoked and also told irreverent stories. He also had to make tough decisions during a war that cost many lives.

There are very few true disciples who are spiritual in the normal sense. The only one who comes to mind was Mother Teresa. The reason for this is true disciples ignore what others say about what they should spiritually be and concentrate on the work to be done. True work that moves humanity ahead is often seen as an annoyance by the public and not as something spiritual.

DK also uses the word disciple loosely. At one point he says this: “for all are disciples from the humblest aspirant up to, and beyond, the Christ Himself.”

Then other times he speaks of “an accepted disciple” as one who has passed the third initiation.

Thus in speaking of disciple one must always look at the context in which it is used.

This system of teaching by hints is designed to make you struggle and contact energies that have hitherto been dormant. It will increase your power of intuition and because of the stimulation you may find yourself receiving much more on unrelated topics at unexpected moments.

Do not fear being worthy. Contemplate this statement from “A Course in Miracles”:

“I Am as God created me.”

As you merge with your true self you will find yourself thinking things that may seem arrogant but always remember to trust that which comes from within you. The more you trust it the more you will be tempted from those on the outside to not trust.

The power of decision is shared by both your lower and higher selves. It uses your vehicles, but is not your vehicles. Every possible source will try and take this power away from you. It is a power we must regain. Many people think they are making their own decisions when they are merely following the dictates of some authority. The only way we truly make our own decisions and become masters of our destinies is to merge with the still small voice within and follow it. Then you can become that which your true consciousness decides to become.

Thanks for the birthday wishes, my friends, and a special thanks to a member for taking the time and thought to write a poem for little ole me.

I indeed recall the first time I heard the song by the Beatles — “When I’m Sixty-Four.” At that time 64 seemed a long way away. I’m sure it also seemed a long way away for Paul McCartney who sang it. Now I am sixty-four (in 2009) it indeed forces the truth upon my consciousness that one lifetime is not really that long. My life so far in a way only seems like an extended dream having only a tiny amount of the experiences available. We would all indeed be shortchanged if there were only one life as taught by orthodox religions.

I was asked if the baptism of fire is associated with discipleship. I wasn’t attempting to say that the experience of the baptism of fire indicates that one is an accepted disciple. To receive the fire of the Spirit one must be open as a child and of pure heart at the moment of the witness.

What I was saying is that a true disciple will stimulate others in the direction of this experience. Just as signs will follow those who believe, even so will the spirit follow those who teach by the Spirit.

Question: I always wondered about this scripture and, since I’m on a roll asking questions, what do you think about this scripture?

Wherefore, I will that all men shall repent, for all are under sin, except those which I have reserved unto myself, holy men that ye know not of.” D&C 49:8

JJ: I have written about this several times. Here is a quote from my book, “The Gathering of Lights”:

“This Master (DK) works in close connection with Koot Hoomi as well as Master Morya and all three of them are in close association with the Christ. They are all ‘resurrected beings,’ using Christian terminology. In esoteric language they are referred to merely as “the Masters” or the ‘Masters of Wisdom.’“

“A revelation given to Joseph Smith once hinted at these associates

‘Wherefore, I will that all men shall repent, for all are under sin, except those which I have reserved unto myself, HOLY MEN THAT YE KNOW NOT OF.’ Doctrine & Covenants 49:8)

“These holy men that the world and even many prophets knew not of were the Masters. There are many Masters, but the three mentioned above are of the most important from our point of view. Koot Hoomi is next in line to take over the position of The Christ in about a thousand years from now when the present Christ will move on to other work. These three men have known each other from many lifetimes and were the three wise men from the East who presented gifts to the Christ child. They understood the mission of Christ much better than His twelve apostles and helped to surround the babe with a protective aura in the first few years of his life.”

From The Gathering of Lights, Chapt 10, The 3 Revelations)

Question: “Finally, I’m curious about this scripture; keys by which Hyrum may ask and receive? What’s this?

“God, speaking of Hyrum Smith said, (D&C 124:95) ‘That he may act in concert also with my servant Joseph; and that he shall receive counsel from my servant Joseph, who shall show unto him the keys whereby he may ask and receive, and be crowned with the same blessing, and glory, and honor, and priesthood, and gifts of the priesthood, that once were put upon him that was my servant Oliver Cowdery;’

“So is this an ordinance like bowing to the East three times and speaking two special holy words or what? There is much in scripture that gets your curiosity going but does not fulfill it.”

JJ: The Key here is to be linked to one who is linked to the Holy Spirit. Where two or more people are gathered unto Christ there He will be in the midst of them. Oliver Cowdrey severed his relationship with Joseph and was on his own. He was not linked with anyone else to work this principle. Hiram was in great harmony with Joseph who was sensitive enough to receive revelation. This union caused Hiram to share Joseph’s light and Joseph could also share his.

