Advice to Students

Advice to Students

Reader comments made my mind focus on the subject of teachers and the approach to them the disciple must take. As I have said before, it takes as much ability to be a good student as it does to be a good teacher.

There are two extremes the student must avoid:

[1] The extreme where an admired teacher is his whole world, where nothing is true unless the teacher or guru endorses it. This is the extreme promoted by cult leaders where the students are not allowed or encouraged to think for themselves. Instead, they are to learn from the cult teacher and no one else.

[2] The extreme where the student has no base teachings that ring with his soul, but moves from one to another using little discrimination to place a value of one over another. In this extreme the student will often claim to believe several different teachers, even though they may teach conflicting doctrines that oppose one another. For instance, some may accept the “Urantia Book” which says there is no reincarnation, and also accept Edgar Cayce who definitely taught it.

It is a simple fact that if two teachings oppose each other they cannot both be true.

The student who follows the Middle Way goes not on the path of either extreme. He is not a black-and-white follower of an infallible prophet or guru, but neither does he flit from teacher to teacher in a never ending quest for truth, but not finding it.

The wise student will seek until he finds teachings that square with his soul. These teachings will then be his base from which he can judge other teachings when the light of his soul alone may not be enough for a full revelation.

Instead of replacing these teachings every few months with the latest “channeling,” he uses them as a standard for which to judge others. He will only replace this base with another if his soul confirms that a new set of teachings has a higher percentage or quality of truth. Now even if he does make this replacement he will not leave the truth behind he has gathered from his first base. Truth is truth, and the true seeker will always incorporate true principles he has embraced in his journey.

A higher teacher may correct some errors and fill in some gaps from a lesser teacher, but he will not contradict that which is true.

It is interesting that many teachers in the east demand that their students learn only from them for a period of time. The good ones do this not to establish infallible authority but to avoid confusion. Two teachers of equal quality will often teach the same thing quite differently. If the student is learning the same course from two teachers who teach from a different perspective he will often wind up getting confused and waste both teacher’s time in getting them to explain and clarify.

Now I make no such demands of allegiance, but may if I were to teach some specific course in something like meditation, for instance. Where I teach a wide range of material it is not necessary to make any more demand from students other than to take their learning serious, check with their souls and to be courteous.

If some grow to feel that I am an earned authority and can use my teachings as a base until something better comes along well and good. Having a sound base is a much better position than having no base and being “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” (Eph 4:14)

The Fourth Ray

Creativity is indeed a divine aspect. Out of the Seven Rays of creation it is represented in the Fourth Ray, but it is not the key word for the Middle Way.

Creativity is a sign of an advanced human, but many creative people have not found the Middle Way.

When Adam named the animals he could have been creative with the names, but he could have also been very simple and uncreative. Perhaps he called them the first thing that came to his mind with little creativity.

He did use a quality that precedes decision and is the reason that men are called gods, or Elohim, several times in the Old Testament.

What is Energy?

What is energy? Good question. Energy is that power which creates or can create a force capable of moving matter in any direction. This includes not only matter in the physical, but also the astral and mental planes.

Energy is created by the interplay of spirit and matter and is released when spirit descends into matter or matter is elevated into spirit.

If one is descending deeper into matter or the plane of selfishness and puts his or her attention on this motion he will have an increase of material energy. Likewise, if one is ascending into Spirit and puts his attention on Spirit, or selflessness, then he will have an increase of spiritual energy.

If one is indecisive and does little or nothing with his attention, energy will be dissipated and little or no new energy will come to his aid.

If you think there is no truth to be found in a certain place, then you will find none. On the other hand, truth can be found by contemplating the most simple and erroneous words, because “the Word is God” — a future key.

I make no judgement about the book of Genesis, I merely ponder the words.

“For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be open, and ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.” (Gen 3:5)

Now substitute “deciding” for “knowing.”

Now Verse 22:

“And God said” Behold the man is to become as one of us, to know (decide between) good and evil.”

The power of decision is a key that will take you from the kingdom of man to the kingdom of God.

Why is this?

“Raise your sail one foot and you get ten feet of wind.” — Chinese Proverb

April 3, 2009

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Illusion in Physics

Illusion in Physics

A readers says that my statement that “many parts of our universe are going faster than the speed of light relative to us,” is wrong, that whoever wrote that is wrong.

On most of the things I teach I am not copying or quoting someone else’s ideas. If I do I will mention it unless it distracts from the teaching.

It is accepted by most astronomers that at the Big Bang that the universe expanded much faster than the speed of light. And because of this expansion that exceeded the speed of light there is much of the universe that we cannot  even  see. They say all galaxies with a redshift number of 1.4 or higher have cosmological recession speeds greater than the speed of light.

There are only a handful of scientists that have present a logical case for matter exceeding the speed of light – however the Brotherhood of Light has always known it. Also extra terrestrials know it. Some of them transverse many light years in a short period of time at many times the speed of light and return to their friends and find they have aged no differently than if you or I were to go to Europe and return to our friends.

The reader makes an interesting point. If a space ship is accelerating away from earth from another point of view the earth is accelerating away from the space ship. Which one is really skipping over time? Answer — neither — or we could say they skip over an equal amount of time.

Imagine if we lived in a world of sound and no light and we had to prove by the use of sound waves that there existed an object going faster than the speed of sound. It would be virtually impossible. But when we add the extra sense of sight it becomes easy to observe that there are objects going much faster than the speed which sound flies.

Even so the extra senses supplied by the soul reveal to us that there are many objects going many times the speed of light, but we cannot measure the speed of such particles by the use of light with which we are currently restricted.

