Avatars, Decision and Judgment

Avatars, Decision and Judgment

It is always good to define terms to avoid confusion. When we talk of “the Avatar” we usually are referring to a great soul like the Christ or Buddha. They have a visible presence in the material world, but their consciousness is one with the spiritual realm.

However, an avatar in general is one who initiates some great change in this planet. Abraham Lincoln is an example. The founding Fathers are an example of a group of lesser avatars working together.

We are approaching a greater correspondence to the Founding Fathers. In this age we will have a group of avatars working worldwide in various degrees of activity. Some may even disagree with each other not realizing they are cooperating on a higher level.

To shed some further light on Decision I will make these comments.

For a decision to be a true decision it does not have to be in harmony with your higher self. The one great life has granted you the power to decide whether you are right or wrong. The only ones who fully realize the power of decision are the disciples of the Brotherhood of Light and also the disciples of the Dark Brotherhood. Both sides have great power because they understand this power.

The difference is this. The leaders of the dark brothers get their power by grabbing the power of decision to themselves as much as possible and the brothers of light get their power by teaching and encouraging the power of decision. Those who are not disciples on one of the paths make very small almost inconsequential decisions and merely react to decisions already laid down.

Hitler, for example, was a representative of the dark brothers, yet received great power because he understood decision. Few of those under him used decision, but reacted to decision. True decision requires great faith in yourself.

Decision is a neutral power, like money. It can be used for good or evil.

The power that can make one a God can also make one a devil.

“Choose you this day who you shall serve” is a true injunction. Eventually all are presented with two paths and we must make a decision with understanding. Only a small percentage of humanity see clearly enough to even make a decision concerning the paths.

When you choose the path, you become what you decide just as the great Life, the God of Moses, was in the process of “becoming.”

An avatar just does not wake up one morning and discover who he was. Take Buddha for instance. During the first third of his life he had no idea that he had any special mission. It wasn’t until he defied his dad’s orders and went out into the world of suffering that he even asked any questions.

Asking questions was his first step.

Next, he went out into the world and learned all he could from other teachers.

After that, he received a new revelation that was taught nowhere on the planet. It was at this point that he began to wonder who he was, but discovering who he was important after he first dedicated himself to world service.

We have no biblical proof of when Jesus discovered who he was, but I will tell you what I think. He fully realized it when he fasted for forty days. That is why he was driven into the wilderness with a fast. The mission he saw for himself was overwhelming and he was trying to fully comprehend it.

There are many out there today who believe that they are a Messiah or Avatar and are greatly deceived.

A true avatar does not go around telling everyone who he or she is. Those who are ready will discover the true identity through their souls. Even Jesus did not proclaim himself to be the Christ, but did acknowledge it to Peter after he received a revelation from “the Father.” Even after this he told Peter not to tell anyone who he was.

For a true servant the important thing is to have service to mankind circulated, not his greatness. The servant is even willing to miss out on any credit if that is helpful.

Question:  Why do the media and politicians only see reality as if it were wearing reverse image glasses, and resist good ideas that help the common man, as well as demonize any step forward?

As I  see it there is no organized conspiracy behind this approach, but the world, as a whole is astrally polarized, and those who see themselves as authorities receive a double portion. This especially applies to the media and politicians.

Astral consciousness automatically reverses truth and turns things upside down. Common people who are more detached from authority will often see things more correctly than the authorities who seek to be believed. They do not have as much astral energy reversing their vision and often have more access to mind and reason when it is presented to them.

This affects humanity as a whole to some degree, but those who are attached to authority are the most affected.

It is true the majority is all powerful and it is also true that those in power attempt to trick them into not believing or seeing this power in themselves.

It’s like when a man gets a lion trained through the use of strong authority, that authority convinces the lion that the trainer is stronger than the lion. This is illusion because he is not.

The majority is like a lion sleeping among its trainers. When they become aware of their strength they can take command at any moment.

Politicians think about the majority around election time and when the majority makes its wishes felt. All other times they try and ignore them and concentrate on their own little wills.

Going back to the Bible again. The “Judges” in the days of Moses were called Gods, Eloheim, the same title as given to the maker of heaven and earth. This is because they judged and made decisions.

Keep in mind that the middle way cannot be found through a black and white formula. The midway point between the swings of a pendulum is slightly different from the point of rest when the pendulum is still because each swing as a little different arc as it is slowed down by friction. Just as the middle point between the swings is close to the point of stillness so is the correct path usually one of moderation. But keep this in mind, Correspondences are not always exact, only guides. There are times that the middle way will be an extreme. There is no written law to find it. The only way to find it is to contemplate what you find without – with the chords of your soul and make a judgment. After you have made a judgment and a decision to follow that judgment the exactness of the middle way will be revealed as a point of precise truth.

There are two types of judgments.

The first is the limiting judgment. This is where the person makes an assumption about another that is less than the highest that the other person believes of himself. Then this person will attempt to convince him and others that his limiting judgment is true. This type of judgment can discourage the aspiring soul from fulfilling his dream and should be avoided. This type of judgment is condemned in all inspired writings.

The second judgment involves discernment. The seeker looks at both sides of a situation, absorbs all the facts available and then makes a judgment as to what is correct or the best course of action.

One of the main differences between the two judgments is that the first limits and causes action to cease whereas the second expands and causes action to increase.

Unfortunately, mankind does not discern between the two judgments and lumps them together under the “do not judge” idea.

The first judgment is used by the dark brotherhood and the second is used by the brotherhood of light to manifest the powers of God within them. However, you will find that you will be greatly criticized by many around you when you use your true powers of judgment and decision.

When you hear the words “Who do you think you are?” then you will know you are on the right track.

To fully use the Godly power of decision true judgment must precede it or the decision will be quite random.

The present is the now, the here, through which all future plunges to the past. —James Joyce

Feb 13, 2009

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