This principle can work to some degree on the internet but the flow is much increased with personal contact.

Our latest moment is always our supreme moment. Five minutes delay in dinner now is more important than a great sorrow ten years gone. —Samuel Butler

Feb 7, 2009

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Recognizing an Avatar

Recognizing an Avatar

I was emailed an interesting question and since the answer is of some importance, I shall post it for all. The question: “How will a person know when they meet an avatar?”

It is easy to recognize an avatar after he has been dead for a few years, but they are difficult to appreciate while they are yet alive. One who many recognize as a great avatar was the Christ, yet despite all the miracles and great teachings he had only 120 followers when he was crucified (according to the Book of Acts).

Often when I meet a religious zealot I explain this to him and ask if he thinks he would have been one of those 120 had he lived in the days of Jesus. Always the answer is an emphatic yes. For some reason people think that Jesus would have had some “goody-goody glow” around him so it would have been obvious who he was, but such was not the case.

Even John the Baptist, who received a spiritual confirmation from the voice of God doubted that his cousin Jesus was the Christ and, while in prison, sent his followers to ask Jesus for another confirmation.

Mohammed struggled for many years before anyone recognized that he was a teacher of any kind.

Let us take a look at another great avatar, a racial avatar — Abraham Lincoln. Half of the people in these great States wanted him dead and eventually succeeded in assassinating him. Even after he was elected president, his cabinet did not have much faith in him and wanted him to become a shadow president and leave the decision making to them. Fortunately, Lincoln stood his ground.

Lincoln seemed too much like a regular guy to be a great leader or teacher. His speech was not polished. He sounded more like a blacksmith telling stories at times than a distinguished president.

Now he is long gone historians rate him the greatest of our presidents, but few contemporaries thought he was much above average.

On the other hand, those who are the opposite of avatars often come along speaking what the people want to hear and are temporarily accepted as great teachers or leaders. Hitler is the prime example. Chamberlain, the Prime minister of England who was praised for selling out to Hitler is another.

There are false leaders in the world today who are praised by many, but I will not name them. Wait another 100 years and I will not have to.

To recognize a true server of humanity you cannot rely on what seems to be. You must achieve soul contact and recognize them through the soul. This is the only way to tell for sure. You cannot tell by signs and wonders although they may be present in the true avatar. They were with Jesus, but were not so much with Buddha.

The words of the New Testament are the surest Guide. We are told that we can recognize the Christ because he will baptize “with fire and the Holy Spirit.”

Those few who did recognize Jesus felt the fire of the spirit burn within them verifying to them that a greater light had arrived.

The baptism of fire has never left the earth, but few have felt it and most who claim to have merely felt a high emotional energy from their own solar plexus. The solar plexus energy is very deceitful and clouds reality, whereas the baptism of fire reveals reality.

We are living in an age when a number of advanced disciples are preparing to make their presence felt. There are four that are in the news on a regular basis, but few would be able to name them.

Unless a person achieves true soul contact, he would be unable to recognize Christ, if he were to show up, as anything other than a troublemaker just as the masses did last time.

Comments to Readers

As we go through a long series of lives we do go to both extremes. One life a person may be a nun and in the next a prostitute. Slowly we learn that neither truth nor satisfaction is found in a reflex move to the other side and we start looking in the middle somewhere.

In a way words are concretized images and from an esoteric point of view an image is a word. We are handicapped to a degree by having to communicate on more of a sound level than a light level.

A reader fulfilled the goal of The Keys when he says that he already knew that Decision makes one powerful, but now the realization is sharpened, perhaps enhanced. You will know a certain amount about most of The Keys, but the goal is not to teach black-and-white facts, but to bring greater understanding. By throwing you back upon your own soul only higher realization can result.

I once took a metaphysical course through the mail and every time I asked a question the teacher merely said, “look upon your own soul.” On the other extreme, this was a cop out. I knew he kept telling me this because his understanding was not great enough to give a hint or an answer. I eventually found answers to most of my questions, but it would have been speeded up if I could have been guided in the right general direction.

I hope I can be to you what others have not been to me. This is not entirely unselfish of me. After a certain degree of service we are promised a greater revelation. If mankind were left to entirely unselfish motives then nothing would get done.

A reader commented on spiritual books  she enjoyed to  which I responded.

I somewhat enjoy Joseph Campbell, but don’t get a lot of inspiration from him.

I have studied “The Keys of Enoch” considerably. I am always interested in books that claim to be a revelation. Usually, I can make a judgment immediately. Take the Urantia Book, Oasphe, Creme, Twitchell or Summit Light House. It didn’t take long for me to give them a thumbs down. If the Keys of Enoch is a fabrication it is a good one. I do not put a lot of faith in it however, because I don’t feel the “flashing forth” of the intuition that Djwhal Khul talks about.