When a jet passes us and breaks the sound barrier it creates a sonic boom and the sound it creates still exists, but lags behind.

A higher correspondence occurs when the speed of light is broken. The image of the object follows behind the actual object.

In my description of a photon perhaps the phrase “after effect” would be more accurate than “after image.” It is sometimes hard to find the correct terms when we are exploring uncharted waters that have not been named yet. From what I have read of photons they have no registered mass.

The photon only appears to be traveling at the speed of light. It is possible that what we register is the after effect of a particle exceeding the speed of light.

Concerning the brain, I agree it uses some very complex numbering systems, but it is still a giant computer and when it is broken down to the simplest units you will find a simple binary at the foundation of this and actually all other creations in this physical universe.

It is true that I cannot give you concrete proof on all I teach, but neither can you disprove it. You cannot prove than an object cannot go faster than light, even though it seems to be true. On the other hand, in the not too far distant future it will be proven that we can travel faster than light because the event will actually occur. At that time scientists will rebuild their theories on hindsight.

Sound and light do have different properties, but so do the notes “A” and “B.” Sound and light on the other hand, have many correspondences. The greatest similarity is that they are both composed of wavelengths or vibration — light is just a much higher frequency.

Matter itself is composed of wavelengths, and is ultimately composed of denser vibration than light itself. In fact, the order of creation is: sound – light – matter. And from a higher point of view sound, light and matter are all composed of vibrating sound. That is why we have the statement written in the book of John: “All things were created by the Word.”

Many scientists have theorized that the vacuum of space is composed of some type of ether. This is sound reasoning because light is a vibration and vibration needs a medium to travel through. Sound for instance can travel through air, liquid and solid and each affects its speed. When sound is denied a medium then there is no sound. Sound is non existence in a vacuum.

The same is true with light. The vacuum of space is not a true vacuum, but is composed of omnipresent ethers which vibrate at the speed of light. Because they vibrate at the speed of light they carry light at a constant of 186,000 miles per second. This is the true reason why light, when it is projected from a moving body does not seem to go at 186,000 miles per second plus the speed of that body, but always goes at exactly 186,000 miles per second relative to the point of origin.

The consistency of the speed of light has little if anything to do with time, but with the consistence of the vibration of the ethers.

The expanding universe is largely illusion caused by our wrong conclusions about light. What we have observed through telescopes is quite misleading because of our lack of knowledge of the interplay of ethers and light.

The universe we live in somewhat corresponds to a giant proton. There is some expansion and contraction of energy in a proton, but nothing like scientists attribute to our universe. Even so our universe is much more stable in size and motion than is supposed — similar to a proton.

Doesn’t it seem odd that scientists say that the expansion of the galaxies in the observed universe is extremely uniform like dots on the edge of a balloon being blown up. If this is true then why are the distances between galaxies and stars not equally uniform? The answer is because we are observing an illusion.

Part of the illusion is caused by the fact that when an object exceeds the speed of light relative to us it does not disappear. We instead see its “after image.” The real matter is not seen.

Let us say that we have sent off a space ship at twice the speed of light for a distance of two light years. If we had a powerful enough telescope we could observe the ship as it looks one light year away and it would appear to be traveling at close to the speed of light. It would not even appear to have reached the speed of light because of a distortion of light caused by the properties of space itself.

By the time we observe the space ship at two light years they could have returned, but would have aged only two years like ourselves.

Einstein reached a logical conclusion when he talked about the relativity of time, but he lacked the information on the ethers which greatly alters the theory.

“Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” — Carrie Fisher

First written 1994, reposted March 30, 2009

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Capitalism and/or Socialism

Capitalism and/or Socialism

The group was discussing capitalism and socialism so I made these comments.

Capitalism (I prefer the term “Free Market Society”) is based on competition and because the average person is fairly competitive this works well in a free society. The thing that sabotages it is that idealists do not like competition and they hate the end results of some getting ahead more than others. Thus you always have “do-gooders” in power seeking to regulate and control to the extent that its effectiveness is diminished.

The other thing that hurts capitalism is human weakness. Many, instead of merely competing, will crush their enemies, create dishonest Ponzi schemes, cook the books, etc.

But even with its flaws it is the most productive system produced so far and its apotheosis still has not been reached. Ayn Rand was correct in calling it “The Unknown Ideal.” The ideal capitalistic system has not yet been demonstrated or achieved. This needs to yet be accomplished.

Wikipedia gives a good definition of socialism:

“Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating public or state ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equality for all individuals, with a fair or egalitarian method of compensation.”

The ideal of socialism points us in the direction of a society that is motivated by cooperation, rather than competition. After capitalism has served its purpose it will be replaced by a cooperative society that retains the best ingredients of capitalism while having cooperation as the main motivational force.

If socialism points us in the right direction then why has it never succeeded?

The answer is simple. There are only a handful of people on the planet who have as their prime motivation the principle of cooperation. Because we live in a world of apparent scarcity we are forced to compete for abundance so almost all people need a reasonable material incentive before them to compete and thrive.

Because few are able to comprehend or practice a truly cooperative effort the only way idealists can get people to practice socialism or communism is through force. You have a forced central command, forced distribution, forced sharing and forced cooperation. In other words, in almost every case you have a takeover from the Beast of unjust authority.

I say almost, because there are groups like the Amish who do not use totalitarian force. They let their children go out into the world to experience the other side and then chose which is better for them. In the general; world of socialism the norm is more like Cuba where people are forced to conform and not allowed to leave.

Some common sense people look at the failures of socialism, or anything that centers on cooperative effort, and assume it is just evil or flat out wrong and should be outlawed, or at least avoided like the plague.

