Like Attracts Like

Like Attracts Like

Does the fact that opposites seem to attract contradict this principle of like attracting like??

Actually, the core principled that makes both of these work is the same. There is spiritual life and essence in all things whether there is like attracting like or two beings who hate each other. In both cases the spiritual essence lives in a state of oneness with the Source. The difference is that the like which is attracted to like has eyes open to the soul because differences are not getting in the way of seeing this spiritual essence. The two who hate each other still have that essence within that is attracted, but the attention on differences throws up a veil so the essence is not seen and no attraction results. Instead, repulsion occurs.

Seeing the soul causes vision of similarities and seeing the differences causes vision to overlook the soul and only see the separation.

In the case of opposites attracting something else happens. The differences are seen, but the focus is still on the soul and not the outer differences. In this case seeing the differences does not create greater separation. Because the soul is the point of focus the differences will be seen as a part of the whole rather than a separation from the whole. The differences will be seen as complimentary and stimulate loved and appreciation rather than hate and disgust.

Magnetism is activated when oneness as seen through the eyes of the soul. When oneness is seen as the state of joy at the end of our journey then the consciousness of two beings will have an interplay of energy that indeed creates a magnetic force.

We’ll call these two principles that of “affinity and compliments.” These two are part of a greater principle that bring the many back to the one.

These principles largely determine whether our future will be heaven or hell.

Heaven or hell in this life is largely determined by the people and associations that come into our lives. If one does not look through the eyes of the soul his consciousness will focus upon differences that divide and he will attract people to him with annoying differences. His life will thus be hell on earth, and in the next world he will be around entities of a similar negative focus to his own, and will not be stimulated by many degrees of consciousness as we have here on earth.

The person focused on the soul will draw to him others like himself, which will be a pleasant or heavenly experience, because the love of the soul will be shared. This heavenly sharing will be amplified in the next world because unloving people will not have access to interfere with the love of the soul as they attempt to do here on the earth.

The greater principle governing affinity and compliments is the law or principle of vibration.

What does vibration have to do with like attracting like and compliments attracting?

What is the difference of vibration as it manifests as spirit, matter, light and sound?

What does it mean when it is said you respond to the vibration of another person? What are you really responding to?

Contemplate comment on this seed thought: “In the beginning was the word, the sound, the vibration, the light and the form.”

Concerning vibration DK said this:

“The sensitivity of the mechanism of the soul to spiritual vibration has to be cultivated and existing sensitivity to lower psychic impressions has to be tuned out; so many voices clamour for attention, so many impressions emanating from the physical and astral forms around us register upon our consciousness, that the vibrations and sounds coming from the subjective and spiritual world are lost and not registered and recorded. You will find it interesting to note, at the end of a few years, the difference in the data recorded and the development of sensitivity to the right kind of impression. This can only be realised after much time has elapsed and much spurious material has been eliminated, after being recognised for what it is: astralism, spurious claims and thoughtforms.” (Discipleship in the New Age,” Vol 1, Pg 15, by Alice A. Bailey)

DK here gives us some good advice. Contemplate this and expand upon it by asking:

“What does my own vibration have to do with contacting higher spiritual vibration? Am I to alter my vibration, manifest an existing vibration, create a new one or what?”

Contemplate what you must do with your own vibration to contact one that is higher.

Reader Question: “It’s quite possible that I did get some contact with a higher life/soul/whatever, but threw the baby out with the bath water. What if that which you once would have called “the highest you know” is something that in retrospect looks like a mistake? Are you correct now, or were you correct then? Anyway, I’d rather not have to wait until a future life to get another shot at it… so, this topic is very, very interesting to me.”

JJ: Following the highest you know is never a mistake, even though the choice made may be entirely incorrect on hindsight. The mistake would be to make a decision not in alignment with your highest perception or worse yet, do nothing.

It’s a little like this: A traveler has three paths before him but only one leads to the desired destination. He listens to opinions from fellow travelers, but the choice is not clear. He makes his best guess and proceeds. After a short distance he discovers that he chose the wrong path. He retraces his steps and chooses again. This time he chooses correctly.

His first choice was a wrong choice, but it was not a mistake. Why? Because the making the decision, right or wrong, was the right thing to do. It was a necessary act to find the true path. A necessary step is not a mistake.

I was in the Mormon Church in my younger years and on reflection the highest I knew back then involved many errors. BUT, because I was true to myself and followed the highest I knew I was lead to seeing through many illusions and made numerous corrections.

Now in a higher cycle I still follow the highest I know. Is all I see and teach perfection? Of course not. As time progresses, I will see more and fill in more missing pieces that will bring higher vision still. May we all do the same.

One of my favorite quotes from DK  sheds further light on vibration:

“Students would also do well to ponder on the distinction between the breath and the Sound, between the process of breathing and of creating directed vibratory activity. The one is related to Time and the other to Space and they are distinct from each other; and (as the Old Commentary puts it) “the Sound, the final and yet initiating Sound, concerns that which is neither Time nor Space; it lies outside the manifested All, the Source of all that is and yet is naught. (No thing. A.A.B.)” Rays and Initiations, Pages 54-55

It is interesting that breath is related to time and sound to space. This corresponds to Einstein’s fourth dimension of Space-Time.

Then the third creative force “is neither Time nor Space; it lies outside the manifested All, the Source of all that is and yet is naught.”

This would be the energy I have called Purpose.

Deep question: How is breath related to time and sound to space?

“I love my past. I love my present. I’m not ashamed of what I’ve had, and I’m not sad because I have it no longer.” — Colette (1873 – 1954), “The Last of Cheri,” 1926

May 14,  2008

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