I have studied the Bible quite thoroughly as well as some other scriptures including the writings of Joseph Smith and other inspired writings of the world. Have your read the Book of Mormon? Few Mormons understand or appreciate it. I believe the sequel to it will be the history of Atlantis. I think there is a lot more light in the Bible than most New Agers give it credit for.

I have studied Alice A. Bailey quite thoroughly. I look forward to studying them quite a bit more.

I have found only a few books I think are really inspiring. One that really inspired me was The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ, and A Course in Miracles is definitely from a high intelligence.

The future belongs to those who live intensely in the present. —Anonymous

Feb 6, 2009

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Working with the Soul

Working with the Soul

I was asked about our higher and lower selves?

There is a part of yourself that is a Master on its own plane and exists beyond time and space. In a way it is like your future self after it has mastered all things. Imagine that you could meet yourself one million years in the future. Just think how intelligent you would be!

Your lower self expresses itself through the three lower bodies of form called the physical, emotional and mental. There are three higher correspondences of these bodies possessed by your higher self in the formless worlds.

Have you ever felt a high emotional feeling when contemplating spiritual truth that seemed to be a much higher vibration than regular emotion? This could have originated from your higher emotional body. Your lower body would still be affected but there will be a spiritual feeling associated with it that seems like a feeling of going to your true home.

Have you ever had knowledge come to you that you have never read? It could come from your higher mind.

The sixth sphere is the Monad or your true self. We are in relation to our monad as a shadow is in relation to us, except the plan of the monad is to give eternal life to the shadow as an extension of the God Self.

Communication between higher and lower selves is done through soul. Soul is the interplay of spirit and matter, but it is neither of them. Soul brings knowledge of matter to spirit and knowledge of spirit to matter. Soul is often used interchangeably with the higher self, but technically it is the link to the highest part of ourselves.

The higher Self is linked to the Monad and the Monad is one of the multiplications of God and has access to all that God has access to.

The concepts I have posted here are either verified by my soul, sent from my soul or sent through my soul and communicated to the best of my ability. . I am not connected with any group and am not under the influence of any thought form.

We have more channelers out there today than in perhaps any other age, yet so much of the information is from the emotional body and based in glamour and illusion. Many of the things that seem good are copied from other inspired writings without giving the appropriate credit to their source. I have been impressed through my soul to teach others how to contact soul and Spirit so they can know all truth for themselves and do not have to lean on the traditions of men. There are certain simple steps to take to make true contact, but it is amazing to me how the bulk of humanity will make every effort to avoid those steps and thus be deceived by the first personality guru who comes along.

I was asked of what other points of contact have been made by the Brotherhood of Light since H.P. Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy.

As far as writings go a particularly inspired piece of work was given to Levi after the turn of the century called The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The next major revelation was given to Alice A. Bailey by the Master Djwhal Khul (D.K. for short) a disciple who works directly under the Christ and is sometimes called the messenger boy of the Gods since he is only several hundred years old in his current body. Alice A. Bailey received DK’s writings by mental telepathy and wrote around 20 transmitted books and several of her own. These books have plenty of esoteric information and hints to keep us busy until after 2025 when the Hierarchy will speak again. The period in between is a period of revelation and transmittal of revelation.

An inspired work the world knows about since Alice A. Bailey is “A Course In Miracles” said to be transmitted by Jesus. This definitely came  from a higher intelligence and has much food  for thought.

Outside of these there is a little truth given out here and there by numerous individuals who have made soul contact, but mixed with it is a tremendous amount of shadowy material. Only those who are in the soul will be able to sort out the real from the unreal.

A major direct attempt to help the world was a great failure. Many of the Hierarchy incarnated in Germany with the intent of picking up the Shamballa energy and Hitler beat them to it. These disciples were thus caught with their pants down and found themselves in a horrifying situation. Stauffenberg, Rommel and others were trusted disciples in on a plot to remove Hitler and were themselves killed along with thousands of the greatest lights of Germany when the plot was uncovered. Some were strung up with piano wire and their death put on film to show the other German troops the fate of traitors.

Many of the disciples of light who were put to death for conspiring against Hitler have been reborn for the purpose of finding each other and preparing the work for the return of the Christ. Unfortunately, many are having difficulty working through the negative experience of being forced to serve under Hitler. This has produced a cloud between them and the Son of God within. Therefore, many disciples who jumped right back into incarnation for the sake of service have fallen behind and are caught in various traps and do not trust completely in the mission they feel within themselves.

Part of my job (and others) is to find these souls and help them find themselves and dispel the negative cloud between them and their souls.

In addition, there are many other workers of light who have been sidetracked by the dark brotherhood in other lands. This is the reason why there are so few inspired leaders in the world today. Those who are destined to be the true leaders of humanity are tired and weary and have been sleeping on the job. It is now time for them to awake and follow the voice within one more time, perhaps the most important time of all.