But if we set up a system where socialism was prohibited we would be giving the Beast power just as forced socialism does today.

There is no greater evil than to take that which is good and enforce it with totalitarian power. In such case all that is good vanishes and is replaced with tyranny and poor management.

There are an unlimited number of ways to put together a successful cooperative system, but to create such a system three ingredients must be present.

[1] The Good of the Whole.

A people must be gathered together who have a higher-than-average consciousness, are fairly unselfish and willing to cooperate. Rather than blindly following they must understand the principle that when the good of the whole dominates the good of the individual is nourished.

The cells in our bodies are a prime example. The body can live without millions of individual cells, but the cells cannot live if the body itself dies. The cooperative-minded person understands this principle and is motivated by it.

[2] Maximum Freedom.

Everything created and applied must be done with the idea of maximum freedom for both the individual and the group. People will always be free to join the society or to leave it.

[3] Incentive.

Even though the good of the whole provides some incentive that is not enough for even advanced souls in our point of evolution. The individual must see positive results that reward him as an individual for sustained service to be maintained.

If we can bring back the United States (or another country) to a situation where maximum freedom prevails then we will see experiments where groups join together and experiment with many different forms of cooperative effort and pure capitalism. Eventually, we will see the ideal capitalism as well as successful socialistic systems where no one (or few) complains of lack of freedom.

An important point to remember is this. As the situation changes that which produces incentive to work changes.

In primitive times survival itself was the basis of that which produced incentive to labor.

In the days of kings it was often to get favor in the King’s eyes.

In a capitalistic system the incentive is to get paid and obtain the things we need and want.

But then what happens when society becomes effective enough to produce abundance for all? What happens to incentive then? If the individual has all the material goods he wants then he no longer has incentive to labor for material things. He then sets his sights on the socialistic goal of laboring for the good of the whole as the needs of self are taken care of.

When the days of abundance come then we shall see the successful ideal of cooperative effort succeed through free will.

I look forward to that time.

“Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance.” — Kurt Vonnegut (1922 – 2007)

March 27, 2009

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Cycles of Ten

Cycles of Ten

Let us say that the force that produces a shift or great shaking of the earth is caused by the interplay of two planets less than several hundred miles apart, yet we have no record of such an event. In this case a scientist will try and explain any shift of the axis with this data missing. Therefore all conclusions will be somewhat erroneous.

The second problem with the mind is that it generally has limited data and with limited data a dead end is eventually reached where no more accurate conclusions can be drawn.

An example would be a study of 1000 year cycles. We only have an accurate history of the world for less than 2000 years and fragmented and often inaccurate data before that. Then too much of the history we do have is colored to reflect the authorities in charge at the time it was recorded.

Therefore, the mind will reach a dead end in mathematically projecting cycles of history more than 100 years in length.

In this and other cases the mind will say: “There is no way to reach a definite conclusion.” When this happens the real is slain because in the real world of the soul nothing is lost and all information needed is available. The soul can tune into the history of the world clear back to the beginning of creation. Even more important, the soul understands principles that govern all things and can thus lead a person to an accurate understanding of the real.

To create a plausible theory of the unknown following the scientific method may require years of research, contemplation, and trial and error comparisons, etc., and still the theory could be dead wrong.

On the other hand, one can contact the soul and discover the principles on this same subject in an instant and be 100% correct if the concrete mind interprets the soul contact correctly.

For instance, long before we sent a rocket to Mars I read an interesting article by an astro scientist who gave some interesting evidence that one of the satellites or Mars was manmade. He said that there was no variation in reflected light indicating that the satellite was perfectly round which was impossible for an orb of that small size. He also stated that the amount of reflected light indicated that the surface had a high reflection like some type of shiny metal. In addition to this he gave several other reasons that seemed quite sound.

I kept this information in my mind for years and when we sent a Mars probe, I was very interested in seeing the first photos of Deimos and Phobos. I was disappointed to see that they looked like ragged chunks or rock, definitely not manmade. I wondered how this scientist’s data could have been accurate when his conclusions were so wrong. His name was Otto Binder, quite respected in some circles.

Before we sent men to the moon I remember reading another scientist who gave about a dozen sound reasons why the moon would be covered with about twelve feet of fine dust and that the first astronauts would sink in it after they land. This sounded so logical that when the first men landed on the moon I was halfway expecting them to sink — but it did not happen. Both men were impeccable in their logic, but somehow someone fed them incorrect data. Apparently, the extreme temperatures of the moon mixed with the forces of cosmic rays does not cause a disintegration of the surface of the moon as they thought.

I have been deceived several times in my life by a logical presentation of scientific data, but not once have I been deceived by my soul. Every time the missing data has become available, my soul has been proven correct — and so will your soul and all souls be proven correct.

There are many numbers and forces and astrological cycles that affect events. All the data we can gather should be focal points for contemplation. When we contemplate in communion with the soul the right answers will come.

I suspected that the reader was referring to computers when he said the binary number system is the most widely used, but that’s talking apples and oranges. The brain also uses the binary system so from this aspect it has always been the most widely used base. Mankind uses the brain and computers and civilizations are not consciously using the binary system. The number 10, as I said is the most widely used by civilization. The number ten governs consciousness, but the binary number 2 governs the subconscious. The number ten is useful in studying the outward form of history, but the number two and multiples thereof are useful in studying the inner workings of history.

Then he says that the soul is fallible because many claiming soul contact make mistakes.

