
1. “Anything you believe is possible if you are willing to find the steps to manifest that belief. Then after the correct steps are found, you must be willing to take those steps, or else your belief will become a fading dream.”

2. “The final test of the validity of a belief is whether or not the belief can be demonstrated.”

3. “If a person has the simple belief that all he has to do to get any information in the universe is to go within, then, if this belief is strong enough, it creates a thoughtform that hovers around the seeker almost as a separate living entity that has a life of its own. This quasi entity also picks up information from questionable sources and feeds the seeker.”

4. “Those who create a sure foundation for a belief system based on truth will proceed slowly and ask questions as they enter into new territory. This causes the symbolic seed to take strong root so it cannot be moved at a later date.”

5. “If we happen to have a false foundation belief as a part of our mental calculations then even the finest logic will be flawed and destroy that which is real, or true.”

6. “Many dogmas and illusions force us toward belief systems with no appeal to common sense or logic of any kind.”

7. “Without the testing of a belief that belief cannot be turned into a real experience, and without a real experience the truth cannot be fully known and the seeker cannot be truly free.”

8. “Proclaiming a belief does not make it true.”

9. “The controversy over guns is largely caused, not by the damage they do, but from the fact that the freedom to bear arms runs contrary to the belief system of many.”

10. “No matter what your belief system there will come trials in harmonizing the Principle of Freedom with personal feelings.”

11. “One of the things I look for in formulating my own beliefs is how they play out in the real world.”

12. “Illusions are caused by wrong core beliefs in a person’s thinking.”

13. “Emotionally charged people can never trace their beliefs back beyond the point of where their mind currently has its attention.”

14. “Whosoever commits an error and does not correct the error incorporates that error in his belief system and becomes a servant of that erroneous belief.”

15. “Illusion in [a, and/or] the belief system will cause a person to kill his own loved ones, his friends, his countrymen, people who love him and even his own Master as was the case with Judas.”

16. “There is always a fence in this reality and if we cannot see the point in the middle that creates the fence, our beliefs are likely to be fuzzy.”

17. “The true student desires to acquire true knowledge, not a belief system.”

18. “To attain a position of a true teacher has to do with the acquisition of knowledge, not belief.”

19. “The disciple will receive knowledge that may contradict things he has believed all his life. If he is attached to his old beliefs then he may not be usable as a student or teacher.”

20. “Many religious people believe that the earth and universe is only 6-10,000 years old. They continue to believe this even though there are mountains of evidence against it, including the fact that we have spotted galaxies whose light has taken sixteen billion years to reach us.”

21. “We usually find evidence to prove that of which we have a preconceived notion to believe.”

22. “A misconception or illusionary perception of a past event will cause a current belief system based on illusion that seems as real as one based on truth.”

23. “Take that belief which is embraced by the world and look in the opposite direction. In this opposite direction much truth lies hidden.”

24. “The only way karma is altered by belief is when belief initiates a new cause and produces a new effect. It does not negate a past effect, but joins in with it.”

25. “What many today call ancient paganism was really most of the populated world which was composed of a large variety of peoples of varying belief systems.”

26. “The teaching of doctrine in the churches has been very rigid in the past and it has been demanded that members in good standing conform in belief and not consider looking into the value of alternative beliefs.”

27. “The swinging of the pendulum manifests among humanity by their swing to the left and right in their belief systems. As the pendulum swings among us, the masses swing with it, not realizing that they are following the energy much more than they are doing any independent thinking.”

28. “The funny thing about freedom is that if you ask anyone if they believe in it they will emphatically answer yes. But unfortunately, for the majority, freedom to them means freedom for the tiny individual self, even if it comes at the expense of the loss of freedom of others or damage to the whole of a group with a different belief system.”

29. “Many seekers have areas of their belief system that is blocked by illusion or glamour of some kind and then have other areas where they are open. In the areas where they are open they can receive soul contact, but then in areas where they are closed no such contact will be forthcoming. Instead, contact will be made with a thoughtform which will substitute for the soul.”

30. “I believe that the heated emotional feelings of the anti gun people comes more from the disturbance of their belief system than it does from concern over the damage guns may create.”

31. “Read this chapter [Matthew, Chapter 23] and you find that Jesus felt very strongly about people who do not abide by their belief system. They were the only ones He ever condemned. No sin He ever witnessed was ever condemned by Him except this one.”

32. “When a person looks for evidence of his belief with a desire to find it then he will find what he is looking for. Even if the evidence supports a falsehood the seeker will believe it until he drops his preconceived notions and looks with fresh eyes.”

33. “I do not see the grace of God as an exclusive favor to those who have their mind right, but as an inclusive favor to all those who are open as a little child.”

34. “I realize that most people believe in infinity, but now that I have thought about it, it makes no sense to me. It cannot be demonstrated or experienced.”

35. “I notice that those who attempt to avoid the negative by erasing it from their belief system have as much or more negativity in their life as anyone else. I have noticed that those who have this belief system will downplay smaller negative occurrences for a period of time, but then the suppression often builds and when something big comes along there is difficulty in facing it.”

36. “Anyone who believes in Christ and that he does not work alone believes in the Brotherhood. They may call this group by different names, but a rose is a rose by any other name.”

37. “Every man, no matter how blinded, believes in his own way that he is reasonable.”

38. “When has blind belief or blind faith ever brought more benefit to humanity than the reasonable course of action? Never. There is not one example in history.”

39. “No where in the Bible does it tell us to have Jesus in our hearts, but it does clearly tell us to have Lucifer there. If Lucifer refers to the devil himself maybe the Christian world should burn their Bibles.”

40. “The word “faith” is not really a belief but it is a state of mind that is aligned with Purpose that can override all the influences on the physical world even to the production of great miracles including the overcoming of death.”

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