Cheri makes an interesting comment:

“I almost never post but thought I’d share an experience I had last night. I finally made time to read “Eternal Words” yesterday.

  “After I read the part about the universe inside the toothpick I put the book down and tried to fall asleep. I loved that part of the book and it gave me a lot to think about that I had never thought about before. As I was lying there with my eyes closed meditating on what I had just read I started to see white light and bursts of blue also. Next, I felt my spirit ‘ball’ up at the top of my head like it wanted to burst out. I couldn’t move my body but I wasn’t scared. It felt like my spirit popped out of my body a little bit. Then it felt like my spirit went back into my body. My spirit then would float up and out of one limb at a time, and sometimes my whole lower body would float up. I felt attached at the head still. I felt so close to popping out of my body but it never completely happened. For what seemed like a long time I was alternating between balling up at the top of my head and floating out of my limbs.

  “After I woke up this morning I felt, and still feel, very tingly all over my body and through my cells. I also feel like my spirit is a little bit out of the top of my head and I feel like I’m walking around sideways and dizzy. I feel amazing. Very tired yet very energized (like what I feel like after I have a baby).

“That was an incredible experience, and I thought I’d share how your book “Eternal Words” affected me!

“Thanks for a great book JJ!”

JJ: Thanks for the comments.

Maybe you were on the verge of taking the grand tour or a portion thereof. Or maybe you were just receiving verification that a multiplicity of universes is inside of us.

People are always asking about the good old days. I say, why don’t you say the good “now” days? Isn’t “now” the only time you’re living? —Robert M. Young

Feb 1, 2009

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The Pendulum

The Pendulum

The evolution of mankind corresponds to the motion of a great pendulum. In the beginning the motion was small. Then it seemed as if a great force amplified its motion until the swing back and forth became very pronounced. Then there came a time of maximum swing and the general force of the pendulum began to subside.

There are two forces involved here. The first is the power that swings the pendulum itself. The second is the power of the swing from the right to left and left to right. Our little wills have little to do with the power that swings, but we directly participate in the swing itself.

Between the swings there is a midway point, the point identified with stillness, as if the pendulum were not in motion. The journeys of mankind with the force of the pendulum that goes to the left and the right are journeys into experience and illusion. The crossing of the midway point is the crossing of the middle way which is a point of truth which is always registered to some degree, but as humanity swings from the left to right and right to left they are taken away from the point of brightness until it is remembered with dimness. Then comes the time the great voice is heard: “O my people, You have forgotten your one true God. The time of passing over my face is come again. I call forth my servants to see the midway point and swing my people over the flash of light that will be seen.”

After the voice speaks those who register the voice go forth and grab hold of the force that is swinging to the right (or left) and with great effort, pain, joy and resistance reverse it and pull the people toward the Presence of the great Master. The swing is reversed according to the decree and the servants rejoice when the swing crosses the light, love and power of their Lord, but are saddened when the swing does not stop but continues until it reaches the other extreme.

The servants seem discouraged for a time and feel as if their efforts are in vain but at a point of darkness they hear their Lord again:

  “Well done my faithful servants. The force did not stop at my Presence on this swing, but notice that because of your efforts the swing is not as great now. Go and pull the swing back the other way now and then do it again. Each time the people pass by My Face the light will be a little clearer until the motion stops and all the sons of men and daughters of women will be still and know that I AM BECOMING through them and they are BEING through Me and our joy will be full.”

So it is that the beliefs of the people swing toward one extreme. Then the teachers of mankind realize that the other side is not being presented and teach the other extreme. In their life the teachers are persecuted and shunned but in their death they are remembered with great honor as the people seem to miss the point of truth again and swing to the other extreme.

For instance, Moses presented impossible black and white rules by which to serve God and Paul presented a simple “believe-and-be-saved” extreme. Both were great teachers, but both took mankind into great illusion on each extreme of the pendulum. This experience is necessary, however, because humanity as a whole, and as individuals, must go to the extremes time and time again before the point of truth in the middle can be accurately seen and appreciated.

The understanding of the second key is the understanding of how to find the midway point of truth in all things. With a physical pendulum finding the midway point seems easy. This point seems to be exactly between the two extremes. The true middle way is the eventual point whereon the pendulum will stop, but while it is  swinging what seems to be the midway point is an illusion. Let us say the swing is at only half way to the maximum on the right. This means that what seems to be the midway point is about 25% off the true midway point when the pendulum is stopped.

To find the true midway point we need to know where the current swing of  the pendulum is. Without this knowledge that which seems to be the middle may really be an extreme.

Look at society today.  Overall, has the pendulum swung to the left or the right? If so how much? What is the false and true middle way in our present time?

Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past. —George Orwell

Jan 30, 2009

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Favorite Books

Favorite Books

Reader Comment: “The other day while daydreaming I wondered if I could only take 10 books with me on a Deserted Island what would I want to bring? Scriptures don’t count. What other 10 books would you want? I thought this would be a fun and enlightening exchange. When I was dating I always wanted to go to a guys home after a few weeks so I could check out books in the bookshelves (and see if there actually was a bookshelf!)

“1-3 ‘My Big T.O.E.’ by Thomas Campbell.

“4-6 ‘Esoteric Psychology, Astrology and Externalization of the Hierarchy’ by Alice A. Bailey (DK books).

“7 ‘The Molecular Relationship’ by JJ Dewey.

“8. The not yet published book by Joel Skousen, ‘Foundations of the Ideal State.’

“Slots 9 and 10 are more difficult. Would I want one of Max Skousen’s books? A collection of short stories by Orson Scott Card or the Complete Works of Shakespeare or my old Literature book from college with all those great stories and poems in it? I am thinking a reference book to the most famous paintings in the world would be nice with full color reproductions. Then I am thinking a health book would be wise, but maybe something simple like Louise Hays, ‘You Can Heal Your Life.’

  “What would make your list?”

JJ: I thought this was a good idea, but would like to alter the assignment a little for this group. For one thing if I were to go on a deserted island I would take books I have not read rather than books I have read. I rarely read a book twice with the exception of the scriptures the Alice A. Bailey books and a handful of others.

A few years ago in the group we named our ten favorite movies. Now let us list our ten favorite books, writings and or authors that we have read. After this tell us of a book or two that you would like to read.

Here is my list of favorites I have read:

  1. The scriptures.
  2. All of Alice A. Bailey books.
  3. Ray Bradbury’s works. He has the most creative writing style of any author I have read and have studied it and incorporated some of it into my writings.
  4. Fredric Brown’s science fiction. He has the most stimulating imagination of any author I have read.
  5. American Comics Group comic books which include “Adventures into the Unknown,” “Forbidden Worlds,” and “Unknown Worlds.” These were published between 1948-1968 and had the most creative stories of any comic books I have read — putting Batman and Spiderman to shame in my opinion. These inspired my imagination in many ways.
  6. Two very similar books. First “How to Sell Yourself to Others” by Elmer Wheeler, and “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. I read these when I was 16 and they changed my life. I liked Elmer Wheeler’s the best even though it was not nearly as popular as Carnegie’s.
  7. “Joseph Smith, the First Mormon” by Donna Hill. I think this book did the best job of presenting the man and the history the way they were.
  8. Dennis Wheatley’s Books. My favorite two are “To the Devil A Daughter,” and “The Devil Rides Out.” Great fiction with a metaphysical slant on fighting the forces of evil.
  9. “Angels and Demons” by Dan Brown. Quite a bit better than the Da Vinci Code. Really kept me on the edge of my chair and will soon come out as a movie, again starring Tom Hanks.
  10. “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” by William L. Shirer. I hated history until I read this book (in my early twenties) which made history come alive and made me aware of how fortunate we are to have won World War Two.


My list was good, but I left out a few such as

  1. A Course in Miracles
  2. The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
  3. The Secret Doctrine.
  4. Secret Places of the Lion.
  5. Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson

The list could go on…

On my list “to read” is:

“The Story of Civilization,” — an eleven-volume set of the history of the world. I’m about half way through and looking forward to finishing.

I have hundreds of articles and books from Theosophical publications I am looking forward to reading.

I am looking forward to reading more books on history and economics. I appreciate the fact that there are more good books out there than I can ever read, but I will try. What really helps me get through my reading now is that I convert books to text and the text to MP3 audio and listen to them while I am doing other things.

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying.” ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – Speaking of the authoritarian powers in the Soviet Union. This virus seems to be catching on in the United States.

Jan 27, 2009

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Another Messiah

Another Messiah

(Note:  This was another post to the person who thinks he is following “Christ Come Again.” I have lost track of who this would be messiah is, but it would be interesting to see if he is trying to attract followers.)

If your knowing is “truly based” you should not be evasive about answering any questions. It looks from my point of view that questions make you nervous.

The Christ of the Bible relished questions and answered them so well that people were nervous about asking him.

My objective with you is the same as it is with anyone who is willing to talk meaningful philosophy. If another has something that I do not have then I would like to learn it. On the other hand, if I can be of service in shining any light on the other person’s illusions or lack of knowledge, I will do that. That is what every true teacher in every age has done. Surely you do not find fault with that.

You have initiated a dialog here which, if true, would mean that more knowledge and power to serve is available through the reappearance of Christ than the mind of man can imagine. If this were really true, I would want to be a part of it. Since John (the proposed messiah) is one of many claiming to be Christ, and many more are on the way, then I would have to have some reason to accept him above all the others. Even if there were no others claiming the title I would need a reason.