In answer I will say this. Many claiming soul contact are ordinary people speaking off the cuff. Those who do have soul contact also make mistakes when speaking from the personality self. But when knowledge is transmitted from the soul that knowledge is infallible as far as it is correctly presented without corruption. I have never had a piece of knowledge from my soul proven wrong — not once. That is why I trust that communion so much now.

One must achieve soul contact himself to recognize words spoken through the soul of another person.

In answer to your question, I am talking about cycles that govern physical events. I will give you two that give evidence to the cycles of ten and multiples thereof.

Every President elected during a year ending with zero from Lincoln to Kennedy over a 100 year period died in office. During the 1980 elections many wondered if Reagan would suffer the same fate. He broke the cycle, but was still affected by it. He was shot while in office. It is almost beyond coincidence that a similar event happened every twenty years six times in a row.

The Kennedy assassination was very close to 100 years from Lincoln’s, in fact they were elected 100 years apart. The similarities of the two assassinations is almost beyond belief. Someone compiled them, but I don’t have a copy at my fingertips.

One interesting correlation is that conspiracy theories abound around both assassinations and that they are two of the most significant assassinations in our history.

When my wife read my postings on the 100 year cycles she thought she would look into any correlations between Grover Cleveland and Bill Clinton who were elected 100 years apart. Below is what she wrote:

“Grover Cleveland. He was the 22nd & 24th (Clinton is 42nd = 24 backwards) Democrat president — the only president to be re-elected after a defeat. (Republican Benjamin Harrison was our 23rd president.).”

When I read this, I thought this was another “comeback kid,” the name commonly coined for Bill Clinton. Hm-m-m, I wondered: since these two presidents served 100 years apart, is there evidence of another parallel cycle similar to Lincoln & Kennedy? Here’s some similarities I found:

  * Cleveland went to school in Clinton, NY.

  * He was an attorney as was Clinton.

  * He and his brother William provided financial support for his widowed mother as Clinton did for his.

  * When drafted for the Civil War service he hired a substitute, which proved to be a political embarrassment later in his career. Clinton was accused of being a draft dodger.

  * He served as a state governor as Clinton did.

  * During his presidential campaign he was accused of sexual impropriety (he fathered an illegitimate child).

  * During his presidency he devoted himself to tariff reduction to open trade opportunities with more countries. This corresponds to Clinton pushing NAFTA through congress.

  * During his second term, his party, the Democrats, controlled both houses of Congress.

  * Both men presided over a period of economic growth.

“The enemy is anybody who’s going to get you killed, no matter which side he’s on.” — Joseph Heller (1923 – 1999), Catch 22

March 24, 2009

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The Three Kingdoms

The Three Kingdoms

An LDS reader asks this: “I have been pondering quite a bit lately and still have not put together how these three kingdoms work with the principle of reincarnation.

“I make the assumption that all of us here on this earth are in the telestial kingdom. At what point does one progress to the next kingdom? And do we progress Telestial, Terrestrial & and then Celestial in that order? Can one skip a kingdom and advance to a higher one? (Realizing there are more that these three.)

“Also, are we stuck in this Telestial Kingdom until we reincarnate into it and live a sinless life like Christ did?”

JJ: Those without an LDS background may not understand what is meant by the three kingdoms as most Christians merely believe in heaven and hell.

At least Mormons believe in more than one black-and-white division, but they are still far from seeing the whole picture.

Here is a supportive scripture from the Bible that they use to prove the idea that there is more than just one heaven and a hell.

 “There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.

 “So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.” 1 Cor 15:40-45

Now the LDS believe that you die, live in the spirit world a while, then are resurrected, judged, and sent to one of the three kingdoms — or “outer darkness.”

This does not square with a statement made by Joseph Smith at the funeral of King Follet wherein he stated:

“Those who have died in the faith are NOW in the celestial kingdom of God. And hence is the glory of the sun.”

These were not resurrected beings but recently deceased persons he was talking about.

Here is the answer to your question. There are indeed three kingdoms plus those “higher than the celestial” that Joseph spoke of. The three kingdoms in LDS teachings are the same as the three kingdoms spoken of by DK. He calls them the three worlds of form.

The first world is the physical and/or etheric, or the Telestial. The scriptures says that this world is ministered to by the Holy Spirit and is composed of those who “love and make a lie.” It is compared to the stars with the notation that one star differs from another. In this kingdom there is no equality as every person differs. Some have much some have little. Some have health, others affliction, etc.

This is the world in which we live and the highest we normally attain is the ministration of the Holy Spirit after opening the door through soul contact. All around us are those who “love and make a lie.”

The teaching is that the higher can visit the lower, but the lower cannot enter the higher kingdoms and thus it is.

In this telestial kingdom we have inhabitants from all three spheres. It is composed mostly of very earthly, telestial inhabitants. But we have a number of visitors from the terrestrial and celestial spheres to teach us and help us upon our way. Of course, when they incarnate, they appear as normal humans.

If you are a terrestrial or celestial person living in this telestial world you are still in the higher kingdom because that is where your consciousness is. The kingdoms are more a state of being than a physical location.

To find the terrestrial kingdom from here a person does not get there by going to a location so much as much as going to a vibration. At death, if the person is vibrating at the terrestrial level, he will enter into that vibration.

The astral world is created of emotional matter and is entered into after death by most people. In a place beyond time they may seen to spend a lot of time there until they realize it is all illusion and want to go higher. Then they undergo a second death and  are  born into the kingdom of souls, or the celestial world. King Follett bypassed this and went directly to this celestial world, but most take a  detour.

A celestial person is one who has developed his mind and reason and can see through the craftiness of men. At death he goes directly to the celestial world created of mental matter which is much more refined than the astral.