One thing that would impress me is if he knew things that I do not know. Even one principle would be impressive. Surely the Master knows more than the student.

Another thing that would impress me is if he offered some type of method of finding out the truth about himself. Jesus offered this as well as other world teachers.

If you sincerely ask me my knowledge of the Tibetan [DK — Djwhal Khul] I would be happy to honestly answer you. I cannot quite understand why the question would offend you. I wasn’t challenging you.

I am familiar with Manly Hall’s writings and others of the Theosophical Society, but have not studied them in depth. I have found that I get more out of Alice A. Bailey than anyone else associated with Theosophy, but I have read quite a variety.

I am also impressed with “A Course in Miracles.” I would be interested in having you ask John who transmitted that? Who do you think?

From the tone of your writings it sounds as if you are unable to relay to John any questions I ask. Is this because of your unwillingness or his? I really hope you answer this one. Is John fairly willing to answer questions?

Back to my previous questions:

If John has always known that he was the Christ then he had to have been born with a full consciousness. Has he said this is the case? Can he remember back to the day he was born? Did his mother have any revelation that he would be the Christ? Does she believe in him now?

I would like an idea of how many followers he [the “Christ Come Again”] has. For the sake of truth it doesn’t matter if it is large or small, I would just like an approximate idea.

Have you noticed the similarity between the style of Creme’s writings and John’s? They sound very similar to me.

I have taught for many years that Jesus also had twelve female disciples. I would still like you to tell me if John has a correspondence of the twelve disciples.

It would also impress me if John could tell me why Jesus had twelve male and twelve female disciples or if he could tell me the meaning of the pods as it applied to them. If he truly has the past life memory of Jesus he would know what I mean.

Could you tell me if John has any plans to “reinstitute the mysteries of initiation”? Has he done anything with this concept yet or is it on the drawing board? Or perhaps you just assume that he will carry this out.

Matthew 16:20 is not evidence that Jesus told anyone clearly that he was the Christ. He said this right after Peter revealed to Jesus that he knew he was the Christ. The Father revealed this to Peter, not Jesus. There is no record in the Bible that Jesus made a public announcement of who he was. If John is proclaiming himself as the Christ, he is following a different pattern than did Jesus.

Jesus did give hints that he was the Christ, however.

It sounds as if you may be evading answers because you just don’t know. If this is the case please just say so. There is no need to be embarrassed.

I would like you to continue corresponding with me for a while longer. No matter how outlandish a claim is I always check it out. Every once in a while, it pays off.

I will compliment you on this. You are doing your best to spread light as you see it even though you are dealing with a controversial subject. Even if you are wrong you are making people think.

Yesterday is a cancelled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is cash in hand. Spend It! —John W. Newbern

Jan 25, 2009

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Following Leaders

Following Leaders

The group has been discussing this scripture, so I thought I would post it and comment. Here is the scripture in the New International Version of the Bible which is fairly easy reading:

1 “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

  2  “Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

  3  “For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you.

  4  “For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

  5  “Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience.

  6  “This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.

  7  “Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” From Romans 13:1-7

When reading scriptures like this that may seem questionable, one must not blindly accept it literally just because it comes from the Bible. The Bible was written by fallible people just like the best of humanity today. Even though the book has in it much that is inspired, one must always ask these questions as he reads:

  * Is this statement always true in every circumstance or is it relative to circumstance?

  * Is the real truth of this statement revealed through the filters and circumstances of the time in which it was written?

  * Is it possible the writer was just mistaken and not inspired?

In finding the truth one must always look within to his own soul and see what kind of vibration is felt when the words are applied to various circumstances.

For instance… The Founding Fathers of the United States literally thumbed their nose up at literal obedience to this scripture. They rejected the authority of England and King George and cried “no taxation without representation.”

Then we learn of Stauffenberg and his group of conspirators who rebelled against Hitler.

Did they do the wrong thing and jeopardize their souls?

The soul within cries no.

Shall we then disregard the scripture entirely since there have been many times in history where it has been right to defy authority?


Instead we must examine the scripture and discern the truth behind the words which is this:

First, in the days of the early Christians they were suspected of being disloyal to the state and the slightest infraction would put their lives in danger. Therefore, the leaders went the extra mile in encouraging their members to be respectful to authorities and pay their taxes.

Secondly, this scripture gives good advice to many who think they have achieved a little enlightenment. Many such people become a law unto themselves for a time. Because they have acquired a little new inner freedom they think they can be free of all outer laws and need to show no respect for them. Unless there is an overriding reason to rebel, as did the Founding Fathers, they are not justified in breaking society’s laws.

For one thing, even in corrupt societies many of the laws are just for they prohibit theft, murder, rape, etc. Unless the disciple is sure he is getting a message from his soul to the contrary he should do everything in his power to be a good citizen. If he does not his light will be hid under a bushel to many who are trying to be good citizens and they will be seen as corrupt and not to be emulated.

Readers in particular questioned the first verse, which reads:

  “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

Is it true then that all our leaders and authorities are placed there by God?

The answer is yes and no.

It is yes in the fact that the life of God flows through the entire life of humanity as well as the planet; and, all things that happen are the result of the many decisions and actions of that One Great Life.

It is also yes in the fact that even terrible leaders are there because of the decisions of humanity and when there they are agents of karma. Cuba, for instance, has much repression and very little freedom. Many wished they could live in a free society such as the United States and some risk their lives to get here.

Many of these people lived lives of relative freedom in past lives but abused that freedom and supported philosophies that enslaved their fellow men.

Even so, those who now live in the United States that support enforced socialism and restricting of freedom are in danger of being born in a communist related tyranny in a future life. There they will learn the error of their thinking.

Now, on the other hand, there is not some individualized being known as God that is pulling all the strings and individually picking who will be our leaders. It is true that in past ages certain individuals were foreordained to be leaders and were born in the right circumstances to carry that out. This still happens today but to a lesser degree as more of our leaders are elected with a majority vote rather than being born into power.

As disciples then, our duty is to be good citizens and follow just rules, and when we do not agree we must work toward making positive change.

We owe more allegiance to the freedom of the human spirit than to any authority. But it is foolish to rebel for rebellion’s sake in the name of freedom. Every step taken should be well thought out and lead in the direction of positive change.

We do not remember days, we remember moments. —Cesare Pavese

Jan 24, 2009

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Conversations with Mike

Conversations with Mike (a Female)

When I was four, I begged and pleaded with my mother to name my new baby sister Mike. I had this adult friend named Mike who took me to see my hero, Gene Autry. I idolized Mike and insisted that we name our next kid Mike, boy or girl. Since it was a girl, my parents did not quite go along with the idea.

So it is interesting that there is a female Mike out there after all.

I might say, your latest communications seem more thoughtful, as if you are undergoing a change.

Now I will respond to your comments.


This is a good hint for the keyword of the first principle. What is it that you do that determines your direction.


This is an important aspect of your lower and higher selves. It precedes the key word we are looking for.


The keys will remove the barriers if properly understood from your soul.

You give me a hint that your barriers are ready to come down. You say: “I find it strange and odd, that I think about you and your keys so much of the time lately.” I believe you are picking up the vibration of the Holy Spirit that verifies the keys. If you do not resist, the Universal Spirit will link your soul with mine and your barriers will fall. It is a scary experience because you release the ego from having control over you.

Many throw the walls right back up again.

You received one of the side benefits of the hint principle. You said: “A gigantic light popped on in my head.” That’s a great description of the intuition at work. Sometimes this will happen when you realize the key under discussion, sometimes this will happen when you realize a key that hasn’t even been presented yet and sometimes this will happen when you discover something that your soul sees is important that you realize. Whatever the case, such a feeling is great to receive.

In discussing the ego we must realize that different metaphysical schools of thought have different definitions of it.

Let us define it so we may communicate accurately.

First there is the divine ego which is the highest part of your life made in the “image of God.” This is sometimes called the “I AM.” This part of you is eternal just as a note on a piano is eternal and exists independent of the piano. This part of you has an identity within the Mind of God which is different than any other “note” of God.

This true and pure part of yourself descends into matter and acquires three vehicles for its use in the worlds of form: The mental, emotional and physical. These three vehicles distort the note which is your true self so the sound it makes is an imperfect reflection of the original. This is sometimes called your false self, because it is sounding a note that claims to be you, but is not. If you play a piano that is out of tune you will not hear the real music. The sound may even make you want to run away rather than to stay and bask in the beauty of it.

We must learn to tune out the illusion of the lower ego and listen to the higher, pure notes.

There are three major attributes that both the upper and lower parts of the ego have. You have named one which is perception. There is one in particular, however, that determines which fork in a path you take and thus determines who you are and what you are becoming.

I might comment that you are in control of your destiny if you become one with the God within. You therefore want what it wants and what it wants it gets.

Your comments on the big bang were good. But when we go back we lose the identity of the lower ego, but not the higher.

You say your life is hectic and it is difficult to achieve balance. This is good. If it were easy you could not achieve a truly balanced attitude. Many appear to live balanced life, but when something really unsettling comes along they have much difficulty in handling it. You have learned to roll with the punches.

You are right. No action occurs without a decision. If you make a left turn and run into another car you still decided to make the left turn. You did not decide to have the accident, but the motion that lead to it was the result of a decision.

A true understanding of decision should not lead to a fatalistic view, but just the opposite. Remember the true translation of God’s statement to Moses: “I am becoming whatever it is I decide to become.” That is the opposite of fatalistic. It means that God can decide what he wants to become and that is what he becomes in thus universe. We are told that you are in the image of God.