Above this are four levels of the “formless worlds” where creation has its beginnings.

Reincarnation prepares you for the higher  worlds and the lessons learned through multiple lives increases light so the entity eventually moves in consciousness from one kingdom to another.

What Joseph saw in a vision was accurate but far from the whole truth. Since then the LDS church has extrapolated some incorrect conclusions from his teachings, and there is some corruption involved there.

Even though different states of consciousness are a state of being and not a place, each being lives in some place within this universe.

When the pure in heart are gathered into one place then we can call that place Zion. But before the gathering, Zion still exists as a state of consciousness in the minds of the pure in heart, who are scattered.

There are a handful of celestial teachers among us and within their state of being is the celestial kingdom. Even so, this place we are in is of a telestial or earthly order. This is because most of the inhabitants are telestial. If all the telestial inhabitants were suddenly removed and replaced by celestial beings then the vibration of this earth would suddenly rise to the celestial level.

It is consciousness that determines the quality of the place; not the place, that determines the quality of consciousness.

The Celestial is the highest of the worlds of form. In esoteric literature the higher worlds are called the formless worlds. The first above the plane of mind is the Intuitional, or Buddhic plane, followed by the Spiritual or Atmic, then Monadic and finally the Divine.

Big Love

My wife does not have a Mormon background, but she loves HBO’s “Big Love.” She insists we watch it as soon as it comes out each week. (written in 2009)

Normally when there is a show or movie that incorporates Mormonism or some other religion — they are not portrayed accurately. Often they are represented as some crazy people or an enemy that wants to destroy the world.

I was thus pleasantly surprised that “Big Love” was fairly accurate in not only their portrayal of standard Mormons, but Fundamentalist Mormons who practice polygamy. They are also doing a good job portraying the problems of a polygamous relationship. I figure they must be using some reliable LDS consultants — and maybe even a fundamentalist or two.

This last show was the first time I have seen any part of the temple ceremony broadcast to the masses. The LDS are under covenant to not reveal the signs and tokens, but overall, most are nervous about talking about any aspect of it to an outsider.

Joseph Smith, as well as many of the early brethren, were masons and coincidentally the LDS temple ceremony appears to have borrowed many elements from the Masons. The Mormons explain this saying that the original Masonic order was inspired, but became corrupted and the fullness was restored through Joseph Smith.

Joseph may have been on to something for DK said something similar. He did not acknowledge though that the Masonic order was properly restored, but said it was still in need of a new presentation.

I believe that Joseph wanted to keep the blood oaths out of the ceremony and this caused a great division among the early brethren and may have led to his death. Brigham Young was a big believer in the oaths and made sure they stayed in, though they were later taken out.

Both the Mormon and Masonic ceremonies represent some true principles of ceremonial magic. The problem is that the participants look at the black-and-white actions and words rather than the principles incorporated. A workable ceremony could be written a number of different ways. DK said the current version needs to be updated to our times and drop the Old Testament elements that are out of date.

I may write a new ceremony one of these days, but have other things to do first. If I do not get around to it someone else will. But it has to apply correct principles or the magic will not work. I suspect that corrupt ones will eventually circulate as well as a working one. Those with soul contact will be able to sense the difference.

“He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which.” — Douglas Adams (1952 – 2001)

March 22, 2009

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Coming Changes

Coming Changes

We are approaching an age that will repeat the vibration of Moses. No cycle is an exact duplication of the last, but there will be certain correspondences.

In the days of Moses the Hebrew slaves did all the work and the Egyptians were basically welfare recipients.

Now in our age there are only around 20% of our population producing goods that add to wealth. The rest are either moving the goods around or living on some type of welfare. Some of those moving the goods around or servicing them are performing a useful function, but many are not. Many are part of a bureaucracy that get in the way.

We live in an age where more and more are on some type of welfare or entitlement and fewer and fewer are actually doing wealth-producing labor just as occurred in ancient Egypt.

When you saw the movie “The Ten Commandments” did you wonder why the Pharaoh was so adamant about not letting the Hebrews go? The reason was that they did not want to perform their own labors. They thought they were entitled to the wealth produced by the Hebrews.

What would happen in this age if all those willing to work were gathered out of this nation leaving only bureaucrats, welfare people, gangs, and others not willing to do productive work? They would do everything possible to prevent the gathering. Just as in the days of Moses such a gathering could only take place through the benefit of supernatural powers.

We hear much about a possible shift in the Earth’s axis. Few realize the principles that could affect a shift. Before a shift can occur there must first be a gathering of the Lights from a planet. When the most enlightened are gathered from the nations into one place a destabilization takes place for the whole planet except among the lights themselves. All civilization effected moves to fight against the lights. When this occurs other planets in the solar systems sense the crisis and one could swing out of its orbit and pay us a visit if Higher Will demands it. One day we may look up in the skies and see a great planet filling up the sky.

This could be one of the fulfillments of the prophesies of the Coming of Christ in Matthew 24 called the “sign of the coming of the son of man.”

This visiting planet could literally fulfill the prophecy from the Book of Revelations on a physical level: “And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together….”

At night when the visiting planet passes overhead it would look like the heavens are being rolled up like a scroll. The stars will just seem to be disappearing or rolling up.

The two planets will have a higher correspondence to a sexual encounter and the child will be the kingdom of God.

To protect the gathered lights from their enemies the earth will experience a shift. There will definitely be a shift in consciousness, but there could also be a physical one. At that point much of the water from the oceans would go into great caverns under the earth and springs will later occur in the deserts of the earth and turn them into gardens. The water will be sifted through layers of earth and come up in the deserts as fresh spring water.