So what does this say about you?

Perhaps if we alter the scripture from Genesis a bit it will shed new light. It currently reads:

“Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

Now let us replace the word “knowing” with the word “deciding”:

“Ye shall be as gods, deciding good and evil.”

This gives us a clue as to why decision is a key to power in that light. Now one more question. If the power of decision is a common quality of your lower and higher self than how is it that we sometimes make wrong decisions?

In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these. —Paul Harvey

Jan 20, 2009

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The Real You

The Real You

To understand what your true self is you must first understand what you are not.

If you look within yourself and observe how your consciousness works it will help with understanding.

Let me elaborate on what YOU are not.

You are not your body. Most seem to understand this pretty well. However, many people identify too much with physical impulses.

A few teachers have also said you are not your feelings. We have tossed this around the forum. It is hard to imagine the fact that we are not our feelings because they seem to be such an integral part of ourselves.

What are the feelings? There are positive ones like love, aspiration, happiness and joy. Then there are negative like hate, anger, jealously and possessiveness. We like to identify with the positive and ignore or suppress the negative, but the truth is that we are not either of them. We like to say that we are love, but what we normally call love is felt by one of our vehicles which we are not. The astral or emotional body feels love, hate and all the emotions. Just as when our physical body dies we no longer feel physical pain, even so if our astral body were to die we would no longer have a vehicle to feel the emotions.

Therefore, we feel emotion, but we are not emotion.

If we drop the physical and astral body then what is left? The only body in the world of form we have left is the mental. This is the vehicle that thinks, but do not get it confused with the physical brain. The physical brain is like a great computer. It calculates and runs computer programs, but it does not have living thoughts any more than the computer. On the other hand, the mental body is a vehicle for the intelligent comparing of data. It has discernment, logic and can follow a series of events to its logical conclusion. It is able to assign value to things. It has power of interpretation and is very useful in interpreting the feelings sent to it from the astral.

The beginner in human evolution identifies with the physical body and instinct. The average person identifies with feelings. The advanced human identifies with the mind. To identify with any of these vehicles is to be captured by illusion.

We use the body, emotions and mind, but all these have a beginning and an end. What is left? WHO and/or WHAT ARE WE? What were we before we acquired these vehicles and what will we be when we leave them behind?

This part of you has certain attributes. It has one thing in particular that it can participate in while occupying the three vehicles simultaneously. You use that participation every day and there is even a common name for it. If I were to have told you this keyword in the beginning it would have meant little, but now after reflection — hopefully it will mean something.

Still, the keyword by itself is only the first step. The final step is the realization behind this attribute which is responsible for life itself and consciousness as we know it.

Keep in mind that I will never claim to offer any ultimate in understanding, for there is none. If there were then we as life forms would have an end. Because the ultimate “I found it.” will never be found then there will always be a cause for us to continue in this, or some future universe.

There is a hierarchy of light that reaches all the way up to the highest life in the Universe and then down to humanity. The Brotherhood of Light on this planet is linked to a higher Solar Brotherhood and they are linked still higher. This gives an opportunity to those who are linked to travel as high as they are able.

The most important thing for us at the present moment is to find the true spirit within.


I was asked about Baha’u’llah and the Baha’i religion.

The mission of Baha’u’llah was to work under the direction of the Christ, not be the Christ. The nineteenth century was not the time of the fullness of his coming, but a time for people to see the workings of his spirit and hear his voice through his servants.

Baha’u’llah was the Christ only in the sense that he was supposed to speak the words of the Christ implanted in his mind. Unfortunately, he did not live up to the expectations of the brotherhood of light. He injected a lot of flowery words planted by his ego and did not tune into all the revelations he was supposed to communicate.

One person in that organization who did do his job as expected though was the Bab, the real but ignored founder of your Baha’i faith. He had true courage, zeal, faith and spiritual presence and the valiancy of his mission was verified by the miracle that happened just before his death. He was placed before a firing squad and as they fired his body disappeared. Some type of supernatural verification is often given at the death or non death of an avatar. So it was with the Bab as it was with Jesus (the resurrection) Moses (his translation) and Joseph Smith ( a flash of light struck down a mob member who was attempting to cut his head off.)

Baha’u’llah died a natural, quiet, uneventful death. The Baha’i group has its history backwards. The Bab was the successful avatar while Baha’u’llah merely carried on. Bab was the initiate. Baha’u’llah was the disciple who carried on what was initiated and let the people give him more credit than was due.

Fortunately, the Brotherhood of Light takes into account that disciples often do not live up to what is hoped and fortunately, their next major attempt through Madame Blavatsky was a success for them as well as the more recent attempt through Alice A. Bailey.

Jan 19, 2009

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