Many believe that much of our land surface will be under water. The opposite will be true. New land masses will surface. It will be said that a great highway has risen out the face of the deep.

Just as the Egyptians were drowned in the midst of the sea so will those who fight the gathering of Lights be destroyed by a shifting in the earth and the hazards of the great oceans.

The preparation for the coming avatar has been going on for some time now. Numerous workers of light have already incarnated on the earth and some are in key positions of power and influence. Others have stumbled somewhat and do not realize their full mission.

The year 2030 corresponds in power to the year 1776. This will mark a period of liberation for the workers of freedom and light and the Christ will work closely with disciples.

We are now approaching a period of conservative rebellion that corresponds to the liberal rebellion of the late sixties. Clinton is a reincarnation of Lyndon Johnson of sorts. Where we had hippies protesting Johnson we will have gun toting constitutionalists protesting the government in increasing numbers. We will hear much talk about a new Boston Tea Party and taxation without representation.

There are two alternatives at present for the lights of this planet. First either straighten out the problems within the governments of the planet or if this attempt fails then the lights must be gathered out and calamities similar to those predicted in the Book of Revelations will occur. Either way a New Age of Peace has been decreed to come in. We can roll into it easy if we cooperate or it can be very difficult if we as a race resist.

The reason no one does anything about the problems in government is that no one knows what to do to make creative and beneficial change. There are a lot of minority trains of thought that are not supported by mainstream America that have no chance of going anywhere. Any real change must tap into mainstream ideals and thoughts to the degree that the average person can see some benefit to change. The change cannot be too threatening to the establishment or the initiator could be in danger of various sorts.

Ross Perot had a great opportunity to make change but something scared him and he temporarily backed down. His fear diffused his power and he will not regain it completely in this life. He did demonstrate the great support the common people are willing to give to anyone that will give people a chance to have greater voice in government.

That support of the common people is still out there waiting for their leader and that leader will soon surface bringing a voice again to the common people just as did Abraham Lincoln.

“Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy.” — Janet Long

First written in 1994 – Reposted March 20, 2009

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Understanding, Initiation and Numbers

Understanding, Initiation and Numbers

Understanding comes when the person perceives, asks all the pertinent questions about the thing perceived and then comes up with the most logical answers.

Understanding also has three levels and this is the first.

In seeking answers like this it is always good to look at various levels of being and find correspondences. So how would I describe the upper two levels of understanding?

As I said, the first level is accomplished through standard thinking and analyzing a subject until we see more than a spreadsheet of facts, but we see a bigger picture. We see how the facts fit together to create greater light on the subject.

To attain the next level of understanding one must access the Buddhic plane through the soul, or the source of true intuition. The seeker then understands through the comprehension of principles. In other words, he can see more than the first level deductive reasoning, but can see the bigger picture through seeing principles.

The third level of understanding takes the seeker to the level of spirit or up to the plane of atma, the realm where divine ideas originate. A divine idea may embrace many principles in its application and such a revelation beings an increase in understanding in the process of creation itself.

Question: “Are the three levels exclusive, or do the ‘higher’ levels incorporate/include/use the ‘lower’? In other words, will one still use the 1st even if one ‘uses’ the 3rd?”

JJ: There is a principle involved here. The higher always includes the lower, but the lower does not comprehend the higher. Higher levels of understanding thus use the lower when dealing with the physical plane.

What is An Initiate?

I do not know of any book anywhere that tells the true meaning of an initiate.

The answer is quite simple. An initiate is one who is able to initiate. There have been many societies in times past and present that claim to make initiates by having them learn data or to learn various levels. In truth this has nothing to do with initiation into the Brotherhood of Light. To draw the attention of the Brotherhood of Light you must initiate or begin things that will benefit others. There are also dark initiates who begin projects that will enslave others.

Edison was an initiate because he invented the light bulb and many other items. He was the first to manufacture it and it benefited the world.

Abraham Lincoln was an initiate of high degree because he initiated the freeing of the slaves.

The founding Fathers were initiates because they initiated a whole new and beneficial method of government.

A small businessman is an initiate in a lesser degree because he initiated his business.

Jesus, Buddha and Moses initiated major religions therefore, they are major initiates.

One of the purposes of the Keys is to stimulate the power of initiation in others by getting them to stimulate contact with their own souls.

Jesus said “by their fruits you shall know them.” Always look at the actions and teachings to determine good and evil of an individual or group.

Back to Numbers

There is an ancient maxim that says: “The mind is the slayer of the real.”

Now I am a big believer in the use of the mind myself and believe the world of the mind is higher than that of emotion, but when we stop at mind without guidance from the unseen soul then reality is slain.

Because what I teach does not fit within the guidelines of the scientific method as you have learned, some seek to disprove me with much more vigor than they seek to consider the truth in what I say. Many metaphysical principles cannot be proven scientifically. On the other hand, the sound ones cannot be disproved either, but they can be proven by soul contact.

A reader again expresses the view that different numbering systems in different cultures have no effect.

I say different numbering systems set up different vibrations, cycles and points of meditation for different civilizations and do produce different results. There is not enough data to prove or disprove my point so the soul is the only answer.

I say there is a reason for ten fingers and the appearance and reappearance of the number ten and multiples thereof, but it cannot be entirely explained by scientific knowledge.

The changes near the year 2000 are somewhat self-fulfilling but that does not explain it all. Many other cycles are involved.

Both light and sound are vibration. There is no disagreement about the seven notes and if the law of correspondences is correct then the seven notes would have seven corresponding major colors. There are millions of shades and mixtures of colors but the seven corresponding to the seven notes are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. If you can see auras you will note that the colors are much more distinct than they are in a rainbow and they are fairly distinct there.

You say the most common numbering system today is Base 2. Which civilization is using this?

The use of 1, 2, 3, 7 12, 24, and 49 in cyclic reappearance is quite different from (but not entirely) from mathematical cycles that you are using as comparison. You cannot make completely accurate predictions of human events by using any present mathematical formula or cycle.

“In America, through pressure of conformity, there is freedom of choice, but nothing to choose from.” — Peter Ustinov (1921 – 2004)

March 16, 2009

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Attention, Perception and Understanding

Attention, Perception and Understanding

Perception is a key word. You mention that you doubt that this is the word because animals have great perception. I would submit that perception is not the right word here in relation to the animal kingdom.

Their main lesson is to learn to pay attention. Notice that your dog is always paying attention. He has learned at least a half dozen signs as to when food may be available. Your opening the refrigerator door, for instance. 24 hours a day he is paying attention to the possibility of that sound — if he is a normal house dog. His receiving abilities are open at all times to that sound and also the sight of the door opening, but the normal dog (yours may be the exception) does not perceive how the door was open. He receives information on you pulling the handle and opening the door, but he does not fully perceive it. Your dog, however perceives the process of opening a door. Evidently you are preparing him to enter the human kingdom.

The animal kingdom receives light, but does not perceive it. The human kingdom receives light and eventually learns to perceive it.

The third principle is called “Communion.” The lower lives receive from the God within, but do not perceive God. It is the destiny of humans to receive and perceive. The key to communion is perception.

A hint lies in this scripture: “Be still and know that I AM God.” This could be worded “Be still and perceive that I AM God.”

There is a trinity of words here. Receive-Perceive-Understand. Animals receive, humans perceive — Gods understand.

The first three keys are really one key. If we have correct perception then we can make a correct judgment. With correct judgment then we can make a wise decision. When we consummate a wise decision we then have understanding and are a candidate for the kingdom of the Gods.

Now the question of the day is this. What are the obstacles to correct perception? Keep in mind that if our perception is wrong then our judgment will be bad and our decisions will lead us on wasteful paths.

A reader asks: “Help me see the difference between perceiving and understanding.”

First it is important to understand that there are three levels of perception.

The first we could call animal perception, which I did not even classify as such in the article I posted. Instead, I called it animal reception.

We could also call this computer perception. This is comparable to entering a piece of data in a computer program and then the program responds in a predetermined way.

Similarly, you offer a dog food, you know how he will respond.

The next two levels are perception. On level two the entity perceives, and consciously registers the thing perceived. The response then is not predetermined as if by a computer program, but is determined by consciousness. Because consciousness is not 100% predictable you never know exactly how the perceiver will respond.

On level three the entity perceives, consciously, registers the thing perceived and goes one more step. That additional step includes some understanding of the thing perceived as it fits into a bigger picture.

Example: There is a loud crash caused by a car accident.

The dog takes it in through his physical perception and is frightened and backs off.

The person on level two takes it in and consciously thinks about the damage and what he can do to help.

The person on level three responds as does the level two but analyses to increase understanding. He asks himself questions such as:

“What caused the accident?”

“How fast was the guy going?”

“What was the guy thinking just before it happened?”

Understanding comes when the person perceives, asks all the pertinent questions about the thing perceived and then comes up with the most logical answers.

Understanding also has three levels and this is the first.

The Solar Plexus

Only the solar plexus is governed by ray six or the number six and corresponds to the note of “F.”

Solar plexus or desire energy that is not governed by the higher energies distorts perception and turns everything upside down. Good seems evil and evil seems good. The animal receives but does not perceive and thus the bearer of 666 is called “The Beast” or an animal. The number 6 in relation to the Beast is control by reception with no perception. Emotion, but no mind. Obedience, but no free will. The three sixes stand for an astral control over the will of man in the three worlds — the physical, emotional and the mind. The Mark of the Beast on the forehead signifies control over thought. The right hand signifies labor. Thus, the Mark of the Beast on the right hand signifies control over a person’s work. The word Beast itself signifies control by emotion. He who has the Mark of the Beast is expected to think and believe according to what he is told by some authority (Mark on the forehead) and is expected to do his job in the workplace as he is told without asking questions and no perception. (the mark on the right hand).

The Beast is not just some Hitler, but a system of government that reaches and influences every man woman and child on the earth. But there is a way to escape:

“And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.” (Rev 14:1)

What does it mean to have the Father’s name written in your forehead and how is this accomplished?

“About the only thing that comes to us without effort is old age.” — Gloria Pitzer, in Reader’s Digest, 1979

March 12, 2009

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The topic of discrimination and bullying on the job came up. Here was my response.

I’m not sure what you mean by “bullying.” It appears though the only thing that would cause a financial loss and loss of health insurance is losing your job.

Yes, it’s tough losing a job but to give Big Brother power to tell an employer that he cannot clear out what he thinks is dead wood in his own business violates the principle of free will.

Suppose you have a circle of 10 friends who are demanding of your time. You do not have time for them all. Two of them do nothing but irritate you when you get together so you cut off the friendship. Now the two are upset and they cry discrimination. Suppose they had the power of Big Brother to demand you reinstate them as friends even though their friendship is a drain on you.

If the government did this to any of us we would complain, but a businessman has to make a similar decision. He may think, right or wrong, that Jones has to go because he is not productive. Jones can claim that the firing is unfair and sue him if he wants.

I worked on construction through the AFL-CIO, for about 4 years back in the 1960’s. In some jobs I worked as a general laborer but usually worked as a hod carrier for either masons or plasterers. Hod carrying is about the most physically demanding construction job you can do, but I enjoyed the challenge.

The job consisted of building scaffolding and supplying the masons with all the blocks or bricks they need as well as mixing and supplying the mortar. For plasterers the job was similar except we also mixed and supplied the plaster.

The average job lasted maybe 6 weeks and then you had to wait for the Union to call you for another job.

I had a heck of a time in the beginning because a lot of jobs I went on I was “let go” after only a day or two. I didn’t even get a chance to prove myself.

Finally, I figured out that I was being fired because the guy in charge saw I had an injured hand and either thought I couldn’t do the job or I may be a danger to myself or others moving heavy wheelbarrows of bricks, sometimes high up on planks on scaffolding.

On the other hand, I knew most bosses would be happy with me once I had a chance to perform. To increase my odds, I started wearing my work gloves over my bad hand at all times for the first two weeks of work. Then after I gained their confidence I would let them see I had an injured hand.

When I started doing this I found I wasn’t laid off the first few days but was kept on to the finish of the job. The boss was usually startled to learn I had a handicap and sometimes commented on how surprised he was that my handicap didn’t seem to interfere with my work.

Now this happened before they had discrimination laws, but I didn’t hold anything against those who fired me and wouldn’t have taken them to court if I could have. I could understand why I made them a little nervous and just had to figure out a way to work around it.

As far as bullying goes, I think it’s hard to find bigger bullies than some of the coarse bosses in construction. I had a number of bosses who shouted in my face and insulted me on a regular basis. One boss shouted at me so much he was hoarse most of the time. I needed the money so I tuned him out and just did my job.

After moving on from construction I worked for about a dozen companies in a row that went out of business. One of them had been in business for 150 years. I finally decided that someone was trying to tell me to work for myself and have been self-employed since 1971. I haven’t gotten rich, but at least no one was able to fire me.

What was a lot more disturbing effect of my handicap was its effect on girls when I was a teenager. Immediately after my accident the girls treated me differently. I had an extremely difficult time getting a date until I was 21. After this it was quite easy for two reasons. Females mature a lot when they reach 20 and I developed my personality to a more workable stage.

I can see that in extreme circumstances that an employee should have redress for certain harmful things, but do not support laws that interfere with an employer running his business as he sees fit, even if he makes mistakes.

Feel free to disagree — no wrath of God will be called down.

“When you hire people that are smarter than you are, you prove you are smarter than they are.” — R. H. Grant

March 9, 2009

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Understanding Cycles

Understanding Cycles

I received a comment from a reader who seems to believe that there are no laws that govern cycles. It is hard to think that one would disbelieve this since every cycle that has exoteric facts behind it can be explained and predicted.

We have heard the phrase “history repeats itself.” There is a lot of truth in this statement, but no one has figured out the exact cycles of history. This does not mean that history does not have cycles, however — a point to which I think we will agree.

An important point to understand is that no two cycles are alike, even though there are correspondences. A conservative or liberal cycle may be quite different from the last one, yet there will be similarities that will allow for some correct predictions.

Let us examine the number ten again. He says in one breath that our number system is based on this because we have ten fingers, then goes on to say that the Incas based theirs on the number 60. Did the Incas have 60 fingers?

For that matter why do we have ten fingers? Why do the more evolved animals have ten fingers or claws and the lesser evolved have other numbers of tentacles.

Man is given ten fingers because the Powers-That-Be planned on him creating a numbering system based on ten because the number ten is a governing number for the cycles of humanity in this and other systems.

The cyclic system works two ways. There are cyclic numbers that mankind can tune into and use. Then when he uses them, the cycles developed by the numbers receives added power of repetition because of the thought form created around the number.

For instance, people all around the world expect great change at the end of a century, a generation or a millennium because they recognize these are the end of cycles. The power of this group thought actually sets up a vibration to create change. Look around you and see how much change has occurred in the past fifty years.

Mankind was given a hint of the usefulness of the number ten when he was given ten fingers. Fortunately, we took the hint and have used the number. If we are wise, we can take a further hint and use the number to our advantage to predict cycles.

If the Incas used a base number of 60 then this number would somewhat affect their cycles of history. Such a number is an anomaly in history indicating that such a choice of that number was against the grain of cycles for this planet.

He says that we acquired the use of the number 12 because of lunar cycles. This does not fully explain it because twelve lunar cycles equal 354 days, 11 days short of a year.

Seven was a natural number for mankind to use as divisions of the days of the week because it is a universal dividing number as evidenced by the seven notes in the musical scale and as light in a rainbow is divided into seven colors.

Mankind has borrowed some of our major cyclic numbers from nature, but the psyche of the race instinctively knew the correct places to use them.

In cases where the correct numbers were not used (by some cultures) such a use has not endured the test of time.

Every number has a place in the law of cycles, but there are certain governing or major numbers.

1, 2, 3, 7, 12, 24, 49 are key numbers for governing cycles in the world of form. 10 and multiples thereof are important governors of time. By studying the numbers of form and time as well as using the law of correspondences you can become a prophet more accurate than the general psychic.

Let us take a number not in this group, for instance the number 9. Nine should be interpreted from the aspect of three threes rather than nine ones. 27 would be looked upon as 3 X (3 X 3). Since three is the foundation number for all life forms then the number twenty-seven has particular significance when examining life purpose. It is not by accident that this corresponds closely with the Saturn cycle as talked about at length by astrologers.

“The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver.” — Jay Leno

March 7, 2009

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